MSBIBTC :: Volume #6

#571: «Pangu»

Lacking of Heavenly Way, lies in Great Way is unceasing ; Lacking of all living things, lies in way nature fluctuates...... 天道之缺,在于大道不绝;众生之缺,在于道性增减…… Li Changshou at this time condition slightly somewhat strange. 李长寿此时状况略有些奇异。 He sits cross-legged above the vortex side, a wisp of Divine Sense searches into various vortex places, most mind immersion in which ; 他就盘坐在旋涡侧上方,一缕缕神念探入旋涡各处,大半心神沉浸其中; But he is observing, has not entered the boundary of comprehend Way completely, all circumstances can project all around in his heart. 但他只是在观察,并未完全进入悟道之境,周遭一切情形都能投影在他心底 Is concentrating on refining array foundation Fairy Maiden Cloud Firmament ; 正专注炼制阵基云霄仙子; Catches a fish by hand to loaf True Person Supreme Unity of practice ventriloquism ; 摸鱼偷闲练习口技的太乙真人; Studies the great array concrete arrangement Great Master senior apprentice brother...... 研究大阵具体布置的大法师师兄…… This time Li Changshou, felt that oneself seems like one portable hard drive, inserted in Heavenly Way's port, in the magnanimous disorder and insignificant information, sought for the content that oneself is interested in diligently. 此时的李长寿,就感觉自己像是一个‘移动硬盘’,插在了天道的‘端口’,努力在海量的无序、无意义信息中,寻找着自己感兴趣的内容。 While convenient some inquisition small issues. 顺便探究一些小问题。 For example Heavenly Way's essence, the depth connection of Great Way, Heavenly Way and life, self evolution of Great Way when Heaven and Earth Greenwich, wait/etc. 比如天道的本质,大道天道、生灵的深度关联,大道天地本初时的自我演化,等等。 Also no too prominent place, Great Desolate ordinary almighty comprehend level. 也没什么太突出的地方,洪荒普通大能参悟水平。 Naturally, oneself Way Realm and accumulation, but also cannot calculate almighty. 当然,自身道境和积累,还远不能算大能 Great Desolate at the present, the innumerable lives left too many traces in Time since old times, in Heavenly Way also hid too many scattered fragments. 洪荒自古而今,无数生灵在岁月中留下了太多痕迹,天道之中也藏了太多零散的碎片。 Li Changshou observes and thinks unceasingly unceasingly, slightly unconsciously the change of Time ; 李长寿不断观察、不断思索,丝毫不觉岁月之变化; comprehension constantly accumulates, by his temporary seal, avoidance is Heavenly Way took advantage, affected mind. 感悟不断累积,又被他暂时封印,避免为天道所趁,影响了心神 The Illuminating Void Way Heart time stays the condition of opening, for the external object, does not move for the personal relationships. 空明道心时刻保持开启的状态,不为外物所动,不为私情所移。 He like one sentimental auditor, is staying the sage condition not, is observing in Heavenly Way growth ring the innumerable traces of brand mark...... 他如同一名莫得感情的审计者,保持着贤者状态,观察着天道年轮中烙印的无数痕迹…… Does not have the indication, Li Changshou saw piece of primal chaos. 毫无征兆的,李长寿看到了一片混沌 In the dusky mist, as if there is tall and strong extremely form to stand in that the under foot is one after another interlocks Great Way vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, around the body does not have primal chaos of boundary. 灰蒙蒙的雾气中,似乎有个魁梧至极的身影站在那,脚下是一条条交错纵横的大道,身周是没有边际的混沌 This form...... 这身影…… That mist dissipates, Li Changshou seeing to the back of this guy, the opposite party binds the simple leather clothing leather skirt, with hands clasped behind the back is in a daze to Primal Chaos Sea. 那雾气消散,李长寿‘见’到了这大汉的背影,对方裹着简单的皮衣皮裙,背着手混沌海发愣。 That cerebral cortex is some primal chaos life...... 那皮质似是某种混沌生灵…… Pangu? 盘古 Li Changshou heart exudes so the thought that Way Heart does not start to tremble voluntarily lightly. 李长寿心底泛起这般念头,道心不自觉开始轻颤。 Lacks in Heavenly Way, in the Heaven and Earth gap, unexpectedly related with in the Pangu God mark? 天道所缺、在天地的缺口,竟有关盘古神的印记? This is unreasonable! 这不合理! Heavenly Way after splitting heaven and earth apart, is lived by Pangu's Will resonance Three Thousand Great Ways, avoided the attack of Innate Fiendgod surviving members for Protector Great Desolate Heaven and Earth. 天道是在开天辟地后,由盘古意志共鸣三千大道而生,本是为护卫洪荒天地免遭先天神魔余孽的侵袭。 —— 3000 are empty refers. ——三千乃虚指。 Heavenly Way is born after Pangu God fallen, why will have Pangu God stands and waits for a long time in Primal Chaos Sea picture? 天道既诞生于盘古神陨落之后,为何会有盘古神伫立于混沌海中的‘画面’? Is the big Way and Virtue brand mark? 是大道德烙印? Does Way Ancestor have retrogradation Time to observe big magical powers that Heaven and Earth origins? 还是道祖有逆反岁月去观察天地起源的大神通 Also or...... 又或者…… came?】 来了?】 In Li Changshou Way Heart, suddenly resounded a vocal cord some joyful shout, that is the pure and pure joy, brings some Great Way trembling cry. 李长寿道心中,突然响起了一声带着些喜悦的呼喊声,那是单纯且纯粹的喜悦,却带着某种大道的颤鸣。 Pangu has turned head, reveals facial features of military might, initially looks to think that no strange place, is only the Innate Way Body appearance, but careful taste...... 盘古’扭过头来,露出一张威武的面容,初看觉得没什么奇异之处,只是先天道躯模样,但仔细品味…… So-called Innate Way Body, is actually imitation the appearance of Pangu. 所谓先天道躯,却是模仿的盘古之形貌。 This is the genuine! 这才是正版! Also, Pangu God is one: 随之,盘古神就是一句: Brother.】 【老弟。】 cough! Li Changshou Illuminating Void Way Heart was almost broken, on consciousness, that oneself catches trace, was some life once memory. 李长寿空明道心差点被破,随之就意识到,自己所捕捉到的这个‘痕迹’,是某个生灵曾经的记忆 Pangu is not speaking to him, but his Divine Sense substituted this memory subjective angle of view. 盘古并非在对他说话,只是他的神念代入了这段记忆的主视角。 Suddenly thought that in Senior Reckless Years Record also has Pangu Older Brother So called...... 突然想到了,浪前辈年记中也有【盘古老哥】这般称呼…… The Li Changshou intention extreme speed circulation, from this Heavenly Way trace comes exhausted depart of oneself, faces it place in Pangu, devised that a shadow, starts by purely the third person of angle of view observation. 李长寿心念极速流转,将自身从这段天道痕迹中剥离开来,在‘盘古’所面对之地,构想出一道黑影,开始以纯粹第三人的视角观察。 Really, all became are easy to understand. 果然,一切变得容易理解了许多。 The Pangu God under foot, one after another Great Way seems to be extending and becoming perfection unceasingly completely and diligently. 盘古神脚下,一条条大道似乎在不断延伸、变得完整、努力圆满 —— this seems the Pangu God cultivation way. ——这仿佛是盘古神修行方式。 bearing Heavenly Way's this mark reveals the content, when splitting heaven and earth apart, primal chaos not name, Pangu God and unknown life, a happened simple dialogue. 天道承载的这段印记所显内容,是在开天辟地前、混沌未名时,盘古神与未知生灵,发生的一则简单对话。 When Pangu God with that unknown life exchange, what transmission is Divine Sense, Li Changshou heart concentrates oneself the bright words. 盘古神与那未知生灵交流时,传递的是神念,李长寿心底自行凝成自己所明的话语。 Is a bit like to the way that Master Tower and Li Changshou chatted. 有点类似于塔爷李长寿聊天的方式。 Pangu asked: I am unclear, why must put on clothes.’ 盘古问:‘我还是想不明,为何要穿衣物。’ That unknown life answered: ‚ Not putting on clothes didn't, have the means to differentiate with these disfigureds? 那未知生灵笑答:‘不穿衣物,不就跟那些丑八怪没办法区分了吗? Older Brother, we must think firmly we are beautiful, can be regarded as the clown them, because Primal Chaos Sea does not have the means einstellung, therefore must adopt a standard. 老哥,咱们要坚定认为咱们是美的,才能把他们当做是丑的,因为混沌海是没办法定势的,所以一切都要搞个标准。 Primal Chaos Sea boundless, is the chaos disorder, the life that the True Spirit polymerization concentrates, one by one long is also unscrupulous. 混沌海无边无际,都是混乱无序,真灵聚合而凝成的生灵,一个个长的也都是肆无忌惮。 We must have the sense of responsibility, stands erect a example to be good to them. ’ 咱们要有责任心,给他们竖立一个榜样才行。’ Pangu God looks suddenly, the eyeground reveals the light of thinking. 盘古神面露恍然,眼底流露出思索之光。 con Pangu God the fellow...... 忽悠盘古神的这家伙…… Is Senior Reckless, this is Senior Reckless! 浪前辈吧,这就是浪前辈吧! Senior Reckless passes through to splitting heaven and earth apart time? Before why , hear of Way Ancestor said when Senior Reckless the turbulence by splitting heaven and earth apart was attracted? 浪前辈穿越到开天辟地的时候去了?那为啥之前听道祖说,浪前辈是被开天辟地时的动荡吸过来的? Good, this is unimportant, the key point is...... 好吧,这不重要,重点是…… This? 就这? Senior Reckless on this thermo? 浪前辈就这水瓶? Appears side Pangu God directly, arrived in Primal Chaos Sea before splitting heaven and earth apart, finally can also lose to Way Ancestor Hong Jun! 都直接出现在盘古神身边,在开天辟地前就抵达混沌海了,最后还能输给鸿钧道祖 Is Way Ancestor is too strong, is in Senior Reckless this endless boundless Time, wave? 道祖太强,还是浪前辈这漫漫无际的岁月中,过于浪? Li Changshou heart cannot bear ridicule several, alerts secretly. 李长寿心底忍不住吐槽几句,又暗自警醒。 Do not pull relations with Senior Reckless, otherwise definitely by pit to pit bottom! 别跟浪前辈扯上关系,不然肯定会被坑到坑底! This mark also has the surviving information. 这段印痕还有残存信息。 All do not have the einstellung, must adopt a standard,’ Pangu God nods slowly, you said this saying also reasonable.’ ‘一切都是没定势的,都要搞个标准,’盘古神缓缓点头,‘你说这话也有道理。’ Also, Pangu looks down Great Way of under foot, closes the eyes to start to meditate, around the body were quickly many one layer dense fog. 随之,盘古就低头看着脚下的大道,闭上双眼开始凝思,身周很快就多了一层迷雾。 That unknown life upon seeing this, as if lifted the hand to slap oneself in the face silently, muttered: ‚ Ended, how long this does not know and wants to awake came. 那未知生灵见状,似乎默默抬手打了自己一个嘴巴,喃喃道:‘完了,这不知道又要过多久才能醒过来了 āi, this is big shot. ’ ,这就是大佬吧。’ In the low nan sound of unknown life, so the picture vanishes does not see. 未知生灵的低喃声中,这般画面消失不见。 Li Changshou:...... 李长寿:…… He has been able to determine at this time, this Heavenly Way mark came from Senior Reckless memory. 他此时已能确定,这段天道印记来自于浪前辈的‘记忆’。 That of Senior Reckless in Years Record Pangu Older Brother, Really is not the casual boast, perhaps really with a Pangu God generation of character. 浪前辈年记中的那声【盘古老哥】,果然不是随便吹嘘的,恐怕真的是跟盘古神一辈的人物。 Really? The day show opening. 真?天秀开局。 Li Changshou quiet Way Heart, careful comprehension. 李长寿沉静道心,细细感悟了一阵。 His heart brand mark got down Pangu God to cross the hands behind the back the vertical back, 8-9 Profound Art seemed like ignited, the bloodlines started to revolve rapidly. 心底烙印下了盘古神负手而立的背影,八九玄功像是被引燃,血脉开始飞速旋转。 Profound Capital City, the place of Li Changshou seclusion, wiped the bright red flowing light to wrap Li Changshou. 玄都城,李长寿闭关之处,一抹鲜红色的流光将李长寿包裹了起来。 opportunity? 机缘 The Li Changshou eyebrow corner/horn provokes, has not opened the eyes, has not continued to seek for other related with Pangu God Heavenly Way marks impatiently, instead is starts to think carefully. 李长寿眉角挑动,并未睁开双眼,也没心急继续寻找其他有关盘古神天道印记,反而是开始细细思索。 Why he discovered in this place these circumstances, previously actually never did hear to cross this matter? 为何他在此地发现了这些情形,此前却从未听人说起过此事? Does Way Ancestor intend to help? 道祖有意成全? These Heavenly Way mark no small matter, the time view thinks, may promote comprehension of Qi Refiner to Great Way, before can realize splitting heaven and earth apart, condenses one after another that becomes in Pangu God around the body primary condition Great Way. 这些天道印记非同小可,时刻观想,可增进炼气士大道感悟,更能体会到开天辟地前,在盘古神身周凝聚而成的一条条‘原初’状态的大道 Here has two concepts: 这里有两个概念: Great Way, world truth, can understand for the structure now the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth rule. 大道,世间真理,可以理解为构造如今洪荒天地的规则。 Heavenly Way deduce 98% Great Way, thus obtained controlled Heaven and Earth and Protector Heaven and Earth, constructed among Heaven and Earth the order jurisdiction. 天道推演了90%八的大道,从而得到了掌控天地护卫天地、构造天地间秩序的‘权限’。 Both close are completely different. 两者相近却完全不同。 In this Heavenly Way's gap, oneself unexpectedly sought, originated from Heavenly Way taboo Senior Reckless The Heavenly Way mark of memory fragment...... 在这天道的缺口,自己竟然寻找到了,来源于【天道禁忌浪前辈记忆碎片的天道印记…… Li Changshou have no choice but to suspected, this is Heavenly Way or Way Ancestor, even the Pangu surviving will in Heavenly Way, for some goal, information exposes these intentionally to oneself. 李长寿不得不怀疑,这是天道或者道祖,甚至天道中的盘古残存意志,为了某个目的,故意将这些‘信息’展露给自己 But Li Changshou at this time already decision...... 李长寿此时已经决定…… Seizes this opportunity! 把握这次机会! This advantage is truly big, and is connected transcendence directly two characters. 这好处确实很大,并直接关联到‘超脱’二字。 The matter has the weight, with transcendence related with all opportunities, oneself must grasp full power! 事有轻重,与超脱有关的一切机会,自己都要全力去把握! Gives up eating for fear of choking unstable , is the non- wisdom. 因噎废食非稳也,乃不智。 As for demonstrating these gives own behind-the-scenes black hand, behind will request him to make anything, that must consider carefully. 至于展示这些给自己的幕后黑手,后面会要求他去做什么,那就要细细斟酌。 And uses judgment to choose does not acknowledge mistakes generally. 并酌情选择概不认账。 After the half day, Li Changshou continues to investigate in this Heaven and Earth gap, one layer one layer growth ring Digs up to draw, seeks for the related with Pangu God mark. 半日后,李长寿继续在这处天地缺口中探查,一层一层年轮】扒拉着,找寻有关盘古神的印记。 How long has not known, does not know that has sought the how much. 不知过了多久,也不知寻过了几何。 Li Changshou Way Heart trembles lightly, Divine Sense fell into piece of Primal Chaos Sea again. 李长寿道心轻颤,神念再次陷入了一片混沌海 The second mark! 第二道印记! He maintains Way Heart Illuminating Void, the oneself rapid peeling, avoids being affected mental state by Heavenly Way , to continue to choose the third angle of view onlooking. 他保持道心空明,将自己迅速剥离,避免被天道影响心境,继续选择第三视角旁观。 This time, is still dialogue between Pangu God and that unknown lives. 这次,依然是盘古神与那未知生灵之间的对话。 Stated differently —— 不同的是—— The Pangu God under foot presented a big stretch of land, the top of the head also presented a deep blue, as if in the principle of deduce clearing impure. 盘古神脚下出现了一大片陆地,头顶也出现一片蔚蓝,似乎在推演清浊之理。 primal chaos aura all around is corroding this piece of small Heaven and Earth unceasingly, was actually swung unceasingly by Pangu God divine strength. 周遭的混沌气息不断侵蚀着这片小小的天地,却被盘古神神力不断荡开。 Because of the angle of view reason, Li Changshou is unable to conclude at this time, that group doubtful Senior Reckless unknown life is what appearance, is still only the black fog that one group imagines has...... 因视角原因,李长寿此时也无法断定,那团疑似浪前辈的未知生灵到底是什么模样,依然只是一团想象出的黑雾…… The unknown life asked: ‚ Older Brother, do you really want opening the heavens? 未知生灵问:‘老哥,你真要开天啊? Can no longer think? 要不再想想? Stays in Primal Chaos Sea is also being good, boundless, some interesting place, the exploration did not have the end. ’ 混沌海呆着也是挺好的,无边无际,还有一些很有趣的地方,探索也无尽头。’ Pangu God said: 盘古神却道: ‚ The primal chaos disorder and True Spirit are ignorant. 混沌无序、真灵浑噩。 Your I from not to live it to have, must lead the way the road, having to change into one, perfection Three Thousand Great Ways, decides exist(ence) and nihility, divides Order World and Disorder World. 你我既是自无而生之有,所要前行之路,自是将有化为一,圆满三千大道,定存在与虚无,划分秩序界无序界 The True Spirit river is unable to continue in Primal Chaos Sea, innumerable True Spirit muddleheaded, if not opening the heavens, these True Spirit will belong to the nihility, True Spirit river itself will also annihilate again. 真灵长河于混沌海中无法接续,无数真灵浑浑噩噩,若再不开天,这些真灵将会归于虚无,真灵长河本身也将会再次湮灭。 Has belongs to again does not have, Primal Chaos Sea the deathly stillness, what kind of your my will exist(ence) have significance again? 有再次归于无,混沌海将会再次死寂,你我之存在还有哪般意义? I live for the True Spirit polymerization, repose saving of True Spirit river, pawnshop this matter. ’ 我为真灵聚合而生,寄托真灵长河之存,当行此事。’ The unknown life also said: 未知生灵又道: But this...... āi, Older Brother your opening the heavens must break now the order in Primal Chaos Sea, to complement Three Thousand Great Ways, must in these Fiendgod wars surely with Primal Chaos Sea. ‘可这……,老哥开天就要打破如今混沌海中的秩序,为了补全三千大道,也定要与混沌海中这些神魔一战。 On Primal Chaos Sea of our already ascertainment, has innumerable Fiendgod and Older Brother you have strength of the war. ’ 就咱们已经探知的混沌海,就有数不清的神魔老哥你有一战之力。’ As you said, change is not possible without bloodshed..’ 正如你所说,变革,哪能不流血。’ Pangu God smiles, opens the left hand, the palm flowing light interlocks, Heaven and Earth of his top of the head and under foot breaks up suddenly, become one after another like Great Way that the chains and color vary. 盘古神笑了笑,张开左手,掌心流光交错,他头顶、脚下的天地突然崩解,化作一条条如锁链般、色彩各异的大道 In Primal Chaos Sea, presented the color concept! 混沌海中,出现了色彩的概念! Three Great Way are eye-catching, flies the Pangu God palm directly, mutually staggered, congealed one with the Pangu God and other height of the big axes. 有三条大道最是耀目,直接飞到盘古神掌心,互相交错,凝成了一把与盘古神等身高的大斧。 Opening Heavens Axe! 开天斧 That unknown life Divine Sense is shivering: Goes ahead?’ 那未知生灵神念在颤抖:‘说干就干啊?’ Goes ahead,’ Pangu God holds up the head to stand, hangs loose in the long hair of shoulder by the one after another Way Rule package, around the body is sparkled the seven colours multi-colored sunlight, raises head to bellow. ‘说做就做,’盘古神昂首而立,披散在肩头的长发被一条条道则包裹,身周闪耀出七彩霞光,仰头一声大吼。 Primal Chaos Sea boils suddenly! 混沌海骤然沸腾! The shadow that in Primal Chaos Sea, the one after another shape varies all around appears, boundless...... 周遭混沌海中,一只只形状不一的阴影浮现,无边无际…… The picture stops suddenly. 画面戛然而止。 The second Heavenly Way mark carrying/sustaining, is only these news. 第二道天道印记承载的,就只是这些讯息。 Li Changshou has not given full expression, actually still suppresses own to be impulsive, closes eyes realizes from experience carefully. 李长寿意犹未尽,却依然压制着自己的冲动,闭目仔细体悟。 His heart exuded little divine light, took out the blank scroll that carried along in the sleeve, immortal power concentrates a magical brush, painted conveniently. 心底泛起了少许灵光,在袖中取出一只随身携带的空白卷轴,仙力凝成一杆神笔,随手作画。 That holds the axe to stand, facing endless primal chaos Fiendgod Pangu God, got down by the rubbing in the Li Changshou writing rapidly. 那持斧而立、面对无尽混沌神魔盘古神,在李长寿笔下迅速被拓印下来。 Li Changshou thought that is not really perfect, burns through scroll painting conveniently, takes out blank scroll painting, closes eyes with rapt attention. 李长寿却觉得不甚完美,随手将画轴燃尽,又取出一幅空白画轴,闭目凝神 This time, he is several days has not actually taken pen in hand ; When taking pen in hand, the movement becomes very slow. 这次,他却是数日未提笔;在提笔时,动作又变得十分缓慢。 But these lines that he draws just like living, this drawing Pangu God form, contain innumerable mysterious principles. 但他画出的那些线条宛若活了过来,这次画出的盘古神身影,蕴含着无数玄妙之理。 The painting side to become, the Li Changshou big hand wields in March/three months, curls up this scroll, the become flowing light flew to Great Master Profound Capital. 画作三月方成,李长寿大手一挥,将这幅卷轴卷起,化作流光飞向了玄都大法师 Afterward, Li Changshou did not say a word, closed eyes comprehension, in spiritual platform hangs the painting. 随后,李长寿一言不发,闭目感悟,灵台之中高悬刚才的画作。 «Pangu Visualization Picture»! 盘古观想图》! The key of 8-9 Profound Art breakthrough limit! 八九玄功突破极限的关键! oneself could not have felt the access the road of that transcendence, in this place, opened a slit unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly, one bunch directs oneself to go forward luminously...... 自己原本还摸不着门径的那条超脱之路,在此地,竟意外打开了一条缝隙,有一束光亮指引着自己前进…… Who is, is exposing these Heavenly Way marks to give oneself? 到底是谁,在展露这些天道印记给自己 Senior Reckless was obliterated, the Senior Reckless memory fragment, should belong to Heavenly Way all. 浪前辈被磨灭,浪前辈记忆碎片,应归属于天道所有。 Heavenly Way main body can first remove, that is only one does not have the emotion regular aggregation, is order itself, impossible to provide to break the means of order to oneself. 天道本体可以首先排除,那只是一个没有情感的‘规则聚合体’,是秩序本身,不可能给自己提供打破秩序的办法。 Senior Reckless can also remove, the dregs does not remain. 浪前辈也可以排除,渣都不剩了。 Most likely, is the Pangu God surviving will, as well as Grand Master Way Ancestor. 最有可能的,是盘古神残存意志,以及道祖师祖 But the Pangu God surviving will was suppressed seal at this moment, is Grand Master Way Ancestor was indicating that the own possibility is biggest. 盘古神残存意志此刻被镇压封禁,是道祖师祖在点拨自己的可能性最大。 The means of confirmation are also very simple. 验证的办法也很简单。 If oneself then sees the following Heavenly Way mark again, but in the Heavenly Way mark presents picture of Way Ancestor and Pangu God with frame...... 自己接下来如果再次看到后续天道印记,而天道印记中出现道祖盘古神同框的画面…… Behind that gives the person of oneself so opportunity, deciding was Way Ancestor without doubt. 那背后给自己这般机缘之人,定是道祖无疑了。 Li Changshou hears the whoa that the distant place hears, corners of the mouth shows the light smile , to continue to branch out wisp of mind to occupy in around the body, immerses in Heavenly Way's again growth ring. 李长寿听到远处传来的惊叹声,嘴角露出淡淡笑容,继续分出一缕心神盘踞在身周,再次沉浸于天道的年轮’。 Is counting Heaven and Earth passing, seeks the Heavenly Way mark that Senior Reckless memory is forming. 细数着天地过往,找寻着浪前辈记忆形成的天道印记。 This time, actually spent relative very long Time, but the time does not lose the having a mind longevity, was quick he to find the third fourth Heavenly Way mark. 这次,却花费了相对漫长岁月,但功夫不负有心寿,很快他就找到了第三第四道天道印记。 What a pity, among the reserved news is few. 可惜,其内保留的讯息很少。 Can concentrate reluctantly several pictures, is Pangu God wields the life great war in axe and Primal Chaos Sea, deducts primal chaos aura the one after another life, explodes innumerable True Spirit. 勉强能凝成几幅画面,也都是盘古神挥斧与混沌海中的生灵大战,将一只只生灵劈成混沌气息,炸出无数真灵 The powerful life in Primal Chaos Sea, can understand that for ‚the innumerable True Spirit polymerizations in the kind of life body that above Great Way evolves. 混沌海中的强大生灵,可以理解为‘无数真灵聚合在大道之上’而演化出的类生命体。 Therefore, each only primal chaos Fiendgod fallen, released one after another True Spirit. 故,每只混沌神魔陨落,都释放出了一只只真灵 converge of these True Spirit behind Pangu God, condense rivers, Pangu God just like ride the wind and cleave the waves and rising to challenges, the place visited, does not have to be a worthy opponent! 这些真灵盘古神背后汇聚,重新凝聚成一条河流,盘古神宛若乘风破浪、披荆斩棘,所过之处,无所匹敌! What is interesting is that the originally angles of view of these pictures, in the Pangu God shoulder. 有趣的是,这几幅画面的原本视角,都是在盘古神肩头。 This time Senior Reckless, as if stood on the Pangu God shoulder, witnessed entire opening the heavens great tribulation. 此时的浪前辈,似乎站在了盘古神肩上,见证了整个开天大劫 Precipitated half a month, Li Changshou started to search for the fifth Heavenly Way mark. 沉淀了半个月,李长寿开始搜寻第五道天道印记。 But this time, Li Changshou substantiated the own idea finally. 而这次,李长寿终于印证了自己的想法。 Way Ancestor, appeared! 道祖,出现了! That is when opening the heavens great tribulation will soon finish, Pangu God has achieved the strongest shape, in great war had suddenly discovered one with his close Innate Way Body. 那是在开天大劫即将结束时,盘古神已达到了最强的形态,大战中突然发现了一道与他相近的先天道躯 The axe hesitated flickered, Pangu God forgave this primal chaos Fiendgod life, but Opening Heavens Divine Axe made stream of light, knocked an corner/horn this primal chaos Fiendgod protecting body jade dish. 斧头迟疑了一瞬,盘古神饶了这混沌神魔一命,但开天神斧打出一道流光,将这混沌神魔护身玉碟磕掉了一角。 Three Divine Sense interweave, there is a simple dialogue. 三股神念交织,又有了一段简单对话。 Doubtful Senior Reckless unknown life: Acquaintance! Older Brother, this is an acquaintance!’ 疑似浪前辈的未知生灵:‘熟人!老哥,这是熟人!’ Doubtful Way Ancestor Hong Jun handsome young Daoist: Why doesn't kill me?’ 疑似鸿钧道祖的英俊年轻道者:‘为何不杀我?’ You are too weak.’ ‘你太弱。’ Pangu God Divine Sense calmly is explaining, ‚ since single True Spirit can survive in Primal Chaos Sea, is not quite easy. 盘古神神念淡定地解释着,‘单个真灵能在混沌海中生存至今,已是颇为不易。 Moreover, in Heaven and Earth that I want to open, each True Spirit can grow, has the card of Origin Self. 而且,我想开辟的天地中,每个真灵都能自行生长,有本我之证。 You are just single True Spirit can voluntarily the proof of exist(ence), can enter Heaven and Earth that I open later, I do not need to destroy you. ’ 你刚好是单个真灵可以自行存在的证明,可以进入我稍后开辟的天地,我不必毁你。’ Hong Jun nodded slowly, turns around to escape into Primal Chaos Sea. 鸿钧缓缓点头,转身遁入了混沌海中。 Pangu God muttered: That jade dish a little meaning.’ 盘古神喃喃自语:‘那个玉碟有点意思。’ Good Fortune Jade Dish,’ Senior Reckless hehe is smiling. 造化玉碟嘛,’浪前辈嘿嘿笑着。 creation/good fortune,’ the Pangu God vision penetrates entire Primal Chaos Sea, settles down to rest, the front floats a blue lotus. 造化,’盘古神目光穿透整个混沌海,驻足歇息一阵,面前飘来一只青莲。 Senior Reckless asked: Can open?’ 浪前辈问:‘要开了?’ Un, tries.’ ‘嗯,试试吧。’ Pangu God aspirates slowly, grasps to stop the big axe, backs on the 36 Grade blue lotus, is wielding first to cut to the front! 盘古神缓缓吐了口气,握住手中大斧,背靠三十六品青莲,对着前方挥出第一斩! The picture stops suddenly, following splitting heaven and earth apart, does not allow to be recorded, does not permit by comprehend. 画面戛然而止,后面的开天辟地,不允许被记录,不允许被参悟 Li Changshou’s Divine Sense is separated from this mark, even if maintaining Illuminating Void Way Heart, the train of thought still cannot be calm for a very long time. 李长寿的神念从这段印记中脱离出来,哪怕保持着空明道心,思绪依然久久不能平静。 Meeting of Pangu God, Way Ancestor Hong Jun and Senior Reckless...... 盘古神鸿钧道祖浪前辈的会面…… Li Changshou this time has not delayed, he continues to seek, heart exuded some urgency, thought of some possibility. 李长寿这次没有耽误,他继续寻找,心底泛起了某种迫切,想到了某种可能。 Does not know how long sought for in these Heavenly Way's growth ring, Li Changshou saw a final mark finally ; 又不知在这些天道的年轮中找寻了多久,李长寿终于看到了最后的一道印记; The mark has the Heavenly Way brand mark, has déjà vu Way Rhyme. 印记带着天道烙印,有着一股似曾相识道韵 Way Ancestor Hong Jun Way Rhyme. 鸿钧道祖道韵 Li Changshou Divine Sense concentrates phantom, was making way greeting to this sixth mark, at present presents luminous, Divine Sense in a big way rushed to one piece to arrive among nearly inexhaustible Heaven and Earth directly. 李长寿神念凝成虚影,对着这第六道印记做了个道揖,眼前出现了一片光亮,神念直接冲到了一片大到近乎无穷无尽的天地间。 this instant, may be called great quantity the information is attacking Li Changshou’s Way Heart! 这一瞬,堪称‘巨量’的信息冲击着李长寿的道心 Fortunately, after Grand Pure Monastery lethargic sleep, Li Changshou made dozens years of pointedness to whet, at this time mind can withstand information content by far initially. 还好,太清观昏睡之后,李长寿做了几十年的针对性磨砺,此时心神能承受的‘讯息量’远胜当初。 At first withstood, that nearly infinite comprehension, started in the Way Heart depths spout. 最初承受住了,那近乎无穷的感悟,就开始在道心深处喷涌。 This piece of huge Heaven and Earth looks just like one egg, innumerable complete Way Rule concentrate the barrier, isolates Primal Chaos Sea primal chaos aura. 这片巨大的天地远看宛若一只‘蛋’,无数完整道则凝成壁垒,隔绝开混沌海混沌气息 A seven colours colourful True Spirit river winds through this Heaven and Earth, flowing of True Spirit river, produced the mark of Time. 一条七彩斑斓真灵长河流过这天地,真灵长河的流动,产生了岁月之痕。 Antiquity Great Desolate, after splitting heaven and earth apart . 远古洪荒,开天辟地后。 Li Changshou does not see the shadow of Way Ancestor, this time Way Ancestor, should already with concentration cultivation in Great Desolate. 李长寿不见道祖之影,这时的道祖,应已是在洪荒中潜心修行 Among Heaven and Earth is fluttering some luminous spots, congealed the little lives, at first was also appearance fantastic oddities of every description, hazy, has not opened spiritual wisdom, according to eternal principles however was good. 天地间飘荡着一些光点,凝成了少许生灵,最初也是模样千奇百怪,迷迷蒙蒙,未开灵智,依道而行。 This is True Spirit in first batch of Innate Life that Great Desolate Heaven and Earth concentrates. 这是真灵洪荒天地间凝成的第一批先天生灵 At this time already can see the shadow of dragon and phoenix. 此时已经能见龙凤之影。 Just like Li Changshou sees in the first several marks, Ancestral Dragon and Beginning Phoenix once were the Pangu God followers, was born in Primal Chaos Blue Lotus, personally was created by Pangu God. 正如李长寿在前几道印记中所见,祖龙始凤都曾是盘古神的追随者,诞生于混沌青莲,由盘古神亲手缔造。 That is supporting the Heaven and Earth giant, at this moment happily smiled. 那名正支撑天地的巨人,此刻欣慰的笑了。 His facial expression is incomparably weary, both eyes closed slowly, leave behind the own back to continue to support Heaven and Earth, the body collapse in the spacious land. 他神情已是无比疲倦,双目缓缓闭上,留下了自己的脊梁继续支撑天地,身体瘫倒在了空旷的大地上。 This mark, still stems from the Senior Reckless memory fragment. 这道印记,依然源于浪前辈记忆碎片。 At this time running quickly of Senior Reckless in the land, oneself seems weak, he rushed to the Pangu God body side hurriedly, flew on that indescribable his giant head, rushes to the Pangu God forehead. 此时浪前辈正在大地上奔驰,自身似乎无比虚弱,他急匆匆地冲到了盘古神身侧,飞到了那无法形容其巨大的头颅上,冲到盘古神的眉心。 This time Senior Reckless, Divine Sense took the weeping voice: 这时的浪前辈,神念带上了哭腔: Older Brother! Older Brother do you want to do? Your his mother opened Heaven and Earth, didn't enjoy? 老哥老哥你要干什么?你他娘的开辟了天地,也不享受享受就这么去了? Don't do me to be good? Older Brother you leave this! I special accompanied you is so long in primal chaos, the person were made by you quickly curved! You tell me oneself to want the self-destruction now! 别搞我好不好?老哥你别这样!我特么在混沌里面陪了你这么久,人都快被你弄弯了!你现在告诉我自己要自毁! Who can kill you! 谁能杀得了你! Whom I do not believe to stop you to live! ’ 我不信谁能阻拦你活!’ I am by the innumerable True Spirit polymerizations,’ Pangu God Divine Sense passed on, does not belong to this new Heaven and Earth.’ ‘我是由无数真灵聚合而成,’盘古神神念传了回来,‘不属于这个新天地。’ You are Creator, you are Creation God! Who don't you belong to this Heaven and Earth to belong? Who also has the qualifications to stand in this!’ ‘你是造物主,你是创世神!你不属于这天地谁属于?谁还有资格站在这!’ Successor.’ ‘后来者。’ Pangu God Divine Sense is transmitting the laughter, that giant arm wants to lift under comforting on the forehead tiny tot, but lost the back, is incapable of moving eventually again. 盘古神神念传达着笑声,那巨大的手臂想抬起来安抚下额头上的‘小不点’,但失去了脊梁,终究是无力再挪动。 Pangu God Divine Sense is responding lightly: 盘古神神念平淡地回应着: If I am living, the life between this Heaven and Earth will awe me, will worship me, will treat as the apex of life me, will try hard toward the road vanguard that I pass through. ‘若我活着,这天地间的生灵会敬畏我,会崇拜我,会将我当做生灵的顶点,会努力朝着我走过的路前行。 I will instead become a hindrance, becomes shackles that deadlocks the Heaven and Earth life. 我反而会成为一种阻碍,成为锁死天地命途的枷锁。 They can choose the own road, feels own way, concentrates the own way fruit. 他们都可以选择自己的路,感受自己的道,凝成自己的道果。 Comfortable. 多自在。 I actually am only dissipation named Pangu the consciousness, I still am exist(ence), but will get together my True Spirit dispersing, letting them to go comfortable living in Heaven and Earth. 我其实只是消散名为盘古的这个意识,我依然是存在的,只不过将聚合成我的真灵散开,让他们都能去在天地间自在的活。 Your injury was too serious, goes to recuperate quickly. 你伤势太重了,快去养伤吧。 Later you in the life that this Heaven and Earth sees, some naturally are I. ’ 以后你在这个天地见到的生灵,有一些自然是我。’ That different, different...... died may on death ends all one's troubles, consciousness was Origin Self......’ ‘那不一样,都不一样……死了可就一了百了,意识才是本我……’ That death ends all one's troubles, has not then had regrettable in brief.’ ‘那便一了百了,总之未有遗憾。’ Pangu God closes the eyes slowly, Divine Sense in smiling of unaffected, I achieved.’ 盘古神缓缓闭上双眼,神念洒脱的笑着,‘我做到了。’ Older Brother......’ 老哥……’ Walks quickly, cannot was injured again by me. ‘快走吧,莫要再被我伤到。 Also some divine strength, I make some embellishments for this Heaven and Earth again. ’ 还有些神力,我再为这个天地做些点缀。’ āi.’ 。’ Senior Reckless no longer said, brings the rich sadness, lowers the head racing open/start. 浪前辈不再多说,带着浓郁的悲伤,低头奔开。 Does not know that remote place, is youth Daoist Daoist Hong Jun is static and vertical, to Pangu body deep ritual. 不知多遥远处,还是青年道者鸿钧道人静静而立,对着盘古身躯深深一礼。 Pangu dying Incarnation, his breath became the wind, mist and clouds; his voice, thunder; his left eye, the Sun; his right eye, the Moon; his head, the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood, rivers, his meridians, geography; his muscles, fertile land; his facial hair, the stars and Milky Way; his fur, bushes and forests; his bones, valuable minerals; his bone marrow, precious jewels; his sweat, rain......】 盘古垂死化身,气成风云,声为雷霆,左眼为日,右眼为月,四肢五体为四极五岳,血液为江河,筋脉为地理,肌肉为田土,发髭为星辰,皮毛为草木,齿骨为金石,精髓为珠玉,汗流为雨泽……】 Among Heaven and Earth presented the thunderclap and dark clouds, a little bit water drop from in the air falls, changes into the rainwater. 天地间出现了雷声与阴云,一滴滴水珠自空中落下,化为雨水。 Taking advantage of reflecting of drop of rainwater, Li Changshou saw Senior Reckless physique at this moment. 借着一滴雨水的倒映,李长寿看到了浪前辈此刻的形体。 Earth and marmot? 一只土、土拨鼠? Immediately, Li Changshou is gazing at the Pangu God Way Body final evolution, saw the innumerable luminous spots that Pangu God around the body sends out, look in 12 forms that in the Pangu God navel jumps ; 随即,李长寿注视着盘古神道躯最终的演变,看到了盘古神身周散发出的无数光点,看着在盘古神肚脐中蹦出的十二道身影; Also saw, the Pangu God forehead departs three stream of light, concentrates old , middle-aged and young three Daoist...... 也看到了,盘古神额头飞出三道流光,凝成老中青三名道者…… The Heavenly Way mark takes back slowly, Li Changshou sits in that is elinguid for a very long time, a mind blank, Illuminating Void Way Heart by that Heaven and Earth greatly sad invasion, the cheeks had also been delimited two drops of tears. 天道印记缓缓收回,李长寿坐在那久久不能言语,心神一片空白,空明道心也被那股天地大悲侵染,脸颊划过两滴眼泪。 Pangu God. 盘古神 Comfortable. 多自在。
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