, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!„The person who youmustdiequickly, gaveus the later generationto set uplow-key, the modest, honestcorrectexamplewas not good.”Lu Chenill-humoredsaying, thisold manwill really ramble on.
The old maneyesstare, is panting in indignation: „Boy, myRen Xiaoyaospeecheffective and influential word, has never hadhalf a wordmodus ponens, ifthere is a half a wordlie, Iam hitto be struck by lightningby the dayimmediately.”
老者眼睛一瞪,气呼呼道:“小子,我任逍遥说话一言九鼎,从未有过半句假言,若有半句假话,我立刻被天打雷劈。”Lu Chenis surroundingboth hands, a facedisdainsas before: „Do not tellmeyouare the upper boundarydaySirHeavenly Venerable, orisexceeds the Heavenly Venerablepowerhouseby a wisp of spiritual sensegamebustling place.”陆尘环抱着双手,依旧一脸不屑:“你可别告诉我你是上界天来的天尊大人,或者是超越天尊的强者以一缕神念游戏红尘。”Ren Xiaoyaoshakes the head, sighs saying: „Old mantodying the cardingreat accomplishmentSage King Boundary, is unable to break throughHighest Venerable Boundary, but the old manrambledin the crowd of spectrumsixbigbooks of music for stringsto exceedsage levelmartial art, thiswasreal, deceivedyounot to have the advantage.”任逍遥摇头,叹了气说道:“老夫到死都卡在大成圣王境,无法突破到至尊境,不过老夫逍遥群谱里面的六大琴谱超越了圣级武学,这是真实的,骗你没有好处。”„Junior Sisterwalks, thisfellowwasbragger”Lu Chendoes not wantto listen to the opposite partyto blowflamboyant, preparedto drawJunior SisterLiu Qingchengto leave.
“师妹走吧,这家伙就是个吹牛大王”陆尘不想听对方吹牛逼了,准备拉着师妹柳倾城离开。Liu Qingchengopens mouth, does not know how shouldmake a decision, shouldfollowSenior Brotherto walk, keepsherepracticingbook of music for strings.柳倾城张了张嘴,不知道该如何决断,是该跟着师兄走,还是留在这里修行琴谱。„Well, is not right”
“咦,不对”Lu Chenthought the angerto leave, becausehethought that the opposite partyboasted, butin light of the opposite partypreviouswords, actuallycalledoneselfSecond Masterfor the senior.陆尘本想怒气离开,因为他觉得对方就是吹牛,不过结合对方先前的话语,竟然叫自己的二师父为前辈。Second Masterhad said the Zither Sage Palaceancestoris the outstanding person in musician, the techniqueindustrystudies, thispersonhas stoodinzither | Jeanlaw the peak.二师父说过琴圣宫先祖是琴师中的佼佼者,术业有专攻,此人已经站在了琴法的巅峰。Thisfellowreallycreatedbook of music for strings that exceeded the sage levelmethod, but how Lu Chenwantshowto feel very absurd.
难道这家伙真的创造出了超越圣级法的琴谱,不过陆尘怎么想怎么都感觉很荒谬。After allupper boundarydayHighest VenerableHeavenly Venerablecannot create the Highest Venerablemethod, the lawor the predecessor who theypracticeremain, onegenerationconstantlyrevisesto create, issomepeoplecancreateeven, thatisextremelyindividuallyis still scarce,
毕竟上界天的至尊天尊们都创造不出至尊法,他们修行的法还是前人所留,一代代人不断修改创造出来的,就是就算有人能够创造,那也是极个别非常稀少的,„Ok, letter/believesyouronetime”Lu Chento think that MastermakeshimbringJunior Sisterto come, looks for the inheritance of opposite party, thenthisold manshould a littlereal skill.
“算了,就信你一次”陆尘觉得师父让他带师妹进来,找对方的传承,那么这个老头子应该有点真本事。Lu Chenlooks atLiu Qingcheng saying: „Junior Sister, youstay here to studyzither | Jeanlawwithhim, Igo tootherpalacesto saunter.”陆尘看着柳倾城说道:“师妹,你就留在这里跟他学习琴法吧,我去其他宫转悠转悠。”Lu Chendoes not think that practicingzither | Jeanlaw, therefore the after matterarrangement of Junior Sisteris appropriate, oneselfgoes tootherpeakto stroll.陆尘并不想修行琴法,所以师妹的事情安排妥当之后,自己就去别的峰逛逛。AlthoughLu Chenhasmanymartial art, moreovercanpracticeinMasterthere, outsidemartial artis differentfrom the Mastergiftsoobtainswith ease, obtains1-2Saintlawthatsenses of achievementto gaindepending on the oneselfskillwith easeis unable to compare.
虽然陆尘已经有了很多武学,而且而且还能在师父那里修行更多,不过外面的武学不同于师父赠予这般轻松得到,凭自己的本事得到1-2圣法那种成就感是轻松获取无法比拟的。Ren Xiaoyaolooks atLu Chen saying: „Boy, youcango to a place of great calligrapherpalace, initiallyIcreated the free and unfetteredbook of music for strings, was lucky the direction of Mutong.”任逍遥看着陆尘说道:“小子,你可以去一趟书圣宫的地方,当初我创造出逍遥琴谱,也是多亏了牧童的指点。”Mutong in Ren Xiaoyaomouth, is infour artsgreat calligrapherpalacePalace Lord, isonlydifferent kind in fourpeople.任逍遥口中的牧童,便是琴棋书画中书圣宫宫主,是四人之中的唯一异类。
The main bodyisinoneGuccibookis clever, the birthintelligencechanges into the human form, the Su Mutongoriginis quite mystical, likely isupper boundarydaygetting down.
本体是一本上古奇书通灵,诞生神智化为人形,苏牧童来历极为神秘,很可能是上界天的下来的。Becauseheundergoes the direction of Su Mutong, created the Highest Venerablemethod.
因为他就是经过苏牧童的指点,才创造出了至尊法。OtherwisehisSage King Boundary, howcanpioneer the beginning, creates the Highest Venerablemethod.
要不然他一个圣王境,怎么能开创先河,创造至尊法。„Ok, Ihave a look at”Lu Chento say.
“行,我去看看”陆尘说道。Said that thendescended the mountain, arrives on the prairie, the corpseat sixes and sevens, the range estimatehasseveral thousandcorpsesat least, fourHoly Mountain, there isSword Emperor Palace, in the airis filling the thickbloodflavor.
说完便下山了,来到草原上,尸体乱七八糟的,目测起码有几千具尸体,有四圣山的,也有剑帝宫的,空气中弥漫着浓浓的鲜血味道。Seesthesecorpses, Lu Chendoes not haveto care, whiz, the figurechanges totogether the shadow, entered the three mountainspeak.
看到这些尸体,陆尘也没太在意,嗖的一声,身形化作一道影子,进入了第三座山峰。Howeverjustenteredinside, Lu Chenfrontscenefluctuates, becomeswhiteonepieceinstantaneously, heentered a strangewhitespace.
不过刚进入里面,陆尘面前场景变幻,瞬间变得白茫茫一片,他进入了一个奇异的白色空间。Hestandsnowinjadesteps, the jadestepsare sendingwhite light, to lead tounknownplace.
他现在所站立在一条玉石阶梯上,玉石阶梯发着白光,通向未知的地方。„Ientered the illusionorarray”Lu Chenthink aloud.
The surroundingallare not real, only thenthesetwopossibilities, may bearray, may be the illusion.
周围一切是不真实的,只有这两种可能性,有可能是阵法,也有可能是幻境。When the Lu Chenguess, in front ofhim the white lightgathering, changes to a diminutiveold mansuddenlytogether, only hasonemeterfiveappearance, similardwarf.
The dwarfold manlooks atLu Chenverysayingproudly: „Boy, coming tomygreat calligrapherpalace to learn/studyanything, Iam skilled in the puppettechnique, Pill Refining Technique, the set up formation, item refining, divines by the eight diagrams, the imaginarytechnique, the clonetechnique, allhas the hunting, only thenyoucannot think,withoutmedoes not know.”
侏儒老者看着陆尘很傲然的说道:“小子,来我书圣宫想要学习什么,我精通傀儡术,炼丹术,布阵,炼器,卜卦,幻术,分身术,皆有狩猎,只有你想不到,没有我不知道的。”Lu Chenstared atman old before his timeseveralseconds, said: „Youaregreat calligrapherpalacePalace Lord.”陆尘盯了小老头几秒,说道:“你就是书圣宫宫主。”
The outside worldare manyregarding the great calligrapherpalacePalace Lordrumor, a bunchebookis clever, the law of practicingteachesare many, is skilled ineachdomain, isinfourPalace Lordmost mysticalone.
The dwarfold mantouched the beard, said: „Good, thisplaceisgreat calligrapherpalacePalace Lord.”
The dwarfold man is great calligrapherpalacePalace LordSu Mutong.
侏儒老者便是书圣宫宫主苏牧童。Originallydoes not have the name, becauseis the bookis clever, the harmonicsare surnamed Su, Mutong.
本来没有名字,因为是书通灵,谐音姓苏,名牧童。Has not waited forLu Chento speak, Su Mutongcontinues saying: „Boyyouwantsanythingto inheritmeto giveyouone.”
没等陆尘说话,苏牧童继续说道:“小子你想要什么传承我可以给你一份。”Hears the words of old man, Lu Chenis very speechless: „Canobtain the inheritance of great calligrapherpalacesimply.”
听到老者的话,陆尘无比无语:“这么简单就能得到书圣宫的传承了吗。”ThereforeLu Chenvisitshim saying: „You the completeinstruction that youstudytome, Ido not dislikemany.”
于是陆尘看着他说道:“你把你所学的全部传授给我吧,我不嫌多。”Su Mutongwas shockedimmediately, dullstanding in same place, like a wooden stake, little, stamps with rageto curse: „Yourthisboyis young, the appetitearrivesbig, actuallyalsowants the completeinheritance of old man, youcan eat up.”苏牧童顿时惊呆了,呆呆愣愣的站在原地,如同一根木桩般,少许过后,气得跳脚大骂:“你这小子年龄不大,胃口到不小,竟然还要老夫的全部传承,你吃得下吗。”Su Mutongwas speechless, lived that bigage, saw the sogreedyboy for the first time, does not know that bit off more than one can chew.苏牧童无语,活了那么大的岁数,还是第一次看到如此贪心的小子,不知道贪多嚼不烂吗。Lu Chenmodestsaying: „Myappetite was the same, moreoveryouare not dying, hurries the inheritancetome, otherwiseyoudiedwords, yourinheritancevanishedforever.”陆尘谦虚的说道:“我的胃口一般般了,另外你不是要死了吗,赶紧把传承给我吧,不然你死了的话,你的传承就永远的消失了。”„Your you...”Su Mutongbecomes flushed a face, is pointing atLu Chen that the fingershivers, saidbreathless: „Is goodyourboyincantationI dead unexpectedly, the elderly manIliveswell, howpossibly dead.”
“你你你...”苏牧童涨红一张脸,手指颤抖的指着陆尘,气急败坏地说道:“好你个小子居然咒我死,老人家我活得好好的,怎么可能死去。”Lu Chenis astonished, said: „YouandZither Sage PalacePalace Lordtheydo not only havetogetherspiritual sense, possiblydiedmomentarily.”陆尘一脸愕然,道:“你和琴圣宫宫主他们不是只剩下一道神念,随时都可能死去吗。”Lu Chensaid,branches outwisp of spiritual senseto fallon the body of dwarfold man, actuallydiscovered that oneselfcannot completely understand the opposite party.陆尘说完,分出一缕神念落在侏儒老者的身上,却发现自己看不透对方。Lu Chenwas startledimmediately, in the mindpresents a terribleidea, great calligrapherpalace has Palace Lordlivedwell?陆尘顿时就惊了,脑海中出现一个可怕的想法,难道书圣宫宫主一直活得好好的?Thiswas abovehisimaginationsimply
这简直超乎了他的想象Su Mutongsaidproudly: „Iam nothuman, is notmonster beast, is the alternativelifebodyis born, theoretically, Icaninfinitepermanentgoing on living.”苏牧童傲然说道:“我不是人类,也不是妖兽,是另类的生命体诞生,理论上来说,我可以无限永久的活下去。”Lu Chennods, so that's how it is, healsothinksgreat calligrapherpalacePalace LordandZither Sage PalacePalace Lordare similar, soon the soulreturned to the western paradise, the sentimentotherslivedwell.陆尘点头,原来如此,他还以为书圣宫宫主和琴圣宫宫主差不多,快要魂归西去了呢,感情人家活得好好的。Su Mutongtouched the beard, said: „Person who comes tothisgreat calligrapherpalace, Iwill rewardtohiscultivation technique, puppettechnique that for exampleIpreviously said that Pill Refining Technique, set up formation, imaginarytechnique, clonetechnique, in additionhaszither | Jeantechnique, draws the technique, as well asvariouscultivation techniquemartial skill, yousaidonecasually, Icansatisfyyourcondition.”苏牧童摸了摸胡须,道:“来此书圣宫的人,我都会奖励给他一门功法,比如我先前说的傀儡术,炼丹术,布阵,幻术,分身术,另外还有琴术,画术,以及各种功法武技,你随便说一个,我可以满足你的条件。”„Biting off more than one can chew, can only chooseto be the same”Su Mutong saying that is afraidLu Chen to have a lion's share, supplementedone.
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