Shanghai of April, Yinclearonce in a while, changes in temperatureonce in a while.
四月的上海,阴晴间或,冷暖间或。Thisis the season that the easymoodto subvert.
容易感冒的时节。Alsobecause ofit, spendslate, actuallyopensis long. Thisis the season that views the flowerssuitable.
也因之,花开得晚,却开得长。这是个适宜赏花的季节。summerShamois riding the bicycleundercamphor tree, a light vessel that as ifgoes downstream, the park in cornerhas a piece of flowering cherry tree.
After being continually cloudy, spring sunshinesuddenly/violentlyNuan, the oriental cherrybloomedonManshaneverywhere, wind and rain, died of old agerapidly, inundating the streeteverywhereis a piece of fallen flower!
The oriental cherry that the oriental cherry of tranquilandtendernen, elapseseasilyquietly, faint tracepointraindropaccumulatedcoldintent, is mixing with the oriental cherrypetalto float, fluttersinthislong street.
宁静而娇嫰的樱花,容易悄然逝去的樱花,丝丝点点的雨滴蕴着冷意,夹杂着樱花瓣飘飘洒洒,飘荡在这条长街。ThinsummerShamoextends a hand, presses firmly between the fingersonepieceinin the airis dancing in the airaimless the flower petal.
瘦瘦的夏纱沫伸出一只手,捏住一片在空中漫无目的飞舞着的花瓣。Butherheartlikethisflower petal, does not know where to stop over.
而她的心就像这片花瓣一样,不知道在何方落脚。Dreamandreality, a howbrutalchoice question. Without running intojourneyXiaoyu, there would be noso manyare intertwining the worry. Originallyto her, singingis only a hobby, howeverjourneyXiao the feathermadeherfeel the joy of music.
梦想和现实,多么残酷的一道选择题。如果没有遇到程晓羽,就没有这么多纠结着的烦恼了。本来对她来说,唱歌只是一个爱好而已,然而程晓羽却让她感受到了音乐的快乐。Shewantsto sing, wantsto continueto sing.
她想唱歌,想继续唱下去。summerShamoloosens the hand, making the windbringthatflower petalto soar.
夏纱沫松开手,让风带着那片花瓣去飞翔。As the popularity of evilroyal crowninnetworkis getting higher and higher, summerShamonow is next toSuYu the focusfemale student of FudanAttached middle school. Compares to SuYu who makingoneis unable to approachindifferently, the prettysummermuslinfrothreceives the favors of generalmale student.
随着罪恶王冠在网络上的人气越来越高,夏纱沫现在已经是仅次于苏虞兮的复旦附中的焦点女生。相较于冷漠到令人无法靠近的苏虞兮,楚楚动人的夏纱沫更受广大男生的青睐。In the FudanAttached middle schoolmale studentspreadsthese words, studiesinFudanAttached middle school, withoutwriting a love lettertoSuYu, the lifedoes not calculatecompletely. No one thought that was refusedanythingto be goodto lose facebySuYu, was not rejectedis not normal.
复旦附中男生中流传这一句话,在复旦附中读书,没有写一封情书给苏虞兮,人生就不算圆满过。从来没有人觉得被苏虞兮拒绝有什么好丢脸的,不被拒绝才是不正常的。summerShamo but who nowbravessuddenlybecame the new favorite of FudanAttached middle schoolmale students. ComparesSuYu of aloof, compassionatesummermuslinfrothrapidbecomesin the FudanAttached middle schoolnewdream the sweetheart, the love letterisreceivesleniently.
但如今突然冒出来的夏纱沫成了复旦附中男生们的新宠。相比高冷的苏虞兮,极具亲和力的夏纱沫迅速的成为了复旦附中新的梦中情人,情书更是收到手软。Manyhighone, hightwo and studentherfans of junior middle schoolsection, thereforeoftenhas the student of lower gradeto finish classto asksummerShamoto take a group photoanddemand the signature. ButgentlesummerShamo, so long asis not the excessiveactionwill not rejecttotally, thismakes the originalclassspendGuMantingas well assomefemale studentsis quite uncomfortable, frequentlyarrangessummerShamosomeidle talk.
还有不少高一、高二和初中部的学生都还是她的粉丝,所以经常有低年级的学生下课来找夏纱沫合影和索要签名的。而温柔的夏纱沫,只要不是过份的举动一概不会拒绝,这让原来的班花顾漫婷以及一些女生极为不爽,经常编排夏纱沫的一些闲言碎语。summerShamoismuch the female student who toohas not had the feeling, almostdoes not have the human communicationbesides the monotonousstudent life. Because the reason of home environmentalwayssomewhatfeels inferior, is not willingto become friends. After thistimebecomes famous , many female studentscome upto talkwithheron own initiative, sheactuallysimple-hearteddoes not know how with others human relations, to makesomefemale studentsfeelsheinstallsaloof from worldly affairsbefore the female student, installspitifullybefore the male student, said that sheis the green teaprostitute.
夏纱沫原本是个没有太多存在感的女生,除了单调的学生生活之外几乎没有人际交往。因为家庭环境的原因总有些自卑,不愿意交朋友。这次出名以后,也有不少女生主动上来跟她搭话,她却木讷的不知道如何与他人交际,更让一些女生觉得她在女生面前装清高,在男生面前装可怜,说她是绿茶婊。PuresummerShamohas not paid attention to the Gossip between classfemale studentscompletely, does not haveconsciousnessherto be isolatedbymostfemale students.
单纯的夏纱沫完全没有注意班级女生间的流言蜚语,也没有意识倒她已经被大部分女生孤立起来。Actuallytostate of mindindifferenther, suchin view ofcannot punctureherheavy/thickprotection cover. When read the kindergarten, becausedid not have the father, the childrenwill laugh ather. When attended the elementary school, wet weatherothersalwayshad the guardianto meet, only thenshemustaloneheavy raingoes home. Attended the junior middle school, the parents' meetingno onehas always gone, mother for the home loan, made the concurrent job, basicallydid not have the time.
其实对心境淡然的她来说,这样的针对也刺破不了她的厚重保护壳。读幼儿园时,因为没有爸爸,小朋友们会笑她。读小学时,下雨天别人总有家长来接,只有她要独自淋着雨回家。读初中,家长会从来没人去过,妈妈为了房贷,做了兼职,基本没时间。Without the father, isknows, even ifwere bullied, somepeoplewill not support. Isworks assadly, others'father said that at the worstgoes home the fatherto raisetime, oneselfactuallyanythingcannotsay can only infinitemiserableto/clashesforward, becausedoes not have the escape route. Isoccasionallyafter the kindergartentimeseessomechildrento be pulledby the father the time of eating the ice cream, when will havemanydesolate, sadchildrenat heartshouldjoyfulchildhoodnothe.
没有爸爸,就是知道即使被欺负了,也不会有人撑腰。就是当难过的时候,别人的爸爸说,大不了回家来爸爸养着的时候,自己却什么都不能说只能无限凄凉的向前冲,因为没有退路。就是偶尔经过幼儿园的时候看见有的小孩子被爸爸牵着吃冰淇淋的时候,心里会有很多苍凉,难过孩童时本应该快乐的童年没有他。Actuallywas lonelysheto be used. No oneprotects, oneselfprotect himself.
The gymnastic exerciseswill have the male student of otherclassandlower gradefrom now onasksherto take a group photo, summerShamosmiledis drinkingthemto photograph, refusingthemto want the request of telephone, the blushinghalf stepto turn back the classroom.
课间操过后又有别的班的和低年级的男生来找她合影,夏纱沫微笑着喝他们照了像,拒绝了他们要电话的请求,红着脸快步走回了教室。Stillin the entrance, hearsin the classseveralusuallyto likedressing up, the female studentheaded byGuMantingdiscussedherin the unscrupulousloudness. summerShamohesitant, has not walked.
还在门口的时候,就听见班上几个平时爱打扮的,以顾漫婷为首的女生在肆无忌惮的大声议论她。夏纱沫犹豫了一下,没有走进去。„Heard that shedoes not have the fathersince childhood!”
“听说她从小就没有爸爸!”„What's the matter? Whatlife experiencegossipsquicklyher?”
“怎么回事?快八卦一下她什么身世?”„Her motherissmallthree, livedherto be flung! Her motherhad workedin the supermarket that my familyopens, thesewereIlisten tomy motherto say”
“她妈是小三,生了她就被甩了好吗!她妈原来在我家开的超市打过工,这些都是我听我妈说的”„Smallthreemostdamn, originallyhas not really looked,shewill install, yousaid that sheis close tothatfattyjourneyXiaoyu, settles onhimto have money?”
“小三最该死,原来真没有看出来,她那么会装,你说她接近那个胖子程晓羽,是不是就看中他有钱?”„I feel, seeming like the same as the whitelotus flower, in facton a green teaprostitute.”
“我觉得就是,看上去跟朵白莲花一样,实际上就一绿茶婊。”„Knows? SheNew Year's Dayperformsthatshoes that wearsis the JIMMYCHOOcrystalshoes, Icouple of days agolooked that in the magazine said that takestens of thousands!”
“知道吗?她元旦汇演穿的那双鞋子是JIMMYCHOO的水晶鞋,我前两天看杂志上介绍,要几万块!”„Thenis expensive? Imitates the funds! Isn't herfamily/homeverypoor?”
“那么贵?仿款吧!她家不是很穷吗?”„Hehe, thatjourneyXiaoyubuyswithhim! Isawone day at noon, thatjourneyXiaoyusaidtohermanydisgustingwords, aiya, reallywantedto be disgustingI.”
“呵呵,那个程晓羽跟他买的!我有一天中午看见了,那个程晓羽对她说了好多肉麻的话,哎呀,真是要恶心死我了。”„You , to have money, enticesthatjourneyXiaofeather!”
“你要想有钱,也去勾引那个程晓羽啊!”„Inot! Thenis fat, yousaid that summerShamois so thin, canpresses?”
“我才不呢!那么胖,你说夏纱沫那么瘦,能经的起那么压?”„Youquitedisgusting......” are a ridiculesound.
“你好恶心......”然后就是一阵讥笑声。summerShamostandsin the classroomentranceis pale, turns the headto walktoward the corridor.
夏纱沫站在教室门口脸色苍白,转头朝走廊走去。journeyXiaoyustartsto get readyto enter the classroom, seeingsummerShamonot to go in the entrance, walks to frightenher, actuallyheardso manyto stabherwords. Hebehindher, cannot seeherexpression, does not knowhowto comforttime, summerShamoturned aroundjustto hithisarms.
程晓羽开始准备进教室,看见夏纱沫在门口没有进去,走过去想吓她一下,却听见了那么多中伤她的话。他在她背后,看不见她的表情,不知如何安慰的时候,夏纱沫转身刚好撞进了他的怀里。summerShamodrew backonestep, has not looked atjourneyXiaoyu, lowers the head saying that hastily„sorry.”Thenmustwalk.
夏纱沫退了一步,也没看程晓羽,连忙低下头说“对不起。”然后要走。journeyXiaoyuholdssummerShamo, felt that herhandsomewhatshiversslightly, heusesunquestionablesoundsay/way„youwait/etc.”Thenenters the classroomwith stride.
程晓羽一把抓住夏纱沫,感觉她的手微微有些颤抖,他用不容置疑的声音道“你等等。”然后大步走进教室。Thatfemale studentsawjourneyXiaoyuto come, had not said a word, journeyXiaoyuwalkeddirectly. In the classeveryonesaw the unusual condition.
那一圈女生看见程晓羽进来了,都没做声了,程晓羽直接走了过去。班上所有人都看出了异状。journeyXiaoyucoughed, pounds on the tabletothesefemale students, openingmouthartillerypatternloudsay/way„I am really not being cruel enoughto judge people solely on appearanceby your appearances. ThereforeItry hardwas seen clearlyyoursoulsbyoneself, finallyyoursoulsalsodisappointmecompared withyoursemblances. Added that alsoenticesme? Askedyouto patownface, thatappearancepastedin the gate to exorcise evil spirits, pasting the bedheadcan the contraception.”
程晓羽咳嗽了一声,一拍桌子对着这几个女生,开启嘴炮模式大声道“以你们这长相我真不忍心以貌取人。所以我努力的让自己去看清楚你们的灵魂,结果你们的灵魂比你们的外表还让我失望。还说还来勾引我?求你们自己把自己脸拍下来,那模样贴门上能辟邪,贴床头能避孕。”GuMantingblushingsay/way„journeyXiaoyu, yourmouthcleanly, thisis a classroom.”
顾漫婷红着脸道“程晓羽,你嘴巴干净点,这是教室。”„Yo, youalsoknow that thisis a classroom! The cheap peopleareartificial, in the world so manyweaponsyounotstudy, muststudy the sword, on the swordstudy, does not studydespicable, the iron swordstudy, does not studyobscenelycheap, is the personswordunitesto your boundariessimply, is called the cheap person.” The start that journeyXiao the featherspitflieshorizontallyscolded, was a seniorsprayer, did not spout the artistic air, will really be unfair toHuaxiahigh and low5000culture. Thesepiecesarethisspace and timedo not have, in the classroomschoolmate, as soon aslistensto feelto lack, started unable to bearsmile.
Several other female studentshad been frightenedbyimposing mannerastonishingjourneyXiaoyudo not dareto make noise, even ifdaresto make noisedoes not knowto sayanything, theseyounger sisterspasteandforumin the final analysisonfew, the vocabularyis insufficient!
另几个女生早就被气势惊人的程晓羽吓得不敢出声,就算敢出声也不知道说什么,说到底还是这些妹子还是贴吧、论坛的上的少,词汇量不足啊!journeyXiaoyuhas not scoldedsatisfies a craving, looks that the complexionredhow manylittle missesare not especially venting, hismost repugnant these women of backbitingright and wrong„envyturns over to the envy, cultivates the behaviordo not make the dog, slanderedinterestinglyin the back? ActuallyIusuallydo not curse at people, does not arrive at the vitality/angryis not cruel enoughto scoldis so ruthless, but, makes an exceptiontodayonetime. Yourtheseare all rightto idle, sinceresaidonetoyou: Youspecialare the mouthare inexpensive, underpulls out. Youfeltonelongalsowhatvery welllooksis? Aiyuhey, sorry, youraised high! The lyingtrough, grew into you type, whatoneself also goodmeaningwas? Wantsmymenot to dareto come out, walkson the avenueIto dislikedisgraced. Dailywhereinshows offwhatyouto show off, whichstandyoutoward, think the portrait after-image of whosefamily/homedid not knowspoiling. Are oneverybeautiful? Veryarrogancearrogance? Iwas disinclinedto lift the eyelidto look atyouroneeyesfromyouespeciallyin the past, looked that youreyesmustwastemymanybrain cells.”
程晓羽还没有骂过瘾,看着脸色通红的几个小姑娘尤不解气,他最讨厌这些背后论人是非的八婆“嫉妒归嫉妒,做人不要做狗,在背后诋毁有意思?其实我平时不骂人的,不到生气的时候就不忍心骂这么狠,但是,今天就破例一次。你们这些没事闲得慌的,真诚的对你们说一声:你们特么就是嘴贱,欠抽。你们觉得自个长的还挺好看的是么?哎呦喂,对不起,您高抬了呢!卧槽,都长成您内样了,自个还还挺好意思的是吧?要我我都不敢出来,走大街上我嫌丢人。天天在哪显摆什么你显摆,您往哪一站,不知道的还以为谁们家的遗像给糟蹋了呢。自个还挺美吧?挺傲气傲气的吧?特么我从你旁边过去都懒得抬眼皮看你一眼都,看你一眼得浪费我多少脑细胞呀。”„Youhavenot to end! journeyXiaofeather.”GuMantingpounds on the tableto stand, the tearsalsofollowedto fall.
“你有完没完!程晓羽。”顾漫婷拍着桌子站起来,眼泪也跟着掉下来了。journeyXiao did the featherhehesmile„how? The backarrangementpersonis fierce, fearedface to face? Putis usually nippedby the dog, Itrampled. Todayalsoreallyinsteadbitesyourone, experiences the sense of joy that youusuallybitewhereto come.”Said that journeyXiaoyuseesno oneto dareto talk back is also senseless, walkstoward the classroomentrance, to the entrancealsoturn headsaid that „the quickcollege entrance examination, don't worryfor the matter of othersfamily/home? Howyoulovebehind the discussionpeople, does not rememberinclassroompublic area, reallycannot help the mouthbeing inexpensive, toldme, the Elder Brotherreserved all seats for a performancewithyouinKTV, makingyoulift the microphoneto say a happiness, but alsohad the musicto accompany. Moreoverforwards as an enclosure the tea, drink, melon seed, peanut and spicyradish. Hasto eatto play, wrapsyouto satisfy.”
程晓羽呵呵笑了“怎么了?背后编排人厉害,当面一个个都怕了?搁平时被狗咬了,我就一脚踹过去了。今天还真得反咬你们一口,体验一下你们平时咬人的愉悦感从哪里来。”说完程晓羽见没人敢回嘴也是无趣,就朝教室门口走去,到门口又回头道“都快高考了,别为别人家的事情操心好吗?你们爱怎么背后议论人都可以,记住别在教室这种公共场合,实在忍不住要嘴贱,跟我说,哥哥在KTV跟你们包场,让你们举着话筒说个痛快,还带音乐伴奏。另外附送茶水、饮料、瓜子、花生、辣萝卜。有吃有玩,包你们满意。”journeyXiaoyulooks the schoolmate who classis looking athim, allhas the vision of awe. Feltoneselfsaidextremely, mounts the platformto think that the literarypointeducates the flowers in thesegreenhouses.
程晓羽看着班级里的同学望着他,全都有敬畏的目光。觉得自己是不是说的太过了,又走上讲台觉得还是得文艺点教育这些温室里的花朵。Attractivechalkregular scriptwritingonblackboard.
漂亮的粉笔楷书写在黑板上。MyGod , It ‚ sFullofStars
MyGod,It‘sFullofStarsWealwayshope that the world should not be bigger thanownimagination.
我们总希望世界不要大于自己的想象。Oncesomepeopleviolated the godaim, somepeopleblasphemed the witchcraft,
曾有人违背神旨,有人亵渎巫术,Butanotherperson, was given„knows” the ability,
而另一个人,则被赋予“知道”的能力,Becomesis actually the target of public criticism.
却成为众矢之的。Incurshunt that such as the antmarches.
The people, go boatingto pursue, dischargeby the line
亘古不变,Lifelikedeep sea, quietspeechless.
生命如深海般,静谧无言。Now, the ancientpatternis slowly stave,
如今,古老的格局慢慢破碎,Perhaps, mother of universeis gazing at the heirstars,
或许,宇宙之母正在注视着子嗣繁星,Spoke softly,
轻声细语道,Yes, weare turning toward the lightto limp the line.
是的,我们正向着光蹒跚而行。Then, kissesyoungus,
然后,亲吻年幼的我们,Embracesinto the mind/bosom the stars.
把日月星辰揽入胸怀。But the father of universeis in the next door,
而宇宙之父正在隔壁,Arrivesloudly*for the heavenquarrelsloudlyshouts
为天国降临*大吵大嚷Has no timeto care aboutus, inthisspace and timetravels the bitter experience.
无暇顾及我们,在这场时空旅行中的遭遇。Sometimes, Iwill see the public library in village,
有时候,我会看见乡村的公共图书馆,Openreading room, highbookshelf,
以及公用的铅笔。Thesebooksagefor a long time,
这些书籍年岁已久,Stays the lastseveralweeksin the hands of differentperson
封皮上长长的“借阅者”On the night, thentolying downpoured outinperson,
每逢夜里,便对躺在身旁的人倾诉,Theireyes, thatplace that is full of the lie.
After finishing, journeyXiaoyuabandoned the chalk, left the classroom, drewsummerShamoto walktoward the staircaseunderglare of the public eye.
写完之后,程晓羽扔下粉笔,走出教室,在众目睽睽下拉着夏纱沫朝楼梯走去。summerShamohas not revolted, is red the eye socket, butaskedlow voice„goes?”
夏纱沫没有反抗,红着眼眶,只是小声问“去哪儿?”journeyXiaoyuturn headbrightsaid„in April that thisoriental cherryflutters, naturallyis most suitableto skip classes!”
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