DriverWang Huashengis the bigvigorous and healthyAfricanHuaxiaperson, belongs to the third generationto immigrate, is the typicalmelon seedperson. A fluentBeijing speech pattern, likesdeceiving the enemy by concealing one's weaknessto be the senioramateur actor, graduatesafterHuaxiabiggestFeihongMartial arts schoolshortly aftercomes the Sufamily belongingsdriverandbodyguard. According toQiaothreehad resulted in the Huaxiamixed martial artsgold belt. Strove for the championwithShaolin'sfirstmonkhits the opposite partyto withdraw fromMartial arts at a worldwide basismartial artscompetitioncarelesslyremnantly.
When journeyXiaoyuremembersHuaxiavaguely, just the nextairplanesawon the airportgiganticbillboard, whichis setting uptimegiant starLi Dalongforadvertisement that FeihongMartial arts schoolhas„Huaxiatime? FeihongMartial arts schoolKing.”ButunderFeihongMartial arts schoolShaolin Groupmartial arts school.
程晓羽依稀记得来华夏时,刚下飞机就看到了机场硕大的广告牌上,立着功夫巨星李大龙为飞鸿武校打的广告“华夏功夫哪家强?飞鸿武校王中王。”而飞鸿武校正是少林集团旗下的武校。Wang Huashengstopped the car(riage)in the FudanAttached middle schoolnext door the underground parking garage in gold/metalbuilding. Here the parkingisSuYu requirement, shehas been weary of the vision that othersenviedorenvied. MoreoverFudanAttached middle schoolis not the literary charmprivate school, majority that after allherestudiesis the resultis good, butfamily'scommonstudent. SuYufeltoneselfhave lefttheirworldto be farenough, does not wantto add the gap that is unable to oversteptogetherin the middleagain. Therefore for twoyearsWang Huashengisdelivershertohere, meetingher is also here.
王华生把车停在了复旦附中隔壁中金大厦的地下停车场。在这里停车是苏虞兮要求的,她已经厌倦了别人羡慕或者嫉妒的目光。而且复旦附中也不是格致私塾,毕竟在这里读书的大部分都是成绩好而家庭一般的学生。苏虞兮觉得自己已经离他们的世界足够远了,不想再在中间添上一道无法逾越的鸿沟。所以两年来王华生都是送她到这里,接她也是在这里。journeyXiaoyuisindifferent, reallyalsohas nothingwellbeforeonegroup of being wet behind the earshigh-school studentscocky. Helooks that nowSuYufeltproudtenderis a little weak, althoughshereallyhasproudtender the capital.
The FudanAttached middle schoolentranceis standingstudentmeeting atmosphereCommittee MemberJi of belt/bringredsleeve emblem. Does not wear the school uniformnot to permit the school, does not have the school insignia to recordto buckle the classminute/share, the skirtmust the knee, manyschool girlstobe attractive, skirtwithbroochotheris very short, will then putto the schoolentrance, the male studentforbids the hairnailto be too long.
The female studentschool uniform of FudanAttached middle schoolis the dark bluepair of bucklesmallsuit, insideis the cream-coloredwoolen sweateropen-fronted sweater or knitted shirtmatches the whiteshirt of redbutterfly knot. The lower part of the bodyis the Scotlandskirt of redcheck, this seasonwill usually put on the whiteyarnstockingswrap/sets. The shoescannotbehigh-heeled shoes, otherat will.
复旦附中的女生校服是深蓝色的双扣小西装,里面是米色毛衣开衫配红色蝴蝶结的白色衬衣。下身是红色格子的苏格兰裙子,这个季节通常都会穿上白色的毛线长筒袜套。鞋子不能是高跟鞋,其他则随意。Sees the youththreateningstudentyounger sister, journeyXiaoyuhas the misconception of passing throughtoJapan, thissuddenhappinessreally makes one be at a loss, journeyXiaoyusighed, remembers the previous generationearthwith emotion the athleteschool uniform of fallingdregshissoonhas tears streaming down the face.
The building in classroom buildinghas each studentexclusivestoragestandard, entering the classroommustchangeindoorshoes. SuYuopensstorageWugetime, whishdrops out the innumerableletters, butsheclearlyis preparedearly, horizontal the book bagallcatches, after folding, admits the blackbook bagband, thenchanges the whiteindoorshoes. Naturallydoes not publish the accidental/surprisedtheseletters is not disassembled, will throw into the trash cans of 2building.
教学楼的一楼有每个学生专属的储物格,进教室必须换室内鞋。苏虞兮打开储物格的时候,哗的一声就掉出无数的信,而她显然是早有准备,横起书包悉数接住,叠好之后放进黑色的书包夹层,然后换上白色的室内鞋。当然不出意外这些信都不会被拆开,就会扔进二楼的垃圾桶。journeyXiaoyuandSuYu the classroomseparated2buildings, journeyXiaoyunotifiesSuYubrazenlyturns aroundto walkinanotherdirection, hiscabinetinanother side.
程晓羽和苏虞兮的教室隔了二层楼,程晓羽厚着脸皮跟苏虞兮打了个招呼就转身朝另一个方向走去,他的柜子在另一侧。SuYu who thiswas walkedjust in timeclassmatemodel/patternJiayinglooks, being sideways of Eight Trigrams (gossip)asked that SuYu„thatfattydoesn't openFerrarito hit the richfamily of person? Does SuYuyouknow?”
这被正巧走过来的苏虞兮的同班同学范佳颖瞧个正着,八卦的侧身问苏虞兮“那胖子不是开法拉利撞人的富家子吗?苏虞兮你认识啊?”SuYuas ifhas feltnicknamecampusbroadcasting stationmodel/patternJiayingflamingcombustion the fire of Eight Trigrams (gossip). Lowering the headsmallsound said„understanding.”Turns aroundto walktoward the staircase. In the schoolalsono oneknows that thistoseeminglydoes not have a person of relations are brother and sister.
苏虞兮仿佛已经感受到了绰号校园广播台的范佳颖熊熊燃烧的八卦之火。低头小声道“认识。”就转身朝楼梯走去。学校里还没人知道这对看上去没一点关系的人是兄妹。model/patternJiayinghas not changed the shoes, said„class leaderSirhastily, whenunderme, Ialsohad the mathematical problemto consultyou!”
范佳颖还没换鞋,连忙道“班长大人,等我下,我还有数学问题请教你呢!”SuYulooks atall around the vision of focus, braved a heavy line, pretends that has not heardgoes upstairsdirectly.
苏虞兮看着四周聚焦的目光,不禁冒起了一头黑线,假装没听到直接上楼了。journeyXiaoyuat the back ofclimbs upfivebuildings that the book bagpants, the graduating classin the topmost level. Heinthird year Class 2, staircaseleft hand'ssecond. journeyXiaoyujustarrived at the classroomfront doorto reveal a head, the entireclassroomwas immediately peaceful, broke out the slatingapplauseinthen the classroom, is mixing withshouting loudly of dreadfulelder brother. journeyXiaoyuhad forgottenquite the same ashehad become famous overnightin the network, varioushisPSaccording tonownetworkworks as the redexpression.
程晓羽背着书包气喘吁吁的爬上五楼,毕业班都在最高层。他在高三(2)班,楼梯左手第二间。程晓羽刚走到教室前门露出个头,立马整个教室都安静了,在接着教室里就响起了雷鸣般的掌声,夹杂着猥琐哥的高呼。程晓羽浑然已经忘记他在网络上早就一举成名,各种他的PS照正是现在网络的当红表情。Facingthismoves mountainswelcomejourneyXiao the featherto be a little unexpected, the bonusis40years of lifeis informed and experienced , can only the awkwardreturningcorridor, circle the back doorto go, satinposition that washislastrowby the window, thispositionhewas very familiar, generally speakingwas the differencefreshexclusivethrone.
面对这排山倒海般的欢迎程晓羽有点猝不及防,饶是四十年的人生历练,也只能尴尬的退回走廊,绕后门进去,坐在了属于他最后一排靠窗户的位置,这个位置他很熟悉,一般来说都是差生的专属王座。FudanAttached middle schoolisstudies the tyrantmiddle schoolafter all, thiswas the 11 th gradegraduating class, the merrimentonewas also managing this resultfirstfatty from the bottom onno onelet alone. Startsto review lessonsto present the topicrespectively.
复旦附中毕竟是所学霸中学,更何况这还是高三毕业班,笑闹了一下也就没人在理这个成绩倒数第一的胖子。都各自开始温书做题。journeyXiaoyulooked up the class schedule, firstwas the languageclass, heput out the languagetextbook, looked atpage after page the traditional character, was big. Being literateis not to him difficult. Is difficultto write, since childhood who grow upin the USandlivesunder the red flaglonginnew China, can only recognizewill not write. journeyXiaoyureadunder the table of contentsprobablyis the poetryappreciation, the classical Chinese literatureappreciation, China-foreignclassicalfamous workfragmentappreciationand so onnottooabstrusecontent.
Since journeyXiao the featherstartsto lookfrom the war of firsttextties of marriage between two familiesxiao. The xiaocharacterdid not know,fights the characternot to write. Puts out the dictionaryto startinvestigatesXiaozifrom the book bag, put out the notebookto write continuously the wars of severalties of marriage between two familiesxiao, deepened the reflection. Startsto read the main textagain, this degree ofclassical Chinese literaturetodwellingmalejourneyXiaoyunaturallyisincomparablyabstruse, butthere areskillin addition of musicdirectorto hold was quite easy, journeyXiaofeatherlookedwhilewroteuntil the student on dutyshoutsstands up, the salutestopped.
The languageclassteacher is Jiang Wenhua, was40-50years old of middle-aged man who brings the eyeglasses. „Todaywelearn/studypoetrythree.”Was sayinguses the attractiveKaishuto write about«Moonlit night»Du Fuon the blackboard, tonight the luprovincemoon/month, in the boudoironlylooksalone. Remotepities the littlechildren, has not solvedto recallChang'an. Incense stick|FragrantfogcloudHuanshi, clearsplendorwhite delicate armsare cold. Whenrelies on the emptycurtain, doubledoesaccording to the tear stains. After finishing, used the melodioussoundto recite, asked: „Yesterdaywantedyouto prepare a lessonahead of time, whoknows that whatprobablythispoemdid express?”Knownraising handplease.
语文课老师叫蒋文华,是个40-50岁带着眼镜的中年男子。“今天我们学习诗词三首。”说着在黑板上用漂亮的楷书写到《月夜》杜甫,今夜鄜州月,闺中只独看。遥怜小儿女,未解忆长安。香雾云鬟湿,清辉玉臂寒。何时倚虚幌,双照泪痕干。写完之后用抑扬顿挫的声音朗诵了一遍,问道:“昨天要你们提前预习,谁知道大概这首诗表达了什么?”知道的请举手。journeyXiaoyuhas not readthispoem, butcanunderstandprobablyisdescribesDu Futo misswife'spoetry. Jiang Wenhuaswept the classroom, said that „journeyXiaoyu, whojourneyXiaoyuis, gets upunder the reply.”AlsowithouttreatingjourneyXiaoyustands, in the classroomisoneroars with laughter.
程晓羽没读过这首诗,但大概能读懂是描述杜甫思念妻子的诗文。蒋文华扫了扫教室,说道“程晓羽,程晓羽是谁,起来回答下。”还没待程晓羽站起来,课堂上就是一阵哄堂大笑。journeyXiaoyuis not bashfulto standsay/way„teacher, Ihave not raised hand!”
程晓羽也不害臊站起来道“老师,我没举手!”Jiang WenhuaseesfatjourneyXiaoyufrom the lastrowswayingstands, could not bearsmilesay/way„to be all right, whohad a look at you are. Yousit down!”Highthreedivide into classes, heleads the language teacher of graduating classspecially, begins schooltwomonthsreallyhad not just rememberedthisordinarycannot the ordinarystudent.
蒋文华看见胖胖的程晓羽从最后一排摇摇晃晃的站起来,也忍不住笑了道“没事,就看看你是谁。你坐下吧!”高三分班,他是专带毕业班的语文老师,开学刚两个多月实在没记住这个普通的不能再普通的学生。journeyXiaoyusits downinanotherlaughterslowly.
程晓羽在又一阵笑声中缓缓坐下。journeyXiaoyuis without turning a hairignoresto the ridicule of heading on. Jiang Wenhuaselected the languageclassto get up the replyon behalf ofGuManting. GuMantingis the classflower of third year Class 2, althoughcannot compareSuYubright-coloredmoving, isJiangnanattractivegirl one of the attractivesymbol. GuMantingisprepares a lesson the textbook„thispoempoettaking advantage oflookingobviouslymoon/monthwithsoundsay/way that the oriolecurlsexpresses the feeling at parting, described the couplefeelings showns at partingandemphatically the compassionto the children.”
程晓羽面不改色的对扑面而来的嘲笑置若罔闻。蒋文华又点了语文课代表顾漫婷起来回答。顾漫婷是高三(2)班的班花,虽比不上苏虞兮的明艳动人,也是漂亮标志的江南灵秀女孩子一枚。顾漫婷显然是预习过课本用黄莺般袅袅的声音道“这首诗诗人借看月而抒发离情,着重描绘了夫妇离别之情和对儿女的思念之情。”Jiang Wenhuanodsto wave„good that hintedGuMantingsitting downsay/way saying that thenwefirstrecitedtogether, in the analysispoetryevery single word or phrase, andintroducedsimplyDu Fucreated the background of thispoemat that time.”
蒋文华点点头挥手示意顾漫婷坐下道“说的不错,那么我们先一起朗诵一遍,在来一字一句的分析诗文,并简单介绍杜甫当时创作这首诗的背景。”journeyXiaoyu the followingall personnelschoolmatesstartto read aloudthispoemtogether, unusualmoodextendin the heart.
程晓羽跟着全班同学一起开始朗读这首诗,有一种异样的情绪在心中漫延。Oncethesefamiliarscenesunknowingly and presentalloverlapin the same place, heturned the headto look atout of the windowquietly, seeingon the drill groundto haveforestXing the personin the runningcircle, had the clearwhistling soundto transmitfaintly. Ringing the reading soundwarmed the entireclassroomalong with the genialsunlight, in the skycontinuouscloudsquietflutteringslowly, exudes the fragrantcamphor tree of yellow leafto stretch the bodyin the breezegently, the entirecampusis rippling the slightly drunkyouth. Suchtimetranquilandcalm and steadyflowedon the school desk, turns old brand-newtextbook, turned old disorderlynote, flipped through old immaturelove letter, turnedoldthatyoungtimein broken bits
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