MMKOBTOTVOD :: Volume #13

#1211: Dragon clan evildoer/monstrous talent

The Xu Fan son sends out Hidden Spirit Gate Huangshan in a kindly manner, will pledge for ten years to go to ten thousand clan congresses in it place. 徐凡好声好气儿地把黄山送出隐灵门,承诺十年之内会去万族大会所在之地。 After Huangshan walks, Xu Fan asked immediately: Grape, controls sect to go to ten thousand clan congresses in it place.” 黄山走之后,徐凡当即问道:“葡萄,操控宗门去万族大会所在之地。” Compliant master.” “遵命主人。” Afterward all sect disciples received sect soon to go to 3000 notices, let make with a sense of urgency at the matter that the place of chaos has not solved. 随后所有宗门弟子收到了宗门即将前往三千界的通知,让在混沌之地还未解决完的事情抓紧弄完。 The huge Saint Yang strength drew up one chaos space big in the place of space chaos together forcefully, holds entire Hidden Spirit Island sufficiently. 一道庞大的圣阳之力强行在混沌之地空间中绘制了一座混沌空间大阵,足以容纳整座隐灵岛 Only in shouted attracts, Hidden Spirit Island vanished to be transmitted 3000 somewhere. 只在一呼一吸之间,隐灵岛消失被传送到了三千界某处。 Good, these for several thousand years No. 1 No. 2 has not been loaf.” Xu Fan said with a smile. “不错,这几千年来1号2号没有偷懒。”徐凡笑着说道。 He felt to endure compared with the energy of Great Sage person from Saint day star transmitting a moment ago vigorously. 刚才他感受到了从圣日星传来的蓬勃堪比大圣人的能量。 The alloy that it seems like Senior Brother Sha studied at that time had not been left uncultivated. 看来沙师兄那时候所研究出来的合金没有被荒废。 No. 2 clone form appears side Xu Fan. 二号分身的身影出现在徐凡身边。 Main body, you left these years, I have not rested with 1 st.” “本体,你离开了这些年,我跟一号都没有休息过。” „The Dyson ball outside Saint day star has completed one less than half, but was this has reached 3000 limits less than half.” “圣日星外的戴森球已经完成一小半了,但就是这一小半已经达到了三千界的极限。” Had this card in a hand, the main body you, even if not come back, our Hidden Spirit Island can also in 3000 sweep away all obstacles, fears nothing which is not.” Clone to wave to say on the 2 nd aggressively. “有了这底牌,本体你哪怕不回来,咱们隐灵岛也能在三千界中所向披靡,无所不惧。”二号分身挥手霸气说道。 You hope that I don't come back?” Xu Fan narrows the eye. “你们希望我不回来?”徐凡眯起眼睛。 Of course not, I want to indicate you not in this period of time we are very laborious, can therefore have a long vacation to us.” “当然不是,我只是想表明你不在的这段时间我们很辛苦,所以能不能给我们放个长假。” Now you are also promoted the sage, has been able to threaten you in 3000 in no one.” “现在你也晋级到圣人了,在三千界之中已经没有人能威胁到你了。” „Can your late salt fish time, make me also enjoy with 1 st ~ clone to rub hands to say on the 2 nd, looked longs to the Xu Fan look very much. “你后期的咸鱼时光,能不能让我跟一号也享受享受~”二号分身搓着手说道,看向徐凡的眼神很是渴望。 Said, after sect stability, you with 1 st can the salt fish, leave Hidden Spirit Gate to go to the major paradises is not a problem heartily.” “好说,等宗门稳定后,你跟一号可以尽情地咸鱼,离开隐灵门去各大仙界都不成问题。” Xu Fan was saying lifts the hand gently, a palace and a great sword appear in the Xu Fan palm world. 徐凡说着轻轻一抬手,一个宫殿和一把巨剑浮现在徐凡手掌世界中。 This was I passed by precious gift that a world received, you helped me transform, then had your long vacation, millennium long vacations.” The Xu Fan corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly. “这是我路过其中一个世界所收到的珍贵礼物,你们帮我改造一番,然后就放你们长假,千年长假。”徐凡嘴角微微翘起。 „Does main body, first have a vacation to transform the line again?” Clone to ask on the 2 nd cautiously. “本体,先放假回来再改造行吗?”二号分身小心翼翼地问道。 That is also good ~ Xu Fan does not care saying that 3000 went through customs in any case, later hatred/enemy report a report, does not have any important matter. “那也行~”徐凡不在意说道,反正三千界中都通关了,后期把仇报一报,就没有什么大事了。 Hears the Xu Fan words, clone to size up Xu Fan on the 2 nd earnestly. 听到徐凡的话,二号分身认真地打量了徐凡一番。 Main body, your, my also some do not adapt suddenly.” “本体,你猛然这样,我还有些不适应。” Has anything not to adapt, to general that you said that I was promoted the sage, in 3000, but also who can threaten me.” Xu Fan said calmly. “有什么不适应的,就跟你说的一般,我都晋级成圣人了,在三千界中,还有谁能威胁到我。”徐凡气定神闲说道。 Main body you said right, I first followed 1 st ~ “本体你说得对,我跟一号先走了~” Soon, a small-scale immortal boat departs from Hidden Spirit Gate, flies toward a recent paradise. 不多时,一座小型仙舟从隐灵门飞出,向着最近的一处仙界飞去。 The rapidness of speed, obviously its urgent mood. 速度之快,可见其急迫的心情。 After No. 1 No. 2 clone to leave, Hidden Spirit Gate again space transmission. 1号2号分身离开之后,隐灵门再次空间传送。 Appears in directly, ten thousand clan congresses open outside the place. 直接出现在,万族大会开设地点外。 At this time, in ten thousand clan congresses open outside the place to anchor all kinds of Lingbao. 此时,在万族大会开设地点外停靠着各种各样的灵宝。 Palace, mountain peak, mainland, great boat, even stars. 宫殿,山峰,大陆,巨舟,甚至还有一座星辰。 Each private car Lingbao is lending the terrifying aura. 每一座驾灵宝都散发着恐怖的气息。 At this time, a giant dragon bone|keel boat arrived by Hidden Spirit Gate. 就在这时候,一艘巨型的龙骨舟来到了隐灵门旁边。 Does not know that Brother Xu Fan may in ~ above dragon boat resounded went all out immortal dynasty the Lord sound. “不知徐凡兄弟可在~”龙舟之上响起了大乾仙朝之主的声音。 Big brother ~ the Xu Fan form appears outside Hidden Spirit Island. “大哥~”徐凡的身影出现在隐灵岛外。 Little brother, these several thousand years did not see to want dead I ~ went all out the lord of immortal dynasty to look that Xu Fan said kindly. “小弟,这几千年不见可想死我了~”大乾仙朝之主看着徐凡亲切说道。 Especially after feeling on Xu Fan to lend the aura of sage, displays warmly. 尤其是感受到徐凡身上散发出圣人的气息后,表现得更加热情。 Snort!” “哼!” Has dragon Yinban the voice to resound. 带有龙吟般的声音响起。 Sees only one long to have ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Zulong coldly looks that Xu Fan and goes all out the lord of immortal dynasty. 只见一条长有万丈的祖龙冷冷地看着徐凡和大乾仙朝之主。 old dragon two, looked that you were not so happy, has anything not to suppress at heart, said that making everyone happy ~ went all out the lord of immortal dynasty to look at that Zulong with a laugh. “老龙二,看你这么不高兴,有什么事别憋在心里,说出来,让大家开心开心~”大乾仙朝之主笑呵呵地看着那一条祖龙。 Simultaneously Xu Fan also with that Zulong who the different kind vision takes a look at up and down. 同时徐凡也用别样的目光上下打量的那祖龙。 The Xu Fan vision just like penetrates the world myriad things together the sharp sword, that Zulong felt own whole body was completely understood general. 徐凡的目光犹如一道穿透世间万物的利剑,那一条祖龙感觉自己全身被看透一般。 My dragon clan and your gratitude and grudges, although puts down temporarily, but this will not represent my dragon clan to let off you ~ Zulong cold sound said. “我龙族与你们的恩怨虽然暂时放下,但这不代表我龙族会放过你们~”祖龙冷声说道。 „After you want that evildoer/monstrous talent that waits for your dragon clan to cultivate to grow, bides one's time for punishment?” Xu Fan asked indifferently. “你是想等你们龙族培育的那个妖孽成长起来之后再秋后算账吗?”徐凡淡然问道。 Then Zulong vision was very cold, after looking at Xu Fan one, left, was disinclined to respond Xu Fan. 那祖龙的目光很冷,看了徐凡一眼之后便离开了,懒得搭理徐凡 Xu Fan looks at the direction that Zulong departs, showed a smile. 徐凡看着祖龙离去的方向,露出了一丝笑容。 Big brother, you know evildoer/monstrous talent that dragon clan trains where.” Xu Fan asked with a smile. “大哥,你知道龙族培养的妖孽在什么地方吗。”徐凡笑着问道。 That inevitably is Saint dragon boundary/world, but that is very mystical, should circle outside the place.” Goes all out the lord of immortal dynasty to say. “那必然是圣龙界,不过那一界很是神秘,应该盘旋在界外之地。”大乾仙朝之主说道。 Once he also made the oversized effort to look for Saint dragon boundary/world, but did not have the result. 曾经他也花过大力气寻找圣龙界,只是一直没有结果。 „Is the big brother interested in trying a special dish, this dish exhausted a dragon clan hundreds of thousands of years of painstaking care.” “那大哥有没有兴趣尝一道特殊的菜,这道菜可是耗尽了龙族数十万年的心血。” As Xu Fan finishes speaking, in underground space clone to be transmitted outside Divine Dragon by the strong Saint Yang strength on the 3 rd directly. 随着徐凡话音刚落,在地下空间中的三号分身直接被强大的圣阳之力传送到了神龙界外。 Afterward turns around to change to one to spread the wings to camouflage Golden Wing Great Peng of paradise. 随后转身化作一只展翅便可遮蔽仙界的金翅大鹏 Threw toward Divine Dragon of not far away. 向着不远处的神龙界扑了过去。 Sharp claws broke through Divine Dragon outer wall to insert directly. 一只利爪直接突破神龙界外壁插入了其中。 Only listens to two dragon who has the terrifying imposing manner recited the sound to get up. 只听两道带有恐怖气势的龙吟之声响起。 Zulong of two Great Sage person ranks appears outside Divine Dragon, is looking angrily at Golden Wing Great Peng that rushes to their Divine Dragon. 两条大圣人级别的祖龙出现在神龙界外,怒视着闯他们神龙界的金翅大鹏 No time rubbish with you ~ “没工夫跟你们废话~” The solemn sound resounds together, later that pair can camouflage the gold/metal wing of paradise to wield. 一道冷峻的声音响起,随后那双可以遮蔽仙界的金翅挥动。 Zulong of that two Great Sage person ranks took advantage of opportunity to be involved in the space storm. 那两条大圣人级别的祖龙顺势被卷入到了空间风暴中。 Golden Wing Great Peng searches into to take back to that sharp claws of Divine Dragon, True Dragon of Zulong and Golden Immortal rank just like two bugs to be the same, was grasped by Golden Wing Great Peng under the sharp claws. 金翅大鹏探入到神龙界的那一只利爪收回,一条祖龙和一条金仙级别的真龙犹如两条小虫一般,被金翅大鹏抓在利爪之下。 Last transmission law that is condensed by the Saint Yang strength appears in Golden Wing Great Peng body one after next. 最后一道由圣阳之力凝聚的传送法阵出现在金翅大鹏身下下。 From 3000 not far chaos dense fog, also wants the large number ten times of the world to gather round 3000 compared with Divine Dragon to warm up slowly. 距离三千界不远的一处混沌迷雾中,一座比神龙界还要大数十倍的世界正在围着三千界缓缓转暖。 But at this time outside that world, burns the light group of Saint Yang strength to appear together. 而此时在那世界之外,一道燃烧着圣阳之力的光团出现。 Golden Wing Great Peng departs from the light group place, dug in that macrocosm directly. 金翅大鹏从光团处飞出,直接扎入了那一个大世界中。 In Hidden Spirit Island, goes all out the lord of immortal dynasty to look that Xu Fan somewhat asked excitedly: Brothers had the means to find that evildoer/monstrous talent True Dragon.” 隐灵岛中,大乾仙朝之主看着徐凡有些激动地问道:“兄弟有办法找到那一条妖孽真龙。” Has the means that asked that the big brother does dare to eat?” Xu Fan said with a smile. “有办法,就问大哥敢不敢吃吧?”徐凡笑着说道。 This has what does not dare, it is said dragon clan to train this evildoer/monstrous talent True Dragon, almost with the strength of entire clan.” “这有何不敢,据说龙族为了培养这一条妖孽真龙,几乎用上了全族之力。” This, if makes the entire dragon feast that evildoer/monstrous talent, entire dragon clan estimated must be mad must ascend to heaven.” “这要是把那一条妖孽做成全龙宴,整个龙族估计都得气的要升天。” So fun matter, how could I let off ~ “如此好玩的事情,我岂能放过~” At this moment, in the mountain valley of two people not far away, shines the endless Saint Yang strength the ray. 就在这时,两人不远处的一处山谷之中,亮起无尽圣阳之力的光芒。
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