MDSV :: Volume #56

#5522: Fushoutang

Is relatively mediocre is very big, Jian Wushuang as far as eyes can reach, but is grain of dust. 只是相对凡俗很大而已,剑无双一眼望去,不过是一粒尘埃。 Bang! 轰! When arrives at Fushoutang quickly, he moves sideways to erupt the giant aura directly, the space that shakes is shivering. 快到达福寿堂时,他直接闪身爆发出巨大的气息,震的空间都在颤抖。 Rips! 撕拉! Is the First Step far distance, Jian Wushuang must tear above Fushoutang space obviously, leaps. 明明就是一步远的距离,剑无双非要撕裂福寿堂上方的空间,从中跃出。 Under soon discovered the sound, one Rank 6 Emperor angrily roared, soared directly. 下方很快就发现了动静,一位六阶帝君怒吼一声,直接腾空而起。 Who is so bold, does not know that here is Fushoutang?” “谁这么大胆,不知道这里是福寿堂吗?” Comes the person hair to be disorderly, lives four arms! 来人头发凌乱,生有四臂! The air/Qi of military might, heads on. 威武之气,扑面而来。 After seeing clearly the person, frowns, the voice sank. 看清来人后,皱了一下眉头,话音沉了下去。 I consider anyone, originally is Your Highness Jian Wushuang, does not know that what matter my Fushoutang does have?” “我当是谁,原来是剑无双殿下,不知道来我福寿堂有何事?” Now the entire Yuan eunuch, has almost not known Jian Wushuang powerhouse. 现在整个元老宫,几乎没有不认识剑无双强者了。 Let alone, opposite party or one Rank 6 Emperor, moreover vice- Hallmaster of Fushoutang. 更别说,对方还是一位六阶帝君,而且还是福寿堂的副堂主 Although the opposite party the surface is polite, but heart some are not convinced somewhat. 对方虽然表面客气,但是心底多多少少都有些不服气。 A Daoist deity. 一个道君而已。 Initially clouds Great Emperor definitely, perhaps is also this circumstances. 当初决云大帝,恐怕也是这种境遇。 Although the strength is strong, but has not stepped forward that First Step eventually. 实力虽强,可终究没有跨出那一步 Now also many people wait to look at his joke, if about the failure, that may lose face. 现在也有不少人等着看他的笑话,万一合道失败,那可就丢大人了。 Although will not fall from the sky, but will also drop the hidden danger, is unable to promote the boundary for a lifetime again. 虽然不会陨落,但也会落下隐患,一辈子都无法再提升境。 Sees the person, Jian Wushuang cold snort/hum, opens the mouth saying: Called the palace to depend on wonderfully, said that was his master calls him!” 看到来人,剑无双冷哼一声,开口道:“叫宫妙依出来,就说是他主人叫他!” This saying said also right, but initially he led a Yuan eunuch who the palace depended on wonderfully. 这话说的也没错,当初可是他带宫妙依来的元老宫。 In the Yuan eunuch, has a custom, powerhouse can lead several servants to come. 在元老宫中,有着一条规矩,强者都可以带几位奴仆进来。 Initially the palace wonderful according to came in as servant. 当初宫妙依就是以奴仆的身份进来的。 Fushoutang vice- Hallmaster complexion sank directly. 福寿堂副堂主脸色直接就沉了下去。 Now palace wonderful according to what status, after a period of time, but was their Madame Hallmaster, now Jian Wushuang says the servant, is hitting their faces simply. 现在宫妙依什么身份,再过一段时间,可就是他们的堂主夫人了,现在剑无双却直呼奴仆,简直就是在打他们的脸。 Jian Wushuang, I know that you are angry, may should better not to do the matter in this place, otherwise I overturns you one time!” Day conceals vice- Hallmaster, is the violent temper. 剑无双,我知道你心里有气,可最好不要在此地搞事,否则我一次就弄翻你!”天藏副堂主,也是火爆脾气。 The back has the Hallmaster iron three, as well as supporting of strong wind from afar Palace Lord, usually who dares to come this to act unruly. 背后有着堂主铁三,以及长风宫主的撑腰,平时谁敢来此撒野。 Even Jian Wushuang heaven defying, still only has the Rank 6 Emperor strength again now. 就算剑无双逆天,现在也不过只有六阶帝君的实力而已。 Really worked as itself the master in divergent temple? 真把自己当歧神殿的主人了? Jian Wushuang forehead raises suddenly malevolent aura, the anger shouts: ” Day conceals, are you frightening me? „ 剑无双眉心处陡然升起一丝煞气,怒喝道:”天藏,你是在吓唬我吗?“ Powerful aura sends out from his within the body, that is the strength of terrifying Life. 一股强大的气息从他体内散发,那是恐怖的生命之力。 This aura, day conceals feels is not right. 这股气息一出,天藏就觉得的不对劲。 On everyone has the strength of Life, may not have on Jian Wushuang is so terrifying. 每个人身上都有生命之力,可也没有剑无双身上的那么恐怖。 He felt that Jian Wushuang is not a person, but is a large crowd stands before him. 他感觉剑无双不是一个人,而是一大群人站在他面前。 This Life Strength terrifying place. 这就生命力恐怖的地方。 Overwhelming aura, even certainly summit powerhouse, still compares Jian Wushuang in the aura and makings. 压倒性的气息一出,就算是绝巅强者,在气息与气质上也比不过剑无双 Snort! Installs the expert?” The day hides cold snort/hum one. “哼!装高手?”天藏冷哼一声。 Although he temperament is irritable, but is not the fool, so long as Jian Wushuang does not begin, he does not dare to take the lead to begin absolutely. 他虽然脾气火爆,但也不是傻子,剑无双只要不动手,他绝对不敢率先动手。 So long as Jian Wushuang dares to begin, he will not be managing Jian Wushuang, must seize the chance to beat savagely Jian Wushuang surely, then loses. 只要剑无双敢动手,他也不会管着剑无双,定要趁机暴打剑无双一顿,然后丢出去。 When the time comes even if black left condemns, he did not fear. 到时候就算是乌左过来问罪,他也不怕。 The strength of day conceals, in Yuan eunuch these Rank 6 Emperor, is not peak, but also is Top powerhouse. 天藏的实力,在元老宫这些六阶帝君中,算不上巅峰,但也算是顶尖强者 By the Jian Wushuang present strength, can fight actually. 剑无双现在的实力,倒是能够一战。 To win is unlikely, even was not beaten savagely by the opposite party well even. 想赢不太可能,甚至不被对方暴打就算好的了。 However he also has the card in a hand. 但是他也有着底牌。 The strength of powerful Life, Life Universe that coordinating A Thought Universe to form, suppresses the opposite party sufficiently. 强大的生命之力,配合一念宇宙形成的生命宇宙,足以压制对方。 Attire?” After Jian Wushuang had the plan, then prepares to act directly, at this time sneers saying: You thought that I do need to install?” “装?”剑无双有了打算后,便准备直接出手,此时冷笑道:“你觉得我需要装?” Buzz! 嗡! The heavy/thick aura is flooding the entire space. 厚重的气息充斥着整个空间。 continent that Fushoutang is shaking. 福寿堂所在的大陆都在震荡。 Many people soar in abundance, stand in the distant place. 不少人纷纷腾空而起,站在远处。 Almost resulted, if they really one group of people deal with a Jian Wushuang person, not only the face must lose, perhaps really spirits must ask them to do accounts. 差不多就得了,他们真要是一群人对付剑无双一个人,不但面子要丢,恐怕真灵都要找他们算账。 Because bullies the person, does not bully. 因为欺负人,也不是这么欺负的。 shua! 唰! The cold glow erupts together suddenly! 一道寒芒突然爆发! Decides cloud sword to send out thundering, later explodes suddenly! 决云剑发出一阵的轰鸣,随后猛然爆起! All generations!” “万劫!” Jian Wushuang pushes to the front, a sword cuts, the prestige of eruption can make person of day conceals stare. 剑无双一马当先,一剑斩去,爆发的威能让人天藏都是一愣。 This sword, he spells to go all-out, blends the mental effort, to read the strength, to swallow, myriad things strength, is he until now the strongest sword. 这一剑,他拼尽全力,融汇心力、念力、吞噬、万物力量,是他至今最强一剑。 A sword may start day and sinking sea and Destruction even also to have the prestige energy of birth. 一剑可开天、沉海、毁灭甚至还有诞生的威能。 These years, although the mind is anxious, but also created to suit his Absolute Art much. 这些年,虽然心神不安,但也创造出了不少适合他的绝学 All generations sword, is one of them. 万劫剑,就是其中之一。 This is peak Absolute Art that the strength of his Comprehension/Sensibility Life creates. 这是他感悟生命之力创造出的巅峰绝学 All generations' first sword! 万劫第一剑! Heavenly God!” 天神!” In this sword, contains the inexorable fate , because his Karma kills the tribulation, will think of this point. 这一剑中,蕴含着劫数,是因为他的因果杀劫,才会想到这一点。 As for Heavenly God, is an analogy. 至于天神,算是一个比喻。 A sword slaughters Heavenly God, breaks world all tribulations! 一剑屠戮天神,打破世间一切劫! Facing this sword, day conceals does not have how much energy. 面对这一剑,天藏都没有多少底气。 Although powerful, but practice is also only peak Absolute Art, with a Jian Wushuang scale, wants to obtain the Universe mystique, where is so simple. 虽然位高权重,但修炼的也只是巅峰绝学罢了,与剑无双一个档次,想要获得宇宙秘法,哪有这么简单。 Four arms, draw out the hand then to shake that sword, at this time body incarnation golden color of day conceals, but also seems like one Heavenly God. 四条手臂,起手便想要去撼动那一剑,此时天藏的身躯化身金色,还真像是一位天神 Day Tibet walks is the Divine Body route, was quite weak on Source, spends the huge price to refine eternal Supreme Treasure four arms. 天藏本身走的就是神体路线,在本源上比较弱,花费了巨大的代价将四条手臂炼制成了永恒至宝 Divine Body also reluctantly 59,000 times. 神体也勉强到了五万九千倍。 May want to stride in 60,000 times is too difficult. 可想要跨入六万倍太难了。 60,000 times of Divine Body had the level of summit certainly, do not look is only 1000 times of Divine Body, treasure that needs, perhaps was certainly similar to the one summit powerhouse family belongings. 六万倍神体就有绝巅的水准了,别看只是一千倍的神体,所需要的宝物,恐怕跟一位绝巅强者的家当差不多。 Even the day hides in Fushoutang is one vice- Hallmaster, operated for 1 million years in this place, but has not sufficiently collected the treasure. 就算天藏在福寿堂是一位堂主,在此地经营了百万年,可还是没有凑足宝物。 After the key is 59,999 times, wants to break through 60,000 times of that pass/test, is more difficult! 关键是五万九千九百九十九倍后,想要突破六万倍那一关,更难! He in the Yuan eunuch, takes an era to sufficiently collect the treasure at least. 他在元老宫,起码要一个纪元才能够凑足宝物。 This is quick enough, if this in the past, did not have 10,000 eras, collected the insufficient these treasures radically. 这已经够快了,这要是以往,没有一万纪元,根本凑不足那些宝物。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Four arms resist all generations' first sword difficultly. 四条手臂艰难抵挡万劫第一剑。 Jian Wushuang, you dare to begin in this place, do not regret!” Day conceals is whooshing, simultaneously powerful aura from his within the body eruption. 剑无双,你敢在此地动手,你千万别后悔!”天藏嘶吼着,同时一股强大的气息从他的体内爆发。 That is Divine Body class/flow peak Absolute Art. 那是神体流的巅峰绝学 Although is not increase Divine Body, may actually be able to hold his Divine Body in addition in the peak condition. 虽然不是增幅神体,可却能够将他的神体一直加持在巅峰状态。 This did not fear that by Source was said powerhouse has consumed. 这样就不怕被本源强者一直消耗了。 Consumption of Divine Body compared with Source consumption quicker strength. 神体的消耗是比本源消耗的更快的力量 Gives me, broken!” “给我,破!” Under erupts again, all generations' first sword bursts directly. 再次爆发下,万劫第一剑直接破裂。 The Jian Wushuang eye socket contracts suddenly, later the figure vanished in directly same place. 剑无双眼孔猛然收缩,随后身形直接消失在了原地。 In all generations sword shatter that moment, enough over ten thousand fist shades raid, he hid enough quickly, perhaps already the severe wound. 在万劫剑破碎的那一刻,足足上万的拳影袭来,要不是他躲得够快,恐怕已经重伤了。 Rank 6 Emperor of Yuan eunuch, with four big Secret Realm indigenous Emperor, the difference is very big. 元老宫的六阶帝君,与四大秘境的土著帝君,差别很大。 If Rank 6 Top Emperor, he does not need is so careful. 如果是外界的六阶顶尖帝君,他根本无需这般小心。 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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