MRGMGCS :: Volume #26

#2588: Strength and destruction

The visible air wave, toward spreads like the sea tide generally in all directions. 肉眼可见的气浪,更是如同海潮一般朝着四面八方扩散而出。 The rapidness of speed, simply not to the gods response time that these observe, is carrying the fearful impulse, hit on them, created the huge lethality. 速度之快,根本没给那些观战的神明反应的时间,就携带着可怕的冲击力,撞击在了他们身上,造成了巨大的杀伤力。 ......” “噗……” Sound of spitting blood continuously. 吐血的声音此起彼伏。 Even if has been far away from the battlefield center to this degree, the air wave that the prestige of this fist, sends out, still makes these gods be seriously injured, even the less than half strength bad gods, have fainted on the ground. 即使已经远离战场中心到了这种程度,这一拳之威,散发出来的气浪,也让这些神明身受重伤,甚至有一小半实力不济的神明,都已经昏倒在了地上。 This is dragon Shenhe destroys the god true battle efficiency of! 这就是龙神和毁灭之神真正的战斗力! Wild air wave complementary waves, gods who after passing through these observes, has not dissipated as before, but continues the outward diffusion. 狂暴的气浪余波,在穿过这些观战的神明之后,也依旧没有消散,而是继续向外扩散。 From the boundary of life god country's, spreads to the distant place unceasingly. 从生命神国的边界开始,不断向更远处蔓延。 Even affected the surrounding god country! 甚至波及到了周围的神国! This, was the Lord God complexion that was startled these to wait and see somewhat is all of a sudden uglier. 这一下子,更是惊得那些观望的主神脸色有些难看了。 Tells the truth, will wait and see the life god country and Lord God of Netherworld god country war, majority was Lord God of new promote. 有一说一,会观望生命神国和幽冥神国大战的主神,大部分都是新晋的主神。 Regarding these quiet in powerful Lord God in history, perhaps has heard, but the cognition is absolutely insufficient. 对于这些沉寂在历史之中的强大主神,或许有听说过,但认知绝对不足。 After all can promote the boundary of Lord God, which isn't the supercilious generation? 毕竟能够晋升主神之境的,哪一个不是心高气傲之辈? They will not feel, oneself can only present on history Lord God bad many compared with these. 他们可不会觉得,自己会比这些只能出现在历史之中的主神差上多少。 Perhaps these powerful Lord God, so-called reputation illustrious, so-called for a while, is blows certainly? 说不定这些强大的主神,所谓的声名赫赫,所谓的强绝一时,都是吹出来的呢? But, the brutal reality gave their palm of the hand ruthlessly, told them- 可是,残酷的现实给了他们狠狠的一巴掌,告诉了他们- Even if with is Lord God, disparity on the battle efficiency, is difference of cloud mud. 哪怕同为主神,战斗力上的差距,也是云泥之别。 Is same like these Ordinary gods. 就如同那些普通的神明一样。 The perfect degree of principle mark, is 10% single layer days. 法则道纹的完善程度,是10%一重天。 The strength that the perfect degree on always a point, shows is huge difference. 完善程度每多上一分,表现出来的实力就是天壤之别。 Then to the boundary of Lord God, this disparity, will be only getting more and more obvious! 那么到了主神之境,这种差距,只会越来越明显! These in the antiquity period, have illustrious prestige Lord God, strength, is not they can imagine absolutely. 那些在上古时期,就拥有着赫赫威名的主神,实力之强,绝对不是他们能够想象的。 In Lord God of these new promote, bit god king woman even, can be apex. 在这些新晋的主神之中,就算是噬神王女,都能算是顶尖之列。 However bites god king woman before the god of destruction, what was also considered as? 然而噬神王女在毁灭之神面前,又算得了什么呢? Prestige of the fist, then has to destroy the strength of god country! 一拳之威,便有摧毁神国之力! This regarding Lord God of these new promote, radically was the impossible matter. 这对于那些新晋的主神来说,根本就是不可能的事情。 After all similarly is the god country, the area that includes also varies. 毕竟同样是神国,所囊括的疆域也有大有小。 Life god country that life goddess becoming famous for a long time Lord God, wields, in numerous god countries, the area size has , is existence of being among the best. 生命女神这种成名已久的主神,所执掌的生命神国,在众多神国之中,所拥有的疆域大小,也算是名列前茅的存在。 Even but if so, the fight of god and dragon god destruction, complementary waves that produces, can still pass through the life god country. 可即便如此,毁灭之神和龙神的战斗,所产生的余波,也能穿过生命神国。 Thus affects the surrounding god country. 从而波及到周围的神国。 Really is inconceivable, these tyrannical Lord God, erupt full power, is actually how fearful scene. 真是难以想象,这些强横的主神,全力爆发起来,究竟是多么可怕的场面。 Qi Le could not bear sigh with emotion. 就连齐乐都忍不住感慨了起来。 This what with what?” “这都什么跟什么啊?” At least before today, Qi Le cannot think absolutely, dragon God is so unexpectedly strong. 起码在今天之前,齐乐是绝对想不到,龙神竟然有这么强。 Because Qi Le knows, Talia is not how established Lord God, arrives at vault of heaven god the time, is not long. 因为齐乐知道,塔丽亚娜并不是多么老牌的主神,来到天穹神界的时间,也不算长。 Must certainly in any case in behind of person king that years. 反正肯定要在人王那个时代的后面。 Perhaps must after Giant Dragon Saint Lord. 说不定还要在巨龙圣王之后。 Therefore Qi Le felt subconsciously, dragon God estimated is a Lord God of Talia years. 所以齐乐下意识地觉得,龙神估计是和塔丽亚娜一个时代的主神吧。 However, has not thought, dragon God the strength, unexpectedly is such oddly strong. 但是,万万没有想到,龙神的实力,竟然强得这么离谱。 „Such a, should not need me to go on stage.” “这么一来,应该就不需要我上场了吧。” Qi Le spitting silently exhales, the heart that hangs can put finally. 齐乐默默的吐出了一口气,悬起来的心总算是可以放下去了。 Had dragon God to enter the war, Lord God of oneself this adulteration, did not use finally with trepidation. 有了龙神参战,自己这个冒牌的主神,总算是不用提心吊胆的了。 Honest treating sees a play in behind quite comfortably. 还是老老实实的待在后面看戏比较舒服。 ...... …… dragon Shenhe destroys the fight of god, is not the issue that a fist can solve. 龙神和毁灭之神的战斗,可不是一拳就能解决的问题。 These two fight styles, fight hand-to-hand to become famous by the close combat. 这两位的战斗风格,都是以近战肉搏而出名的。 Therefore fights truly, absolutely is as sincere as the shock scene of meat, among the graces, is the quarrying a mountain broken sea, existence of earth-shattering, the scene is quite exaggerating. 所以真正战斗起来,绝对是拳拳到肉的震撼场面,举手投足之间,便是开山破海,天崩地裂的存在,场面极为夸张。 Here, but space barrier exceptionally stable vault of heaven god, rather than these Low Grade plane. 要知道,这里可是空间壁垒异常稳固的天穹神界,而不是那些低等位面 dragon Shenhe destroys the confrontation of god, can create such exaggerating sound. 龙神和毁灭之神的交锋,都能造成这么夸张的动静。 If puts these Low Grade plane to go. 如果放到那些低等位面去的话。 Was supposing has destroyed did not know many world. 估摸着都已经摧毁了不知道多少个世界了。 No wonder the god of destruction without had destroyed these Low Grade plane afterward again, because absolutely would have no significance. 难怪毁灭之神后来就没有再摧毁过那些低等位面了,因为根本就没有意义。 Although the destruction principle has is destroying all strengths, is, after destruction principle to enough powerful degree, then no longer was destroys these Ordinary things to promote. 毁灭法则虽然拥有着摧毁一切的力量,可是,当毁灭法则到了足够强大的程度之后,便不再是摧毁那些普通的事物可以提升得了的了。 But must destroy other principles. 而是要去摧毁其他的法则。 In order to destroy the principle the essence, proved that the destruction principle is more powerful than other principles , to promote the destruction principle by this strength. 以毁灭法则的本质,来证明毁灭法则比其他的法则强大,以此提升毁灭法则的力量。 The empathize of destruction destroys other gods, or Lord God to high throne, done is this matter. 毁灭之神会去摧毁其他神明,或是主神的至高王座,做的就是这件事。 Promotes a destruction principle mark by this perfect degree. 以此来提升毁灭法则道纹的完善程度。 But is the principle of top level, destroying is the difficulty. 而越是高位级的法则,摧毁起来就越是困难。 Therefore after some boundary, even if the god of destruction, wants to continue to promote upward, is still quite difficult. 所以到了某个境界之后,就算是毁灭之神,想要继续往上提升,也极为困难。 After all destroys the principle the position level to be placed there, when facing the principle on some toper level, is truly inferior. 毕竟毁灭法则的位级摆在那里,面对上一些更高位级的法则之时,确实处于劣势地位。 The empathize of destruction goes into hiding, there are part of reasons to exist. 毁灭之神会销声匿迹,也有其中一部分的原因存在。 The principle of low level, has destroyed similarly. 低位级的法则,已经摧毁得差不多了。 The principle of top level, coping is not easy. 高位级的法则,对付起来也不容易。 Therefore the god of destruction closed up. 于是毁灭之神就去闭关了。 But this time, looked for by the god of Netherworld , because the god of Netherworld pledged, after this matter becomes, can give the god of destruction a death principle mark, helping him improve a destruction principle mark. 而这一次,被幽冥之神找了出来,就是因为幽冥之神承诺,此次事成之后,可以将死亡法则道纹交给毁灭之神,帮助他完善毁灭法则道纹。 The death principle, similarly was one of the top level principles. 死亡法则,同样是高位级法则之一。 Together with the life principle same place, but can also be buys one and gets one free. 连同生命法则一起,还能算是买一送一呢。 Therefore the god of destruction will promise the god of Netherworld, helping the Netherworld god country attack the life god country together. 所以毁灭之神才会答应幽冥之神,帮助幽冥神国一同进攻生命神国。 However ran into dragon God, truly is an accident/surprise. 不过遇到了龙神,确实是个意外。 The principle of strength, really must be the words of level, but compared with the death principle and existence of life principle higher Level 1. 力之法则,真要算位级的话,可是要比死亡法则和生命法则更高一级的存在。 Can with the top level principle that the samsara principle is on par with! 是能够和轮回法则比肩的高位级法则! If can defeat dragon God, the god of destruction is certain, oneself can certainly be broken through. 如果能够战胜龙神的话,毁灭之神可以肯定,自己一定能够得到突破。 However, wants to defeat dragon God, is easier said than done. 然而,想要战胜龙神,又谈何容易呢。 Bang-!” “砰-!” The move, among the broken moves, dragon Shenhe destroys the fist of god unceasingly, hit again in one. 不断地出招,破招之间,龙神和毁灭之神的拳头,再一次撞在了一起。 But this time, dragon God, is the god of destruction, in own attack, attaches the principle strength that oneself grasped. 而这一次,无论是龙神,还是毁灭之神,都在自己的攻击上,附着上了自己掌握的法则力量。 The principle of strength contains- strength broken ten thousand laws! 力之法则所蕴含的-“一力破万法”! The destruction principle contains- destroys all! 毁灭法则所蕴含的-“摧毁一切”! Two destructive power similar terrors principles, collision ruthlessly in one. 两股破坏力同样恐怖的法则,狠狠的碰撞在了一起。 Produced sound, compared with before that time to bumping, but also wants on fearful several times! 产生的动静,比之前那一次对碰,还要可怕上数倍!
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