MTOAW :: Volume #5

#498: Finally

Two months altogether has repelled 56 attacks from all sides, along with three big dragon islands thorough gathers, this time war frigid. 两个月的时间前前后后一共击退了56次进攻,伴随着三大龙岛彻底的相聚,这一次的战争将会更加的惨烈。 In the ravine small pavilion, sits every large or small more than ten individuals, each can cause the character of stir. 山间小凉亭中,坐着大大小小十多个人,每一位都是能引起轰动的人物。 Ara ara, latest information.” 阿拉阿拉,最新的情报哦。” Drank different World tea young girl to put down the teacup corners of the mouth to have the moving smiling face gracefully to say. 原本优雅喝着异世界茶的少女放下茶杯嘴角带着动人笑容道。 Spoke frankly Kurumi, now is not the leisurely and carefree time.” “直说吧狂三,现在可不是悠闲的时候。” The wrinkle of delicate eyebrows instinct, Esdeath is also serious start to talk, regarding this Kurumi actually just like feeling senseless shaking the head. 秀眉本能的一皱,艾斯德斯也是严肃的开口,对此狂三倒是宛如感到无趣般的摇了摇头。 Day monster phoenix clan sent out three to fight the Saint.” “天妖凰族派出了三名斗圣哦。” ............ “…………” Silent, the Kurumi words made scene once silent, although three fought the Saint, but here can with fighting the Saint fight now also only then evolved nine colors to swallow the color scale of day python, always had ancient times Qing Ling of nine day before snake, Xiao Yixian of calamity poisonous body, Esdeath, Kurumi, Little Ai. 沉默,狂三的话让场面一度沉默,虽然才三名斗圣,可是如今自己这里能和斗圣战斗的也就只有进化成九彩吞天蟒的彩鳞,总有远古九头天蛇的青鳞,厄难毒体的小医仙,艾斯德斯,狂三,小爱 Relies on Ability Tohka, Kotori can actually with a star Saint fight, other people then can only cope with half Saint. 凭借着能力十香,琴里倒是能和一星斗圣战斗,其余人便只能对付半圣这一块了。 How three big dragon islands fought the Saint saying that also had almost ten, in addition the people of other demon beast families fight the Saint to have almost 20, now here can with fighting the Saint fight also such several, it seems like that this time was not good to hit.” “三大龙岛斗圣怎么说也有差不多十个吧,再加上其他魔兽家族的人斗圣应该会有差不多20个,现在我们这里能和斗圣战斗的也就这么几个,看来这一次不好打啊。” Holds lollipop, Kotori of calm analysis is also lowered the head to ponder the countermeasure. 含着棒棒糖,冷静分析的琴里也是低下头思考着对策。 How long flame also comes back from day grave.” “焱还有多久从天墓回来。” When the people are silent, Kotori actually suddenly raised the head, in the eye has filled seriously. 就在众人沉默着的时候,琴里却是忽然间抬起头,眼中充满了严肃。 Calculates that the time day grave should be also about to close, it is estimated that also quickly.” “算时间天墓应该也快关闭了,估计也快了吧。” The color scale stares, does not understand why Kotori such asked also calculates the time reply. 彩鳞一愣,不明白琴里为什么这么问不过也还是算了算时间回复。 Since day grave must be closed that also on these days time, so long as can support the flame to come back to be easy to do.” “既然天墓要关闭了那么也就这几天的时间,只要能撑到焱回来一切就好办了。” Puts out lollipop from the sky to turn circle, Kotori did not have the means the appearance was also makes people silent. 拿出棒棒糖在空中转着圈,琴里一副没办法了的样子也是让人沉默。 Now looked like this is also best to erupt.” “如今看来这也就是最好的爆发了。” Looks up to the distant place, as if penetrated the time and space sees in somebody eyes to reveal missing. 抬头看向远方,仿佛透过时间与空间般看见了某个人眼中流露出了思念。 Hehe, 19 did fight the Saint to give to perplex you? It seems like you need this young lady.” 呵呵,才19个斗圣就把你们给难住了吗?看来你们还是需要本小姐啊。” The sound when when people people, presents suddenly is lets the person one is one is happy along with it. 就在众人众人时,忽然出现的声音却是让人一愣不过随之便是一喜起来。 Was right, purple this killed greatly, was good, was OK completely.” “对了,还有紫这个大杀器了,好了,完全可以了。” Bites lollipop, in the Kotori eye is also happy, regarding the Dongfang (east) purple strength ......... 一口咬碎棒棒糖,琴里眼中也是开心起来,对于东方紫的实力……… Can lead the people to pass through World to come here, almost does not have the clue regarding the purple strength. 能带着众人穿越世界来到这里,对于紫的实力几乎是毫无头绪。 Hehe, they are so weak, I am disinclined to make a move, happen to my one pile of strengths also calculate that the good puppet, making Kurome assimilate same is good.” 呵呵,他们这么弱,我才懒得出手,正好我这里有一堆实力还算不错的傀儡,让黑瞳同化一样就好了。” Words just a speech, airborne suddenly then presented more than ten silhouette, the sudden puppet also frightened the people to jump. 话语刚一说话,空中忽然的便出现了十多个人影,突如其来的傀儡还吓了众人一跳来着。 However recovers to feel rising that slightly the corners of the mouth of aura very strong Kotori cannot bear, but Kurome is not artificial draws out the dead to march eight then to start directly to receive the puppet. 不过回过神来感受到气息很强的琴里的嘴角也是忍不住的微微上扬,而黑瞳也不矫情直接拔出死者行军八房便开始接收傀儡。 Was right, some here also things to you, estimate also one week came back as for that fellow, these things you divided refine respectively, in a short time these people will not attack, you promoted the strength while these days, was really too weak.” “哦对了,这里还有一些东西给你们,至于那个家伙吗估计还有一周就回来了,这些东西你们分了各自炼化吧,短时间内那些人是不会进攻的,你们就趁着这段时间把实力提升一下吧,真的是太弱了。” Ha?” “哈?” First half intercepts, in the heart also has some with emotion, after half a word one, bastard also comes back move of a moment ago!!! 前半截听起来,心中还有那些一些感动,直到后半句一出,混蛋刚才的感动还回来!!! However regarding this, the people have not said anything, emerges out of thin air regarding the front does not know that is the crystal or anything's thing, was speechless rolled the eyes received the heart not to deny. 不过对此,众人也没多说什么,对于面前凭空出现不知道是水晶还是什么的东东,也是无语的翻了个白眼一把接过心底却没否认。 Truly truly can fight, only then such several, therefore everybody did not say freely actually at heart also understands. 确实真正能战斗的只有那么几个因此尽管大家都不说却心里也明白。 Everyone is longing for can with everybody stand fights, but does not work as a useless vase, even if cannot fight, will try hard to complete other matters, for example the present is managing Arisa of some big company. 每一个人都渴望着能和大家站在一起战斗,而不是当一个无用的花瓶,就算不能战斗,也会努力的做好其他的事情,比如现在管着某个偌大公司的亚里沙 Therefore almost all people all strengthen oneself strength, just like Dongfang (east) purple said that this week of time incomparable tranquility, without any matter occurrence. 于是几乎所有人全都去增强自己的实力,正如东方紫所说,这一周的时间无比的平静,没有任何的事情发生。 No matter three big dragon islands or soul palaces or are anything, all incomparable peace. 不管是三大龙岛还是魂殿又或者是什么,全都无比的安静。 But because of so, the people thinks when the appropriate that war appears, does not know frigidly. 而正是因为如此,众人才觉得当那场战争出现时,不知道有多惨烈。 Just like before the storm tranquil general. 正如暴风雨前的宁静一般。 ---------- Cut-off rule ------ ----------分割线------ One week of time, is almost considered as regarding cultivator on does not exist general, who is not a blink, several months of even several years pass by. 一周的时间,对于修行者来说几乎算得上不存在一般,谁不是一眨眼,几个月甚至几年过去。 In the dim channel, stature actually plentiful very silhouette walks petite on the dead spirit track. 昏暗的通道中,身材娇小却十分丰满的人影行走在亡灵小道上。 The lamp in channel is quiet green, the dreary green light gathers in haunted house to result in together likely. 通道中的灯是幽绿的,惨淡的绿光汇聚在一起像个鬼屋似得。 ............ ......... “哒…………哒………” Clear sound of footsteps in this lonesome and quiet channel especially resounding, the vision looked at the past toward the front, could not see the end. 清脆的脚步声在这幽静的通道中格外的响亮,目光朝着前方看过去,一眼看不见尽头。 Still does not dread is walking toward front, but this time, walks one step then to appear about ten meters every time, the whole person as if flashes before, in the space is leaving behind the remnant shade to flick unceasingly then arrives in a huge great palace before long. 依然毫不畏惧的的朝着前方行走着,只不过这一次,每走一步便出现在十米开外,整个人仿佛闪现般在着空间不断留下残影一闪一闪不一会便来到更加庞大的巨殿中。 Loli stands in the entrance, vision is sizing up at present sees all, had discovered before long then that sits in most place above to smile the person of beautiful woman certainly love. 萝莉站在入口处,目光打量着眼前的所见一切,不一会便发现了那坐在最上方正对着微笑的倾城绝恋之人。 Sir Mother?” 母亲大人?” In a soft voice twittering some vision doubts looked at the eye to present all at once the breath formidable person to be in addition puzzled suddenly. 轻声的呢喃目光有些疑惑的看了眼忽然出现的另一股气息强大的人不解起来。 Does not have Little Ai of relations, comes.” “没关系的小爱,过来吧。” Beckoned with the hand, Dongfang (east) purple is stretching out both hands to Little Ai, immediately Little Ai also not hesitant purple throws toward Dongfang (east), looks like mother and daughter who normal does not see for a long time are common. 摆了摆手,东方紫对着小爱伸出双手,随即小爱还不犹豫的朝着东方紫扑过去,就像是正常许久不见的母女一般。 Why can Little Ai maintain this appearance? Is because the energy insufficiently does maintain?” 小爱为什么要保持这个样子?是因为能量不够维持吗?” Held present plentiful Loli build Little Ai, Dongfang (east) purple was also having doubts, but collected excessively affectionate was making one lose face. 抱着现在丰满萝莉体型的小爱,东方紫也是疑惑了起来,不过还是凑过头亲昵的蹭脸着。 No, this is the appearance that Otou-sama likes, therefore ......... “不,这是父亲大人喜欢的样子,所以………” Mother that whatever that acts like a spoiled brat just like the child makes one lose face, Little Ai does not know that has thought of anything, elegant face slightly one red, looked down own chest front to look at own Mother. 任由那宛如小孩子般撒娇的母亲蹭脸,小爱不知道想到了什么,俏脸微微一红,低头看了看自己的胸前在看了看自己的母亲 Hehe, it seems like that this has awakened the soul of Lolicon, but Little Ai should do.” 呵呵,看来这是觉醒了萝莉控之魂啊,不过小爱应该是做了吧。” Smiles, in the eye does not know why reveals the ominous light Dongfang (east) purple to make Little Ai look at each other with suddenly, the beautiful purple pupil winked the eyes smart-alecky smiling face to let Little Ai is one small cheek instantaneous flood is also red immediately. 抿嘴一笑,眼中不知为何露出凶光的东方紫忽然让小爱与自己对视,美丽的紫色瞳孔眨了眨眼睛俏皮的笑容让小爱也是一愣随即小脸蛋瞬间泛红起来。 Un ............ “嗯…………” The sound such as thin mosquito reply made Dongfang (east) purple honk the disaffection of mouth, but in the eye presented the dangerous vision. 声如细蚊般的回答让东方紫嘟了嘟嘴的不满了一下,不过眼中却是出现了危险的目光。 That does Little Ai know? World must go, but that World is somewhat special, if Little Ai wants to follow enters needs the medium.” “那小爱知道吗?有一个世界是必须要去的,而那个世界有些特殊,如果小爱想要跟随进入的话可是需要媒介的。” both hands pinches the Little Ai round cheek, Dongfang (east) purple is thinking that decides to disclose ahead of time to some Little Ai information, was good to do prepares. 双手捏着小爱圆圆的脸蛋,东方紫想了想决定提前透露给小爱一些信息,也好做一些准备了。 Asked Sir Mother to direct.” “请母亲大人指点。” At that moment, Little Ai a bright, earnest expression looks at own Mother request to say at present. 当下,小爱眼前一亮,认真的表情望着自己的母亲请求道。 „, That World? Ok, Little Ai you, so long as an own scale quietly placed on that fellow to be good, when the time comes will have the induction, but that World was somewhat special, where will limit your energy, but wanted the supplementary energy the words also to have three ways.” “啊,那个世界吗?可以哦,小爱你只要把自己的一块鳞片悄悄的放在那个家伙身上就好了,到时候会有感应的,不过那个世界有些特别,哪里会限制你的能量,而想要补充能量的话也就只有三种方式。” Scale?” “鳞片吗?” Stretches out own small hand, the golden dragon scale is partly visible, regarding the dragon, the pain of scale is huge. 伸出自己的小手,金色的龙鳞若隐若现起来,对于龙来说,把鳞的痛楚可是巨大的。 Little Ai, does not need pull dragon the scale, the so-called medium is only one provides the function of localization and induction, only needed to unify with the energy dragon scale to be together good. Way isn't Little Ai of that supplementary energy on the other hand, my a moment ago said interested?” 小爱,不需要拔龙鳞哦,所谓的媒介只是一个提供定位与感应的作用,只需要用能量凝聚一块龙鳞就好了。相对来说,我刚才说的那补充能量的方式难道小爱就不感兴趣吗?” Shook the head to explain after one next, sees the Little Ai vision to look that narrowed the eye to show the meaning unclear smiling face to oneself, this made Little Ai have doubts. 摇了摇头解释了一下后,见小爱目光看向自己眯起了眼露出了意味不明的笑容,这让小爱疑惑了起来。 „The ways of these three supplementary energy can be called to make up the demon, because the energy system of that World is the charm, but we are the responders, can supplement that own energy was also only three ways \; first, ............ “这三种补充能量的方式可以被叫做补魔,因为那个世界的能量体系是魔力,而我们是响应者,能补充自身能量也就只有三种方式了,一是…………” Listened to the introduction of Mother, Little Ai to open both eyes instantaneously, was following closely excitedly, immediately does not know fell into any in the strange fantasy. 听完自己母亲的介绍,小爱瞬间睁大了双眼,紧随着兴奋了起来,随即也不知道陷入了什么奇怪的幻想中。 But Dongfang (east) purple looked like the fox that the scheme prevailed is ordinary, has shown the strange and charming smile. 东方紫就像是计谋得逞的狐狸一般,露出了诡异又迷人的微笑。 Right Little Ai, did ancient jade belt come?” “对了小爱,古玉带来了吗?” Un.” “嗯。” Wakes from the fantasy, Little Ai took out ancient clan and dejected clan ancient jade of the bosom, but ancient jade the appearance also made the person under main hall breathe stagnates in the vision to fill fiery. 从幻想中醒过来,小爱从怀中取出了古族与萧族的古玉,而古玉的出现也让大殿之下的人呼吸都为之一滞目光之中充满了火热。 Line of painstakingly you Little Ai, because the stop of World consciousness I already attained.” “行苦你了小爱,要不是因为世界意识的阻拦我早就自己拿到了。” Is holding appreciatively in the hand ancient jade, immediately does not care at all under the person toward main hall lost simultaneously start to talk to say in the past. 把玩着手中的古玉,随即毫不在意的朝着大殿之下的人丢过去同时开口道。 One week later, goes to the northwest mainland, Emperor ancient Cave mansion under the Canaan school, I requires you day to seize the black angular region, afterward opens the thing that Emperor ancient Cave mansion asks you to want.” “一周后,前往西北大陆,古帝洞府就在迦南学院之下,我要你一天的时间占领黑角域,随后开启古帝洞府去找你自己想要的东西。” Many thanks Sir!!!!!” “多谢大人!!!!!” Catches ancient jade, is person of excited start to talk of head said, but after Little Ai also looking pensive looked at him, silent. 一把接住古玉,为首之人激动的开口道,而小爱也是若有所思的看了一眼他以后沉默。 Looked?” “看出来了?” Shows a faint smile, regarding silent does not know that pondered anything's Little Ai, Dongfang (east) purple naturally thinks clearly Little Ai has guessed correctly part. 微微一笑,对于沉默不知道思考什么的小爱,东方自然明白想必小爱是猜到了一部分。 Sir Mother I was took the trouble to think for Otou-sama.” 母亲大人为了父亲大人我是费尽了心思了。” Actually the person is the same with the tree, more is yearned that sunlight of high place, its root must reach the dark place bottom on more. To person who loves, should exercise him, making him grow stronger, this is the true love.” “其实人跟树是一样的,越是向往高处的阳光,它的根就越要伸向黑暗的地底。对所爱的人,应该锻炼他,使他变强,这才是真正的爱。” Little Ai was not saying anything, nodded merely. 小爱不在多说什么,仅仅只是点了点头。 In the day grave, energy storm center, closed one's eyes has been at the cultivation condition Dongfang Yan to open the eye gradually. 天墓中,能量风暴中心,闭着眼一直处于修炼状态的东方焱逐渐的睁开了眼。 ......” “呼……” Puts out foul air gently, puts out a hand a sound to refer to gently, the whole body presents various types of flame of all forms gradually. 轻轻吐出一口浊气,伸手轻轻一个响指,周身逐渐出现各种形形色色的火焰。 Blue lotus pent-up anger, Fallen Heart Flame, the sea heart flame, Bone Chilling Flame, the flame of life, 3000 flame flame fires, Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame, the lotus monster fire, nine dragons thunder Ganghuo, nine quiet gold/metal ancestor/grandfather fire, the lava flame, the red lotus fire of karma, the whole wide world being shattered flame, the hot rain flame, the turtle fire, nine quiet wind inflammations, the nihility swallows the flame only spirit.” “青莲地心火,陨落心炎,海心焰,骨灵冷火,生灵之焱,3000焱炎火,金帝焚天炎,净莲妖火,九龙雷罡火,九幽金祖火,火山石焰,红莲业火,八荒破灭焱,火云水炎,龟灵地火,九幽风炎,虚无吞炎。” A face is indifferent, lifts hand once more, another woods white flame winding in fingertip. 一脸淡然,再次抬起手,另一种森白色火焰缠绕在指尖。 Will not explode.” “不会爆炸吧。” Smiled bitterly, in the eye decidedly, all flame fused afterward together. 苦笑了一声,眼中决然,随后所有的火焰融合在一起。 Not gorgeous explosion, does not have the fireworks flame, some merely are only silent melts. 没有绚丽的爆炸,也没有烟花般的火焰,有的仅仅只是无声的相融。 Several types of color different flame waterdrops melt likely in the same place, but melts along with various types of flame. 十几种颜色不同的火焰像水滴般相融在一起,而随着各种火焰相融。 First perfect integration in together without a doubt, is own that several types of flame. 最先完美融合在一起的毫无疑问,正是属于自己的那几种火焰。 But then appears by flame that Dongfang (east) purple brings has some are so troublesome. 而被东方紫带来的火焰便显得有那么一些麻烦了。 The rank after good, has the suppression as well as spiritual qi of Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame well distributed has not had the explosion but actually. 排名靠后的还好,有着金帝焚天炎的压制以及灵气的调和倒也没发生爆炸事件。 But swallowed the flame like the nihility as well as only lotus monster fire these two goods not. 只不过像虚无吞炎以及净莲妖火这两货就不一样了。 Although there are some not to want, may swallow finally, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique, haughty red lotus definitely as well as under flame and spiritual qi, the little darling fused in one, last dark black brings some pale purple golden flame lotus flowers to bloom at present. 虽然有那么一些不愿意,可最后在吞噬,北冥无相长生功,傲世红莲决以及火焰和灵气下,还是乖乖融合在了一起,最后一朵暗黑色带着一些淡紫金色的火焰莲花在眼前绽放。 ............ “呼…………” In the heart relaxed, is bringing a pale purple golden lotus flower drop of blood to depart to fly from the fingertip to this dark black at present to fall in the lotus flower dead center. 心中松了口气,对着眼前这朵暗黑色带着淡紫金色的莲花一滴鲜血从指尖飞出飞落在莲花正中心。 Time was up, should exit.” “时间差不多了,该出去了。” Takes back the flame, sets out several people who looked in a space to practice to think not to disturb, the white barrier appeared across the barrier. 收回火焰,起身看了眼空间中修行的几个人想了想也就没有打扰,白色的屏障出现穿过屏障。 The familiar and strange environment lets a Dongfang Yan subconscious brow wrinkle, but actually silhouette moves vanishes in this piece of mountain forest. 熟悉又陌生的环境让东方焱下意识的眉头一皱,不过却还是身影一动消失在这片山林中。 In the peaceful courtyard, white robe an anxious look expression of middle-aged person face, liquor one after another are drink water likely the common unceasing lower pharynx, this let the Dongfang Yan surprise. 安静的院子之中,白袍的中年人一脸的愁容表情,一杯接着一杯的酒像是喝水一般不断的下咽,这让东方焱诧异了起来。 How father-in-law Sir this was, why to be drinking the alcohol to drown one's sorrows.” “岳父大人这是怎么了,干嘛独自一人喝着闷酒。” Comes in ancient Yuan front, not clear looks at asking of his Dongfang Yan doubts. 现身在古元的面前,不明白的看着东方焱疑惑的问到。 „Did you come back?” “你回来了?” Suddenly front had individual, decides the eye to look that originally looked to see own daughter also since the son-in-law in day grave about to have doubts. 忽然面前多出了个人,定眼一看原来是进入天墓的女婿左右看了看没看见自己的女儿也是疑惑了起来。 My treasure daughter?” “我宝贝女儿了?” Fumigates is practicing, but how my very curious father-in-law you are.” “薰儿在修炼,不过我很好奇老丈人你这是咋的了。” Sits in the face of ancient Yuan, finger is striking the tabletop very curious appearance, in own cognition he is not this kind of person. 坐在古元面前,手指敲打着桌面很好奇的模样,在自己的认知中他可不是这样一个人。 ............... “……………” After depressed staring Dongfang Yan, ancient Yuan layer on layer/heavily puts serious expression looks at Dongfang Yan the wine glass. 一眼郁闷的瞪了眼东方焱后,古元把酒杯重重一放严肃的表情看着东方焱 ancient jade was snatched, the soul clan collected eight ancient jade as before, Emperor ancient Cave mansion will certainly open, where now our actually Emperor ancient the vestige does not know, ancient times in eight clans, under our Clan, to that time......” “古玉被抢,魂族依旧凑齐了八块古玉,古帝洞府一定会开启,现在我们却连古帝遗迹在哪里都不知道,远古八族中,也之下我们一族,到了那个时候……” Although had not said, what Dongfang Yan clearly said is anything. 尽管没说,但是东方焱还是明白说的是啥。 Black angular region, Canaan school, Emperor ancient vestige.” “黑角域,迦南学院,古帝遗迹。” Sees the ancient Yuan so serious, Dongfang Yan also received the ordinary smiling face, has almost changed individual tranquilly generally just like indifferent start to talk, this made Yuan have a scare actually. 见古元如此严肃,东方焱也就收起了平常的笑容,几乎是换了个人一般平静的宛如冷漠开口,这倒是让古元被吓了一跳。 Was right, said that we obtained the information day monster phoenix clan, the day monster three phoenixes as if moved, didn't you go?” “对了,说起来我们得到情报天妖凰族,天妖三凤似乎已经行动了,你不去吗?” Smiling face ancient Yuan who looks at Dongfang Yan that gradually changes is also in the heart has doubts, but has not thought that many, is pondering the black angular region on the contrary, Emperor ancient the vestige. 看着东方焱那逐渐变回来的笑容古元也是心中疑惑起来,不过也没想那么多,反倒是在思考着黑角域,古帝遗迹。 Who said that I do not go, my this not with your some good things.” “谁说我不去,我这不是跟您老一些好东西吗。” Shows a faint smile, puts out accept Jie is in the vision of doubts places on the table then to leave in the ancient satisfactory full. 微微一笑,拿出一个纳戒在古元满是疑惑的目光中放在桌上便离开。 Brat.” “臭小子。” Divine Sense looked at accept Jie, ancient Yuan is one of the not being able to bear is also happy, where took up accept Jiebian to leave not to know. 神识看了一下纳戒,古元也是忍不住的一乐起来,拿起纳戒便离开不知道去了哪里。 But Dongfang Yan makes great strides forward in void directly, will let loose formidable Divine Sense is almost less than one will then have discovered the goal will be. 东方焱直接迈进虚空之中,放开强大的神识几乎是不到一会便发现了目标所在。 „!” “咻!” In silent void, switches through makes a sound vanishes unceasingly, silhouette that silhouette glitters again and again is leading large quantities of flowing light toward the distant place dark end, at a quite swift and violent speed, nearness like lightning. 寂静的虚空之中,直接转响不断消失,身影连连闪烁的身影带动着大批的流光朝着远处黑暗尽头,以一种相当迅猛的速度,闪电般的靠近。 Eldest sister, three big dragon islands mount a large-scale attack today Tung Lung Island, if obtains us to assist, should be able to rout Tung Lung Island...” “大姐,三大龙岛今日大举进攻东龙岛,若是得到我们相助的话,应该能够击溃东龙岛...” Side red robe female looks at corners of the mouth are sneering, seemed as well as sees the victory to be ordinary. 红袍女子身旁的一位看着嘴角冷笑着,似乎是以及看见了胜利一般。 „After solved Tung Lung Island also obtains dragon phoenix bloodline, three big dragon islands, sooner or later will be eradicated by my day monster phoenix clan...” “等解决掉东龙岛并且得到龙凰血脉之后,三大龙岛,也迟早会被我天妖凰族所铲除...” The red robe female smiles lightly, suddenly wipes the feeling of palpitation to raise suddenly, but also does not need she to have anything to respond. 红袍女子淡淡一笑,突然一抹心悸的感觉陡然升起,还不待她有什么反应。 Brings to destroy the energy impact of Strength together from the front space turbulent flow, fierce eruption. 一道带着毁灭力量的能量冲击从前方的空间乱流中,猛的爆发出来。 The huge energy almost does not give the opportunity that the people responded, when close to people, suddenly looked like raindrop dispersing. 庞大的能量几乎是根本不给众人反应的机会,临近众人时,忽然像雨点般散开。 Extremely swift and fierce sword air/Qi, is shoots in the day of monster phoenix people people instantaneously, the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound shoots up to the sky. 极其凌厉的剑气,瞬间便是射进天妖凰群众人之内,凄厉的惨叫声冲天而起。 Any person!!! Unexpectedly dares to sneak attack my day monster phoenix clan, courts death!” “什么人!!!居然敢偷袭我天妖凰族,找死!” The red robe female is also fierce recovering, sees all of a sudden is the casualty serious day monster phoenix clan , the violent anger, the white hands are grasping to the front space turbulent flow suddenly, the front space then twists, at once bang. 红袍女子也是猛的回过神来,见到一下子便是死伤惨重的天妖凰族,暴怒不已,玉手陡然对着前方空间乱流一握,前方的空间便是生生扭曲起来,旋即砰的一声。 Wild space turbulent flow, its one was grasped to pinch to explode unexpectedly directly. Sorry, front dark green flame, dead end. ” 狂暴的空间乱流,居然直接被其一握捏爆。抱歉,前方苍炎,此路不通。” The space turbulent flow explodes to open, actually fills together tranquilly kills the voice of intent to suddenly resound indifferently. 空间乱流爆裂而开,一道平静却又充满冷漠杀意的声音突然响起。 The space turbulent flow of riot is tranquil gradually vanishes finally, white robe Dongfang Yan stands in void in the hand takes blue color to turn toward the surroundings to send out the cold air unceasingly the strange sword. 暴乱的空间乱流逐渐平静最后消失,一身白袍东方焱站在虚空之中手中拿着一把蓝色不断向着周围散发寒气的怪剑。 „Are you?” “你是?” In the red robe female phoenix eye fills kills intent looks at that to appear in front person, could not feel his strength, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle gloomy, the look: Who is your excellency? Why we do not have the enmity to sneak attack us without the injustice.” 红袍女子凤凰眼中充满杀意的望着那出现在面前的人,感受不到他的实力,眉头皱了皱,眼神阴沉了下来:“阁下是谁?我们无冤无仇为何要偷袭我们。” New dragon Huang is my person.” “新任龙皇是我的人。” Coldly start to talk, this made the phoenix fill has killed intent, 冷冷开口,这让凤凰更加的充满了杀意, ............... “……………” Hears the Dongfang Yan's words, that Kun phoenix and hawk phoenix are also the complexion sink, started to condense Battle Qi to prepare the attack directly at any time. 听得东方焱的话,那鲲凰与鹰凰也是脸色一沉,直接开始凝聚着斗气随时准备好了进攻。 dragon and phoenix source fruit is I makes Zi Yan eat.” “龙凤本源果是我让紫妍吃的。” A sound refers to gently, back golden light screen unceasing has the knife point, the sword emits sharp, the cold light of each weapon reflection is bitterly disappointing. 轻轻一个响指,背后金色的光幕不断的有刀尖,剑尖冒出,每一把武器反射的寒光让人心寒。 We can also become friends, now looked like can only be the enemy.” “原本我们还能成为朋友,现在看来只能是敌人了。” Phoenix facial color chill/yin cold is staring at Dongfang Yan, cannot feel the aura of opposite party to make the phoenix have that some timidly, but now tone dense, in the looks at Dongfang Yan eye filled has killed intent. 凤凰面色阴寒的盯着东方焱,感受不到对方的气息原本让凤凰有那么一些胆怯,可现在语气森森了起来,看着东方焱眼中充满了杀意。 We were doomed became the enemies.” “我们注定了成为敌人。” Smiles pale, is putting out a hand to the day monster three phoenixes slowly, back weapon explodes to shoot instantaneously. 一声淡笑,对着天妖三凤缓缓伸出手,背后的武器瞬间爆射而出。 Suddenly, flying sword crashes in the crowd that has not responded from exploding. 眨眼间,飞剑冲进还没反应过来的人群中自爆。 Innumerable pitiful yell sounds were exploded submerge, wait to get back one's composure to open the Battle Qi protection, put in an appearance to destroy completely one-third people by one, this makes the phoenix fly into a rage. 无数的惨叫声被爆炸淹没,等回过神张开斗气防护,也被一个照面灭掉了1的人,这让凤凰勃然大怒起来。 Courts death!!!!!” “找死!!!!!”
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