MDSV :: Volume #54

#5321: Dream sword Fairy Maiden

13 people are on the arena, the battle only in A Thought. 十三人登上擂台,争斗只在一念之间。 Jian Wushuang?” 剑无双?” The dream sword Fairy Maiden forehead is chilly, the appearance is revealing the lofty and unyielding character, her sword actually not so. 梦剑仙子眉心清冷,容颜显露着傲骨,她的剑却非如此。 From the beginning, Jian Wushuang has sized up opposite party one eyes slightly, has looked at her sword technique, on Sword Dao is very far, homemade sword technique is actually very general. 从一开始,剑无双只是略微打量过对方一眼,看过她的剑术,剑道上走的很远,自创的剑术却是很一般。 This, her strength can also arrange first eight, is not the person of setting the base. 就这,她的实力还能排进前八,不是垫底之人。 Absolute Art of these 13 Tai'e swords, let these person of practice, simply is the huge waste. 这十三太阿剑的绝学,让这些人修炼,简直就是天大的浪费。 Did not say takes a broad view at Universe, said that this grade of sword technique passes to greatly Si Yu, pulling out 13 people many that they are stronger. 不说放眼宇宙,就说这等剑术传到大司域,拉出十三人都比他们强的多。 In the outside world, Second Grade Source said, at least is complete, does not have any flaw. 在外界,二品本源道,起码是完整的,没有任何的缺陷。 Your excellency came from grave Divine Mountain, is sword cultivator, the girl also just wants to ask for advice 12.” “阁下来自墓神山,又是剑修,小女子也正想讨教一二。” Jian Wushuang, extends the arm, made one to invite the character! 剑无双,伸出手臂,做了一个请字! The wind lets out a noise instantly, excels by far in Er. 刹那风破声,冠绝于耳。 Two people of first fight, wrong body sword shadow all over the sky. 二人第一个交手,错身剑影满天。 One's blood bubbles up to the brim that others look, Jian Wushuang understand, he had not just begun, all these are the dream sword Fairy Maiden methods. 旁人看的热血沸腾,剑无双自己明白,他刚刚就没怎么动手,这一切都是梦剑仙子的手段。 Un? Doesn't Jian Wushuang have a sword probably?” “恩?剑无双好像没出剑?” clear that Emperor can look , other Daoist deities, wished eight forks also to see some ways like that after all his strength was not weak. 帝君们还是能够看的清的,其余一些道君,像那位祝八叉也能看出一些门道,毕竟他的实力不弱。 Disparity is a little big!” “差距有点大!” The Rank 5 Emperor look is sharp, then saw Jian Wushuang is not ordinary. 五阶帝君眼神犀利,一眼便看出了剑无双的不一般。 At first they think that can be a fierce battle, finally dream sword Fairy Maiden does not beat, perhaps now, really fights, dream sword Fairy Maiden cannot stand off three rounds. 开始他们以为会是一场恶战,最终梦剑仙子不敌,现在来看,恐怕真交手,梦剑仙子敌不过三个回合。 Staggers the body, the Jian Wushuang movement transfers, after the whole person, is supine the body, just dream sword Fairy Maiden that sword, was the child crosses each family to him. 错开身,剑无双身法调转,整个人后仰着身躯,刚刚梦剑仙子的那一剑,对他来说就是小孩子过家家。 You do not use unexpectedly, Tai'e sword?” Jian Wushuang actually these sword are having, these people are very how arrogant. “你居然不动用,太阿剑?”剑无双着实为这些剑子们感到头疼,怎么这些人都很自大。 Cannot come up the ruthless move, but also warmed up. 上来不出狠招,还在等热身。 Too odd. 太离谱了。 The expelling wind sword to a great extent, underestimated the opposite party, his strength does not compare to wish eight forks weakly too many, aspect well, oneself gave to ruin obstinately. 追风剑很大程度上,就是小看了对方,他的实力不比祝八叉弱太多,好好的局面,愣是自己给葬送掉了。 Some dream sword Fairy Maiden surprise Jian Wushuang movements, she actually does not know that Jian Wushuang had strided in space Source Level, in the space on, stronger compared with four big Secret Realm Emperor together on many. 梦剑仙子有些诧异剑无双的身法,她却不知道剑无双早已经跨入了空间本源层次,在空间一道上,比四大秘境帝君都要强上不少。 The movement nature left compared with her did not know many Level. 身法自然比她强出了不知道多少个层次 „Don't you have a sword?” Dream sword Fairy Maiden said. “你不也没出剑吗?”梦剑仙子说道。 These words have nothing, he does not have a sword, the opposite party not to have Absolute Art is very normal, everyone is the prestigious family is honest, but regarding Jian Wushuang is actually the shame. 这句话倒也没什么,他都没出剑,对方不出绝学也很正常,大家都是名门正派,但是对于剑无双来说却是耻辱。 Because he does not have one from the start Divine Sword that making a move that takes. 因为他压根就没一把拿的出手的神剑 Blue long sword in dream sword Fairy Maiden hand, such as the dreamland is wonderful, evidently at least is Innate Top Grade Divine Sword. 梦剑仙子手中的淡蓝长剑,如梦境般美妙,看样子至少是一柄先天极品神剑 The opposite party Antiquity Sect family background, having this treasure is very normal, compared with treasure many also indisputable, after all is Antiquity spreads. 对方远古宗门出身,有这种宝物很正常,比外界的宝物多也无可厚非,毕竟是远古流传下来的。 However Jian Wushuang present status, but stems from mysterious grave Divine Mountain, this mystery not only regarding these people, even Jian Wushuang feels very mysterious, because he does not know that grave Divine Mountain where, above has anything. 但是剑无双现在的身份,可是出自神秘的墓神山,这份神秘感不但是对于这些人,连剑无双都感到很神秘,因为他也不知道墓神山在哪儿,上面有什么。 By him this status, puts out eternal Supreme Treasure Divine Sword now, is not overrated. 以他现在这个身份,拿出一柄永恒至宝神剑,都不为过。 But he does not have. 可是他没有。 Body peak Supreme Treasure Gu Jian, since don't hole there collects, cannot come out disgracefully the broken sword with this! 身上就有一把巅峰至宝古剑,还是从莫窿那里搜罗过来的,总不能拿这把破剑出来丢人现眼吧! Mainly, he does not need, or copes with dream sword Fairy Maiden powerhouse so, he does not need to use the sword. 最主要的,还是他不需要,或者说,是对付梦剑仙子这般的强者,他根本不需要动用剑。 To look at his long sword, is not simple. 想看他的长剑,还不简单。 I stand before you, making you look at one time all the way, because is not the sword! 我就站在你面前,让你一次看个够,因为唔即是剑! The Jian Wushuang form twinkle, then vanished when quickly same place, appeared again, in this Chaos space presented Divine Sword of burning hot. 剑无双身影闪烁,很快便消失在了原地,再次出现时,这片混沌空间中出现了一把炙热的神剑 This is the mental effort, Sixth Layer of say/way of Ultimate, the heart sword tries! 这是心力所化,终极之道的第六层,心剑试! Broken!” “破!” ! 噗呲! A sword broken body, the Jian Wushuang speed is fast, is only one instantly, many Emperor have not responded, the dream sword Fairy Maiden body falls faded and fallen. 一剑破体,剑无双的速度非常快,只是一个刹那,很多帝君都没反应过来,梦剑仙子的身躯就飘零而落。 This sword, no wound to Source of opposite party, here after all is on Qing, 这一剑,没有伤到对方的本源,这里毕竟是上清宫, Must grasp the criterion. Makes the Source shake of opposite party, the strength slide instantaneously, the whole person somewhat cannot come to a stop, direct faded and fallen in hybrid space, drops in the ground. 要把握好尺度。只是让对方的本源震荡,实力瞬间下滑,整个人都有些站不稳,直接飘零在混动空间,跌落在地面。 Jian Wushuang is bows the head to look, the physique like the sword, buzz the cry makes noise. 剑无双则是俯首望去,身姿如剑,嗡鸣作响。 That is the complementary waves! 那是余波! The sword cry of complementary waves, making one immerse. 余波的剑鸣,让人沉醉。 His both hands somewhat shiver, just when punctured the body of falling asleep sword Fairy Maiden, that evil thought that floods in the entire mind instantaneously. 他的双手都有些颤抖,刚刚刺入梦剑仙子的身体时,那一股邪恶的念头,瞬间充斥进整个脑海之中。 He on the suppression oneself thought that was almost good because of the sound of sword cry, has been reminding him. 他差点就压制不了自己的念头,好在剑鸣之声,一直在提醒着他。 The swallowed thought that is startled again, making him adapt very much. 吞噬的念头,再次惊起,让他很适应。 A breakthrough, had mainly arrived at Sixth Layer extremely, this stage is most uncomfortable, progresses quickly. 主要还是极道的突破,已经到了第六层,这个阶段是最难受的,也是进步最快的。 Part of reasons are four big Secret Realm indigenous, their Source were too frail, really must swallow, perhaps will be very easy. 还有一部分原因是四大秘境的土著,他们的本源太脆弱了,真要吞噬起来,恐怕会很容易。 Dream sword Fairy Maiden Sword Dao Source, he had confidence that swallows half. 梦剑仙子剑道本源,他有把握吞噬一半。 Before was to swallow 10%, now increases to half directly, swallowed the fifty immortal perhaps unable to achieve, but four big Secret Realm fifty immortals, was these Daoist deities, to him, was too frail. 以前都是吞噬10%,现在直接增加到了一半,吞噬外界的大衍仙恐怕还做不到,但是四大秘境的大衍仙,也就是这些道君们,对于他来说,太脆弱了。 Here, Sword Dao instead not Taihang, on Absolute Art having no way ratio. 在这里,剑道反而不太行,绝学上没法比。 Said extremely actually adapts to here, by said merely, he can ask the head of Daoist deity. 极道却非常适应这里,仅仅凭借极道,他就能问道道君之首。 Only was that terrifying strength of Emperor swallowing comes to avoid. 光是那恐怖的吞噬之力帝君来了都得躲避。 This is the heaven defying Daoist deity. 这才是逆天道君。 Even obtaining enlightenment, must withdraw. 连得道者,都要退避。 Also has many Rank 1 Rank 2 Emperor in four big Secret Realm, these Emperor position are low, even these lines cannot compare. 在四大秘境同样有着很多一阶二阶帝君,这些帝君的地位非常低,连那些道子都比不上。 Has good of background, makes Deacon in Sect, something cannot always make powerhouse manage. 有背景的还好,在宗门内做个执事,有些事情不能总让强者去办。 Like going to outside Qing, Emperor that these welcome and see off, mostly is Deacon, but these people as getting up the face of Qing, cannot be too weak, mostly is Rank 2 Emperor. 就像上清宫外,那些迎来送往的帝君,大多都是执事,不过这些人作为上清宫的脸面,也不能太弱了,大多都是二阶帝君 These do not have the background may be miserable, the low-key point is good. 那些没有背景的可就惨了,低调点还行。 Otherwise will be chased down by these heaven defying Daoist deities. 不然就会被那些逆天道君追杀。 Each one heaven defying Daoist deity, before gathering will seek for some Emperor to challenge. 一位逆天道君,在合道前都会去寻找一些帝君挑战。 Strength insufficient challenges Rank 1 Emperor, lost moving out, won did not die continuous, cut to kill one Emperor to gather again said, making the imposing manner fuller. 实力不够的就去挑战一阶帝君,输了全身而退,赢了不死不休,斩杀一位帝君再去合道,让气势更足。 This is also the small and weak sorrow. 这也算是弱小的悲哀。 In Primitive Universe, this grade of fifty immortal are few, these Emperor no one will fear a fifty immortal, the comprehension day leaves badly. 原始宇宙,这等大衍仙非常少,那些帝君没人会怕一个大衍仙,道的领悟天差地别。 Inserts one, I in mew mew read app recently 】 The book source are many, books entire, renews quickly! 插一句,我最近在咪咪阅读app】书源多,书籍全,更新快! Computation weakest Emperor, that also grasped space Source, arrived at perfection own Source say/way, comprehended to have the space. 计算最弱的帝君,那也是掌握了空间本源,将自己的本源道走到了圆满,参悟出了空间。 In the divergent temple may be different, these Emperor, when Rank 3, comprehends space Source. 歧神殿内可不一样,这些帝君,只有三阶时,才参悟到空间本源 Many Rank 2 Emperor, just touched the space Source threshold, might as well fifty immortal. 很多二阶帝君,都是刚刚触摸到了空间本源的门槛,还不如外界的大衍仙。 Was worse as for these Emperor, has almost not struck the eye to the space Source threshold. 至于那些帝君就更差了,几乎没有触目到空间本源门槛的。 Just the strength that he exposed, making above these Emperor surprised, all was not the potential of his steamroll, but familiar with space. 刚刚他展露的实力,让上方那些帝君惊讶,不全是他的碾压之势,而是对空间的熟悉。 Is the space Source aura!” “是空间本源的气息!”
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