MDSV :: Volume #59

#5854: Community Quest

In he turns around, two forms, block Li Sheng directly. 就在他转身之际,两道身影,直接将李晟拦住。 You!” Which two person's shadows when Li Sheng sees, almost said. “你!”李晟看到哪两个人影时,差点叫了出来。 And one at the back of the Divine Sword person's shadow, kicked on Li Sheng's face, Li Sheng's figure dashed the stone building, abandoned directly. 其中一位背着神剑的人影,一脚踢在了李晟的脸上,李晟的身形撞破了石屋,直接废了出去。 Goulas's these see that, wrapped toward here hastily. 古拉的那些手下见状,连忙朝着这边包了过来。 On Quest said that should be this small ball!” Held float in the in the air sphere, coming the person complexion to be joyful. 任务上说的,应该就是这颗小球了!”一把抓住了悬浮在空中的圆球,来人面色欣喜。 When wants this small ball income mustard seed , the discovery is actually not able to receive the mustard of Xumi in any event. 想要将这颗小球收入芥子中时,却发现无论如何都无法收入须弥之芥。 Just a foot kicked out of the way Li Sheng. 刚刚一脚将李晟踢开。 At the back of the Divine Sword youth, the hole that breaks open by the stone building, leaked off the appearance. 背着神剑的青年,透过石屋破开的洞,漏出了面貌。 Jian Wushuang. 正是剑无双 Another was needless to say much, was Wu ceremony/etiquette. 另外一个不用多说,就是吴礼。 Their two people this were about to leave, finally received special Quest. 他们二人本来都准备离开了,结果收到了特殊任务 This Quest and specialness, is not only Quest of community, surpasses the Rule seven stars. 这个任务及其特殊,不但是群体的任务,还是超过规则的七颗星。 Quest goal: Collects nine impellers to add the inheritance dragon bead of clan! 任务目标:收集九颗波轮加族的传承龙珠! Seemingly simple, but understood slightly an impeller adds the clan, two people were shocked. 看似简单,可是稍微了解了一下波轮加族,二人就愣住了。 The impeller adds the clan, has several six tribulation boundary powerhouse. 波轮加族,有着数位六劫境强者 To snatch is impossible. 想抢根本不可能。 According to their views, first looks for the empress, then needs further consideration. 按照他们两个的看法,是先去找女帝,然后再从长计议。 But when feels Li Sheng aura to erupt, they also felt the impeller to add the aura of clan similarly. 可是在感受到李晟气息爆发的时候,他们也同样感受到了波轮加族的气息。 Therefore then planned that has a look. 所以便打算过来看看。 The result happen to met the slaughters of these people. 结果正好遇到了这些人的屠杀。 Two people of courage also big, then while is hiding the aura randomly, infiltrated the tribe. 二人胆子也大了起来,便趁乱隐藏着气息,混进了部落。 To fish in troubled waters. 想要浑水摸鱼。 But also really made them give to find. 没想到,还真让他们两个给找到了。 This was also lucky Li Sheng's direction. 这还多亏了李晟的指引。 The following opposite party enters this stone building, originally is prepares to inquire that Li Sheng here is any situation! 跟着对方进入这个石屋,本来是准备询问李晟这里是啥情况呢! Finally discovered the dragon bead. 结果就发现了龙珠。 Outside these people, they do not know that which side influence is. 外面那些人,他们不知道属于哪一方势力。 However absolutely not the team that came from the outside world. 但是绝对不是从外界来的队伍。 But is also seeking for the dragon bead. 可也在寻找龙珠。 They cannot control so many, immediately began to Li Sheng. 他们也管不了那么多,当即就对李晟动手了。 The dragon bead altogether has nine. 龙珠总共有九颗。 Now obtains one, they basically can the level. 现在得到一颗,他们基本就可以躺平了。 So long as found the empress, gives the empress this dragon bead, did not have their anything matter. 只要找到女帝,将这颗龙珠交给女帝,就没他们两个什么事情了。 So many teams. 那么多的队伍。 They obtain one, even succeeded. 他们得到一颗,就算是成功了。 Since is community Quest, cannot think a person collected nine. 既然是群体任务,就不能想着一个人收集九颗了。 However, they must first escape from this place to say again. 不过,他们得先逃出此地再说。 That terrifying powerhouse, but also outside. 那位恐怖强者,还在外面。 If were discovered cannot run away happily. 若是被发现就逃不了乐。 Makes me try!” Jian Wushuang passes hastily, tries to receive Source the dragon bead, may be unable to achieve. “让我试试!”剑无双连忙过去,试着将龙珠收入本源,可也无法做到。 At this time, he thought of outside the tribe, side of that say/way terrifying aura, had a full height the fellow of sharp thorn, is holding two exactly the same small balls. 这个时候,他想到了部落外,那道恐怖气息的旁边,有个满身长着尖刺的家伙,抱着两颗一模一样的小球。 Should unable the info clerk, only to take. 应该是无法收纳,只能拿着了。 Jian Wushuang is on the one hand grasping the dragon bead, could not control so many, can only first take. 剑无双一手抓着龙珠,也管不了那么多了,只能先拿着。 Does not manage, first walked said again!” “不管了,先走再说!” Wu Ligang wants to follow Jian Wushuang to walk, within the body transmits the reminder again, making his vision stare, looked that added the child to that impeller. 吴礼刚想跟着剑无双走,体内再次传来提醒,让他的目光一愣,看向了那个波轮加小孩。 Also takes him, strange pitiful!” “把他也带上吧,怪可怜的!” Hears these words, Jian Wushuang almost scolds makes noise. 听到这句话,剑无双差点骂出声。 At this time, oneself could not guarantee himself, child but who also went to manage an alien race. 这个时候了,自己都保不了自己了,还去管一个异族的小孩。 However changes mind thinks, Wu ceremony/etiquette is not that womanly compassion, definitely because of some relations. 但是转念一想,吴礼并非是那种妇人之仁,肯定是因为某种关系。 Immediately added the children of clan also to wrap the impeller with Divine Force, then broke open the ground, straight under has the channel. 当即用神力将波轮加族的孩也包裹住了,然后破开地面,一路直下有着通道。 This channel, is connecting lake that cannot look at the boundary. 这条通道,连接着望不到边际的湖泊。 After entering underwater, the Jian Wushuang speed starts to speed up. 进入水下后,剑无双速度开始加快。 He also happen to leads two people to hide the aura, was not discovered by the bystander. 他也正好带着两个人隐藏气息,不被外人发现。 Originally wants to lead Li Sheng to walk. 本来是想带着李晟走的。 May see good that the opposite party mixes, side him which terrifying powerhouse perhaps keeps, is more suitable. 可看到对方混的不错,或许把他留在哪位恐怖强者身边,更适合一些。 In the opposite party hand has two dragon beads. 对方手中有着两颗龙珠。 May not get pays attention. 可不得注意。 Also calculates undercover who they place. 也算他们安插的卧底了。 In the tribe on island. 小岛上的部落内。 Li Sheng was kicked aside, then insanely also resembles flushed. 李晟被一脚踢开,便疯也似的重新冲了回去。 A result person's shadow had not seen, the child who even the impeller adds also disappeared. 结果一个人影也没看到,连波轮加的小孩也消失了。 Looks again to cave entrance of ground. 再看向地面的洞口。 His heart cursed angrily: Damn Jian Wushuang, you actually do not lead me!” 他心底怒骂道:“该死的剑无双,你竟然不带我!” Along with even that place the token, wanted to send greetings to Jian Wushuang. 随即便那处了令牌,想要传音给剑无双 When he puts out the token, actually shock. 当他拿出令牌时,却震惊了。 Above two news. 上方两条消息。 Article 1, special group Quest, seven stars. 第一条,特殊群体任务,七颗星。 Seeks for Dragon Clan! 寻找龙族 Article 2, came from passes message of Jian Wushuang. 第二条,是来自剑无双的传音。 Which remains, that do not go!” “留在哪儿,那也不要去!” This, he all understood. 这一下,他全明白了。 Understands why Jian Wushuang kicks his foot, why does not have the reason that he walks. 明白了剑无双为何踢他一脚,为何不带他走的原因。 This is to make him be the spy! 这是让他去当细作啊! Coming out that it is fortunate that Jian Wushuang thinks, let his solemn Yue's first family Patriarch besides royal family, works as spy. 得亏剑无双想的出来,让他堂堂越国除了王族外的第一家族族长,去当细作。 The key did not have the advantage. 关键还没有好处。 However he also has to do. 但是他还不得不去做。 Feels outside to have the aura to clash, he hastily cave entrance putting down, collected in full the token. 感受到外面有气息冲来,他连忙将洞口给平了,收齐了令牌。 Along with gave to destroy the entire stone building. 随既又将整个石屋都给毁了。 Bang!!!! 轰!!!! Below stone building changed to the ruins, he had also arrived in the air, simultaneously curses saying: „A damn impeller adding people, dares to sneak attack me!” 下方的石屋化作了废墟,他也已经到了空中,同时大骂道:“该死的波轮加人,敢偷袭我!” This wave of performance, lets Goulas subordinate who encircles much, drew back. 这一波表演,让不少围上来的古拉手下,又退了回去。 Li Sheng elder brother, do not get angry, comes at once to help me!” The distant place transmits seeks help. “李晟兄,别发火了,速来帮我!”远处传来求助。 Li Sheng complexion one slow, said with a smile: Looks my!” 李晟面色一缓,笑道:“看我的!” Rumbling!!! 轰轰!!! Is wrapping the lake deep place of island. 包裹着小岛的湖泊深处。 Which impeller Jian Wushuang leads Wu ceremony/etiquette with add the child of clan, to lake surface edge. 剑无双已经带着吴礼跟哪位波轮加族的小孩,到了湖面边缘。 ! 噗! Surfaces, turns around to look to behind, Hei Yan/black smoke is billowing. 浮出水面,转身看向身后,黑烟滚滚。 That impeller in addition Tribe, destroyed cleanness. 那一处的波轮加部落,已经被毁的干干净净。 When the child who the impeller adds sees, the eyes are with the tears. 波轮加的小孩看到时,双眼含着泪水。 He is the wisdom impeller adds the clan, knowing says that now anything is also useless. 他是智慧型的波轮加族,知晓现在说什么也没用。 Jian Wushuang looked at one, then opens the mouth saying: Walks, first found a safe place to say again!” 剑无双只是看了一眼,便开口道:“走吧,先找个安全的地方再说!” Leads two people, the terrain flight. 带着两个人,贴地飞行。 Walked after for quite a while, he displays three to shake Universe directly, transferred fast several hundred times, stopped in a canyon. 走了半天之后,他直接施展三震宇宙,快速挪移了数百次,在一处峡谷中停下了。 This place gathered many tribulation boundary Level Desolate Beast. 此地聚集了不少的劫境层次荒兽 Is a medium-scale tribe. 是一个中型部落。 However Peak Expert, is four tribulation boundaries. 不过最强者,也不过是四劫境。 Is drawing support from cover of this tribe, they arrived at the canyon deep place. 借助着这处部落的掩盖,他们到了峡谷深处。 Buzz! 嗡! Opened a cave conveniently, Jian Wushuang then led them to enter the cave. 随手开辟了一个山洞,剑无双便带着他们进入到了山洞。 Resting meeting!” “歇会吧!” Hurrying along is not tired. However that cautious feeling, making Jian Wushuang exhausted. 赶路并不累。但是那种小心翼翼的感觉,让剑无双身心疲惫。 Wu ceremony/etiquette received the dragon bead from his hand, starts to study. 吴礼从他手中将龙珠接过,开始研究起来。 Nearby that impeller adds the young boy of clan, was a few words did not say. 旁边的那位波轮加族的小男孩,却是一句话也不说。 Jian Wushuang sits in the stone at will, restores to read the strength. 剑无双随意坐在石头上,恢复一些念力。 Also looked to the dragon bead. 也看向了龙珠。 What kind of, saw that an issue does not have!” His has not examined this dragon bead carefully. “怎么样,看出点问题没有!”他这一路还没有细细查看这颗龙珠。 On this Dragon Clan, is carving three hexagonal stars. 只是这龙族上,刻着三颗六角星。 Does not have other special places again. 再也没有其它特殊的地方。 Wu Libao was studying for quite a while, finally also gave up. 吴礼抱着研究了半天,最后也放弃了。 No, anything cannot look!” “没,啥也看不出来!”
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