MDSV :: Volume #45

#4407: Sword Alliance arrives

Battlefield center. 战场中央。 Jian Wushuang gasps for breath in gulps, on Chaos Tyrant Body full is the thunder chops to cut the trace gully, spreads across, may fiercely the eye. 剑无双大口大口喘气,混沌霸体上满是雷霆劈砍过的痕迹沟壑,纵横交错,狰狞可目。 Fortunately fortunately, displays Dragon Blood Secret Technique in him, takes combustion Divine Force as the price, finally in the final moment, rushed to the Life Divine Palace battlefield. 还好还好,在他施展龙血秘术,以燃烧神力为代价,终于在最后关头,赶到了生命神宫战场。 He looked up distant place Blood Wave Supreme and the others, although the aura dispirited, had the injury, but in has not fallen from the sky well. 他抬头看了一眼远处的血波至尊等人,虽然气息萎靡,均带伤势,但好在并没有陨落。 Sees this, he relaxes finally long. 见此,他终于长松了一口气。 Jian Wushuang, you take the life to come!!” 剑无双,你拿命来!!” At this moment, the Jian Wushuang eyelid jumps, only felt that a huge pressure arrives suddenly. 就在这时,剑无双眼皮一跳,只感觉一股巨大威压陡然降临。 Seeing only a White Dragon appearance is fierce, fast shuttle Starry Sky! 只见一头白龙面目狰狞,快速穿梭星空而来! Only is his power and influence, then surpassed the audience everyone! 光是他一个人的威势,便超过了全场所有人! Invincible Supreme!” 无敌至尊!” Jian Wushuang sees that in the heart sinks. 剑无双见状,不由心中一沉。 But manages him not to have far Blood Wave Supreme and the others, similarly noticed this, immediately the complexion changed. 而理他没有多远的血波至尊等人,同样注意到了这一幕,顿时脸色一变。 „It is not good! Jian Wushuang has the danger!” “不好!剑无双有危险!” Blood Wave Supreme, Great Axe Supreme and the others the footsteps tread immediately, plunders to come, to prevent Long Bai toward Jian Wushuang anxiously! 血波至尊巨斧至尊等人顿时脚步一踏,朝着剑无双急掠而来,阻挡龙柏 But Tian Yi Supreme is the vision feels cold, the drawing a bow nocking, projects takes his blood essence as to direct together the strongest arrow. 天羿至尊则是目光发冷,张弓搭箭,射出一道以他精血为引的最强一箭。 But...... 但...... Goes away to this Eminence!” “给本座滚开!” The Long Bai appearance is fierce, right hand rips, will come to intercept his Blood Wave Supreme and big mouth of Great Axe Supreme bang directly spits blood, figure suddenly/violently to retreat! 龙柏面目狰狞,右手一个撕拉,直接将前来截住他的血波至尊巨斧至尊轰的大口吐血,身形暴退! An arrow that is projected by Tian Yi Supreme, the bang in the Long Bai body, only pounds a small sunspot merely, then successively smashing! 那由天羿至尊射出的一箭,轰在龙柏的身躯上,更是仅仅只砸出一个小黑点,便节节粉碎! This is containing ones anger of Long Bai strikes, is containing ones anger of Invincible Supreme strikes! 这是龙柏的含怒一击,也是无敌至尊的含怒一击! It is not they can resist! 根本不是他们所能抵挡! Under strikes, three big Chief Supreme, perform is all repulsed! 一击之下,三大首席至尊,尽皆败退! However what was still good, this gave Jian Wushuang to win breath time! 不过尚好的是,这给剑无双争取到了一息时间! Jian Wushuang first was looks up a power and influence on gather, will soon drop Chaos Divine Thunder Lei Yun/thunder cloud again, the backhand extracts Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword, displayed Eternal Night sword move directly, entrained into the middle of Long Bai the Eternal Night state. 剑无双先是抬头看了一眼威势聚集完毕,即将再度落下混沌神雷雷云,反手抽出太罗神剑,直接施展永夜剑招,将龙柏拽入永夜国度当中。 Bang! Bang! ~! 嘭嘭~! The next breath, two explosives spread one after another! 下一息,接连两道爆响传出! The first explosive, is Long Bai tears into shreds the Eternal Night state directly, but the second explosive, is Chaos Divine Thunder chops to fall! 第一道爆响,是龙柏直接将永夜国度撕碎,而第二道爆响,则是混沌神雷劈落! Bang! 轰隆! Chaos Divine Thunder divides into two, is the bucket is all thick or thin, together bang to Jian Wushuang, together bang to Long Bai! 混沌神雷一分为二,皆是水桶粗细,一道轰向剑无双,一道轰向龙柏 This Chaos Divine Thunder, dealing with others is good, copes with me and other Invincible Supreme, but also insufficiently looks!” “这混沌神雷,对付别人还行,对付我等无敌至尊,可还不够看!” Long Bai that First Step from the Eternal Night state treads, looked that he makes a long-range raid to come to towards, like Chaos Divine Thunder of whip of Thunder God, cried loud and long directly, sent out not the humanlike terrifying sound wave! 永夜国度当中一步踏出的龙柏,看向朝他奔袭而来,如同雷神之鞭的混沌神雷,直接长啸一声,发出不似人类的恐怖音波! Sound waves swing from his mouth, forms the sound to howl, that Chaos Divine Thunder, cuns (2.5 cm) smashing. 一圈圈音波从他嘴中荡开,形成音啸,将那混沌神雷,一寸寸粉碎。 Wuxu Chaos Cauldron!” 戊戌混沌鼎!” But Jian Wushuang deals, is difficult are too many. 剑无双应对的,则是艰难太多。 puff! 咻! Wuxu Chaos Cauldron shoots up to the sky from his sleeve robe, welcomes spatially strikes! 戊戌混沌鼎从他袖袍当中冲天而起,迎空一击! The strength of innumerable primordial chaos Chaos, fills the air from Wuxu Chaos Cauldron, changes to the jet black light group, hits on Chaos Divine Thunder! 无数鸿蒙混沌之力,从戊戌混沌鼎当中弥漫而出,化作漆黑光团,撞在混沌神雷上! Bang! Bang! bang ~!! 嘭嘭嘭~!! Innumerable wild Thunder Strength explode, pounding on Wuxu Chaos Cauldron. 无数狂暴的雷霆之力爆开,噼里啪啦的砸在戊戌混沌鼎身上。 Immediately, Wuxu Chaos Cauldron sends out a wail, pours to spin is returning to the Jian Wushuang hand. 顿时,戊戌混沌鼎发出一声哀鸣,倒旋着回到剑无双手中。 This Chaos Divine Thunder compares together strongly, after is so long, the prestige can the terrifying be boundless, but Wuxu Chaos Cauldron also has incomplete, moreover does not defend offensive Extreme Dao Divine Weapon, cannot stop Chaos Divine Thunder! 混沌神雷一道比一道强,历经这么久之后,威能早已恐怖无边,而戊戌混沌鼎又有残缺,而且也并非防御攻击性极道神兵,根本阻拦不下混沌神雷 Next quarter! 下一刻! In Blood Wave Supreme and the others ya zi want in the vision of crack, containing ones anger of Chaos Divine Thunder and Long Bai strikes, rumbled on Jian Wushuang! 血波至尊等人睚眦欲裂的目光中,混沌神雷龙柏的含怒一击,先后轰在了剑无双身上! Works as! 哐当! Sees only the Jian Wushuang whole body to disperse fierce gold/metal flame Chaos Tyrant Body radiantly, first is exudes one like the copper gong resounding, at once entire Tyrant Body explodes, becomes the innumerable blocks broken. 只见剑无双浑身璀璨散着烈烈金焰的混沌霸体,先是发出一声如同铜锣般的脆响,旋即整个霸体爆开,碎成无数块。 Since this has been Jian Wushuang achievement Chaos Tyrant Body, was been broken the Divine Body bang for the first time! 这是剑无双成就混沌霸体以来,第一次被人将神体轰碎! Hu-hu hu-hu. 呼哧呼哧呼哧。 After three breath time, Jian Wushuang Chaos Tyrant Body condenses, but the complexion changes to wax yellow, the whole person creakies, almost from in the air drops. 三息时间后,剑无双混沌霸体重新凝聚,只是脸色化作一片蜡黄,整个人摇摇欲坠,差点从空中跌落。 "Oh? Tyrant Body? It seems like your boy also has the relations with a Tyrant Body clan, seriously is the big chance. ” “哦?霸体?看来你这小子还和霸体一族有关系,当真是好大的机缘。” Long Bai narrowed the eye, in the eye absorbed one inch cold intent, immediately contemptuously sneered saying: 龙柏眯了眯眼睛,眼中摄出一寸冷意,随即轻蔑冷笑道: Tyrant Body why not? this Eminence must kill you today, no one can block! Even one side that Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor Bai Yuanlai, still can only the little darling fall back on!” “不过霸体又何妨?本座今日要杀你,谁也挡不住!就算那霸族老祖白猿来了,也只能乖乖退到一边!” Then, Long Bai then stretches out dragon claw again, grasps toward Jian Wushuang. 说完,龙柏便再度伸出龙爪,朝着剑无双抓去。 Jian Wushuang sees that the pupil shrinks crazily, in the heart sank the extreme. 剑无双见状,不禁瞳孔狂缩,心中沉到了极点。 Finally, at this moment! 结果,就在这时! The low and deep vigorous sound, resounds in Void together fiercely. 一道低沉浑厚的声音,猛地在虚空响起。 You, said again one does try?” “你,再说一遍试试?” Next quarter! 下一刻! A whole body resplendent like the hot sun, was covered with the tall and strong person's shadow of white hair all over the body, First Step falls before the Jian Wushuang body. 一个浑身灿如烈日,通体长满白毛的魁梧人影,一步落在了剑无双身前。 He is unemotional, the optional fist rumbles, then carries the Universe great antiquity mighty force, one claw that Long Bai pats, the direct bang flies. 他面无表情,随意一拳轰出,便携带宇宙洪荒伟力,将龙柏拍来的一爪,直接轰飞。 His aura and Jian Wushuang are somewhat similar, but actually compared with Jian Wushuang, wants too many is too many powerful! 他的气息和剑无双有些相似,但却比剑无双,要强大太多太多! Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor!!” 霸族老祖!!” In an instant, the Jian Wushuang whole body shakes, on the face reveals wipes does not dare to believe the color. 刹那间,剑无双浑身一震,脸上露出一抹不敢置信之色。 At once, several sounds resound from the horizon again! 旋即,又有几道声音再度从天边响起! Alliance Lord, Tyrant King comes late, but also please forgive!” 盟主,霸王来迟,还请恕罪!” The person's shadow to/clashes together from the horizon, the vitality rushes, is at the Universe Myriad Clans grand meeting, broke through Supreme Tyrant King! 一道人影从天边冲来,气血澎湃,正是在宇宙万族盛会上,突破了至尊霸王 Alliance Lord, Nine Stars Sacred Land comes late, but also please forgive!” 盟主,九星圣地来迟,还请恕罪!” Another side, once in Starry Sky Ancient Road, joined Sword Alliance Nine Stars Holy Child with Tyrant King together! 另一边,曾在星空古路,与霸王一同加入剑盟九星圣子 Sees only his white garment flap flap, although has not broken through Supreme, but just like compares when Starry Sky Ancient Road, are too powerful many! 只见他白衫猎猎,虽未突破至尊,但俨然比起在星空古路时,强大太多! In him behind, the people of several Nine Stars Sacred Land follow, ancient powerhouse of Supreme rank! 在他身后,数名九星圣地之人跟随,其中还有至尊级别的宿老强者 Alliance Lord, a Swallower Devil clan comes late, but also please forgive!” 盟主,魔罗一族来迟,还请恕罪!” The deep and gruff voice sound resounds together , then sees reputation Top sharply curving two horns, the whole body ignites the torrential Demon Flame wild giant, is leading the Swallower Devil clansman, in big strides however! 一道粗声粗气的声音响起,紧接着,便看到一名头顶尖锐弯曲双角,浑身燃起滔滔魔焰的蛮荒巨人,率领着魔罗族人,大踏步而来! Several tens of thousands years do not see, this Swallower Devil Young Patriarch Yan Gu, broke through Supreme impressively similarly! 数万年不见,这魔罗少族长炎古,赫然同样突破了至尊 Distant place. 更远处。 Sir Blood Sword, my Hao Jin came!!” 血剑大人,我昊烬来了!!” Wears the yellow robe, racing to come who the chubby member tumbles, in him behind, is leading dozens Ultimate Ruler! 一名身穿黄袍,胖乎乎修士连滚带爬的奔来,在他身后,率领着数十名终极主宰 Jian Wushuang sees that immediately is moved, in the body cannot bear well up a warm current. 剑无双见状,顿时心生感动,身体内忍不住涌过一股暖流。 Came, initially he in the Sword Alliance core personnel who Starry Sky Ancient Road established, came! 来了,当初他在星空古路创立的剑盟核心人员,都来了! The Long Bai complexion was gloomy to the extreme immediately, has not gone to manage Tyrant King and the others, but stubbornly is staring at Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor, the sound hoarse say/way: 龙柏脸色顿时阴沉到了极点,没有去管霸王等人,而是死死的盯着霸族老祖,声音沙哑道: White Ape, did you choose born?” 白猿,你选择出世了?” Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor hears word is unemotional, from the start is disinclined to reply him, but said indifferently: Long Bai, you did not say a moment ago, even one side the old man here, still does want the little darling to fall back on?” 霸族老祖闻言面无表情,压根懒得回答他,而是漠然说道:“龙柏,你刚才不是说,即使老夫在这里,也要乖乖退到一边么?” Words, in the Tyrant Clan Old Ancestor eye the surging endless dense/woods are cold, then opens the mouth one word at a time: 话语一顿,霸族老祖眼中涌起无尽森寒,接着一字一顿开口: You, if dares to say again, the old man seizes to kill you now, with cooks the dragon's head soup!” “你若是敢再说一遍,老夫现在就把你擒杀了,拿回去炖龙头汤!” „Don't you, the letter/believes believe?” “你,信还是不信?”
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