MDSV :: Volume #56

#5523: Swallows Divine Body

Your this skill?” The Jian Wushuang surface is calm, taunts: When guards the door, some are unqualified!” “你就这点本事?”剑无双表面波澜不惊,嘲讽道:“当个看门的,都有些不够格!” The Yuan eunuch looks at the front door, is in that the clear founder, Rank 6 peak Emperor, although Source is incomplete, however practice is actually Sword Dao that the lord murders, can make up for incomplete, wild Sword Dao, sufficiently hardly just Rank 6 peak Emperor of Yuan eunuch. 元老宫看大门的,可是那位上清祖师,六阶巅峰帝君,虽然本源不完整,但是修炼的却是主杀伐的剑道,可以弥补残缺,狂暴的剑道,足以硬刚元老宫的六阶巅峰帝君 Unbearably day conceals also really not too can hit last clear. 天藏还真不太够呛能够打的过上清。 His was stirred up, the day conceals complexion is somewhat fierce, obviously has not thought he so will be hard to deal with. 被他这一激,天藏面色有些狰狞,显然是没有想到他会这么难缠。 Obviously be only the Rank 6 ordinary Emperor level, can make into this with him unexpectedly. 明明只有六阶普通帝君的水准,居然能够跟他打成这样。 Plants, do not hide! „ Day conceals shouted angrily, these acted time on own initiative. ”有种,你就别躲!“天藏怒喝一声,这一次主动出手。 In the speed was too slow. 只是速度上太慢了。 Behind Jian Wushuang both hands, teased: „Are you water monkey? Is the speed so slow?” 剑无双双手背后,戏谑道:“你是水猴子吗?速度这么慢?” Turns around slightly, evades a swift and fierce fist, Jian Wushuang lifted the hand is a sword, the sword sword got down the extreme methods. 稍稍转身,躲过凌厉的一拳,剑无双抬手就是一剑,剑剑下了死手。 The opposite party do not dare to kill him, he dares to kill the opposite party. 对方不敢杀他,他可是敢杀对方。 Fool!” “蠢蛋!” After Jian Wushuang throws down a few words, vanishes again. 剑无双丢下一句话后,再次消失。 Although he surface is calm, but the heart somewhat is also unsure, his sword cut day of conceals, but day conceals can a fist, hit half dead him. 他虽然表面淡定,但心底也有些没谱,他一剑伤不了天藏,但是天藏能够一拳,将他打个半死。 50,000 times of bodies, to previous 59,000 times of Divine Body, the disparity are very big. 五万倍的身体,对上五万九千倍的神体,差距很大。 Even has the suppression on Source, may eventually be only the Daoist deity. 就算是有着本源上的压制,可终究只是道君而已。 When appears again, Jian Wushuang received to decide cloud sword, black aura also dissipated, what was following was the green mist surrounds. 再次出现时,剑无双收起了决云剑,身上的黑色气息也消散了,随之而来的是绿色雾气环绕。 The strength of Life. 生命之力。 This is he most powerful strength. 这才是他最强大的力量 The strength of strong Life revolves crazily, his Divine Body erupted the superpower, Source also obtained very big increase. 强劲的生命之力疯狂运转,他的神体爆发出了超强实力,本源也得到了很大的增幅。 So long as Life, strength is eternal. 只要生命在,力量就是永恒的。 Jian Wushuang makes a fist suddenly, the anger shouted: Day conceals!” 剑无双猛然握拳,怒喝道:“天藏!” The weather is changing, all around sea water reverses the turbulent current. 天色都在变化,四周的海水更是逆转激流。 If previous fighting is warming up, then may be now really under the extreme methods. 先前的打斗如果算是热身的话,那么现在可就是真下死手了。 This breath, let the Yuan eunuch everyone clear feeling all at once directly. 这一股气息,直接让元老宫所有人都清晰的感受到了。 At this time all around many people have encircled. 此时四周不少人已经围了过来。 Looks quickly, is Jian Wushuang!” “快看,是剑无双!” How did he person with Fushoutang hit?” Some people have doubts to say. “他怎么跟福寿堂的人打起来了?”有人疑惑道。 Cannot have, has. 有不懂的,就有懂的。 The Yuan eunuch is so big, something, so long as did, the wall that is difficult not to ventilate, Hallmaster of key Fushoutang has not concealed very much, got down the written invitation, invites the four directions. 元老宫就这么大,有些事情,只要做了,很难有不透风的墙,关键福寿堂的堂主也没有隐瞒,更是下了请帖,宴请四方。 Your this doesn't know?” “你连这个都不知道?” Heard that is Fushoutang Hallmaster, usurped the Jian Wushuang maid!” “听说是福寿堂堂主,强占了剑无双的婢女!” one always understood the elder brother just saying that was broken to say by another one news quicker person: ” What maid, that person is the palace depends on wonderfully, Rank 5 peak Emperor, strength not weak Jian Wushuang, where has such strong maid, definitely is Jian Wushuang Dao Companion. „ 一位老懂哥刚刚说完,就被另一位消息更灵通的人打断说道:”什么婢女,那人是宫妙依,五阶巅峰帝君,实力不弱剑无双,哪有这么强的婢女,肯定是剑无双道侣。“ What? Dao Companion?” “什么?道侣?” The person who at this time sees a play were more. 此时看戏的人更多了。 After hearing Fushoutang Hallmaster to wrest away Jian Wushuang Dao Companion, was filled with righteous indignation one by one. 当听到福寿堂堂主霸占了剑无双道侣后,各个义愤填膺。 This Fushoutang goes too far!” “这福寿堂欺人太甚!” First supports Jian Wushuang is a inheritance side. 首先支持剑无双的便是传承者一方。 Because Jian Wushuang is also inheritance. 因为剑无双也是传承者。 Natural is one school. 天然就是一派的。 Moreover is a Universe life. 而且还是一个宇宙的生灵。 First group of inheritance are good, in four big Secret Realm, a Yuan eunuch or the temple, the position is very high. 第一批传承者还好,在四大秘境,元老宫或者神殿,地位都很高。 But behind, as inheritance are getting more and more, a Yuan eunuch is not regarding as important these inheritance. 可后面随着传承者越来越多,元老宫也不在看重这些传承者。 Especially after a Yuan eunuch developed so many treasure troves, attracted many inheritance, a Yuan eunuch was more unscrupulous. 特别是元老宫开发出了那么多的宝地后,吸引了很多的传承者,元老宫就更加肆无忌惮了。 Besides some inheritance, other are regarded as four big Secret Realm Emperor to treat. 除了一些个别的传承者外,其余都当做是四大秘境帝君对待。 Like some treasure troves, inheritance goes in should be free, may for the huge benefit, has charge in private. 像一些宝地,传承者进去都应该是免费的,可为了巨大的利益,还是有着私下的收费。 When like Jian Wushuang entered that mountain valley initially, the opposite party opens the mouth takes 100 million side Divine Servant. 像当初剑无双进入那座山谷时,对方张口就要一亿方神石。 Treats the person on one's own side, the single cent has not actually taken. 对待自己人,却分文未取。 If strength strong point inheritance, the charge will also reduce. 如果是实力强一点的传承者,收费也会降低一些。 Besides north to tower and demon sound mountain, the price expensive/noble oddness of other places. 除了北望塔与魔音山外,其余一些地方的价格都贵的离谱。 Obviously treated as the fool inheritance. 显然是把传承者当做冤大头了。 After all comes out from grave Divine Mountain, treasure decides must have. 毕竟从墓神山出来,身上的宝物定是少不了。 Now inherits is the accumulated grievances for a long time, these things are Fushoutang do, now Jian Wushuang and opposite party had the dispute, obviously stands Jian Wushuang. 现在传承者是积怨已久,这些事情都是福寿堂干出来的,现在剑无双与对方起了争执,显然都站在剑无双这边。 Four big Secret Realm these Emperor, do not dare to stand in line actually randomly. 四大秘境的那些帝君,倒是不敢乱站队。 Background that they, may have no. 他们这些人,可没有任何的背景。 Jian Wushuang also induced many eyes to visit him, the heart leaked off a happy expression. 剑无双也感应到了很多双的眼睛看着他,心底漏出一丝笑意。 He wants is this effect. 他要的就是这个效果。 Day conceals, you so bully me, today I cut your dog head!” Jian Wushuang aura rises dramatically again. “天藏,你们如此欺我,今日我就斩了你的狗头!”剑无双身上的气息再次暴增。 strength of that fist, was a worthy opponent sufficiently Rank 6 Top Emperor. 那一拳的力量,足以匹敌六阶顶尖帝君了。 This has not calculated. 这还不算完。 He also has a more powerful card in a hand. 他还有着更强大的底牌。 Life Universe! 生命宇宙 A Thought Universe, reads the strength formation, later lowers the strength of swallowing to condense the black hole, finally is myriad things condenses essence Universe. 一念宇宙,是念力形成,随后降下吞噬之力凝聚黑洞,最后是万物凝聚实质宇宙 But Life Universe, contained these strength completely. 生命宇宙,却将这些力量全部蕴含在其中了。 Gets up!” “起!” The surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km), were wrapped completely. 方圆百万里,全部被包裹其中。 He does not fear that now divulged the card in a hand, so long as about the success, in divergent temple, few opponents. 他现在也不怕泄露底牌了,只要合道成功,歧神殿内,就没有几个对手了。 Day conceals was shocked, all around sudden strength, starts to drive away him, making his Divine Body Absolute Art expire, strength also by unceasing compression. 天藏愣住了,四周突然出现的一股力量,开始驱赶他,让他的神体绝学都失效了,力量也在被不断的压缩。 He like the myriad things envoy, within the body cannot breed the strength of myriad things. 他可不像万物使者,体内能够孕育着万物之力。 In Life Universe, besides Jian Wushuang, all equalities. 生命宇宙中,除了剑无双外,一切平等。 Day conceals even Emperor, is still only Life. 天藏就算是帝君,也只是一个生命罢了。 Suppressed day conceals, wants to receive Jian Wushuang that fist, was too difficult. 已经被压制的天藏,想要接下剑无双那一拳,太难了。 Bang! 轰! A fist broke four arms of day of conceals directly, later the huge fist shadow tore the chest of day of conceals directly, leaked off a large cave/hole. 一拳直接破了天藏的四条手臂,随后巨大的拳影直接撕裂了天藏的胸口,漏出了一个大洞。 Swallows!” Jian Wushuang read the strength fusion, the strength of Life starts to dissipate, transforms the strength of huge swallowing. “吞噬!”剑无双念力聚变,生命之力开始消散,转化成了巨大的吞噬之力。 Wild Divine Body strength starts to drain from day conceals within the body. 一股狂暴的神体力量开始从天藏体内流失。 How is this possible?” Day conceals was shocked thoroughly. His Divine Body is draining. “这怎么可能?”天藏彻底愣住了。他的神体在流失。 It is not the outflow on strength, but is foundation Divine Body is draining. 不是力量上的流失,而是基础神体在流失。 Quick his Divine Body had dropped 100 times. 很快他的神体已经下降了一百倍。 Arrived his Level, hundred times of Divine Body consumptions needed the innumerable treasures, his what kind of loving dearly. 到了他这个层次,百倍的神体消耗就需要无数宝物,他何等的心疼。 The opposite party more love dearly, Jian Wushuang is crazier. 对方越是心疼,剑无双就越加疯狂。 Swallowed hundred times of Divine Body, but hundred times of Divine Body of opposite party, can trade his 50,000 times of Divine Body. 吞噬了百倍神体,可对方的百倍神体,能都能够换他五万倍神体了。 Although absorbed 20%, is 20 times of Divine Body. 虽然只是吸收了20%,也就是二十倍神体 But his own Divine Body can increase 500 times unexpectedly. 可他自己的神体居然能够上升五百倍。 Now already 50,500 times. 如今已经五万零五百倍了。 Since said perfection after extremely, his strength of swallowing has escaped turns swallowed myriad things. 自从极道圆满后,他的吞噬之力已经脱变成了吞噬万物 What can swallow, changed to the black hole name thoroughly, when enables him to grasp black hole strength now, had very big promotion. 什么都能够吞噬,彻底化作了黑洞名,也让他现在掌握黑洞时的力量,有了很大的提升。 Their disparity was very big with Wanyan Emperor, but has made up now. 原本与完颜帝君他们差距很大,但是现在已经弥补了。 Perhaps he also really can before gathering, arrives at black hole Realm. 他说不定还真能够在合道前,到达黑洞境界 Like this once about the success, he is Rank 6 peak Emperor, perhaps the strength is equivalent to summit powerhouse directly certainly. 这样一旦合道成功,他就是六阶巅峰帝君,恐怕战力直接跟绝巅强者相当。 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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