MWIH :: Volume #4

#18: Massacre

The sky is the sky-blue, out of the window does not have the origami crane. 天空是蔚蓝色,窗外没千纸鹤。 But before that is several hours . 但那是几个小时之前。 This moment space silver blue two rounds of full middle of month is overlapping. 此刻天上一银一蓝两轮满月半重叠着。 Under moonlight, one group of people who wear the white priest robe silent vanguard. 月光下,一行身穿白色教士袍的人正沉默前行。 The distant place has woods, this woods under the moonlight was blown by the breeze rustle makes noise is quite gloomy. 远处有一片树林,在月光下这片树林被微风吹的沙沙作响颇为阴森。 Stands lifts the hand in forefront that slender priest. 站在最前面那个身材修长的教士抬手。 The following people are silent are stopping the footsteps. 后面众人沉默着停下脚步。 When first this priest raised the head, the moonlight shines upon under the hood handsome Li's face. 当先这教士抬起头,月光映照出兜帽下俊丽的脸庞。 Her voice was hoarse said: Kruse, you bring the first squad to bypass the woods from the left, others alternated the past with me from the woods.” 声音沙哑道:“克鲁斯,你带第一小队从左边绕过树林,其他人跟我从树林中穿插过去。” pausing briefly, she added: „ Can strike to kill the person strength of recycling squad naturally unable to miss, is careful. 顿了顿,她补充道:“能击杀回收小队的人实力自然不会差,多小心。 „The child of curse lives the belt/bring to go back, others clean up, remember, do not leave the trace.” “诅咒之子活着带回去,其他人就地清理,记住,不要留下痕迹。” Yes.” “是。” Facial features firm and resolute priest nodded, having half of people to leave. 一名面容坚毅的教士点点头,带着一半人离开了。 Visits them to walk away, the female priest looked up the day, leading the remaining people to enter the woods. 看着他们走远,女教士抬头看了看天,带着剩下的人进了树林。 Wind suddenly big, blows on them the white priest robe flap flap to make noise. 风忽然大了起来,刮得他们身上白色教士袍猎猎作响。 The priest robe turns round on the body, the outline of below knight armor is clearly discernible. 教士袍覆在身上,下面骑士铠甲的轮廓清晰可见。 They brave the wind to continue. 他们顶着风继续前行。 Suddenly after the female priest felt, nape of the neck one cool. 忽然女教士感觉后脖颈一凉。 She waves, the people stop the footsteps. 她一挥手,众人停下脚步。 Then she looks up the day. 尔后她抬头望天。 By the woods, seeing only the space moonlight is dim. 透过树林,只见天上月色朦胧。 Quick, the dark cloud camouflaged the sky. 很快,乌云遮蔽了天空。 —— 啪哒—— Is the waterdrop hits on the sound on fallen leaf and branch. 是水滴打在落叶上和树枝上的声音。 Clatter —— 啪嗒嗒—— Raining. 下雨了。 First is the fragmentary raindrop, then transforms into the torrential downpour quickly. 先是零星雨滴,接着很快就转变为瓢泼大雨。 The tree trunk that the raindrop gets in exudes the airtight continual tick. 雨点打的树干发出密不透风的连续滴答声。 The moonlight also looks to disappear. 月光也看不见了。 Fortunately the people are the strength excel knights, without the moonlight, they can also roughly see clearly the road in forest. 所幸众人都是实力高强的骑士,哪怕没有月光,他们也能大致看清森林里的路。 After raining, should the temperature become low. 原本下了雨之后应该气温变低。 Special present or in the winter. 特别现在还是冬天。 However by their physical qualities with the strength, the spring, summer, autumn, winter basically can ignore. 不过以他们的身体素质跟实力,春夏秋冬基本可以忽略不计。 However...... 但是...... Now they actually feel the heat. 现在他们竟然感觉到了热。 Yes. 是的。 It is not cold, is the heat. 不是冷,是热。 Sultry. 闷热。 Even the foreheads of many emitted the bean big beads of sweat. 甚至不少人的额头都冒出了豆大汗珠。 They do not know when the previous perspiration was. 他们已经不知道上次出汗是什么时候了。 But now obviously is in the winter, here also this humble one rain. 可现在明明是冬天,这里还在下雨。 They stopped suddenly. 紧接着,他们忽然停了下来。 Takes the lead that female priest to ask: You can also see clearly the distant place.” 领头那个女教士问道:“你们还看得清远处吗。” Cannot see clearly.” Some people replied, „can only see clearly the surroundings reluctantly, could not see clearly again.” “看不清。”有人回答,“只能勉强看清周围,再远就看不清了。” You...... noticed that distant place there does have a person?” “那你......有没有看到远处那里有个人?” The people look, immediately narrows the eye. 众人望去,顿时眯起眼睛。 That is a child. 那是个小孩子。 But possibly because of the ray reason, his face almost hidden in the shadow. 只不过可能是因为光线的原因,他的面孔几乎隐藏在阴影里。 He puts on the thing of black similar slacks, the upper body is long sleeve black health/guard clothes. 他穿着黑色的类似休闲裤的东西,上身是一件长袖黑色卫衣。 The left hand takes a axe , is the firearms of similar Flintlock, but does not have the Flintlock is so long. 左手拿着一柄斧子,又是是类似燧发枪的枪械,但没有燧发枪那么长。 What is most essential is...... he is the black hair. 最关键的是......他是黑发。 „The child of curse?” “诅咒之子?” The opposite party had not replied. 对方没有回答。 Behind the female priest clenches teeth, takes down compared with her height also long giant metalloids board same great sword, to lift with ease single-handed, like brandishing a straw is the same. 女教士一咬牙,取下背后比她身高还长的巨大似金属板一样的巨剑,轻松以单手举了起来,就如同挥舞一根稻草一样。 Then sees only in the air to present together the remnant shadow, she has arrived at child of top of the head that curse. 尔后只见空气中出现一道残影,她已降临那诅咒之子头顶。 Then in her hand the great sword of shutter lost the trace. 接着她手中门板似的巨剑失去了踪影。 Was the stealth? 是隐身了吗? Not. 并不。 The speed is too fast! 只是速度太快! Could not have kept up with the speed that she brandishes to the frame number of naked eye quickly! 快到肉眼的帧数已经跟不上她挥舞的速度! That great sword is similar to the feather generally high and low fluttering in her hands! 那柄巨剑在她手中如同羽毛一般上下翻飞! Then in the air transmits the metal that resounds to hand over the engine knock! 接着空气中传来响成一片的金属交击声! Each junction strikes, like to the betrayal of physical principle! 每一次交击,都如同对物理法则的背叛! Among the weapons that the high-speed junction strikes rubs the dazzling spark, is quick by the shock-wave elimination. 高速交击的武器之间摩擦出刺目的火花,然后很快就被冲击波消灭。 But the shock-wave scattered in all directions to shake the soil, to shake the innumerable towering logs loosely! Surrounding all one after another shatter! 而冲击波四散开来震松了泥土、震断了无数参天巨木!周围一切都一个接一个破碎! Two people side has almost been close to the vacuum! 两人身边几乎已接近真空! The air as if sent out calling out in grief that lets the person of tooth acid! 就连空气似乎都发出了让人牙酸的悲鸣! Then is a loud sound, after the female priest was struck flies, jumps to the 4~5 meter about! 接着又是一声巨响,女教士被击飞后跳至四五米开外! She is gasping for breath slightly, the whole body also starts to emit the steam, the sweat combines the rainwater to brush from the face again , the clothing in ice-cold armor adheres on the body, making her feel somewhat hard to take. 她微微喘着气,周身也开始冒出热气,汗水混杂着雨水从脸上重刷而下,冰冷盔甲内的衣物黏连在身上,让她觉得有些难耐。 Narrows the eyes slightly, what she then saw clearly a moment ago in the great sword with oneself hand to cutting was anything. 微微眯起双眼,她这才看清刚才跟自己手中巨剑对砍的是什么。 That axe...... 那把斧子...... One arrives exquisitely in her opinion is only a toy...... axe. 一把小巧到在她看来只是玩具的......斧子。 Hanks, lets everyone on together!” “汉克斯,让大家一起上!” No one accordingly. 无人应声。 Hanks?” “汉克斯?” Surroundings no one makes noise as before. 周围依旧无人出声。 The female priest does not dare to turn head, even she does not dare to make the child of that curse slide out of oneself line of sight. 女教士不敢回头,甚至她都不敢让那个诅咒之子脱离自己的视线。 She understands that she is not an opponent. 她明白自己不是对手。 Because she observed a point suddenly. 因为她忽然观察到了一点。 The both legs of child of curse still stand on the spot. 诅咒之子的双腿依然站在原地。 In other words after...... experienced a moment ago the fierce hand-to-hand fighting, the opposite party...... one step has not moved unexpectedly! 也就是说......经历了刚才剧烈的白刃战之后,对方......居然一步都没有挪动! The female priest is certain oneself used the full power at the hand-to-hand fighting absolutely! 女教士可以肯定自己在白刃战上绝对用出了全力! Thus it can be seen, the disparity between both sides big. 由此可见,双方之间的差距到底有多大。 Hanks? Frank? Hannah?” “汉克斯?弗兰克?汉娜?” She called several names continually, but no one accordingly. 她一连叫了好几个名字,但都无人应声。 She the careful alert is observing several meters away child of curse, while inclines the head and listens attentively behind sound. 她一边小心戒备观察着几米外的诅咒之子,一边侧耳倾听身后的声音。 Some breathing transmit from the curtain of rain incessantly. 有不止一个呼吸声从雨幕中传来。 Her heart loosen , to continue to listen slightly. 她心底微微一松,继续听。 In the curtain of rain, pounds besides the raindrop in the voice on ground and tree trunk leaf, two sounds. 在雨幕中,除了雨点砸在地面和树干树叶上的声音之外,还有两种声音。 Breathing that one type had heard a moment ago. 一种就是刚才已经听到的呼吸声。 One type...... 还有一种...... Chews the sound. 嘴嚼声。 That is the tooth tears the flesh the chewing sound. 那是牙齿撕扯血肉的嘴嚼声。 The female priest does not want to turn head, she believes that the allies can process. 女教士不想回头,她相信战友们能处理好。 But a dark strength is seducing her to turn head. 但一股冥冥中的力量在诱惑着她回头。 Does this chew the sound...... is the monster? 这嘴嚼声......是怪物吗? If the monster, companions? 如果是怪物的话,那同伴们呢? Is...... chewed partner? 是......被嘴嚼的对象吗? Finally, she could not control the head. 最终,她还是控制不住回了头。 She is the pupil shrinks. 紧接着她就是瞳孔一缩。 Saw only presents many heights to exceed two meters suddenly the black abnormal monster of bone sheep's head. 只见忽然出现了许多身高超过两米长着骨质羊头的黑色畸形怪物。 In each hand takes a broken corpse, is gnawing to nip with great interest. 它们每一只手里都拿着一具残破尸体,正津津有味地啃咬着。 Sees her to look, the monster also shouts to her. 见她望来,有一只怪物还冲着她嘶吼。 The bloody water mixes with the broken mince meat to drop following the advantage tooth of monster downward. 血水夹杂着碎肉末顺着怪物的利齿往下滴落。 In its hand, on that broken corpse elegant face pair of soulless eyes that loses the focal distance is gazing at the female priest stubbornly. 在它手中,那具残破尸体秀美的脸上一双失去焦距的无神双眸正死死注视着女教士。 That is Hannah, a belief devout female knight. 那是汉娜,一个信仰虔诚的女骑士。 The female priest felt the own string collapsed. 女教士感觉自己心里有一根弦崩断了。 Ahhhhh!!!!!!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!” the next moment, she is roaring rushing over, brandishes in the hand the great sword to start with the monsters to fight with all might! 下一刻,她怒吼着冲了过去,挥舞起手中巨剑开始与怪物们拼杀! After several minutes, she is breathing heavily to stop. 几分钟后,她喘着粗气停了下来。 Partly is kneeling in the body everywhere is the dirt and blood plasma. 半跪着的身躯上到处都是泥污和血浆。 The surroundings all are the corpse of monster. 周围全都是怪物的尸体。 —— —— The shoes step on the sound of footsteps in water hole from far to near. 鞋子踩在水坑中的脚步声由远及近。 The female priest of lowering the head saw in front of oneself in the water hole presents a ripple. 低着头的女教士看到自己面前水坑中出现一圈波纹。 In the ripple is pair of shoes. 波纹上是一双鞋。 She raised the head slowly, is looking up at that black hair child. 她缓缓抬头,仰视着那个黑发孩子。 This is the first time that she appearance that sees clearly the opposite party. 这是她第一次看清对方的长相。 The eye pupil limpid such as the water, is not evil. 眼眸清澈如水、并不邪恶。 But she knows, the opposite party is the child of curse. 但她知道,对方是诅咒之子。 These wicked Magic City are you draw on, the child of curse......” in her eye appears the flame of hatred, has somewhat escaped the hand of strength to get hold of started to become the heavy great sword. “这些恶魔都是你招来的吧,诅咒之子......”她眼中浮现仇恨的火光,已经有些脱力的手握紧了开始变得沉重的巨剑。 Devil?” “恶魔?” Child of tone that curse is strange, these are not your companion.” 那诅咒之子语气奇怪,“那些不都是你的同伴嘛。” The female priest is startled, slowly then. 女教士一怔,缓缓回头。 Here where has what black sheep's horn monster. 这里哪有什么黑色羊角怪物。 Has, only has on faces to bring panic-stricken or puzzled expression the body of priest. 有的,只有一具具脸上带着惊恐或是不解表情的教士的尸体。 Their wounds, look like by any giant metal cutting are broken general. 他们的伤口,就像是被什么巨型金属切割砸碎一般。 Including that Hannah. 包括那个汉娜。 Her cold color pupil opens is very big, does not seem to understand why the leader must deduct around the middle two her. 她灰蓝色眸子睁大很大,似乎不明白为什么首领要把她拦腰劈成两段。 However she did not have the opportunity to know. 不过她也没机会知道了。 These are...... I do......” “这些都是......我做的......” When lang ——! 当啷—— Knees down the female priest does not have the strength to raise in the hand again the great sword. 跪倒在地的女教士再也没力气举起手中巨剑。 She felt that the whole body feels cold. 她感觉浑身发冷。 However also no one answered her issue. 不过也没人回答她的问题。 Be only the temperature continues to rise. 只有温度继续升高。 Then, the slender body of female priest burns the purple flame. 接着,女教士的修长身躯燃烧起紫色火焰。 Then, the flame dissipates toward all around. 接着,火焰朝四周逸散。 After several minutes, the heavy rain extinguished the flame, washed out these people once in the world has had the trace. 几分钟后,大雨熄灭了火焰,也冲刷掉了这些人曾在世上存在过的痕迹。 The rain stopped. 雨停了。 The wind also stopped. 风也停了。 In this woods did not have human had visited the trace again. 这树林里再也没有人类曾经踏足过的痕迹了。
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