MDSV :: Volume #54

#5317: Good luck

Thinks slightly, yes! 略微一想,也是! Later their these inheritance, after moving into four big Secret Realm, the position is very high, in the future absolutely will be high-level, these indigenous Emperor will tie Karma is also normal. 以后他们这些传承者,入驻四大秘境后,地位可是很高的,未来绝对是高层,这些土著帝君来结个因果也正常。 From sheep's horn old man there, he also knew many secret information, for example they will enroll in the future in grave Divine Mountain, behind will also go to Heaven, moving into the White Tiger palace or is a Yuan eunuch. 从羊角老头那里,他也得知了不少的隐秘信息,比如将来他们挂名在墓神山,后面还会前往天界,入驻白虎殿或者是元老宫。 In the future the potential is infinite, their first group of inheritance, following have the innumerable inheritance arrival. 将来潜力无限,他们还是第一批传承者,后续还会有着无数传承者到来。 According to their views, the time is infinite, soon, entire four big Secret Realm is their world, will wield the divergent temple in the future is not the issue. 按照他们的看法,时间无限,用不了多久,整个四大秘境都是他们的天下,甚至未来执掌歧神殿都不是问题。 Otherwise does the divergent temple, recruit so many inheritance to do? 不然歧神殿,招收这么多传承者干嘛? Rears in a pen? 圈养? Is impossible, the back has the goal absolutely. 根本不可能,背后绝对会有着目的。 The sheep's horn old man, how long lived did not know, what world has not seen, this matter he was the understanding, initially may have many big shot, gave his many advantage in private, asking him to build various class Supreme Treasure, consolidates own influence. 羊角老头,活了不知道多长时间了,什么世面没见过,这种事情他最是了解,当初可有不少的大佬,私下给了他很多的好处,求他打造各类的至宝,来稳固自己的势力。 This is also an upfront investment. 这也算是一种提前投资。 boy, do not look at these powerhouse high, do not despise them.” 小子,不要高看那些强者,也不要小看他们。” Jian Wushuang nodded! 剑无双点头 Although Rank 6 powerhouse is strong, but also has own demand, the divergent temple is really spirit, as inheritance, sooner or later will one day contact core Level. 六阶强者虽强,但也有着自己的需求,歧神殿是真灵的,作为传承者,早晚有一天会接触核心层次 Now gives him this inheritance advantage, can calculate anything. 现在给他这位传承点好处,又能算的了什么。 Moreover Rank 6 Emperor, intending is not small. 而且六阶帝君,出手可不会小了。 Puts out to select the thing casually, lets his fifty immortal, profits infinitely. 随便拿出点好东西,就让他这个大衍仙,受益无穷。 But here Heaven Secret Realm, is retaining the brilliance of antiquity. 这里可是天界秘境,保留着上古的光彩。 Absolute Art Secret Technique, Supreme Treasure rare treasure, what are many are. 绝学秘术,至宝异宝,多的是。 On especially non- world Absolute Art in Qing, the Tai'e sword makes him covet very much. 特别是上清宫内的不世绝学,太阿剑就很让他眼热。 13 Tai'e swords spread, have such strength, with Tai'e Absolute Art, has very big relations. 十三位太阿剑传入,有如此实力,与太阿绝学,有着很大关系。 This time, day demon gate Young Master fate, lets Jian Wushuang attention especially. 这一次,天魔门少主下场,也让剑无双格外的注意。 Such powerhouse to the war, can examine the great strength of Tai'e sword. 此等强者的对战,才能检验太阿剑的强大。 Thump! 咚! Outer space Daybreak. 太空破晓 stream of light has delimited, 13 Challenger, fell the corresponding arena respectively. 道流光划过,十三位挑战者,各自落到了相应的擂台。 Wish eight forks to sway from side to side fat, fell on the 13 th arena. 祝八叉扭动着一身的肥肉,落在了第十三座擂台。 Heard early, 13 sword, the Tai'e sword of wave wind, is especially swift and fierce, today asks for advice!” “早听闻了,十三剑子,浪风的太阿剑,格外凌厉,今日就来讨教一番!” 13 sword, said the number to expel wind, his sword in swift and fierce, on the one hand, was indeed powerful, but the weakness also had that is Divine Body and fleshly body is too weak, although there is a Innate Supreme Treasure armor, but defended this aspect is still he biggest weakness. 十三剑子,道号追风,他的剑在凌厉一方面,的确非常强大,但是弱点也有那就是神体肉身太弱,虽然有先天至宝铠甲,但是防御这方面依然是他最大的弱点。 His swordsmanship also is very often sharp, every will fall into the hopeless situation by oneself one time, is good is flexible when the speed, the opponent has not bumped into his body, was defeated. 他的剑法往往也很犀利,每一次都会让自身陷入绝境,好在速度上面非常灵活,对手还未碰到他的身体时,便被击败。 Expelling wind sword! 追风剑! He rubbish, the flowing light has delimited, then runs out air-splitting, in hand narrow blade long sword, draws out instantaneously, kills to wishing eight forks. 他也不废话,流光划过,便破空冲出,手中窄刃长剑,瞬间拔出,杀向祝八叉。 Snort!” Wish eight forks to stand in same place, is entirely still. “哼!”祝八叉站在原地,纹丝不动。 When to/clashes to the expelling wind sword, Demon Flame shoots up to the sky, no front heavy sword suddenly appears, blocked expelling wind sword directly. 待到追风剑冲来之时,魔焰冲天而起,一把无锋重剑突然出现,直接挡住了追风剑子。 Clang! 锵! Strikes keeps off, the expelling wind sword returns to the sword rapidly, turned around then to spread out. 一击被挡,追风剑迅速回剑,转身便拉开了距离。 Wish the reputations of eight forks, he has listened. 祝八叉的名头,他听过。 Although no front heavy sword powerful force, but also is too unwieldy, so long as he regarding wishing eight forks non-stop harassing, naturally can make the opposite party leak off the flaw, at the appointed time defeats to guard, wish eight forks to defeat. 无锋重剑虽然威力强大,但是却又太笨重,他只要围绕祝八叉不停骚扰,自然会让对方漏出破绽,届时一击破防,将祝八叉击败。 Then his idea, wish eight forks also to understand, before going on stage, made the preparation. 他的这一想法,祝八叉也明白,上场前便做了准备。 The arena looks like in the person, the square length and breadth is only dozens li (0.5 km), but the interior is actually a microcosm, surrounding area infinite distance. 擂台在外界人看来,四四方方长宽只有数十里,但是内部却是一座小世界,方圆无限距离。 In the palm the treasure. 乃是掌中之宝。 Will not limit the display of cultivator. 并不会限制修行者的发挥。 „Will you only run?” “你只会跑吗?” Facing the sneak attack of expelling wind sword, delimits to rule out, wish eight forks to remain unmoved, every can resist one time ingeniously. 面对追风剑的次次偷袭,划来划去,祝八叉不为所动,每一次都能巧妙抵挡。 The expelling wind straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards first selects, the strength of this demon gate tycoon, surprises him somewhat, this way defeated the hope of opposite party to be extremely uncertain. 追风剑眉头一挑,这位魔门巨子的实力,着实让他有些意外,这样下去击败对方的希望太过渺茫了。 Tycoon strength, underestimated actually.” Expelling wind sword blade shape like wind, floating like world. “巨子实力了得,倒是小看了。”追风剑身形如风,飘然如世。 In watching the tide pavilion, 观潮阁上, The palm perspiration that many Daoist deities look, is obviously looking to the battle on 13 th arena. The battles on other arenas are desolate at this time. 不少道君看的手心出汗,明显都在看向第十三擂台上的争斗。其余擂台上的争斗此时已经落寞了。 But battles on 13 arena, just start now. 而十三擂台上的争斗,现在才刚刚开始。 Jian Wushuang looks some were itchy. 剑无双看的都有些手痒了。 That Emperor of demon gate, the complexion has the happy expression, is very confident to this battle. 魔门的那位帝君,脸色带着笑意,对这场争斗很是有信心。 Nine Brother Jian, you look at these two later generations, whose odds of success greatly.” “九剑兄,你看这两个后辈,谁的胜算大一点。” Stands in frontline nine sword Elder, brow slightly pressed, this demon gate giant seems like comes prepared! 站在最前方的九剑长老,眉头微蹙,这位魔门巨擘看来是有备而来啊! Does not need he to start talking, the Great Elder opens the mouth of heads of nine sword. 不待他开口说话,九剑之首的大长老开口了。 Because on the field that Tai'e sword, is his Honorary Disciple, once about the success, in the future will be his Direct Disciple, now naturally must say anything. 因为场上那位太阿剑,乃是他的记名弟子,一旦合道成功,将来就是他的亲传弟子了,现在自然要开口说点什么。 Six Yang fellow daoist, why the competition between juniors care about the victory and loss, to compare notes!” “六阳道友,小辈之间的比试何必太在意输赢,一切都是为了切磋罢了!” The demon gate giant six southeast demons, the eye pupil jet black piece, turns the head to look to Great Elder of heads of that nine sword, saying of Yin offense: Great Elder, the words so did not say, comparing notes between juniors, can see the future of school.” 魔门巨擘六阳天魔,眼眸漆黑一片,转头看向那位九剑之首的大长老,阴戾的说道:“大长老,话可不是这般说的,小辈之间的切磋,才能看出门派的未来。” Good! Since this, were inferior that each one selects the good luck, who has a look at these two juniors who is weak, has a look who is the strongest person!” “好!既然这样,不如各自来点彩头,看看这两位小辈谁强谁弱,看看谁是最强之人!” Great Elder, waited is this decides immediately the decision. 大长老,等的就是这一当下拍板决定。 The opposite party have the generation to come, they are are not a vegetarian, but here on Qing, the expelling wind sword is his disciple, he is familiar with his strength compared with anybody. 对方有辈而来,他们也不是吃素的,这里可是上清宫,追风剑是他的弟子,他比任何人都熟悉他的实力。 On two Rank 5 peak Emperor bars, many people looked to here, obviously waits to watch the good play. 两位五阶巅峰帝君杠上了,不少人都看向了这边,显然等着看好戏。 The person of demon gate, the conduct is unscrupulous, the words spoke in this, on Qing took the prestigious family to be honest, naturally cannot fall leeward. 魔门之人,行事肆无忌惮,话都说到这份上了,上清宫作为名门正派,自然不能落了下风。 „, Worthily is on Qing Great Elder, the exit|to speak is refreshed.” “啧啧,不愧是上清宫大长老,出口就是爽快。” The Demonic Path giant, six Yang Demon Lord waves, then put out 200,000 god stones, floats when the body, comes when the anxiety of walking, without belt/bring what good thing, then with these gods, when good luck! 魔道巨擘,六阳魔主一挥手,便拿出了二十万神石,漂浮在身前,来时走的急,没带什么好东西,便拿这些神时,当彩头吧! Under recommendation, Mew mew read app The sincerity is good, being worth the book friends installing, the Android apple cell phone supports! 推荐下,【咪咪阅读app】真心不错,值得书友都装个,安卓苹果手机都支持! 200,000 god stones, have exceeded many Rank 3 Emperor complete worth. 二十万神石,已经超过了不少的三阶帝君全部身价了。 On Qing Great Elder, refuses to admit being inferior, but he takes when is not a god, but is the one surface clear fruit. 上清宫大长老,也不甘示弱,只是他拿出来的不是神时,而是一颗表面圆润的果实。 This is, Sword Dao source fruit, the good treasure of valuable no city!” “这是,剑道源果,有价无市的好宝贝啊!” Present mostly is sword cultivator, how could not to know this grade of Sword Dao treasure, drops down suddenly cold air. 在座的大多都是剑修,岂能不认识这等剑道宝物,一时间纷纷倒下一口凉气。 Jian Wushuang in one side is also being jealous that looks, that fruit gives his attraction to be big. 剑无双在一旁也是看的眼红,那颗果实给他的吸引力非常大。 Sits in first row of dozens Emperor, sees this secretly, puts out some treasures somewhat, but the value is ordinary, only has about tens of thousands god stones, after all below two people do not have the big relations with them. 坐在第一排的数十位帝君,看到这一幕后,也多多少少拿出一些宝物,不过价值都一般,只有几万神石左右,毕竟下方二人跟他们没多大的关系。 These treasures, are taken care by nine Brother Jian!” “这些宝物,就由九剑兄来保管!” Does not have the issue!” “没问题!” Nine sword Elder show a faint smile, although 13 Tai'e swords are their people on one's own side, but since now were the notary public, that cannot have any favoring. 九剑长老微微一笑,虽然十三太阿剑是他们自己人,可现在既然做了公证人,那就不能有任何的偏袒。 „Under fellow fellow daoist, may have to want the good luck?” “各位道友,可还有要下彩头的吗?”
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