MRGMGCS :: Volume #26

#2587: I do not care about you to regret

At this point, the god of Netherworld restrained the smile suddenly, then said: Furthermore, dragon God the strength was truly strong, but wants to get rid of the diversion of god of destruction, without is so easy!” 说到这里,幽冥之神突然收敛了笑容,接着说道:“再者说了,龙神的实力确实很强,但是想要摆脱毁灭之神的牵制,也没那么容易!” Among us the fight cannot end, at least cannot now!” “我们之间的战斗不会结束的,至少现在不会!” The words, god of both hands Netherworld wield, the death principle of erupting immediately become wilder. 话罢,幽冥之神双手一挥,爆发出来的死亡法则顿时变得更加狂暴。 Impenetrably thickheaded!” “冥顽不灵!” The life goddess is also the delicate eyebrows one pressed, went all-out to transfer the life principle, resists the offensive of god of Netherworld. 生命女神也是秀眉一蹙,尽全力调动起了生命法则,来抵挡幽冥之神的攻势。 Here fight, seems like with the beforehand no change. 这边的战斗,看起来好像和之前没什么变化。 But in fact, both's position, is entirely different. 但实际上,两者的位置,已经截然不同了。 Before, the life goddess or Talia, were in an inferior position during the fight. 之前,无论是生命女神还是塔丽亚娜,在战斗之中都处于劣势。 Therefore what worries is the life goddess. 所以着急的是生命女神。 But now, the life goddess only needed to support the fight conclusion of dragon god and destruction god. 可是现在,生命女神只需要撑到龙神和毁灭之神的战斗结束。 Then the plot of god of Netherworld, will then collapse of itself. 那么幽冥之神的阴谋,便会不攻自破。 Therefore, now becomes the god of Netherworld to race against time, but the life goddess only needed to find the way to support on the line. 于是,现在就变成幽冥之神来抢时间了,而生命女神只需要想办法撑住就行了。 Even after the Talia injury restored some, but can also come to help anything. 甚至塔丽亚娜的伤势恢复了一些之后,还能过来帮个忙什么的。 The situation in battlefield changes, really the imagination in must be quicker. 战场上的局势变化,真是要比想象中的还要更快。 ...... …… Leaves for several tens of thousands years, I have never thought that will see you in this place.” “一别数万年,真没想到,会在这种地方见到你。” The god of destruction closely is staring at present the man of this makings scholarly, seems talks about old days general speaking. 毁灭之神紧紧盯着眼前这位气质儒雅的男子,好似叙旧一般的说到。 However the god of destruction walks from the same time is clear very much with the dragon god, if were confused by the makings of this scholarly, dragon god who that this seems like a handsome gentleman, will make you know that absolutely anything is called cruelly. 然而和龙神从同一个时代走过来的毁灭之神清楚得很,如果被这股儒雅的气质迷惑了,那这位看起来像是一位翩翩君子的龙神,绝对会让你知道什么叫做残忍。 I cannot think, will meet with you in this manner.” “我也想不到,会以这种方式和你见面。” On dragon God the face has the symbolic smile, is only in a pupil, actually flashes through once for a while wipes the ominous light. 龙神的脸上带着标志性的微笑,只是眼眸之中,却时不时闪过一抹凶光。 Hides a dagger in a smile mediocre. 笑里藏刀也不过如此。 Because ominous light in dragon Shenyan the pupil, is sharper than the sword. 因为龙神眼眸之中的凶光,比刀剑更为锋利。 „The god of destruction, if you have not injured to my wife, I do not want to meet with you.” “毁灭之神,如果你没有伤到我的妻子,我也不想和你见面。” You want to make anything, I do not want to manage.” “你想做什么,我也根本不想管。” dragon God is saying leisurely, the tone actually becomes more and more ice-cold: But, I said that if.” 龙神慢条斯理的说着,语气却变得越来越冰冷:“可是,我说的,只是如果。” Fact is, you truly injured my wife, then, I must want the justice for her.” “事实则是,你确实伤到了我的妻子,那么,我就要为她讨回公道。” „The god of destruction, were you ready?” “毁灭之神,你做好准备了吗?” Speaking of finally, dragon Shenyan pupil in killing intent, has not covered up. 说到最后,龙神眼眸之中的杀意,已经不加掩饰了。 Perhaps dragon God and relations between Talia are somewhat irritable, but that eventually is the issue between one of us. 也许龙神和塔丽亚娜之间的关系有些别扭,但那终究是自家人之间的问题。 Let alone, dragon God, did not hate to speak the harsh language to Talia, how possibly the wheel obtained the bystander to injure her! 更何况,就连龙神自己,都舍不得对塔丽亚娜说重话,怎么可能轮得到外人来伤她! Dragon god, the wound to your wife's matter, I am sorry.” “龙神,伤到你妻子的事情,我很抱歉。” But, even if knows that your relations, I will still do that as before.” “不过,即使事前知道你们的关系,我也依旧会这么做。” I not because of you, but restrains itself!” “我可不会因为你,而克制自己!” Response that the god of destruction does not show weakness. 毁灭之神也毫不示弱的回应到。 both sides are antiquity period survival until now powerful Lord God, how possibly to show weakness? 双方都是上古时期存活至今的强大主神,怎么可能示弱呢? Furthermore, the god of destruction also longs for a full fight. 再者说了,毁灭之神也渴望一场酣畅淋漓的战斗。 Then comes an enough strong opponent, lets his destruction principle, obtains the further promotion. 然后来一个足够强大对手,让他的毁灭法则,得到进一步的提升。 dragon God, should be one of the best choices. 龙神,应该是最好的选择之一了吧。 That was needless to say again, I did not care about you to regret, I only want to make you die.” “那就不用再说了,我也不在乎你后不后悔,我只想让你死而已。” dragon Shenyan the pupil concentrates, the normal pupil, turned into the golden vertical pupil that the real dragon can present fiercely. 龙神眼眸一凝,原本正常的瞳孔,猛地变成了真龙才会出现的金色竖瞳。 dragon might sea, turbulently! 龙威似海,汹涌而出! Bang-!” “轰-!” Terrifying dragon might seems concentrates for the entity, is carrying the incomparable impulse, pounding ruthlessly on the body of god of destruction. 恐怖的龙威好似凝为了实体,携带着无匹的冲击力,狠狠的砸在了毁灭之神的身上。 In a loud sound, flew the god of bang destruction. 在一声巨响之中,把毁灭之神轰飞了出去。 dragon might that the real dragon of boundary of Lord God, erupts, is so fearful! 主神之境的真龙,所爆发出来的龙威,就是如此可怕! Sudden, looks at the gods who these observe to stare dumbfounded. 突如其来的一幕,看得那些观战的神明瞠目结舌。 What situation this...... is this?” “这……这到底是什么情况?” „, Depending on pressure......” “就,就光凭威压……” Does not understand let alone words, you know that who this is?” “不懂就别说话,你知道这一位是谁吗?” Is under dragon Shenmian!” “是龙神冕下!” That is powerful Lord God of god of same years destruction, once prestige was prominent compared with the god of destruction.” “那可是和毁灭之神同一个时代的强大主神,曾经的威名比起毁灭之神还要显赫。” Moreover that is not the Ordinary pressure, but is real dragon dragon might that under dragon Shenmian has!” “而且那也不是普通的威压,而是龙神冕下所拥有的真龙龙威!” Even some Lord God, are hard to resist that terrifying dragon might!” “就算是一些主神,都难以抵挡住那股恐怖的龙威!” I, we saw......” “我,我们看到了……” Had the established gods of long years in vault of heaven god, at this time came out to explain. 一些在天穹神界存在了悠长岁月的老牌神明,这个时候就出来讲解了。 Although their aptitude and potential are not good, cannot promote the boundary of Lord God, but they live for a long time, experienced. 虽然他们的资质和潜力不行,晋升不到主神之境,但是他们活得久,见多识广啊。 Even if some secrets are unable to know, is this common information, knows from A to Z. 即使一些秘密无法知晓,可是这种常识性的信息,还是了如指掌的。 The god of destruction, is dragon God, they know. 无论是毁灭之神,还是龙神,他们都知道。 Although these two, do not think that the god and the life goddess Netherworld is so active. 虽然这两位,不想幽冥之神和生命女神那样活跃。 The gods who so long as lives from that time, must know these two tyrannical Lord God. 但只要是从那个时代活下来的神明,就不可能不认识这两位强横的主神。 Especially certainly the temporary dragon god, was initially renowned, almost caused a stir in entire vault of heaven god. 特别是当初强绝一时的龙神,声名赫赫,几乎轰动了整个天穹神界。 Afterward got down quietly, therefore the fame gradually was pale. 只是后来沉寂下去了,所以名气才渐渐淡了。 But the fame was pale, did not represent the strength to be weak. 可是名气淡了,又不代表实力弱了。 dragon God as before is dragon God, as before is that strength unparalleled dragon god! 龙神依旧是龙神,依旧是那一位战力无双的龙神! „...... Really worthily is you, dragon God, your strength, is really not weak.” “咳咳……真不愧是你,龙神,你的实力,真是一点都没弱。” By the god of destruction the dragon might bang flies, walked from the mist and dust, speaking of that a face sighed. 龙威轰飞出去的毁灭之神,从烟尘之中走了出来,一脸感叹的说到。 Although dragon might is strong, but also is only a demonstration of authority. 龙威虽强,但也只是一个下马威而已。 Wants the wound to the god of destruction, solely depends upon dragon might, is insufficient. 想要伤到毁灭之神,仅仅依靠龙威,还是不够的。 However dragon God is also hopeless to solve the god of destruction with dragon might, the probe, was only the prelude of attack. 不过龙神也没指望用龙威就能解决掉毁灭之神,刚才的试探,只是进攻的前奏罢了。 Believes your strength, will not weaken.” “相信你的实力,也不会变弱。” „, The god of destruction, the fight, started!” “那么,毁灭之神,战斗,开始了!” dragon God finishes barely the words, the figure has arrived at the god of destruction to make an effort the front, a fist rumbled. 龙神话音未落,身形已经来到了毁灭之神勉面前,一拳轰了出去。 Then, dragon God the fight style, is quite similar to the god of destruction. 说起来,龙神的战斗风格,和毁灭之神极为相似。 Similarly is the dependence tyrannical mortal body erupts the fearful strength, destroys the target by this. 同样是依靠强横的肉身来爆发可怕的力量,以此摧毁目标。 However the different places are, dragon God grasps, is principle that a more suitable close combat to fight hand-to-hand- the principle of strength! 然而不同的地方在于,龙神掌握的,是更加适合近战肉搏的法则-力之法则! The fight thought of core only has one, that is- strength broken ten thousand laws! 核心的战斗思想只有一个,那就是-一力破万法! Come, happy war!” “来吧,痛痛快快的大战一场吧!” The god of destruction is also the fist welcomes. 毁灭之神也是出拳相迎。 The principle and destruction principle strength in this moment, collision in one. 力之法则和毁灭法则在这一刻,碰撞在了一起。 Bang-!” “轰隆-!” The fearful loud sound resounds together loudly , actually stops suddenly. 一道可怕的巨响轰然响起,紧接着,却是戛然而止。 Because dragon Shenhe destroys the center that the god double fist bumps into, the space was disappeared instantaneously, changed into a nihility. 因为龙神和毁灭之神双拳相撞的中心,就连空间都被瞬间泯灭,化为了一片虚无。 All sounds, vanished in this nihility, is unable to transmit. 所有的声音,都消失在了这片虚无之中,根本就无法传递出来。 Only can see space crevasses, spreads outward rapidly. 只能看见一道道空间裂隙,向外迅速蔓延开去。 As if the trim world was been same by the disintegration. 仿佛整片天地都被崩碎了一样。
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