MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#62: My younger sister is such cute

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In December 29, the Huaxia person is receiving the tradition, has the custom of ancestor worship. Regarding such as to live , is not only the important indicator of filial piety, is the moral excellence of respecting elderly. Can visit a grave to invite the ancestor, is the family goes to the grave mound to worship. If really cannot, will suspend the incense table spirit tablet in the main hall center, entire family size offers a sacrifice to the liquor to burn the fragrance. 腊月二十九,华夏人秉承着传统,有祭祖的习惯。视死如生不仅是孝道的重要标志,也是尊老敬老的美德。能去上坟请祖的,自是全家老小去坟头祭拜。如果实在不能的,也会摆香案灵位于厅堂中央,全家大小祭酒燃香。 On this day also called the next-to-last day of the year, the family/home set at the banquet, people contact visiting was also called feast at year's end 这一天也叫小除夕,家置酒宴,人们往来拜访也叫“别岁” Like journey Xiao feather non-essential personnel, the main house gate cannot enter, can only access the net in the hotel, watches the television. Capital City in February/two months the cold weather and ice cold north wind, makes the desire that he goes out not have radically. When bored calls king Ou, chatted a meeting, hears his side lively voice, feels a little lonely, made the telephone call. 像程晓羽这种编外人员,家门都进不了的,只能在酒店上网,看电视。京城二月寒冷的天气和凌冽的北风,根本让他出门的欲望都没有。无聊之际跟王鸥打了电话,聊了一会,听见他那边热闹的声音,觉得有点孤独,就挂了电话。 journey Xiaoyu opens the address book, discovered that unexpectedly cannot chat the person. Only can send the message with Tang Wen senselessly attractively. 程晓羽又翻开通讯录,发现居然没有可以聊一聊的人。只能无趣到跟唐雯倩发短信。 „When sisters, approach on this occasion in the new year, ahead of time sends for you salutes in the new year. Wish your Year of the Tiger line to transport greatly, imposing, robust, careless.” “姐妹,值此新年来临之际,提前为你发来新年慰问。祝你虎年行大运,虎虎生威,虎头虎脑,马马虎虎。” Separated for a long time, journey Xiaoyu received one „your not to have the sincerity, blessed does not want, selects, gift or red packet.” 隔了许久,程晓羽才收到一条“你这也太没诚意了吧,祝福不要,来点实在的,礼物或者红包。” journey Xiaoyu returned to that you saying that you had what New Year's resolution, my today is happy, perhaps I will realize with you.” 程晓羽回“那你说,你有什么新年愿望,我今天心情好,说不定我就会跟你实现。” Owes my request you, plants, next year can grow many.” “把你欠我的一个要求,种下去,明年就能长出好多个。” Plants, you must water, but must give the sunlight, applies fertilizer, but may also not the result. You determined that can plant?” journey Xiaoyu returns “种下去,你还要浇水,还要给予阳光,还是施肥,还不一定会结果哦。你确定要种下去吗?”程晓羽回到 Your this reply, making me not happy. You made a I day of good mood not have.” “你这个回答,让我一点都不快乐。你让我一天的好心情都没有了。” I spoke a joke to you, Liu Bei's Lu horse runs away to run to the cliff, Zhang Fei must shout anxiously: Big brother, your quick Le Mas! You guess that what Liu Bei did say?” “那我跟你说个笑话,刘备的的卢马脱缰跑向悬崖,张飞急得大喊:大哥,你快勒马!你猜刘备说了什么?” „Did sister-in-law give you to look after?” Tang Wen returned to the strip to let journey Xiaoyu the dumbfounded answer attractively. “嫂子就交给你照顾了?”唐雯倩回了条让程晓羽目瞪口呆的答案。 Liu Bei scolded: I was joyful your hemp the next door.” “刘备骂道:我快乐你麻了隔壁。” Ha, this laughed at me.” “哈哈哈,这个笑死我了。” „Did words say your thought such dirty? Also Zhang Fei was not that person ..... “话说你的思想怎么这么污?再说人家张飞也不是那种人.....” Isn't your male students likes speaking the salacious story? Zhang Fei is not, you!” “不是你们男生都喜欢讲荤段子吗?张飞不是,你是啊!” But I said I have a young girl heart! How you can slander me like this “可是我说了我有一颗少女心啊!你怎么能这样污蔑我” I defeated by you, you make way, making me first spit a meeting.” Following Tang Wen attractively also with several vomitive expressions. “我被你打败了,你让开,让我先去吐一会。”后面唐雯倩还跟了几个呕吐的表情。 „Does the young girl heart of my puberty, your menopause envy?” “我青春期的少女心,你更年期羡慕是吗?” „, journey Xiao the feather do not forget that you also had the handle in my hand!” “靠,程晓羽你别忘记了你还有把柄在我手上!” „, You want you lightly, can be painful!” journey Xiaoyu returned to this to smile the booth on the bed, immediately thought was much better. “哦,那你要你轻点,会痛!”程晓羽回了这条笑摊在床上,顿时觉得心情好多了。 Separated received message that Tang Wen returned to attractively for a long time your hoodlum.” 隔了许久才收到唐雯倩回的短信“你个臭流氓。” This farewell gift of food dawn feather has not returned. 这下程晓羽就没有回过去了。 When dinner time, received Su Yu the message, asking him to come Quanjude. 等到晚饭的时候,收到了苏虞兮的短信,叫他来全聚德。 journey Xiaoyu did ask? 程晓羽就问怎么了? Su Yu had not said, returned to two characters, eats meal. 苏虞兮也没多说,就回了两字,吃饭。 journey Xiaoyu returned „.” Wears the clothes, took taxi Quanjude Peaceful Shop. 程晓羽回了“哦。”就穿上衣服,打车去了全聚德和平门店。 Receives the theater box number that Su Yu sent on the taxi. 在出租车上又收到了苏虞兮发的包厢号。 When journey Xiaoyu arrived at the theater box, has sat on seeing in he almost big two male and one female who Su Weilan, Su Yu three had not known. 等程晓羽到了包厢,就看见里面已经坐了苏巍澜、苏虞兮还有三个不认识的和他差不多大的两男一女。 And a boy is taking the handbag roast duck to eat, Su Weilan clamped chopsticks bordeaux shredded meat. Sees journey Xiaoyu to come, also has not stood, but shouted that Koba comes quickly, waited for you to be very long.” 其中一个男孩子在拿面皮包烤鸭吃,苏巍澜夹了一筷子京酱肉丝。看见程晓羽进来,也没站起来,只是喊“小羽快过来,都等你很久了。” journey Xiaoyu walks, because the table is a little big, belonging the table that can sit more than ten people, journey Xiaoyu moves the chair to sits down to who not near position. Su Yu then takes up the chopsticks, only then she waited for him. 程晓羽走过去,因为桌子有点大,属于可以坐十几人的桌子,程晓羽将椅子挪到离谁都不近的位置坐下。苏虞兮这才拿起筷子,只有她等了他。 journey Xiaoyu smiled saying with a smile embarrassed, on the road a little stops up.” In fact opens access, how long he comes really not to spend. 程晓羽笑了笑道“不好意思,路上有点堵。”实际上一路畅通无阻,他过来实在也没花多久。 The boy who is eating the roast duck said that today should not stop up? Capital City also on the two days pure.” 在吃烤鸭的男孩子道“今天应该不堵吧?京城也就这两天清净点。” journey Xiaoyu also smiles possibly fortunately, did not catch up.” 程晓羽也就笑了笑说“可能不凑巧,赶上了。” Su Weilan breaks this topic, held up the chopsticks to point out mistakes to eat the roast duck to say the boy who did not stop up said this was Third Uncle's son, Hongwen.” Also referred to nearby girl saying that this was Third Uncle's daughter is luxuriant.” 苏巍澜打断这个话题,举起筷子指正吃烤鸭说不堵的男孩道“这个是三叔的儿子,鸿文。”又指了指旁边的女孩道“这个是三叔的女儿菲菲。” Finally points at to journey Xiaoyu quite near male unfamiliar road this is being the child of my father secretary, Wu Zi Xuan, you called his child porch to be OK.” 最后指着离程晓羽比较近的男生道“这是我爸秘书的孩子,吴子轩,你叫他子轩就可以了。” Wu Zi Xuan also stood, shakes hand with journey Xiaoyu. 吴子轩还站了起来,跟程晓羽握了手。 Su Weilan is only meaningful smiling. 苏巍澜只是意味深长的笑了笑。 Does not have to manage journey Xiaoyu as for Su Hongwen and Su luxuriantly , to continue to eat to the heart's content, to them the good food is obviously more attractive. 至于苏鸿文和苏菲菲都没理程晓羽,继续大快朵颐,对他们来说显然美食更有吸引力。 Wu Zi Xuan fair and clear, the eye is not big, is very nimble and resourceful, is almost high with journey Xiao the feather, is the male student feminine appearance, refined delicate. It is estimated that is the type that many little misses like. 吴子轩白白净净,眼睛不算大,却很灵动,跟程晓羽差不多高,属于男生女相,斯文秀气。估计是很多小姑娘喜欢的类型。 In Su Hongwen image are many on the difference, slightly fat, the face is somewhat round, the eye is not big, the semblance is somewhat gruff, but is very tall is very sturdy. 苏鸿文形象上就差很多,微胖,脸有些圆,眼睛不大,外表有些憨,但个子挺高挺壮实的。 Su luxuriantly is also a handsome, is not tall, belongs a little moe, a little cute soft younger sister, gripping was crooked vulnerable point. Puts on quite pink gaudy, understood at a glance that is girl who a love dresses up. 苏菲菲也是小圆脸,个子不算高,属于有点萌,有点可爱的软妹子,扎了个歪着的小辫子。穿着相当粉红花哨,一看就知道是个爱打扮的女孩。 Su Yu is gripping ponytail, only wore the light white high-necked sweater in the theater box, is building the dark blue jeans and black riding boot. Under crystal lamp of theater box sparkle, pretty beautiful, pure thorough. 苏虞兮扎着马尾,在包厢里只穿了件薄薄的白色高领毛衣,搭着深蓝色的牛仔裤和黑色马靴。在包厢闪耀的水晶灯下,娇俏明媚,纯净透彻。 journey Xiaoyu sat down „the two days is first embarrassed with Su Wei billows say/way, really put to trouble with the Second Brother.” 程晓羽坐下先跟苏巍澜道“这两天不好意思,真跟二哥添麻烦了。” Su Weilan is shaking the head say/way what the whole family is polite?” 苏巍澜摇头道“都是一家人客气什么?” Does Su Hongwen then raised the head surprised asking „you are Second Uncle's illegitimate child? How not like!” Indeed he had not discovered on individual the table. 苏鸿文这才抬起头惊讶的问“你就是二叔的私生子?怎么一点都不像啊!”敢情他一直没发现多了个人上桌。 journey Xiaoyu to the sudden issue is not knowing how to reply. Opposite party that expression is not also malicious, but does not have the brain, makes him feel a little awkward. 程晓羽对着突如其来的问题不知道如何回答。对方那表情也并非恶意,只是无脑,才让他觉得有点尴尬。 Su with a smile clapping say/way fortunately is luxuriantly fatter than you, Elder Brother, now you in our family/home finally are not ugliest!” 苏菲菲笑着拍手道“还好比你胖,哥,现在你在我们家终于不是最丑的啦!” Then others smiled, Su Weilan has not criticized Su Feifei unreasonable. journey Xiaoyu also smiles, he will not go to lower oneself to the same level with the kid. Thought that the education of Third Uncle family/home is a little anxious. 然后其他人都笑了起来,苏巍澜也没有批评苏菲菲的无理。程晓羽也笑笑,他自不会去和小屁孩一般见识。只是觉得三叔家的教养有点令人担忧。 Has not smiled on Su Yu, places in the chopsticks the bowl cold sound said pursue external beautiful, purely from the instinct of wild animal( being appointed to fill a vacancy is particular about one's friends with). Luxuriant, when you can be separated from you that primitive side, regards the thing with your soul?” 就苏虞兮没笑,将筷子放在碗上冷声道“追求外在美,纯粹是源自于野兽的本能(即选择交配)。菲菲,你什么时候能脱离你内心那原始的一面,用你的灵魂去看待事物?” Luxuriantly from infancy to maturity Su most worships is Su Yu who the wisdom and beautiful appearance pay equal attention, hearing Su Yu to be full of the interrogation of philosophy meaning, cannot clear off significance, does not know how Su Yu in other words she is actually the same as the beast. Blushing say/way elder sister, excuse me, I crack a joke! Do not be angry!” No matter what completely she taunted was journey Xiaoyu. 苏菲菲从小到大最崇拜的就是智慧与美貌并重的苏虞兮,听见苏虞兮充满哲学意味的质问,根本理不清其中的意义,更不知道苏虞兮其实就是说她怎么跟禽兽一样。红着脸道“姐姐,不好意思,我开个玩笑!你别生气啊!”完全不管她嘲讽的是程晓羽。 Su Hongwen cannot understand Su Yu in cursing at people of beating around the bush, but sees Su Yu to maintain journey Xiaoyu is not very happy. In his sense, journey Xiaoyu is also only a bystander, Su Yu should with them, as soon as dials is right. 苏鸿文也听不懂苏虞兮在拐弯抹角的骂人,只是见苏虞兮维护程晓羽就不是很高兴。在他的感官里,程晓羽还只是个外人,苏虞兮应该和他们一拨的才对。 The children always like the simple division camp, Su Hongwen read one now in a big way, age Yu big, by having Su Yu such outstanding younger sister is proud, even felt own blood younger sister did not have kissing/betrothal that this younger female cousin comes. 小孩子总喜欢简单的划分阵营,苏鸿文现在读大一,年纪比苏虞兮大,一直也以有苏虞兮这样出色的妹妹骄傲,甚至觉得自己亲妹妹还没这个堂妹来的亲。 Although the Su step cloud Hesu Wei billows with them are one generation, but in fact in biggest Su Hongwen with them also has a big generation gap, it can be said that big their half generation. Therefore in the age, sentiment is quite approaches, only then grows up Su Hongwen, Su Yu, Su to be luxuriant together and Wu Zi Xuan. But Su Hongwen until now has the world regarding the misconception that he transfers, now journey Xiao the feather is faint and Su Yu the same battleline, makes Hongwen have the uncomfortable feeling of great general rebel hostile camp. 苏步云和苏巍澜虽说和他们是一辈,但实际上和他们中最大的苏鸿文都还有不小的代沟,可以说是大了他们半代。所以年纪上、感情上比较接近的只有一起长大苏鸿文、苏虞兮、苏菲菲和吴子轩。而苏鸿文一直以来有种世界都是围绕他转的错觉,现在程晓羽隐隐和苏虞兮同一阵线,就让苏鸿文有种己方大将叛逃敌营的不舒服的感觉。 journey Xiaoyu turned the head to look under Su Yu, at this time he thought that this younger sister was very cute. 程晓羽转头看了下苏虞兮,这个时候他觉得这个妹妹还是挺可爱的。 The following atmosphere is also far warmly, Su Hongwen on has been showing off oneself some senior level cadre friends, said oneself mix in Peking University how to enjoy the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water. On this table also no one and he strives for the leading power of words. Then made Hongwen find oneself halo, was at heart comfortable. 接下来的气氛也谈不上热烈,苏鸿文就一直在显摆自己的一些高干朋友,说自己在北大混的如何风生水起。这个餐桌上也没人和他争夺话语的主导权。这才又让苏鸿文找到了自己光环,心里又舒坦了一些。 Su Weilan needless saying that he today like the guardian, leading younger brother younger sister to come out to play, itself will have the social many years they not to have the common language with journey Xiao the feather, his interest was makes money, a younger sister. Therefore does not participate in Su Hongwen the topic. 苏巍澜自不必说,他今天就像家长一样,带着弟弟妹妹出来玩的,本身出了社会多年和程晓羽他们也不会有共同语言,他的兴趣是赚钱、把妹。所以也不怎么参与苏鸿文的话题。 Although journey Xiaoyu feels Su Hongwen weak laughable, but listens to him to speak, thought that is a pleasure, when Su Hongwen is performing the single mouth crosstalk. 程晓羽虽然觉得苏鸿文幼稚的可笑,但是听他说话,也还觉得是个乐子,当苏鸿文在表演单口相声。 But in Su Yu in the eye, Su Hongwen is the unicellular organism, intelligence quotient worrying that. Let alone she did not like speaking. 而在苏虞兮眼里,苏鸿文就是单细胞生物,智商堪忧的那种。更何况她本来就不太爱说话。 Wu Zi Xuan is quite actually intelligent, it is estimated that is good when the father of secretary educates, only then he has been echoing Su Hongwen, making Hongwen's single mouth crosstalk be insufficient the awkward silence. 倒是吴子轩比较聪明,估计是当秘书的老爹教育的好,也只有他一直附和着苏鸿文,让苏鸿文的单口相声不至于冷场。 Is luxuriant as for Su, should be the starry eyed type, journey Xiao the feather since she looked that Wu Zi Xuan's look can know. 至于苏菲菲,应该属于花痴类型,程晓羽从她看吴子轩的眼神就能够知道。 Six people ate for about two hours, Su Hongwen also felt having not given full expression that said. Had/Left Quanjude, Su Hongwen proposed on own initiative goes to Tongquetai KTV to sing, he is very consistently confident to oneself singing sound. 六个人吃了将近两个小时,苏鸿文还感觉说的意犹未尽。出了全聚德,苏鸿文主动提议说去铜雀台KTV唱歌,他一向对自己的歌声很有信心。 Su Weilan today's duty is to lead younger brother younger sisters well the entertainment, will not have the opinion. Others do not matter, Su Weilan decides to sing. 苏巍澜今天的任务就是带弟弟妹妹们好好娱乐,自不会有意见。其他人也都无所谓,苏巍澜就拍了板去唱歌。 Five the people and other Su Wei billows from move to the car(riage), Su Hongwen first got up the copilot, because as the matter stands journey Xiaoyu is fat, the following four people cannot push on the basis. 五个人等苏巍澜从把车移出来,苏鸿文就抢先上了副驾驶,这样一来因为程晓羽偏胖,后面四个人就根本挤不下。 Su Weilan first with sitting in Su Hong Wendao of copilot Hongwen, or do behind you sit hug are giving a try to be able luxuriantly not to sit down?” 苏巍澜先跟坐在副驾驶的苏鸿文道“鸿文,要不你坐后面抱着菲菲试试看能坐下不?” Su Hongwen actually thinks otherwise say/way my stature is very big, makes him hug is being luxuriantly same.” He does not remember that journey Xiaoyu the name, can only look at journey Xiaoyu to say. 苏鸿文却不以为然道“我个子也挺大的,就让他抱着菲菲一样啊。”他不记得程晓羽的名字,只能瞧着程晓羽说。 Su actually sends out a charmingly angry say/way „is not good I is not dry/does luxuriantly. Asked him to take taxi!” She high one, knows that anything is guarding of men and women. 苏菲菲却发出一声娇嗔道“不行我不干。叫他打车嘛!”她已经高一了,知道什么是男女之防。 journey Xiaoyu thought at this time has the dinner perhaps is a mistake, can only say is all right, I take taxi. You first pass actually decide on the attention, waits to return to the hotel to consider as finished directly, has nothing joins in the fun necessary, the song capital of his current space and time will not have sung in any case. 程晓羽这时候觉得来吃晚饭或许就是一个错误,只能笑着说“没事,我打车吧。你们先过去”却打定注意,等下直接回酒店算了,也没啥必要去凑热闹,反正他当今时空的歌还一首都不会唱。 Su Weilan naturally is Su Hongwen sentiment deep many, he also knows that Su Hongwen and Su Feifei belong is spoiled is growing up, therefore do not criticize Su Hongwen to lack the magnanimity, to journey Xiaoyu said that with a smile that line, we first pass, you come a bit faster.” Actually today is not Zhou Peipei urges, he has not planned that today called journey Xiao the feather to come. Naturally he does not care about journey Xiaoyu the feeling. But food gets down, Su Weilan but judges by their deeds , not just by their words, journey Xiao the feather is not he imagines such playboy, even journey Xiaoyu gives his feeling is quite steady, his a little does not think clearly, why journey Xiaoyu will do to seem like such a not sane matter yesterday. Su Weilan not for a borderline person considered, presses down the thoughts, greeted other person to board. 苏巍澜当然是和苏鸿文感情深厚的多,他也知道苏鸿文和苏菲菲属于被娇惯着长大的,所以也没有要批评苏鸿文缺乏雅量,就笑着对程晓羽道“那行,那我们先过去,你快点过来。”其实今天不是周佩佩叮嘱,他今天都没打算叫程晓羽过来的。当然他也不在乎程晓羽的感受。可一顿饭下来,苏巍澜但听其言,观其行,程晓羽并不是他想象中的那样纨绔,甚至程晓羽给他的感觉是比较稳重的,他这就有点想不明白,程晓羽昨天为什么会做看上去那样不理智的一件事情。苏巍澜也不会为了一个边缘人物多考虑,按下心思,招呼其他们人上车。 Wu Zi Xuan and Su Feifei board, Su Yu has not actually come up, took away under the dark blue down clothing, lowers the head with sitting in Su Weilan of driver seat said that I and my brother take taxi together.” 吴子轩和苏菲菲上了车,苏虞兮却没有上去,扣了下深蓝色的羽绒服,低下头跟坐在驾驶座的苏巍澜道“我和我哥一起打车去。” Heard these words, on the vehicle everyone is shocked. 听到这句话,车上所有人都愣住了。
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