MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#41: Philosophy, poetry and love ( 1 )

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At this time has gotten sucked into journey Xiaoyu in Gossip, has not actually passed on the scandal with the beautiful woman the pride. When he sets out to walk toward the classroom entrance, has the sound of creating a disturbance to resound, even facial skin enough thick journey Xiaoyu somewhat is still awkward. But does not have the means that can only welcome the vision of innumerable Eight Trigrams (gossip), braces oneself to face forward. king Ou does not dare to walk the same place with journey Xiaoyu at this time, can only distant falling in behind. 这个时候已经深陷流言蜚语中的程晓羽,却一点都没有和美女传绯闻的自豪。当他起身朝教室门口走去,就有起哄的声音响起,就算是脸皮够厚的程晓羽也不免有些尴尬。但也没有办法,只能迎着无数八卦的目光,硬着头皮朝前走。王鸥这个时候都不敢和程晓羽走一起,只能远远的坠在后面。 Also without arriving at the stairway, Gu Manting stopped by calling journey Xiaoyu, said that language teacher Jiang Wenhua looks for him in the office. journey Xiaoyu then thinks that the appropriate plagiarist is also an a little troublesome matter. 还没到楼梯口,顾漫婷就喊住了程晓羽,说语文老师蒋文华在办公室找他。程晓羽这才觉得当文抄公也是一件有点麻烦的事情。 journey Xiaoyu enters the office time, Jiang Wenhua is cheerful and lively with 45 teachers, seemingly is the language educational research group. journey Xiaoyu has not expected weaponry such big, it seems like one interrogates and tortures is unavoidable, braced oneself to shout sound Teacher Jiang, asks me to have the matter?” 程晓羽进办公室的时候,蒋文华正在和四五个老师有说有笑,貌似是语文教研组的。程晓羽没料到阵仗如此之大,看来一番拷问是难免的了,硬着头皮走过去喊了声“蒋老师,找我有事吗?” Jiang Wenhua has not made noise, his has immediately the fashionable long hair, leading the thin and tall middle-aged man of gold-rimmed eyeglasses to open the mouth this is journey Xiao the feather?” And asked Jiang Wenhua. 蒋文华还没有出声,他身边一个留着当下时髦的中长发,带着金丝眼镜的瘦高个中年男子就开口了“这就是程晓羽?”并偏头问了蒋文华。 Jiang Wenhua is saying with a smile that is, journey Xiao the feather you come, this is «Rushing» editor-in-chief reckless Qingge, today sees specially your.” 蒋文华微笑着道“这就是,程晓羽你过来,这位是《澎湃》杂志的胡清歌主编,今天专门来见你的。” journey Xiaoyu bowing say/way of „ Teacher Jiang is slightly good, fellow teachers are good, editor-in-chief reckless hello. 程晓羽微微鞠了个躬道“蒋老师好,各位老师好,胡主编您好。 Although editor-in-chief reckless somewhat regretted that journey Xiao the feather image was short, but really loved journey Xiaoyu the talent, immediately walked quickly, grips real good, made one who journey Xiaoyu the hand say/wayyour poem wrote be profoundly aware agolden saying can make a deaf person shock! Has gradually declined the poetry to our generation, Huaxia how long does not have one to draw the attention of everyone the poet. „ 胡主编虽有些遗憾程晓羽形象欠缺了点,但实在太爱程晓羽的才华,立即快步走过来,握住了程晓羽的手道“你的诗写的真好,振聋发聩令人深省啊!诗文到我们这一代已经逐渐式微,华夏已经多久没有出一个让人眼前一亮的诗人了。“ journey Xiaoyu a little blushing say/way you overpraised, I see( besides poetry) to explode not without reason. I am only the poetry amateur, but also cannot call the poet.” 程晓羽却是有点脸红道“您过奖了,我只是看见(除诗歌外)有感而发而已。我只是个诗歌爱好者,还称不上诗人。” Writes such poetry, but also cannot say that poet, did that call the poet? Did the lower part poet call the poet? Acts like a spoiled brat to send the poet to call the poet? The Huaxia poetry enters a strange circle now, or is novel treacherous dumbfounded, is the stack magnificent literary flourishes not gets sick **, all discarded the spirit of poetry, your «Takes Dream as horse» writes was too good!” reckless Qingge sigh with emotion speaking, he has not thought that a high-school student can write such majestic and broad poetry. “写出这样的诗文,还称不上诗人,那怎么样才叫诗人?下半身诗人叫诗人?撒娇派诗人叫诗人?华夏诗歌现在就是走进了一个怪圈,要不就是新奇诡谲的令人目瞪口呆,要不是就是堆砌华丽的辞藻无病**,全都丢弃了诗歌的精神,你这首《以梦为马》写的实在太好了!”胡清歌感慨的说到,他也没想到一个高中生能写出这样大气磅礴、沈博绝丽的诗文。 journey Xiaoyu also can only smile bitterly was saying that that you come today specially, is not merely only to praise my?” 程晓羽也只能苦笑着说“那您今天专门过来,不是仅仅只为了夸奖我的吧?” reckless Qingge pats journey Xiaoyu the shoulder say/way „to probably permit me, sends your several poetry in latest issue «Rushing» above. Writes including you to your little girlfriend that «The world's Farthest Distance».” Said that haha smiled several. 胡清歌拍拍程晓羽的肩膀道“请务必允许我,将你的几篇诗文发在最新一期的《澎湃》上面。包括你写给你小女友的那篇《世界上最远的距离》。”说完哈哈笑了几声。 journey Xiaoyu the actually a little awkward say/way editor-in-chief reckless you misunderstood, I and Ji numerous are only the ordinary alumnus ....... 程晓羽却有点尴尬道“胡主编您误会了,我和纪芸芸只是普通校友.......” Had not said that was broken you not to fear by reckless Qingge with a smile, your Teacher Jiang, is my old schoolmate, his present wife is our high school schoolmate. He is in love also early, if the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous that compared with you discussed that must blame to blame you to elect mistakenly the teacher.” 尚未说完就被胡清歌笑着打断“你别怕,你们蒋老师,是我老同学,他现在老婆就是我们高中同学。他比你谈恋爱谈的还早,正所谓上梁不正下梁歪,要怪就怪你选错了老师。” Jiang Wenhua also smiled said that old reckless, had you to be a teacher by worthy example like this! This is my student, you are speaking irresponsibly, I may call my student to throw other magazine the poetry!” 蒋文华也笑了说“老胡,有你这样为人师表的吗!这可是我的学生,你在乱说,我可叫我学生将诗文投别的杂志了啊!” How many under Jiang Wenhua reckless Qingge referred to saying that with a smile you must have courage, I went to calumniate somebody to superiors with Liping, who stole the liquor to drink in my family? Steals the smoke to pull out?” 胡清歌笑着指了几下蒋文华道“你要有这个胆子,我就去跟丽萍打小报告,谁在我家偷酒喝?偷烟抽的?” The surrounding several teachers smile one piece, journey Xiaoyu also can only greet with a smile. 周围几个老师笑成一片,程晓羽也只能陪着笑。 Jiang Wenhua shaking the head say/way knows your such friend who is a bad influence, is eight lifetime all that one could wish asks!” Said that also to journey Xiaoyu said with a smile «Rushing» was also one of the home best poetry, your teacher I threw several times, by this editor-in-chief reckless brushing. This time is initiative to see you, is difficult. He is also the vice-president of Shanghai Writers Association. journey Xiaoyu, he favors you not easily!” 蒋文华摇摇头道“认识你这样的损友,也是八辈子烧高香求来的!”说完又笑着对程晓羽道“《澎湃》也是国内最好的诗歌杂志之一了,你老师我投了几次,都被这个胡主编给刷了。这次主动过来见你,非常难的。他也是上海作协的副主席。程晓羽,他看好你可是不容易的啊!” Saw with own eyes that this matter could not have allowed to reject, journey Xiao the feather can only say that all takes responsibility depending on Teacher Jiang.” 眼见这事情已经容不得拒绝,程晓羽只能说“全凭蒋老师做主。” Jiang Wenhua also introduced for journey Xiaoyu the surrounding some teachers, especially with Li Monarch billows teacher who he changes the examination paper, resists opposition to persist in giving journey Xiaoyu the perfect score. 蒋文华又为程晓羽介绍了周围的一些老师,特别是跟他改卷子的李君澜老师,力排众议坚持给程晓羽满分。 The Li Monarch billows young time has also had the poetry dream, threw the innumerable manuscripts to the major poetry societies, many magazines, only majority likes a stone dropped into the sea pitifully, few some poetry of publishing, is only the echo is average. But he is actually a legitimate literary amateur, very dislikes the popular poetry that wins favor by ostentation immediately. Sees journey Xiaoyu the thesis, is really startled is the Celestial, in a stamp the heart of Li Monarch billows, the excited place had tears streaming down the face on the difference, or will not write the farewell gift of food dawn feather is the poet such words of this time totem level. 李君澜年轻时候也有过诗歌梦,投了无数的稿件给各大诗社,许多杂志,只可惜大部分都石沉大海,寥寥一些登载的诗文,也只是反响平平。但他却是一个正统的文学爱好者,十分反感当下哗众取宠的流行诗歌。看到程晓羽的作文,真是惊为天人,句句都戳中了李君澜的心坎,激动之处就差泪流满面了,要不也不会写下程晓羽是这个时代图腾级的诗人这样的话语。 After Li Monarch billows review, pressed down the excitement to take immediately appreciated to other examining test papers teacher. Also has the person to suspect whether is plagiarizes, but leafed through the network and magazine does not have the trace of this poetry, puts down the suspicion. 李君澜批阅完之后,按下激动的心情立即拿了给其他阅卷老师欣赏。也不是没有人怀疑过是否是抄袭的,可是翻遍了网络和杂志都没有这篇诗文的痕迹,才放下疑心。 When examines test papers, mathematical Teacher Wu sent journey Xiaoyu the zero math examination paper to the language teacher, is causes one to laugh heartily, in a pair of name, is really journey Xiaoyu, under the teachers heart feels relaxed, said that Fudan Attached middle school had/left a peculiar genius finally. 等到阅卷完毕,数学吴老师又送来了程晓羽的零分数学试卷到语文老师这边,更是引起一阵欢笑,在一对名字,果然都是程晓羽,老师们心下释然,道复旦附中终于出了个怪才。 Jiang Wenhua the forming message will therefore issue himself specially old schoolmate reckless Qingge, this had reckless Qingge to come to seek the poem specially. 蒋文华于是特意将之编成短信发给了自己老同学胡清歌,这就有了胡清歌专门上门来求诗。 reckless Qingge asked whether journey Xiaoyu also has other works. 胡清歌问程晓羽是否还有其他的作品。 journey Xiaoyu hurries beckoning with the hand say/way also such several to look, all wrote!” 程晓羽赶紧摆手道“也就这么几首能看得,全都写出来了!” Some after reckless Qingge regret say/way „that had the work, do not cover-up, first issued me to have a look.” reckless Qingge also kept journey Xiaoyu the contact way, say/way payment for published piece matters concerned will have the chief-editor to contact you. When your poetry accumulated enough, I strove to help you publish this poetry anthology.” 胡清歌有些遗憾道“那以后有作品了,一定不要藏着掖着,先发给我看看。”胡清歌又留了程晓羽的联络方式,道“稿酬事宜会有责任编辑跟你联系。等你诗文攒够了,我争取帮你出本诗集。” journey Xiao the feather can only blush with shame. Also chatted several, Jiang Wenhua then wanted journey Xiaoyu first to go back with a smile. 程晓羽只能汗颜。又闲聊几句,蒋文华便笑着要程晓羽先回去。 The going out office that journey Xiao feather does not return to at this time, the person in school also dispersed was similar. 程晓羽头也不回的走出办公室,这个时候学校的人也散的差不多了。 king Ou, summer Shamo also had Chen Haoran to wait for him in the lights forest. 王鸥,夏纱沫还有陈浩然都已经在灯火森林等着他了。 journey Xiaoyu changed the shoes, walks toward the bulletin board, plans rips that «The world's Farthest Distance», actually saw made his accidental/surprised form, Su Yu. 程晓羽换了鞋,朝公告栏走去,打算将那首《世界上最远的距离》撕下来,却看到了令他意外的身影,苏虞兮。 Because 10 : 00 am is less , the big campus tied by the silent mist, the fine gauze common air spreads in all directions, dignified classroom building silent standing erect as if only has the world of two people in this. 因为才上午 10 点不到,偌大的校园被寂静的薄雾拢住,轻纱一般的空气四处蔓延,庄严的教学楼无声的矗立在这个仿佛只剩下两个人的世界。 journey Xiaoyu thought that the ear has the song sung to a stringed instrument accompaniment to resound, looks to grip ponytail, puts on Su Yu of school uniform, just like a white lotus flower in full bloom in the cold wind, the letting people in that picture beautiful somewhat suffocate. 程晓羽觉得耳边有弦歌响起,看着扎着马尾,穿着校服的苏虞兮,在寒冷的风中犹如一朵盛开的白莲花,那画面美的让人有些窒息。 journey Xiaoyu inspires quietly, presses down the inexplicable somewhat nervous hearts, walks toward the bulletin board. He thinks that Su Yu hears his footsteps to turn head, Su Yu actually as before earnest in looking at these indistinct writing on examination paper. 程晓羽悄悄吸了口气,按下莫名有些紧张的心,朝公告栏走去。他以为苏虞兮听到他的脚步会回头,苏虞兮却依旧认真在看试卷上的那些飘渺的文字。 journey Xiaoyu asks to tear down that «The world's Farthest Distance», actually accidental/surprised held on by a fair hand. 程晓羽伸手要撕下那篇《世界上最远的距离》,却意外的被一只白皙的手拉住。 journey Xiaoyu turns the head to see facial features tranquil Su Yu, is not the questionnaire tone, is actually unquestionable affirmation I looked.” Such arbitrary tone made a person repugnance difficult to raise. 程晓羽转头看见面容平静的苏虞兮,不是征询的口气,却是不容置疑的肯定“等我看完。”这样蛮横的语气却令人一丝反感都难升起。 journey Xiao the feather can only stand one side, static waits for Su Yu the browsing. 程晓羽只能站到一边,静静的等待苏虞兮浏览。 The waiting as if time picture of this moment frames the yellowing picture, journey Xiaoyu hears a sigh gently, Su Yu the turning the head limpid pupil looks that journey Xiao the feather does open the red lips to ask Wasistliebe lightly?”( German, what is love?) 这片刻的等待仿佛时光画面定格成泛黄的相片,程晓羽听到一声轻轻的叹息,苏虞兮转过头清澈眸子看着程晓羽轻启朱唇问道“Wasistliebe?”(德语,什么是爱情?) Replied that such issue, really does not have any difficulty to writing azure journey Xiaoyu, slightly a consideration, the London voice of clear pronunciation and mellow voice gently in Su Yu near the ear twittering, journey Xiao the feather mellow sound tapes the wonderful rhythm, soft fluttering in this thin mist.( leaf Zhi «, When You») 回答这样的问题,对文青程晓羽来说实在没有什么难度,稍一思虑,字正腔圆的伦敦口音轻轻的在苏虞兮耳边呢喃,程晓羽醇厚的声线带着美妙的韵律,柔软的飘荡在这稀薄的雾气中。(叶芝《当你老了》) Whenyouareoldandgreyand Whenyouareoldandgreyand fullofsleep, fullofsleep, When you, were gray-haired, sleepiness heavy, 当你老了,头发花白,睡意沉沉, Andnoddingbythefire , takedownthisbook, Andnoddingbythefire,takedownthisbook, Sits near the furnace tiredly, takes down this book, 倦坐在炉边,取下这本书来, Andslowlyread , anddreamofthesoftlook Andslowlyread,anddreamofthesoftlook Slowly reading, is pursuing the dream past look 慢慢读着,追梦当年的眼神 Youreyeshadonce , andoftheirshadowsdeep ; Youreyeshadonce,andoftheirshadowsdeep; Your that gently beautiful appearance and deep and quiet halation. 你那柔美的神采与深幽的晕影。 Howmanylovedyourmomentsofgladgrace, Howmanylovedyourmomentsofgladgrace, Many people the form that likes you appearing briefly, 多少人爱过你昙花一现的身影, Andlovedyourbeautywithlovefalseortrue, Andlovedyourbeautywithlovefalseortrue, Has loved your beautiful appearance, with false or true feelings, 爱过你的美貌,以虚伪或真情, ButonemanlovedthepilgrimSoulinyou ButonemanlovedthepilgrimSoulinyou The only person once loved the heart of your pilgrimage, 惟独一人曾爱你那朝圣者的心, Andlovedthesorrowsofyourchangingface ; Andlovedthesorrowsofyourchangingface; Loves your sorrowful face last years keeps the mark. 爱你哀戚的脸上岁月的留痕。 Andbendingdownbesidetheglowingbars, Andbendingdownbesidetheglowingbars, The low eyebrow near the furnace cover bends the waist, 在炉罩边低眉弯腰, Murmur , alittlesadly , howLovefled Murmur,alittlesadly,howLovefled The distressed ponder, muttered the language, 忧戚沉思,喃喃而语, Andpaceduponthemountainsoverhead Andpaceduponthemountainsoverhead How the love elapses, how on step hills, 爱情是怎样逝去,又怎样步上群山, Andhidhisfaceamidacrowdofstars. Andhidhisfaceamidacrowdofstars. How to hide the face in the stars. 怎样在繁星之间藏住了脸庞。 Su Yu silent moment, actually frowns, despicable looks at journey Xiao the feather your talent is being to be used to arrange these honeyed words to coax the girl happily?” 苏虞兮沉默了片刻,却皱起了眉头,鄙夷的望着程晓羽“你的才华都是用来编这些花言巧语哄女孩子开心的吗?” „The love has not discussed obviously, actually camouflage understands the love compared with anyone. Your mind gets sucked in the love poems of these decayed erosions, cannot withdraw?” “明明恋爱都没有谈过,却伪装的比谁都懂爱情。你的心神都深陷在那些腐朽糜烂的情诗里,不得脱身了?” You also are really superficial laughable.” “你还真是肤浅的可笑。” Su Yu the ice-cold tone sends out the ice piece that on the rapid glacier of cold air is floating probably, each coerces the temperature of offending somebody to make a long-range raid toward journey Xiaoyu. 苏虞兮冰冷的语气像是散发着寒气的湍急冰河上漂浮的冰块,每一块都裹挟着伤人的温度朝程晓羽奔袭而来。
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