MTOAW :: Volume #5

#499: Zi Yan

Who you are, dares to oppose with my day monster phoenix clan?” “你到底是谁,竟敢和我天妖凰族作对?” The phoenix day sound is indifferent, looking that coldly to Dongfang Yan, had not responded that including oneself the strength is not can stop absolutely. 凰天声音冷漠,冷冷的望向东方焱,连自己都没反应过来实力绝对不是自己能阻拦的。 Who am I?” “我是谁?” The Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth turn upwards to sneer, flying sword after exploding, the day monster phoenix clan is the loss is also serious. 东方焱嘴角翘起冷笑,一阵飞剑自爆后,天妖凰族也是损失惨重。 I am your abyss “我就是你们的深渊” Cold sound said strange flame emerges out of thin air to condense the shape of sword, terrifying Strength makes the day of monster phoenix palpitation get up. 冷声道一顿奇怪的火焰凭空出现凝聚成剑的形状,恐怖的力量让天妖凰心悸起来。 Boy, day monster phoenix clan is not you can stir up, I urged you as soon as possible to receive good of hand.” “小子,天妖凰族不是你能惹得起的,我劝你还是尽早收手的好。” Fights the Saint hoary-headed old man gloomy say/way, although killing intent in Dongfang Yan eye was getting more and more thick, but feels that even also to want the strong flame sword obviously, the heart as well as scared. 一位斗圣白发苍苍的老者阴沉道,尽管东方焱眼中的杀意越来越浓了,但感受到那明显比自己甚至比自己还要强的火焰剑,心底以及胆寒起来。 Receives the hand? No, is impossible, this whole life is impossible to receive the hand.” “收手?不,不可能的,这辈子都不可能收手的。” Smiling that the corners of the mouth teased, the sword referred to three people, fused several different fires Strength naturally to make Dongfang Yan also breakthrough to fighting the Saint level. 嘴角戏谑的笑着,剑指三人,融合了十几种异火的力量自然东方焱突破至斗圣层次。 Good, good, good, is really a madman of acting recklessly, this world also nobody dares not to pay attention to my day monster phoenix clan!” “好,好,好,果然是一个不知死活的狂人,这个世间还没有一个人敢将我天妖凰族不放在眼里呢!” The phoenix day has smiled, said continually three good characters, is almost in the gnash one's teeth eye fills endless kills vision cold sound of intent to speak. 凰天笑了,连说三个好字,几乎是咬牙切齿眼中充满无尽杀意的目光冷声说到。 Must know, but oneself Clan an shouldering target kind in demon beast family, is the same to universe ancient dragon, day monster phoenix clan able to move unhindered world hundreds of thousands years, but also so had never been looked down upon, this made the day monster phoenix clan that lived all fill endless angry and kills intent. 要知道,自己一族可是魔兽家族中的扛把子一类,与太虚古龙一样,天妖凰族纵横天地十几万年,还从未被人如此看不起过,这让活下来的天妖凰族全都是充满了无尽愤怒和杀意。 Day monster phoenix clan is any thing, nothing but is a quite big pheasant, the boiling water burns, pulled out to be also similar to the pheasant the wool, said that I have not eaten, today takes you to have a sumptuous meal.” “天妖凰族算什么东西,无非就是一只比较大的野鸡而已,开水烫一下,把毛一拔也就和野鸡差不多,说起来我还没吃过了,啧啧,今天就拿你们打牙祭。” Dongfang Yan laughs, raises the sword sword to refer to the day of monster phoenix clan, compels forward, so impudent and shameless person naturally was makes the day of monster phoenix clan feel the insult, immediately all angrily was clamoring. 东方焱大笑一声,提剑剑指天妖凰族,向前逼去,如此厚颜无耻之人自然是让天妖凰族感受到了侮辱,当下一个个全都愤怒的叫嚣着。 Your excellency big tone, is unappreciative, my day monster phoenix clan is not you can make impertinent remarks.” “阁下好大的口气啊,真不识抬举,我天妖凰族可不是你能出言不逊的。” Fights the white hair old man cold acoustic agglomeration of Saint formidable Battle Qi already unable to endure patiently to rush to tear into shreds this to shame oneself Clan person at present. 斗圣的白发老者寒声凝聚着强大的斗气早已忍耐不住冲上去撕碎眼前这个羞辱自己一族的人。 What thing is your day monster phoenix clan? Has pulled out wool not one type, even if I despise today were also what kind, one crowd of trash, graze a horse.” “你天妖凰族算个什么东西?拔了毛不都一个样,就算我今天轻视了又怎样,一群垃圾,放马过来吧。” coldly snorted, does not enter the crowd in the sword air/Qi blinking gate pulse that bb shoots up to the sky, flickered to kill dozens to respond the bad luck silly bird without enough time. 冷哼一声,不在bb冲天而起的剑气眨眼间冲进人群,瞬杀了数十个来不及反应倒霉的傻鸟。 Boy you courts death!!! The old men butchered you.” “小子你找死!!!老夫宰了你。” Old man zi wants the crack not to give a thought to the stop of red clothes female, puts out a hand to a Dongfang Yan claw, Battle Qi to condense the claw to scratch and tear including void, but the red female has also tacitly approved the behavior of old man, but looked at each other one then similarly to attack with another old man. 老者目眦欲裂不顾身旁红衣女子的阻拦,伸手对着东方焱一爪,斗气凝聚成爪连虚空都为之抓破,而红色女子也就默认了老者的行为,只不过与另一个老者对视了一眼便同样进攻。 This chicken feet, insufficiently looks.” “这个鸡爪,不够看啊。” Dongfang Yan sneers, facing cultivates for the low old fogy on the other hand does not pay attention, hand flame originally transforms a golden light sword to cut forward, the thick sword glow has cracked all of a sudden the chicken feet of void as well as old man. 东方焱冷笑一声,面对相对来说修为低下的老家伙根本就不放在眼里,手原本的火焰转化成一把中金色的光剑向前斩去,粗大的剑芒一下子切裂了虚空以及老者的鸡爪。 !” “噗!” The red female phoenix wants to prevent unable, looks at Dongfang Yan kills people in oneself helplessly at present, that golden sword glow was too quick. 红色女子凤凰想要阻止都不能,眼睁睁看着东方焱在自己眼前杀人,那道金色的剑芒太快了。 The sharp golden light glow cuts off the world, flashes past, the blood light split open, the old man without enough time sends out including the pitiful yell dies a violent death. 锋利的金色光芒斩断天地,一闪而过,血光就绽开了,老者连惨叫都来不及发出就死于非命。 Junior dares!!!” “小辈尔敢!!!” gnash one's teeth has been full of the anger, regarding the death of old man, the phoenix felt the palpitation, what are more is endless killing intent. 咬牙切齿充满了愤怒,对于老者的死,凤凰感到了心悸,不过更多的还是无尽的杀意。 Boy, I must kill you!!!” “小子,我要杀了你!!!” Another old man brings two Samsung to fight the Saints and two two star Saint old women, as well as a star Saint old man overruns toward Dongfang Yan together, encircles Dongfang Yan instantaneously in the middle. 另一名老者带着两个三星斗圣和两名二星斗圣老妪,以及一个一星斗圣老头一起朝着东方焱冲过去,瞬间把东方焱围在中间。 Bang! 轰! Six people also make a move, put out oneself weapon, 六人同时出手,拿出自己的武器, The Battle Qi energy breaks void, the space in void will again destroy. Insufficiently looks.” 斗气的能量震碎虚空,将本就虚空之中的空间再一次打碎。“不够看啊。” The corners of the mouth turn upwards the chuckle that disdains, holds up the in the hand golden light sword slowly, the entire world moves along with Dongfang Yan, the radiant golden sword glow covers void that the trim had repaired diligently all of a sudden, has crushed this piece of space once more, all attacks were shifted, the crowd explosion of distant place suddenly, the pitiful yell sound is deafening. 嘴角翘起不屑的轻笑,缓缓举起手中金色光剑,整个天地都随东方焱而动,璀璨的金色剑芒一下子覆盖了整片本就努力修复的虚空,再次粉碎了这一片空间,所有的攻击都被转移,远处的人群忽然的爆炸,惨叫声震耳欲聋。 Bang! 轰! Although six people of attacks are very fierce, but in the Dongfang Yan eye, is actually so laughable, is frail sticks with the paper is the same. 六人的攻击虽然很厉害,但在东方焱眼中,却是如此可笑,脆弱得跟纸糊的一样。 Govern sword Secret Art world is extinguished by me!” “御剑诀・天地由我灭!” Dongfang Yan drinks one coldly, the in the hand golden light sword instantaneous enlargement does not have the several fold, thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden giant sword across the sky, stands chops under. 东方焱冷喝一声,手中金色光剑瞬间放大无数倍,一把千丈金色巨剑横空而出,立劈而下。 Tittered “噗嗤” Thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant sword cuts broken space barrier, the huge energy flickers to kill three star two star Saints, the formidable Strength direct crush becomes the muddy flesh, changes into the blood fog. 千丈巨剑斩碎空间屏障,巨大的能量瞬杀三位一星二星斗圣,强大的力量直接碾压成肉泥,化为血雾。 The a sword second has killed many people formidable, Dongfang Yan's deep printed also living in person heart, the unconscious swallowing saliva formidable Dongfang Yan makes them feel the terrifying and fear now. 一剑秒杀了许多人,东方焱的强大深深的印入了还活着的人心中,不自觉的咽了咽口水如今强大的东方焱让他们感到了恐怖和害怕。 Next, was you.” “下一个,就是你了。” Dongfang Yan both eyes very tranquil, not sad is unhappy, indifferent regarding life such as worthless. Thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden giant sword wields once more, chops to come horizontally, cuts around the middle toward that red clothes female. 东方焱双眼十分的平静,不悲不喜,冷漠的视生命如草芥。千丈金色巨剑再次挥动,横劈而来,朝着那红衣女子拦腰斩来。 ancient Huangzhong!!!!!” “古凰钟!!!!!” The heartbeat extreme velocity accelerates, aura of death covered in the heart, the phoenix starts the law Secret Art hastily, a cauldron filled the plain great clock to cover the phoenix. 心跳极速加速,死亡的气息笼罩在心头,凤凰连忙发动法诀,一鼎充满了古朴的巨钟把凤凰笼罩在其中。 Thump!!!!!” “咚!!!!!” Thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant sword a sword cuts on the giant clock, void that the formidable sound wave causes cracks, the proliferation of that naked eye obvious sound wave extreme velocity. 千丈巨剑一剑斩在巨大的钟上,强大的声波使的虚空都为之崩裂,那肉眼可见的声波极速的扩散。 Has crashed before long then in the crowd, strength small and weak countless people instantaneously by formidable terrifying energy stiffly burst. 不一会便冲进了人群中,实力弱小的无数人瞬间被强大恐怖的能量硬生生震爆。 ......... “噗………” Even if there is protection of plain great clock, had Armor Piercing Ability giant sword formidable Strength to penetrate the protection of great clock to hit the belly of phoenix as before ruthlessly. 就算有着古朴巨钟的保护,拥有破甲能力巨剑强大的力量依旧是穿透了巨钟的保护狠狠的击中了凤凰的肚子。 The blood blowout, the great clock automatic dissipation phoenix partly kneels in void, is covering the belly, the blood of corners of the mouth is actually outflow that cannot stop. 鲜血喷出,巨钟自动消散凤凰在虚空中半跪而下,捂着肚子,嘴角的鲜血却是止不住的流出。 „? Interesting.” “诶?有意思。” Looked at a phoenix, receives the sword vision to sweep the battlefield, in void has floated the wreckage to cut off limb or gathers together flesh. 看了眼凤凰,收剑目光扫过战场,虚空中漂浮着残骸断肢又或者相聚在一起的血肉。 In this just like Hell scene , the plain great shield attracted the Dongfang Yan's attention at the same time. 在这宛如地狱般的场景中,一面古朴的巨盾吸引了东方焱的注意。 Ka......” “咔……” The great shield starts to exude the shatter sound, scratches the card to scratch unceasing clear to be resounding along with the card, the great shield completely explodes directly, has revealed red beautiful hair, face whiten young girl. 巨盾开始发出破碎声,随着卡擦卡擦不断的清晰响亮起来,巨盾尽是直接爆开,露出了一位红色秀发,脸色苍白的少女 Hou, interesting.” “嚯,有意思。” Pinches chin looks at present young girl Dongfang Yan not to know that has thought of anything, the corners of the mouth turn upwards to fly high slightly to young girl are grasping. 捏着下巴看着眼前的这位少女东方焱不知道想到了什么,嘴角微微翘起凌空对着少女一握。 Lifted the chin of young girl gently, looks at her has been full of the fear and fear the smiling face of look corners of the mouth unconscious reappearing evil charm. 轻轻抬起少女的下巴,看着她那充满了恐惧和害怕的眼神嘴角不自觉的浮现邪魅的笑容。 Tung Lung Island, no matter in dragon Dao void outside dragon island, Battle Qi to bumping as well as the explosive sound is deafening. 东龙岛,不管是龙岛中还是龙岛外的虚空,斗气的对碰以及爆炸声震耳欲聋。 The color scale, Xiao Yixian, the Qing Ling three females rely on strange physique to add on Dongfang (east) purple to oneself and the others thing success breakthrough to fighting the Saint again, this time they can jump over the step fight. 彩鳞,小医仙,青鳞三女凭借着奇异的体质再加上东方紫所给自己等人的东西成功突破至斗圣,此时的她们能够越阶战斗。 Na Ying posture thrives noticeable charming body to is a person alone west the dragon island army leader completely suppress by cultivating of four star Saints unexpectedly. 那英姿勃发让人瞩目的迷人身躯凭借四星斗圣的修为竟是一人独自将西龙岛大军首领完全压制。 Various formidable fighting technique feats of arms in adding on own nine colors swallow the strength of day python, the huge thousand zhang (3.33 m) seven color light swords flash past a sword then to have innumerable west dragon island Soldier, lets hold up and the others the pressure to reduce black greatly. 各种强大的斗技武技在加上自身九彩吞天蟒的实力,巨大的千丈七彩光剑一闪而过一剑便能带有无数西龙岛士兵,让黑擎等人压力大减。 Was maid appearance Qing Ling depends upon the ancient times day snakes in blue snake three flower pupils also to resist the northern dragon island army leader as before. 依旧是女仆打扮的青鳞依靠着碧蛇三花瞳中的远古天蛇也是独自一人对抗北龙岛大军首领。 Although the blue snake three flower pupils do not have the function of suppression to universe ancient dragon, but the law of that formidable and unique soul attack added on ancient times the day snake again is also made him be miserable beyond description, fight between saints, even if has only diverted attention a faint trace, will make the equally matched fight decide the victory and defeat instantaneously, annoyed the fatal disaster. 虽然碧蛇三花瞳对太虚古龙没有压制的作用,但那强大而独特的灵魂攻击之法再加上远古天蛇也是让他苦不堪言,圣者之间的战斗,哪怕只分心了一丝丝,都会让不相上下的战斗瞬间分出胜负,惹来杀身之祸。 Therefore, Xiao Yixian was also constrained by Qing Ling on the depending northern dragon island army leader, the whole person incarnation becomes movement toxic bomb results. 因此,小医仙也就仗着北龙岛大军首领被青鳞拖住,整个人化身成为一座移动的毒气弹似得。 The toxic gas tumbling of gray fog, except for two star saint accidents/surprises, the place visited does not have person of hanging again, so long as falls into the Xiao Yixian toxic gas, several breath then direct poisons perish, toxic gas unceasing spreads to tumble in the northern dragon island armies, in situation that nobody stops, the large expanse of enemy alliance also one after another buries to live in her in the hand. 灰色雾霭的毒气翻滚,除了二星圣者意外,,所过之处再无一人悬空,只要陷入小医仙的毒气中,不出几个呼吸便直接中毒而亡,毒气不断的在北龙岛大军中蔓延翻滚,在无人阻拦的情况下,成片成片的敌军联盟也相继葬生在她手中 Another side is purple sword air/Qi everywhere is, everywhere is the dazzling ray, in the nihility space, splendid light was radiant, broke void. 另一边更是紫色的剑气到处都是,漫天都是炫目光芒,虚无空间之中,华光璀璨,破碎了虚空 Esdeath is direct one person monopolizes three people, strength weakest southern dragon island leaders after withstanding Esdeath over a hundred moves of formidable feats of arms, finally could not support. 艾斯德斯更是直接一人独占三人,其中实力最弱的南龙岛首领在承受了艾斯德斯上百招强大的武技之后,终于是支撑不住了。 Roared directly one sound changed is the main body, the body of blocking the sky now is damaged, huge dragon body everywhere was, blood such as spring wells up, horrible to look. 直接咆哮一声化为本体,遮天蔽日的身躯如今已是破败不堪,巨大的龙躯的到处都是,血如泉涌,惨不忍睹。 Bang! 轰! Purple sword air/Qi chops world. Formidable spirit power cuts as if destroys the hardest defenses, almost at collision the present big dragon overhead will cut instantaneously, giant sword castrates does not reduce, such as the purple crescent moon cuts together to a Samsung of distant place fights the Saint. 紫色的剑气直劈天地。强大的灵力斩仿佛无坚不摧,几乎是在碰撞的瞬间将眼前的巨龙当头斩下,巨剑去势不减,如一道紫色的月牙般斩向远处的一位三星斗圣。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” The purple sword air/Qi breaks out this Samsung to fight the Saint directly, dies a violent death, perhaps wielded Throne of Annihilation Tohka to feel a pressure facing the big dragon, summoned finally the sword directly unceasingly was brandishing to the big dragon. 紫色剑气直接劈开这位三星斗圣,死于非命,或许是面对巨龙挥动着鏖杀公十香感受到了一丝压力,直接召唤出最后之剑不断的对着巨龙挥舞。 Akame Kurome and the others unceasingly are then shuttling back and forth in crowd, the ghosts and demons speed is almost to be similar to the wolf enters the flock of sheep to be irresistible. 赤瞳黑瞳等人便在人群中不断的穿梭着,鬼魅般的速度几乎是如同狼入羊群般势不可挡。 Prison dragon Po!!” “狱龙破!!” The tone is cold, although is light, but lets the person such as the falling icehouse, that pure killing intent, making the blood of person whole body as if solidify/coagulate. 语气冷冽,虽然平淡,但却让人如坠冰窖,那股纯粹的杀意,让人全身的血液似乎都凝固了。 Huge roaring dragon's head emerges out of thin air the crowd that runs upon not far away, the pitiful yell sound is lingering on faintly. 巨大的咆哮龙头凭空出现一头撞上不远处的人群,惨叫声不绝于耳。 Life blooms in the battlefield, radiant actually is only restricted in your eye.” “生命绽放于战场,璀璨却只限于你的眼中。” The knife point stands erect toward below in the front, both eyes tranquil speaking of that closes gently, wields the radiant dull purple sword air/Qi slowly, if galloping roared, was sending out terrifying the demon dragon common everything may become vulnerable of pressure. 刀尖朝下竖立在面前,轻轻闭上的双眼缓缓平静的说到,挥出璀璨的暗紫色剑气,如奔腾咆哮,散发着恐怖的威压的魔龙一般地动山摇。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” void is caving , the space is shivering, explodes in the dull purple dragon's head sword air/Qi and purple Battle Qi collision makes the deafening sound. 虚空在塌陷,空间在颤动,在暗紫色龙头剑气与紫色斗气碰撞爆炸发出震耳欲聋的声音。 Periphery this also makes few people head just like suffering to hit hard the common dizziness, the out-of-control body also in abundance goes to the whereabouts, even if also had few people affected by this energy in another side. 这也让周围一部分人脑袋宛如遭受重击一般眩晕,失去控制的身体也纷纷向下落去,即使远在另一边也有一部分人还是被这股能量波及到了。 !” “噗!” Resists this sword air/Qi Battle Qi to be crushed directly, but the behind person cannot withstand this huge Strength, was rebounded the injury, withstands prison dragon Po facing directly to strike directly by ten times of speed flying upside down, from the sky sprayed blood, the big dragon withstood the attack the scale to be shattered completely, in the bone was shattered the faint trace crack, although resisted Saeko Busujima to strike prison dragon Po, but obviously was not the match. 正面对抗这股剑气的斗气被击碎,而身后的人也承受不住这股巨大的力量,被反弹了伤害,承受狱龙破的直面一击直接以十倍的速度倒飞,在空中喷洒了一路的鲜血,巨龙承受攻击的鳞片被完全震裂,就连内骨都被震裂出丝丝裂纹,虽然抵挡住了毒岛冴子一击狱龙破,但显然不是对手。 But is compared the antique empty dragon by demon beast mortal body naturally that three big dragon islands draw, when Saeko Busujima enters battle condition incarnation Asura Ji, is frightening just like the appearance of blackening. 而被三大龙岛拉过来的魔兽肉身自然是比不上太古虚龙,在毒岛冴子进入战斗状态化身修罗姬时,宛如黑化的样子让人恐惧。 Everywhere is the war, everywhere is the dazzling ray, in the nihility space, splendid light is radiant, imitates, if has tens of thousands of say/way Purple Gold color/look river to gallop! Dozens fight the Saint each other in the unceasing resistance, broke void, vibrated the vault of heaven. 到处都是大战,漫天都是炫目光芒,虚无空间之中,华光璀璨,仿若有成千上万道紫金色大河在奔腾!数十位斗圣彼此在不断的对抗,破碎了虚空,震动了苍穹。 But in another side void, the body of blocking the sky now is damaged, the wing of ominous illustrious monster phoenix cut off one, the blood such as spring wells up, horrible to look. 而另一边的虚空之中,遮天蔽日的身躯如今已是破败不堪,凶名赫赫的妖凰之翼都被斩断了一只,血如泉涌,惨不忍睹。 But Dongfang Yan has not actually seen also to have one to be captured the giant chicken wing of wool in his surroundings generally. 东方焱却是未曾看见一般在他的周围还有着一只被拔掉了毛的巨大鸡翅。 Pulp is good, although to a great extent because of the reason of seasoning...... Un...... Really fragrant.” “肉质不错,虽然很大程度上是因为调料的缘故……嗯……真香。” Under the giant chicken wing has flame to burn to bake slowly, the fragrance of barbecue is reverberating in void unceasingly, gets down. 巨大的鸡翅下有着一朵火焰在徐徐燃烧烘烤着,烤肉的香味在虚空中不断的回荡着,一口下去。 The energy in the chicken wing containing lets fight spirit direct breakthrough to fighting the sovereign sufficiently fights the sect. 鸡翅中所蕴含的能量足以让斗灵直接突破至斗皇斗宗。 After all this chicken wing is the day monster phoenix clan that fights the Saint rank, ate this chicken wing to be possible not only to be promotes the strength to be so simple, physique will also obtain the big strengthening, must know that day of monster phoenix clan mortal body strength ratio not on universe ancient dragon, may also ranks second in demon beast. 毕竟这鸡翅可是一位斗圣级别的天妖凰族,吃了这鸡翅可不仅仅是提升实力那么简单,体质也会得到大大的强化,要知道天妖凰族肉身强度比不上太虚古龙,可在魔兽界也是排名第二。 Received to pull out the wool, after has processed from now on day monster phoenix to pat to clap collecting good sharp feather Noble Phantasm closes one's eyes to induce that familiar aura, then accelerated to go forward. 收好拔了毛,已经处理过后的天妖凰拍了拍手把收集好的锋利羽毛宝具化闭上眼感应到了那熟悉的气息后便加速前进。 I said how the old fogy has courage to leave the island to meet head-on, originally invited the helper, but on the several chop suey of nine deep python clans, cannot help quiet probably.” “我说老家伙怎么有胆子出岛迎战,原来是请了帮手啊,不过就九幽地冥蟒族的几个杂碎,好像也帮不上什么忙。” The northern Dragon King is facing the candle to saying that quite ponders, but the vision actually looked at woman of eye that several person clans is also a wrinkle that the brow slightly cannot be endured. 北龙王面对着烛离颇为玩味的说道,不过目光却是看了眼那几个人族的女人也是眉头微不可堪的一皱。 „Has matter to this step, you can also resist stubbornly inadequately? You know, continues to resist, all will only exhaust Strength of Tung Lung Island.” “事情到了这一步,你们还要负隅顽抗不成?你们都知道,继续抵抗下去,只会将东龙岛的力量尽数耗尽。” Regarding putting behind the rebel of clan regulations, even if my Tung Lung Island exhausts the final soldier, will not make you prevail.” “对于忘却了族规的叛逆,我东龙岛即便是耗尽最后一兵一卒,也不会让得你们得逞的。” The candle responded to naturally to look to cold sound he who also overflowed many explanation Kurumi and the others the origins, but transferred the Battle Qi preparation to attack in secret. 烛离冷声回应自然看出来的他也没过多的解释狂三等人的来历,只是暗中调动着斗气准备进攻。 Hehe, shameless? The to become king defeat invader, expert is to revere. When I held the so-called Sinlung sovereign, I looked that also who can revolt against me.” 呵呵,无耻?成王败寇,强者为尊。等我抓住了所谓的新龙皇,我看还有谁能反抗我。” The northern Dragon King smiled, extremely disdains looked at a candle to leave immediately saying of righteousness words. 北龙王笑了笑,极其不屑的看了眼烛离随即义正言辞的说道。 Universe ancient dragon and day monster phoenix clan is an old enemy, you link this and other big enmity to forget unexpectedly, does not match to take the universe ancient dragon Clan clansman, old dragon sovereign Your Majesty to your many cultivations, your consciences, was really is eaten by the dog!” “太虚古龙与天妖凰族乃是宿敌,你们竟然连这等大仇都能忘记,根本就不配作为太虚古龙一族的族人,老龙皇陛下对你们诸多栽培,你们的良心,真是被狗吃了!” Old man gnash one's teeth that convenes from void curses angrily. 一位从虚空中召集回来的老者咬牙切齿地怒骂道。 But hears this old man to raise old dragon sovereign Your Majesty, fights in the northern Dragon King behind person of complexion dragon clan is some not too naturally slightly, although old dragon sovereign disappeared for several hundred years, but remaining prestige as before. 而听到这位老者提起老龙皇陛下,战在北龙王身后的龙族之人脸色都是微微的有些不太自然,虽然老龙皇已经消失了数百年,但余威依旧。 Now was mentioned by this old man, they cannot bear feel some ashamed, but north Dragon King as if also realizes this condition. 如今被这位老者提起,他们还是忍不住感到些许惭愧而北龙王似乎也是察觉到了这种状况。 old dragon sovereign Your Majesty is missing for several hundred years, now perhaps already not in world, as for day monster phoenix clan...... You had not heard in this world does not have the eternal enemy, only then eternal benefit. ancient dragon Clan splits is too long, must as soon as possible a series, but you, have actually hindered a series path, all that I make also for ancient dragon Clan, think that old dragon sovereign Your Majesty is not willing to see now the ancient dragon Clan situation!” “老龙皇陛下失踪数百年,如今恐怕早已不在世间,至于天妖凰族......难道你们没有听说过这世上没有永恒的敌人,只有永恒的利益。古龙一族分裂太久,必须尽快一统,而你们,却是阻碍了一统的道路,我所做的一切也不过是为了古龙一族而已,想必老龙皇陛下也不愿看见现在古龙一族的情况吧!” Absurd! Dragon sovereign Your Majesty is genuine royal family bloodline, three Dragon King is the collateral branch, dares to be known as series ancient dragon Clan, you split ancient dragon Clan in the past, the behavior also on the own selfish interests, now has old dragon sovereign Your Majesty bloodline also to have the Sinlung sovereign of dragon phoenix body of the emperor!” “荒谬!龙皇陛下才是真正的王族血脉,三大龙王不过是旁系,也敢号称一统古龙一族,你们当年分裂古龙一族,所为的不过也就一己私利而已,如今拥有老龙皇陛下血脉同时还拥有龙凰圣体的新龙皇!” The old men get angry shout, regarding had already recognized he of Zi Yan status already had also decided that even if will be dies will not make three Dragon King have new dragon Huang Zi Yan. 老者怒喝道,对于早已认定了紫妍身份的他也早已决定了哪怕是死也不会让三大龙王带有新任龙皇的紫妍 Hehe new dragon Huang?” 呵呵新任龙皇?” The northern Dragon King took a fast look around one, immediately sneers to say. 北龙王扫视了一眼,随即冷笑道。 Is you Little Girl that for the stability will of the people looks, came out to be better, I in province made the effort to look for her. This king delivers you to start off now, then that does not know where dragon sovereign hides to grasp.” “不过是你们为了稳定人心找出来的小女孩而已,出来了更好,也省的我去花力气找她。本王现在就送你们上路,然后再把那个不知道躲在哪里的龙皇抓出来。” „!!!” “咻!!!” The sound transmits together from out of the blue suddenly, the northern Dragon King palpitation moves, was sideways hastily, handle dark golden color long spear pierces north the space cheek of Dragon King to be cut cheek by the sharp bracing cold, a blood of drop of red flows out. 一道破空声忽然传来,北龙王心悸一动,连忙侧过身,一柄暗金色长枪洞穿空间北龙王的脸颊被锋利的气劲划破脸颊,一滴红色的鲜血流出。 This makes the northern Dragon King silent looked that to person who not having the aura presents. 这让北龙王沉默的看向毫无气息就出现的人。 Did not need to trouble you to catch me, I came.” “不用麻烦你来抓我了,我来了。” The tranquil elegant face puts out a hand to grasp, a moment ago dark golden long spear reappeared in Zi Yan in the hand, spear head has aimed at the northern Dragon King, in the tranquil tone did not have any sentiment. 平静的俏脸伸手一握,刚才的暗金色长枪重新出现在紫妍手中,枪尖对准了北龙王,平静的语气中不带任何的感情。 ............... “……………” Puts out a hand to trace some pains cheek, the blood on looks at finger, northern Dragon King grips tightly the fist shoulder to vibrate slightly, is the vitality/angry gets angry obviously. 伸手摸了摸微微有些痛感的脸颊,看着手指上的鲜血,北龙王紧握成拳肩膀抖动着,明显是生气发怒起来。 Hehe, is very good, was worrying unable to find you, since you presented also the province finally met me also to look, suffers to death!!!” 呵呵,很好,正愁找不到你了,既然你终于出现了也省的一会我还要去找,受死吧!!!” Is sneering speaking, immediately same handle long spear appears in in the hand was then overrunning to Zi Yan, silhouette glitters unceasingly almost then arrives in front of Zi Yan suddenly, in the hand long spear is relentless to Zi Yan is being ruthlessly a thorn. 冷笑着说到,随即同样一柄长枪出现在手中对着紫妍便冲了过去,身影不断闪烁几乎是眨眼间便来到紫妍面前,手中长枪毫不留情的对着紫妍便是狠狠一刺。 When Dongfang Yan cannot help making a move, Zi Yan is actually calm turning around to the northern Dragon King face is being ruthlessly a fist, when northern Dragon King flew by five times came the speed directly. 正当东方焱忍不住要出手时,紫妍却是从容的转身对着北龙王的脸便是狠狠一拳,北龙王以五倍来时的速度直接飞了回去。 But Zi Yan does not plan to let up this opportunity, just front moved then presents two people to block itself. 紫妍也不打算放过这个机会,刚一动面前便又出现了两个人拦住了自己。 The attractive delicate eyebrows wrinkled also to give up pursuing slightly to make up the opportunity of blade to start to take over with another two Dragon King to the war. 好看的秀眉微微一皱也就放弃了追上去补刀的机会开始接手和另外两大龙王对战。
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