, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The distant place, the Undying Demon Clanpowerhousenoticed that the adjudicatorSirruns away, in the heartrelaxes, theyalsoreallyfeared that the adjudicatorSirfalls into the mysteriousHeavenly Venerablehand.
远处,不死魔族的强者看到裁决者大人逃走,心中松了一口气,他们还真怕裁决者大人落入神秘天尊手中。However the quicklooksolidified, the direction that becausemysteriousHeavenly Venerable is actually attowardthemcomes.
不过很快眼神凝固了下来,因为神秘天尊竟然朝着他们所在的方向而来。Heavenly Venerable Boundarypowerhousewhat kind ofspeed, a distance, far away, cannot breathe, arrives attheirfront.天尊境强者何等速度,一步距离,咫尺天涯,一个呼吸不到,就来到他们的面前。
The Heavenly Venerablepressurefills the air, covers the boundlessspace, variouspeoplebreathessuffocates, Primordial Spiritis trembling.天尊威压弥漫,笼罩无垠空间,诸人呼吸窒息,元神在颤栗。Thispower and influencewas too rich, presentsno one to withstandthisfearfulpower and influence.
这股威势太浓郁了,在场无一人能承受这股可怕的威势。„Before, senior”
“前,前辈”Onegroup of peoplebrace oneself, the stuttersaid.
一群人硬着头皮,结结巴巴道。Theyare sweating profusely, the innermost feelingsare terrified, does not understand why mysteriousHeavenly Venerablewalkstowardthem.
他们满头大汗,内心惶恐不安,不明白神秘天尊为何朝他们走来。Especially the mysteriouspowerhousewhole bodyblue lightis rich, the probablybluerosy cloudwas equally bright, covered up the appearance/portrait, did not see clearly the appearance of opposite party.
尤其是神秘强者周身蓝光浓郁,像是蓝霞一样灿烂,遮掩了真容,看不清楚对方的模样。Althoughcannot see clearly the facial features, butvariouspeoplecan the sensation, have the dignifiedpupilto sweeponthemtogether.
虽然看不清面容,但是诸人能够感知到,有一道威严的眸子在他们身上扫过。When the line of sighthas swept, theyall over the bodylivecoldly, just likewas observed closelyto be the same by the great antiquitybeast of prey, movesdoes not dareto move.
当视线扫过的时候,他们遍体生寒,犹如被洪荒猛兽盯住一样,一动不敢动。„, It is not you”
The magnificencebutterflysaw a personin the middle ofmanySage Boundary, talked to oneself.
华蝶在诸多圣境当中看到了一个人,自语道。In the middle ofmanySage Boundary, Lebanesemagnificentismost anxiousone, becausehediscovered that the mysteriousHeavenly Venerableline of sightfalls , on him, is not moving, butisstaringis bitinghim.
诸多圣境当中,黎华是最紧张的一个,因为他发现神秘天尊视线落在他身上的时候,就不在移动,而是直勾勾的叮着他。Lebanesemagnificentflashpressureincreases, scalp tingles, does not understand why mysteriousHeavenly Venerablestared athim.
“嗷”Quick, Lebanesemagnificencepaincalled, the whole bodyhad the burningly painfulfeeling.
The body surface of Lebanesemagnificent, does not know when had/leftgoldenflame, such as the scorching sunis gorgeous, sends out the extremelyfearfultemperature.
The short2-3seconds, Lebanesemagnificentthengasifiesin the goldenflame, vanished in a puff of smoke.
短短2-3秒钟,黎华便在金色火焰中气化,灰飞烟灭。Lebanesemagnificenttodyingdoes not know why mysteriousHeavenly Venerablemustkillhim.
The surroundingpersonseesthis scene, the whole bodysendscoldly, inflash that the goldenflamepresents, theirheartsalmoststoppedbeating.
The power and influence that the goldenflamesends outmakesthemfearful and apprehensive.
神火?In the minddid not think ofgodfirewordvoluntarily.
脑海中不自觉的想到了神火这个词。Although the goldenflameonlypresentsfor several seconds the time, the temperature that butthatsends outabsolutelyis the godhotequivalent, withoutseeingSage Monarchcould not insist that fourseconds, were frightened out of one's wits.
虽然金色火焰只出现短短几秒钟时间,但是那散发出来的温度绝对是神火等阶,没看见一位圣君坚持不住四秒钟,就魂飞魄散了吗。Onegroup of people were almost scared, motionless, the atmospheredoes not dareto breathe, mysteriousHeavenly Venerable that the fearbreath can also annoyis uncomfortable, thuswas burntby the godfire.
一群人几乎吓傻了,一动不动,大气也不敢喘,害怕呼吸也会惹的神秘天尊不爽,从而被神火烧死。Is goodaftermysteriousHeavenly VenerablekilledLebanesemagnificent, has not continuedto start, spansfromthemleaves, vanishesin the horizonend.
好在神秘天尊杀了黎华之后,并没有继续下手,从他们面前跨越离开,消失在天际尽头。WhenmysteriousHeavenly Venerablevanishesdoes not see, personitsiton the scenerelaxes, turns head, discovered the backmoisteningby the sweat.
当神秘天尊消失不见,在场人其其松了一口气,回过头来,发现后背已经被汗水给打湿了。This timemagnificencebutterfly, has arriveddid not haveTwin cities, the powerfulHeavenly Venerableaurafills the air, alarmswithoutTwin citieslittleSage Boundary, onecrowd of Sage Boundaryraised the head, looks at the in the airbloomingbluerosy cloud the form, reveals the Heavenly Venerablerank the strongpressure, in the eyes of everyone allrevealscolorwith amazement.
此时的华蝶,已经来到了无双城,强大的天尊气息弥漫,惊动无双城少许的圣境,一群圣境抬起头,看着空中绽放蓝霞的身影,流露出天尊级别的超强威压,每个人的眼中皆露出骇然之色。Theyare not clear, whymysteriousHeavenly Venerabledoes not haveTwin cities.
他们不明白,神秘天尊为何来无双城。Previously the adjudicator and mysteriousHeavenly Venerablewar, theirnaturalsensationarrived, butdid not have the short distanceto observe.
先前裁决者与神秘天尊的大战,他们当然感知到了,只不过没有近距离观战而已。At this moment, mysteriousHeavenly Venerablearrivestonot havingTwin cities, letstheireverybody feels insecure.
The blue lightflashes, theydiscovered that mysteriousHeavenly VenerablearrivestoYuan Residencesky oversuddenly.
蓝光一闪,他们发现神秘天尊突然降临到元府上空。InYuan Residence, the innumerablepersonsensationstothispressure, ranin abundance, sees the form in upper air, in the eyereveals the color of fear.
A Yuan Residencevariousbrainblank, does not understand why mysteriousHeavenly Venerablelooked forthem.
The Yuanazurebody, burntsuddenlygoldenflame, Yuanazuredisintegratedat the visiblespeed, thenunravelled.
元正青的身上,突然燃烧起了一层金色的火焰,元正青以肉眼可见的速度瓦解,然后灰飞烟灭。While the Yuan Residencepowerhousethinkswill exterminate the clan, discoverymysteriousHeavenly Venerablehas actually vanisheddoes not see.
The crisisrelieves, is survivor of disaster, each otherlooking at each other that onegroup of peoplerejoice.
危机解除,劫后余生,一群人庆幸的彼此对视。Afterwardis quickto have doubts, whymysteriousHeavenly Venerablekills the Yuanto be just blue, the YuanoffendedmysteriousHeavenly Venerableazure.
随后很快又疑惑起来,神秘天尊为何杀死元正青,难道元正青得罪了神秘天尊。Is impossible, Yuanazureevenagainsilly, notsillyoffends the Heavenly Venerablepowerhouse.
不可能啊,元正青就算再傻,也不会傻乎乎的去得罪天尊强者啊。At once, the one after anotherspiritual sensefluctuationgathers, letstheirlookbig change, theyhave been sent greetings, observingLebanesemagnificentdied, was burntby the goldenflame.
旋即,一道道神念波动汇聚过来,让他们神色大变,他们得到传音,观战的黎华死了,被金色火焰烧死。„Is difficultto be inadequateishe”
“难不成是他”At this moment, ineveryone'smindthinks a character, thatis the swordthird son.
这一刻,所有人的脑海中都想到了一个人物,那就是剑三公子。Thatis a talentPrimordial Spirit Boundaryunimportant person, except for the talentevildoer/monstrous talent, was not noteworthy.
The talent must to growagain, cannot grow, is onlypinch of loess.
再天才也得要成长起来,成长不起来,只是一撮黄土罢了。Nowlooks like, the swordthird son'sbackpossiblyhas a Heavenly Venerable Boundarypowerhouse.
现在看来,剑三公子的背后可能有一尊天尊境强者。Becauseseveraldays ago the seizingswordthird sonmakesominouslyisLebanesemagnificenceHeyuan is just azure.
因为几天前抓捕剑三公子闹得最凶的就是黎华和元正青。Two peoplemustmake a moveto the Primordial Spirit Boundaryswordthird sonbySage Monarchcultivation base, butswordthird son'sbackHeavenly Venerablealsototheiropponents.
After drawing the conclusion, invariousheartswith amazement, theyeven iflaterwent outfromhere, cannotoffend the swordthird son, otherwise, even if the backstands the adjudicator unable to preservethem.
得出结论之后,诸强心中骇然,他们以后就算从这里出去了,也不能得罪剑三公子,不然的话,就算是背后站着裁决者也保不住他们。In the middle ofprimitivejungle, the magnificencebutterflysays: „SmallLu Chen, Masterhelpedyourevenge, not, butyourcultivationspeed could waitdozensyears to revenge, mortal bodyalsoyou.”
The magnificencebutterflysaid,then the spiritbodyvanishesto disappear.
华蝶说完,然后灵身就消失不见了。Lu Chencontrols the body, then a fiercepainspreads over the whole body, fromin the airplanted, poundsin the middle of the jungle.陆尘重新掌控身体,然后一阵剧烈的痛感传遍全身,一头从空中栽了下去,砸进密林当中。„Oh, ohgoodpain”
“哎哟,哎哟好痛啊”In the middle of the jungle, the human formbig hole, this momentLu Chenignores the imagecalled out pitifullyloudly, swayed back and fortheverywhere.
密林当中,有一个人形大坑,此刻陆尘不顾形象的大声惨叫起来,满地打滚。Lu Chenfelt that the whole bodybroke to pieces, meridiansentirelybroken, the bonewas ground the sedimentache.陆尘感觉浑身都碎了,经脉俱断,骨头被碾成渣子般的疼痛。
The reasonis the body of his Primordial Spirit Boundaryby the powerfulspiritbodycontrol , to promote forcefullyHeavenly Venerable Boundary.
原因就是他这具元神境的躯体被强大灵身掌控,硬生生的提升到天尊境。Althoughhisbodyhas quenchingedby the godfire and thunder, is especially powerful, butwas controlled after bytwoMaster, has been on the torn to piecesedge.
他的这具躯体虽然被神火和雷霆淬炼过,格外强大,但是被两个师父掌控之后,已经处于支离破碎的边缘。Lu Chenlies downin the big hole, the four limbsassume the bigfont, holds up the headto look at the day, only theneyeballrumblerotation.陆尘躺在大坑中,四肢呈大字型,昂头望天,只有眼珠子咕噜噜的转动着。Besides a breathstill , and eyeballcanrotate, cannot move.
除了一丝呼吸尚在,以及眼珠能转动之外,动弹不得。Silk threadsspirit strengthenters the bodyfollowing the pore, the bodyin the slowhealing.
丝丝缕缕的灵力顺着毛孔进入身体,身体在缓慢的愈合。Lu Chenis supposing, at leastmustrestfor half a month the time, canjump for joyagain.陆尘估摸着,起码要休息半个月时间,才能再次活蹦乱跳。LetMastercontrol the price of body is too big, laterthismatterlittle happen towell.
A day, twodays.
一天,两天。Lu Chenlay downtwodays of time, the landvibratessuddenly, everything may become vulnerable.陆尘足足躺了两天时间,突然间大地震动起来,地动山摇。„What's the matter”Lu Chen, was in great surprise difficultto be inadequate the earthquake.
“怎么回事”陆尘大惊,难不成地震了。At this moment, the entiremystical place the fiercevibration, everyoneis soaring, in the flight the upper air, overlooks, sees only the landto split, land that endurecompared with the mainland, incrashdownwardfast.
此刻,整个秘境都在剧烈的震动,所有人腾飞起来,飞行上高空,俯瞰下方,只见大地裂开,一块块堪比大陆的陆地,在飞快的往下坠落。„Mystical placebroke”at this moment, in the mystical placeeveryonefacial expressionis excited.
“秘境破了”这一刻,秘境中所有人神情激动起来。Reasonafter the swordthird sonbrokenlocates the 48 th graypalace, twoclanshad the Sage Boundarygreat personto actpersonally, destroyed the sealplace.
原因就是在剑三公子破处掉第四十八座灰色宫殿之后,两族有圣境大人物亲自出手,破坏了封印地。Calculates the time, just can on.
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