, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Those whofounded the Sage Kingpowerhouse in chess masterpalaceto thinkwasspreads the oneselfzither | Jeanmethod, carried forward, is insufficientto be buried.
开创了棋圣宫的圣王强者想的是把自己的琴法流传下去,发扬光大,不至于被埋没。Althoughhereignszither | Jeanlawis famous, passed to the upper boundaryday, butheleftlaterhas not left behind the completezither | Jeanlaw, fourHoly Mountaindeclined.
虽然他在位的时候琴法已经非常出名,都传到上界天了,但是他离开之后没有留下完整的琴法,以至于四圣山就此没落。Ifhediesinthis, the zither | Jeanlaw of thencreatingwill be lost.
永永远远的消失在这个世界上。Althoughzither | Jeanjadeishisskip-generationdisciple, buthas not reached the Holy Sonlevel, the aptitudeis slightly bad, ifmustchoose a successor, just likeLu Chen said that choosingLiu QingchengthisHoly Sonlevel is quite good.
Below steps, the zither | Jeanjadecomplexioneveninghoweverchanged, matter that shemostis worried about happened.
下方阶梯上,琴玉脸色暮然变了,她最担心的事情还是发生了。Although before coming, in the hearthopes for that the ancestorkeeps old friendships in mindregardingZither Sage Palace that organized, very bigprobabilitygivesthem the inheritance, butalsohas toconsider that the ancestorleavesfourHoly Mountain is so long, is very likely paleregarding the impression of Zither Sage Palace, will choosenatural talentsplendorto inherit.
虽然来之前,心中希冀先祖对于一手创办的琴圣宫念旧,很大几率把传承给她们,但是也不得不考虑先祖离开四圣山这么久,很可能对于琴圣宫的印象已经很淡了,会选择天资出色者继承。Nowlooks like, the ancestorchooses is really the latter.
现在看来,先祖选择的果然是后者。Inzither | Jeanjade a pair of pupilfullisdisappointed, butis unable to sayanything, becauseshecould not control the will of ancestor.
琴玉一双眸子中满是失望,但是无法说什么,因为她左右不了先祖的意志。At this time, the old manlooked that sighedto the zither | Jeanjadespookily: „Youalsocome, after allZither Sage Palacewas the old manorganizedsingle-handedly, poured into the painstaking care, did not endureto inheritto cut off.”
这时,老者看向琴玉幽幽叹道:“你也过来吧,毕竟琴圣宫是老夫一手创办,倾注了心血,不忍传承断绝。”zither | Jeanjadehears the words of ancestor, originally the dimlookshonesuddenly, supports the bodyto standhastily, the pressure that butin the aircovers entirelyreallyconcentratesincomparable, shewantsto take a stepto be difficult, suddenlyis awkwardon the spot.
The old menlooked that saidto the zither | Jeanjade: „Standsthere, listening tometo tell.”
老者看向琴玉道:“就站在那里,听我吩咐。”„Little miss, you, althoughis the Holy Sonlevel, butmayonceunderstandtoway of music”old manlookstoLiu Qingcheng, benignasking.
“小姑娘,你虽为圣子级,但是对音律一道可曾了解过”老者看向柳倾城,和颜悦色的问道。Liu Qingchengnods, modestpursing the lipssaid: „Senior, the family/homemasterstaughtmyseveralqin tunes, thereforeknows something.”柳倾城点点头,谦虚的抿嘴道:“前辈,家师传授了我几门琴曲,所以略知一二。”
The old mensmileto ask: „Can playone.”
老者笑问道:“能否弹奏一曲。”Liu Qingchengnods, latersits cross-leggedin the blue stonesteps, a guqinputsin the both legs, on the clearcheekfullis the earnestvision.柳倾城点点头,随后盘坐在青石阶梯上,一把古琴放于双腿间,清纯的脸蛋上满是认真的目光。Liu Qingchengconcentrated ona while, laterdrops the slenderjadeto refer, moves the firststring, the zither musicis melodious, the residual soundcircles the ear.柳倾城专注了一会儿,随后落下修长的玉指,拨动第一根琴弦,琴音悠扬,余音绕耳。Then, movessecond, third.
The zither musicvibrates, the main roadresonance, the surroundingsform a piece of aquamarinewave light, samefluctuateslike the water surface, the aquamarinewave lightvibratesat the high-frequencygradually, changes to a azuresword, the sparkleray, is carrying the sharpincomparableaura, from the skycollides, spreadsdingdong the clearsound.
The strength of terrifyingmurderingblooms, fills the air.
The old menfeelthispower and influence, the eyenarrow the eyesslightly, laternodded, said: „Yourattainmentsto the qin tuneis not as I expected, went to the situation that the qin tunehas united, butthisqin tune is a little probably familiar, alwaysfelt where has listened.”
The old menfell intoduring the recollection, seemed pondering.
老者陷入了回忆当中,似乎在思考。Liu Qingchengis playing a stringed musical instrumentas before, the surroundingsblade lightswordshadowinterweaves, forms a blade and swordfieldterritory, but this peacefulsittingindead centerposition, not affected, as ifeventen thousandarmyarrive, is still hardto break open the peripheraldefense.柳倾城依旧在弹琴,周围刀光剑影交织,形成一个刀剑场域,而她这安静的坐在正中心位置,不受影响,似乎就算有万军到来,也难以破开周边的防御。
The old menthink ofanythingsuddenly, calls out in alarmsaid: „Thisqin tuneloses the divine swordtune, is the Yao Xiseniorcreates.”
老者突然想到什么,惊呼道:“这门琴曲是遗神剑曲,乃姚曦前辈所创。”Awe, worship, franticand othercomplexlooks, flashes pastfrom the old manlook.
敬畏,崇拜,狂热等复杂神色,从老者眼神中一闪而过。Liu Qingchengstopsplaying a qin, looked that is surprised the different wayto the old man: „Senior, you know myTeacher.”柳倾城停止抚琴,看向老者诧异道:“前辈,您认识我师尊。”
The old menreturned to normal a mood, nods, the lookrevealsto recall the look, seems recalling.
老者平复了一下心情,点点头,眼神露出追忆神色,似乎在缅怀。Silentlittle, spookysighing of: „Yao Xiseniorthisand otherunparalleledpowerhouses, peerless grace and talent, in the pasthad once witnessed the appearance/portraitfortunately.”
沉默了少许,幽幽的叹了一口气:“姚曦前辈这等盖世强者,风华绝代,当年曾有幸目睹过真容。”Then, falls into the middle ofinfiniterecalling.
说完,又陷入无限的追忆当中。Yao Xisenior?姚曦前辈?
The Lu ChenSenior Brotheryounger sisterlooks at each otherone, somewhatis all speechless, this old old man who does not make sense, actuallycalledMasterfor the senior.陆尘师兄妹对视一眼,皆有些无语,这个老的不像话的老头,竟然叫师父为前辈。
The old menrecover, quiteserioussaying: „Sinceyouare the apprentice of Yao Xisenior, thenIpass onyourqin tunealsoto calculate that yourhalfMaster, tobenefitted from association withYao Xisenior.”
老者回过神来,颇为郑重的说道:“既然你是姚曦前辈的徒弟,那么我传你琴曲也算你半个师父,到是沾了姚曦前辈的光。”As ifcanteach the sameapprenticewithYao XiHoly Lord, ishisglory is the same.
似乎能够与姚曦圣主教同一个徒弟,是他的荣耀一样。„Yourtworemembers, Ipass on the freebook of music for strings of full pagetoyou, insidecontainssixbigqin tunes that the old manlifeestablished”old manat this point, the makingssuddenlychange, the doublepupilcontains the godlight/only, dazzling, saidproudly: „The qin tune that infreebook of music for stringscontains, has exceededsage levelmartial art.”
The old mensaidthissayingtime, veryself-satisfied, over the facehonor, seems like an extraordinaryachievement.
老者说这话的时候,非常的得意,满面荣光,似乎是一种了不得的成就。Exceedssage levelmartial art?
超越圣级武学?TwoSenior Brotheryounger sisterslook at each otherone, allsaw the shock in eye.
After howeverseveralseconds, Lu Chenrecovers, sees an old manfacefloatingmanner, the attacksaid: „Yousaid that createdqin tune that exceeded the Saintlaw.”
不过几秒后,陆尘回过神来,看到老者一脸飘飘然的神态,打击道:“你说创造出了超越圣法的琴曲。”Lu Chenthought that the opposite partyblewflamboyantwas too much, above the sage levelmethodwasHighest Venerable, Heavenly Venerablecultivationcultivation technique, was called the Highest Venerablemethod.陆尘觉得对方吹牛逼有点过分了,圣级法之上乃是至尊,天尊们修炼的功法,被称为至尊法。Thislawevenin the upper boundarydayis not the cabbage, veryprecious, isbasis that the biginfluenceinheritancecancontinue, does not leakgenerally.
这种法就算在上界天也不是大白菜,非常的珍贵,是大势力传承能延续下去的根本,概不外传。MoreoverevenHighest VenerablealsoorHeavenly Venerable, is still very difficultto create the Highest Venerablemethod, butthisMr.Sage King, actually the zither | Jeanlaw of proudsayingcreationexceedssage levelmartial artat present, thatis not the Highest Venerablemethod.
A talentSage King Boundaryold man, howpossiblycreates the Highest Venerablemethod.
一个才圣王境的老者,怎么可能创造出至尊法。Lu Chen10,000do not believe.陆尘一万个不相信。
The old mencast a sidelong glancewith the lookslantinglyLu Chen, has not been angryregarding the Lu Chentauntwords, sayingwith a laugh: „Boyyoudo not believe that the book of music for strings that the old mancreatesisranks among the bestabsolutely, even ifwill place the upper boundarydaystillto become the goal that the majorstrongclanswill rob, sixbigqin tuneswill succeed one another, exceed the Highest Venerablemethod.”
老者用眼神斜睨陆尘一眼,对于陆尘的嘲讽话语也没生气,笑呵呵的说道:“小子你别不信,老夫所创造的琴谱绝对是数一数二的,就算是放在上界天也会成为各大强族抢夺的目标,六大琴曲相辅,超越至尊法。”„Initiallyhadupper boundaryday a terrifyingschool that excels at the temperamentwantsto rob the freebook of music for strings of old man, fierce that toobecause the Ten Territoriesrulesuppresses, theycannot get down the powerhouses of Sage Kingrank, takes the old mannot to havemeans”
“当初就有上界天一个擅长音律的恐怖门派想要抢夺老夫的逍遥琴谱,可是因为十域规则压制的太厉害,他们连圣王级别的强者都下来不了,也就拿老夫没办法”„Whenyourgrandfather'sgrandfatherhad not been born, the old manwieldsZither Sage Palace, the freebook of music for stringsnamepasses onTen Territories, countlesspeopleacknowledge as teacher, wantto learnfreebook of music for strings”
“在你爷爷的爷爷还没出生的时候,老夫执掌琴圣宫,逍遥琴谱名传十域,无数人争相来拜师,想要习得逍遥琴谱”„Did not say that in a completelearnedevenlearnedbook of music for strings, can still becomeapex in musician, butthesesixzither | Jeanlawsare jerkily difficultto understand, non-aptitudeapexcannotthoroughly comprehend, being hardlearns, manypeoplestudy diligently for over a hundredyears unable to ponder overthoroughly a qin tune, nowyoumayknow that the zither | Jeanlaw of old manhadis difficultto study.”
“不说全部学会就算是学会里面的一门琴谱,也能够成为琴师中的顶尖者,可是这六门琴法生涩难懂,非资质顶尖者不能悟透,难以学会,很多人钻研上百年都无法琢磨透一门琴曲,现在你可知道老夫的琴法有多么难学了吗。”Old man words saying right, because after heleftin the past, onlyleft behindthree, does not end the full page, the reason is too difficult, evenhisfirst-generationbigdisciplehas not studiedcomprehensively.
老者此话说的没错,因为他当年离开之后,只留下了三门,不是完整版的,原因就是太难懂,就算他的第一代大弟子也没学全面。Lu Chencannot help butflips the supercilious look, thisold fogyalsoreallyblewbecame addictedflamboyant, Sage King that indulged in self-glorification, hesaw for the first time, thisold manthinks that hisboundarywas low, hasn't seenSage King?陆尘不由得翻了翻白眼,这老家伙还真的吹牛逼上瘾了,如此自卖自夸的圣王,他还是第一次所见,难道这老头以为他境界低,没见过圣王?ThereforeLu Chensaidill-humoredly: „Ifboastsbybeing struck by lightning, thendividedyourthunderalreadyon the road.”
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