MDSV :: Volume #54

#5318: The thing of vanishing

Sits in rear Emperor, you have a look at my me to have a look at you, the discerning people can see, sits in the first row of big shot is playing, next good luck to not play mutually, but is the statement. 坐在后方的帝君,你看看我我看看你,明眼人都能看出,都是坐在第一排的大佬在玩,互相下彩头可不是为了玩,而是表态。 A side is the support day of demon gate, a side is to support Qing. 一方是支持天魔门,一方是支持上清宫。 Two big super Sect, although not in same state, but the battle will often happen, after all so Great Sect, vision already not in place of city state. 两大超级宗门,虽然不在同一州,但是争斗可是时常都会发生的,毕竟如此大宗门,眼界早已不在一城一州之地了。 Said is the good luck, now nine sword Elder there, almost accumulate over a million god stones, not Shaoqi spends the different fruit. 说是彩头,现在九剑长老那里,差不多累计了上百万的神石,还有不少奇花异果。 The total value surpassed 2 million god stones. 总价值超过了两百万神石。 The so huge gambling stake, has compared favorably with some Rank 4 Emperor net worth. 如此庞大的赌注,已经媲美一些四阶帝君的身家了。 In four big Secret Realm, Rank 4 Emperor is also top powerhouse, Rank 5 is man of the hour, Rank 6 Emperor is peak powerhouse of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse, these talents are vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the person who plays in the surfs of Heaven. 在四大秘境,四阶帝君也是顶级强者,五阶则是风云人物,六阶帝君都是神龙见首不见尾的巅峰强者,这些人才是纵横天界的弄潮儿。 Wait!” “等等!” When nine sword Elder, preparation stopping selling, the Demonic Path fierce and ambitious six way of yang people, broke. 就在九剑长老,准备封盘时,魔道枭雄六阳道人,一声打断了。 What's wrong, six Yang brothers, but also wants the replenishment!” Nine sword Elder with a smile. “怎么,六阳兄,还要加注!”九剑长老含笑一声。 Six way of yang people, are actually the brow tip one slanting, despises saying: This treasure this Eminence also looks does not glance, I proposed that these two little fellows, who won, these treasures turn over to anyone, everyone should unable to have a liking for these treasures!” 六阳道人,却是眉梢一斜,蔑视道:“这点宝物本座还看不上眼,我提议这两个小家伙,谁赢了,这些宝物就归谁,各位应该看不上这些宝物吧!” Others, first gawked, later laughs. 其余人,先是愣了一下,随后哈哈大笑。 This proposed, I supported!” “这个提议好,我支持!” The Great Elder decision complied, others naturally do not have the opinion. 大长老都拍板答应了,其余人自然没有意见。 2 million god stones, if general Rank 4 Emperor will also possibly be shouting, but can be first row of several Rank 4 Emperor, which is not the Sect future back, strength each direct access to the highest authorities, has the peak Rank 4 strength, that god family/home is not hundred million. 两百万神石而已,若是一般的四阶帝君可能还会在呼,可能够位列第一排的几位四阶帝君,哪一个不是宗门未来的脊梁,实力各个通天,都有着巅峰四阶的战力,那个神家不是过亿。 Who will have a liking for this treasure. 谁会看上这点宝物。 Not to mention these Rank 5 Emperor, they already to the god stone to the degree of not caring about. 更别提那些五阶帝君了,他们早已经对神石到了不在乎的程度。 Also only then some powerful treasures and Cultivation Technique, can attract them. 也只有一些强大的宝物与功法,才能吸引到他们。 Jian Wushuang in the one side, the looked eyes shines, but does not dare to reveal. 剑无双在一旁,看的双眼放光,不过也不敢表露出来。 The heart is actually dark startled, these Antiquity Sect are really filthy rich. 心底却是暗惊,这些远古宗门真是财大气粗。 According to his present understanding, the purchasing power of 2 million god stones, surpassed the Rank 4 Emperor net worth. 就按他现在的理解,两百万神石的购买力,超出了外界四阶帝君的身家了。 Except for some heaven defying character, for example wind and rain Demon Monarch, she has eternal Supreme Treasure, but is also quite poor. 除了个别的逆天人物,比如风雨魔君,她有永恒至宝,但也有比较穷的。 For example True Martial that he knows is positive, although too did not understand, but can also see from the surface, the True Martial Yang net worth can have 2 million god stones to be good. 比如他知晓的真武阳,虽然不太了解,但是从表面也能看出,真武阳的身家能有两百万神石就不错了。 The key is the outside world has the different fruit treasures of many vanishing, in the Antiquity civilization is the sloppy ordinary treasure. 关键是外界有很多绝迹的异果宝物,在远古文明中都是稀松平常的宝物。 For example that Sword Dao source fruit, the outside world simply does not have, has also wants the weak many fruits compared with this. 比如那份剑道源果,外界根本没有,有也是比这要弱的多的果实。 In Universe simply does not have this and other mysterious treasures, has on the deep place of Time and Space river, may go to there threshold is Rank 5 Emperor, even Rank 5 Emperor may fall from the sky. 宇宙内根本没有这等神奇宝物,也就时空长河的深处才有,可去那里的门槛都是五阶帝君,甚至五阶帝君都有可能陨落。 But in four big Secret Realm, Sword Dao source although rare, coming out that but common Emperor can take, after all without vanishing, no matter many trillion years can be born, throughout are increasing, have the source then to make its value drop. 可是在四大秘境中,剑道源果虽然稀有,但寻常帝君还是能够拿的出来的,毕竟没有绝迹,不管多少亿万年才能诞生,始终都在增加,有源头便会让它的价值下降。 A thought that searches high and low in the Xumi world. 一丝念头,在须弥世界四处寻找。 This gambling house, he starts also to participate, but hears the final treasure to fall to the two people of hands of war, Jian Wushuang had no interest this. 这个赌局,他开始也想参加,但是听到最终宝物都会落到对战的二人手中,剑无双也没这个兴趣了。 Is mainly poor, otherwise really thinks that the big hand wields, puts out some treasures, adds to the fun. 主要还是穷,不然真想大手一挥,拿出一些宝物,助助兴。 The Jian Wushuang vision sweeps to the arena, gets a sudden inspiration. 剑无双目光扫向擂台,灵机一动。 Nine sword Elder, first please wait a bit, here actually treasure, can treat as the good luck!” “九剑长老,先请稍等一下,我这里倒是有一件宝物,可以当做彩头!” Whish! 哗! His palm, the one dazzling crystal column appeared in the hand. 他的手掌一番,一颗耀眼晶柱出现在了手中。 This once was in the treasure of Qiu Huang there exchange, restores Source to use, moreover is essential treasure that restores Ultimate Source to need, this grade of treasure four big Secret Realm cannot use, was collected early by Four Temples. 这是曾在邱煌那里兑换的宝物,恢复本源用的,而且是恢复终极本源所需要的关键宝物,这等宝物四大秘境用不上,早被四殿搜集完了。 Executes the immortal god stone!” “诛仙神石!” On clear Palace Lord, meditates one, in the look is passing a strange color. 上清宫主,默念一声,眼神中透着一股奇异之色。 After other Rank 5 Emperor hear this name, shakes, they know that the Jian Wushuang background is not ordinary, is the person of god grave, 其他五阶帝君听到这个名字后,也是为之一震,他们都知道剑无双的背景不一般,乃是神墓之人, Has not actually thought that he can put out this and other long-lost treasures. In the Jian Wushuang heart trembles, this treasure he when Qiu Huang there exchange, spent 15 ten thousand Supreme Treasure points, converts to become the god stone, at least 300,000. 却没想到他能够拿出这等消失已久的宝物。剑无双心中一颤,这件宝物他在邱煌那里兑换时,花了十五万至宝点,换算成为神石,最少三十万。 The key is this treasure, has vanished in four big Secret Realm. 关键是这件宝物,在四大秘境中已经绝迹。 Even if wants unable to obtain. 就算想要也得不到。 As for its use, is unable to search. 至于它的用处,更是无从查找。 Besides has the overflow to Ultimate Source, this treasure once executed in which same place on immortal stone together, can temper Source, is a rare practice treasure. 除了对终极本源有溢出外,这件宝物曾经是一块诛仙石上的其中一块,可以磨炼本源,算是一件难得的修炼宝物。 Regarding these people, the value of this treasure, over 500,000 god stones. 对于这些人来说,这件宝物的价值,超过五十万神石。 This little friend, such important treasure, treats as the good luck, somewhat wasted, might as well sell to the old man!” “这位小友,如此重要的宝物,当做彩头,有些浪费了,不如卖给老夫!” Pair of eyes burning hot that the Demonic Path fierce and ambitious six way of yang people look. 魔道枭雄六阳道人看的双眼炙热。 This treasure overflows enormously to him. 这件宝物对他溢出极大。 Jian Wushuang shakes the head, indifferently opens the mouth saying: ” This treasure, my two sides, I do not guess them to be even, if lost, whatever the treasure you handle, won other treasures to turn over to me, this treasure granted in the winner to their two people! „ 剑无双摇了摇头,淡淡开口道:”这件宝物,我两边都不下,我猜他们双方平手,如果输了,宝物任凭你们处置,赢了其余宝物归我,这件宝物就赏赐给他们二人之中的胜者!“ Good, I support this proposition!” “好,我赞成这个提议!” Six way of yang people comply directly, although others to this treasure some interests, but does not have six Yang is so urgent. 六阳道人直接答应,其余人虽然对这件宝物有些兴趣,但也没有六阳那么迫切。 However the Jian Wushuang status is special, Rank 5 peak Emperor that the side some one cannot completely understand, this face must give, immediately also unmanned opposition. 不过剑无双的身份特殊,身旁又有一位看不透的五阶巅峰帝君,这个面子还是要给的,当下也无人反对。 On Qing takes the host, naturally cannot, because some minor matters and guests have the dispute. 上清宫作为东道主,自然不会因为一些小事与客人起争执。 We wait!” “那我们就拭目以待吧!” Nine sword Elder show a faint smile to say. 九剑长老微微一笑道。 However looks to the Jian Wushuang form, in the look is also disclosing a remaining unmoved look. 不过看向剑无双的身影,眼神中也透露着一丝不为所动的神色。 The person of god grave, the body really has very big secret. 神墓之人,身上果然有着很大的秘密。 The treasure of vanishing, can put out conveniently. 绝迹的宝物,随手就能拿出。 It seems like in four big Secret Realm, the later day will not be perhaps peaceful. 看来四大秘境中,以后的日子恐怕不会太平了。 He was also on the top character in Qing, the matters of some secrets, compared with want many many that others knew. 他也算是上清宫内的最顶层的人物了,一些隐秘之事,比其他人知道的要多的多。 The Yuan eunuch establishes, the position and temple are impartial, this matter has spread. 元老宫建立,地位与神殿持平,这件事情早就传开了。 Currently also has the Daoist deity on grave Divine Mountain to come to travel, powerful Emperor accompanying of Yuan eunuch, all these are warning them, the day must change. 现在又有墓神山上的道君前来游历,还有元老宫的强大帝君相伴,这一切都在警示着他们,天要变了。 Later not only the temple is pressing them, Yuan eunuch, even is the mysterious guest on grave Divine Mountain. 以后不光神殿压着他们,还有元老宫,甚至是墓神山上的神秘来客。 Jian Wushuang may not have many that they think, he only wants to take least treasures, fishes for the maximum value, 13 Golden Sword, this time could not run away, the next round he must arrive surely. 剑无双可没有他们这些人想的多,他只想拿最少的宝物,捞取最大的价值,十三把金剑,这次是跑不掉了,下一轮他必定要登场。 These old fogies, wants to probe his strength, but does not dare to open the mouth rashly. 这些老家伙们,也想试探他的实力,只是不敢贸然开口罢了。 The idea that he there is no, makes a move to expose the strength to be nothing for Golden Sword, he will to not manage these people to think anything. 他对此却没有任何的想法,为了金剑出手展露实力算不了什么,他可不会管这些人想什么。 The sky collapsed in any case, the tall person is going against. 反正天塌了,个子高的人上去顶着。 Held appreciatively the jade board on thumb, the Jian Wushuang vision was going to the arena. 把玩着大拇指上的玉板子,剑无双眼光投向了擂台上。 Wish the contests of eight fork and expelling wind sword, indeed calculates on splendid two characters. 祝八叉与追风剑的争夺战,的确算的上精彩二字。
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