MTOAW :: Volume #6

#551: Capture orange-red as well as bold idea

Perhaps compared with past difficult, after all orange-red has also understood establishments of this schools. 或许比起从前更加的艰难吧,毕竟缇娜自己也是去了解了一些这所学院的建立。 Therefore naturally also understands that this by the ideal township of child of curse was established under the bloodiness of director slaughters. 因此自然也明白这所被诅咒之子的理想乡是建立在理事长的血腥杀戮下。 But, is actually not able to give up Quest as a killer by oneself, so puzzled orange-red on this in former place two people and inserts the shoulder until the opposite party, but as if under has decided anything to be determined general. 可是,作为一名杀手却又让自己无法放弃任务,如此纠结的缇娜就这样愣在原地直到对方两人与自己插肩而过仿佛下定了什么决心一般。 looks at present back orange-red instantaneous both eyes sent out a red light hand blade to knock down the opposite party to open the camouflage box to take out inside weapon to aim at the back fast to own goal. 看着眼前的背影缇娜瞬间双眼发出红光一记手刀打晕了对方快速打开伪装箱取出里面的武器对准了背对着自己的目标。 So long as can make me see Onii-sama several times. No matter makes me kill anybody! Even if the God also kills to you looks!!!” “只要能够让我多见哥哥大人几次。不管让我杀任何人都可以!就算是神也杀给你看!!!” Holding back button without hesitation, six barrels start to revolve, the fire god artillery starts to spray the large flame. 毫不犹豫的按压按钮,六根枪管开始旋转,火神炮开始喷射火舌。 Roaring as well as along with the sound that the back presents suddenly the fire god artillery starts, Saeko is also a brow wrinkle puts out a hand to draw behind the day child wood of having a scare. 背后忽然出现的怒吼以及伴随着火神炮启动的声音,冴子也是眉头一皱伸手把吓了一大跳的天童木更拉到身后 So open simply does not have the track of any bunker to ascend the sky child Mugeng a average person not to make into screen to result by the fire god artillery. 如此开阔根本没有任何掩体的小道上天童木更一个普通人还不得被火神炮打成筛子似得。 Therefore, protected the day child wood in behind, Saeko also emits has protected the body sword air/Qi projectile impact as if to be framed generally such static float on the sword air/Qi in airborne. 因此,把天童木更护在身后,冴子也是放出了护体剑气子弹撞击在剑气上仿佛被定格了一般就这么静静的漂浮在空中。 This lets behind a dumbfoundedness of day child wood face, must know that can feel in front of Saeko as if to have ten points to attract own thing as sword ghost naturally that the day child flows to exist. 这可是让身后的天童木更一脸的目瞪口呆,要知道作为天童流的剑鬼自然能感受到冴子面前似乎有着一种十分吸引自己的东西存在。 Old book that if occasionally see has not spoken incorrectly... Thinks that this invisible protective cap is the so-called sword air/Qi. 如果自己偶尔所看见的古籍没说错的话…想必这层无形的保护罩就是所谓的剑气吧。 How possible!!!” “怎么可能!!!” Similarly, had discovered incorrect place, orange-red of end of mission is also face shocking looks at present Saeko, what this fuck was in the information says was only ordinary woman of a little strength suspends? 同样,发现了不对的地方,停止射击的缇娜也是一脸震惊的看着眼前的冴子,这尼玛就是情报中所说的只是一个有点实力的普通女人摆了? At this moment, orange-red also thinks in the previous assassination the opposite party empty-handed meets the appearance of bullet, the whole body trembles. 这一刻,缇娜也想起来上次暗杀中对方空手接子弹的样子,浑身不由的一颤起来。 „If there is not guessed wrong ......... “如果没猜错的话………” Disperses front a dense and numerous piece of bullet, the bullet falls to let orange-red in the sound that the ground exudes is also the breath tightens. 散掉面前密密麻麻的一片子弹,子弹掉落在地上发出的响声让缇娜也是呼吸都为之一紧起来。 Saeko was also the looks at opposite party understands clearly. Therefore also feeling chin lightly said with a smile. 冴子也是看着对方了然了。因此也是不由的摸着下巴轻笑道。 You are the killer who assassinates the Saint emperor Sir is right?” “你就是暗杀圣天子大人的杀手对吧?” ............ “…………” Pupil contraction, but orange-red did not have start to talk once more to take good in the hand weapon to keep silent also to be actually equal to acknowledged in disguised form. 瞳孔收缩,不过缇娜也没开口只是再次拿好手中武器默不作声却也相当于变相的承认了下来。 Has gotten hold of the in the hand fire god artillery, the orange-red elegant deep breath getting up vision very vigilant is staring at Saeko. 不由的握紧了手中的火神炮,缇娜深呼吸起来目光十分警惕的盯着冴子 Suffers to death!!!” “受死吧!!!” Originally because starts Ability to cause both eyes to change red orange-red stimulates Ability to make both eyes more scarlet once more. 本就因为发动能力导致双眼变红的缇娜再次激发能力双眼更加的猩红起来。 Raises the fire god artillery to approach toward Saeko, since the bullet is unable to create to injure that nearby body war to the opposite party. 提着火神炮朝着冴子靠近,既然子弹无法对对方造成伤害那就近身战。 After all this situation also has to see, aren't previous that leech child shade descendants and this Ability are very similar? 毕竟这种情况也不是没见过,上次那蛭子影胤不也是和这种能力十分相似嘛? Therefore was mistaken that the opposite party prepares near body war with orange-red of leech child shade descendants' same newbie kind of schemer. 因此误以为对方是和蛭子影胤一样的新人类计划者的缇娜准备近身战。 Hehe, if previous time I have not remembered incorrectly small Younger Sister in flame there you call orange-red is right?” 呵呵,如果上次我在焱那里没记错的话小妹妹你是叫缇娜对吧?” „!!!” “!!!” Feels opposite party obvious, Saeko also indeed decides, therefore does not have many was saying anything. 感受到对方明显的一顿,冴子也是更加的确定下来因此也就没有过多的在说什么。 Flame do not peep again, this small Younger Sister your looks at office.” “焱别再偷看了,这个小妹妹你自己看着办吧。” Is standing in orange-red behind Dongfang Yan rolled the eyes once more, Saeko also to the hideaway aura turns around to leave. 对着隐藏气息站在缇娜身后东方焱翻了个白眼,冴子也是再次的转身离开。 Bewildered was attacked does not care, was not feeling well at heart. 莫名其妙的被人袭击就算自己不在意,心里还是很不爽了。 Shocks in orange-red, at present actually suddenly one black realized oneself was grasped orange-red from behind is also the whole body one stiff. 就在缇娜震惊,眼前却忽然一黑察觉到自己被人从身后抱住缇娜也是浑身一僵。 The so warm body, lets person by the heart felt that warm bosom, right, is Onii-sama that most think. 如此温暖的身体,让人由心的感到温暖的怀抱,没错,是自己最想念的哥哥大人 This not real ......... This not really ............ “这不是真的………这不是真的…………” Whole body one stiff, 浑身一僵, The lip cannot bear shivers the pronunciation, orange-red was only thinking that eyes moist, as if in self- deceit general unceasing shaking the head of twittering orange-red is unable to believe that but description of Onii-sama the recollection that young girl said from the beginning in Onii-sama with own brain overlaps gradually. 嘴唇忍不住的颤抖着发音,缇娜只觉得眼睛湿润了起来,仿佛是在自我欺骗一般不断的呢喃着缇娜无法相信的摇了摇头,而回想起一开始那个少女所说的哥哥大人的形容逐渐与自己的脑中的哥哥大人所重叠。 Of bang! 轰的一声! Thought blasting open, the orange-red elegant innermost feelings are in an extremely difficult situation. Discards the sobbing sound that in the hand weapon covers to be quiet hurriedly soon blurts out directly. 思维炸裂,缇娜内心狼狈不堪。直接丢掉手中武器急忙捂住嘴中快要脱口而出的呜咽声。 Orange-red, finished. From had finished as the life of killer at this moment.” “呐缇娜,结束了哦。作为杀手的生活从此刻起已经结束了哦。” Hugs orange-red gently in bosom, Dongfang Yan collected in the orange-red ear fills gentle start to talk to say. 轻轻把缇娜搂在怀中,东方焱凑在缇娜的耳边充满了温柔的开口道。 Again this lets orange-red is unable to endure cries. 这让缇娜也是再也无法忍受的落泪起来。 Elder Brother...... Sir......” 哥哥……大人……” In the time of that being together, orange-red liked his gentleness and makes people by feel the warm bosom at heart. 在那段相处的时间里,缇娜喜欢上了他的温柔和让人由心里感到温暖的怀抱。 So long as in the bosom of Onii-sama, orange-red thought that this is on World is warmest the best place, has the favorable impression to him who orange-red is unable to suppress. 只要在哥哥大人的怀中,缇娜就觉得这是世界上最温暖最好的地方,缇娜无法抑制的对他抱有好感。 But status disparity made orange-red be afraid some day the opposite party to know oneself status. 可是身份的差距让缇娜十分害怕有一天对方知道了自己身份。 Orange-red clenches teeth, suppresses overflow the tears, the sobbing sound that but is unable to suppress actually sends out from the mouth. 缇娜咬着牙,强忍住溢出的泪水,可是无法抑制的呜咽声却从嘴中发出。 Present orange-red was not the killer yo, but will be that will get sleepy to close one's eyes to take away the button in the morning, small girl who daytime wants to sleep yo.” “现在的缇娜可不是杀手了呦,而是那个早上会犯困闭着眼扣纽扣,白天想睡觉的小丫头了呦。” Makes one lose face gently, feeling that is unable to suppress made Dongfang Yan bite the orange-red ear gently. 轻轻蹭脸,无法抑制的感觉让东方焱轻轻的咬住了缇娜的耳朵。 Receives an electric shock the feeling makes orange-red only feel that the ear exceptionally boiling hot gives off heat. The whole body as if lost all Strength to be ordinary, orange-red entire body one soft, whole body by in a warm bosom. 触电般的感觉让缇娜只觉得耳朵异常的滚烫发热。浑身仿佛失去了所有的力量一般,缇娜整个身子一软,全身靠在了一个温暖的怀抱中。 That familiar feeling, that makes people from feel at heart the warm bosom, orange-red has smiled, closes one's eyes gently, in heart does not believe that scared, feels helpless and other mood to vanish, static feeling this rare warmth. 那熟悉的感觉,那让人从心里感到温暖的怀抱,缇娜不由的笑了起来,轻轻闭上眼,之前心中的不信,恐慌,不知所措等情绪全都消失,静静的感受着这份难得的温暖。 This warm feeling right, is Onii-sama... 这份温暖的感觉没错,是哥哥大人 Onii-sama, I ......... 哥哥大人,我………” Long time, orange-red who as if restores has rubbed rubbing toward the warm bosom , seems plans to tell the opposite party all, gently had actually been pinched the face. 良久,仿佛恢复过来的缇娜往温暖的怀中蹭了蹭,似乎是打算告诉对方一切,却被轻轻的捏了捏脸。 Orange-red hasn't I meant? Vanished as you of killer, therefore, no matter before you, is any status, has made anything, now is I Younger Sister that wants to protect.” “缇娜我不是说过了嘛?作为杀手的你已经消失,所以,不管你以前是什么身份,又做了什么,现在都是我想要保护的妹妹。” Has pinched the orange-red cheek gently, Dongfang Yan is also favors to drown smiles, this lets in the orange-red elegant heart is moved. 轻轻捏了捏缇娜的脸蛋,东方焱也是宠溺一笑,这让缇娜心中更加的感动起来。 Onii-sama ......... 哥哥大人………” Orange-red buries in the Dongfang Yan's bosom to weep bitterly the face loudly. In the heart is not already able to suppress changed into the turbulent tears with emotion tight grasps Dongfang Yan, as to integrate his body to be ordinary. 缇娜把脸埋进东方焱的怀中放声痛哭。心中早已无法抑制的感动化为了汹涌的泪水紧紧的抱住东方焱,仿佛想要融入他的身体一般。 Is leading already caught orange-red successfully goes home, after expression that summer world I know white Dongfang Yan, then as if spiteful as results in does not utter a word. 成功带着已经被捕获的缇娜回家,夏世一副我就知道的表情白了眼东方焱后便仿佛赌气似得一声不吭。 But Dongfang Yan led orange-red they to introduce to Akame directly first. 东方焱则是带着缇娜直接先向赤瞳她们介绍了起来。 Afterward then leads orange-red to stroll the school to come, this time orange-red felt inconceivable, develops the space, baseless the divine creative force no matter which is not the person can achieve. 随后便带着缇娜逛起学院来,这次的缇娜更是感到了不可思议,拓展空间,凭空造物不管是哪一个都不是人可以做到的吧。 Hee hee orange-red, Elder Brother I am not a person, we are a fiendish person.” 嘻嘻缇娜,哥哥我可不是人,咱可是魔王哦。” Very self-satisfied smiles, puts out a hand to rub the orange-red head, in this fills in the spiritual qi school. 十分得意的一笑,伸手揉着缇娜的脑袋在这充满灵气的学院里。 Not only plays strengthens the function of physique, but can also let by backlash of child of complete immunity virus curse. 不仅仅可是起到强化体质的作用,还能让被诅咒之子完全免疫病毒的反噬。 In other words will be only getting stronger and stronger the later World pattern also greatly to change in children who in the school lives. 也就是说在学院里生活的孩子们只会越来越强以后的世界格局也会大变样。 Especially to fighting the later looks at both sides any skill has not been depends oneself physique strong and weak in orange-red and summer world completely your fist my foot is fighting. 尤其是在缇娜和夏世对战以后看着双方没有任何技巧完全就是仗着自己体质的强弱你一拳我一脚的对打着。 Who drops down first looked that whose physique is weaker, however some exceptions, in any case the meaning is also also similar. 谁先倒下就看谁的体质更弱,然而也有一些例外,嘛,反正意思也差不多啦。 Scene that therefore Dongfang Yan looks at two people fight feels the chin to ponder any bucket of technique Cultivation Technique can take. 因此东方焱看着两人对打的场面摸着下巴思考着什么斗技功法可以拿出来的。 Divine Sense searches Cultivation Technique that into a piece reorganizes, fights technique hall. 神识探入一片整理出来的功法,斗技堂。 Not only the collection of Teacher medicine dust, where also some snatches from the enemy, there are purple slaughter several respected families as well as results in Cultivation Technique bucket of techniques from the soul palace quarter. 不只是自己老师药尘的收藏,也有一些从敌人哪里抢来的啊,也有紫屠杀几大家族以及从魂殿处所得功法斗技。 Also there are some Cultivation Technique bucket of techniques that universe ancient dragon Zi Yan where must come, naturally also had Cultivation Technique bucket of technique say nothing of obtained Cultivation Technique bucket of techniques that Xun Father father-in-law ancient clan where must come. 也有太虚古龙紫妍哪里得来的一些功法斗技,当然还有薰儿父亲岳父古族哪里得来的功法斗技更不用说自己所得的功法斗技了。 In brain rapid seeks is suiting children's Cultivation Technique bucket of techniques, Dongfang Yan also believes that in this fills in the spiritual qi school, will lead a pious life the children strength of Cultivation Technique bucket of techniques only formidable. 脑中飞速的寻找着适合孩子们的功法斗技,东方焱也相信在这充满灵气的学院里,修行功法斗技的孩子们实力只会更加的强大。 Dominates the World anything's ease, but Dongfang Yan did not plan that makes the gastraea vanish from this World. 称霸世界什么的轻而易举,只是东方焱并不打算让原肠动物从这个世界上消失。 Oneself also planned that opens a side space in East China Sea, moves the school, in each national area establishes transmission children world to receive to establish academy of one or broken army like is. 自己还打算在东海处开辟一方空间,把学院搬过去在每个国家地区建立传送阵把全球的孩子们都接过来成立一个像is又或者破军一样的学园。 So is pondering, orange-red and fight of summer world had ended not to note, but sees oneself Onii-sama to regard was pondering any very important issue two people have not made noise to disturb. 如此的思考着,就连缇娜与夏世的战斗已经结束了也没注意到,只不过见自己哥哥大人视乎在思考着什么很重要的问题两人也没出声打扰。 Tranquil looking at each other. 只是平静的对视了一眼。 „? This is ......... “诶?这是………” looks at does not have part of Cultivation Technique that anything limits is too weak or looks down upon, suddenly Dongfang Yan had discovered Martial Arts Secret Book that because once was prompted by a sudden impulse when also to think at that time is system must come shines immediately at present. 看着不是有着什么限制就是太弱或者看不起的一部分功法,忽然东方焱发现了曾经因为心血来潮在当时还以为是系统时自己要来的武功秘籍顿时眼前一亮起来。 Strength even more formidable, causing this Martial Arts Secret Book almost soon to forget, in addition fights broken World Cultivation Technique compared with these Martial Arts Secret Book strong is not the tiny bit. 实力越发的强大,导致这种武功秘籍几乎快要被遗忘,再加上斗破世界功法比起这些武功秘籍来说强的也不是一星半点。 Naturally, top Martial Arts Secret Book is very powerful, for example are familiar with the use at present as before Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique as well as Graceful Steps upon the Wave and six pulses Divine Sword. 当然啦,顶尖武功秘籍还是很给力的,比如目前自己依旧还是习惯使用的北冥无相长生功以及凌波微步和六脉神剑了。 Was other Martial Arts Secret Book almost quickly can catch up to forget on the contrary. 反倒是其他的一些武功秘籍几乎都快赶得上被遗忘掉了。 Hou, such decided.” “嚯,就这么决定了。” Has contrasted Martial Arts Secret Book, simulates the revolution feeling not anything issue after spiritual qi is also very satisfied has smiled. 对比了一下武功秘籍,用灵气模拟运转感觉没什么问题后也是十分满意的笑了起来。
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