Jinumerousthisyoungfemale student was a little really movedat this time, like thisboldis working asvindicating of many , no matter whatwhofeels a littlesmallromantic. The long hairmale is elated with successto think that at this timehad victory in the handandsaid„Ido not blameyourschoolmate, he is also worried aboutyou, butlooks athisappearance, hehas not been in love, feeling that alsocannotlikeclearly, thereforeIforgivehim.”
纪芸芸这种小女生此时是真的有点被感动了,这样的大胆又当着众多人的表白任谁都觉得有点小小的浪漫。长发男此时更是春风得意觉得胜券在握又说“我也不怪你同学,他也是担心你,但是看他的样子,想必他也没有谈过恋爱,也不能够明白爱的感受,所以我原谅他。”journeyXiaoyuisunder the heart is a little bothersome, howsecretly thought/passagelittle missdoes not hurryto payto leave, but alsodelays a yarnhere, ill-humoredtoJinumeroussaid that ” so-calledfalling in lovesparks lustful thoughts, do not have the dream of Snow White, mustknowis riding the white horsenotnecessarilyis the prince, possiblyis the buddhist monk. „ These wordsperipherysmilesonepieceimmediately.
程晓羽却是心下有点烦,暗道这小姑娘怎么不赶紧买了单走人,还在这里耽误个毛线啊,没好气的对纪芸芸说”所谓的一见钟情都是见色起意,你呀,别做白雪公主的梦了,要知道骑着白马的不一定是王子,也可能是秃驴。“这句话一出顿时周围笑成一片。journeyXiaoyutakes upthat«SeeksinIncredibleFleeting timeIs most beautiful», is the book that the eyeglassesyouthwrites, previouslyheonceturnedprobably, knows that is a poetry anthology, butthisinsidepoemmajorityisanotherspace and timefamouslower partpoemsimilarcreation. journeyXiaoyudid not dislikedisgracedshoutsloudly„passes throughto pass bydo not miss, weunderappreciation the work of thismy dear friend.”Heknows that is the eyeglassesmalebook, whenjourneyXiaoyuspokethissayingwas the surfacetoward the long hairmalesaid that subconsciousthinkingwas the long hairmalework.
程晓羽又拿起那本《在荒诞流年里找寻最美得自己》,就是眼镜青年写的书,先前他曾大概翻了一下,知道是一本诗集,而这里面的诗大部分是另一时空著名的下半身诗类似的创作。程晓羽也不嫌丢人大声喊道“走过路过不要错过啊,我们来欣赏下这位仁兄的作品。”他知道是眼镜男的书,但是程晓羽说这话时却是面朝长发男说的,让人下意识的以为是长发男的作品。journeyXiaoyu the exaggeratingperformanceattractedmorepeopleto stopto surround, hedid not have stage fright, puts out saying that the tone of piecediscussed „ car(riage)was finedby the traffic police,
程晓羽的夸张表现吸引了更多人驻足围观,他也不怯场,拿出说段子的语气念道“车被交警罚款了,Alsotook away the driver's license,
The wifesaidcomfortably,
老婆宽慰说,Dear, should not be angry,
亲爱的,别生气,Whenwehad the son,
等咱有了儿子,Namescalls the traffic police,
取名就叫交警,During the daytimehecalledyour father,
白天他叫你爹,In the eveningyourday( RI )his( TA )mother. ”( Real situationthistrulyispoetry, everyonecanvoluntarilyhundred degrees celsius) readsis not goodsaid that „buddy who journeyXiaoyusmileyou are the poetryorlaugh?”All around is also the laughterresounds, that twoliteraryyouth of air/Qiarerestless.
晚上你日(RI)他(TA)妈。”(真实情况这确实是诗歌,大家可以自行百度)念完程晓羽自己都笑的不行说“哥们你这是诗歌还是笑话呢?”四周也是笑声响成一片,气的那两个文艺青年是坐立不安。journeyXiaoyuturnedseveralpagesto startto read „ somepeopleto telephone,
程晓羽翻了几页又开始念“有人打电话,Has a scare the couple who making( ZUO )loves,
把做(ZUO)爱的夫妇吓了一跳,Somepeopleknock on a door,
有人敲门,Has a scare the couple who making( ZUO )loves,
把做(ZUO)爱的夫妇吓了一跳,Wehad been frightenedbyothers,
我们被别人吓过,Wehave also frightenedothers,
我们也吓过别人,Thereforeweoften said that
Before comingtelephones,
Before entering the room, firstknocks on a door,
进屋之前先敲门,Untilthe day ofearthquake,
直到地震那天,No oneknocks on a door,
没有人敲门,No onetelephones,
更没有人打电话,Does the couples who ( ZUO )lovesto run overon the bed ”
After reading, journeyXiaoyuturned the headto saytoJinumerous„, before rememberingto look forhim, musttelephone. If by some chanceothersran overwill blameyour.”Jinumerousalso the first time isheard such undisguisedpoetry, a facewantsto smilereddoes not dareto smile, suppressing is really laborious. journeyXiaofeatherfaceGuo Degang'sexpressionreallyfunnyJinumerouscannot be receiving, the smiledtearsmustfall.
念完之后程晓羽转头对纪芸芸说“哈哈,记得找他之前要打电话啊。万一别人压死了会怪你的。”纪芸芸也是第一次听见这么露骨的诗歌,一脸通红想笑又不敢笑,憋得甚是辛苦。程晓羽这一脸郭德纲的表情真是逗的纪芸芸在也收不住,笑的眼泪都要掉下来了。Thatlong hairliterary artsyouth is also awkward, the situation that heartchangeswith great difficultywas reversed, is the secretblameeyeglassesmale. Althoughhejustalsopatted the eyeglassesmalehorse buttocks saying that hispoetry anthologycreated a newschoolepoch-makingly, in an instanthebybeing a mass of cuts and bruises that thisschoolinsulted. Buthedoes not dareto arguethispoemis nothewrites, after alleyeglassesmalehecannot offend.
The long hairyouthhas toturn the headto look at an ashamed and resentfulfaceredeyeglassesyouth, eyeglassesyouthangryshouting of ” yourhammer, understoodpoetry, thisis the art, thisis the art. This is opening the door of body, releaseconstrainedvitality, presents the primitivebarbaricessentialstrength. Youdo not havecultural educationsilly( SHA )to compelto insultmyworklike this. ” Was sayingto/clashesto robbook in journeyXiaoyu the hand, for fear thathecontinuesto read.
长发青年只得转头望着羞愤的一脸通红的眼镜青年,眼镜青年恼怒的喊道”你个锤子,懂个屁的诗歌,这是艺术,这是艺术.这是在打开身体之门,释放被压抑的生命力,呈现原始野蛮的本质力量。你这样没有文化修养的傻(SHA)逼是在侮辱我的作品。”说着冲过来抢走程晓羽手中的书,生怕他继续念下去。journeyXiaoyudid not mind,gives the bankerto say the thing that in the handmustbuy„pays.”Askingbanker who alsoharbors evil intentions„a moment agothatpoetry anthologyhow muchmoney?”
The bankerLittle Sisterhesitantevil ways„thatisto buy the riverpoetry anthology«GreenSong»complimentary gift, does not ask for money......”
收银员小妹犹豫了一下道“那本是买河子的诗集《沧浪歌》的赠品,不要钱……”journeyXiao the feathermalehehehas laughed at„meto think that toward the eyeglasses that receives10,000injuries, youwrite the jokecertainlycompared withgood that the poetrywrites, youwant the comp bookjokecollection, Ibuy certainly100supportyou.”
The eyeglassesmaleangry glarestares the circle, could not bear the strategic placego all outon the difference. The long hairyouthholds on the eyeglassesmale, hetoisknows that journeyXiaoyuis not goodto cope, butso long asnow can also probablyarrive atJinumerous the telephone number, to themdoes not calculate that loses the bigface, healsopaid no attention tojourneyXiaoyu saying that toJinumerous„your schoolmatethinksin the schoolresultwas notverygood, hisliteraturetrainingwas insufficient, cannotunderstand that wewantedto express the feelings that as the poet........”
眼镜男怒目瞪圆,就差忍不住要冲上去拼命了。长发青年一把拉住眼镜男,他到是知道程晓羽不好对付,但现在只要还能要到纪芸芸的电话号码,对他们来说也不算丢多大面子,他也不理程晓羽对纪芸芸说“你这同学想必在学校成绩也不是很好,他文学修养不够,是不能理解我们做为诗人想要表达的感情的……..”journeyXiaoyu did see the long hairmaleto pesterJinumerousas beforeisa littledoes not break the long hairmaleto speakpatientlydisgracefully„don'there? Youdo not understand the love, hedoes not understand the poem, you twoonefalsewritingis blue, whatbigtailwolfhereinstalls, deceives the little miss?”
The long hairmalerevealsoneto thinkopen-mindedsmile ” thatyoudo understand? What did youtellmeare the poetry? Whatis the love? „
长发男露出一个自认为虚怀若谷的笑容”那你懂?那你告诉我什么是诗歌?什么是爱情?“journeyXiaoyusneerstwo, takes and paperfrom the book bag, just like the state-of-the-artfountain pencharacterto appear gloriously on the papersingle-handedly ” the world'smost remotedistance,
It is not the life and deathdistance,
而是我就站在你面前,Youactuallydo not know that Iloveyou.
你却不知道我爱你。The world'smost remotedistance,
It is not Istandsbeforeyou,
不是我就站在你面前,Youactuallydo not know that Iloveyou,
而是爱到痴迷,Actuallycannotsay that Iloveyou.
却不能说我爱你。The world'smost remotedistance,
世界上最遥远的距离,Was notIcannotsay that Ilovedyou,
而是想你痛彻心脾,Actually can only deeplybury the heart.
却只能深埋心底。The world'smost remotedistance,
世界上最遥远的距离,Was notIcannotsay that Ithoughtyou,
不是我不能说我想你,Buteach otherfalls in love,
而是彼此相爱,Actuallycannotin the same place.
却不能够在一起。The world'smost remotedistance,
世界上最遥远的距离,Each otherdoes not fall in love,
不是彼此相爱,Actuallycannotin the same place,
却不能够在一起,Butknew perfectly welltrue understandinglovesinvincibly,
而是明知道真爱无敌,Actuallypretendsdid not care at all.
却装作毫不在意。Thereforethe world'smost remotedistance,
It is not the distance of treeandnumber,
不是树与数的距离,Branch that butgrowswith the root,
而是同根生长的树枝,Is not actually ableto rely on one anotherin the wind.
却无法在风中相依。The world'smost remotedistance,
It is not the branchis unable to rely on one another,
不是树枝无法相依,Butmutuallystar of observation,
而是互相瞭望的星星,Path that has not actually connected.
却没有交汇的轨迹。The world'smost remotedistance,
It is not the stardoes not have the path of connection,
不是星星没有交汇的轨迹,Buteven ifpathconnection,
而是纵然轨迹交汇,Actuallysearchesin a flashnowhere.
却在转瞬间无处寻觅。The world'smost remotedistance,
It is not thensearchesinstantaneouslynowhere,
不是瞬间便无处寻觅,Buthas not been doomed unable to gatherat convenience.
而是尚未相遇便注定无法相聚。The world'smost remotedistance,
世界上最遥远的距离,Is the distance of birdandfish,
A hoveringhorizon,
An actuallydeep submergenceseabed. „( Thispoemis notTagore'spoem, does not believeto be ablevoluntarilyhundred degrees celsius, the poemnamed«Most remoteDistance»)
一个却深潜海底。“(这首诗并不是泰戈尔的诗,不信可以自行百度,诗名叫《最遥远的距离》)Eyeglassesmalelooks atjourneyXiaoyuto write, reading that whilemuttered, fromstartingdespisedto despisetois finally pale, finisheduntiljourneyXiaoyu, hehas not greeted the long hairmale, did not liftleaves the bookstoresilently, the mouthhas also been reading the world'smost remotedistance.
The long hairmalesmilesreluctantly„good that sentencewrites, it seems likeyoureallylikethislittle missvery much, Iblessedyou.”Thenpursued the eyeglassesmaleto walk, went out of the entranceto breathe a sigh of reliefsecretly, thought that fortunately the finaldemeanormaintained, laterdid a bit lessFudan, honesttreatingJiaotong Universitywas good. The high-school studentevildoer/monstrous talent of thisFudanAttached middle schoolis not good, crossed the leeway that twoyears of estimatedid not havethemto mixagain, the innermost feelingssighed with emotionsecretly. Tightened the tight-fittingonwindproof coat, was rubbing the hair, pursuestoward the eyeglassesmale.
长发男勉强笑了笑说了句“写的不错,看来你是真的很喜欢这位小姑娘,我祝福你们。”然后追着眼镜男走了,走出门口暗舒了一口气,心想还好最后的风度还是保持住了,以后还是少来复旦这边,老老实实的待交大好了。这复旦附中的高中生都妖孽的不行,再过两年估计都没有他们混的余地了,内心暗自感慨。紧了紧身上的风衣,在捋了捋头发,朝眼镜男追去。journeyXiaoyuswipes the cardto pay a bill, Jinumerous is still actually in a daze there, journeyXiaoyuthenpaidJinumerous the moneytogether. Puts onto think of the book and CDnew moonfeed bag, has not managedJinumerous, walkstoward the entrancedirectly, thinksat heartthiswritingreallygets sickazure, mustgovern!
程晓羽刷卡付账,纪芸芸却还在那里发愣,程晓羽便把纪芸芸的钱一起付了。提上装着书和CD的朔料袋,也没管纪芸芸,径直朝门口走去,心里想这文青真是病,得治!Jinumerousseesis a little far, is suddenly enlightedasks„schoolmate who journeyXiaoyuwalksyouto nameloudly?”
纪芸芸见程晓羽走的有点远,才恍然大悟大声问到“同学你叫什么名字?”journeyXiaoyureturned to the head, brightsmiled, gives the name of king of good personcard„to callmyLei Feng.”Thendid not returnwent out of the bookstore.
程晓羽回了头,灿烂的一笑,报出了好人卡之王的姓名“请叫我雷锋。”便头也不回走出了书店。Jinumerouspreparesto pursueto give back tojourneyXiaoyumoney, was actually stopped by calling„little missby the banker, yourthing.”Mustgo backto take the thing of falling, andreceivesthatpaper that journeyXiaoyucomposes a poemcautiously, carefulfoldsto admit the book bag. Againgoing outbookstoretimeshecould not have noticed that startmakesherfeel the repugnantfatty.
纪芸芸准备追出来把钱还给程晓羽,却被收银员喊住“小姑娘,你的东西。”只得回去拿落下的东西,并小心翼翼收好程晓羽写诗的那张纸,仔仔细细的叠好放进书包。再出去书店的时候她已经看不到那个开始让她觉得反感的胖子。Lei Fengalso is really a strangename! Jinumerousthinkson the road of going homesilently. Alsothinks that writesto her poem, the faceis out of controlto be red.
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