MSBIBTC :: Volume #7

#653: Emperor hard Jiangshi

Mixes a lesser official in mortal, that is Fig. one happy. 凡俗混个小官,那就是图一乐。 Really must say authority, is Heavenly Court ordinary powerful minister profound. 真要说权柄,还是天庭普通权臣更为深刻 Li Changshou will not care to these, fools around together taking advantage of Paper Daoist in mortal, before treated as Investiture of the Gods Killing Tribulation to approach completely a point small adjustment. 李长寿对这些也不会太在意,在凡俗之中借着纸道人厮混,完全就当做了封神杀劫来临前的一点‘小调剂’。 While convenient, does a faction in the Shang Country deliberation hall, under wins over the own partisan influence, can a certain extent about the Shang Country trend. 顺便,在商国朝堂搞个派系,拉拢下自己的党羽势力,能够一定程度上左右商国走向。 In the Shang Country first three years, south trail officer taking advantage of some to Six Ministers, this it seems like shocks everybody in mortal finally, but depending on control of Li Changshou to will of the people , can only say...... 商国的前三年,借着一些‘终南小径’官至六卿,这在凡人看来惊世骇俗,但凭李长寿对人心的把控,也只能说…… Slow. 慢了。 This time Shang Country, although has the relatively perfect royal government, but not explicit official rank promotion system. 这时的商国,虽已有了相对健全的朝廷,但并没有明确的官阶晋升制度。 Only needs Shang King to be happy, promote senior officials casually. 只需商王开心,上大夫都是随便做 Let alone, Li Changshou by " Emperor Xuanyuan games Chi You » storytelling content, caused the stir in Great Yin City, had scholar the name, became the Shang King present favorite. 更何况,李长寿是凭借《轩辕皇帝蚩尤》的说书内容,在大殷城引起了轰动,有了‘大学者’之名,成了商王眼前的红人。 Grand Scribe, is similar to historian official position, but does not involve the Shang Country divination and offering sacrifice ritual, Shang Country divine right right to interpret, continuously control in female divination group in hand. 大史,类似于太史官职,但并不涉及商国卜、祀之礼,商国神权解释权,一直控制在‘女卜团’手中。 This point, actually was also influenced by Shang Country ancestor Youqin Xuanya’s. 这一点,其实也是受了商国先祖有琴玄雅的影响。 After Royal Court Gathering, Li Changshou went to own alley Si Guang, handled appropriately in half double-hour various business, returned to the own dwelling Does research. 朝会过后,李长寿自己的衙司逛了一圈,将各种事务在半个时辰内处置妥当,就回返自己的宅院【做研究】。 The main contents of research, are Human Race ancient times increasing the family fortunes history. 研究的主要内容,就是人族上古发家史。 Li Changshou will cut off some smooth story vein, makes the sentence that some others cannot understand, then adds up to apparently right but actually wrong to make people think that very possible is story so. 李长寿会将一些原本流畅的故事脉络砍断,弄一些别人听不懂的语句,而后凑成一个似是而非又让人觉得很可能是这般的故事。 Is obscure is more difficult to understand, others will think him an expert, has the genuine materials. 越是晦涩难懂,旁人就会觉得他是个‘大家’,有真材实料。 In fact, Li Changshou closes the study room door, will suppose some simple array, oneself sits after the desk, mind moves other boundary , to continue other arrangement of busy great tribulation related with. 实际上,李长寿关上书房门,就会设下一些简单的法阵,自己坐在书桌后,心神挪去其它地界,继续忙大劫有关的其它布置。 For avoiding suspicion, Li Changshou did not plan that with Wen Zhong anything convenient, making this future Grand Preceptor Wen oneself crawl slowly upwardly and that's the end. 为了避嫌,李长寿不打算与闻仲什么方便,让这位未来的闻太师自己慢慢向上爬就是了。 The back has Heavenly Way to promote in any case. 反正背后有天道推动。 But then elegant unsuccessful Holy Mother Fire Spirit in military compound, Li Changshou looks...... 但那在军营中郁郁不得志的火灵圣母,李长寿看着…… Is happy. 就想乐。 Solemn Section Cult third generation big apprentice sister, Daoist Numerous Treasures Chief Disciple, Great Desolate Innate Life, exchanges homespun cloth hemp garment unexpectedly, when the Shang Army big camp is responsible for digging a pit in the ground and cooking burns the fuel ; 堂堂截教三代大师姐,多宝道人大弟子,洪荒先天生灵,竟换上一身粗布麻衣,在商军大营负责埋锅造饭时烧柴火; Also is seriously extraordinary. 也是当真没谁了 Fire Spirit also has the individuality, used magecraft to make a scar on the oneself face, wants military force to mix a positive result depending on oneself. 火灵也是有个性,在自己脸上用法术做了个疤痕,想凭自身‘武力’混出点名堂。 Li Changshou is not suitable appraises, after all oneself is walks hype the path, belongs to be opportunistic, cannot ridicule this practical and conscientious behavior. 李长寿对此也不宜多评价,毕竟自己是走‘炒作’的路子,属于投机取巧,不能去嘲笑这种务实、脚踏实地的行为。 Emperor Xin was born immediately. 只是,帝辛马上就出生了。 At this time did from the basic unit since again, rather some did not catch up. 这时候再从基层干起,未免有些不太赶趟。 The essence of Shang Country rule is extending of family influence, if cannot before Killing Tribulation approaches, builds the stabilize influence network in Shang Country, that comes the secular world layout to be not meaningful. 商国统治的本质就是家族势力的延伸,若不能在杀劫来临前,在商国内部建立起稳固的势力网络,那来俗世布局就没有任何意义。 However compares in that several third generation disciple that Enlightenment Cult sends, Fire Spirit and Wen Zhong is responsible for and has the patience at least. 不过相比于阐教派来的那几名三代弟子,火灵闻仲起码还是负责且有耐心的。 Enlightenment Cult that several third generation Sir, Li Changshou somewhat is incapable seriously ridicule. 阐教那几位三代‘大爷’,李长寿当真有些无力吐槽 They come the Great Yin City more than two years, has lived in the restaurant in city edge, occasionally goes out to inquire news, to infiltrating Shang Country right core is uninteresting. 他们来大殷城两年多,一直就住在城池边缘的酒楼中,偶尔外出打探打探消息,对渗透商国权利核心毫无兴趣。 Or starts completely nowhere. 或者说完全无处下手。 Li Changshou does not direct Wen Zhong, will not naturally direct Enlightenment Cult Disciple, such as the outsider is common, occasionally looks at both sides capturing/raiding the Great Shang progress. 李长寿不去指点闻仲,自然也不会去指点阐教弟子,就如局外人一般,偶尔看一眼双方‘攻略’大商的进度。 So, crossed for a half year. 就这般,又过了半年。 Wen Zhong is promoted again, hesitant for a long time, coming the Grand Scribe mansion to pay a visit Li Changshou. 闻仲再次升职,犹豫许久,来大史府拜见李长寿 Li Changshou drinks wine to speak freely with him, chatted was the matters of Shang Country deliberation hall, gave some Wen Zhong small suggestions ; Wen Zhong is also a hint is all that is needed, starts to understand some dark rule. 李长寿与他饮酒畅谈,聊的都是商国朝堂之事,给了闻仲一些小暗示;闻仲也是一点就通,开始理解一些‘暗规则’。 However, while Li Changshou joyful, that sense of participation about myth historical process, Great Yin City suddenly started to present some Gossip. 然而,正当李长寿欣喜于,那种关于神话历史进程的参与感,大殷城突然开始出现了一些流言蜚语。 Great Yin has Sage to leave! 大殷已有圣贤出! Zi Xian does not have virtue, only knows seeking pleasure, king the younger brother Bigan creativeness is intelligent, succeeds to the throne optimumly. 子羡无德,只知享乐,王弟比干才思聪敏,最宜继位。 Half a month later will have Immortal born, is Bigan gives the energy of Sage. 】 半个月后将有仙人降世,为比干圣贤之能。】 Li Changshou:...... 李长寿:…… Why can Enlightenment Cult hold Bigan? 阐教为何要捧比干 Some Li Changshou heart doubt, but news is that several restaurant Immortal passes on, he all looks in the eye. 李长寿心底有些狐疑,但消息就是那几个‘酒楼仙人’传出来的,他全都看在眼中。 This wave, what can Senior Apprentice Brother Guang Chengzi do? 这波,广成子师兄要搞什么? The position of Shang Country Monarch had set, passes on situated in Zi Xian, is the Emperor Xin father. 商国国君之位已是定下了,传位于子羡,也就是帝辛的老爹。 Zi is the Shang Monarch's surname, when Li Changshou has not paid attention changes, generally is around Shang Tang. 【子】为商君姓氏,李长寿也没留意是何时改的,大抵是商汤前后。 After —— King Zhou is Zhou Country overthrows the Shang Country rule, to Emperor Xin peaceful wicked posthumous name, Emperor Xin named Zi Shou, is Zi Xian third child. ——纣王周国推翻商国统治后,给帝辛安的‘恶谥’,帝辛名为子受,乃子羡第三子 Will soon be born in this Emperor Xin, the Emperor Xin grandfather will soon be buried, Zi Xian will soon meet the delicate moment of position, Enlightenment Cult does suddenly such a time. 就在这帝辛即将出世,帝辛的祖父即将入土,子羡即将接位的微妙时刻,阐教突然搞这么一遭。 They really think, the position of king, is who is sagacious the virtuous behavior to sit? 他们难道真的以为,王的位置,是谁贤明贤德就能坐的? Zi Xian had been treated as next Sovereign to train, various respected families who now the ministers above deliberation hall, control the Shang Country military administration important matter, for example Huang Feihu seventh loyal and good Huang, has given loyalty to Zi Xian. 子羡早已被当做下一任国主培养,如今朝堂之上的众大臣、掌控商国军政要务的各大家族,比如黄飞虎的‘七世忠良老黄家’,早已对子羡效忠。 This time makes Bigan go with Zi Xian to struggle the throne, only if cleans entire Shang Country core directly, otherwise is only dream of a fool. 这个时刻让比干去跟子羡争王位,除非是直接清洗掉整个商国核心,不然只是痴人说梦。 Li Changshou also can only shake the head regarding this smiles , to continue to look on the situation trend. 李长寿对此也只能摇头一笑,继续旁观事态走向。 A half moon/month, the Great Yin City day present phenomenon, seven colours auspicious clouds has not flown from the horizon, circles sky over Bigan official residence. 不过半个月,大殷城天现异象,有一朵七彩祥云自天边飞来,盘旋于比干府邸上空。 This time Bigan one youngster, facial features pretty, eye of accumulated divine light, even also somewhat the talent of immortal cultivation. 此时的比干不过一少年,面容俊秀、目蕴神光,甚至还有几分修仙之才。 He was taking a nap, hears a female voice gentle summon, then somewhat arrives in the institute blurry, the figure by that seven colours auspicious clouds package, rises immediately slowly in the air. 他本在午睡,听闻一女声温柔呼唤,便有些迷迷糊糊地走到院中,身形立刻被那朵七彩祥云包裹,缓缓升到空中。 In city various places obvious, Bigan absorbs that auspicious clouds slowly ; 城中各处可见,比干将那一朵祥云缓缓吸收; Airborne appears female immortal that wears the white clothing, the facial features are solemn, immortal ray wind around, the gentle voice spreads over various big city places: 空中现出一名身着白衣的女仙,面容端庄、仙光缭绕,温柔的嗓音传遍大城各处: Bigan, bestows Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart today, permits your ability of discerning wordly affairs, looks at you to look through fabricatedly, benefits mortal.” 比干,今日赐尔七窍玲珑心,许你世事洞察之本领,望你看破虚妄、造福凡俗。” The word, this female immortal form become mist dissipates, but at this moment is fainting Bigan, fell in the institute slowly, was surrounded by military guards all round. 言罢,这女仙身影化作云烟消散,而此刻已是昏过去的比干,缓缓落回了院中,被兵卫团团包围。 In the upper air cloud, Daoist Ci Hang nods gently, turns around to return to Jade Void Palace to report after carrying out orders. 高空云上,慈航道人轻轻颔首,转身就要回玉虚宫复命。 But she just about to takes a walk, actually listens to by the side to hear one to call lightly: Why not Senior Apprentice Sister Ci Hang kept on several th, how had a look at future events?” 但她刚要走动,却听侧旁传来一声轻唤:“慈航师姐何不多留几日,看看后事如何?” Daoist Ci Hang Way Heart one cold, hears its, to feel its Way Rhyme, apparent. 慈航道人道心一凛,听闻其声、感受其道韵,便知所来何人。 She turns around, looked that to does not know when appears in body side not far youth Daoist, to upright makes way greeting to oneself with a smile. 她转过身来,看向不知何时出现在身侧不远的青年道者,对方正含笑对自己道揖 Ci Hang a ritual, complexion slightly somewhat was awkward, said in a soft voice: 慈航还了一礼,面色稍有些尴尬,轻声道: Does not know that Junior Apprentice Brother Changgeng also in this place, many somewhat took the liberty.” “不知长庚师弟也在此地,多有些冒昧了。” Is Killing Tribulation scheme paves the way, is Enlightenment and Section Two Cults may do the matter, what did to come take the liberty a saying?” “为杀劫算计铺路,是阐截两教都可做之事,何来冒昧一说?” Li Changshou said with a smile: I come, is some does not understand, why can the Enlightenment Cult choice hold Bigan for the king?” 李长寿笑道:“我之所以现身,是有些不懂,为何阐教选择要捧比干为王?” This......” “这个……” Ci Hang wants saying that some pretentious words, for example this Bigan rapier-like wit and good fortune are great, is material of the Human Sovereign. 慈航本想说些冠冕堂皇的话语,比如这比干才思敏捷、福缘不浅,是个人皇之材。 But looks at the Li Changshou that pair of faint smile eye pupil, Daoist Ci Hang also knows the multi- arguments to be useless, said in a soft voice: 但看着李长寿那双似笑非笑的眼眸,慈航道人也知多辩解无益,轻声道: This matter this poor Daoist does not know concretely, is the Big Apprentice Brother confession.” “此事贫道也不知具体,都是大师兄交代的。” āi,” Li Changshou smiles to sigh, „ king Suquan struggles, like that is not simple, Human Sovereign Destiny also non- provokes at will. ,”李长寿笑叹,“王俗权争,并非那般简单,人皇气运也非随意拨弄。 senior apprentice sister may be willing to wait together on several th with me in this place, no later than half a month, calculates that makes a testimony. ” 师姐可愿在此地与我一同等候几日,最迟不过半月,也算做个见证。” oh?” Ci Hang said with a smile, does not know that was what testimony?” ?”慈航笑道,“不知是何见证?” senior apprentice sister knew at the appointed time, but also please allow me to keep guessing.” 师姐到时自知,还请容我卖个关子。” Ci Hang is somewhat perplexed, but nods promise, emitted Transmitting Message Jade Talisman, is implicated in the Li Changshou body in the clouds, is gazing at the change of below big city. 慈航有些不明所以,但还是颔首答应,放出了一枚传信玉符,就于李长寿身旁坐在云端,注视着下方大城的变化。 Bigan results in Immortal to bestow Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart, raised the great unrest in entire Great Yin City. 比干仙人赐下七窍玲珑心,自是在整个大殷城掀起了轩然大波。 After Bigan is sober, from previously somewhat shy youngster, became capable in argument, saw clearly worldly affairs suddenly. 比干清醒后,从此前有些羞涩的少年,突然变得能言善辩、洞察世事 Royal palace aristocrat assemble Bigan official residence, tries by the matters of various difficulties, most of the time Bigan gave the law of solution immediately. 王宫贵族相聚比干府邸,以各类疑难之事相试,大多时候比干当即就给出了解决之法。 Some ministers bring several complex cases of injustice, Bigan is in the moment the return to original state truth, discovers the murderer/culprit. 有大臣拿来几件复杂的冤案,比干又是片刻内还原真相、找出真凶。 However three days, Bigan to break Great Yin City various difficult cases ; 不过三日,比干大殷城的各类难案悉数破掉; Also after several days, Bigan above the deliberation hall, told that the family/home country important matter, made many nobles and ministers enlighten people with perfect wisdom. 又几日后,比干在朝堂之上,诉说家国大事,令不少王公大臣醍醐灌顶 Results in Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart from Bigan not a half moon/month, centered on Great Yin City Shang people/merchant the core region, starts to praise the morality and conduct of talent Bigan. 比干七窍玲珑心不过半个月,以大殷城为中心的‘商人核心地带,开始传颂比干德行才华。 The royal court has news to spread, Shang King intends to change the successor. 王庭有消息传出,商王有意改换继任者。 Above the deliberation hall, the whole body of ministers minute/share makes two schools, most likely supports Zi Xian, inherits wife's eldest son who’ these years form by Shang Country system, guards legitimacy that Zi Xian succeeds to the throne. 朝堂之上,群臣分做两派,八成支持子羡,以商国传承这些年形成的‘嫡长子’制度,捍卫子羡继位的正当性。 But these originally pushed aside minister supports Bigan, taking Bigan has the Immortal blessings and for Shang Country Sage is the reason, making Shang Monarch change the vertical crown prince. 而那些原本被排挤的大臣支持比干,以比干仙人赐福、为商国圣贤为由,让商君改立储君。 Being heavily engaged that both sides struggle. 双方争的不可开交。 Bigan hears news, Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart is understands, what matter the extended session has, must hurry to the deliberation hall hastily. 比干听闻消息,七窍玲珑心已是明白后续会发生何事,连忙就要赶去朝堂。 But he acted lately half-step, but also without the oneself mansion gate, was blocked the way by large quantities of military guards, sieged in the oneself mansion. 但他动作迟了半步,还没出自家府门,就被大批兵卫堵住去路,围困在自家府内。 Is the night, Shang Palace hears the sound of sorrowful cry, old king suffers a relapse and leaves the world suddenly, the new Prince envy ascends a height to get a broad view the position of Human Sovereign, issues a death announcement for old king. 是夜,商宫传来恸哭之声,老王旧疾复发、突然离世,新王子羡登临人皇之位,为老王发丧。 After big mourning, the new king ascends toward initially, Bigan accompanies born elder brother Xuyu kneels above a volt deliberation hall, gives loyalty to the new king. 大丧过后,新王初登朝,比干随同‘庶出’的兄长胥余跪伏朝堂之上,对新王效忠。 Zi Xian favors it at the width, to foot reward, the Xuyu to seal/confer for marquis at ease, is talented because of Bigan, assigns/life him to head the matter of penalty. 子羡自是以宽厚待之,给足封赏,将胥余封为闲散之侯,因比干才干出众,命他执掌刑罚之事。 The throne change, ends smoothly. 王位更替,顺利落幕。 This......” “这……” In the cloud, Daoist Ci Hang knits the brows to gaze at present this scene, heart with complex feelings. 云上,慈航道人皱眉注视着眼前这一幕,心底五味杂陈 Their Enlightenment Cult's scheme, just came the first wave, is result in failure. 他们阐教的算计,刚来第一波,就已是无疾而终 „Does senior apprentice sister have what feelings?” 师姐有何感想?” Li Changshou including asking, Daoist Ci Hang is also shaking the head sighs lightly. 李长寿含笑问着,慈航道人也只是摇头轻叹。 In secular world, although only has mortal, but this hidden wisdom, is more fearful than Immortal Great Cult.” 俗世之中,虽只有凡人,但这暗藏的机锋,却比仙人大教还要可怕。” „The will of the people was complex, mortal also meets path smooth/slide.” “人心本就复杂,凡俗也会路滑。” Un?” “嗯?” „, The safe/without matter, the safe/without matter, small sigh with sorrow,” the Li Changshou warm sound said, „can senior apprentice sister also probably look again?” “啊,无事,无事,一点小感慨,”李长寿温声道,“师姐可还要再看下去?” Daoist Ci Hang said with a smile: „ My Enlightenment Cult scheme has failed, this poor Daoist is not suitable in this place remains. 慈航道人笑道:“我阐教算计已是落空,贫道在此地也不宜多留。 However, hears junior apprentice brother so to say a word, behind resembles also some arrangements? ” 不过,听闻师弟这般言语,似后面还有些许安排?” Arrangement is not, but made some preparations,” Li Changshou said with a smile, „ previously I must Heavenly Mystery remind, entered in mortal to guarantee the next Shang Country monarchy especially. “安排算不上,只是做了一些准备,”李长寿笑道,“此前我得天机提醒,特入凡俗之中保下一任商国君主。 Several days later a good play. ” 再过几日还有一场好戏。” Daoist Ci Hang blinks gently, says with a smile: That this poor Daoist must observe and emulate, looked that Heavenly Court authority God has what method.” 慈航道人轻轻眨眼,笑道:“那贫道就要观摩一番,看天庭权神有何手段。” Friendly,” Li Changshou nods slowly. “善,”李长寿缓缓点头。 Previously indicated Wen Zhong, today gives the Enlightenment Cult reminder. 此前点拨了一次闻仲,今日就多给阐教一些提醒。 Old Great Desolate balance evil force. 洪荒均衡恶势力了。 Therefore, Daoist Ci Hang and Li Changshou calmly are gazing at Great Yin City in the cloud, white clouds crack and curtain of night sunrise, is half a month passes. 故,慈航道人李长寿在云上静静注视着大殷城,白云过隙、夜幕日出,又是半个月过去。 That night, in the royal palace spreads the good news, Zi Xian third child is born, bestows Zi Shou. 这一夜,王宫中传来喜讯,子羡第三子降生,赐名子受 Above the deliberation hall begins the mighty waves, the ministers on the grounds of state safety, asking Zi Xian to set the crown prince candidate, at this time Zi Xian eldest son Weizi Qi is grown, talented, charming. 朝堂之上再起波澜,众大臣以社稷安危为由,请子羡定下储君人选,此时子羡的长子微子启已是成年,才干出众、魅力十足。 The Zi Xian original intention sets up Weizi Qi for the crown prince, however, Grand Scribe more numerous, speaking Weizi Qi, although is an eldest son, actually non- wife's eldest son. 子羡本意立微子启为储君,然,大史越众而出,言说微子启虽是长子,却非嫡长子。 Has minister strange say/way: Zi Qi, Zi Yan and Zi Shou three Your Highness is a mother lives, does this have what differentiation?” 有大臣奇道:“子启子衍子受三位殿下都是一母所生,这还有何区分?” That Grand Scribe, is Li Changshou’s Paper Daoist says with a smile: 大史,也就是李长寿的纸道人笑道: Attractiveness that „ Great Minister asked that reporting to king! 大宰问的漂亮,启禀大王! When first two Your Highness are born, the king is Prince, the queen is concubine, concubine's son, when is a son. 前两位殿下降生时,大王为王子,王后为妾室,妾之子,当为庶子。 But Zi Shou for queen's son, when is a wife's eldest son. 子受为王后之子,当为嫡长子。 Passes on closely related does not pass on multitudiously, passes on the child not to pass on the younger brother, when is first sovereign Wencheng( note) moves the capital in Yin City establishes the custom, is this custom, making my Shang Country finish royalty competing for the civil strife, the stabilize four directions, must extend Heaven's Mandate. 传嫡不传庶,传子不传弟,乃先皇文成(注)迁都于殷城时所立规矩,正是此规矩,令我商国结束王权争夺之内乱,稳固四方、得延天命 Also asked the king to consider prudently. ” 还请大王慎重思虑。” On the throne, that monarch Di Yi in the prime of life hesitates several, said: Grand Scribe sound reasonable, however, my son Zi Shou has not had the swaddling clothes, how may know him whether to be worth entrusting clear(ly)?” 王座上,那年富力强的国君帝乙沉吟几声,言道:“大史言之有理,然,吾儿子受尚未出襁褓,如何可知他是否为值得托付之明君?” Li Changshou is not many spoken languages, by the side has one to wear the dark clothing, to wear the middle-aged female of Black Bird cape to forward, kneels to bend down to memorialize the emperor: 李长寿却是不多言语,侧旁自有一名身着玄服、身披玄鸟斗篷的中年女子向前,跪伏启奏: Being puzzled of feudal official, is decided by the king, being puzzled of king, has a day of secret art.” “臣之惑,由王而定,王之惑,自有天诀。” Di Yi said: That divination 12.” 帝乙道:“那就占卜一二。” At that moment, the ministers give way to traffic backward, the witch who more than ten wear strange Zhuang barefoots to come, along with the bell drum rhythm, starts jumping left and right. 当下,众大臣向后避让,十多名身着奇妆的巫女赤脚而来,伴随着钟鼓节奏,开始左蹦右跳 A little Xiong Lingli jumped in Great God the taste. 有点熊伶俐大神内味了。 That middle-aged female sits before the brazier, is showing the whites of the eyes and carrying a tortoise shell, high and low sways one, then places above the tortoise shell the charcoal fire. 那名中年女子坐在火盆前,翻着白眼、端着一只龟壳,上下摇晃一阵,而后将龟壳放在炭火之上。 This tortoise shell check portrayed several characters. 这龟壳的‘方格’中刻画了几个字符。 Soon, tortoise shell roasted emergence crack, the crack passed through a character...... 不多时,龟壳被烤的出现裂缝,裂缝穿过了其中一个字符…… Can decide that the divination of national affairs, was so completed. 一场能决定国家大事的占卜,就这般完成了。 The female kneels shouts: King, Heaven's Will in Zi Shou.” 那女子又跪地呼喊:“大王,天意子受。” Di Yi said with a smile: In view of this, uses Zi Shou as the adopted son.” 帝乙笑道:“既如此,以子受为嗣子。” Minister start/open Hu is wise, the entire main hall is brimming with the joyful atmosphere. 众大臣启呼英明,整个大殿都洋溢着愉悦的氛围。 In the cloud, Li Changshou said with a smile: „Did senior apprentice sister look to understand?” 云上,李长寿笑道:“师姐可是看明白了?” The Daoist Ci Hang brow slightly wrinkle, asked in a soft voice: Their this Way of Divination, are not the methods of calculation, why believes that doesn't doubt?” 慈航道人眉头微皱,轻声问:“他们这占卜之道,绝非推算之法,为何都对此坚信不疑?” Because this is Heaven's Will,” Li Changshou referred to sky over, „ this divination way has no rationality, but is actually Heavenly Way gives the direct way of Human Sovereign prompt. “因为这是天意,”李长寿指了指上空,“这种占卜方式没什么合理性,但却是天道给予人皇提示的直接方式。 Heaven's Mandate in Zi Shou, is Will of Heavenly Way. ” 天命子受,是天道之意。” That, junior apprentice brother scheme what?” Daoist Ci Hang said with a smile, could it be wants to tell this poor Daoist, was Heaven's Will difficult to disobey, Heavenly Way to be difficult to resist? So the truth, this poor Daoist has actually known.” “那,师弟在此间算计了什么?”慈航道人笑道,“莫非只是想告诉贫道,天意难违、天道难抗?这般道理,贫道却是早已知晓。” Li Changshou is selecting one finger/refers to Great Yin City, said: senior apprentice sister looks again.” 李长寿对着大殷城点出一指,道:“师姐再看。” Daoist Ci Hang looks down, actually sees in that main hall to draw back toward, that minister and Shang Country who Grand Scribe spoke to set the wife's eldest son status, to in the air is showing the light happy expression. 慈航道人低头看去,却见那大殿之中正在退朝,那名出言定下嫡长子身份的大臣、商国大史,对着空中露出淡淡的笑意。 Daoist Ci Hang is startled slightly. 慈航道人微微一惊。 This has not calculated. 这还不算完。 Daoist Ci Hang stared at Grand Scribe to look at one, suddenly the female of discovery this Grand Scribe and that divination offered a sacrifice to the little look exchanges ; 慈航道人盯着大史看了一阵,突然发现这大史和那占卜的女祭有少许眼神交流; Daoist Ci Hang fixes the eyes on to look again, in the female sacrifice sleeve hid a tortoise shell, the character that above crack splits, in that with palace, exactly the same. 慈航道人再定睛看去,女祭袖中藏了一只龟壳,其上的裂缝所裂开的字符,与殿中那只,一模一样 Her cannot help but ask: This is Heaven's Will, is the people's desires?” 不由问道:“这到底是天意,还是人意?” Day has not prevented is Heaven's Will, the person has scheme also to calculate the people's desires,” Li Changshou form become clouds and mist, leaves behind few words words to Daoist Ci Hang slowly, the figure disperses with the wind. “天未阻止便是天意,人有算计也算人意,”李长寿身影缓缓化作云雾,对慈航道人留下一两句话语,身形随风而散。 Also invited to transmit Senior Apprentice Brother Guang Chengzi, the mortal plan and Immortal scheme was entirely different, did and was inferior that did not do.” “还请转告广成子师兄,凡俗筹谋与仙人算计全然不同,多做、不如不做。” Daoist Ci Hang calmly set up one in the cloud, then shakes the head quickly sighs lightly, riding the clouds rushes to Kunlun Mountains. 慈航道人在云上静静立了一阵,很快便摇头轻叹,驾云赶往昆仑山 ...... …… Therefore , after for several years . 于是,又数年后。 Lonesome and lonely.’ ‘寂、寂寞啊。’ Southern Continent, Eastern Continent and place of Central Divine Continent connection, in some peaceful canyon, on the mountain wall revealed that a cave, famous middle-aged Daoist takes a step, with hands clasped behind the back, is looking into various horizon places. 南洲东洲中神洲交接之地,某个安静的峡谷中,山壁上显露出一处山洞,有名中年道者迈步而出,背着手,眺望着天边各处。 Or, goes out to stroll again? 要不,再出去逛逛? Black Leopard heart somewhat moves restlessly slightly, although is smooth in this place cultivation, has good cultivation base gradually, must be much higher compared with previous life, but in Way Heart, even more was actually hard to stabilize. 黑豹心底略微有些躁动,虽在此地修行一路顺畅,已渐渐有了不俗的修为,比前世还要高出不少,但道心之中,却是越发难以安定了。 Although Heaven and Earth is big, does the body turn over to where? 天地虽大,身归何处? oneself previous life is Section Cult's immortal, but this life is heel ordinary Black Leopard, really does not have the face to return to Golden Tortoise Island cultivation. 自己前世截教仙,但这一世不过是跟脚普通的一只黑豹,实在没脸回金鳌岛修行 In this life takes Human Race as Heaven and Earth protagonist, he is Monster Race does not dare to wander about aimlessly everywhere strolls randomly, very easily by beheading monsters and eliminating demons. 当今世上以人族天地主角,他是妖族也不敢到处乱走乱逛,很容易就被斩妖除魔 In recent years, that side Monster Race, he also has gone several times. 这些年来,妖族那边,他也去过几次。 In Northern Continent Monster Race has made under Monster King young vanguard general, finally Northern Continent was suppressed by Heavenly Court, after that he also once mingled among Eastern Continent, but is elegant is unsuccessful. 北洲妖族做过妖王手底下的小先锋将军,结果北洲天庭剿了,自那之后他也曾混迹在东洲,但都是郁郁不得志。 āi...... …… Very fondly remembers with Miao Miao together shameless Time. 十分怀念与淼淼在一起没羞没臊岁月 But also can only fondly remember. 但也只能怀念了。 Goes again, cultivation not companion, seriously extremely suffering. 再去走走吧,修行没个伴儿,当真太过煎熬了些。 Therefore, Black Leopard puts out at the same time the bronze mirror, reorganized under oneself calms the mind to handle the hairstyle, causes several wisps of white hair intentionally, prominent steady feeling and experienced feeling. 于是,黑豹拿出一面铜镜,整理了下自己静心打理过的发型,故意弄出几缕白发,突出稳重感与老成感。 Un?” “嗯?” The thick patch of grass of not far away, an eye opens slowly, gazes at the Black Leopard Spirit riding the clouds depart back, in the eye is revealing for several points to think. 不远处的草丛,一双眼睛缓缓睁开,注视着黑豹精驾云离开的背影,目中流露出几分思索。 This Black Leopard, moved finally. 黑豹,终于动了。
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