MMISF :: Volume #5

#418: permits Qingyao

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What the magnificence butterfly uses is the Lu Chen tone, in addition fiery look, a feeling of glib. 华蝶用的是陆尘的语气,加上火热的眼神,给人一种油腔滑调的感觉。 Adjudicator delay in same place, does not know how to reply. 裁决者呆滞在原地,不知道怎么回答。 „, This small cheek, tender soon drops the water leakage to come magnificence butterfly to size up the cheek of adjudicator, then, made a movement that made the adjudicator shock everybody. “啧啧,这小脸蛋,嫩的快要滴出水来”华蝶打量裁决者的脸蛋,然后,更是做了一个令裁决者惊世骇俗的动作。 When the opposite party is in a daze same place, magnificence butterfly put out a hand, pinched the adjudicator fair cheek. 在对方原地发愣的时候,华蝶伸出手,捏了捏裁决者白皙的脸蛋。 Haha, is very die tender magnificence to laugh. “哈哈,果然很嫩”华蝶哈哈大笑。 Adjudicator tender body stiff in same place, the apricot pupil circle stares, later the figure flashes, shifts several thousand zhang (3.33 m). 裁决者娇躯僵硬在原地,杏眸圆瞪,随后身形一闪,横移数千丈。 Knows in the sea, Lu Chen was also scared, this Fourth Master, really must do the matter. 识海中,陆尘也傻眼了,这个四师父,果然要搞事情。 Where walks “哪里走” The magnificence butterfly shouted lightly, the figure flashed, with, erupted the Heavenly Venerable level pressure simultaneously. 华蝶轻喝道,身形一闪,跟了上去,同时爆发出天尊级威压。 This person had been injured by the eldest sister, injures the source, the strength ten less than one, the magnificence butterfly did not fear. 此人已经被大姐打伤,伤到了本源,实力十不足一,华蝶根本不怕。 The Heavenly Venerable level pressure hits ruthlessly on the body of adjudicator. 天尊级威压狠狠撞在裁决者的身上。 Titter! 噗嗤! Originally on the injured adjudicator, has one misfortune after another, puts out a bright red blood, on the cherry lips is moistening a bloodstain, looks very sad touching. 本来就受伤的裁决者,雪上加霜,吐出一口鲜红的鲜血,樱唇上沾着点点血迹,看起来很凄美。 Young girl, submits to magnificence butterfly to laugh saying: Following master, the master leads you to be popular drinks spicily.” “小妞,臣服吧”华蝶哈哈大笑道:“跟着爷,爷带你吃香的喝辣的。” Knows in the sea, Lu Chen at present one black, the feeling is pitch-dark. 识海中,陆尘眼前一黑,感觉昏天黑地。 oneself this Fourth Master should not be the bandit chief will be born, the bandit who this tone, the bandit mountain just like gets down plunders, seizes the argument that the daughter said. 自己四师父该不会是土匪头子出生吧,这语气,活脱脱的土匪山下来的土匪打家劫舍,强抢民女说的调调。 This .... “这....” One group of powerhouses who 100000 miles away surrounds, hear this words, was scared. 100000里外围观的一群强者,听到这话语,也傻眼了。 This tone seems like Heavenly Venerable said that with the bandit tone to be how similar, this is Heavenly Venerable. 这语气像是一位天尊说的吗,怎么跟土匪语气差不多,这还是一位天尊吗。 A powerhouse of Undying Demon Clan side worries secretly, the secretly thought went bad, their most powerhouse not only ran into the thorny enemy, but also this enemy also very hooligan. 不死魔族一方的强者暗暗着急起来,暗道坏了,他们一方的最强者不仅遇到了棘手的敌人,而且这个敌人还很流氓。 The adjudicators stand firm the figure, hearing this this words, in the elegant pupil appears wipes the malignant influences. 裁决者稳住身形,闻言此话,俏眸中出现一抹煞气。 Lifts the white hands, condenses spirit strength forcefully, on the jade palm the malignant influences winding, is patting to Lu Chen. 抬起玉手,强行凝聚灵力,玉掌上煞气缠绕,对着陆尘拍来。 Lu Chen lifts the hand, the same palm makes, shaking the adjudicator figure is not steady, then a palm, extremely dreadful hits toward the chest of adjudicator. 陆尘抬手,同样一掌打出,震得裁决者身形不稳,然后接着一掌,极为猥琐的朝裁决者的胸口打去。 The adjudicators shame the anger to be incomparable, the fast make way, avoids this palm, suddenly, she felt the waist warm feeling flashes to pass. 裁决者羞怒无比,快速闪开,避开这一掌,突然间,她感觉腰间温热感一闪而逝。 Hehe, the waist is also very thin, and is very soft at the same time, a dreadful sound spreads to the ear of adjudicator. “嘿嘿,腰也挺细的,并且很柔软”与此同时,一句猥琐的声音传入裁决者的耳朵。 Knows in the sea, Lu Chen wants to cry, Master, can we should not be so dreadful, how could I have used such dreadful intonation. 识海中,陆尘想哭,师父啊,咱能不能不要这么猥琐,我何曾用过这么猥琐的语调。 If were seen by the acquaintance, my first illustrious name destroyed. 要是被熟人看见,我的一世英名就毁了啊。 Although Lu Chen worries, is good is covered by a blue halo around the magnificence butterfly, the person cannot see clearly his facial features. 陆尘虽然着急,好在华蝶周围被一层蓝色的光晕笼罩,外界的人看不清他的面容。 flatter “阿噗” A blowout blood that the adjudicators are mad, breathless exclaiming: You are shameless.” 裁决者气的喷出一口血,气急败坏的吼道:“你无耻。” The tender body that the adjudicators are mad shivers, cheek tender and beautiful unparalleled, in the foreheads full is the malignant influences, in the eye is flooding the anger. 裁决者气的娇躯颤抖,脸蛋娇艳无双,眉宇间满是煞气,眼中充斥着怒火。 She the adjudicator as keeping aloof, big Heavenly Venerable Boundary, how could had been bumped the waist by the opposite sex, the hand had not been touched by the opposite sex. 她身为高高在上的裁决者,大天尊境界,何曾被异性碰过腰肢,就连手都没有被异性碰过。 By her status, all opposite sexes must maintain one zhang (3.33 m) distance with her. 以她的身份,所有异性必须跟她保持一丈的距离。 Dies to me “给我死” The adjudicators put out the Heavenly Venerable sword, feels somebody's aura, quick ruthless accurate cuts a sword. 裁决者拿出天尊剑,感受到某人的气息,快狠准的斩出一剑。 Young girl, the cry husband listens, I let off you, how the magnificence butterfly avoids an adjudicator sword fast, appears in her upfront, grinning saying. “小妞,叫声老公听听,我就放过你,如何”华蝶快速躲开裁决者一剑,出现在她的正面,笑嘻嘻的说道。 Adjudicator look spit fire looks at Lu Chen, in the eye seems like must project two groups of flame, Lu Chen burning. 裁决者眼神喷火的看着陆尘,眼中像是要射出两团火焰,把陆尘给烧死。 Knows in the sea the Lu Chen brain to work as the machine, later responded, anxious calling out: Fourth Master, leaves this, you want to kill disciple.” 识海中陆尘大脑当机,随后反应过来,急急的叫道:“四师父,别这样,你想害死徒儿吗。” Lu Chen was about to cry, this Fourth Master really did not make one be free from worry, has attracts the hatred to him. 陆尘快哭了,这个四师父真不让人省心,有这么给他吸引仇恨的吗。 Later the anger of adjudicator, can not vent completely on him. 以后裁决者的怒火,不得全部发泄在他身上啊。 Saying that the magnificence butterfly smiles: Small Lu Chen should not be worried, cannot kill you depending on she small Heavenly Venerable.” 华蝶笑眯眯的说道:“小陆尘别担心,凭她一个小小的天尊杀不死你。” In the tone of magnificence butterfly, has self-confident meaning. 华蝶的语气中,带着自信的意味。 Afterward looked that to saying that the adjudicator smiles: Your this appearance, your figure, can be the concubine reluctantly.” 随后看向裁决者笑眯眯的说道:“你这模样,你这身段,勉勉强强可以做妾。” flatter “阿噗” The adjudicator air/Qi spat blood again, does not know that today several time was spat blood. 裁决者再次气吐血了,也不知道今天是第几次吐血了。 Her solemn position noble big Heavenly Venerable, wants the stature to have the stature, has the appearance to have the appearance, how possibly to be the concubine. 她堂堂地位高贵的大天尊,要身材有身材,有容貌有容貌,怎么可能做妾。 A powerhouse of Undying Demon Clan side worries secretly, this mysterious Heavenly Venerable powerhouse, should not be will stare at the adjudicator. 不死魔族一方的强者暗暗着急,这个神秘的天尊强者,该不会是盯上了裁决者了吧。 The adjudicators unite the whole body strength forcefully, wields the jade palm, holds the wind to howl, reckless to the Lu Chen bombardment. 裁决者强行凝聚全身力量,挥动玉掌,掌风呼啸,不顾一切的对着陆尘轰击而来。 The magnificence butterfly body numerous illusory images, fight dozens moves with the adjudicator, battles ten thousand li (0.5 km) distance, hit sky avalanche, the land caves, also does not know that destroyed many mountain peaks. 华蝶身化重重幻影,与裁决者交手数十招,一路交战万里的距离,打的天空崩塌,大地沉陷,也不知道破坏了多少座山峰。 You are shameless “你无耻” Finally, the adjudicator screamed one, flew upside down. 最终,裁决者尖叫一声,倒飞出去。 Adjudicator tender body high and low fierce fluctuating, shames and air/Qi. 裁决者娇躯上下剧烈的起伏,又羞又气。 Because at battle, oneself because cannot expose the peak strength, has not defended, this shameless bastard, touched unexpectedly on her face, the waist pinched, what was more annoying was the buttocks buttocks also suffered a palm. 因为在交战的时候,自己因为展露不出巅峰的力量,一个没防住,这个无耻的混蛋,居然在她脸上摸了一下,腰肢捏了一下,更可气的是臀部臀部还挨了一掌。 The adjudicators pledged, she has not met Heavenly Venerable of such hooligan. 裁决者发誓,她就没有遇到过这么流氓的天尊 The speed that two people battle is too fast, the surroundings person could not see clearly to have anything, but the adjudicator unusual cry, making them feel, the adjudicator definitely suffers a loss. 两人交战的速度太快,周围人根本看不清发生了什么,不过裁决者异常的叫声,让他们感觉到,裁决者肯定吃了大亏。 Un, buttocks also willowy magnificence butterfly grinning saying, does not take into consideration, said directly. “嗯,臀部还蛮有弹性的”华蝶笑嘻嘻的说道,丝毫不顾及,直接说了出来。 As soon as the adjudicators listen, had almost not been irritated, wants ashamed and resentfully. 裁决者一听,差点没被气死,羞愤欲死。 How on world to have Heavenly Venerable of such shameless lower reaches, she was rather killed by that mysterious powerhouse a moment ago, is not willing so to be insulted. 世界上怎么有这么无耻下流的天尊,她宁愿被刚才那位神秘的强者打死,也不愿这般受辱。 Previously although that powerhouse was powerful, but the words and deeds gentleman, where looked like this very much, a hooligan just like. 先前那名强者虽然强大,但是言行举止很君子,哪像这位,活脱脱的一个流氓。 The powerhouse who the distant place surrounds does not know that what happened, lets the adjudicator like the frightened person, as the magnificence butterfly exposes, the one after another delay on the spot. 远处围观的强者并不知道发生了什么事情,让裁决者如同惊弓之鸟,但是随着华蝶点破,一个个呆滞在原地。 This mysterious Heavenly Venerable was also too obscene, no, should say that was shameless. 这个神秘天尊也太下流了吧,不,应该说是无耻。 Master, asking you to let off me Lu Chen to know within the four seas to yell. 师父啊,求求你放过我吧”陆尘在识海内大叫。 Saying that the magnificence butterfly smiles: Small Lu Chen, just I patted her buttocks, how the feel.” 华蝶笑眯眯的说道:“小陆尘,刚刚我拍了一下她的屁股,手感怎么样。” The Lu Chen corners of the mouth twitch, he has not controlled the body, has a ghost feel. 陆尘嘴角抽搐,他又没掌控身体,有个鬼的手感。 My permits Qingyao pledged, who no matter you are, I must find you, then killed you angrily adjudicator incomparable looks at Lu Chen saying that later bites the tip of tongue, the combustion Primordial Spirit strength, making this piece of heaven and earth dark. “我许清瑶发誓,不管你是谁,我都要找到你,然后杀了你”裁决者愤怒无比的看着陆尘说道,随后一咬舌尖,燃烧元神力量,使得这片天地黑暗下来。 Is dark while the sky, her body changes to a dark particles stream, with fuses together dark. 趁着天空黑暗,她的身体化作一股黑暗的粒子流,与黑暗融为一体。 Waits to draw back the powder dark, permits Qingyao has vanished to disappear. 等黑暗退散,许清瑶已经消失不见了。 Well, is Xu magnificence butterfly look sparkles, startled well, but in the look has not shown the too serious look. “咦,是许家的啊”华蝶眼神闪了闪,惊咦一句,不过眼神中也没露出太郑重的神色。 Moreover she also feels the aura that permits Qingyao runs away, but has not gone to pursue. 而且她还感受许清瑶逃走的气息,但是并没有去追了。 This time is takes back an interest magnificence butterfly to think aloud to small Lu Chen: Looked that you also do dare to bully my wife and children Lu Chen by Heavenly Venerable Boundary.” “这次算是给小陆尘收回一点利息”华蝶自言自语道:“看你还敢不敢以天尊境欺负我家小陆尘。”
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