MDSV :: Volume #54

#5322: White king

The complexions of six way of yang people are pale, his vision is quite sharp. 六阳道人的脸色铁青,他的眼光极为犀利。 Jian Wushuang just movement, drifted from place to place, the space on arena during his control. 剑无双刚刚的身法,飘忽不定,擂台上的空间都在他的掌控之中。 This is how possible, he Daoist deity, how will grasp space Source.” “这怎么可能,他才道君,怎么会掌握了空间本源。” Many Emperor are flabbergasted. 不少帝君咋舌。 Space Source! 空间本源 Many Daoist deities know that is anything does not know, let alone grasped. 不少道君连知道是什么都不知道,更别说掌握了。 „The person on grave Divine Mountain, is not really ordinary!” “墓神山上的人,果然不一般!” Person who these want to look at the Jian Wushuang real strength, now thoroughly understands, what appealing to heaven leaves badly. 那些想要看剑无双真实实力的人,现在彻底明白了,什么叫天差地别。 Perhaps nine Brother Jian, on this time you 13 Tai'e swords of Qing, must defeat in this little friend subordinate.” “九剑兄,这次你们上清宫的十三太阿剑,恐怕都要败在这位小友手下了。” Emergency broadcast app: Perfect duplicate/restores carves to pursue the book divine tool old edition to trade source APP- Mew mew reading. 插播一个app:完美复刻追书神器旧版本可换源的APP--咪咪阅读。 Although should laugh at Qing at this time, but six way of yang people cannot smile. 虽然此时应该去嗤笑上清宫,但是六阳道人笑不出来。 The heart moves, a blood-color token that in Source floats revolves, just that will record, and Transmission gave in some Great Hall of northern boundary deep place. 心底一动,本源中漂浮的一块血色令牌旋转,将刚刚的那一幕记录了下来,并且传送给了北境深处的某座大殿之中。 Doubtful discovery inheritance!” “疑似发现传承者!” Hides in ancient Great Hall of northern boundary deep place. 藏身在北境深处的古老大殿内。 The arm that one dries up quickly, moved suddenly. 一位都快枯竭的手臂,忽然动了一下。 Under shining of that wisp of sunlight, the master of arm, which skinny wax yellow face leaked off his, his facial features are more terrifying than the mourning by the side of the coffin person. 在那一缕阳光的照耀下,手臂的主人,漏出了他哪一张枯瘦蜡黄的脸孔,他的面容比守灵人还要恐怖。 Although the body of mourning by the side of the coffin person does not have the vitality, at least seems like individual. 守灵人的身上虽无生机,起码还像是个人。 old man that this body dries up, a human appearance does not have, the body like the dry firewood, the surface like the dying embers, the outline on his face was even buried by the dust quickly. 这位身躯枯竭的老者,连个人样都没有,身如干柴,面如死灰,连他脸上的轮廓都快被灰尘掩埋了。 Small six child signalling!” “小六子传信了!” Skinny old man, the arm moved slightly, rotated a reluctant lamp bowl. 枯瘦老者,手臂微动,转动了一下勉强的灯盏。 The above has a news, with a picture. 上方有着一条消息,与一副画面。 Looks above all, the old man eye socket leaked off none. 看完上方发生的一切,老者的眼孔漏出了精光。 Inheritance!” “传承者!” ! 噗! Powerful aura starts to ascend, skinny such as dry firewood old man, drew out the body instantaneously, the whole person becomes full of energy. 一股强大的气息开始升腾,枯瘦如干柴的老者,瞬间直起了身子,整个人都变得精神抖擞。 Doesn't wait for the innumerable eras, True God Palace to open finally?” Being blazing with anger of skinny old man, penetrates all. “唔等了无数纪元,真神殿终于开启了吗?”枯瘦老者的目光如炬,穿透一切。 Rumble! 咕噜噜! The skinny old man body starts to change, strength of the flesh ascend from below abyss. 枯瘦老者的身躯开始变化,一道道血肉之力从下方的深渊中升腾而出。 Divine Body gradually is also breaking through, ten thousand times and 20,000 times and 30,000 times and 50,000 times. 神体也在逐渐突破,万倍、两万倍、三万倍、五万倍。 Until final 68,000 times. 直到最终的六万八千倍。 After Divine Body thoroughly restores, old man fleshly body starts to fall off, is only left over a Divine Body illusory image. 神体彻底恢复后,老者肉身开始脱落,只剩下一具神体幻影。 In abyss, fresh/live fleshly body ascends slowly. 深渊中,一具鲜活的肉身缓缓升腾而起。 This fleshly body, may guarantee your three days of certainly summit vitalities, even came you still to escape white/in vain, was sure to remember to defend the bottom line, really recovered spirit, once he began, I am unable to intend to save you.” “这具肉身,可保你三天绝巅生机,就算白一来了你也能逃命,切记守住底线,真灵复苏,一旦他动手,我无法出手救你。” The sound in abyss, is very low and deep, reminded skinny old man carefully. 深渊中的声音,很是低沉,小心提醒枯瘦老者 Present skinny old man, the vitality changes, the Divine Body illusory image enters that fleshly body, the direct ascension, makes a fist slightly, powerful strength overbrims the whole body. 现在的枯瘦老者,生机重新换发,神体幻影进入那具肉身,直接升腾而起,微微握拳,强大的力量注满全身。 For a long time without this type felt, three days of time also enough accomplished.” “好久没有这种感觉了,三天时间也足够成事了。” Must be careful!” “务必小心!” This kindness I take a card clan, will remember!” “这份恩德我拿卡一族,会记住的!” Meanwhile, the northern boundary, and even Heaven Secret Realm, four big Secret Realm presented over a hundred person's shadows simultaneously, these people are like that skinny old man. 与此同时,北境,乃至天界秘境,四大秘境同时出现了上百道人影,这些人都与那位枯瘦老者一样。 Snort! The small advantage to the white king, inheritance appeared in the northern boundary unexpectedly!” “哼!便宜给白君王了,传承者居然出现在了北境!” „!” “呀呀啊!” Countless people received that information, only pitifully, in northern boundary white king. 无数人收到了那份信息,只可惜,在北境只有白君王一人。 Restores certainly the white king of summit strength, shoots up to the sky, from the northern boundary deep place to the class/flow state, to him, only needs three double-hour. 恢复绝巅实力的白君王,冲天而起,从北境深处到流州,对他来说,只需要三个时辰。 If rides Transmission, may be quicker, but in Transmission has Universe space Source, what there assumes personal command is really spirit, perhaps he just went is discovered. 如果乘坐传送阵,可能会快很多,但是传送阵中有着宇宙空间本源,那里坐镇的乃是真灵,他恐怕刚刚进去就会被发现。 The really spirit strength, he is clear. 真灵的实力,他可是清楚的。 Woods of that times ten thousand conceals, making their these old fogies more vigilant. 万藏之森那一次,让他们这些老家伙更加警惕。 I take a card clan, surely again great, True God Palace could not fetter us.” “我拿卡一族,必定再次伟大,真神殿束缚不了我们。” White king! 白君王! one in the Antiquity Era Heaven and Earth vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered powerful Spiritual God, 一位远古时代的纵横天地的强大神灵, Strength far ultra general Rank 6, had entered certainly summit Level. But in True God Palace, cannot go out unable to break through, Source in True God Palace, is corroding him always, he has to discard fleshly body and Source, stepped onto Divine Body lineage/vein. 实力远超一般的六阶,已经进入了绝巅层次。可是在真神殿中,出不去根本无法突破,真神殿内的本源,又在无时无刻的侵蚀他,他不得不舍弃肉身本源,走上了神体一脉。 Now Divine Body 60,000 times, although can only maintain three days of time, but also enough. 如今神体六万多倍,虽然只能维持三天时间,但也够了。 After white Junwang departs air-splitting, abyss of Your Highness ancient also starts to collapse. 白君王破空离去后,古殿下的深渊也开始坍塌。 abyss underground, leaks off a giant eye, later starts to get down gloomily. 深渊地下,漏出一只巨大的眼睛,随后开始暗淡下去。 Cannot count on that this group of idiots, other plans must start, really thinks in the great Divine Clan time!” “也不能太指望这帮蠢货,其它计划也要启动了,真是想念在巨神族的时光啊!” The giant eye pupil vanishes finally. 巨大眼眸最终消失。 On in Qing, the Jian Wushuang calm trend watching the tide pavilion, has not known, has one certainly summit powerhouse, after three double-hour, will arrive at this place, for him. 上清宫内,剑无双从容走向观潮阁,还不知晓,有着一位绝巅强者,三个时辰后就会降临此地,为他而来。 Perhaps the sheep three goal strengths, puts in an appearance must fall from the sky. 羊三目的实力,恐怕一个照面就得陨落。 Even if in that the clear founder acts, could not keep off several rounds. 就算那位上清祖师出手,也挡不了几个回合。 Before the terrifying arrives, the Jian Wushuang heart also has a early warning, always felt that there missed a thing, but is unable to speculate. 恐怖降临之前,剑无双心底也有着一份预警,总感觉那里差了一丝东西,但又无从推测。 After returning to the watching the tide pavilion, after these Emperor powerhouses low keys exchanged greetings, drops the seat. 回到观潮阁后,与那些帝君强者们一阵低调寒暄后,重新落下座位。 Sheep senior, Golden Sword seizes, then goes back! This place also has no special thing probably.” Jian Wushuang passes message that uncomfortable feeling of heart quietly, indeed affected his decision. “羊前辈,金剑夺完,便回去吧!此地好像也没什么特殊的东西。”剑无双悄然传音心底的那一股不舒服的感觉,的确影响到了他的决策。 The original plan, after is to prepare seized the sword to finish, goes to other places of Qing to be attractive, now did not need, good that went back earlier. 原本的打算,是准备夺剑结束后,去上清宫的其它地方好好看看,现在没必要了,还是早点回去的好。 The sheep three items naturally are nothing's issues, immediately passes message the reply, does not have any issue. 羊三目自然是没有任何的问题,当下传音回答,没有任何问题。 Jian Wushuang selected nodded, has not been saying anything, when looks to the arena looked at that Demonic Path giant six way of yang people, has the smile to the square features, is chatting with one Emperor, cannot see anything. 剑无双点了点头,没在说什么,看向擂台时看了一眼那位魔道巨擘六阳道人,对方脸上带着笑容,正与一位帝君谈笑,丝毫看不出任何事情。 However he always felt, this Demonic Path giant time is gazing at him. 但是他总感觉,这位魔道巨擘时刻注视着他。 After casting a sidelong glance, he takes a fresh look to the arena. 瞟了一眼后,他重新看向擂台。 Six way of yang person surface and one side Emperor said is small, the heart is actually surprised. 六阳道人表面与一旁的帝君说小,心底却是惊讶。 He did not know Jian Wushuang just that because of anything. 他不知道剑无双刚刚那一眼,是因为什么。 Looks straight ahead Emperor, but lese majeste, even the Jian Wushuang position is very high, will still know this point, generally will not look straight ahead that Emperor powerhouse. 直视帝君可是大不敬,就算剑无双身份地位很高,也该知晓这一点,一般不会去直视那位帝君强者 If because he just gave the message, Jian Wushuang gazes at him, that may too be terrorist. 如果是因为他刚刚传递消息,剑无双才注视他,那可就太恐怖了。 The technique of transmission news, is day of demon Gate Lord, personally awards, had told him, this grade of transmission technique, let alone Rank 6 Emperor, was working as the lord of temple, will not be detected. 传递消息的手法,乃是天魔门主,亲自授予的,曾经告诉过他,这等传递手法,别说六阶帝君了,就是当着神殿之主,都不会被发觉。 Therefore he so bold Transmission. 所以他才会这般大胆的传送 No matter how, this Jian Wushuang lives is not long, grave Divine Mountain? Ahem, a joke, on these fools when meets the matter!” Six way of yang will of the people bottoms sneer. “不管如何,这剑无双活不长了,墓神山?哼哼,一个笑话罢了,也就这些笨蛋会当会事!”六阳道人心底冷笑。 Matter that he knows, compared with these person of many many. 他知晓的事情,比这些人多的多。 Inheritance and True God Palace, even are the True God things, he knows much. 传承者、真神殿、甚至是真神的事情,他都知晓不少。 The most important thing is, where does he understand himself? 最重要的是,他明白自己在哪儿? Also knows oneself must go! 也知道自己要去哪儿! After knowing this point, he had the lofty goal. 知晓了这一点后,他就有了更远大的目标。 For this goal, dies. 为了这个目标,至死方休。
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