MSBIBTC :: Volume #7

#615: Before Soaring Firmament Palace ! The limit overturns! 【6666 characters asked ticket】

this poor Daoist, un...... this poor Daoist Dao Weizi, is in Jade Void Palace Qi Refiner, this...... this poor Daoist truly is Profound Way Immortal Sect Founder...... 贫道,嗯……贫道道微子,乃玉虚宫炼气士,这个……贫道确实是道微仙宗开山祖师…… In the past, Profound Way Immortal Sect that this poor Daoist established, indeed had once had the dispute with Passing Immortal Gate. 当年,贫道创立的道微仙宗,的确曾与度仙门起过争执。 But this is because of the Profound Way Immortal Sect oneself development, seeks the place of consecrating. 但这是因道微仙宗自身发展,寻求供奉之地。 Youqin clan Honglin Country, just between consecrating Profound Way Immortal Sect two country, this had dispatched troops to attack, surprise attack Honglin Country national capital. 有琴一族洪林国,刚好是在供奉道微仙宗的两家方国之间,这才有了发兵攻打,奇袭洪林国国都。 This was being the normal influence expansion at that time, and this poor Daoist also urged Immortal Sect in the gate high and low specially, making them avoid being direct as far as possible the conflict with Passing Immortal Gate, and prepared other country, replaced Honglin Country with Passing Immortal Gate. 这在当时属于正常的势力扩张,且贫道还特意叮嘱仙宗门内上上下下,让他们尽量避免与度仙门直接起冲突,并准备了其他方国,与度仙门置换洪林国 This matter is not no doubt right, Immortal Way cannot fully interfere with mortal, but Heavenly Court had not emerged at that time, various Central Divine Continent immortal gate so handle affairs, was the Great Desolate old tradition. 此事固然不对,仙道也不能随意干涉凡俗,但当时天庭并未兴起,中神洲各家仙门都是如此行事,算是洪荒的老传统了。 this poor Daoist hopes, accepts the Heavenly Court punishment because of this matter. ” 贫道愿,因此事而接受天庭惩处。” Before Soaring Firmament Palace, in adjudicating a case field. 凌霄殿前,审案场中。 A Dao Weizi silk surface gray cotton cloth long gown, lowered the head to speak this words. 道微子一身绸面灰布长袍,低头说下了这段话语。 Above dead ahead that multiple stair, calmly sits in jade plate later Jade Emperor this moment expressionless, making this Achieving Way Immortal of Eternal Life Way Heart pressure large, the forehead sees the perspiration slightly. 正前方那一重重台阶之上,静静坐在玉案之后的玉皇大帝此刻面无表情,让这位得道长生之仙道心压力颇大,额头微微见汗。 Because Li Changshou no longer makes adjudicator, the previous trial field has made the transformation, before the position of adjudicator is the palace gate, sit upright Jade Emperor. 李长寿不再做主审,此前的审理场已做改造,主审之位自是殿门前端坐玉帝 At the suggestion of Li Changshou’s, this case does not additionally build the assist in trying a case, Heavenly Court many Righteous God stands by the stair, but give advice, voices momentarily. 李长寿的建议下,本案不增设陪审,天庭诸多正神在台阶两侧站立,都可出谋划策、随时发声。 The front these words, are the Dao Weizi after careful deliberations result, within the Li Changshou expectation. 前面这番话,自是道微子深思熟虑的结果,也在李长寿预料之内。 If Dao Weizi comes up to throw Dipankara body all responsibility directly, that will instead play the counter-effect. 若是道微子上来就直接将所有责任扔到燃灯身上,那反而会起到反效果。 Dao Weizi this time statement, the big probability has nothing to do with the Enlightenment Cult attitude, after all his non- Enlightenment Cult important personage. 道微子此时的表态,大概率是与阐教态度无关的,毕竟他非阐教重要人物。 Li Changshou stands right under the stair, is static and vertical, has not said anything. 李长寿站在台阶正下方,静静而立,并未开口多说什么。 Before the palace gate, Jade Emperor recited 12 lightly, slow sound said: 殿门前,玉帝轻吟一二,缓声道: Dao Weizi, you spoke all words at this time, will become then the key that affects this case to move toward. 道微子,你此时所说一切话语,都将成为接下来影响此案走向的关键。 I sit in this place, your cannot because of heart fears, but does not dare to speak the truth. 吾就坐在此地,你莫要心底惧怕而不敢说实话。 Heavenly Way, but has been gazing at you. ” 天道,可一直都在注视着你。” Dao Weizi Way Body trembled , a heart forced smile. 道微子道躯颤了下,心底一阵苦笑。 He is also Eternal Life Immortal, is in Enlightenment Cult the person, which usually in arrives is not a scenery piece, occasionally east goes to various Kunlun banquet situations, that is also listens to the flattery to hear the root of the ear to become tender. 他好歹也是长生仙人,更是阐教中人,平日里走到哪不是风光一片,偶尔去东昆仑各处酒宴场合,那也是听奉承话听到耳根发软。 But in this place, he seems to become minority groups. 但在此地,他仿佛已成了‘弱势群体’。 Dao Weizi secretly looks at Deputy Cult Master Dipankara that the right front calmly stood, looked at the eye to be slightly farther, Jade Void Palace person-in-charge Senior Apprentice Brother Guang Chengzi, the heart thought was diverse and confused. 道微子暗中看了眼右前方静静站立的燃灯副教主,又看了眼稍远些,玉虚宫话事人广成子大师兄,心底念头纷杂无比。 He is absolutely didn't expect, this matter will involve his body. 他是万万没想到,此事会牵连到他身上 Today does not say, Heavenly Court falsely accuses the matter of Heavenly General taking advantage of beautiful woman, lashes out at their Enlightenment Cult Deputy Cult Master, establishes the superiority of Heavenly Court to Saint Great Cult? 今日不是说,天庭嫦娥诬陷天将之事,对他们阐教副教主发难,借此确立天庭圣人大教的优势地位吗? How to pull at the Profound Way Immortal Sect matter suddenly? 怎么就突然扯到了道微仙宗的事上? But Dao Weizi is intelligent Daoist. 道微子是个聪明的道者 Suddenly mentioned by name by Heavenly Court wing Marshal Golden-Winged Roc, he is thinking that what matter the bottom had ; 突然被天庭羽翼元帅金翅大鹏鸟点名,他就在想到底发生了何事; Although didn't expect anything. 虽然没想到什么。 In by the Senior Apprentice Brother Chi Jingzi belt/bring to the Heavenly Court military officer front, Dao Weizi was heard Chi Jingzi sound transmission...... 在被赤精子师兄带到天庭将领面前时,道微子自是听到了赤精子传声…… ‚After going to Heavenly Court, if some people questioned, should say that said that should not say must think over was saying.’ ‘去天庭后,若有人问话,该说的说、不该说的要掂量着说。’ Therefore Dao Weizi thought over, when to Heavenly Court, listening to previously interrogated, Heavenly Court authority God Great White Golden Star to say the matter, what matter heart understands behavior immediately. 所以道微子掂量了一路,到了天庭中,听此前审讯时、天庭权神太白金星所说之事,心底顿时明了所为何事。 This matter, how Dao Weizi can not know. 这件事,道微子如何能不知。 Initially when Deputy Cult Master Dipankara looked for him, he also thinks that is broad and open path puts at present, oneself must seize the good opportunity surely. 当初燃灯副教主找他时,他还以为是一条康庄大道摆在了眼前,自己定要把握好机会。 If Deputy Cult Master Dipankara one happy, he can rise is Enlightenment Cult Direct Disciple, obtains in front of Saint the opportunity and to be recognized by Lord Saint in careless of hear of say/way, becomes Enlightenment Cult core disciple, to be Enlightenment Cult Thirteenth Golden Immortal...... 若是燃灯副教主一开心,那他岂不是就能升为阐教亲传弟子、得到圣人面前听道的机会、在不小心圣人老爷赏识,成为阐教核心弟子、位列阐教第十三金仙…… āi, what a pity. ,可惜。 At that time Deputy Cult Master Dipankara suffered a loss, sat Great White Golden Star after long table by today's this, did not have scheme to the accumulation innumerable Time treasures most probably...... 当时燃灯副教主吃了亏,被今日这位坐在长桌后的太白金星,算计到积累无数岁月的宝物都没了大半…… Dao Weizi was also therefore reproven several, then continuously seclusion cultivation in Jade Void Palace. 道微子也因此被训斥了几句,而后一直在玉虚宫闭关修行 heart cannot think, Dao Weizi considers 12, hesitates several, said: this poor Daoist has not told the lie.” 心底不敢多想,道微子思虑一二,沉吟几声,言道:“贫道并未说假话。” Jade Emperor nods slowly, the left hand has wielded gently, wisp of Golden Light sneaks into sky over Soaring Firmament Throne Palace, the indifferent voice spreads over various places: 玉帝缓缓点头,左手轻轻挥过,一缕金光窜入凌霄宝殿上空,淡然的嗓音传遍各处: Heavenly Way is to sentence.” 天道为判。” Bang! 轰隆! Purplish black Thunder Dragon baseless appears, has delimited in the Dao Weizi top of the head, makes threatening gestures, power and influence cover heaven! 一条紫黑雷龙凭空出现,就在道微子头顶划过,张牙舞爪、威势盖天! That somewhat terrifying Heavenly Prestige pounds down loudly, Dao Weizi Way Body shivered all over, looks up a sky, in the eye full was alarmed and afraid. 那有些恐怖的天威轰然砸下,道微子道躯乱颤,抬头看了眼天空,目中满是惊惧。 This and this......” “这、这……” The Jade Emperor chuckle the sound, said: „ You are Great Cult Disciple, I give you this opportunity, otherwise next time Heavenly Punishment on non- will be only the ha-ha you, but fell on your body. 玉帝轻笑了声,言道:“你是大教弟子,吾给你这次机会,不然下次天罚就非只是吓吓你,而是落在你身上了。 In this place! 在此地! The Heavenly Way supervision, dares wild talk, I decide the bonus not to you! ” 天道监察,胆敢妄言,吾定饶不得你!” Dao Weizi lowers the head hastily, deeply made way greeting, about the pupil shivered all over, held breath suddenly cold air. 道微子连忙低头,深深地做了个道揖,瞳仁左右乱颤,冷不防倒吸一口凉气。 What to do can this? 这可怎么办? Listens to Li Changshou to sigh the sound said suddenly: 忽听李长寿叹声道: Your majesty, Dao Weizi decides in this place has the person of fear, therefore does not dare to say the truth. “陛下,道微子在此地定是有畏惧之人,故不敢说实情。 Might as well so, your personally under together oral Decree, so long as Dao Weizi reveals the truth, our Heavenly Court not only does insurance for him, explained to Enlightenment Cult, will exempt his part of responsibility for an offense. 不如这般,您亲自下一道口头旨意,只要道微子吐露实情,咱们天庭不但为他做保,对阐教解释,也会免他一部分罪责。 From this matter, Dao Weizi does not advocate wickedly, the order of some Deputy Cult Master, he is also have no choice but to. ” 从此事来看,道微子并非主恶,某位副教主的命令,他也是不得不尊。” The Dao Weizi Adam's apple trembled, almost on the nod name is. 道微子喉结颤了下,差点就点头称是。 Jade Emperor nods slowly, said: beloved ministers said is extremely, Dao Weizi, I gave you so to promise, you can dare to open the mouth now?” 玉帝缓缓点头,言道:“爱卿所言极是,道微子,吾给你这般许诺,你如今可敢开口了?” this poor Daoist and this poor Daoist......” 贫道贫道……” āi,” Guang Chengzi has the sound said, „ had anything then to say anything, what matter in the past had to report truthfully is. ,”广成子出声道,“有什么便说什么,当年发生何事如实禀告就是。 Although this matter is related to Deputy Cult Master Dipankara, but is actually present age Human Sovereign sues today, you can not be involved are also the good deed. ” 此事虽事关燃灯副教主,但今日却是当世人皇状告,你能不受牵连也是好事。” Yeah, Big Apprentice Brother you also know this matter......” “哎,大师兄您也知道此事的……” Dao Weizi sighed, just about to opens the mouth. 道微子叹了口气,刚要开口。 Li Changshou said suddenly: Dao Weizi, you might as well sit down the speech, decides certain mind.” 李长寿突然道:“道微子,你不如坐下说话,定一定心神。” By the side, to Ju Liusun praying mat, was hugged by Heavenly General rapidly, where Dao Weizi does not dare, since? 侧旁,原本给惧留孙蒲团,被天将迅速抱了过来,道微子哪敢不从? After sitting cross-legged, Dao Weizi really thought that oneself were many several points of energy. 盘坐下来之后,道微子果然觉得自己多了几分底气。 He pondered over slightly, the line of sight looked at Dipankara that gloomy facial features, slow sound said: 他略微思忖,视线瞄了眼燃灯那灰暗的面容,缓声道: Fellow Heavenly Court's Way friends think that also knows, when Heavenly Court has not risen, among immortal and mortal is so the truth, mortal is to ask pill prolongs life, Immortal is Destiny Karmic Virtue, mostly will control some Kingdom Tribes. “各位天庭的道友想必也都知道,在天庭尚未崛起时,仙凡之间都是这般道理,凡人为求丹延寿,仙人气运功德,大多都会明里暗里掌控一些王国部落。 At that time also no one said that was not so right, the Immortal main body was also Human Race. 那时也没人说这般不对,仙人的主体也是人族嘛。 Naturally, custom that now Heavenly Court sets, the matter truly is not so right, this poor Daoist has also ordered Profound Way Immortal Sect, stopped behavior that squeezes the mortal kingdom...... ” 当然,现在天庭定下的规矩,这般事确实不对,贫道也早已勒令道微仙宗,停止了压榨凡俗王国的行为……” Said the key point,” Li Changshou breaks his verboseness, decides the sound said, „the present issue is, besieges Honglin Country and night assault Honglin Country state, to order to extinguish kills the present age Human Sovereign clan adult male, is your Dao Weizi oneself?” “说重点,”李长寿打断他的絮叨,定声道,“现在的问题是,围攻洪林国、夜袭洪林国国度、下令灭杀当代人皇一族男丁的,可是你道微子本人?” Hears this saying, Dao Weizi was anxious immediately. 听到这话,道微子顿时急了。 How can this be this poor Daoist? “这怎么会是贫道 Although this poor Daoist non- what great virtue and benevolence, but also knows the life survival is not easy, immortal gate engages in factional strife, common custom to compete for Karmic Virtue and precious materials, that has the bottom line. 贫道虽非什么大善大仁,但也知生灵生存之不易,仙门倾轧、世俗争夺功德宝材,那都是有底线在的。 Which correct path will Qi Refiner, slaughter mortal for no reason? This is must backlash by karmic hinderance! ” 哪个正道炼气士,会无故去屠杀凡人?这可是要遭业障反噬的!” Li Changshou indifferently said: Since is not you orders, but do some people pull strings?” 李长寿淡然道:“既然不是你下令,可是有人指使?” This matter this poor Daoist does not talk clearly,” Dao Weizi looked at Dipankara, said in a low voice, „before this poor Daoist directs Profound Way Immortal Sect present age Sect Master Deputy Cult Master Dipankara harnessed, all arrangement are Deputy Cult Master Dipankara...... do.” “此事贫道也说不清,”道微子看了眼燃灯,低声道,“贫道只是将道微仙宗当代掌门引到了燃灯副教主驾前,一切布置都是燃灯副教主……做的。” Li Changshou looks suddenly, turns around to report 12 to Jade Emperor. 李长寿面露恍然,转身对玉帝禀告一二。 He also said: Your majesty, Golden Roc Marshal has all drawn on with several important elder Profound Way Immortal Sect present age Sect Master.” 他又道:“陛下,金鹏元帅已将道微仙宗当代掌门与几位重要长老悉数招来。” Biography.” “传。” Jade Emperor was cold the face to say the sentence, by the side Wood Duke called, counted form to be detained by heavenly troops and generals. 玉帝冷着脸道了句,侧旁木公一声吆喝,数道身影天兵天将押来。 This heavenly troops and generals not polite, a people drinks: Kneels down!” 这次天兵天将并未客气,一人大喝:“跪下!” The Old Daoist both legs of these ordinary Golden Immortal levels tremble, lowers the head to kneel to bend down respectively, does not dare to lift randomly. 这几名普通金仙级的老道双腿一颤,各自低头跪伏,头都不敢乱抬。 Some was saying wants the testifying person is not suitable is the adjudicator Heavenly Court ordinary powerful minister, at this time opens the mouth to inquire unceasingly, these Enlightenment Cult subordinate Immortal Sect Long Life Immortal, one by one opens the mouth and recognize. 某说着要做证人不宜做主审天庭普通权臣,此时不断开口问询,这些阐教下属仙宗长生仙,一个个开了口、认了事。 Deputy Cult Master Dipankara personally ordered, to let Little Immortal first two tribes near control Honglin Country, Dongli and Haiti. 燃灯副教主亲自下令,让小仙控制洪林国附近的两个部落,东篱和海梯 Deputy Cult Master Dipankara was Antiquity almighty and Enlightenment Cult Deputy Cult Master, my master sees was respectful, Little Immortal did not dare not to revere...... ” 燃灯副教主远古大能阐教副教主,家师见了都要毕恭毕敬,小仙也不敢不尊……” What detail can have?” “可有什么细节?” Thin, detail......” “细、细节……” How control these two tribes?” “如何控制的这两个部落?” That Sect Master sighed: „ Returns to Star Monarch Great White, this matter slightly some are difficult, Immortal Sect consulted with Human Race mortal country generally, first gave them the advantage, then gradually contact. 掌门叹道:“回太白星君,此事略微有些难以启齿,仙宗一般都是与人族凡俗方国协商,先给他们好处,再逐步接触 If country has the Immortal Way influence, wants secretly gambling, to discuss step by step, finally decides a victory and defeat, will not basically erupt too big fighting method conflict. 若是一家方国原本已有仙道势力,就要暗中博弈、一步步商谈,最后决出个胜负,基本不会爆发太大的斗法冲突。 But at that time Deputy Cult Master Dipankara urged tightly, only gave several of us the moon/month, must see the result immediately, our have no choice but to used some strategies...... ” 但当时燃灯副教主催得紧,只给了我们几个月的时间,要立马看到成效,我们不得不用了些计策……” What strategy?” “什么计策?” Chose disciple aptitude middle-grade, but appearance outstanding female disciple, used medicinal pill of some being puzzled hearts, control the leader of that two tribe......” “选了门下资质中等但容貌出众的女弟子,用了些惑心的丹药,控制了那两个部落的首领……” Li Changshou knits the brows: This matter, but does Deputy Cult Master Dipankara incite?” 李长寿皱眉道:“此事可是燃灯副教主授意?” Is and is.” “是、是。” That Sect Master lowers the head sighs, all around Heavenly Court Immortal God in an uproar. 掌门低头一叹,周遭天庭仙神一片哗然。 The True Person Supreme Unity eyes narrow the eyes, although the mouth was sealed, but can still make the loud and clear comment at this moment: 太乙真人双眼一眯,虽嘴巴被封,但此刻依然能发出掷地有声的评论: Wū wū! The blue lamp un called main cross tunnel...... cough cough!” “呜呜!蓝灯嗯叫主横洞嘛……!” Although so the detail is small, but destroys is actually Dipankara Antiquity almighty and Enlightenment Cult expert's image. 这般细节虽小,但毁的却是燃灯远古大能阐教高人的形象。 Li Changshou sighed the sound, continued to inquire in this period various details, that night the Honglin Country tragedy, will expose directly. 李长寿叹了声,继续问询其间各种细节,将那一夜洪林国惨剧,直接展露了出来。 After half double-hour, the numerous Immortal Gods mood was transferred, is glowering to Dipankara. 半个时辰后,众仙神的情绪都被调动了起来,对着燃灯怒目而视。 In Great White Palace depths array, Li Changshou’s Paper Daoist and Jade Emperor Incarnation Quan Tong squats together, exchanged several low voice. 太白殿深处法阵中,李长寿的纸道人玉帝化身荃峒在一起,小声交流了几句。 Before Soaring Firmament Throne Palace, Jade Emperor Jade Emperor beckons with the hand, Profound Way Immortal Sect several personal testimonies leave the stage all. 凌霄宝殿前,玉帝玉帝摆摆手,道微仙宗几个人证尽数退场。 Jade Emperor sighed: Daoist Dipankara, your thoughts, if can use in the proper way, Heaven and Earth can be for this reason calmer and steadier.” 玉帝叹道:“燃灯道人,你这些心思,若是能用在正途上,天地能为此安稳许多吧。” Has Heavenly Court Righteous God to walk sideways two steps on the stair, salutes to report to Jade Emperor: 天庭正神在台阶上横走两步,对玉帝行礼禀告: Your majesty! “陛下! Daoist Dipankara relies upon the prestige of oneself, cruelly harms the matter of present age Human Sovereign clan, has investigated thoroughly! 燃灯道人仰仗自身之威,残害当代人皇一族之事,已然查清! Also asked your majesty to punish severely! ” 还请陛下从重惩处!” Jade Emperor said: „ beloved ministers is not anxious, although this matter has understood clearly, but the matter of today, will be makes a reference for the next Heavenly Court conduct, various details must pay attention to some. 玉帝道:“爱卿莫急,此事虽已清晰明了,但今日之事,乃是为今后天庭行事做个参考,各处细节还是要注意些。 Beloved Minister Changgeng, you previously said that oneself has the matter witness, this matter witness where? ” 长庚爱卿,你此前所说自己有物证,这物证何在?” Your majesty,” Li Changshou lowers the head does obeisance, takes out Photo Ball in the sleeve, this is the matter witness.” “陛下,”李长寿低头一拜,于袖中取出一颗留影球,“此乃物证。” Jade Emperor said: Puts to come to see.” 玉帝道:“放来看看。” Yes!” “是!” Li Changshou complied with the sound, urges Photo Ball restriction, among reveals picture in a starry night immediately. 李长寿应了声,催起留影球禁制,其内立刻显露出一幅星夜之中的画面。 Dipankara is sitting cross-legged in the cloud, the around the body Five Colors Divine Light sparkle, in the hand Colored Glaze Pagoda is far away from him to go instantaneously. 燃灯正盘坐在云上,身周五色神光闪耀,手中琉璃宝塔瞬间远离他而去。 Meanwhile, wipes the water blue halo to swing slowly, 24 big star sparkles, the Dipankara figure stops instantaneously, Heaven and Earth was totally blocked. 与此同时,一抹水蓝色光晕缓缓荡开,二十四颗大星闪耀,燃灯身形瞬间停顿,乾坤被彻底封锁。 Wears the armor, to gather Daoist of beautiful fine beard from in the air to fall, in the mouth quickly shouted: 一名身穿铠甲、蓄着美髯的道人自空中落下,口中急忙大喊: Deputy Cult Master Dipankara feared not! this poor Daoist has protected you! Everyone gave me a Zhao Gongming face, cannot hits again!’ 燃灯副教主莫怕!贫道已护住你了!各位给我赵公明一个面子,莫要再打了!’ āi yā! My this was Treasure bad? How doesn't run errands?’ 哎呀!我这宝贝怎么坏住了?不听使唤了怎么?’ The picture stops suddenly. 画面戛然而止。 Actually behind also has the dividing the booty link, under this must care about oneself and Older Brother Zhao vivid drop. 其实后面还有分赃环节,这个还是要在意下自身赵老哥的形象滴。 The bonus is so, numerous Immortal Gods one by one almost smiles to make noise. 饶是如此,众仙神一个个差点笑出声。 So long as led into villain Dipankara ahead of time the status, looks at the picture that Dipankara suffers a loss at this time, always has the greatest happy feeling. 只要提前将燃灯带入了‘反派’的身份,此时看燃灯吃亏的画面,总是有莫大的喜感。 Older Brother Gongming at this moment is actually red-faced, sits, in that looks down sidewise side, was teased by Jasper Firmament vision one. 公明老哥此刻却是面红耳赤,坐在那低头看向侧旁,被琼霄的目光一阵取笑。 Does attractively.” “做得漂亮。” The Holy Mother Golden Spirit light said/tunnel the sentence, Zhao Gongming mind shakes, threw out the chest to raise the head and sit in wooden armchair immediately slantingly, aggressive spontaneity. 金灵圣母淡淡地道了句,赵公明精神一震,顿时挺胸抬头、斜坐在太师椅中,霸气自生。 Li Changshou before immortal power Photo Ball advanced the Wood Duke body, by Wood Duke as the exhibit takes care. 李长寿仙力留影球推到了木公身前,由木公作为证物保管。 Beloved Minister Changgeng,” Jade Emperor including asking: Then also has the flow that what must walk?” 长庚爱卿,”玉帝含笑问:“接下来还有什么要走的流程?” Really walks a flow. 真・走个流程。 Your majesty, the matter witness , the personal testimony is complete, is asked whether Dipankara acknowledged guilt.” “陛下,物证已在,人证俱全,接下来就是问燃灯是否认罪了。” The word, Li Changshou turns around to look to Dipankara, said: „, Deputy Cult Master does not want to say anything at this time.” 言罢,李长寿转身看向燃灯,道:“想必,副教主此时已不想开口说什么了吧。” Dipankara hearing this corners of the mouth reveals little sneers, indifferently said: 燃灯闻言嘴角露出少许冷笑,淡然道: Star Monarch Great White all has arranged, this poor Daoist said that is useless. 太白星君既已将所有都安排好了,贫道多说已是无益。 But this Poor Daoist's conduct, from Antiquity so, plans scheme until now, is basis that in Great Desolate bases. 贫道行事,自远古至今都是如此,筹谋算计,乃洪荒之中立足的根本。 Today Heavenly Court condemns to this poor Daoist by so the matter, Qi Refiner that in Great Desolate numerous Antiquity and ancient times come, was gripped the handle by you, whips on for you. 今日天庭以这般事对贫道问罪,洪荒中众远古上古而来的炼气士,就都被你们握住了把柄,供你们驱策。 Good move of scheme! 好一招算计 Star Monarch Great White, Heavenly Court with the Way Sect's support, had today's scenery, at the present turns around to with the Way Sect Great Cult Deputy Cult Master operation set up the prestige, the heart may secure Fou? ” 只是太白星君,天庭是在道门的支持下,才有了今日的风光,而今转身就要拿道门大教副教主开刀立威,心可安否?” Many Immortal God think all around slightly, pours to feel this saying also a little truth. 周遭不少仙神略微思索,倒觉得这话也有点道理。 The Li Changshou chuckle the sound, met head-on calm: 李长寿轻笑了声,淡定迎战: Deputy Cult Master Dipankara this word is bad. 燃灯副教主此言差矣。 Whose handle Heavenly Court do not grip, has not thought whips on anyone, this Heaven and Earth said that was very greatly big, says small also on Five Divisions Continent and Three Thousand Worlds. 天庭并非是要握住谁的把柄,也并未想过驱策谁,这天地说大很大,说小也就五部洲三千世界 What Heavenly Court backs on is Heavenly Way, what asked was Heaven and Earth is calm and steady, what was good was the correct path vicissitudes. 天庭背靠的是天道,求的是天地安稳,行的是正道沧桑。 Deputy Cult Master Dipankara actually does not need to shift contradictory, at the present almighty Great Divine Expert between Heaven and Earth, who and you are a companion? Who is also interlinked with you? 燃灯副教主其实不必转移矛盾了,而今天地间的大能大神通者,谁与你为伍?谁又与你相通? Western Cult? 西方教吗? When you ordered to massacre Youqin clan, should didn't expect, they become present age Human Sovereign, gathered Human Race Destiny? 你下令残杀有琴一族时,应该没想到,他们会成为当代人皇,聚拢人族气运吧? This is Heavenly Way gives your retribution. 这就是天道给你的报应。 This case, can you acknowledge guilt? ” 此案,你可认罪?” Dipankara closes eyes does not say, calmly stands in that as if does not care to all. 燃灯闭目不言,静静站在那,仿佛对一切并不在意。 Li Changshou nods, turns around to make way greeting to Jade Emperor: Your majesty! Deputy Cult Master Dipankara refused to acknowledge guilt, whether to ask Heavenly Way to show, decided its responsibility for an offense!” 李长寿点点头,转身就对玉帝做了个道揖:“陛下!燃灯副教主拒不认罪,可否请天道示下,定其罪责!” Jade Emperor is just about to open the mouth, Dipankara said: Does not need, this matter this poor Daoist to recognize, is the this poor Daoist behavior.” 玉帝正要开口,燃灯却道:“不必了,此事贫道认下,是贫道所为。” Li Changshou says immediately, in eye cold light ice cold: Dipankara has acknowledged guilt, requesting earnestly your majesty to issue an imperial decree the punishment!” 李长寿立刻接话,目中寒光凌冽:“燃灯既已认罪,恳请陛下降旨惩处!” Your Majesty Jade Emperor!” 玉帝陛下!” Daoist Dipankara goes out of half-step forward, presented multiple thunderbolts all around immediately, the become prisoner's cage surrounded him. 燃灯道人向前走出半步,周遭顿时出现了道道雷霆,化作囚笼将他困住。 Dipankara decides the sound said: „ Heavenly Court must kill Enlightenment Cult Deputy Cult Master seriously, breaks off with Saint Great Cult completely? Also invited Your Majesty Jade Emperor think thrice, this Star Monarch Great White and this poor Daoist were the life and death archenemies! 燃灯定声道:“天庭当真要杀阐教副教主,与圣人大教完全决裂?还请玉帝陛下三思,这太白星君贫道乃是生死大敌! this poor Daoist wanted to kill him to be then quick several times, he wanting made this poor Daoist bring ruin and shame upon oneself several times. 贫道数次欲杀他而后快,他数次欲让贫道身败名裂。 So the personal grudge dopes into the Heavenly Court official business, how the world life believes! ” 这般私仇掺杂入天庭公事,天下生灵如何信服!” Jade Emperor brow tight wrinkle. 玉帝眉头紧皱。 How his not puzzled this matter handles, he has set with oneself Beloved Minister Changgeng ; 他并非纠结此事如何处置,他跟自家长庚爱卿早就定下了; Jade Emperor somewhat is sick of this Daoist Dipankara purely, although life completely all seek survival and avoid death, but Dipankara this moment words technique continuously, some already many Immortal God were affected all around. 玉帝单纯是有些厌烦这燃灯道人,虽说生灵尽皆求生避死,但燃灯此刻话术接连不断,周遭已经有不少仙神受了影响。 Good fierce Enlightenment Cult Deputy Cult Master. 好厉害的阐教副教主 No wonder Changgeng said that —— If Dipankara crucify before Soaring Firmament Palace, will not fear that today from now on will have big trouble. 怪不得长庚说那句——【若今日不将燃灯钉死凌霄殿前,今后怕是会有大患】。 In crowd, Heavenly Court civil official stand, bright sound said: 人群中,有一名天庭文吏站了出来,朗声道: Your majesty! Dipankara has acknowledged guilt, why to listen to his mislead the public with rumors? “陛下!燃灯既已认罪,何必听他妖言惑众 Star Monarch Great White eliminates this personal character to ruin, the despicable and shameless Antiquity life, for Duke is private is appropriate! 太白星君除此品德败坏、卑鄙无耻的远古生灵,为公为私都是妥当! Star Monarch Great White has the dead enmity with Dipankara, this was not explaining, Star Monarch Great White hates the wicked as if they were personal enemies! 太白星君之所以与燃灯结下死仇,此不正是说明,太白星君嫉恶如仇! Asked your majesty to recall, when Star Monarch Great White and Dipankara so Saint Great Cult Deputy Cult Master became enemies, the Star Monarch Great White power not high, position was not heavy, was only Human Cult ordinary disciple! 请陛下回想,太白星君燃灯这般圣人大教副教主结仇时,太白星君权不高、位不重,更只是人教普通弟子 He can with Dipankara so Antiquity great alligator battle of wits and bravery, the mediation win, this not explain, Heavenly Court has the Heavenly Way asylum, Star Monarch Great White has Heavenly Way to assist! 他能与燃灯这般远古巨鳄斗智斗勇,斡旋取胜,此不正是说明,天庭天道庇护,太白星君天道相助! who is righteous and who is evil, stands sentences! ” 谁正谁邪,立判!” Jade Emperor at present one bright, was asking the sentence: „Are you what position?” 玉帝眼前一亮,笑着问了句:“你是何职位?” That Heavenly Court petty official said in a low voice: Little God Wang Shan, enters shortly after Heavenly Court, makes the difference in Heaven Respecting Hall.” 天庭小吏低声道:“小神王善,入天庭不久,在敬天殿做差。” Calls in Hall of Universal Brightness, the grade rise is fifth rank,” Jade Emperor calmly said the sentence, later waves. “调入通明殿,品阶升为五阶,”玉帝淡定地道了句,随后挥了挥手。 The Wang Shan surface did not reveal the happy expression, the mouth does not say declines, immediately lowers the head to draw back. 王善面不露喜色,口不说推辞,立刻低头退下。 The situation is not right. 场合不对。 Li Changshou upon seeing this, corners of the mouth shows the light happy expression, actually surprise future Heavenly Court little mainstay. 李长寿见状,嘴角露出淡淡笑意,倒是意外发现了一位今后的天庭小砥柱 Temporarily does not raise this Wang Shan, Li Changshou is staring at Dipankara, indifferently said: „Doesn't Deputy Cult Master Dipankara, debate?” 暂不提这王善,李长寿盯着燃灯,淡然道:“燃灯副教主,不辩了?” Dipankara shakes the head slightly, in the eye full is the color of regret, sighed: Heavenly Court, just so-so!” 燃灯微微摇头,目中满是遗憾之色,叹道:“天庭,不过如此!” Takes!” “拿下!” Li Changshou loud shout, by the side has heavenly troops and generals to close, Power of Heavenly Way suddenly becomes incomparably rich, before Soaring Firmament Palace, thunder glow flashes continually! 李长寿声大喝,侧旁自有天兵天将一拥而上,天道之力骤然变得无比浓郁,凌霄殿雷光连闪! By the side, Zhao Gongming stands up, Golden Roc grips Little Slaying God Spear, behind Holy Mother Golden Spirit has true body phantom, but Fairy Maiden Cloud Firmament above stair, in the hand Primordial Golden Chalice is splits Golden Light...... 侧旁,赵公明站起身,金鹏鸟握住小戮神枪,金灵圣母背后已有法身虚影,而在台阶之上的云霄仙子,手中混元金斗已是绽出金光…… So long as Dipankara dares to revolt, they did not mind that suppresses directly jointly. 只要燃灯敢反抗,他们都不介意直接联手镇压。 Guang Chengzi gets hold of the fist in the sleeve, actually stands up slowly, complexion is very complex ; 广成子在袖中握紧拳头,却是缓慢站起身,面色无比复杂; Jade Cauldron True Person lifts the hand to press the shoulder of Supreme Unity, for fear that True Person Supreme Unity directly flushed. 玉鼎真人抬手摁着太乙的肩头,唯恐太乙真人直接冲了出去。 Yellow Dragon responded that actually most true, at this moment looks completely flurriedly to Dipankara, wants to open the mouth not know how should open the mouth, for fear that is great war, the Dipankara tragic death before Soaring Firmament Palace. 黄龙反应倒是最为真实,此刻满是慌乱地看向燃灯,想开口又不知该如何开口,生怕接下来就是一场大战,燃灯惨死于凌霄殿前。 The Dipankara shoulder, a spirit lamp appears, in both eyes has delimited several points of ominous severe color...... 燃灯肩头,一盏灵灯显现,双目之中划过几分凶厉之色…… At this time! 正此时! Cry —— —— tall Ti, wipes the white light to appear in the horizon, but next flickered then rushed to beyond hundred li (0.5 km), calm shouting, as the Great Way resonance, spread over ten thousand li (0.5 km). 一声高啼,一抹白光出现在天边,但下一瞬便冲到了百里之外,一声淡定的呼喊、随着大道共鸣,传遍此间万里。 Also asked cannot to begin, this poor Daoist came with Lord Saint Decree.” “还请莫要动手,贫道圣人老爷法旨而来。” Saint Decree? 圣人法旨 In Li Changshou delimits quickly has wiped the thinking, lifted the hand to give a stopping hand signal, rushed to Dipankara's heavenly troops and generals to stop the step and rapid retreat immediately. 李长寿目中很快划过一抹思索,抬手做了个停止的手势,原本涌向燃灯的天兵天将立刻停下步伐、迅速后退。 On the Dipankara shoulder spirit light glow restraining, in the eye delimits for several points to palpitate. 燃灯肩上灵灯光芒收敛,目中划过几分悸动。 Jasper Firmament corners of the mouth casts aside, sighed: Troubled, true Enlightenment Cult expert comes.” 琼霄嘴角一撇,叹道:“麻烦了,真正阐教高人来喽。” Some Heavenly General cursed: Who dares to excel at rushing to Heavenly Court!” 天将大骂:“何人胆敢擅闯天庭!” Jade Emperor actually lifted the hand, hints that Heavenly General do not talk too much. 玉帝却抬了抬手,示意那天将不要多言。 lines after lines of Immortal Sense and vision go toward future converge, have to know that immortal had said this immortal given name. 道道仙识、目光朝来者汇聚而去,有认识来仙者已道出了此仙名号。 Elderly Immortal of the South Pole. 南极仙翁 This plane has out of phase Old Daoist Immortal, is leaning on peach wooden crutch, stands conducts the back in that white crane, at this time no longer worries, confident forward. 位面有异相的老神仙,拄着一根桃木拐杖,站在那白鹤背上,此时已不再着急,不疾不徐地向前而来。 Behind his body, have several stream of light to pursue, is actually guarding a gate Heavenly General, definitely is not just able to block this Old Daoist Immortal. 他身后方,有数道流光追来,却是守门的天将,刚刚完全无法拦下这老神仙 Three Divine Sword that on Heavenly Gate is hanging, to him is unresponsive, as if Heavenly Way allows him to come and go in Heavenly Court. 天门上悬挂的三把神剑,对他都是毫无反应,似乎天道允许他在天庭来去自如。 Li Changshou sound transmission urged several to that several Heavenly General. 李长寿传声对那几名天将叮嘱几句。 Reported —— “报—— Famous Heavenly General full speed forwards, first before one step rushes to Soaring Firmament Palace, the single knee is well-grounded and shouts loudly: 有名天将全速向前,先一步赶到凌霄殿前,单膝着地、高声呼喊: Enlightenment Cult Saint disciple Elderly Immortal of the South Pole seeks an interview beside Central Heavenly Gate!” 阐教圣人弟子南极仙翁中天门之外求见!” Old Daoist on that white crane shows the light smile, the relaxed amiable voice also floats: 那白鹤上的老道露出淡淡微笑,轻松随和的嗓音随之飘来: Because circumstances is urgent, this poor Daoist has the disrespect, my master Jade Pure Saint Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning has Decree in the body, when passed on Teacher Decree, asked Heavenly Court to fall the crime.” “因情形紧急,贫道多有失礼,家师玉清圣人元始天尊法旨在身,待传了老师法旨,自请天庭降罪。” In Great White Palace, two Incarnation secretly fast exchanges. 太白宫中,两只化身暗戳戳地快速交流。 Before Soaring Firmament Palace, Jade Emperor including saying with a smile sentence: 凌霄殿前,玉帝含笑道了句: Had Saint Decree in the body, Elderly Immortal rushes to the matter of Heavenly Gate not to need to investigate. “既是有圣人法旨在身,仙翁天门之事就不必追究了。 Why doesn't know Jade Pure Saint Decree? ” 不知玉清圣人法旨为何?” Elderly Immortal of the South Pole made way greeting by far, takes one step from the white crane on, the figure just like banging into one group of white clouds, before Soaring Firmament Palace comes. 南极仙翁远远做了个道揖,自白鹤上迈出一步,身形宛若撞入一团白云之中,又自凌霄殿前现身。 That white crane settles down to wait in the distant place clouds, not become lad appearance. 那只白鹤在远处云端驻足等候,并未化作童子模样。 Elderly Immortal of the South Pole salutes forward, first greets Jade Emperor Queen Mother, makes way greeting to Li Changshou and Wood Duke respectively, later with Guang Chengzi, Zhao Gongming, Cloud Firmament that and other Way Sect eight expert setting out to welcome, saluted to exchange greetings mutually. 南极仙翁向前行礼,先是问候玉帝王母,又对李长寿木公各做道揖,随后与起身相迎的广成子赵公明云霄道门高手,互相行礼寒暄。 True Person Supreme Unity seized the chance to untie his town/subdues mouth magical treasure. 太乙真人趁机解开了他的镇嘴法宝 Gentle, made Way Rhyme that one felt at ease past, Elderly Immortal of the South Pole slow sound said: 一股平和、令人心安的道韵流转开来,南极仙翁缓声道: „ The matter of today, is noisy, Great Desolate Three Realms has spread. “今日之事,已是沸沸扬扬,洪荒三界现已传开。 Teacher verbal instructions, this matter is not suitable for a long time stagnates, Heavenly Court handles quickly. ” 老师口谕,此事不宜久滞,天庭从速处置。” The word, Elderly Immortal of the South Pole looks to Daoist Dipankara, including saying with a smile: Deputy Cult Master, Teacher assigns/life you do not practice moderation magical powers.” 言罢,南极仙翁看向燃灯道人,含笑道:“副教主,老师命你勿要自持神通。” Daoist Dipankara closes eyes sighs, said in a low voice: Reveres the life of Cult Master.” 燃灯道人闭目一叹,低声道:“尊教主之命。” Li Changshou at this time is actually the brow slightly wrinkle, depending on his understanding ability, cannot comprehend this Saint Decree at this time unexpectedly is what meaning. 李长寿此时却是眉头微皱,凭他的理解能力,此时竟搞不懂这圣人法旨到底是什么意思。 Really, Saint or Saint, old setting the topic person. 果然,圣人还是圣人,老出题人了。 The Li Changshou intention passes fast, says with a smile: senior apprentice brother, did you also ask favor for Deputy Cult Master Dipankara?” 李长寿心念快速流转,笑道:“师兄,您也是为燃灯副教主求情来的?” „The junior apprentice brother cannot misunderstanding,” Elderly Immortal of the South Pole is leaning on crutch, the warm sound said, „ this poor Daoist is ordered to come, to transmit Teacher Decree, but also asked Heavenly Court to make the judgment quickly. 师弟莫要误会,”南极仙翁拄着拐杖,温声道,“贫道只是奉命而来,传达老师旨意,还请天庭从速做出判断。 However, some this poor Daoist doubts, want to ask with Changgeng. ” 不过,贫道有些疑惑,想与长庚问问。” came. 来了 This Enlightenment Cult hidden big shot, wanted take action! 这位阐教暗藏大手子,要出手了! Li Changshou restarts Illuminating Void Way Heart, gave the hand signal of invitation: senior apprentice brother please grant instruction.” 李长寿重启空明道心,做了个请的手势:“师兄请赐教。” Actually is also only a small issue,” Elderly Immortal of the South Pole said with a smile, „ before Heavenly Court rose, the Three Realms life does not know that Heavenly Law, did not hear the given name of Heavenly Court, the conduct all deferred to Antiquity and ancient times custom. “其实也只是一个小问题,”南极仙翁笑道,“天庭崛起前,三界生灵不知天规、不闻天庭之名号,行事皆按照远古上古的规矩。 Deputy Cult Master Dipankara because of Junior Apprentice Brother Changgeng your long standing grudge, scheme retaliation, inherent mistake, but these before Heavenly Court rises, Deputy Cult Master Dipankara feared that does not know how Heavenly Law decides, why does not know the Heavenly Court idea. 燃灯副教主因与长庚师弟你的旧怨,算计报复,固有错,但这些都是在天庭崛起之前,燃灯副教主怕是也不知天规如何定的,不知天庭理念为何。 In other words, at that time the law had not stood, the life has not known, in oneself does not know that offends under Heavenly Law circumstances, does so the wrong thing, whether should also accommodate some face, uses judgment to reduce the responsibility for an offense? 换而言之,那时法尚未立,生灵尚未知晓,在自身不知触犯天规情形下,做下这般错事,是否也应容一些情面,酌情减轻罪责? this poor Daoist knows, Heavenly Court Heavenly Law exist(ence) for a long time, but Heavenly Law also in unceasingly perfect, and had not announced to Three Realms. 贫道知晓,天庭天规存在已久,但天规也是在不断完善的,且并未对三界公布。 When Deputy Cult Master Dipankara scheme Youqin clan, if knows Heavenly Law, to know the Heavenly Court idea, will decide will start a new life, will not do the matter of so disobedient heaven defying courtyard. 想必,燃灯副教主算计有琴一族时,若是知晓天规、知晓天庭理念,定会迷途知返,不做这般忤逆天庭之事。 Junior Apprentice Brother Changgeng, you said, this truth is right? ” 长庚师弟,你说,这道理对吗?” Li Changshou:...... 李长寿:…… The clothing/taking character of capital letter. 大写的服字。 Dipankara sighed in side: this poor Daoist to this time, does not know that this Heavenly Law is what.” 燃灯在旁叹道:“贫道到此时,都不知这天规是何。” Overturns? 翻盘? Li Changshou raises head to sigh suddenly: „ So...... various group of Immortal God avoid, the irrelevant person and others drew back the powder. 李长寿突然仰头叹了口气:“既如此……各路仙神回避,无关人等退散。 this poor Daoist Grand Pure disciple Li Changshou, with Enlightenment Cult Deputy Cult Master Dipankara, settle an old grudge, two only saves one. ” 贫道太清弟子李长寿,与阐教副教主燃灯,清算旧账,二仅存一。” He said a word to fall, Zhao Gongming, Cloud Firmament, Jasper Firmament and Holy Mother Golden Spirit, complexion stood up coldly coldly. 他言语落下,赵公明云霄琼霄金灵圣母,面色冷寒地站起身来。 The Jade Emperor form and Queen Mother and Long Ji vanish simultaneously do not see, but Heavenly Court Heavenly General Quan Tong, flies from Great White Palace at top speed. 玉帝的身影与王母龙吉同时消失不见,但天庭天将荃峒,自太白宫火速飞来。 The longevity, is ready to go to war. 寿,不惜一战。
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