MSBIBTC :: Volume #6

#543: Vagabonds ‚year’ 【Asked ticket】

Sir Water God, that hasn't Roc died seriously?” 水神大人,那鲲鹏当真未死?” guess, is only guess,” Li Changshou said with a smile, „ was so easily cut to kill by us compared with Monster Master Roc, I like to believe Roc also living supposition. 推测,只是推测,”李长寿笑道,“比起妖师鲲鹏如此轻易被咱们斩杀,我更愿意相信鲲鹏还活着的假设。 Therefore, guards against a point after all yes right. ” 所以,多提防一点总归是没错的。” But this......” “可这……” White Marsh a little starts to speak but hesitates, on the face full is the forced smile, looked at Primal Chaos Sea depths, finally lowers the head sighs. 白泽有点欲言又止,脸上满是苦笑,看了眼混沌海深处,最后低头一叹。 Later does a bit less Primal Chaos Sea. 以后还是少来混沌海吧。 Works as Luck Beast in Great Desolate, good. 洪荒当个瑞兽,挺好的。 At that moment, the White Marsh become orange cat size, is stepping on the graceful step rebound on the Golden Roc head, when unlike coming that head high, chest out navigator, the eggplant that this time he, such as the frost hits is common, fell into worried layer on layer/heavily. 当下,白泽化作橘猫大小,踩着优雅的步伐跳回了金鹏脑袋上,但与来时那昂首挺胸的‘领航员’不同,此时的他,如霜打的茄子一般,陷入了重重担忧中。 Li Changshou blinks, some feel embarassed smile. 李长寿眨眨眼,有些不好意思地笑了笑。 Fairy Maiden Cloud Firmament sound transmission asked: Is frightening Mr. White intentionally?” 云霄仙子传声问:“可是在故意吓白先生?” This cannot hide the truth from you unexpectedly.” “这竟瞒不过你。” Li Changshou and Cloud Firmament look at each other one, in the eye acclaim completely, sound transmission said: 李长寿云霄对视一眼,目中满是赞叹,传声道: Is such as Mr. White so, qualifications old, this collar height has the gentleman of stratagem, in the bone is the arrogance, the frame of mind is high, and Mr. White has Heavenly Way magical powers seek luck and avoid calamity, very easy to have the dependence to this magical powers, forms misjudge at something. “越是如白先生这般,资历老、本领高的有谋之士,骨子里就越是傲气,心气儿越是高,且白先生天道神通趋吉避凶,很容易对这神通产生依赖,在一些事上形成误判 Sets up a crisis to Mr. White, this crisis is his seek luck and avoid calamity magical powers is not appreciable, will make Mr. White steadier. 白先生树立一个危机,这危机还是他趋吉避凶神通不可感知的,自会让白先生更稳健一些。 Mr. White wields an influence of side hidden place for Heavenly Court nowadays, if there is big mistake, is very easy to let Heavenly Court prestige entire game is lost. 白先生现如今替天庭执掌一方暗处的势力,若是出现较大差错,很容易让天庭声誉满盘皆输 Moreover, the possibility that Roc playing dead withdraws although has, truly is the questionable point...... but guessed eventually. 而且,鲲鹏假死脱身的可能性虽然有,也确实是疑点……但终究不过是猜测。 If so, Roc also wants to get rid of Saint pursuit forget it/that's all. ” 若真是如此,鲲鹏也不过是想摆脱圣人追杀罢了。” Cloud Firmament looks the thinking, asked in a soft voice: You so will arrange others, whether is together when with me, is planning?” 云霄面露思索,轻声问:“你这般会安排旁人,是否与我相处时,也都是在筹谋?” Why must to plan with you?” “与你何须筹谋?” Li Changshou said with a smile: Actually must plan, the matter of plan future, how steady pass this great tribulation.” 李长寿笑道:“其实也是需筹谋的,筹谋今后之事,如何平稳度过这次大劫。” She smiled to narrow the eye immediately, Ningshuang (congealing frost) skin exuded a sunset glow, what pure and clear as ice appearance end was skillful face picturesque. 她顿时笑眯了眼,凝霜肌肤泛起朵朵红霞,冰清容颜端的是巧颜如画 The Li Changshou right hand extended. 李长寿右手伸了过来。 Cloud Firmament was startled slightly, what's wrong?” 云霄略微怔了下,“怎了?” Makes up,” the Li Changshou sincere say/way, discussed that the sentiment must routinely, according to the Human Race’s custom, first step should hold hands.” “补一下,”李长寿正色道,“谈情也需按部就班,按人族的规矩,第一步理应是牵手。” Looks in deadly earnest that Li Changshou said that Cloud Firmament not oversuspicious, lifts the left hand to build. 李长寿说的一本正经,云霄也并未多疑,抬起左手就要搭上来。 But inexplicable, her subconsciously shrank under delicate hands, frowns and purses the lips shallowly lightly, in the eye also has the little happy expressions. 但莫名的,她下意识缩了下纤手,浅蹙眉、轻抿嘴,眼中还带着少许笑意。 Always felt by scheme. 总觉得是被算计了。 Li Changshou have a strong sense of righteousness say/way: Fellow Daoist should not feel, this poor Daoist is occupying Fellow Daoist to be cheap?” 李长寿大义凛然的道一句:“道友该不会觉得,贫道是在占道友便宜?” „It is not......” “自不是……” Cloud Firmament is busy at arguing one, turns very quiet the breath and delicate fingers point in the Li Changshou palm. 云霄忙辩解一声,屏住呼吸、纤指点在李长寿掌心。 Li Changshou smiles calm, the backhand selected under her palm, in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint seized the sprout/slender white hand that she must hide, pinched pinching gently, bashful her root of the ear flood red. 李长寿淡定一笑,反手点了下她手心,电光火石间将她要躲走的柔荑捉住,轻轻捏了捏,羞的她耳根泛红。 After all was scheme. 总归是中了算计 By side, Golden Roc secretly to whole face worried look White Marsh sound transmission: Teacher is seriously fierce.” 侧旁,金鹏鸟暗戳戳的对满脸忧色的白泽传声:“老师当真厉害。” „The chaotic study,” White Marsh fall in the blues sound transmission do not return said, do not look for Heavenly Court Fairy Maiden carelessly, face righteous qi makes one put out a hand. Sir Water God with Fairy Maiden Cloud Firmament is find each other congenial, crucial moment just.” “别乱学,”白泽情绪低落地传声回道,“可别胡乱找天庭仙子,一脸正气地让人伸手过来。水神大人云霄仙子情投意合,火候刚好。” Golden Roc hastily said: „The Mr. White cannot misunderstanding, I am not interested in female beauty.” 金鹏鸟忙道:“白先生莫要误会,我对女色不感兴趣。” A White Marsh brow wrinkle, found that matter some are not quite simple, silently increase under the oneself four hooves one layer immortal power. 白泽眉头一皱,发现事情有些不太简单,默默地在自己四蹄之下增加一层仙力 Also, White Marsh turned head to look at Primal Chaos Sea depths...... 随之,白泽扭头看了眼混沌海深处…… Big bad risk. 大凶险。 If Roc that old boy is really playing dead withdraws, maybe fermentation what big plot. 鲲鹏那老小子如果真的是假死脱身,别是酝酿什么大阴谋 After oneself, obediently and honestly in the place of Heavenly Way covering, sells to work oneself to death to Way Sect, does to work to Heavenly Court, closely holds steady Water God's thigh, how these old fogies like taunting how taunt. 自己以后还是老老实实天道笼罩之地,给道门卖卖命、给天庭做做事,紧紧抱稳水神的大腿,这些老家伙爱怎么嘲讽怎么嘲讽。 What is heavier than the life? 什么比命更重? White Marsh sighed, sent the little while to stare, the music that until listening behind to be resounding, discovered that Sir Water God also had new routine. 白泽叹了口气,又发了会儿愣,直到听着背后响起的乐声,才发现水神大人又有新套路 Li Changshou said: While going back also several days empty spaces, can play a qin together?” 李长寿道:“趁着回去还有几日空当,要不要一同抚琴?” My cultivation, was actually not skilled in these.” “我一直修行,却是不精通这些的。” I teach you.” “我教你啊。” Li Changshou puts out a guqin, the half places on the oneself knees, the half keeps by the side. 李长寿拿出一把古琴,半边放在自己双膝上,半边留在侧旁。 Cloud Firmament understand, the body moved moving toward Li Changshou, gathers the fine foot and body to incline, just resists the guqin, actually unconsciously left Li Changshou to be nearer. 云霄会意,身子朝着李长寿挪了挪,并拢纤足、身子倾斜,刚好将古琴抵住,却不知不觉李长寿更近了些。 The Li Changshou fingertip presses to press the string, making Cloud Firmament provoke by the side. 李长寿指尖摁压琴弦,让云霄在侧旁拨弄。 Although springs, is some intermittent zither sound, but under Li Changshou’s controls, is still delightful interesting to listen , when lets Cloud Firmament are not many then the came interest, shot full of enthusiasm. 虽弹出的,是一些断断续续琴声,但在李长寿的把控下,依然算是悦耳动听,让云霄不多时便来了兴致,兴致勃勃弹了起来。 When she raised the head with Li Changshou looks at each other to smile, not consciousness is the shoulder corner/horn makes a mistake, skin being on intimate terms, immortal power has extruded gently. 待她抬头与李长寿相视而笑,不知觉已是肩角相错、肌肤相亲,仙力都已轻轻挤压。 Li Changshou looked at oneself On road In treasure sack, these following items of preparation...... 李长寿瞧了眼自己【路上】宝囊中,准备的那些后续道具…… Reviewed Primal Chaos Sea delegation, Li Changshou generally calculation left, plan of Younger Uncle-Master Heavenspan. 回顾混沌海一行,李长寿大抵推算出了,通天师叔的打算。 Intends scheme Roc, making him experience with Cloud Firmament struggle, and stays behind to each other precious memory. 有意算计鲲鹏,让他跟云霄经历一场‘苦战’,并借此留下对彼此的珍贵记忆 Must improve the relationship, why must go to Primal Chaos Sea, why also to arrange the common recollection of what fighting and killing. 要增进感情,何必非要去混沌海,又何必安排什么打打杀杀的共同回忆。 Blessed are the ordinary, falling in love over time is real. 平平淡淡才是真,日久生情才是真。 When ‚the fervor of’ suffering the crisis producing, by light wearing down of enduring while the world lasts, waited for this sentiment very much easily at the appointed time, can only be the unceasing landslide. 在遭遇危机时产生的‘激情’,很容易被天长地久的平淡消磨,到时等待这段感情的,只能是不断滑坡。 In the endless boundless cultivation profession, recalls circumstances that two people are together, is the fierce combat is intimate with obviously, plays a qin, strolls together, chat and create a disturbance softheartedly obviously? 在漫漫无边的修道生涯中,回忆起来两人相处的情形,是刀光剑影更显亲近,还是一同抚琴、漫步、聊天、打闹更显温情? date this matter, Way Realm is high, cultivation base high also on Fig. one happy. 搞对象这种事,道境高、修为高也就图一乐。 In Emerald Jade Floating Palace, on that white jade steps, Heavenspan Cult Master said the expert. 碧游宫内,那白玉台阶上,通天教主直呼内行。 Grand Pure Monastery, in that narrow and small temple, Grand Pure Saint corners of the mouth pulls the light smile, points at the light shell. 太清观,那狭小的庙宇中,太清圣人嘴角扯出淡淡的微笑,手指轻弹。 Is having the induction with Li Changshou heart that Cloud Firmament plays a qin together, looked at the eye to be received Roc jade thumb ring in treasure sack by him, Immortal Sense searched into, gawked. 正与云霄一同抚琴的李长寿心底顿生感应,看了眼被他收到了宝囊中的鲲鹏玉扳指,仙识探入其中,也是不由一愣。 That Senior Reckless relic, By one group of Yin-Yang Aura packages, was isolated the exterior investigation. 那本【浪前辈遗物】,被一团阴阳气息包裹,隔绝了外部探查。 This is Teacher take action...... 这自是老师出手…… This is, how many profound meanings? 这又是,几层深意? Li Changshou divide one's attention, why heart thinks deeply about Teacher to seal up this book , to continue to stop in ceremony/etiquette the interaction with Cloud Firmament. 李长寿一心二用,心底思索为何老师会封住这本书,继续与云霄止乎于礼的互动。 Wisp of fine black hair swings before him gently, brings little fragrant, making Li Changshou feel quite comfortably. 一缕青丝在他面前轻轻摇摆,带着少许芬芳,让李长寿颇感舒适。 Close to Great Desolate Heaven and Earth, Li Changshou was also steady. 临近洪荒天地,李长寿又稳了一手。 He and White Marsh discussed that took oneself Paper Daoist, places in Roc jade thumb ring this Paper Daoist bosom. 他与白泽商议了一阵,取了自己一只纸道人,将鲲鹏玉扳指放在这纸道人怀中。 Li Changshou and White Marsh spent the half day time, Paper Daoist layer upon layer seal and ensure this Paper Daoist was not corroded by primal chaos aura, then thrust in it Primal Chaos Sea. 李长寿白泽花费了半日功夫,将纸道人层层封禁,保证这纸道人不被混沌气息侵蚀,便将它推入了混沌海中。 So, was not only not paid attention by Heavenly Way especially, and may guard against Roc possible exist(ence) other treacherous plans. 如此,既可不被天道格外关注,又可防范鲲鹏可能存在的其他毒计。 Li Changshou said: „ To guard against Roc is using the idea of playing dead withdrawing, after we return to Great Desolate, was sure to remember that cannot mention the matter of trip, do not take flaunt this matter, this matter itself quite fishy. 李长寿道:“为了防备鲲鹏是在用假死脱身之计,咱们回洪荒后,切记不可多提此行之事,也不要将此事拿出去炫耀,这事本身就颇为蹊跷。 If Roc really so calculates, our not high-profile this matter, from may make his scheme collapse of itself. 鲲鹏真的是如此盘算,咱们不张扬此事,自可让他的算计不攻自破。 If Roc has not had so plans, truly died in our hands, that also calculates that except a Great Desolate big trouble, let his story, calmly dissipated in River of Time. ” 鲲鹏并未有这般谋划,确实是死在咱们手中了,那也算除去了一个洪荒大患,让他的故事,在岁月长河静静消逝。” Golden Roc and White Marsh lower the head to receive an order, in Fairy Maiden Cloud Firmament glitters several points of brilliance, is staring at the Li Changshou’s profile, resembling is the mood is quite happy, turns head to gaze at the Heavenly Way barrier of that faintly visible its shape with a smile. 金鹏白泽低头领命,云霄仙子目中闪烁几分光彩,凝视着李长寿的侧脸,似是心情颇为舒畅,扭头含笑注视着那隐隐可见其形的天道壁垒。 Right,” Li Changshou said with a smile in side lightly, Cloud Firmament you also remember, went to report Third Younger Uncle-Master one this matter.” “对了,”李长寿在旁轻笑道,“云霄你也记得,去将此事禀告三师叔一声。” Cloud Firmament immediately seem lost in thought. 云霄顿时若有所思 In Emerald Jade Floating Palace, some Lord Saint figure vanishes does not see, Daoist Numerous Treasures has not reacted with enough time, that three peerless Immortal Sword baseless has vanished. 碧游宫中,某圣人老爷身形唰的一声消失不见,多宝道人尚未来得及做出反应,那三把绝世仙剑凭空消失。 master goes to Primal Chaos Sea to search for treasure of suppressing cult, Cloud Firmament came you remembers under the reception.” 为师混沌海中搜寻镇教之宝,云霄来了你记得接待下。” Numerous Treasures exhibits sour expression on face immediately, sits spooky sighs on praying mat. 多宝立刻摆出了个苦瓜脸,坐在蒲团上幽幽一叹。 ...... …… Brings Roc jade thumb ring to stay Paper Daoist in Primal Chaos Sea, actually uses in other ways. 带着鲲鹏玉扳指停留在混沌海中的纸道人,其实另有所用。 Wisp of Immortal Sense from Paper Daoist, searches into Roc jade thumb ring, concentrates Li Changshou’s phantom, sat cross-legged before that iron hoop notebook, careful comprehension that two groups of Yin-Yang Aura. 一缕仙识纸道人而出,探入鲲鹏玉扳指中,凝成李长寿的虚影,盘坐在了那‘铁环笔记本’前,仔细感悟着那两团阴阳气息 Li Changshou does to understand quickly, Teacher Grand Pure take action, does not prevent oneself to look at inside content. 李长寿很快就搞明白,太清老师出手,并非是阻止自己看里面的内容。 On the contrary, Teacher Grand Pure with supreme profound method, isolates the Senior Reckless relic and Heaven and Earth, letting Li Changshou can bring back to Great Desolate Heaven and Earth it as one desires, does not need to be worried that was supervised by Heavenly Way. 相反,太清老师是用无上妙法,将浪前辈的遗物与天地隔绝开,让李长寿可以随心将它带回洪荒天地,不必担心被天道监察。 That Senior Reckless relic, Li Changshou hesitant over and over...... 浪前辈的遗物,李长寿犹豫再三…… Thinks over and ponders over carefully. 反复思考、仔细琢磨。 Even knew that the too multi-information, understand the so-called truth, what can change at this time? 就算得知太多信息,明白所谓的真相,此时又能改变什么? Time is irreversible, ancient times is passing, Senior Reckless already lost, oneself wants to open this note at this time, in the final analysis, but stems from the curiosity. 岁月不可逆转,上古已是过往,浪前辈已经输了,自己此时想打开这本笔记,归根结底,只是源于好奇心。 Stems from, to the curiosity of Senior Reckless. 源于,对浪前辈的好奇。 oneself can undertake, for a while is curious the price that must pay? 自己是否能承担,一时好奇要付出的代价? Li Changshou thinks carefully, heart thought incomparably complicated, finally stretched out the palm. 李长寿仔细想了想,心底念头无比繁复,最后还是伸出了手掌。 Look. 看看。 Mainly to take warning! 主要是为了引以为戒! The Immortal Sense become a wisp of flowing light, plunged that Yin yang qi group, the news in this note, quick appears in Li Changshou heart. 仙识化作一缕缕流光,浸入了那阴阳气团,这笔记中的讯息,很快就浮现在李长寿心底 For the ceremony feeling, Li Changshou will put in order this note rubbing to end specially, concentrates books in oneself heart, the end in the Spiritual Body child hand, opens slowly. 为了仪式感,李长寿特意将整本笔记‘拓印’完,在自己心底凝成一本书册,端在元神小人儿手中,缓缓打开。 came! came! 来了来了 ancient times secret, Antiquity anecdote, Way Ancestor lie, Heaven and Earth truth! 上古的隐秘,远古的轶事,道祖的谎言,天地的真相! All completely...... in...... 一切尽……在…… Annual idea first, Great Desolate World is really wonderful. 【年计其一,洪荒世界真美妙。 Awoke from the splitting heaven and earth apart latter sleep/felt already to this, this Body Cultivation was was so unexpectedly high, good good, training second consciousness also calculated completely. 开天辟地后一觉睡醒已是到了这,这具身体修为竟这么高了,不错不错,培养的第二意识也算完整了。 Later must foster hundred years of the custom of making Years Record time, reminded oneself not to forget some important matters. 】 以后还是要养成百年做一次年记的习惯,提醒自己别忘了一些大事。】 second, Nuwa this small girl enters the rebel period, what did this call? Witnessed how oneself Ancestor does pinch the homemade person?】 其二,女娲这小丫头进入叛逆期,这叫啥?目睹自己老祖宗如何捏土造人?】 third, Hong Jun is really fierce, fishes not to need an idea not to really win him.】 其三,鸿钧果然厉害,钓鱼不用点计还真赢不过他。】 Its four, Heavenly Way even more perfect, can feel the regular order between Heaven and Earth becomes clear, good, the Pangu Older Brother last wish can realize earlier.】 【其四,天道越发完善了,能感觉到天地间的规则秩序变得清晰了许多,挺好,盘古老哥的遗愿能早点实现。】 Its five, hundred years of safe/without matter, plays cards.】 【其五,百年无事,打牌。】 Its six, the millennium safes, play cards.】 【其六,千年无事,打牌。】 ... 27, Hong Jun thinks that integration Myriad Spirits makes Saint Clan, under the restraint even more inflation Shaman Race, truly should restrain, Great Desolate from the species richness of Antiquity with great difficulty training, was eaten clean by Shaman Race quickly! 【二十七,鸿钧想统合万灵做个圣族,约束下越发膨胀的巫族,也确实该约束了,洪荒远古好不容易培养的物种多样性,都快被巫族吃光了! Monster Race on Monster Race, but also Saint Clan, gilds. 】 妖族妖族,还圣族,贴金。】 28, Xi He is quite really beautiful, cheap Emperor Jun that fellow. 【二十八,羲和果然好美,便宜帝俊那家伙了。 Feared affects Houyi Shooting the Sun this story, Xi He can also go well by you? The damn charm that this poor Daoist this cannot restrain, can , look for a partner? 要不是怕影响到后羿射日这种小故事,羲和还能被你们得手?贫道这收摄不住的该死魅力,,要不要找个伴? Ok, waits for Human Race, this poor Daoist later son or Human Race are good. 】 算了,等等人族,贫道以后的子嗣还是人族较好。】 29, in 3000 the safe/without matter, played cards recently.】 【二十九,最近三千年无事,打牌。】 ... The say/way that 【 42, Hong Jun this fellow spoke was also not much, but also thought some deep understanding. 【四十二,鸿钧这家伙讲的道也不怎么样嘛,还以为有多深的理解。 On this thermo? 就这水瓶? I used to listen to three songs for a dollar under the bridge and get 70 cents back! 以前在天桥底下一块钱听三段儿还能倒找七毛 Hong Jun this thought was not good, filled the obsolete sinking sickness, has not progressed compared with Antiquity. 】 鸿钧这思想就不行,充满了老旧沉疴,比起远古一点都没进步。】 ... 109, Human Race was born, Nuwa this girl finally Sanctification, a little this poor Daoist in the past elegant demeanor. 【一零九,人族诞生了,女娲这丫头终于成圣了,有点贫道当年风采了。 Becoming Heavenly Way Saint to be doomed unable transcendence, this poor Daoist to accumulate, is not bad. 天道圣人注定无法超脱,贫道一路积累下去,也不差。 Three Pure Ones wanted Sanctification, the Grand Pure a little thing, unexpectedly can deduce after Heavenly Way have the evolution of Great Way Greenwich, Heavenspan this cruel temperament should change, otherwise behind must certainly suffer a loss. 】 三清成圣了,太清有点东西,竟然能在天道之后推演大道本初的演变,通天暴脾气该改改了,不然后面肯定要吃亏。】 ... 162, Xi He is quite really beautiful, this happy three days and three nights, cheap Emperor Jun that fellow.】 【一六二,羲和果然好美,这愉快的三天三夜,便宜帝俊那家伙了。】 163, Monster Race started to conflict with Shaman Race, Shaman Race that several Shaman Ancestor were the real axes, must acknowledge carelessly yesterday rushed to Moon Palace's is they, but also several. 【一六三,妖族巫族开始起冲突了,巫族那几个祖巫是真的轴,非要胡乱承认昨天闯月宫的是他们,还一次几个。 obviously on this poor Daoist one! 明明贫道一个! Who isn't Emperor Jun anxious to be anxious? 帝俊不急谁急? Later broke relations with Xi He, she is also very awkward, this poor Daoist this continued several hundred years of sentiment shortly...... 以后还是跟羲和断了关系吧,她也挺为难的,贫道这短暂持续了几百年的感情…… āi, if we had known managed what future events, who strikes the first blow has the advantage. ,早知道管什么后事,先下手为强得了。 Depressed, finds the person to play cards. 】 郁闷,找人打牌。】 ... 372, these damn Monster Race really started refining to cope with Shaman Race magical treasure, Human Race must suffer a natural disaster. 【三七二,这些该死的妖族果然开始炼制对付巫族法宝,人族要遭灾了。 This time does not have means take action, Human Race must very this time, be able to become true Heaven and Earth protagonist. 这次也没办法出手,人族必须挺过这一次,才能成为真正天地主角 secretly protects the next batch, sends to Three Thousand Worlds to settle down. 暗中护下一批,送去三千世界中安家吧。 So many years, this poor Daoist this Way Heart cannot like ironhearted. 】 这么多年了,贫道道心还是不能如铁石心肠。】 373, received clever disciple, should be future Fairy Maiden Chang'e. 【三七三,收了个乖徒弟,应该是今后的姮娥仙子了。 Houyi that fellow has probably been Great Shaman, probably also got married, couldn't this story happen? 后羿那家伙好像早就是大巫了,好像还成亲了,这故事是不是发生不了了? āi, the mentality old mentality was old, then discovered future Chang'e, cannot move what intention, can only receive disciple. ,心态老了心态老了,便是发现了未来的姮娥,也动不了什么心念,只能收徒了。 Later who must dare to hit this poor Daoist Treasure disciple idea, breaks the leg, must break the leg. 】 以后谁要敢打贫道宝贝徒弟主意,打断腿,必须打断腿。】 ... 382, the safe/without matter, played cards recently.】 【三八二,最近无事,打牌。】 383, why?】 【三八三,为什么?】 384, this is not right.】 【三八四,这不对劲。】 385, made a mistake, made a mistake, should not be this, I made the mistake.】 【三八五,错了,都错了,不该是这样,我做错了。】 386, no, what is wrong is Hong Jun! This bad old fogey a lot of evil tricks! I must make anything.】 【三八六,不,错的是鸿钧!这糟老头子一肚子坏水儿!我必须做些什么了。】 387......】 【三八七……】 The content stops suddenly, this wrote down final one page to be torn the half, revealed the complex structure in that thin flimsy page. 内容戛然而止,这本笔记最后的一页被撕扯掉了半边,显露出那薄薄纸页内的复杂构造。 Wrong? 错了? What was wrong? 什么错了? The Li Changshou’s Spiritual Body child racket broke to pieces the notebook in hand, a thinking. 李长寿的元神小人儿拍碎了手中的笔记本,一阵思索。 The written down content many plays cards , many ancient times anecdotes, the quite famous famous scene has the record, naturally this Senior Reckless love matters. 笔记的内容多是打牌,也有很多上古轶事,比较有名的名场面都有记录,当然还有这位浪前辈的风流韵事。 Digs Monster Emperor corner matter, perhaps also only then this Senior Reckless dares to do. 妖帝墙角这种事,恐怕也就只有这位浪前辈敢去做了。 What most Changshou is speechless, but also dug...... 让寿无语的是,还挖到了…… This volume of note is the iron hoop structure, after that does not know also many contents, but has the content of caution significance to oneself in behind. 这册笔记是铁环构造,其后不知还有多少内容,而对自己有警示意义的内容就在后面。 Ok, this thinks that opens this note, can obtain any useful information, at least can know that whose Senior Reckless is surnamed anyone, is which character ancient times. 行吧,本以为打开这个笔记,能得到什么有用的信息,最起码能知道浪前辈姓谁名谁,是上古哪位人物。 But after Li Changshou looks, can only laugh involuntarily...... 李长寿看完之后,只能哑然失笑…… Who is all right will write what in diary my such and some’? 谁没事会在‘日记’里面写什么‘我某某某’? Such diary, is not quite proper. 那样的日记,不太正经。 Li Changshou hesitates several, has not obtained what valuable news, anticipated that the feeling fails much. 李长寿沉吟几声,没得到什么有价值的讯息,期待感落空不少。 forget it/that's all, the multi- inquisitions are also useless. 罢了,多探究也无用。 Li Changshou restrains mind, starts to enter after Cloud Firmament plays a qin together the second picture. 李长寿收摄心神,开始与云霄进入共同抚琴后的第二个画面。 Paints together. 一同作画。 The teaching, the one-to-one direction, strikes an attitude to display the pinnacle oneself this literary arts advantage hand in hand! 手把手教学,一对一指点,作势把自己这点文艺优势发挥到极致! The White Marsh halfway returned to Three Thousand Worlds, walks is in trance, eye socket to get sucked, in the eye full is the light of thinking, obvious was persecuted to presumptuously think the early stage symptom. 白泽半途回返了三千世界,走的时候神情恍惚、眼圈深陷,目中满是思索之光,明显的被迫害妄想早期症状。 Regarding this, Li Changshou some do not endure, but to train White Marsh , can only be cruel-hearted. 对此,李长寿也有些不忍,但为了培养白泽,也只能狠狠心。 He and Fairy Maiden distinguishes in East Sea, Li Changshou returned to Three Immortals Island her. 他与仙子东海分别,李长寿将她送回了三仙岛 When two people distinguish, water Regret Leaving, clouds that Regret Leaving and vision also Regret Leaving, Li Changshou made way greeting, Cloud Firmament raised slightly before that thousand li (500 km) clouds and mist slightly, looked at each other one, just now turned around to depart together. 两人分别时,水依依、云依依、目光也依依,李长寿做了个道揖,云霄在那千里云雾前微微欠身,又对视一阵,方才一同转身离去。 ...... 啊…… Comfortable. 舒坦了。 The Li Changshou figure escapes into East Sea, hides the whereabouts, to return to Passing Immortal Gate. 李长寿身形遁入东海之中,潜藏行踪、回返度仙门中。 Golden Roc has returned to Heavenly Court Great White Palace, this time he harvests in a big way, cut to kill the Phoenix Race rebel personally. 金鹏已自行回返天庭太白宫,此次他收获最大,亲手斩杀了凤族叛逆。 This makes Golden Roc have an even more rich sense of gratitude, feels grateful quite to want for oneself Teacher to make anything, actually does not know that which direction should from start. 这让金鹏有一种越发浓郁的感激之情,感激到颇想为自己老师做些什么,却又不知该从哪个方向入手。 Says the prestige, Teacher is respected by Myriad Immortals in Heavenly Court now ; 说名望,老师如今在天庭万仙敬仰; Said strength, this Teacher is working as him and Mr. White Marsh and Fairy Maiden Cloud Firmament surface, shakes Monster Master Roc hardly, balances extreme speed between him and Roc with Balance Great Way, is keeps him from seeing clearly. 实力,这次老师当着他与白泽先生、云霄仙子的面,硬撼妖师鲲鹏,用均衡大道平衡他与鲲鹏之间的极速,已是让他无法看清。 The treasure is needless to say, Human Cult several supreme treasure is almost more general, that mysteriously appeared and disappeared, scheme Roc Piercing Heart Lock, was incomparably sharp...... 宝物更是不用说,人教几件至宝几乎通用,那神出鬼没、算计鲲鹏穿心锁,更是无比犀利…… If to the Teacher expression sense of gratitude, what thank-you gift should give Teacher?’ ‘若要对老师表达感激之情,该给老师什么谢礼?’ In Great White Palace, Golden Roc is lost in thought. 太白宫中,金鹏不由陷入了沉思。 thus, Li Changshou returns to Little Jasper Peak, Ling‘e as in the boundary of comprehend Way. 且说,李长寿回返小琼峰,灵娥依旧在悟道之境。 To talk incessantly wordy several Li Changshou with Ling‘e , can only bear pour out the desire, in old position meditation, and returns Parting Earth Flame Light Banner and Heaven and Earth Ruler. 本是想跟灵娥唠叨啰嗦几句的李长寿,也只能忍住倾诉欲,在老位置打坐,并将离地焰光旗乾坤尺送还。 As if oneself never goes out general. 仿佛自己从未外出一般。 So passed half a month, the Ling‘e around the body immortal ray sparkle and spiritual qi like the tide, is actually oneself small realm promotes, to open eyes to look steadily to oneself senior apprentice brother. 就这般又过了半个月,灵娥身周仙光闪耀、灵气如潮,却是自身小境界稳稳提升,睁眼看向自家师兄 First flickers, Ling‘e is filled with joy, oneself cultivation base breaks through, was near a half step from the Eternal Life boundary. 第一瞬,灵娥满心欢喜,自己修为突破,距离长生境又近了一小步。 Although itself is leaving far. 虽然本身离着还远。 But next flickers, Ling‘e winked under the eye. 但下一瞬,灵娥眨了下眼。 senior apprentice brother your clothes how many fold?” 师兄你衣服怎么多了点褶皱?” Li Changshou said with a smile: Perhaps sat a long time.” 李长寿笑道:“许是坐久了。” sniff, sniff sniff...... 嗅、嗅嗅…… Ling‘e sighed spookily, both eyes lost tall light, turned head to look to nearby flowers and plants, muttered in a low voice: Your body has the Big Sister Cloud Firmament taste.” 灵娥幽幽一叹,双目失去高光,扭头看向一旁的花花草草,低声喃喃:“你身上云霄姐姐的味。” Li Changshou is startled terrified. 李长寿悚然一惊。 Before he comes back, obviously burnt several around the body aura with Samadhi True Fire! 他回来之前,明明三昧真炎烧了几次身周气息 Ling‘e small mouth one flat, the tears spin in the eye socket, feeling aggrieved looks at oneself senior apprentice brother. 灵娥小嘴一扁,眼泪在眼眶里面打转儿,委委屈屈地看着自家师兄 This, this,” the Li Changshou forehead hung the bright danger character, in tree next busy, explained quite a while comforts oneself junior apprentice sister. “这、这个,”李长寿额头挂了个鲜艳的危字,在树下一阵忙碌,解释了半天才算安抚住自家师妹 extreme joy turns to sorrow. 得,乐极生悲 However this time is truly in the wrong, Li Changshou does not have paradox forcefully. 不过这次确实是理亏,李长寿也没强行诡辩。 Therefore, after the moment ; 于是,片刻后; Ling‘e is pinching thin willow waist, to Li Changshou lightly snorted: 灵娥掐着细柳腰,对李长寿轻哼了声: senior apprentice brother you are not so steady, goes, but also tries the camoflauge truth, to cheat your junior apprentice sister, 'Steady' Character Scripture three...... 300!” 师兄你这般不稳,去就去吧,还试图遮掩真相、蒙骗你师妹,稳字经三……三百遍!” ok ok,” Li Changshou draws on a flagstone conveniently, starts the senior apprentice brother command, person of half.” 行行,”李长寿随手招来一块石板,“发动师兄令,一人一半。” Ling‘e moves sideways to jump one side: senior apprentice brother made useless! Loses!” 灵娥闪身跳到一旁:“师兄令无用!丢!” The Li Changshou five fingers open, Ling‘e āi yā, was separated to entrain a side by him spatially, the stopper a flagstone, in she bosom. 李长寿五指张开,灵娥哎呀一声,被他隔空拽到了身侧,塞了一面石板在她怀中。 Ling‘e rare unyielding, is unwillying to do, two people create a disturbance in tree next. 灵娥难得硬气、抵死不从,两人在树下一阵打闹。 Braves white smoke to make a getaway to the Ling‘e top of the head, Li Changshou under tree in every possible way speechless. 一直到灵娥头顶冒着白烟儿逃之夭夭,李长寿在树下百般无语。 Also pulled the small hand unknowingly...... 也就不经意间牵了牵小手…… Lifts the hand in oneself tip of the nose sniffed, in Li Changshou has the warm happy expression, sits looks at front flagstone under the tree, lowered the head to start to carve 'Steady' Character Scripture, calmly thought deeply about all things. 抬手在自己鼻尖嗅了嗅,李长寿目中带着暖暖的笑意,坐在树下看着面前的石板,低头开始刻起了稳字经,静静思索诸事。 Roc really such as oneself guess like that? 鲲鹏是否真的如自己猜测的那般? Why will Senior Reckless get angry with Way Ancestor Hong Jun? 浪前辈到底为何会跟鸿钧道祖翻脸? Can Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation have the new variable? 封神大劫会不会有新的变数? From now on, focuses on the Shang Tribe development, may know in advance accurate time that great tribulation arrives, before then...... 从现在开始,紧盯商部落发展,就可预知大劫降临的准确时刻,在此之前…… When! 噹! When! 噹! Since the mountain suddenly resounded the rapid ding, streams of light flew from Passing Immortal Gate all peaks, plundered toward Passing Immortal Hall. 山中突然响起了急促的钟声,道道流光度仙门诸峰飞起,朝度仙殿掠去。 What urgent matter this had? 这是发生了什么急事? Wisp of Immortal Sense also goes, searched into Passing Immortal Hall array without the hindrance, calmly is waiting. 一缕仙识随之而去,自是毫无阻碍探入了度仙殿阵法内,静静等着。 But he has not waited for Sect Master Ji Wuyou to come, heart exuded a summon...... 但他还没等来季无忧掌门现身,心底就泛起了一声呼唤…… Big Brother Cult Master I must cross Golden Immortal Tribulation!” 教主哥哥我要渡金仙劫了!” Li Changshou mind shakes. 李长寿精神一震 Ao Yi! 敖乙
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