MTOAW :: Volume #6

#550: Reaching an agreement directly how sneaks you on walked to feed!

Hey the day child to awake, will you faint here? Day child?” “喂天童醒醒,你怎么会昏倒在这里?天童?” Hugs the day child wood in the bosom, another hand gently whips the day child to frown the cheek that tightly. looks at opposite party that resembles the head that several days have not washed chaotically is also doubts. 把天童木更搂在怀中,另一只手轻轻的拍打着天童紧皱着眉头的脸蛋。看着对方那乱糟糟好像有几天没洗的头也是更加的疑惑起来。 Un ......... Dongfang (east)...... Sir......” “嗯………东方……大人……” As Dongfang Yan's pats the face, the day child wood also returned to consciousness just before dying has resulted in incomparably weak opening eyes looks at Dongfang Yan, trembling putting out a hand. 随着东方焱的拍脸,天童木更也是回光返照了似得无比虚弱的睁开眼看着东方焱,颤颤巍巍的伸出了手。 Saves me...... Sir Dongfang (east)......” “救我……东方大人……” When Dongfang Yan is confused, the day child wood as if died hand also weak falling that same both eyes turned stretches out. 正当东方焱一头雾水时,天童木更仿佛死掉了一样双眼一翻伸出的手也无力的落下。 You, ant, the day child you awake soberly!!” “你清醒一点,蚂蚁啊呸,天童你醒醒!!” This makes Dongfang Yan have a scare, is swaying the day child wood hastily unceasingly fiercely. 这让东方焱吓了一跳,连忙不断地剧烈摇晃着天童木更。 ............... “……………” Did not respond when the Dongfang Yan brow selects to be just about to prepare how had a look at day of virgin wood this is, day child wood belly suddenly has actually made a sound. 毫无反应,东方焱眉头一挑正要准备看看天童木更这到底是怎么了时,天童木更的肚子却是突然的响了起来。 A forehead heavy line, looks at died has resulted in day child wood Dongfang Yan not to know whether to laugh or cry, shaking the head of brings the day child wood then directly to turn around to leave, when appears again is actually in own family/home. 一脑门黑线,看着一副死掉了似得天童木更东方焱也是哭笑不得,摇了摇头带着天童木更便直接转身离开,再次出现时却是自己的家中。 „, Left less than two minutes of time also to lead a girl merely, it seems like flame you in......” “哦,仅仅只是离开了不到两分钟的功夫就又带回来一个女孩,看来焱你这是在……” Suddenly holds Dongfang Yan that the girl is presenting to feel instantaneously surrounding air ice-cold has gotten down, smiles bitterly hastily is answering, but smelled food aura the day child wood also as if to live came to open eyes generally. 忽然抱着女孩出现的东方焱瞬间感觉到了周围的空气冰冷下来,连忙苦笑着解释道,而闻到食物气息的天童木更也是仿佛活了过来一般睁开眼。 Appearance that the food that on looks at table the vision stares, the eye does not wink on uneven flow saliva. 目光直勾勾的看着桌上的食物,眼都不眨的模样就差流口水了。 This is day of virgin wood, un ......... How should say ......... “这位是天童木更,嗯………该怎么说了………” Had a mind to say anything, but Dongfang Yan actually suddenly discovered oneself with her were not suddenly has not known how really very much ripe should say. 有心想要说些什么,可是东方焱却忽然发现自己还真的和她不是很熟一时间也是不知道该怎么说了。 First eats meal, ate said again.” “先吃饭吧,吃了再说。” naturally saw that actually did not have anything's Saeko also to smile, returns to a kitchen to take out the tableware more abundant for the day child wood one bowl, has given the opposite party under the opposite party grateful vision. 自然看出其实没什么的冴子也是一笑,回了趟厨房取出碗筷为天童木更盛了一碗,在对方感激的目光下递给了对方。 If cannot to me a satisfactory explanation, you wait for the ice cap knee punishment.” “如果不能给我一个满意的解释,那你等着冰盖膝刑吧。” Seizes Dongfang Yan's collar Esdeath is also coldly snorted, this makes Dongfang Yan not know whether to laugh or cry. 一把揪住东方焱的衣领艾斯德斯也是冷哼一声到,这让东方焱也是哭笑不得。 Had several bowls of food from soon starves to death why the edge that comes back then a face satisfiedly to back on chair gracefully to drink in the day child wood is not knowing the specially appealing black tea. 在天童木更吃了几碗饭从即将饿死的边缘回来这才一脸满足的背靠椅子优雅的喝着不知道为啥特别吸引人的红茶。 That asked one, how long the day child were you hungry?” “那个问一句,天童你这是饿了多久?” looks at a moment ago almost could catch up with Akame such day child wood Dongfang Yan also to be once more curious, how this was. 看着刚才几乎赶得上曾经赤瞳那样的天童木更东方焱也是更加的好奇起来,这是咋的了。 Sir Dongfang (east)...... This time I was really possibly homeless ......... 东方大人……这次我可能真的无家可归了………” hearing this, the day child wood also recovers, somewhat awkward lowering the head finger corresponding point speaking. 闻言,天童木更也是回过神来,有些尴尬的低着头手指对点着说到。 Ha?” “哈?” The corners of the mouth pull out, does not understand that had anything's Dongfang Yan to feel the hand of waist is also the whole body trembles. 嘴角一抽,更加不明白发生了什么的东方焱感受到腰间的手也是浑身一颤。 Because previous leech child shade Yin Shijian transfers the massive financial resource to cause unable to pay the house rent of company now by heartless expelling, in saw that fellow because also lost the initiating agent to add on again nothing may do recently, therefore ......... Therefore ......... “因为上次蛭子影胤事件调动了大量的财力导致现在付不起公司的房租被无情的赶走,里见那个家伙也因为失去了起始者再加上最近都没什么事情可做所以了………所以了………” So spoke , the day child wood can feel that including oneself cheek boiling hot, this let Dongfang Yan is also the brow selects has selected anything probably clearly. 如此说到,天童木更连自己都能感觉到脸颊的滚烫,这让东方焱也是眉头一挑大概明白点了什么。 School dormitory?” “学校宿舍了?” That ......... Because has not filled in lodging application from the beginning therefore ............ “那个………因为一开始并没有填住宿申请因此…………” Low, good was needless saying that Dongfang Yan also probably understood the day of virgin wood recent several days current life style. 把头更加的低下,好吧不用多说东方焱也大概明白了天童木更最近几天的生活现状。 Extremely speechless rolled the eyes Dongfang Yan has not thought anything's silent looks at opposite party. 极度无语的翻了个白眼东方焱也没多想什么的沉默看着对方。 That...... That Sir Dongfang (east) ......... Actually...... Actually I am also very good to support, naturally I will not eat without paying white dwell I to help you clean in the home the health, “那……那个东方大人………其实……其实我也很好养活的,当然我也不会白吃白住的我会帮您打扫家里卫生的, Please must give shelter to me, otherwise I do not know where really should go ......... ” seems the unhealthy person broken falls, the day child wood stood directly got up to say to the request that Dongfang Yan was bending the waist to bow, this made Saeko also after the hand supported under has been looking forward to several opposite party confuse it to smile. 请您一定要收留我,不然我真的不知道该去什么地方了………”仿佛是破罐子破摔,天童木更直接站了起来对着东方焱弯腰鞠躬的请求道,这让冴子也是用手撑着下巴望了几眼对方后迷之微笑起来。 Actually makes you stay here is not the issue, why I am quite curious do not look for Lian Tarou.” “其实让你在这里住下也不是什么问题,我比较好奇为什么不去找莲太郎。” The nod is counted to comply, the waist an ache lets Dongfang Yan immediately is also the corners of the mouth pulls out good fortune fine day child Mugeng is bends the waist unable to see. 点头算作答应下来,腰间顿时一股疼痛下来让东方焱也是嘴角一抽不过幸好天童木更是弯着腰看不见。 In sees......” “里见……” Knew oneself gave shelter to day of virgin wood also to relax for the later lodging and meals when feeling to worry, when hears Dongfang Yan said Lian Tarou, the day child wood is also low-spirited being nerve-racking that cannot bear. 得知自己被收留天童木更也是松了口气为自己以后的住宿和伙食不在感到担忧,不过当听见东方焱说莲太郎时,天童木更也是忍不住的黯然伤神。 Un? In difficult to be inadequate sees and dies?” “嗯?难不成里见又死了?” Sees appearance Dongfang Yan that day of virgin wood that is nerve-racking low-spirited is also blurting out. 看见天童木更那一副黯然伤神的样子东方焱也是一愣不由的脱口而出。 ? Why strange can say? 诶?奇怪为什么要说又了? No, not...... In saw came under very big attack I not to see to see probably for a long time ......... “不,也不是啦……只是里见好像受到了很大的打击我也已经好久没看见里见了………” Shook the head day of virgin wood also to see the matter that Lian Tarou recently had to say about, naturally Esdeath four people of were naturally does not care at all is Dongfang Yan felt the doubts to this World protagonist on the contrary? 摇了摇头天童木更也是把关于里见莲太郎最近所发生的事情说了一下,当然艾斯德斯四人自然是毫不在意反倒是东方焱对这个世界主角感到了疑惑? Good, therefore in thorough losing sees the news, couldn't find the lodging to run up to here to come?” “好吧,所以在彻底失去里见消息以后,找不到住宿就跑到我这里来了?” Sees Lian Tarou to feel regarding in merely surprise Dongfang Yan has not actually cared, therefore is also the looks at extremely awkward day child wood that the brow selects. 对于里见莲太郎仅仅只是感到诧异东方焱却也没放在心上,因此也是眉头一挑的看着万分尴尬的天童木更。 This...... Because was really hungry not being able to bear therefore subconsciously arrived at the school entrance of Sir finally.” “这个……因为最后实在是饿的受不了于是就下意识的来到了大人的学院门口。” gan smiles, day child wood also for oneself felt that lowers the head almost not to bury in the chest the head ashamed. 尴笑起来,天童木更也是为自己感到羞愧低着头差点没把脑袋埋进胸中。 Good, I was not am blaming you, on the other hand your was taking were two pockets What does it mean?” “好了好了,我也不是在怪你了,话说回来你那提着的两口袋是什么意思?” Felt that very funny, after putting out a hand to rub day of virgin wood head, gently the vision looked at the eye to place nearby pocket to have doubts. 感到十分的好笑,伸手轻轻揉了揉天童木更的脑袋后目光看了眼放在一旁的口袋疑惑起来。 „? Do I have to take the thing?” “诶?我有提着东西嘛?” hearing this stares, when could not remember to raise the day child wood of thing completely is also ignorant of face. 闻言一愣,完全想不起来自己什么时候提了东西的天童木更也是一脸的懵。 However in next day Dongfang Yan from the telephone of Saint emperor knew that yesterday the day child wood took big bunch of things of not to walk to money in the supermarket. 不过在第二天东方焱就从圣天子的电话里得知昨天天童木更在超市拿了一大堆的东西没给钱就走了。 But then day child wood already was in the police who starves to report to the police to pursue extremely child Mugeng to walk every day toward own school. 只不过当时的天童木更早已处于极度挨饿中原本报警追来的警察见天童木更朝着自己学院走来。 Stemming from dares to go forward to own fear indeed so nobody, even if the day child wood faints not to dare some people to approach in the school entrance finally. 出于对自己的恐惧尽然没有一个人敢上前,就算天童木更最后昏倒在学院门口也不敢有人靠近。 Finally can only report to Saint emperor, this makes the day of virgin wood ashamed, Dongfang Yan actually cannot bear Puff smile. 最后只能上报给圣天子,这让天童木更更加的羞愧,东方焱却是忍不住噗呲一笑。 Monitoring video that the looks at Saint emperor sends, day child wood that look chaotic revolutions as if good-for-nothing generally does sway walks the incoming messenger point not to smile toward own school in former place. 看着圣天子发来的监控视频,天童木更那眼神乱转仿佛行尸走肉一般摇摇晃晃的朝着自己学院走来差点没笑死在原地 But stemmed from the awkward day child wood is the ashamed heart explosion complexion red request Dongfang Yan cannot smile in the Dongfang Yan's laughter finally, results in like small female student simply. 而原本出于尴尬的天童木更在东方焱的笑声中最后也是羞耻心爆炸脸色通红的要求着东方焱不许笑,简直就像个小女生似得。 naturally, since having moved in the Dongfang Yan school, family's housework as well as helped Saeko clean vegetables these to give the day of virgin wood. 自然,自从入住了东方焱学院以后,家里的家务以及帮冴子洗菜这些都交给了天童木更。 But day child wood is also willing to make these, Saeko that naturally had not been familiar with occasionally will also do. 而天童木更也愿意做这些,当然原本还不习惯的冴子也会偶尔做一些。 Had Dongfang Yan this big backer, the day child wood was also sighter, not only did not need to be worried about the food and lodging issue, spent not to think formerly such. 有了东方焱这个大靠山,天童木更也是风光了起来,不仅不用担心吃住问题,就连花钱也不在想从前那样了。 In Dongfang Yan has given under a hundred million pocket money directly, except the usury also had made also other money as well as money beyond. 东方焱直接给了一个亿的零用钱下,除去原本还高利贷还赚了的钱以及其他的钱外。 The day child wood also the feeling is having a dream to be the same now. 天童木更现在都还感觉是在做梦一样。 Regarding money that the usury owes, in Dongfang Yan upon learning this direct powerful letting opposite party several times spat came out with the Dongfang Yan's original words is. 对于高利贷所欠的钱,在东方焱得知以后直接强势的让对方几倍的吐了出来用东方焱的原话来说就是。 Although I do not care about money thing, may be treated as the matter of greatly fat sheep is actually unforgivable. 虽然我不在乎钱这个东西,可被人当作大肥羊的这件事却是不可原谅的。 Since wood owing money has returned that ............ 既然木更把欠的钱都还上了那么………… Takes by force!!!! 打劫!!!! To maintain a livelihood presents money Baibei who the wood owes. 想要活命就把木更欠的钱百倍奉还。 Finished and Onii-sama one day as for orange-red once more, dragging the camouflage box to see the street opposite school entrance orange-red elegant deep breath. 至于缇娜再次结束与哥哥大人的一天,拖着伪装箱看见马路对面的学院入口缇娜深呼吸了起来。 Brought Bluetooth communication in ear also to broadcast the voice of oneself master. 带在耳中的蓝牙通讯器也传来了自己主人的声音。 Orange-red, your Quest is sneaks the Devil school to massacre the director as well as that woman, understood?” “缇娜,你的这次任务就是潜入恶魔学院杀掉理事长以及那个女人,明白了嘛?” Where can you stand how long? Do the words that does not walk make way?” “你到底要在哪里站多久?不走的话让开好吗?” Orange-red who hearing this turns around actually does not want to frighten an anxiety of that middle-aged woman face behind makes noise, after all the opposite may be in the hearsay kills without batting an eye, a day kills the school that several hundred people of fiendish people have established. 闻言转身的缇娜却不想吓得身后出声的那名中年妇女一脸的紧张,毕竟对面可就是传闻中杀人不眨眼,一天就杀了几百人的魔王建立的学院。 Middle-aged woman freely is very impatient actually dares to say the boastful talk also to have the fear and fear to this girl at present on the contrary. 中年妇女尽管十分的不耐烦却也不敢对眼前这个女孩口出狂言相反还带着恐惧和害怕。 Is sorry......” “抱歉……” Orange-red is bending the waist to the middle-aged woman, afterward drags the huge camouflage box to walk toward the school front door, the behind tense that woman then relaxed hastily leaves here. 缇娜对着中年妇女弯腰到,随后拖着巨大的伪装箱朝着学院大门走去,身后原本紧张的那名妇女这才松了口气连忙的离开这里。 The entering front door that does not stop, orange-red felt suddenly the present construction as if has any incorrect place not to think anything but actually much. 毫无阻拦的走进大门,缇娜忽然感觉眼前的建筑似乎有什么不对的地方倒也是没有多想什么。 looks at school orange-red of fine scenery awakens at present suddenly, this front door leads to another World entrance? 看着眼前风景优美的学院缇娜猛然醒悟过来,这大门是通往另一个世界的入口嘛? At present completely is not that appearance that outside sees, here is big how, but 3322 held the books is being on the face has been full of the happy talks and laughters same as by the contemporaries of child of curse. 眼前完全就不是外面所看见的那个样子,这里是何其之大,而3322抱着书本与自己一样是被诅咒之子的同龄人更是脸上充满了欢声笑语。 Such a time of meeting, some passing by is also on own initiative be with smile on the face giving regards. 就这么一会的功夫,一些路过的也是主动面带微笑的问好。 This!!!! This!!!” “这!!!!这!!!” Orange-red by the deep shock, suddenly had been worn in former place looks at unifies the uniform/subdue, or sits in the basin discusses the work. 缇娜被深深的震惊到了,一时间楞在原地看着身穿统一制服,或是坐在水池边讨论作业。 Also or hugs the person who the books are cheerful and lively, orange-red also suspected that World that here know really? 又或者是抱着书本有说有笑的人,缇娜也是怀疑这里真的还是自己所知道的那个世界嘛? Here is not the ideal township... World in ideal. 这里不会是理想乡吧…理想中的世界 Looked that you have not worn the uniform/subdue not to bring the medal to come.” “看你没穿制服也没带勋章是才进来的吧。” In orange-red gets muddled, the one side presented a sound this to make orange-red subconsciously anxious suddenly. 就在缇娜发蒙时,一旁却忽然出现了一道声音这让缇娜下意识紧张起来。 Has turned around actually to see one to say with the inquiry that child of the almost big curse smiles. Yes, yes, I just a moment ago came, but here ............ 转过身却看见一位与自己差不多大的诅咒之子微笑的询问道。是,是的,我是刚刚才进来的,不过这里…………” Why did not know, just entered this school to depend gradual vanished does not see, this feeling that wearily the caffeine suppressed was very familiar. 不知道为什么,刚进入这所学院原本靠咖啡因压制的疲倦逐渐的消失不见,这种感觉很熟悉。 But orange-red who the subconsciousness relaxes is also the nod acknowledges. 而下意识放松下来的缇娜也是点头承认到。 so that's how it is, where was led you to go to Onii-sama by me.” 原来如此,那么就由我带你去哥哥大人哪里了。” Nodded, afterward a young girl face joyful holding on orange-red hand walks in a direction, this also lets orange-red, whatever the opposite party leads. 点了点头,随后少女一脸欣喜的拉住缇娜的手朝着一个方向走去,这也让缇娜任由对方带领。 But does not know why heard the opposite party to say Onii-sama orange-red has also remembered that to oneself similarly very gentle Onii-sama. 只不过不知道为什么听见对方说哥哥大人缇娜也是不由的想起了那个对自己同样很温柔的哥哥大人 Although the color/look, is abnormal Lolicon is not a little repugnant, on the contrary also very much rejoiced that the opposite party is Lolicon. 虽然有点色,还是个变态萝莉控却一点也不讨厌,相反还很庆幸对方是个萝莉控 Naturally walks, this looks like another World school is makes orange-red eyes cannot take it all in completely, all the way is also the inquiry that cannot bear various issues. 当然一路走来,这完全就像是另一个世界的学院更是让缇娜目不暇接,一路上也是忍不住的询问着各种问题。 Naturally looked like this issue is not was also secret, therefore young girl was also saying the secret of school to orange-red. 当然像这种问题也早已不是什么秘密了,因此少女也是对缇娜说着学院的秘密。 How possible but this made orange-red directly in a former place this expression. 只不过这让缇娜直接愣在了原地一副这怎么可能得表情。 Actually I am also from the beginning same as you, but Onii-sama was really very extraordinary.” “其实一开始我也是和你一样啦,不过哥哥大人真的是很了不起了。” The looks at orange-red shocking expression, young girl could not bear cover mouth Puff to smile as if remembers itself also to be once same as the opposite party. 看着缇娜震惊的表情,少女也是忍不住捂着嘴噗呲一笑似乎是想起了自己曾经也和对方一样。 Un??” “嗯??” In orange-red is shocked, had actually discovered the goal of front distant place, in the heart did sink also struggles got up to massacre the opposite party really? 就在缇娜震惊中,却发现了前方远处的这次目标,心中不由一沉也是挣扎了起来难道真的要杀掉对方嘛? If I have killed the directors of Devil school, but also has killed the Saint emperor, these and do I have the children of same bitter experience to return to once that life? 如果我把恶魔学院的理事长杀了,还把圣天子杀了,这些和我有着相同遭遇的孩子们岂不是又要回到曾经的那种生活?
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