MTOAW :: Volume #6

#554: Hides in the bi constellation 5 fragments

Weak lying down on very soft bed, the Saint emperor smiled very weakly. 无力的躺在十分柔软的大床上,圣天子十分虚弱的笑了。 Too...... Good, has been able to let...... Can make Sir Dongfang (east) restore to come...... Too was really good......” “太……太好了,能让……能让东方大人恢复过来……真是太好了……” Hears this saying, the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkles the vision to look to the Saint emperor is actually very speechless rolled the eyes, by coming out Dongfang Yan that QJ has smiled unexpectedly also has to sigh saintess who the Saint emperor really has not been possible to see. 听见这话,东方焱眉头一皱目光看向圣天子却是十分无语的翻了个白眼,被QJ了居然还笑的出来东方焱也不得不感叹圣天子还真是不可多见的圣女了。 Rather suffers the pain not to be willing to see others pain. 宁愿自己遭受痛苦也不愿看见别人痛苦。 This disposition getting what one deserves life is not long. 这种性格活该命不长。 From instantly, you for my possession.” “从即刻起,你为吾之所有物。” Turns around, no longer pays attention to somebody Dongfang Yan that has smiled getting up is also a headache of face. 转身,不再去理会笑了起来的某人东方焱也是一脸的头疼。 That was really good! I represent Tokyo region all residents to thank Sir Dongfang (east) you!” “那真是太好了!我代表东京区域所有的居民感谢东方大人您!” The weak sound that behind broadcasts lets Dongfang Yan is also rolled the eyes, this woman also was really for the good of the people and country. 身后传来的虚弱声音让东方焱也是翻了个白眼,这女人还真是为国为民了。 How? So pure saintess problem solve?” “如何?如此纯洁的圣女问题解决了嘛?” Was holding the shoulder, a Saeko looks at face worried Dongfang Yan chuckle. 抱着肩,冴子看着一脸苦恼的东方焱轻笑了起来。 „, The solution has been solved, but I have discovered a more troublesome matter.” “嘛,解决是解决了,不过我发现了一个更麻烦的事。” Puts out a hand, is sending out the crystal stone float of profound dark aura in Dongfang Yan in the hand. 伸手,散发着深邃黑暗气息的晶石漂浮在东方焱手中 Even if also as before has not the weak dark aura under the imprisonment of different fire elegantly. 就算是在异火的禁锢下也依旧还是有着不弱的黑暗气息飘逸而出。 Flame, scattered this processes, after all was the thing of another dimension fiendish person, that Strength seed......” “焱,还是把这个打散处理了吧,毕竟是另一个次元魔王的东西,那份力量种子……” Puts down the hand, Saeko Busujima was also serious and earnest. 放下手,毒岛冴子也是严肃与认真了起来。 This unknown darkness has any danger everyone not to know that fiendish person hardship Saeko Busujima did not understand however feels the aura that slaughters purely seeks pleasure from this darkness is also makes Saeko Busujima also very much resist. 这种未知的黑暗有着什么危险谁也不知道,对于那个魔王厄毒岛冴子也是不了解但是从这份黑暗中感受到那股纯粹杀戮取乐的气息也是让毒岛冴子也是很抗拒。 This continually dark for the darkness that it resists, is not the good thing. 这份连黑暗都为之抗拒的黑暗,不是什么好东西。 Un I knew I have related purple, purple also said that this thing remains temporarily first is making her have a look to make the decision.” “嗯我知道了不过我已经联系了紫,紫也说这玩意暂时先留着让她看看在做决定。” The nod wrapped the different fire of jet black crystal stone to sparkle then should the numerous seals by Dongfang Yan afterward. 点头随后包裹着漆黑晶石的异火闪耀了一下便被东方焱设下重重封印。 Walks, since accepted the price also to carry out.” “走吧,既然收下了代价那么也得去执行了。” Looks up to Saeko, recalled that Saeko a series of behaviors from the beginning could not have thought really Saeko so is unexpectedly dark. 抬起头看向冴子,回想起冴子一开始的一系列行为还真的想不到冴子居然这么黑暗。 Why that looks at I? Always felt that the flame you were thinking any not good matter.” “干嘛那么看着我?总感觉焱你在想什么不好的事情了。” Smiling forgot a room, Saeko has also smiled. 笑眯眯的忘了眼房间,冴子也是一笑起来。 Afterward, Dongfang Yan is then leading troop girls, just like Esdeath said. 随后,东方焱便带着一大群丫头们出发,正如艾斯德斯所说。 The troublesome matter has is solved earlier quite well. 麻烦的事情还是有早点解决比较好。 Troop Loli enormous and powerful going out, collapses this matter Saint emperor not to announce about the great stele. 一大群萝莉浩浩荡荡的出门,关于巨石碑倒塌这件事圣天子也没有公布出来。 Therefore although the people realized that in the past why the strange place such as was the same should. 因此人们虽然察觉到了怪异的地方却还是如往常一样该干嘛干嘛着。 Dongfang Yan leads martial Xuexue the best 100 people to go out that scene naturally to frighten the passer-by knowledge personally to yield and withdraw. 只是东方焱亲自带领着武学学的最好的100人出门那场面自然吓得路人知乎是退避三舍。 Wears unifies the uniform/subdue, on the face has not rushed to the battlefield nervousness completely, is picnic results on the contrary likely is being laughing and playing. 身穿统一制服,脸上完全没有赶赴战场的紧张心情,反倒是像个郊游似得嬉笑着。 Why crosses flame of return at the same time Dongfang Yan of monument somewhat to be also curious here to set up a monument? 越过回归之炎的纪念碑的同时东方焱也有些好奇为什么这里会立一个纪念碑? Why even if set up a stone monument must call flame of name return. 就算立了个碑为啥要叫回归之炎这个名字。 Onii-sama, you look at great stele!!” 哥哥大人,你看巨石碑!!” Then can see that giant great stele, in the eyes of girls on the great stele presented many lemon spots therefore also to bring in calling out in alarm of many people. 一眼便能看见那巨大的巨石碑,在丫头们的眼中巨石碑上已经出现了不少的白点因此也是引来了许多人的惊呼。 Un, I saw.” “嗯,我看见了。” The nod un the sound said, Divine Sense initially naturally then saw behind that great stele giant gastraea. 点头嗯声道,神识当初自然一眼便看见了那巨石碑后方的巨大原肠动物。 Naturally, Dongfang Yan is leading these many people not treats like and these people in the same place, one is reprehensible, two come not to have the meaning, the when the time comes trouble of province. 当然,东方焱带着这么多人也不像去和那些人待在一起,一来看不顺眼,二来也是没意思,省的到时候麻烦。 Comes to the Tokyo area 40 th area, No. 32 great stele rear ten kilometers, after shooting a look at the frontline headquarters establishment foothold of police regiment, continuation that then no longer pays attention to walks toward the front. 来到东京地区第40区,32号巨石碑后方十公里,瞥了眼民警军团的前线司令部设置据点后便不再理会的继续朝着前方走去。 Tent that set up is the house that the police live in temporarily. 一座座树立起来的帐篷就是民警们临时居住的房子。 Onii-sama, you said that SDF will win?” 哥哥大人,您说自卫队会赢吗?” The vision looked that inquired to the defensive lineup that SDF of distant place composes. 目光看向更远处的自卫队所组成的防守阵型询问了起来。 They were annihilated orange-red not to need to be worried.” “就算他们全军覆没了缇娜也不必担心哦。” Regarding the orange-red inquiry, Dongfang Yan rubbed the orange-red head to look with a smile gently to as first defense line SDF, Dongfang Yan since disdaining at heart. 对于缇娜的提问,东方焱笑着轻轻揉了揉缇娜的脑袋看向作为第一防线的自卫队,东方焱打从心里的不屑。 If the gastraea so is really good to handle also wants the police to do, is really cannot think including the real consequence of matter, hates day child Kikunojo of gastraea not to oppose this fight makes the police go to battle, even may also be calls the police to come on own initiative. 如果原肠动物真的那么好搞定那么还要民警干嘛,真是连事情的真正后果都想不到,就连憎恨着原肠动物的天童菊之丞也没有反对这次的战斗让民警出战,甚至还有可能是主动召集民警过来的。 As political expert, if this consequence were continually unforeseen that also was really more live. 作为政治老手,如果连这点后果都无法预料的话那还真是越活越回去了。 What a pity that group of fellows completely cannot see clearly present situation, shapes also evade the acute communicable disease to be an excellent likeness disdain the cooperation of police. 可惜那群家伙完全看不清现状,一个个的还像避瘟神似得不屑民警的合作。 The vision looks to that great stele, Dongfang Yan feels the chin to ponder must collapse to be inferior in any case oneself help his. 目光看向那巨石碑,东方焱摸着下巴思考着要不要反正都要倒塌不如自己去帮他一把。 The standing erect ground protects the great stele of Tokyo area, is about several days is even more obvious, Saint emperor naturally that finally cannot conceal also personally announced that also for the stability will of the people complied to save the news of Tokyo area to put Dongfang Yan. 矗立地面守护东京地区的巨石碑,不过几天的时间越发的明显起来,最后隐瞒不下去的圣天子自然也是亲自公布了出来,同时也为了安定人心把东方焱答应拯救东京地区的消息放了出来。 Was only a pity that the people also sink to invade in panic that in the great stele collapses, the condition in city World that returns to once Saeko to be is as if ordinary. 只可惜人们还沉侵在巨石碑倒塌的恐慌之中,城市的状况仿佛是回到了曾经冴子所在的世界一般。 Humane brutal compels, finally Dongfang Yan makes the girls assist the Saint emperor to suppress the riot. 人性残酷的一逼,最后东方焱让丫头们协助圣天子镇压暴乱。 Really laughable, faces great stele is collapsing this matter people also even more toward the end scene approaches. 真是可笑,面对着巨石碑倒塌这件事人们也越发的朝着末日场面靠近。 Meanwhile, under the Dongfang Yan's influence, children also starts that was maltreated by the nominal guardian revolt, particularly in the girls personally saw that in the surface the girls of harmonious in secret actually recklessly humiliation. 同时,在东方焱的影响下,那么被自己名义上监护人所虐待的孩子们也一个个的开始反抗起来,尤其是在丫头们亲眼看见了那么表面上和睦私下里却肆意欺凌的丫头们。 Also was causes own insistence almost to collapse under the Saint emperor testimony with own eyes. 在圣天子亲眼见证下也是导致自己的坚持差点崩溃了。 The violent anger, faces is obeying Saint emperor to direct the suppression riot the attacked girls, Dongfang Yan decides to destroy the great stele that this originally also four talents collapse personally. 暴怒,面对着听从圣天子指挥镇压暴乱而被袭击的丫头们,东方焱决定亲自毁灭这个原本还有四天才倒塌的巨石碑。 The bloody suppression, announced that the Tokyo area belongs to fiendish person in the hand starting today officially, making Kurome emit huge Eastern Dragon as well as the formidable demon beast in the sky. 血腥镇压,宣布东京地区从今天起正式归属于魔王手中,让黑瞳放出巨大的东海云龙以及强大的魔兽在天空中。 Formidable deterrent force as well as Esdeath, Akame Kurome and the others under the bloody assassinations, the entire city belong to tranquilly, naturally. 强大的威慑力以及艾斯德斯,赤瞳黑瞳等人的血腥暗杀下,整个城市重新归于平静,当然。 Guarded front police naturally also to discover the great change of following city. 镇守前方的民警自然也发现了后面城市的巨变。 But under Dongfang Yan's Divine Sense, rescued in this group of so-called police many have not dared to revolt or is already the deep brand mark in the girl who in the mind was afraid. 而在东方焱的神识下,在这群所谓的民警中更是解救了不少不敢反抗又或者是已经深深烙印在脑海中害怕的丫头。 In the question that in sees Lian Tarou does not dare to believe facing, Dongfang Yan stopped the footsteps. 在面对里见莲太郎的不敢置信的质疑中,东方焱停下了脚步。 Why can such do? Lian Tarou aren't you clear? Although I do not want such to do, but, that flock of disgusting vermin keep me from being easy, processes also well, so as to avoid jumps before me .” “为什么要这么做?难道莲太郎你不清楚嘛?虽然我本不想这么做可是,那群恶心的蛀虫让我无法容易,处理掉也好免得在我面前蹦哒。” Since has decided to finish, then naturally will not delay again, closes one's eyes said again in a soft voice. 既然已经决定了结束,那么自然不会再拖延,闭上眼再次轻声道。 „Are girls, scared?” “丫头们,感到害怕吗?” Did not fear!!!!!” “不怕!!!!!” Is very good, then killed these to try to destroy the monster of our family/home with Elder Brother to want.” “很好,那么就和哥哥一起去杀了那些试图破坏我们家的怪物要不要。” Good!!!!!” “好!!!!!” Listens to the behind girls to be full of fighting spirit gently shout Dongfang Yan has smiled. 听着身后丫头们充满斗志的呼喊声东方焱温柔的笑了起来。 That makes these people have a look, everybody's strength girls.” “那就让那些人看看,大家的实力丫头们。” Waves aggressively, leading troop girls to fly directly in airborne, brings in various children types to call out in alarm. 霸气挥手,带着一大群丫头们直接飞在空中,引来孩子们各种惊呼。 But in that crowd of police eyes is a dumbfoundedness of face. 而在那群民警眼中则是一脸的目瞪口呆。 Lifts the hand, counts on the fingers a ball to the great stele that cannot be withstanding more and more. 抬手,对着越来越不堪的巨石碑屈指一弹。 Great stele then as if mosquito was struck to fly, the naked eye obvious airing impact straightly shoots gastraea army, a move strikes to kill over a thousand gastraeas. 巨石碑便仿佛蚊子似的被击飞,肉眼可见的气爆冲击直射原肠动物大军,一招击杀上千原肠动物。 Esdeath, the west gave you.” 艾斯德斯,西面就交给你了。” The vision looked that to the west by various gastraeas that the Dongfang Yan attraction comes, tranquil start to talk. 目光看向西面被东方焱吸引而来的各种原肠动物,平静的开口 Un.” “嗯。” Does not have the fighting spirit shot a look at west the eye, Esdeath in airborne walks toward the west gradually. 毫无斗志的瞥了眼西面,艾斯德斯在空中缓步朝着西面走去。 Saeko, the east side gave you.” 冴子,东面交给你了。” Division battlefield, Dongfang Yan's goal, but to let the girls growth naturally in the war will not make them fall into any danger. 分割战场,东方焱的目的可是为了让丫头们在战争中成长自然也不会让她们陷入什么危险之中。 The vision looked that after a front final piece of gastraea did not feel any danger then puts down the girls, but helicopter also entire city live transmission battlefield. 目光看向前方最后的一片原肠动物感觉没什么危险以后这才放下丫头们而直升机也全城直播着战场。 Under the Dongfang Yan's gaze, looks at girls in the hand take weapon that are familiar with exude the crisp shout. 东方焱的注视下,看着一个个丫头们手中拿着自己所熟悉的武器发出脆脆的呼喊声。 The vision then looks at giant Turtle to distant place is an aldebaran very optional finger/refers. 目光这才看向远处的巨大乌龟也就是毕宿五十分随意的一指。 The finger thick or thin golden light line departs to hit the target of distant place from the fingertip together instantaneously. 一道手指粗细的金色光线从指尖瞬间飞出击中远方的目标。 Sits as for Esdeath in the giant frozen throne goes up the leg, the left hand is supporting cheek to look at somebody in distant place. 至于艾斯德斯坐在巨大的冰封王座上翘着腿,左手撑着脸颊望着远方的某人。 However, the attack of Saeko has very formidable impact, the prison dragon broken to bring the visual impact on let pay attention to this here people dumbfoundedness. 然而,冴子的攻击就带着十分强大的冲击,狱龙破所带来视觉冲击让关注这这里的人们一个个的目瞪口呆。 Un.” “嗯。” Thinks the wound place of aldebaran that died in Dongfang Yan's Divine Sense indeed so has the granulation to wriggle. 原本以为死掉的毕宿五在东方焱的神识中伤口处尽然有肉芽在蠕动。 Interesting.” “有意思。” Regarding oneself optional struck indeed so has not massacred the aldebaran, Dongfang Yan also felt curious. 对于自己随意的一击尽然没有杀掉毕宿五,东方焱也是感到了好奇。 For those being restored aldebaran fierce making a fist, aldebaran then as if balloon results in explodes. But explosion center actually peacefully floats one not to know anything's fragment. After this immediately, has caused the Dongfang Yan's curiosity. 对着恢复中的毕宿五猛的握拳,毕宿五便仿佛气球似得爆炸。而爆炸的中心却安静的漂浮着一块不知道什么的碎片。这顿时后引起了东方焱的强烈好奇心。 Has been cancelling finger to the fragment, latter ease flies toward Dongfang Yan. 对着碎片勾了勾手指,后者悠然的朝着东方焱飞去。 looks at present fragment Dongfang Yan only felt that very familiar Divine Sense searches into, fierce was startled as if consciousness to be dragged into the fragment. 看着眼前的碎片东方焱只感觉十分的熟悉神识探入其中,猛的一怔仿佛意识被拉入到了碎片之中。 Pictures appear in Dongfang Yan at present, the person who does not see clearly is not difficult to see from the sticking out chest as well as the elegant long hair is a female. 一幕幕的画面出现在东方焱眼前,看不清楚的人从隆起的胸部以及飘逸的长发不难看出是一位女子。 However, this does not know that is whose female in the hand weapon actually very obvious, does not see clearly to the person of war with it is. 然而,这位不知道是谁的女子手中武器却是十分的明显,与之对战的人也看不清楚是谁。 If guesses good this fragment is the wreckage of this sword.” “如果猜的不错的话这块碎片就是这把剑的残骸吧。” Knits the brows, the present fight already was not this degree created a disturbance. 皱着眉,眼前的战斗早已不是自己这种程度打闹。 Right, oneself experience the most intense fight on to create a disturbance in this picture can only calculate. 对,自己经历过最为激烈的战斗在这画面中只能算的上打闹。 In that picture the principle, rule here thing did not say, the shock-wave that each confrontation erupts can an burst star, this not fierce that is false. 那画面中法则,规则这里东西不说,每一次的交锋爆发的冲击波都能震爆一颗星球,这都不厉害那都是假的。 Especially both sides to bumping to be struck the star that flies to run upon all the way, the meteorite all explodes without exception. 尤其是双方对碰被击飞一路上撞上的星球,陨石无一例外全都爆掉。 First did not say above whether has life, can rely on the mortal body to hit to explode the star light directly is this point Dongfang Yan then self-examines unable to achieve. 先不说上面是否有生命,能直接凭借肉身撞爆星球光是这一点东方焱便自问做不到。 But each time difficult ten thousand massacre the opposite party painstakingly, opposite party once more likely slightly will be better than will crawl, Strength even more formidable. 而每一次艰辛万苦杀掉对方,对方都会再次像个小强似的爬起来,力量越发的强大。 Only is this point then makes Dongfang Yan silent, because Dongfang Yan from this fuzzy silhouette felt the liveliness in within the body Strength seed obviously. 光是这一点便让东方焱沉默,因为从这道模糊的身影东方焱明显感觉到了体内力量种子的活跃。 It looks like the daughter who gets married wants to return to maternal home to result. 就像是出嫁的女儿想回娘家似得。 It seems like I must try hard, dangerous at the same time naturally also follows the repayment of superelevation, this is the exchange of equal value. This different dimension demon Power of the King seed master does not know strongly.” “看来我也要努力了,危险的同时自然也伴随着超高的回报,这就是等价交换。这份异次元魔王的力量种子主人不知道有多强。”
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