MDSV :: Volume #45

#4408: Last Divine Thunder

Overbearing! 霸道! After Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor this word falls, incomparably overbearing bone-chilling cold aura sends out, audience deathly stillness! 霸族老祖此言落下之后,一股无比霸道凛冽的气息散发开来,全场死寂! Everyone all dull looks at Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor, the facial expression delay to the extreme. 所有人皆是呆呆的看着霸族老祖,神情呆滞到了极点。 Long Bai stubbornly grips the tight fist, a pair of snow white pupil contracts crazily, complexion pale to the extreme. 龙柏死死的攥紧拳头,一双雪白的眸子疯狂收缩,脸色铁青到了极点。 He does not doubt the words that Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor spoke, this Lunatic is always lawless, coming out that anything makes! 他丝毫不怀疑霸族老祖所说的话语,这个疯子向来无法无天,什么事情都做的出来! I... letter/believes!!!” “我...信!!!” Finally, Long Bai extremely difficult squeezes out these words from the tooth gap between teeth. 终于,龙柏极其艰难的从牙齿缝里挤出这句话。 Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor hears word, despises immediately smiles, opens the mouth saying: Long Bai, you compared with your Elder Brother Long Ye, may miss far.” 霸族老祖闻言,顿时轻蔑一笑,开口道:“龙柏,你比你哥哥龙烨,可差远了。” This word falls, the Long Bai complexion became uglier. 此言一落,龙柏脸色变得更难看了起来。 Until now, Long Ye in the middle of Dragon Clan then strong his head, although is the brothers relates, is actually a heart knot in Long Bai heart. 一直以来,龙烨龙族当中便强过他一头,虽然是兄弟关系,却是龙柏心中的一个心结。 Reason that his time invited the war on own initiative, tramples flat Life Divine Palace, then wants to prove oneself were abler than Long Ye! 他这次之所以主动邀战,来踏平生命神宫,便是想证明自己比龙烨更有能力! After all, Long Ye tramples flat Life Divine Palace previous time, but ends in failure. 毕竟,龙烨上一次踏平生命神宫,可是以失败告终。 Deeply inspires, the Long Bai vision first looks to Jian Wushuang, then looks to White Ape, stuffy snort/hum said: 深吸了一口气,龙柏目光先是看向剑无双,然后看向白猿,闷哼说道: White Ape, you determined that can guarantee Jian Wushuang? My truth told you, Jian Wushuang has gotten up my Dragon Clan to Must Kill List, depending on your, could not guarantee him!” 白猿,你确定要保剑无双?我实话跟你说,剑无双已经上了我龙族杀名单,光凭你一人,保不了他!” Today even my Long Bai retreats, when to will soon still have other Dragon Clan powerhouse to visit, if really and other Dragon Clan provoked me, two generations of these remote ancestor level Dragon Emperor, possibly have not necessarily revived, personally visits! “今日就算我龙柏退去了,待到不久也会有其他龙族强者登门,若是实在将我等龙族惹恼了,二代的那些远祖级龙帝,未必没有可能苏醒过来,亲自登门! When the time comes, your does White Ape block with what? ” 到时候,你白猿拿什么来拦?” Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor heard that the word look has no change, returns indifferently said: Long Bai, your words were too many, it seems like you really want to turn into the dragon's head soup.” 霸族老祖闻言神色没有任何变化,漠然回道:“龙柏,你的话太多了,看来你是真想变成龙头汤了。” You!” “你!” Long Bai hears word, immediately the complexion again becomes pale. 龙柏闻言,顿时脸色再度变得铁青。 A dreadful anger, in his chest flaming combustion. 一股滔天怒火,在他胸口熊熊燃烧。 He expensive/noble is Third Generation Dragon Clan, is Invincible Supreme, when had been so shamed under glare of the public eye? 他贵为第三代龙族,又是无敌至尊,何时被人在众目睽睽之下如此羞辱过? If not told him sanely, oneself were far from the Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor opponent, could not have repressed the innermost feelings killing intent, fought to the death with Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor! 若非是理智告诉他,自己远非霸族老祖的对手,早已按捺不住内心的杀意,与霸族老祖决一死战! White Ape, this time I acknowledge that the punishment is deserved!” 白猿,这次我认栽!” Deeply after inspiring, Long Bai turns around to walk. 深吸了一口气之后,龙柏转身就走。 He looks dull in nearby Long Qing, immediately stared his one eyes wickedly, scolded: Waste, do you also want to continue dull here disgraceful?” 他看着呆愣在一旁的龙青,顿时恶狠狠的瞪了他一眼,呵斥道:“废物,你还想继续呆在这里丢人现眼吗?” Then, his long body, changes to a height absolutely zhang (3.33 m) giant White Dragon , after sending out a dragon howls, the figure in Void shuttles back and forth, left this place. 说完,他长身而起,化作一头身长万万丈的巨大白龙,发出一声龙啸之后,身形在虚空穿梭,离开了此地。 Long Qing first is unwilling looked at Jian Wushuang, immediately looked at Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor, the whole body hit to startle. 龙青先是不甘的看了一眼剑无双,随即又看了一眼霸族老祖,浑身打了个激灵。 This is threatened that must the peerless ruthless person who his Third Uncle Long Bai hits the hot pot dragon's head soup, cannot stir up. 这可是扬言要将他三叔龙柏都打下来煲龙头汤的绝世狠人,惹不起惹不起。 ~! 咻~! His form, disappeared in similarly same place. 他的身影,同样消失在了原地。 But that Azure Dog Supreme did not have good luck that he lowered the head, pretends that others could not see him, just wants suspicious departure, to see Nine Tribulations King to stand in his back, held down his shoulder, sound spooky saying: 而那青犬至尊就没那么好运了,他低着头,假装别人看不见他,刚想偷偷摸摸的离开,就看到九劫王站在了他的背后,一把按住他的肩膀,声音幽幽的说道: „Do you want to go?” “你想去哪?” His whole body one stiff. 他浑身一僵。 ...... ...... In Life Divine Palace battlefield, a silence, only then Thunder Tribulation of Jian Wushuang top of the head, still had bang the loud sound, seems breeding destroying heaven extinguishing earth strikes! 生命神宫战场上,一片寂静,只有剑无双头顶的雷劫,仍旧发出轰隆巨响,似乎在孕育毁天灭地的一击! Others all gaze at Jian Wushuang from afar, in the heart are clutching. 其他人皆是远远的注视着剑无双,心中揪起。 Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor raised the head to narrow the eye to look at Thunder Tribulation, later shook the head saying: This Chaos Thunder Tribulation altogether has 18, together compared with together bad risk, last, is the beforehand all Thunder Tribulation prestige can the sum total, Jian Wushuang this boy, only feared that was hard to cross.” 霸族老祖抬头眯起眼睛看了一眼雷劫,随后摇头说道:“这混沌雷劫共有十八道,一道更比一道凶险,其中最后一道,更是之前所有雷劫威能的总和,剑无双小子,只怕是难以渡过了。” Under Thunder Tribulation, Jian Wushuang sits cross-legged to sit, the expression is dignified. 雷劫下,剑无双盘膝而坐,表情凝重。 Long Bai and the others departed, the Life Divine Palace's crisis was relieves. 龙柏等人离去了,生命神宫的危机算是解除了。 But his Jian Wushuang crisis, just now starts truly! 但他剑无双的危机,方才真正开始! In his heart has the premonition, this will be last Thunder Tribulation, will be the prestige can the most powerful tribulation! 他心中有预感,这将是最后一道雷劫,也是威能最强大的一劫! Could cross, in his heart lacks self-confidence. 能否渡过,他心中没底。 . 噼里啪啦。 Sees only in the middle of Lei Yun/thunder cloud, the innumerable electricity snakes shuttle back and forth. 只见雷云当中,无数电蛇穿梭。 Like the stuffy drum loud sound sound, blast out from Lei Yun/thunder cloud unceasingly, makes the person palpitation. 一股股如同闷鼓般的巨响声,不断从雷云当中炸开,令人心悸。 Tyrant King and Nine Stars Holy Child and the others light/only feel the pressure that Thunder Tribulation is transmitting, then feels the whole body to shiver, is pale. 霸王九星圣子等人光是感受着雷劫传来的威压,便感到浑身颤抖,脸色发白。 This is not Divine Thunder, this is the Extinguishing the World catastrophe!! 这不是神雷,这是灭世浩劫!! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Above entire Life Divine Palace, was all crowded by the billowing dark cloud, on this day blocks out the sun, annihilates luminously all. 整个生命神宫上方,俱是被滚滚乌云塞满,这天蔽日,湮灭一切光亮。 Roar!! 吼!! Finally, last Thunder Tribulation condenses! 终于,最后一道雷劫凝聚完毕! , The entire Universe entire world, is surges suddenly the sound of thundering, as if there is brass ancient bell to sound, the dragon skin big drum strikes, vast boundless pressure one after another sweeps across is washing out the four directions. 陡然间,整个宇宙寰宇,皆是涌起轰鸣之声,仿佛有黄铜古钟敲响,龙皮大鼓擂动,浩瀚磅礴的威压一波又一波的席卷冲刷着四方。 Universe as if falls into great antiquity Chaos! 宇宙仿佛陷入洪荒混沌 ka cha ~!! 咔擦~!! Hundred zhang (333 m) wide black Divine Thunder, lowers together fiercely! 一道足足百丈宽的黑色神雷,猛地降下! On this black Divine Thunder has the innumerable furcations to spread together, has day of Dao Proliferates, as if the heaven gets angry, does not die continuous!! 这一道黑色神雷上有无数分叉蔓延出去,更是有着天道衍化,仿佛苍天发怒,不死不休!! Came!” “来了!” „Is this Chaos Thunder Tribulation last?! Too terrifying!!” “这就是混沌雷劫的最后一道?!太恐怖了!!” How will world have so powerful Thunder Tribulation?!!” “世间怎会有如此强大的雷劫?!!” In an instant, in the innumerable person hearts raises the dreadful monstrous waves, loses one's voice with amazement! 刹那间,无数人心中掀起滔天巨浪,骇然失声! Jian Wushuang looks up fiercely to that black Divine Thunder, pupil shrinks crazily! 剑无双猛地抬头看向那道黑色神雷,瞳孔一阵狂缩! This Thunder Tribulation has not fallen, the bone-chilling cold thunder and lightning aura has then burst open on his Divine Body says the crack ten million/countless! 这道雷劫还未落下,凛冽的雷电气息便已经在他神体上迸开千万道裂缝! Gives me to break!!!” “给我破!!!” Arrived this Life and Death moment, in the Jian Wushuang heart surged fiercely a dying demented meaning, the complexion becomes a fierceness! 到了这生死关头,剑无双心中猛地涌起一股至死方休的癫狂之意,脸色变得一片狰狞! Star Severing!!!” 斩星!!!” He grasps Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword, chops ruthlessly to this black Divine Thunder! 他手持太罗神剑,狠狠向这道黑色神雷劈出! Daoist Priest reaches about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dense/woods blue sword glow, projects from the Jian Wushuang hand instantaneously, brings incomparable sharp Sword Qi, hit ruthlessly in the middle of this black Divine Thunder! 道长达近万丈的森蓝剑芒,瞬间从剑无双手中射出,带着无可比拟的锋锐剑气,狠狠撞在了这道黑色神雷当中! This sword, breaks out Heavens Gate sufficiently, shakes Kunlun Mountains! 这一剑,足以劈开天门,撼动昆仑! Bang ~!! 嘭~!! The explosive spreads together , then sees this about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dense/woods blue sword glow cuns (2.5 cm) smashing, explodes the fragment powder. 一道爆响传开,紧接着,便看到这近万丈的森蓝剑芒一寸寸粉碎,爆成齑粉。 But under dividing that black Divine Thunder, does not hinder again! 而那道黑色神雷,再度毫不阻碍的劈下! The prestige can not reduce slightly! 威能不减丝毫! The people look at this, in the heart all tremble, but they know, this Thunder Tribulation was doomed to must Jian Wushuang to cross, anybody could not help him! 众人看着这一幕,心中皆是一颤,但他们知道,这道雷劫注定得要剑无双自己渡过,任何人都帮不了他! Once Jian Wushuang crossed, will have a meteoric rise, stands in the summit of Universe thoroughly. 一旦剑无双渡过,将平步青云,彻底站在宇宙之巅。 But if Jian Wushuang crosses, but, is the dying say/way disappears, all belong to the nihility. 剑无双若是渡不过,则是身死道消,一切归于虚无。 Come!!” “来!!” Jian Wushuang bites the tooth tightly, he understands, the light depending on taking advantage of own divine ability, is unable to prevent this Chaos Divine Thunder! 剑无双紧咬牙齿,他明白,光光凭借自己的神通,根本无法阻止这道混沌神雷 This Chaos Divine Thunder, is extremely really powerful! 这道混沌神雷,实在太过强大! Deeply inspires, the Jian Wushuang right hand turns again, Wuqi Divine Sword appears in his hands. 深吸了一口气,剑无双右手再度一翻,吴泣神剑出现在他手中。 Old companion, this time by you.” “老伙计,这次得靠你了。” In the Jian Wushuang eye surges wipes the color of heart pain, this Wuqi Divine Sword accompanies him to go on an expedition Universe, ten thousand fight the undefeated, has been he closest partner. 剑无双眼中涌起一抹心痛之色,这柄吴泣神剑陪他征战宇宙,万战不败,早已是他最为亲密的伙伴。 But Wuqi Divine Sword, as if also induced anything, expressed a Straight Clashing Nine Heavens sword cry! 吴泣神剑,似乎也感应到了什么,发出一声直冲九霄的剑鸣! Remembers the cell phone version website: 记住手机版网址:
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