MSBIBTC :: Volume #1

#61: Little Poor Peak 【Thanked silver Great Alliance ‚over and over to heavy matter’ violent support!】

The trouble that Ling‘e causes, definitely meets the buckle her many fates, the confinement 20 years do not regenerate the incident, should be able to make up.’ 灵娥惹的这次祸,必然会折损她不少运道,禁足二十年别再生事端,应该能弥补回来一些。’ Pill Room, Li Changshou sits in the rocking chair, the eyes narrow the eyes slightly, heart is considering unceasingly. 丹房,李长寿坐在摇椅中,双眼略微眯起,心底不断思量着。 This matter makes senior apprentice brother’s to have nothing to do with him actually, does not need him to do the matter of damage control. 这事倒是与他做师兄的无关,也不需他去做善后之事。 Ling‘e this temper...... 只是灵娥这性子…… Perhaps oneself and Master are usually used to her, this/should arrangement she was wheted. 许是自己师父平日里对她太惯着了,该安排安排她受些磨砺了。 Way of the world hard and dangerous These four characters, his made senior apprentice brother’s saying that many, were inferior again she personally experienced. 【世道艰险】这四个字,他这个做师兄的说再多遍,都不如她亲身经历一遍。 So thinking, the Li Changshou finger is knocking the arm rest of rocking chair gently ; 如此想着,李长寿手指轻轻敲着摇椅的扶手; Nearly listens to the forestry rustle, far hearing a rumor language air-to-air. 近听林叶簌簌,远闻风语空空。 The came little subconsciousness, said one suddenly: 忽而来了少许诗性,道一句: Quite poor.” “好穷。” Or, trains the junior apprentice sister moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetical development and poems and songs, making her meeting by chance the Great Desolate wealthy and powerful family marry, did the bridegroom's gift to bride's family again embezzle sect dowry? 要不,培养师妹德智体美、诗词歌赋,让她‘偶遇’个洪荒大户嫁了,搞点彩礼再私吞门派嫁妆? The joke, the joke, was mad purely by Little Apprentice Sister, but also is insufficient to throw her. 玩笑,玩笑,纯粹是被小师妹气到了,还不至于把她扔出去。 oneself now already Immortal Ascension, and ascension, should reduce some junior apprentice sister knowing the circumstances of the matter jurisdictions. 自己如今已成仙,且有一段飞升,也该降低些师妹的知情权限了。 In others eyes, he now is Return to Void fourth rank outstanding disciple ; 在旁人眼中,他现在是个返虚四阶优秀弟子; In the Crow Wine eye, he should be Return to Void seven eighth rank Immortal Seedling ; 酒乌眼中,他应该算是个返虚八阶仙苗; In the junior apprentice sister eye, he should be Origin Immortal...... 师妹眼中,他应该是个元仙…… This enough. 这就够了。 The secret only then a oneself person knows, that called the secret, many knows, should rename news. 秘密只有自己一人知晓,那才叫秘密,多一人知道,就该改称‘消息’了。 Sat the half day idly, Immortal Sense catches Ling‘e copy scriptures under the tree, the Li Changshou’s air/Qi has also disappeared. 闲坐半日,仙识捕捉到灵娥一直在树下抄写经文,李长寿的气也消了许多。 Ling‘e told own this, related with Master’s hearsay...... 灵娥告诉自己的这则,有关师父的传闻…… If true, the matter of that this Wang, Liu, and Liu, 800-900 years ago the oneself Master’s experience is very similar, but finally is actually completely different. 如果属实,那这次王刘刘三人之事,与800-900年前自己师父的经历十分类似,但结果却是完全不同。 Master...... was seized the love the horizontal blade in the past. 师父当年……被人横刀夺爱了。 Master’s that love rival broke Master’s Way Foundation, the intention abandoned Master directly, but the in the gate punishment, made that person face the wall to think of faults for hundred years ; 师父的那个情敌震碎了师父的道基,意图直接废了师父,而门内责罚,却只是让那人面壁思过百年; And hundred years that the opposite party in facing the wall to think of faults Transcending Tribulation Immortal Ascension. 且对方在面壁思过的百年间渡劫成仙 At present knows, only then these news. 目前得知的,只有这些消息 Because is the ignominious matter, this matter was also pressed, has nearly 900 years to today, no one mentioned again...... 因是不光彩之事,这事也被压了下去,至今日已有近九百年,无人再提及…… Little Jasper Peak to oneself Master this generation, actually two disciple, Master also senior apprentice sister, Li Changshou and Lan Ling’e should have Older Uncle-Master. 小琼峰自家师父这一辈,其实有两个弟子,师父还有一位师姐,李长寿蓝灵娥本应有一位师伯 Qi Yuan with his senior apprentice sister, is Li Changshou’s this Older Uncle-Master, is childhood sweethearts ; 齐源跟他师姐,也就是李长寿的这位师伯,也是青梅竹马; But before Master was sneak attacked, this Older Uncle-Master on depart sect, said that was looks for Grand Master, but just like Grand Master, was gone forever...... 师父被人偷袭前,这位师伯离开宗门,说是去找师祖了,但跟师祖一样,一去不复返…… Also does not know to have an accident. 也不知出了什么事。 On the other hand, solemn Human Cult Way Inheritance, being all right of family tradition such pass off as genuine? 话说回来,堂堂人教道承,门风这么乱真的没事吗? Was Passing Immortal Gate done intentionally? 度仙门是不是被人故意搞了? could it be, some people let in Heavenly Court that also not attached great importance to Yue Lao, gives them Human Cult sect disciple, entangled one pile of Red String randomly? 莫非,有人让天庭中那个还没被人重视的月老,给他们人教门人弟子,乱缠了一堆红绳 Way Sect Three Cults, the careful analysis, actually has weak point respectively. 道门三教,仔细分析,其实各有‘短处’。 Enlightenment Cult numerous immortals mostly plans good, making people feel some scheming ; 阐教众仙大多善谋算,让人感觉有些工于心计; Section Cult fish and dragons mixed in together, the canon is lax, the feeling of black gathering ; 截教鱼龙混杂,教规不严,给人一种乌合之感; But should Inaction not arrest and not moisten cause and effect Human Cult, a itself regulation are few, such as the dropping head was common, in the gate does on large scale the wind of way companion! 而本该无为无拘、不沾因果人教,本身道程就少,却如中了降头一般,门内大搞道侣之风! If this in the gate has what «Yin-Yang Flooding the Heavens Secret Art», «about Flowing and converging Heart Merit», «Cruel Imperial sacrifices», «Single Too Difficult Incantation», that is passable. 这要是门内有什么《阴阳衍天诀》、《合流汇心功》、《如狼似虎禅》、《独身太难咒》,那还说得过去。 But, takes in the gate core Way Inheritance Passing Immortal Gate by «Inaction Sutra», so atmosphere...... 但,以《无为经》作为门内核心道承度仙门,这般风气…… The normal family tradition, should be not the most in the gate Qi Refiner, in respective peak calm and steady cultivation, evading all cause and effect, administration sect this matter will feel very troublesome? 正常的门风,不应该是绝大多数门内炼气士,都在各自峰头安稳修行,躲避一切因果,管理门派这种事都会觉得十分麻烦吗? If there is an opportunity, this/should investigation Central Divine Continent that several Human Cult Immortal Sect, has a look at them is an appearance.” “若是有机会,该调查调查中神州那几座人教仙宗,看看他们是不是一个样子。” Li Changshou whispered, placed on this matter the heart. 李长寿嘀咕了一声,将此事也放在了心上。 Naturally, he cannot control others is too many, can attend to oneself not provoking this worrying matter, is very good. 当然,他也管不了别人太多,能顾好自身不招惹这种烦心事,已是十分不错。 Master this matter, but also needs consider at length, but currently has the clue , before does not need to look like like that has no idea all depending on the guess. 师父这件事,还需从长计议,但现在有了线索,也就不必像之前那般,两眼一抹黑全凭猜测。 If Master really has mortal enemy so, oneself this makes disciple's, must plan one well. 师父真的有这般死敌,自己这个做弟子的,必须好好谋算了一番了。 evading cause and effect does not fear cause and effect ; 躲避因果不是惧怕因果; This matter, Li Changshou also has planned for many years. 这事,李长寿也已谋算多年。 Opposite party millenniums ago with Master almost cultivation base ; 对方千年前跟师父差不多修为; But oneself once heard to cross, Master generation of aptitude best is Aunt-Master Black-jade Wine...... 自己曾听人说过,师父一辈资质最好的就是酒玖师叔…… The Master’s foe, treats as True Immortal late stage general processing, if the opposite party hid cultivation base, even he was Heavenly Immortal. 姑且,将师父的仇敌,当做真仙后期一般处理,若对方藏了修为,就算他是个天仙 oneself now, so long as can do fierce Poisonous Grass, poured can also some refining killing by poison Heavenly Immortal medicinal pill...... 自己现在,只要能搞到厉害的毒草,倒也能炼制一些毒杀天仙丹药了…… In the future prepares hundred million point this kind of medicinal pill Poison Powder self-defense to oneself Master, waits for the time to be mature, lets the Master intentionally performance active ; If the opposite party cannot bear again to Master take action, that makes Master take advantage of opportunity the counter-attack, so may also confess to in the gate...... 日后给自己师父备亿点点这类丹药毒粉防身,等时机成熟,让师父故意表现的活跃点;若对方忍不住再对师父出手,那就让师父顺势反击,如此也可对门内交代…… Which peak behind the opposite party should be in the gate, but must consider how following should process ; 对方背后应该是门内哪一峰,还要考虑后续该如何处理; The own advantage is dark, opposite party most likely also look down upon their Little Jasper Peak. 自己的优势就在于‘暗’,对方八成瞧不起他们小琼峰 Which degree must achieve as for oneself, all hopes in Master. 至于自己要做到哪种程度,全在师父所愿。 If Master wants to report the enmity of past years, oneself makes Chief Disciple's, must meet secretly to assist full power ; 师父想报当年之仇,自己大弟子的,必会暗中全力相助; If Master is not willing to revenge, some of his completely disciple's duties, get rid of opposite party the base of cultivation slightly on forget it/that's all. 师父不愿报仇,那他稍微尽些弟子的义务,搞掉对方的修道之基就罢了 The opposite party have become Heavenly Immortal Way, but oneself Master, actually can only be Impure Immortal from now on. 对方已成了天仙道,而自己师父,今后却只能是浊仙 Calculates carefully, Master suffers a loss. 仔细算一算,还是师父吃了点亏。 After all also lost Older Uncle-Master...... 毕竟还丢了个师伯…… This cause and effect, Li Changshou does not want to hide, and is willing to expose some oneself trump card for this reason. 这个因果,李长寿并不想躲,并且愿意为此暴露自己部分底牌 Motionless already, moves , then keeps the opposite party from hitting back. 不动则已,动则让对方无法还手。 Closes eyes to continue to think to calculate ; 闭目继续思索盘算; , multiple array outside Pill Room opens gradually quietly ; 渐渐的,丹房之外的一重重阵法悄然开启; Quiet more than three years of Little Jasper Peak, starts to gather origin qi again...... 沉寂了三年多的小琼峰,再次开始聚拢元气…… After Ling‘e transcribed 300 «'Steady' Character Scripture», went to Little Spirit Peak to look for the Liu Yan’er apology request to forgive. 灵娥抄写了三百遍《稳字经》后,去了小灵峰刘雁儿道歉请求原谅。 When Ling‘e comes Pill Room, Li Changshou also reproved her several, gave her second edition of Turtle Breathing Calming Qi Secret Art, taught two days cultivation schoolwork for her, formally started her 20 years is not possible the depart Little Jasper Peak’s punishment. 灵娥丹房,李长寿又训斥了她几句,给了她第二版的龟息平气诀,为她讲了两日修道功课,正式开始了她二十年不可离开小琼峰的处罚。 This next best matter, hopes that you take warning.” “这次之事,希望你引以为戒。” Knew, senior apprentice brother,” Ling‘e bites the lip, „after me, every day will copy scrip­tures.” “知道了,师兄,”灵娥咬了咬嘴唇,“我以后每天都会抄一遍经文的。” Li Changshou handed over side treasure sack, sighed: „ It is not brother is strict to you, but is you grows in in the gate at a young age, the childhood is also long in common custom influential family, solid does not know the difficulty of way of the world. 李长寿将一方宝囊递了过去,叹道:“并非是为兄对你严格,而是你自小在门内生长,幼年也是长在世俗权贵家,实不知世道之艰难。 With my time went out saying that I...... considered as finished. ” 就拿我这次外出说吧,我……算了。” Un?” Ling‘e blinks, in that pair of pupil were many several points of curiosity, senior apprentice brother what is up?” “嗯?”灵娥眨眨眼,那双眸子中多了几分好奇,“师兄你怎么啦?” Li Changshou crosses the hands behind the back to stand, raised head lightly, smiled bitterly the sound: Goes back cultivation...... Ling‘e?” 李长寿负手而立,淡淡仰头,苦笑了声:“回去修行吧……灵娥?” In!” “在!” Grasps cultivation, do not let one's thoughts wander other matters. “抓紧修行,别乱想其他事。 You must strive to arrive in Return to Way Realm fifth rank before Opening Mountain Grand Ceremony next time, like this you can result in sect to attach great importance. ” 你要争取在下次开山大典前抵达归道境五阶,这样你就能得门派重视。” Li Changshou rubbed the forehead to sigh the sound gently: Like this, if I disappeared on that day, you can also result in sect to look after cultivation.” 李长寿揉揉眉心轻轻叹了声:“这样,若是我那天不见了,你也能得门派关照修行。” Ling‘e asked low voice: senior apprentice brother, do you want...... to run?” 灵娥小声问:“师兄,你要……跑?” What do I run to run? Goes back to rest, I must run Alchemy.” “我跑什么跑?回去休息吧,我要开炉炼丹了。” The Li Changshou chuckle the sound, Ling‘e somewhat was immediately perplexed. 李长寿轻笑了声,灵娥顿时有些不明所以。 Comes out from Pill Room, Ling‘e is tilting the head thinks, turns head to look at Pill Room...... 丹房出来的时候,灵娥歪着头想了一阵,扭头看着丹房…… How to feel, senior apprentice brother is somewhat strange. 怎么感觉,师兄有些怪怪的。 In Pill Room, Li Changshou movement adeptly furnace Alchemy, what refining is to clearing impure that’ Master uses Immortal pill, the used material has no toxicity, does not need to wear the security suite actually. 丹房中,李长寿动作娴熟地开炉炼丹,炼制的是给师父用的‘清浊仙丹,用的材料都没有什么毒性,倒是不用穿安全套装。 When the furnace fire is stable, Li Changshou heart starts to think deeply about another important matter. 待炉火稳定,李长寿心底又开始思索另一件大事。 Does the wealth. 搞财。 Little Jasper Peak, Little Jasper Peak, is the junior must go mad because of poverty seriously.” 小琼峰,小琼峰,当真是小辈要穷疯。” He needs massive precious materials and massive spirit stone, otherwise makes anything to be timid and hesitant. 他需要大量的宝材、大量的灵石,不然做什么都束手束脚。 He does not want to make an unexpected wealth, but thinks, there is beside sect disciple monthly provision, stable wealth road. 他并不是想发一笔横财,而是想,有一个门人弟子月供之外,稳定的‘财’路。 Careless in mountain...... 苟在山中…… cough, in the mountain, a big advantage is steadily safe, has a shortcoming not to do precious materials and spirit stone. ,稳在山中,一大好处就是安全,有个缺点就是搞不到宝材灵石 Near South Sea these can Idol use the method of replace the original with a fake, does the burning incense Karmic Virtue harvester, handed over to sell to Western Cult? 南海边上的那些神像能不能用偷梁换柱之法,搞成香火功德收割机,转手卖给西方教 Ok, does is almost equal to courting death, this whole life hides South Sea to walk to wonderfully. 算了吧,这么搞几乎等同找死,这辈子还是躲着南海走为妙。 How to do the wealth? 怎么搞财? Matter that ‚ now most has the gain to oneself ; first, Way Scripture Hall cabinet that to enter in the gate Immortal can enter, this is actually not good to achieve. ‘如今对自己最有增益的事,一是进入门内仙人才能进的道藏殿内阁,这点倒是不好做到。 Two make living of some OEM medicinal pill for in the gate, earns some extra incomes, does some medicinal herb with pill success rate/lead this point, accumulating over a long period of time, is very considerable income. ’ 二就是为门内做些代工丹药的活,借此赚些外快,用成丹率这一点搞些药草,日积月累,也是十分可观的收益。’ oneself will not use too long a time seclusion over the next dozens years, ascension comprehension, although admitted, but has not digested thoroughly, every day puts out several double-hour Alchemy is not a problem. 自己未来几十年也不用太长时间闭关,飞升感悟虽接纳了,但还未彻底消化,每日拿出几个时辰炼丹也不成问题。 OEM medicinal pill this matter, goes to Hundred Mortals Hall to register can result in the duty of in the gate assignment, some various peaks also people does...... 代工丹药这种事,去百凡殿登个记就能得门内分配的任务,各峰也都有人做…… But under this matter must plan with oneself Master well, depending on oneself, could not only meet Immortal pill list ; 但此事要跟自己师父好好谋划下,仅凭自己,接不了‘仙丹’单; Why doesn't choose Aunt-Master Black-jade Wine to cooperate? 为何不选酒玖师叔合作? Actually untrustworthy Aunt-Master Black-jade Wine, Aunt-Master Black-jade Wine at this time in seclusion, moreover itself does not understand medicinal pill, is too high in in the gate reputation, is easier to make one begin to have suspicions. 倒不是信不过酒玖师叔,酒玖师叔此时在闭关,而且本身就不懂丹药,又在门内知名度太高,更容易引人起疑。 Moreover, making Master start to enliven, can tempt the foe to come in the past, answers multiple purpose. 而且,让师父开始活跃起来,也能诱当年仇敌现身,一举多得。 Li Changshou felt the chin to think deeply about one, seeing in pill furnace firepower some were not steady, flung wisp of True Fire conveniently in the past. 李长寿摸着下巴思索了一阵,见丹炉中火力有些不稳,随手甩了一缕真炎过去。 But he acts sudden. 但他动作突然一顿。 Was oneself a moment ago,...... used oneself true strength Samadhi True Fire? 自己刚才,是不是……用了自己真正实力三昧真炎 Ka and ka...... 咔、咔…… ! 嘣! Pill Room trembles fiercely, the roof was raised instantaneously flies! 丹房一阵猛颤,屋顶瞬间被掀飞! After a little while, whole face burned black Li Changshou opens mouth, dumbstruck and unable to reply, painstakingly in hearts. 少顷,满脸焦黑的李长寿张了张嘴,哑口无言,苦在心间。 Looks that at present this pile is in full bloom like the lotus flower general iron knot, thinks oneself, oneself spent that big energy initially, patches the good Alchemy furnace...... 看着眼前这堆如同莲花盛开一般的铁疙瘩,想想自己,自己当初花费了那么大精力,才修补好的炼丹炉…… , Hehe...... 呵、呵呵…… Really, makes pen burning incense to buy and sell the wealth with Western Cult to be quicker...... 果然,还是跟西方教做笔香火买卖来财更快…… Our solemn promise, we do not produce burning incense, we are only the burning incense porter...... 我们郑重承诺,我们不生产香火,我们只是香火的搬运工…… Really is Little Poor Peak, was then poorer.” “真是小穷峰啊,这下更穷了。” Li Changshou was also teased one by oneself happily, shakes the head with a smile, sets out to start to tidy up the abandonment pill furnace. 李长寿也是被自己逗得一乐,笑着摇摇头,起身开始收拾报废的丹炉 Fortunately a moment ago was only wisp of Samadhi True Fire, if threw one group, Pill Room can also relocate same place, tomorrow reconstruction. 还好刚才只是一缕三昧真炎,若是扔进去一团,丹房也可以原地拆迁,明天重建。 ...... …… Nine Heavens rising in spirals cloud Xichu, the Immortal Island even/including clouds the star sea link. 九天袅袅云熄处,仙岛连云星海环。 Great Desolate vertical shortly after Heavenly Court, was just fluttering in Central Divine Continent is getting up, suppresses Great Desolate Destiny. 洪荒刚立没多久的天庭,正飘在中神州正上,镇压洪荒气运 At this time, in this Heavenly Court also seems somewhat lonely, five Datong will have the soldier toward Five Divisions Continent Heavenly Gate respectively the hand, but in Heavenly Court, Ninth Heavenly Layer Palace, everywhere will be wild, is emptying treasure land. 此时,这天庭之中还显得有些冷清,五大通往五部洲天门各有兵将把手,但天庭之内、九重天阙,到处都是荒着、空着的宝地 If not Grand Pure Saint when Heavenly Court just established, did Incarnation to make Grand Supreme Elderly Lord directly, taking advantage of this Protector Heavenly Court, supported the gathering place to Jade Emperor...... 若非太清圣人天庭刚建立时,就直接搞了个化身太上老君,借此护卫天庭,给玉帝撑场子…… Perhaps this big Heavenly Court, by Monster Race these ambitious Old Monster attacking and occupying. 说不定这偌大的天庭,已被妖族那些野心勃勃的老妖给攻占了。 Heavenly Court Way Sect, Ninth Heavenly Layer to way temple of Three Pure Ones reservation, among immortal ray rising in spirals, only has small Way Monastery, that is Grand Pure Saint Laozi daily Land of Cultivation. 天庭道门,第九重天是给三清预留的道场,其内仙光袅袅,却只有一座小小的道观,那是太清圣人老子日常修行之地 Soaring Firmament Throne Palace in Eighth Heavenly Layer, grand magnificent, at this time does not have many sense of presence in Great Desolate. 凌霄宝殿第八重天,宏伟辉煌,此时在洪荒却没多少存在感 But in Soaring Firmament Throne Palace all around, the arrange/cloth has numerously place in the soldier, made Jade Emperor just tens of thousands years of Way Ancestor Hong Jun attendant lad God Hao Tian, obviously to some own safety worry. 而在凌霄宝殿周遭,布有众多驻兵之地,做玉帝刚几万年的道祖鸿钧随侍童子上帝昊天,显然对自己的生命安全有些忧心。 In Seventh Heavenly Layer, is numerous of Heavenly Court foreign affairs department, as well as numerous Immortal official residence, Elderly Lord Tushita Palace in this place. 第七重天,则是天庭的众多‘外务部门’,以及众仙家府邸,老君兜率宫就在此地。 In Seventh Heavenly Layer, in the somewhat common corner, there is modeling refined Immortal Hall to construct on Immortal Island, Immortal Island floats in the sea of clouds...... 第七重天,有些不起眼的角落中,有座造型雅致的仙殿建在一座仙岛上,仙岛漂浮在云海中…… This Immortal Hall most conspicuous is not its architectural style, but is various places are hanging the scarlet silk fabric. 这处仙殿最显眼的不是它的建筑风格,而是各处挂着的大红绸子。 Does could it be, have the Heavenly Court Immortal God marriage? 莫非,是有天庭仙神婚娶? It is not true, this place Heavenly Court specially manages the place of Three Realms marriage, above hangs gilded to inlay the jade the signboard: 并非如此,此地正是天庭专管三界婚娶之地,其上挂着一个鎏金镶玉的牌匾: Heaven and Earth fated marriage 天地姻缘 Yue Lao's Palace. 月老的殿
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