MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#10: Daily of bird ( diao ) silk high-school student

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The wind-drift sand of between time like referring to seams flows in the silence rapidly. A morning curriculum in journey Xiaoyu flipping wrote to pass. 时光如同指缝间的流沙在悄无声息中飞速流淌。一上午的课程在程晓羽的翻翻写写中度过。 The duty of college entrance examination to him by far not like imagination in simple. Today the careful research, discovers the wishful thinking that he hit last night all fails, this time Huaxia college entrance examination not like another space and time, liberal arts college entrance examination subject of examination language 150 point, historical 150 point, geography 150 point, mathematical 100 point and political economy 100 point, sports 50 point and English 50 points of total score 750. 高考的任务对他来说远远不像想象中简单。今天仔细研究,才发现他昨晚打的如意算盘悉数落空,这时的华夏高考不像另一个时空,文科高考考试科目语文150分、历史150分、地理150分、数学100分、政治经济100分、体育50分、英语50分总分七百50。 journey Xiaoyu cannot bear have tears streaming down the face, on this day toward getting up the thought of country's injures someone. On first tests four levels test like mad, carries the word to copy shedding bitter tears that the sentence copies, this can speak a mouth standard US spoken language, can imitate the london accent at will, but also thinks that wants the serf to turn over/to stand up singing, finally only accounts for 50 points, almost two days have a class. 程晓羽忍不住泪流满面,这天朝上国的思想害人啊。上一世考四级考的要死要活,背单词抄句子抄的痛哭流涕,这一世可以说一嘴标准的美国口语,能随意模仿伦敦腔,还以为要农奴翻身把歌唱,结果只占50分,几乎两天才有一节课。 journey Xiaoyu opens the simple English textbook, feeling that the one type must suffocate. Whowasthefirstman? 程晓羽翻开简单的英文课本,更有一种要窒息的感觉。Whowasthefirstman? Who is the world's first man 谁是世界上第一个男人 Ateachersaidtoherclass: ” Whowasthefirstman? ” Ateachersaidtoherclass:”Whowasthefirstman?” A teacher asked her student: Who is the world's first man 一个老师问她的学生:“谁是世界上第一个男人” GeorgeWashington,” alittleboyshoutedpromptly “GeorgeWashington,”alittleboyshoutedpromptly A young boy immediately says loudly: George Washington. ” 一个小男孩立刻大声说:乔治华盛顿。” HowdoyoumakeoutthatGeorgeWashingtonwasthefirstman?” askedtheteacher , smilingindulgently “HowdoyoumakeoutthatGeorgeWashingtonwasthefirstman?”askedtheteacher,smilingindulgently The teacher has the smile that is favoring to drown to ask this male student: How you showed that George Washington is the world's first manBecause,” saidthelittleboy, hewasfirstinwar , firstinpeace , andfirstintheheartsofhiscountrymen.” 老师带着宠溺的笑容问这个男生:“你如何证明乔治华盛顿是世界上第一个男人呢“Because,”saidthelittleboy,“hewasfirstinwar,firstinpeace,andfirstintheheartsofhiscountrymen.” This boy said: Because, he is first provokes the war, the first position peace, and is the first being popular person.” 这个男孩子说:“因为,他是第一个挑起战争,第一个主张和平,并且是第一个深得民心的人。” Butatthispointalargerboyhelduphishand. Well,” saidtheteachertohim, whodoyouthinkwasthefirstman?” Butatthispointalargerboyhelduphishand.“Well,”saidtheteachertohim,“whodoyouthinkwasthefirstman?” At this time, the old boys raised hand, the teacher asked him, you think that who was the world's first man?” 这时,有一个年龄稍大的男孩子举起手来,老师问他,“你认为谁是世界第一个男人?” Idon'tknowwhathisnamewas,” saidthelargerboy, butIknowitwasn'tGeorgeWashington , ma'am , becausethehistorybooksaysGeorgeWashingtonmarriedawidow , so , ofcourse , theremusthavebeenamanaheadofhim.” “Idon’tknowwhathisnamewas,”saidthelargerboy,“butIknowitwasn’tGeorgeWashington,ma’am,becausethehistorybooksaysGeorgeWashingtonmarriedawidow,so,ofcourse,theremusthavebeenamanaheadofhim.” The boys replied: I do not know his name, but I affirmed that he is not George Washington, because in the history book said, George Washington and a widow married, therefore before him, naturally male.” 男孩回答说:“我不知道他的名字,但是我肯定他不是乔治华盛顿,因为历史书上说,乔治华盛顿和一个寡妇结婚了,所以在他之前,当然还有一个男的啦。” Silently reads this text, journey Xiaoyu the innermost feelings are the collapse. 默默的看完这篇课文,程晓羽的内心是崩溃的。 The text to make the blood boil did not say simply, said that this is English textbook rather is the American imperialists laughs at the artistic collection. Most texts filled to teasing of US. 课文简单到令人发指都不说了,说这是英文课本倒不如说是美帝笑话集锦。大多数课文都充满了对美国的调侃。 The relations of Huaxia and US of this space and time are quite complex, the Huaxia person felt oneself high and low in 5000 the ancient nation time-honored culture will unable to take a liking to the founding of the nation more than 200 years not to have the tradition not to have the US of culture brightly. Actually has to take seriously the economic strength compared with the Huaxia slightly strong US. 这个时空的华夏与美国的关系比较复杂,华夏人觉得自己上下五千年文明古国历史悠久文化灿烂瞧不上建国才二百多年没有传统没有文化的美国。却又不得不重视经济实力比华夏略强的美国。 But the US thought that the Huaxia arrogant conservative hierarchical system is stern, in the country at the Heavenly Dynasty poses as everywhere, does not have the tolerant spirit, the racial discrimination is serious, is incompatible with the US of advocate freedom and equality completely. 而美国觉得华夏高傲守旧等级制度森严,处处以天朝上国自居,没有包容精神,种族歧视严重,完全和提倡自由平等的美国格格不入。 The gorgeous culture had the intense conflict, causing the two countries cultural circle to ridicule mutually is also some long things. The Chinese culture beacon list origin is deep, the US cultural circle said own including all kinds together free opening. The Huaxia person snorts contemptuously, US? The US has the culture! They now only then the Rou jia mo can eat, what culture can have? First makes under the American research the cookbook of our Huaxia person come with us to discuss the culture again. 华美文化产生了强烈的冲突,导致两国文化界互相奚落也是长有的事情。华夏文化界标榜自己渊源深厚博大精深,美国文化界则说自己兼容并包自由开放。华夏人对此嗤之以鼻,美国?美国有文化可言么!他们现在都只有肉夹馍可以吃,能有什么文化可言?先让美国人研究下我们华夏人的菜谱再来跟我们谈文化吧。 However that is only the cultural circle, although the general public do not have blind faith, but does not have the resistance US pop culture of powerful, particularly in the younger generation, the popular music and movie of US in the market of folk is very big. 但是那只是文化界,普通民众虽然不崇洋媚外,但也没有强力的抵制美国流行文化,尤其是在年轻一代中,美国的流行音乐和电影在民间的市场还是很大。 But the US movie seized the majority markets of the world, Oscar as before is the world's highest movie award item. But position next is the Mount Hua prize of Huaxia movie. 而美国电影则占领了全世界的大部分市场,奥斯卡依旧是全球最高的电影奖项。而地位其次的就是华夏电影的华山奖。 The Huaxia literary and art circles quite approve to the European culture, after all Europe also has the glorious history, moreover Central Europe politically does not have too many differences. Although the US is the eldest child in Europe, but does not hinder the Huaxia person to like the European luxury goods, ultra running, opera, living theater and French cuisine. Therefore although the college entrance examination is not high to English examination grade request, but many young people are actually willing to study this world's first high prevalence language classification as before. 华夏文艺界对欧洲文化还是比较认可的,毕竟欧洲也有悠久的历史而且中欧政治上没有太多分歧。虽然美国是欧洲的老大,但并不妨碍华夏人喜欢欧洲奢侈品、超跑、歌剧、舞台剧、法国菜。因此虽然高考对英语考分要求不高,但却依旧很多年轻人愿意学这世界第一大流行语种。 journey Xiaoyu wants to cry but have no tears, does not have to be the Huaxia person inborn superiority feeling, has not passed through the numerous to direct the landscape to look through the future spirit to fly upwards. Is taking a look at this only to annoy the semblance that the person despises at present, can only lonely such as the snow recalls with deep feeling itself to leave counterattack tall rich and handsome, becomes the general manager, takes the post of CEO, gets married white rich and beautiful, steps onto the life peak the attire B main road to be getting more and more far. 程晓羽心里则欲哭无泪,丝毫没有身为华夏人天生的优越感,更没有穿越众指点江山看破未来的意气飞扬。在瞧瞧眼下这只能惹人鄙视的外表,只能寂寞如雪的感怀自己已经离逆袭高富帅,当上总经理,出任CEO,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰的装B大道越来越远。 The ding of midday rest just resounded, the giant of next door table said toward journey Xiaoyu „! Can the buddies, take a group photo with you?” 午休的钟声刚一响起,隔壁桌的大个子就朝程晓羽道“嘿!哥们,能和你合张影吗?” Turning the head that journey Xiaoyu has doubts looked toward him, the giant reveals a becoming known tooth saying that immediately my name was king Ou, you should know! Shares a table for a long time has not spoken!” journey Xiao feather these two months in this class are the characters who zero has the feeling, if are not the network are so hot, it is estimated that including were ridiculed could not have turned him who he fries. This class most students are study the tyrant who the read-only saints and sages book is engrossed in reading sacred books and oblivious to what happening in the world wholeheartedly, the result not good person unvalued is also often unpopular. king Ou enters the school as the sports scholarship student, the culture is also quite bad, but also compared with journey Xiao the feather incessantly. 程晓羽疑惑的转头朝他看了看,大个子立马露出一口大白牙说道“我叫王鸥,你应该知道吧!同桌这么久还没说过话呢!”程晓羽这两个多月在这个班级是零存在感的人物,如果不是网络把他炒的这么火,估计连被嘲笑都还轮不上他。这个班级大多数学生都是一心只读圣贤书两耳不闻窗外事的学霸,成绩不好的人往往不受重视也不受欢迎。王欧是作为体育特长生进学校的,文化也比较差,但也比程晓羽强了不止一点。 journey Xiao the feather regarding taking a group photo this peculiar requirement innermost feelings enhances vigilance saying that what group photo does make?” At this time did not have the appearance of social networking site, only then blog and post and QQ space and so on thing. 程晓羽对于合影这个特殊要求内心提高了警惕说“合影做什么?”这个时候还没有社交网站的出现,只有博客、贴吧和QQ空间之类的东西。 king Ou does not conceal haha says with a smile this you is not red! I under and others send the school post on to gain the hit rate the group photo.” 王鸥也不掩饰哈哈笑道“这不你红嘛!我等下把合影发学校贴吧上赚点点击率。” journey Xiaoyu did not answer him, stood to walk, the present is the time for the lunch, going to the cafeteria ate meal is the proper business. 程晓羽也不答他,站起来就走,现在是午饭时间,去食堂吃饭才是正事。 king Ou saw the potential to not being busy at saying that feather elder brother do not walk! Does here have Gu Manting the confidential picture to have the interest?” 王鸥见势不对忙说“羽哥别走啊!我这里有顾漫婷的私房照片有兴趣没?” journey Xiaoyu walks was quicker, king Ou with and said elder brother, didn't you like Gu Manting? My this also has next door class Ji numerous! The stature is super!” 程晓羽走的更快了,王鸥跟上来又道“哥,你不喜欢顾漫婷?我这还有隔壁班纪芸芸的!身材超级火辣!” journey Xiaoyu was bow/rear saying that to king Ou you let off me! I asked you to eat meal good, do not pat me!” 程晓羽回头对王鸥做鞠说“兄台放过我吧!我请你吃饭都行,别拍我!” king Ou hesitant one invited journey Xiaoyu to say low voice these two you do have no interest? Here may have the pressure bottom good thing, Su Yu exclusive personal photo! How you were considering!” journey Xiao the feather instantaneously sells by and Zhongguancun ** small dish piece king Ou of aunt same rank brutally routs. Works loose king Ou the hand, compares the middle finger to him! 王鸥犹豫了一下邀住程晓羽小声说“这两个你都没兴趣?我这里可还有压箱底的好东西,苏虞兮的独家生活照!怎么样你在考虑考虑!”程晓羽瞬间被和中关村推销**碟片的大妈同一等级的王鸥无情击溃。挣脱王鸥的手,对他比了比中指! king Ouleng one saw journey Xiaoyu to go downstairs to hurry to shout „the Yeung Chow Fried Rice half price of today's cafeteria! You said that invited my 王鸥愣了一下见程晓羽已经下楼赶紧喊“今天食堂的扬州炒饭半价!你说请我的” The heart of journey Xiao feather ancient well without ripples thorough was disorderly in the wind. 程晓羽古井不波的心在风中彻底凌乱了。 The cafeteria in Fudan Attached middle school is big, the peak of but dining was also pushed chock full. journey Xiaoyu and king Ou hit two meat two usually to lift the silver stainless steel tray to look for the position everywhere, naturally was the guest who journey Xiaoyu invited. king Ou is a typical chatterbox, this practices dash height one meter eight tall man to have the heart of Eight Trigrams (gossip), in various grade celebrities to campus is familiar with. journey Xiaoyu asked why he asks himself to speak on own initiative, he did not evade said that because you now were also the celebrity! Done journey Xiaoyu speechless. 复旦附中的食堂还算大,但就餐的高峰期也被挤得满满当当。程晓羽和王鸥一人打了两荤两素举着银色的不锈钢托盘到处找位置,当然是程晓羽请的客。王鸥是个典型的话痨,这个练短跑身高一米八的五大三粗汉子有颗八卦的心,对校园里的各年级名人如数家珍。程晓羽问他为什么主动找自己说话,他也毫不避讳的说因为你现在也是名人了啊!搞的程晓羽一阵无语。 Found the position with great difficulty, journey Xiaoyu silent eating meal, listening to king Ou to talk endlessly the campus hearsay, said that the school grass grandson treadonned two ships boldly, said that class Huagu inundated Ting and class leader Li Li great ambiguous is unclear, said that school basketball team leader Chen Jiajun was no mathematical younger sister's idol but it is said possibly is GAY, and quite regretted that in the past had not practiced the basketball to be specialized. 好不容易找到位置,程晓羽默默无言的吃饭,听王鸥喋喋不休说校园小道消息,说校草孙子豪脚踏两只船,说班花顾漫婷和班长李砾伟暧昧不清,说校篮球队长陈嘉俊是无数学妹的偶像但据说可能是GAY,并颇为后悔当年没有练篮球专业。 Although has no interest in these matter journey Xiaoyu, but this does not hinder him to hear these weak red, jokes it away. How journey Xiaoyu once curious asking did not have Su Yu Eight Trigrams (gossip), king Ou a palm of the hand clapped to journey Xiaoyu the shoulder on said that who must dare to hit the Fudan goddess the idea, must first long be patted with the brick by his bodyguard. And fills with interrogated vigilantly journey Xiaoyu unrequited loves Su Yu, journey Xiaoyu asked back that my image others will look at his one eyes, innermost feelings actually to this indifferent younger sister secretly unstated criticism. king Ou laughed to say is also, your rich family, others Su Yu will not pay attention to like this! And cautious to journey Xiaoyu said in a low voice Su Yu the background is good, once he once saw Su Yu to sit in a Maybach accidentally. journey Xiao the feather hehe said with a smile that to be possible my Ferrari more expensive/noble. Because this space and time the tariff is very relatively low, although the expensive car did not say is as numerous as the hairs of an ox, is not unusual, but just went on the market shortly after Maybach Zeppelin is quite rare, after all the additional license makes also 10 million, was equivalent to a net worth of middle class. 虽然对这些事情程晓羽并没有兴趣,但这并不妨碍他把这些幼稚的绯闻听过之后一笑了之。程晓羽也曾好奇的问怎么没有苏虞兮的八卦,王鸥一巴掌拍到程晓羽的肩膀上说谁要敢打复旦女神的主意,第一个就要被他这个亲卫队长拿板砖拍死。并满怀警惕的质问程晓羽是不是暗恋苏虞兮,程晓羽反问到我这形象别人会瞧他一眼嘛,内心却对这个冷漠的妹妹暗自腹诽。王鸥哈哈一笑说也是,你这样的富家子,别人苏虞兮才不会放在眼里!并小心翼翼的低声对程晓羽说苏虞兮背景不俗,有一次他曾经偶然看见苏虞兮坐在一辆迈巴赫上。程晓羽嘿嘿一笑道那可比我那法拉利贵多了。这个时空由于关税相对很低,豪车虽不说是多如牛毛,却也不算稀奇,但刚上市没多久的迈巴赫齐柏林还是相当稀有的,毕竟加牌照弄下来也得一千万,相当于一个中产阶级的身家了。 After king Ou food, had worked as the brothers journey Xiao feather young fatty, his journey Xiaoyu is the result that the music scholarship student comes is more rotten than and his situation him is equivalent, it can be said that has same problem. His two this rich fatty is very natural, the person also suits one's taste. 王鸥一顿饭后就已经把程晓羽这个小胖子当了兄弟,其一程晓羽是音乐特长生进来的成绩比他还烂和他情况相当,可以说是同病相怜。其二这有钱的胖子还很大方,人也对胃口。 king Ou put out the cell phone and journey Xiaoyu exchanged the number, but also turned out various grade beautiful woman pictures of collection to glance over to journey Xiaoyu, after the assorted younger sister made remarks is the bold air-drying cloud after journey Xiaoyu said post that pasted on any round of journey Xiao feather PS according, same erase of disregarding another's feelings, because he was the Fudan Attached middle school post one of the managers. Obviously he to his position quite proud. 王鸥拿出手机和程晓羽互换了号码,还翻出了珍藏的各年级美女照片给程晓羽浏览,对各色妹子评头论足以后更是豪气干云的对程晓羽说以后贴吧上凡是发程晓羽PS照的帖子,不留情面的一律删掉,因为他是复旦附中贴吧的管理员之一。很明显他对他这个职位相当的骄傲。 Finished eating the food, the turning back classroom that journey Xiaoyu and king Ou put arms around shoulders, a revolutionary mood reliable friendship this was born quietly. 吃完饭,程晓羽和王鸥勾肩搭背的走回教室,一段革命情怀般的牢固友谊就这样悄悄诞生了。 When the youth young and good-looking worry-free young people always specially easy wide open heart, happiest the years in this life we can easily found does not blend the qualitative friendship, but with the dying of old age such sentiment deterioration volatility of time, perhaps more will perhaps ferment the alcohol to be timeless gradually 正值青春少艾无忧无虑的年轻人总是特别容易的敞开心扉,在这个人生中最美好的年月我们能轻易的找到不参杂质的友谊,而随着时光的老去这样的感情也许会渐渐变质挥发,也许会越酿越醇历久弥新
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