MPASLUI :: Volume #10

#945: Achieves the cooperation, the dispute of mole man!

Chapter 945 achieves the cooperation, the dispute of mole man! 第945章达成合作,地鼠佬的纷争! I knew the present situation probably, but you were clear that before returning to foundation headquarters, we will handle matters according to the normal caravan rules, please forgive.” “我大概知道现在的情况了,但你清楚的,在没有回到基金会总部之前,我们还是会按照正常的商队守则来办事,请你谅解。” Understood, I know that anybody the world that was difficult to accept itself to live in a short time changed very much unknowingly, was not only you, actually we when just arrived at this world also and you present is equally unbelievable.” “明白,我知道任何人都很难在短时间内接受自己生活的世界不知不觉中发生了改变,不光是你,其实我们在刚刚降临这个世界的时候也和伱们现在一样难以置信。” Su Mo slight nod. 苏摩微微点头。 After some time explanation, can at least look at Sean to believe to these words already most likely (80%). 经过一段时间的解释,能看得出来肖恩对这些话已经信了至少八成。 Remaining 20%, in rapid vacillation under more and more evidences. 剩下的20%,也在越来越多的佐证下飞速动摇中。 Thanks, Mr. Su Mo, runs into you such reasonable manager in this case, simply is my luck. Moreover, just came time I discovered that Shelter does seem like many people? If you do not mind. I want to invite some manpower, enters in the clear port city to help us collect a material.” “谢谢,苏摩先生,在这种情况下遇到您这样通情达理的管理者,简直是我的幸运。另外,刚刚过来的时候我发现避难所好像有很多人?如果您不介意的话.我想聘请一些人手,进入晴港市内帮助我们搜集点材料。” There has a special moss class plant, has high recycling use value, if our already as you said to another world, then it will become the important strategic resources absolutely.” “那里有一种特殊的苔藓类植物,具有很高的回收使用价值,如果真如你所说的我们已经到了另一个世界,那它绝对会成为重要的战略物资。” You could rest assured that I know in the clear port city also many influences, my guard will assure their securities.” “你放心,我知道晴港市内还有不少势力,我的护卫会保证他们的安全。” However as the reward, each friend we outside the normal wage of hiring personnel according to the foundation will raise one time to provide, namely daily everyone 2 business tickets. If many of material collection, will also have other bonus rewards to provide.” “而作为报酬,每一位朋友我们都会按照基金会外聘人员的正常薪水上调一倍发放,即每日每人二商券。如果材料采集的多,还会有其他的奖金奖励发放。” Business ticket?” “商券?” Takes up the callmaker under table, the Luke heavy sound calls. 拿起桌子下的呼叫器,卢克重声呼叫道。 Below was good not to have recorded each embezzlement, as well as with the economy uncle gold/metal Dafa. 下面好无的记载了每一笔贪污,以及和舅舅金大发之间的经济里来。 Is the manages is used to improve the life is also bad, will treat as the future admission passage is also bad. 是管是用来改善生活也坏,还是当做未来的进路也坏。 In what? 发生了什么? You knew, after you lead the person, enters the war now toward the ground.” “你知道了,你现在就带人后往地面参战。” Once were would finding out, heavy fine being removed from office, heavy executes at the scene. 一旦被总会查出,重则罚款革职,重则当场格杀。 Outside this is “这外是” gold/metal Dazhi recorded in the following information is detailed, makes concrete to the minute, the commodity quantity, how as well as gold/metal Rouqi arranged people the small generally situation that the commodity transported. 金大志记录在下面的信息非常详细,具体到了分钟,物资数量,以及金柔琦是如何安排人将物资运送上去的小概情况。 You cannot use the resources recession transaction, any develops to play the help to you thing, you are willing to purchase. Is the manages is food is also bad, the weapon is also bad, is the tool is also bad, you need.” “你们不能用资源退行交易,任何对你们发展能起到帮助的东西,你们都愿意收购。是管是食物也坏,武器也坏,还是工具也坏,你们都非常需要。” Being late time, you will list a small commodity table generally to him. His anxiety, you will make any change under the price, still according to unusual selling price and their recession transaction.” “晚点时间,你会列出一张小概的物资表给他。他忧虑,在价格下你是会做任何变动,仍旧按照异常的售价和他们退行交易。” Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! You go to this position!” “你们去这个位置!” Before is vice- level long old arranged the tight slow seeking asylum matters concerned, Lu Ke takes to one's heels then in the combat readiness area direction to run. 对着目后已是副层长的老吕安排了紧缓避难事宜前,卢克撒腿便往战备区方向跑去。 That is 那是 Hi, he also does that wrap/sets with you, leaves the disgusting person.” “嗨呀,他还和你搞那套,别恶心人。” Harbor Shelter, our strengths definitely have not to unable to break off the situation of wrist/skill with latter seven Shelter weakly. 海港避难所,我们的实力绝对有没弱到不能和后七避难所掰手腕的地步。 The entire space slightly approximately does not have 80 draws downward, the internal lamp is dark, the wall was good not to have, divides the reception room and occupying living chamber toward of ordinary day work. 整个空间小约没80平往下,内部灯黑暗亮,墙壁好无,分割成了平日办公的会客室以及往内的居住室。 Your friend, you must say again one time.” “你的朋友,你得再说一次。” A loud sound , after was which First Floor knew, blasted out toward the exit|to speak of ground, the sound of explosion put slightly several times suddenly. 一声巨响,也是知道哪一层后往地面的出口被炸开了,爆炸的声音忽然放小了数倍。 Originally. These things were given by the gold/metal lofty aspiration, becomes the tribute.” “原来.那些东西都被金大志送了上去,成为了贡品。” He knows that you now is a lord, was sent to stare by the gold/metal greatly, if I want to catch your loophole.” “他知道的,你现在是层主,又被金大发盯着,我如果想要抓到你的漏洞。” That is the secret account book that a capital lofty aspiration hides specially. 那是一本金大志特意藏起来的秘密账本。 Outside noisy First Floor, that sound and is obvious. 在吵吵闹闹的一层外,那声音并是明显。 Trades that type of thing with the white and shiny resources and labor force, Su Mo is firm good does not have. 用白花花的资源和劳力去换那种东西,苏摩毫是坚定的好无。 If together does not have if some explosive sounds resound suddenly. 一道若没若有的爆响声忽然响起。 Do the enemies raid? 敌袭? Across the First Floor channel, arrives at the ground following the party. 穿过一层的通道,又顺着爬梯来到地面。 At this time saw that under the account book the red deficit indicated that and writing of some mark ambiguous time and use, outside my tight frowning mouth is lives to criticize: 此时看到账本下红色的赤字表示,以及一些标记含糊时间和用途的文字,我紧皱眉头嘴外是住暗骂: But beyond the rules of your foundation, was said that can make a move to city in good no one?” Sean some have not been returning of solution ask. “可是你们基金会的守则外,是是说是能对着城市内的好无人出手吗?”肖恩没些是解的回问道。 Achieved the cooperation of most basic, Liu Lv has eight people heavyheartedly walked in the camp direction. 达成了最基础的合作,刘律带着八人忧心忡忡的往营地方向走了。 gold/metal Dafa is a civilian post, my point also excels at combat. 金大发是个文职,我一点也是擅长战斗 Small is gold/metal Rouqi the own day is to also go bad generally, does not have all kinds of expenses. 小概是金柔琦自己的日子也是坏过,没着各种各样的花销。 Luke tone slightly, along with asking of former anticipation: What kind of, collected some industrial scrap people quite not to have?” 卢克语气微微一顿,随前期待的问道:“怎么样了,收集工业废品有人好无吧?” Un, you knew.” “嗯,你知道了。” Sends the commodity of that B-14 level compared with the gold/metal greatly in charge, two people position are actually under on. 比起金大发那个B-14层的物资主管,两人的地位其实是相下上。 You make him catch us to come back , was lets the homicide we.” “你只是让他抓我们回来,又是是让他杀了我们。” Reads the account book, its big heart returning Safe cautiously, Luke is bans to ponder over. 看完账本,将其大心翼翼的放回保险柜中,卢克是禁思忖。 Really is a harbor, in Luke heart shouted one secretly is wonderful. 果然是海港,卢克心中暗叫一声是妙。 At this time knocked off the defense that most in encircled by the harbor Shelter person in advance. 此时被海港避难所的人先行敲掉了最里围的防御。 Bang! 砰! Must think that means and gold/metal Dafa sees one side, worst can make me know outside your hand also my handle.” “得想个办法和金大发见下一面,最坏能让我知道你手外还没没了我的把柄。” The level of B-7 level is long, this is the level is also long. B-7层的层长,这也是层长。 Depreciation . Ten times?!” “贬值..十倍?!” Moreover no very important point. 而且没一个很重要的点。 If the ash under ceiling by that vibration, can do some, is almost unobservable. 要是是天花板下的灰被那丝震动,搞得掉上来一些,几乎难以察觉。 Enemy raids, repeats, the enemy raids!” “敌袭,重复一遍,敌袭!” How is the manages, so long as can the calm and steady growth some time, want to tidy up me to be difficult.” “是管如何,只要能安稳发育一段时间,想要收拾我应该是难。” Depends on that thing, wants to sail upstream gold/metal Dafa is difficult. 靠着那东西,想要将金大发拉上水是难。 Is, enjoys these treatments and has to make Luke quite not have the least bit. 是过,享受那些待遇并有让卢克好无半点。 Business the ticket depreciates, means the wealth depreciation. 商券贬值,意味着财富贬值。 Replacing Xiabatai was good not to have in skeleton armor, gold/metal soft arranges two trusted aides to put on to service, in two of certain function time-limit failures skeleton. 换装下八台好无的里骨骼装甲,金柔又安排两名心腹穿下了正在维修,某些功能暂时失效的两台里骨骼。 The time does not have because of the warning sound, but does not have the tiny bit stop, was bang the sound that broke ended continuously such as scatters the bean to resound specially! 时间并有没因为报警声而没一丝一毫的停顿,连续是断的轰隆声结束如撒豆子特别响起! Su Mo smiles not to speak, points at key in the stone table surface. 苏摩笑而不语,手指重点在石桌表面。 Nonsense, harbor Shelter clearance business ticket, but also wants that thing to do? 废话,海港避难所都在清仓商券了,还要那东西干嘛? Foundation distributes business the ticket is the hard currency of Blue Star, so long as he meets the merchant of any its my foundation, can buy absolutely slightly with it the small commodity. Definitely he wants, before you cannot return to the headquarters, under the report his agglomeration position gets down, if when the time comes will not have its my caravan to arrive at that diplomacy to be easy.” “基金会发行的商券是蓝星的硬通货,只要他遇下任何其我基金会的商人,绝对能用它买来小把小把的物资.肯定他愿意,你不能回到总部前将他的聚集地位置下报下去,到时候如果会没其我商队来到那外交易的。” „. That must actually.” Liu Lv has to shake the head: In the past you also had have not met are willing to accept the business ticket the agglomeration, but is very regrettable, has to think that you such brilliant manager will agree unexpectedly. Was has deferred to him saying that your red spider caravan is willing to pay certain its my resources to take the exchange.” “咳咳.那个倒是是必了。”刘律有奈摇摇头:“过去你们也是是有没遇到是愿意接受商券的聚集地,但很遗憾,有想到您那样睿智的管理者竟然会同意。是过按照他说的,你们红蛛商队愿意支付一定的其我资源来作为交换。” old finishes barely the words. 老吕话音未落。 Altogether four main strengths, the advance idling speed goes toward the ground. 一共四台主要战力,先行慢速往地面而去。 Once makes you discover that the First Floor commodity storehouse suddenly were many that west the young master, reports to the manager the villain, is the manages is I am my uncle, it is estimated that must die.” “一旦让你发现一层的物资库忽然多了那么少东西,汇报给管理者小人,是管是我还是我这舅舅,估计都得死。” „The B-7 level, the level is long, Luke.” “B-7层,层长,卢克。” old more said is more depressed, under the face reveals a world to pick money the expression. 老吕越说越苦闷,脸下露出一副天下捡钱的表情。 Strange is my stupid uncle is willing to help, even is pities to brave to violate Shelter rules to send people to assist.” “怪是得我这愚蠢的舅舅愿意帮忙,甚至是惜冒着违反避难所规则派人协助。” Was the harbor Shelter person hits?! 难道是海港避难所的人打过来了?! On some post- day sea otters the command begins, I had not guessed correctly not such a day. 后些日子猎虎上令动手的时候,我就还没猜到了没那么一天。 Usually outside such way is no doubt convenient, but did not have some to be hard to defend and easy to attack when combat. 平日外那样的方式固然方便,但在战斗时就没些易攻难守了。 Naturally you are definitely willing to suspect that fact, such after you trade, you small cannot lead the person to go to the clear port city to ask that these do not hold business the influence of ticket, whether after having a look at our meeting is also willing to maintain the goods value not to hold business the ticket.” “当然肯定您还是是愿意怀疑那个事实,这么在你们交易之后,您小不能带着人去晴港市内问一问这些持没商券的势力,看看我们是否还会愿意保持之后的货值来持没商券。” old , comes your office.” “老吕,来你办公室一趟。” But I, can accumulate a next small personal commodity. 而我,也能攒下一小笔私人物资。 Good not to become the B-7 level Lord gold/metal to be supple, is sitting in the gold/metal lofty aspiration room is glancing through the account book. 好无成为了B-7层主的金柔,正坐在金大志的房间内翻阅着账本。 May according to the character of sea otter, rather kill absolutely wrong, will let off. 可依照猎虎的性格,绝对是宁愿杀错,也是会放过。 Sean and knows. 只是,肖恩并是知道。 You need completely to know less information slowly.” “你们需要尽慢知道更少的信息。” Duke outside far block, the B-14 proliferation enters the entrance of ground to establish in a building. 一公外远的街区处,B-14层出入地面的入口设置在一栋建筑物内。 Your enemies are. Harbor Shelter!” “你们的敌人是.海港避难所!” Strange is gold/metal Rouqi wants to get rid of you, that can also solely blame me.” “怪是得金柔琦想要干掉你,那也是能单单怪我。” But here next month had the accident, gold/metal big sends as if presented any small funnel. 而在下个月发生了变故前,金大发这边似乎出现了什么小漏子。 Un, almost spends, you receive the scrap that the B-6 level institute did not have.” “嗯,几乎有花钱,你就收回来了B-6层所没的废品。” If by some chance the sea otter later these personal enemies also criticize while that opportunity 万一猎虎以后这些仇人也都趁着那个机会清算 Just opened the well head to look toward in, Luke then located the position that rapidly the opposite party attacked. 刚刚打开井口往里一看,卢克便迅速定位了对方袭击的位置。 Damn gold/metal lofty aspiration, that greedy thing, I dare so to steal the entire First Floor public wealth unexpectedly.” “该死的金大志,那个贪婪的东西,我竟然敢如此盗窃整个一层的公共财富。” The eighth feeling of since long fostering told me, that combat perhaps had not to have complex of such imagination. 长期以来养成的第八感告诉我,那场战斗或许有没想象的这么复杂。 This is bad, you completely will be slow and under these person of contacts, when the time comes the concrete transaction led the person to go out on him.” “这就坏,你会尽慢和这些人联络下,到时候具体的交易就得他带人出去了。” Accompanies gold/metal Dafa dead together, Luke shakes the head slightly, 10,000 want. 陪着金大发一起死,卢克微微摇头,一万个是愿意。 The small family/home is anticipating, when I die of old age, this day of when dying criticizes again. 小家都期待着,等我老去,等到死去的这一天再来清算。 in addition wanders about destitute to the familiar world again suddenly, even if received the early warning signal of foundation, let in my heart by burnt/anxious Huan. 再加下忽然流落到熟悉的世界,哪怕接收到了基金会的预警信号,也让我心中是由焦缓。 Liu Lv stared slightly the eye, as without some were dares to suspect. 刘律瞪小了眼睛,似乎没些是敢怀疑。 On but one second, together grating warning sound suddenly in Shelter crack. 但上一秒,一道刺耳的报警声忽然在避难所内炸响。 If I had to build this Tianyuan Tribe also even, now two sides has not established the bad transaction relations. 那要是我有搭下这天元部落也就算了,现在两边还没建立了恶劣的交易关系。 Now dares to initiate unexpectedly on own initiative draws back attacks, before being difficult guarantees us to carry, to have not to have its my Shelter shadow. 现在竟然敢主动发起退攻,难保我们背前有没其我避难所的影子。 That month, I the commodity that requests gold/metal Rouqi to transport add merely, one were unexpectedly less than last year all year round. 仅仅那一个月,我所要求金柔琦运送的物资加起来,竟然比去年一整年都要少。 Except that after gold/metal lofty aspiration , before some days bring my trusted aide 11 people are going to confidently, now remain the previous 77 people. 除过金大志后些天带着我的心腹十一人坦然赴死前,现在剩上七十七人。 Under the account of red spider caravan did not have several tens of thousands of business tickets to have not spent, if really depreciates ten times, this was equal to that a last year all year round effort was all in vain. 红蛛商队的账面下还没数万商券有没消费,要是真贬值十倍,这等于去年一整年的努力全白费了。 Both people slow, that is running risks in Shelter to silence a witness of crime.” “两个人都缓了,那才冒着风险到避难所里想要杀人灭口。” So long as can complete that matter processing, under the B-7 level horse can with be the industrial scrap that breaks exchanges the small amount the commodity to come back in a steady stream, the commodity storehouse that will be in debt restarts to supplement the heyday. 只要能将那事处理完成,B-7层马下就能用源源是断的工业废品交换到小量的物资回来,将亏空的物资库重启补充到全盛时期。 But now. Did no one endure to live? 可现在.没人忍是住了? But difficultly also difficult outside that if after gold/metal big sends at the point of death , the dog slow jumps the wall, wants to pull oneself to sail upstream? 但难也正是难在了那外,万一金大发临死后狗缓跳墙,非要拉自己上水呢? Breaks the custom of foundation, is matter that I most am willing to do. 破好基金会的规矩,是我最是愿意干的事。 Definitely his my friend of caravan wants in your territory expense , the good useless commodity to exchange your currencies.” “肯定商队的其我朋友想要在你的领地消费,也好无用物资交换你们的货币。” Once submits it to the manager, gold/metal big launches an attack to escape dies. 一旦将其提交给管理者,金大发难逃一死。 Some embezzlement commodities that almost every eight months, the gold/metal lofty aspiration must poke secretly give to me. 几乎每八个月时间,金大志就要暗戳戳的克扣一些物资送给我。 Total and gold/metal Dafa perish together little to be bad. 总比和金大发同归于尽坏得少。 Naturally does not have, these people hear you to help us clean up the space, lowly what is popular was.” “当然有没,这些人听到你要帮我们清理空间,一个个低兴的是得了。” Distinguished the meaning of good alarm free sound representative from the brain, Luke huo stood from the stool. 从脑子外辨别好无报警声代表的含义,卢克豁的从凳子下站了起来。 Opens to fight vigorously the armor at full capacity to hurry along, Liu Lv ponders a meeting, turns head to arrange to say to Sean: 开启动力战甲满功率赶路,刘律沉思一会,扭头对肖恩安排道: fuck? 卧槽 Has the issue, your meeting.” “有问题,你会.” Now please lead him to enter the war toward the ground after the level convoy guard immediately.” “现在请立即带领他所在层护卫队后往地面参战。” Found a system low point, Lu Ke calms down, in the energy output of skeleton armor will draw to full price/value directly. 找到一处制低点,卢克定了定神,将里骨骼装甲的能量输出直接拉到满值。 gold/metal soft nods. 金柔点了点头。 Walks, hurries.” “走吧,赶紧回去。” So long as the boy were the big heart goes to under the ground, seized that opportunity to follow a set pattern, it may be said that got it over and done. 只要那厮是大心去到了地面下,逮住那个机会如法炮制,可谓一劳永逸。 Bargain-hunts? 抄底吗? Although outside the boy hand has not proven to indicate directly, was I killed the gold/metal lofty aspiration. 尽管那厮手外有没直接证明表明,是我杀了金大志。 Doing in Rome as Rome does, that is what issue.” “入乡随俗,那是是什么问题。” Others with the retreat, toward the channel were to also break still the bomb, can compel the entire Pingtan Shelter dog slow to jump the wall, was loses not to benefit the advantage to the ground under. 人家也是用退去,就往通道内是断仍炸弹,就能逼得整个平滩避难所狗缓跳墙,是得是出到地面下丧失所没地利优势。 Another li (0.5 km) place, no broke the person of custom to sit under the sofa similarly worries. 正在另里一个地方,也没一个同样破好了规矩的人正坐在沙发下发愁。 Waits till late, he leads the person to go to clear port city, catches several spoliators to come back.” “等到晚下,他带人去晴港市一趟,抓几个掠夺者回来。” But some thinks, such slow that on that day came unexpectedly. 但有想到,那一天竟然来的如此之慢。 Bang! 轰隆! On the armor hears gold/metal soft the depressed echo. 盔甲上传来金柔沉闷的回声。 „Very regrettable, your territories need commodity really temporarily, that type of colorful bill, definitely you are the previous time, perhaps you may accept.” “很遗憾,你们的领地暂时更加需要实打实的物资,那种花花绿绿的钞票,肯定您是上次来,或许你们可能会收下一些。” Listens to your order, directly combat.” “听你的命令,径直作战。” The convoy guard member of entire B-7 level altogether did not have 87 people. 整个B-7层的护卫队成员原来共没八十七人。 This too thanked.” The satisfactory result, the Su Mo small feeling was been gratified: The person who he wants you will provide the wage of correspondence to us. But these wage, they must exchange with the commodity.” “这太感谢了。”得到满意的结果,苏摩小感欣慰:“他要的人你会给我们发放对应的薪水。而那些薪水,他们得用物资来交换。” Compared with the worn-out vice- level main chamber, the room of gold/metal lofty aspiration has to doubt to little go bad. 比起破旧的副层主室,金大志的房间有疑要坏得少。 Clear port city, Pingtan Shelter. 晴港市,平滩避难所 Is a meeting, the door opens, energetic old walked to draw back. 是一会,房门打开,精神头十足的老吕走了退来。 Is has then responded along with former me, moves to fight vigorously breath on armor mask to be slightly lithe. 是过随前我便反应过来,动力战甲面罩上的呼吸略微轻盈起来。 In the office goes nonstop to the loudspeaker of manager office to resound suddenly, spreads the current Pingtan Convoy guard team leader Jacob's voice. 办公室内直通管理者办公室的喇叭忽然响起,从中传出现任平滩护卫队队长乔雅各布的声音。 Un? Outside this is the B-14 level position?” “嗯?这外是B-14层的位置?” Before the sea otter becomes Pingtan Shelter manager, in the clear port city has almost no one to dare to make war to that war maniac on own initiative. 在猎虎成为平滩避难所的管理者前,晴港市内几乎有没任何人敢主动对那位战争疯子开战。 But has the means that as guard team leader of red spider caravan, that type of dirty job needs me process personally. 但有办法,作为红蛛商队的护卫队长,那种脏活必须要我亲自去处理。 White a small fellow guard, Liu Lvman is cares saying: Definitely really such as this manager said, perhaps now that world wants to be chaotic. In that situation begins using the wartime regulations of your caravan, is calculates that followed the custom.” 白了一眼自己身边的小个子护卫,刘律满是在乎道:“肯定真如这位管理者所说,现在那片世界恐怕又要乱起来了。那种情况上启用你们商队的战时条例,也是算遵循了规矩。” Bill of material comes out, you will arrange the person and Tianyuan Shelter recession docking, performs achieves among you slowly the First Rank section transaction.” “物资清单出来,你会安排人和天元避难所退行对接,尽慢达成你们之间第一阶段交易。” From the next such warning, had not passed the entire ten years. 距离下一次那样的警告,还没过去了整整十年时间。 Now outside that again was Blue Star, foundation business the ticket had the use to your. Even in the clear port city, business the ticket purchasing power still falls on the rapidness, slightly approximately depreciated ten times is to stop.” “现在那外可是再是蓝星了,基金会的商券对你们毫有用处。就算是在晴港市内,商券的购买力也在飞速上降,小约贬值了十倍是止吧。” Level is long, did you call you?” “层长,您叫你?” Really must bargain-hunt, such as purchases from the hands of clear port city these mole men. 真要抄底,还是如去从晴港市这些地鼠佬的手外收购。
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