MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#64: Speed per second five centimeters

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When Su Yu said those words, in car(riage) a person astonished time. 当苏虞兮说出那句话,车里的人一片惊愕的时候。 Wu Zi Xuan responded that is quickest, said hastily I accompany Koba Elder Brother to take the taxi.” Was saying prepares to get out, Wu Zi Xuan also read three high, he does not know that journey Xiao feather he was greatly big, therefore shouted journey Xiaoyu, Koba Elder Brother. His father warned him, at any time must lower the stance, what regardless of you faced was. 吴子轩反应是最快的,连忙道“还是我陪小羽哥哥去坐出租吧。”说着准备下车,吴子轩也读高三,他也不知道程晓羽大还是他大,所以就喊程晓羽,小羽哥哥。他父亲告诫他,任何时候都要放低姿态,无论你面对的是什么人。 Su Yu shakes the head, but also without and other Wu Zi Xuan comes out, puts out a hand to close the door of running quickly back seat, walks toward the street. journey Xiaoyu is also amazed Su Yu to the transformation of his attitude, when with arriving at street, shout that the back also transmits Su Weilan, said that in Tongquetai they, wants them a bit faster. 苏虞兮摇了摇头,还没等吴子轩出来,就伸手把奔驰后座的门关上,朝街边走去。程晓羽也惊诧苏虞兮对他态度的转变,跟着走到街边时,背后还传来苏巍澜的喊声,说在铜雀台等他们,要他们快点。 journey Xiaoyu and Su Yu stand in the somewhat ice-cold street together. Both people insert the hand in the pocket, ice cold wind Su Yu the sending tree top that ponytail blows flies everywhere randomly. The light inverted image of orange street light in according to the dark cement road surface, fills the deep grey haze the day air pressure special is low and deep, the skyscraper of standing tall and erect put in these dim mourning bands partly visible. 程晓羽和苏虞兮一起站在有些冰冷的街头。两个人都把手插在口袋里,冰寒的风将苏虞兮的马尾吹的发梢四处乱飞。橘黄的街灯照着黝黑的水泥路面上自己淡淡的倒影,充满深灰雾霾的天空压的特别低沉,高耸的摩天大厦伸进了那些朦胧的黑纱里若隐若现。 Each car(riage) will stop slightly from their two side processes, this strange combination, these ordinary scenes composed an abstract landscape painting that is full of the charm, beautiful that strange is so appealing. 每辆车从他们两身边经过都会稍稍停顿一下,这个奇异的组合,这些平凡的场景组成了一副充满魔力的抽象风景画,美的那么奇异那么吸引人。 Su Yu the chilly fair facial features are also reflecting the neon, stands first opens the mouth saying that to journey Xiaoyu on the street serrated edge yesterday thanked.” 苏虞兮清冷白皙的面容还倒映着霓虹,站在马路牙子上先开口对程晓羽道“昨天谢谢了。” journey Xiaoyu turns the head to look at Su Yu slightly the profile, squares immediately, is a little astonished Su Yu the sudden expression of gratitude, asked what thanks?” 程晓羽稍稍转了头看了眼苏虞兮的侧脸,马上又摆正,有点讶异苏虞兮突如其来的道谢,问道“谢什么啊?” Su Yu as if somewhat cold, draws the zipper of down clothing the wind blows uppermost. Uses the persuasive neutral tone saying that that woof Dongliang record I have looked. Although you a little stupid makes the matter that bad, but I am thank you.” 苏虞兮似乎被风吹的有些冷,将羽绒服的拉链拉到最上面。用着婉转的轻声道“那个汪栋梁的笔录我都看过了。尽管你有点笨的把事情弄那么糟糕,但我还是谢谢你。” journey Xiaoyu simply has not read woof Dongliang record today, does not know that this study tyrant almost remembers journey Xiaoyu and his each dialog, and said completely came out to make the record. 程晓羽今天根本没看汪栋梁的笔录,不知道这个学霸几乎记得程晓羽和他的每一句对白,并且完整的说了出来做了笔录。 journey Xiaoyu remembered had said yesterday words, inexplicable blushing somewhat, looks the white clouds that Su Yu the rouge color lip exhaled, like the fog of curling, this scene made him be somewhat enchanted by, as if once the dream had been. 程晓羽想起昨天说过的话,莫名的有些脸红,看着苏虞兮胭脂色的嘴唇呼出的白气,像袅袅的雾霭,这场景让他有些迷醉,仿佛曾经梦到过。 journey Xiaoyu smiled saying with a smile you not to dislike me to be stupid, I satisfied. Thanked really a little speaks discreetly.” Stopping under also some desolate Szo said that in fact I truly am a useless Elder Brother.” 程晓羽笑了笑道“你不讨厌我笨,我就满足了。谢谢实在有点言重了。”停了下又有些萧索的说“实际上我确实是个没什么用的哥哥。” Su Yu has not comforted journey Xiaoyu the meaning, but looks at gauze in journey Xiaoyu the wrist/skill, thought he after silently is not afraid, couldn't play the piano? A spatial taxi stopped in her puzzled train of thought before them, Su Yu the brain was they who woof Dongliang traced to narrate in the picture of lockup, she intertwined to turn the head to journey Xiaoyu to say „, or we let us go to sing?” 苏虞兮也没有安慰程晓羽的意思,只是看着程晓羽手腕上的纱布,默默的想到难道他不害怕以后再也弹不了钢琴吗?一辆空的士在她纠结的思绪里停在了她们面前,苏虞兮满脑子都是汪栋梁描叙的他们在看守所的画面,她纠结了一下就转头对程晓羽说“要不我们别去唱歌了?” journey Xiao the feather hehe smiles worthily is my younger sister, thinks with me is the same.” 程晓羽嘿嘿笑到“不愧是我的妹妹,跟我想的一样。” Su Yu also smiled, this is the first time that journey Xiaoyu saw that Su Yu smiles, sways like the summer wind in journey Xiaoyu immediately on the somewhat ice-cold body, felt oneself warm must melt. 苏虞兮也笑了,这是程晓羽第一次看到苏虞兮笑,像夏天的风一样吹拂在程晓羽当下有些冰冷的身体上,感觉自己温暖的就要融化了。 Su Yu the starting to walk long leg, goes down the sidewalk to open the vehicle door turn head to say to journey Xiaoyu „, but I felt, I am your older sister is right.” Then boarded to sit in behind. 苏虞兮迈开长腿,走下人行道拉开车门回头对着程晓羽道“可是我觉得,我是你姐姐才对啊。”然后上车坐在了后面。 journey Xiaoyu felt all hitting of suffering at this time, is worth, each scar changed to the happy kiss mark to be the same. Actually his heart longs for obtaining the approval of this younger sister proud tender. journey Xiaoyu laughs foolishly is opening the taxi front door, sat. 程晓羽这个时候觉得所有挨的打,都那么值得,每一道伤痕都化作了甜蜜的吻痕一般。其实他内心非常渴望获得这个傲娇妹妹的认可。程晓羽傻笑着拉开出租车前门,也坐了上去。 Did the master hang kept off to ask which two to go?” 师傅挂了挡问道“两位去哪儿啊?” journey Xiaoyu does not know that also where can go to turn the head to ask Su Yu where you do want to go to?” 程晓羽也不知道还能去哪里就转头问苏虞兮“你想去哪里?” Su Yu will insert the hand in pocket takes Ha several tones, rubbed several evil ways this should not be the issue that the male student thought?” 苏虞兮将插在口袋里的手拿出来哈了几口气,又搓了几下道“这不该是男生想的问题吗?” journey Xiao the feather can only to the master say that first faces forward.” The master seized the opportunity to look at rear view mirror several, by Su Yu was startled beautifully. 程晓羽只能对师傅道“先朝前开吧。”师傅抓住机会多瞧了后视镜几眼,也被苏虞兮的美丽惊到了。 The taxi went a small section distance on the spacious Capital City main road, both people were silent a meeting, then say/way with one voice „, or goes to the library.” 出租车在空旷的京城大路上行驶了一小段距离,两个人都沉默了一会,然后异口同声的道“要不去图书馆。” National Central Library of this space and time is like Eslite Bookstore of journey Xiao feather previous generation, 24 hours open the door, the whole year not rests. It is said when the young poor father, spent the long studying profession in the library. Also had once said looks at a library in country, can see the future of this country.” Therefore the Huaxia library is not only the scholars studies the place free, is the traveling and casual sacred place. Especially no student lovers of money most love here the appointment. 这个时空的国家图书馆跟程晓羽前世的诚品书店一样,二十四小时开门,全年无休。据说年幼时贫穷的国父,就在图书馆度过了漫长的求学生涯。也曾说过“看一个国家的图书馆,就能看到这个国家的未来。”所以华夏图书馆不仅仅是学子们免费的学习场所,还是旅游和休闲圣地。尤其是没有什么钱的学生情侣们最爱在这里约会。 The taxi master looks at journey Xiaoyu and Su Yu speech with one voice, smiled your young couple greatly new year's celebrations also studying hall appointment, but also really likes studying. My family that brat, reads sleeps.” 出租车师傅看程晓羽和苏虞兮异口同声的说话,也笑了“你们小两口大过年的还去读书馆约会,还真是爱学习啊。我家那臭小子,看书就睡觉。” journey Xiao feather 40 years informed and experienced does not have the resistivity in the face of these words, the face one on red say/way this is my younger sister.” 程晓羽四十年的历练在这句话面前丝毫没有抵抗力,脸一下就红了道“这是我妹妹。” Hires the master haha to say with a smile has any embarrassed acknowledgment, I have not believed that in the world will have the difference such big brother and sister!” 出租师傅哈哈笑道“有什么不好意思的承认的,我还不相信世界上会有差异这么大的兄妹呢!” journey Xiaoyu makes the having tears streaming down the face shape to face upward the deep sigh, awkwardness that cannot conceal. 程晓羽做泪流满面状仰天长叹,掩饰不住的尴尬。 Su Yu threw is covering mouth smiled low voice, charming person. 苏虞兮“扑哧”捂着嘴小声笑了,娇媚可人。 When teasing of taxi driver, were not many arrived at the grand solemn and respectful library, two people came to discover, here completely not like imagination in lonely lonely. 在出租车司机的调侃中,不多时就到了宏伟肃穆的图书馆,两人进来才发现,这里完全不像想象中那样冷清寂寥。 The warm air of library opens is very full, although next-to-last day of the year, many people sit on the wood floor, by reads under the gigantic bookshelf. Also many people selected near on the table of hot drinks in window to read. 图书馆的暖气开的很足,虽说是小除夕,还是有不少人坐在木地板上,靠在硕大的书架下面看书。也有不少人点了热饮在落地窗边的桌子上阅读。 This huge and ostentatious city, always has the person who nowhere places the soul, dwells in this stretch of energetic wheat field. 这个庞大而浮华的城市,总有无处安放灵魂的人,在这片精神的麦田里栖息。 journey Xiaoyu sees the father black inscription, hangs on the wall screening of studying hall lobby, „, even if I do not have a thing in the world, I can also here peaceful studying.” 程晓羽看见国父黑色的题字,挂在读书馆大堂的照壁上,“即使我一无所有,我还能在这里安静的读书。” These words make journey Xiaoyu have an inexplicable strength to seethe in the chest, living arises spontaneously for the pride of Huaxia person. 这句话让程晓羽有一种莫名的力量在胸中翻腾,一种生为华夏人的骄傲油然而生。 At night although the library only opened one, but is also big, subdividing the type are also many. journey Xiaoyu and Su Yu entered the library to look to want on each one to read the books. 夜间图书馆虽然只开放了一层,但是也非常大,细分种类也多。程晓羽和苏虞兮进了图书馆就各自去找想看得书籍。 journey Xiao feather urgent wants to understand this time the network technology advancement, therefore chose " second machine revolution quickly: How the digital technology will change our economies and social », «Boils 15 Years of» and «the Summit of three books Tide», pulls out to take well, looked for one to sit down by the position of window. 程晓羽迫切的想了解这个时代的网络科技进程,所以很快的选了《第二次机器革命:数字化技术将如何改变我们的经济与社会》,《沸腾十五年》和《浪潮之巅》三本书,抽出来拿好,就找了一个靠窗户的位置坐下。 Quick Su Yu also took the book to walk, a Bender language «from Bismark to Hitler- Reviewed German», «Arms, Germ of And Steel and iron English- Human society Destiny». 很快苏虞兮也拿了书走过来,一本德语的《从卑斯麦到希特勒—回顾德意志》,一本英文的《枪炮、病菌与钢铁—人类社会的命运》。 journey Xiaoyu asked the service person to come, a person selected. the Shaoxing wine to sit facing each other, no one has spoken, starts to read earnestly the cup 程晓羽叫了服务员过来,一人点了杯竹叶青就相对而坐,谁也没说话,开始认真看起书来。 journey Xiaoyu raised the head occasionally, the incandescent lamp scatters in Su Yu fresh-faced the light of clear sparkling stone, if on greasy face, the tall and slender eyelash is decorating the dedicated look. journey Xiaoyu by the tea aroma that scatters lightly, seeing Su Yu to carry the cup, blows the tea leaves, slightly sips one gently, whether there is on aesthetic sense happened without being noticed. 程晓羽偶尔抬起头来,白炽灯将清莹的光撒在苏虞兮粉嫩若腻的脸上,细长的睫毛装饰着专注的眼神。程晓羽透过淡淡飘散的茶香,看见苏虞兮端起杯子,吹开茶叶,轻轻小啜一口,举手投足间就有无上的美感悄然而生。 Such scene is so familiar, their manner such similar, the curve marvelous consistency of eyelash. 这样的场景那么熟悉,她们的神态那样的相似,就连睫毛的弧度都奇妙的一致。 Time like grand smoke and fire Yu in journey Xiaoyu and Su the middle ascends. journey Xiaoyu felt oneself seem like dragging the weak ray last dust, in Su Yu in the line of sight extinguishes gradually. 时光像盛大的烟火一样在程晓羽和苏虞兮的中间升腾而起。程晓羽感觉自己像摇曳着微弱光芒的最后一颗尘埃,在苏虞兮的视线里渐渐熄灭。 As he this bright smoke and fire adverse current to his first love. 恍惚间他随着这灿烂的烟火逆流到他的初恋。 That is valentine day that is fluttering the snow in big flakes, 那是个飘着鹅毛大雪的情人节, Under the jacaranda mimosifolia tree of luxuriant growth of leaves and branches in library courtyard, 在图书馆院子里枝繁叶茂的蓝花楹树下, Under being away from the sparkle galaxy of cloud layer shining. 在隔着云层流光溢彩的闪耀星河下。 He holds she somewhat ice-cold both hands, kissed her gently. 他抓住她有些冰冷的双手,轻轻的吻了她。 That flash journey Xiaoyu as if knows forever, mind as well as soul is, 那一瞬间程晓羽仿佛知道了永远、心灵以及灵魂的所在, As if shared to give the opposite party all between 18 years. 仿佛将十八年间的一切都分享给了对方。 Always after feeling that kiss, 总觉得那个吻之后, The myriad things are changed beyond recognition. 万物都焕然一新。 But he really wishes sincerely can obtain to protect her strength. 而他真心希望能获得守护她的力量。 However her soul, journey Xiaoyu does not know how should collect, where the belt/bring approaches. 然而她的灵魂,程晓羽不知该如何珍藏,带向何方。 Because of university remote, he fully realized, after this, they are unable to support each other. 因为大学异地,他深知,这之后他们无法一直相守。 What is keeping off before them is the huge huge life, 挡着在他们面前的是巨大庞然的人生, What impediment among them is the broad boundless time, 阻隔在他们中间的是广阔无际的时光, All these made emaciated them helpless. 这一切都令孱弱的他们无能为力。 This for many years, many times, have sought the slit that the memory aura is falling asleep by mistake, 此过经年,多少次,寻着记忆的气息误入梦的缝隙, Sees small city that dies of old age gradually, their past traces. 看见渐渐老去的小城,还有他们昔日的痕迹。 In book shelf yellowing diary, wrote all over the recollection of missing, 书柜里泛黄的日记,写满了思念的回忆, Years that the writing changes, 笔下翻动的岁月, Some year, some moon/month, in some day, some chapter, disappears her form. 某年,某月,某日里,某个章节,不见了她的身影。 Su Yu raised the head to see journey Xiao the feather to exude eyes of tears, without staring of focal distance oneself, can't be bearing ask how?” 苏虞兮抬头看见程晓羽泛着一点泪光的双眼,没有焦距的凝视着自己,忍不住问“怎么了?” journey Xiaoyu then awakens in the ghost of recollection, but he cannot remember, what kind of outline the first love in the memory the face that blurs is. At present floats to shake is Su Yu the busy facial features. 程晓羽这才在回忆的幻像里惊醒,只是他却怎么也想不起,初恋在记忆里已经模糊的脸是怎样的轮廓。眼前飘来晃去都是苏虞兮无暇的面容。 journey Xiaoyu wipes some tears in dry/does eye with the hand gently, to Su Yu said that thinks of a song, thinks that the demon is a little startled.” 程晓羽用手轻轻拭干眼里的些许泪水,对苏虞兮说“只是想到一首曲子,想到有点魔怔。” Su Yu has been very interested to the song that journey Xiaoyu writes, the philosophy and music are she biggest hobbies. That is very certainly interesting to listen.” Su Yu sighed gently, she appreciates journey Xiaoyu unequalled the talent in the music. 苏虞兮对程晓羽写的曲子一直都很有兴趣,哲学和音乐是她最大的爱好。“那一定很动听。”苏虞兮轻轻叹道,她是非常欣赏程晓羽在音乐上无与伦比的才华的。 journey Xiaoyu smiled, said that that I shoot to you listen!” 程晓羽笑了,说“那我弹给你听!” Did Su Yu straight the body ask here?” 苏虞兮直了直身子问道“在这里?” journey Xiaoyu nods. 程晓羽点头。 Doesn't have the zither | Jean?” Su Yu is frowning saying that she thought journey Xiaoyu as if a little indulged in fantasy. “可是没有琴啊?”苏虞兮皱着眉头道,她觉得程晓羽似乎有点异想天开了。 journey Xiaoyu referred to the position say/way of heart here having.” Then pulls out the pen from the coat pocket, draws the black and white 88 keys in the table edge one after another. 程晓羽指了指心脏的位置道“这里有。”然后从上衣口袋里掏出笔,在桌子边缘一笔一笔画出黑白88个琴键。 Su Yu gathers submits a written statement, looks at journey Xiao the feather earnest movement silently. 苏虞兮合上书,默默的看着程晓羽认真的动作。 After the picture ends, journey Xiaoyu sits well, places on the hand the table slowly, starts lithe playing.( BGM: «Speed per second Five Centimeters» onemoretime , onemorechance piano original sound) 画完以后,程晓羽坐定,将手缓缓放在桌子上,开始轻盈的弹奏。(BGM:《秒速五厘米》onemoretime,onemorechance钢琴原声) Black and white key of fingertip dexterous falling on picture on table, therefore Su Yu sees that note marvelously like the meteor, raises when her at present, but these notes fly the highest place crashes, as if the oriental cherry petal falls gently to be the same, falls in Su Yu, in she falls at present on the table, falls arms that in journey Xiaoyu waves, falls in two people line of sight has interlocked the slit. 指尖轻巧的落在桌子上画的黑白琴键上,于是苏虞兮奇迹般的看到那一个个音符像流星一样,在她眼前升起,而那些音符飞到最高处坠落时,仿佛樱花瓣飘落一样,一片一片掉在苏虞兮身上,在她眼前掉落在桌子上,掉在程晓羽挥动的手臂间,掉在两人视线交错过的缝隙。 As journey Xiaoyu relaxes from time to time intense playing from time to time, these notes the fingertip are composed a beautiful and sad melody by journey Xiaoyu is jumping, in Su Yu in the mind resounds. 随着程晓羽时而舒缓时而激烈的弹奏,这些音符被程晓羽跳跃着的指尖组成一条美丽而悲伤的旋律,在苏虞兮的脑海里鸣响。 Su Yu first time rapidness that somewhat feels the heartbeat, felt oneself place oneself in revolving huge nebulas. Looks that blast turbulent Milky Way is flying at present, seeing journey Xiaoyu to show to her a palpitation, but sad time journey. 苏虞兮第一次觉得心跳的有些快,感觉自己置身在旋转着的庞大星云中间。看着巨流汹涌的银河在眼前飞逝,看见程晓羽展现给她一段心悸而悲伤的时光旅途。 Are these notes his tears? Su Yu thinks. 这些音符就是他的眼泪吗?苏虞兮想到。
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