MDSV :: Volume #59

#5855: dragon bead

Was saying then places the ground the dragon bead, sat above. 说着便将龙珠放在地上,一屁股坐在了上面。 The impeller adds the child of clan, cannot bear again, coming up is a foot, kicked on the dragon bead under Wu ceremony/etiquette buttocks. 波轮加族的小孩,再也忍不住,上去就是一脚,踢在了吴礼屁股下的龙珠上。 Plop! 扑通! Wu ceremony/etiquette does not pay attention, direct place on the ground. 吴礼一个不注意,直接座在了地上。 Saw this, Jian Wushuang almost smiled. 看到这一幕,剑无双差点笑了出来。 The impeller adds the child of clan, picks the dragon bead that rolls hastily. 波轮加族的小孩,连忙去捡滚走的龙珠。 Jian Wushuang is unhurried, thinks so the impeller to add the child of clan, picked the dragon bead. 剑无双一点也不慌,就这么看着波轮加族的小孩,将龙珠捡了起来。 This is inheritance Supreme Treasure of my clan, although you saved me, but cannot blaspheme my clan Sacred Object!” The impeller adds the child of clan, is hugging the dragon bead carefully, looked to Jian Wushuang. “这是我族的传承至宝,你们虽然救了我,但也不能亵渎我族圣物!”波轮加族的小孩,小心抱着龙珠,看向了剑无双 He is quite intelligent, knowing Jian Wushuang is the strongest that person. 他极为聪明,知晓剑无双是最强的那个人。 Also has not paid attention to Wu ceremony/etiquette. 也没有理会吴礼。 Jian Wushuang selected nodded, apologized on own initiative: Excuse me, I for friend of mine sincere looks like you to apologize!” 剑无双点了点头,主动道歉道:“不好意思,我替我的朋友真诚的像你道歉!” I do not blame you, must thank you to save me!” “我不怪你们,同时也要感谢你们救了我!” Wu ceremony/etiquette stood at this time from the ground, patted the ash on buttocks, looked that added the child of clan to the impeller, lowers the head to say with a smile: „Does baby, you name?” 吴礼这个时候从地上站起来,拍了拍屁股上的灰,看向了波轮加族的小孩,低头笑道:“小娃娃,你叫什么名字?” pill treasure!” “丹宝!” Feels on the opposite party that intelligent aura, Jian Wushuang feels this child, in the future can the Reach Greatness matter. 感受到对方身上那股智慧气息,剑无双觉得这个小孩,未来能成大事。 Facing them, not timid air/Qi. 面对他们两个,一点也不怯气。 Gives answers readily, not the death of clansman, but collapse. 对答如流,也并未族人的死亡,而崩溃。 In the look, performing is the wisdom. 眼神中,尽是智慧。 pill treasure, I asked you, why do these people want to slaughter your tribe?” Jian Wushuang opens the mouth to ask. “丹宝,我问你,那些人为何要屠杀你们的部落?”剑无双开口问道。 pill treasure these lowers the head time, after all the child, thinks the clansman all falls from the sky, the tears of corner of the eye also fell. 丹宝这一次低下了头,毕竟还是小孩,想到了族人全部陨落,眼角的泪水也落了下来。 They are rob inheritance Supreme Treasure of my clan, is this dragon bead!” Spoke these words, he looked up to Jian Wushuang, interrogated: „Are you a day of foreign visitor?” “他们是来抢夺我族的传承至宝的,就是这颗龙珠!”说完这句话,他抬头看向了剑无双,质问道:“你们是天外来客?” Wu ceremony/etiquette hears these words, the surprise, asked very much hastily: How you know, we aren't the local area?” 吴礼听到这句话,很是诧异,连忙问道:“你怎么知道,我们不是本地的?” Because, in inherited memories of my clan, there is an information of your person clan!” “因为,我族的传承记忆中,有你们人族的信息!” The reply of pill treasure, making Jian Wushuang frown. 丹宝的回答,让剑无双皱起了眉头。 It seems like in similar to hearsay. 看来跟传闻中的差不多。 Since you knew, we are also open about the facts you, these saves you time, actually because of this dragon bead, we need to borrow him some time!” Jian Wushuang does not have the choice to conceal, this child is quite intelligent, has no way to deceive. “既然你都知道了,我们也不瞒着你,这一次救你,其实是因为这颗龙珠,我们需要借用他一段时间!”剑无双没有选择隐瞒,这小孩极为聪明,是没法骗的。 After pill treasure hears, very obedient handed over the dragon bead, says: I know that you must make anything, but please do not harm an impeller adding people!” 丹宝听到后,很听话的将龙珠递了过去,开口说道:“我知道你们要做什么,不过请你们不要伤害波轮加人!” I promise you!” Jian Wushuang received the dragon bead, readily agreed. “我答应你!”剑无双接过龙珠,一口答应了下来。 He does not need to compete for the dragon bead again, because of one enough. 他没必要再去争夺龙珠了,因为一颗就够了。 Remaining has nothing to do with him. 剩下的跟他无关。 Even if obtains again many, still to empress. 就算是得到再多,也是给女帝。 Finally the empress also abandons them, now he can also think of the empress with Wu ceremony/etiquette, is really kind. 结果女帝还抛弃他们,现在他跟吴礼还能为女帝着想,已经够意思了。 The ancestors owed certainly the opposite party is too many, otherwise were impossible to give her to become the son-in-law. 上辈子一定是欠了对方太多,不然也不可能给她当女婿。 This dragon bead is a chip, altogether nine. 这颗龙珠算是一个筹码,总共就九颗。 one was sufficient. 一颗就够用了。 Then, looks for the empress. 接下来,就是寻找到女帝。 Initially the opposite party looked cold and indifferent. 当初对方爱答不理。 He just arrived at dragon god continent with Wu ceremony/etiquette, the empress gave them a position. 他跟吴礼刚刚到达龙神大陆,女帝只是给了他们一个位置。 Has not responded them again. 就没再搭理他们两个。 Now hears the dragon bead, told them directly, is waiting same place. 现在一听到得到了龙珠,直接就告诉他们,在原地等着。 Day of time, the empress can arrive at this place. 一天时间,女帝就能到达此地。 This also lets the speed of Jian Wushuang surprise opposite party. 这也让剑无双诧异对方的速度。 He takes one month full power. 他全力要一个月。 The empress only takes one day. 女帝只需要一天。 Six tribulation boundaries!” “六劫境!” Jian Wushuang thought of anything. 剑无双想到了什么。 Hundred years, what Quest can require such long time. 百年时间,什么任务能需要这么长的时间。 Wu Libai year crossed a tribulation. 吴礼百年时间渡了一劫。 Then the empress also possibly broke through. 那么女帝也可能突破了。 Now is very possible is six tribulation boundaries. 现在很可能是六劫境。 Therefore the speed so will be fast. 所以速度才会这么快。 Thinks of this, he relaxes. 想到这,他松了一口气。 If the empress really broke through, then these time was really steady. 如果女帝真的突破了,那么这一次真就稳了。 Six tribulation boundaries the lord of Universe. 六劫境的宇宙之主。 Divine Force perhaps quick 1 million. 神力恐怕都快一百万了。 This has not walked sideways. 这还不横着走。 When Wu ceremony/etiquette hears his speculation, the eye is also one bright. 吴礼听到他的推测时,眼睛也是一亮。 Did not need to shrink finally again!” “总算不用再畏畏缩缩了!” Two people just relaxed, is actually feels intense aura to transmit from the distant place. 二人刚刚放松,却是感受到一股强烈气息从远处传来。 In the Jian Wushuang eye leaks off the fear, reminded: „It is not good, is which terrifying powerhouse!” 剑无双眼中漏出恐惧,提醒道:“不好,是哪位恐怖强者!” Divine Force wrapped Wu ceremony/etiquette and pill treasure instantaneously. 神力瞬间包裹了吴礼与丹宝。 Oneself also turned very quiet. 自己也屏住了呼吸。 Wu Lixiao teachings transmitted from master to pupil over generations said: „Did Li Sheng that fool, betray us?” 吴礼小心传言道:“难道李晟那个傻子,背叛我们了?” Should not be!” Jian Wushuang restrained read the strength, is unable to feel that aura. “应该不是!”剑无双收敛了念力,也无法去感受那股气息。 However he thought that is unlikely. 但是他觉得不太可能。 Li Sheng does not need to betray him. 李晟没必要背叛他。 Betrays him to be no good. 背叛他又没什么好处。 Instead works with him, that advantage is big has. 反而跟他合作,那好处是大大的有。 That aura, walked is very slow. 那股气息,走的很慢。 Does not seem like chases down them. 不像是追杀他们。 Instead probably hurries along. 反而像是赶路。 Buzz! 嗡! The powerful air/Qi field, has delimited from their top of the head. 强大的气场,从他们头顶划过。 Jian Wushuang is relaxes. 剑无双才算松了一口气。 That person, was too terrifying, is it possible that was seven tribulation boundary powerhouse?” Wu ceremony/etiquette is breathing heavily, a face is incredible. “那人,也太恐怖了吧,莫非是七劫境强者?”吴礼喘着粗气,一脸不可置信。 At this time, pill treasure actually put out the one crystal ball, said: You said should be he!” 这时候,丹宝却是拿出了一颗水晶球,开口说道:“你们说的应该是他吧!” Jian Wushuang looked with Wu ceremony/etiquette to the crystal ball. 剑无双跟吴礼两人看向了水晶球。 „Is this mother?” “这尼玛是?” Sees that familiar face, Jian Wushuang also thinks oneself passes through Qi Temple. 看到那熟悉的面孔,剑无双还以为自己是穿越回了岐神殿。 This face, struck the ancient temple that kills to be exactly the same as him initially. 这张脸,跟他当初击杀的古刹一模一样。 The ancient temple, freezes the devil clan. 古刹,冰冻恶魔族。 Initially after he just gathered a success, opened Cave Mansion on grave Divine Mountain, really spirit made to practice acquiring a skill to him. 当初他刚刚合道成功后,在墓神山上开辟洞府时,真灵给他弄来练手的。 He at that time also to freezing the devil clan, understood. 他当时也对冰冻恶魔族,了解了很多。 This type in Muollo Time and Space Antiquity overlord tribe. 这种在莫洛时空远古的霸主族群 Originally thinks, only then Muollo Time and Space has, or is Qi Shendian also some the vestiges of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence. 本来以为只有莫洛时空有,或者是岐神殿还有一些苟延残喘的残余。 Has not thought on Gu Yue Time and Space wild continent, can meet. 没想到在古月时空的一处蛮荒大陆上,也能够遇到。 Certainly is!” Jian Wushuang is clenching teeth to stare at that face. “一定是!”剑无双咬着牙盯着那张面孔。 Wu Licha different way: „Do you know him?” 吴礼诧异道:“你认识他?” No, I know his tribe!” Jian Wushuang shakes the head, then said: This freezes the devil clan, peak tribe, Divine Force is quite powerful, what is most essential, they will not show by the peak condition, but suppresses own strength, in the weakest condition.” “不,我认识他的族群!”剑无双摇了摇头,接着说道:“这是冰冻恶魔族,巅峰族群,神力极为强大,最关键的是,他们并不会以巅峰状态示人,而是压制自己的实力,在最弱的状态。” First a few words, Wu Libing does not care. 前一段话,吴礼兵不在意。 He will not see the person by the peak condition, when hears finally, was actually shocked, said tremblingly: Weakest condition, million Divine Force?” 他也不会以巅峰状态见人,可是听到最后时,却是愣住了,颤颤巍巍道:“最弱的状态,一百万神力?” If the peak condition, must ascend the sky. 那要是巅峰状态,岂不是要上天了。 Other Jian Wushuang do not know, however the initial ancient temple, can from 100,000 promote to 180,000. 其它的剑无双不知道,但是当初的古刹,可以从十万提升到十八万。 That is not half. 那可不是一半。 Goulas!” pill treasure said his name , to continue saying: I had passed to Sacred Land Goulas's news, even he is powerful, the Sacred Land super soldier, will still speak him to defeat!” “古拉!”丹宝说出了他的名字,继续说道:“我已经将古拉的消息传给了圣地,就算他再强大,圣地的超级战士,也会讲他击败!” Wu ceremony/etiquette actually almost smiled, feels this child, although brain miraculous glow, but has little experience of the world. 吴礼却是差点笑了出来,觉得这个小孩,虽然脑子灵光,但还是涉世未深。 It is not clear, million Divine Force, are representing anything. 根本不清楚,百万神力,代表着什么。 That is seven tribulation boundary powerhouse admission juan. 那是七劫境强者的入场劵。 Also is the symbol that a strength leaps. 也是一个战力飞跃的标志。
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