journeyXiaoyuclampedtwobooksto stopin the dramaarea, butthattwomenwent to the popular musicarea.
The dramaareaaccounted for1/3 of audio and videoareaprobably, there is a massivePeking operafamous expertpericope, the Shaoxing operafamous expertspecial edition, the opera. VariousdramaCDare dazzling. Butotherregions, popular music, classical musicandnational musicrelativelysmallmany.
戏曲区大概占了音像区的三分之一,有大量的京剧名家选段,越剧名家专辑,歌剧。各种戏曲CD琳琅满目。而其他的区域,流行音乐、古典音乐、民族音乐相对就小了不少。journeyXiaoyutooktitle pageveryshocking«PeerlessTraditional opera star»Shaoxing operaCD. Alsopulled out«TangNoble concubine of»sales volumePeking operasmall dishMei Schoolranked the first. Buysthesetwo is not possibleto listen, puresatisfiesownconsumption desire. journeyXiaoyuplanned that is takingtwoclassicalpianoCDto payto leave, looked that timeWang Huashengalsoapproaches fast.
程晓羽拿了张封面非常惊艳的《绝世名伶》的越剧CD。又抽了张销量排名第一的京剧碟梅派的《大唐贵妃》。买这两张也不一定要听,纯粹的只是满足自己的购买欲望。程晓羽打算在拿两张古典钢琴CD就买单走人,看时间王华生也快来了。journeyXiaoyuarrives at the classical musicareatime, previouslythattwoliteraryyouthinnearbynational musicarea, gathered round a girl who coincidentallywearstheir school uniform. journeyXiaoyuhas not thought,plannedbuysBeethovenandChopin'sclassicalpianoplaysCDto flash the person. WhenchoosesCD, the younger sister in thattwoliteraryyouthandtheirschoolactuallymovedin his directionslowly.
程晓羽走到古典音乐区的时候,刚巧先前那两个文艺青年就在旁边的民族音乐区,围着一个穿着他们学校校服的女孩。程晓羽也没有多想,打算买张贝多芬和张肖邦的古典钢琴演奏CD就闪人。在选CD的时候,那两个文艺青年和他们学校的妹子却缓缓朝他这个方向移了过来。Onlylistens tothatlong hairman saying that „missweare harmless, onlywantsto inviteyouto be a modelsincerely. IamJiaotong Universityfine arts department, myfriendisyourFudanDepartment of literature, said that myfriendandyoualsocalculatehalfalumnus.”
只听那长发男子说道“姑娘我们并无恶意,只诚心想邀请你去做个模特。我是交大美术系的,我朋友是你们复旦文学系的,说起来我朋友和你还算半个校友。”Say/Way that the man who anotherbrings the gold-rimmed eyeglassesalsoassumes an air of self approbation„study the younger sister, picking up the floweredsocietyto be possibleonceto hear? Iam a vice-president, finenavigationsurnamed Fan, the characterforgets the stream, slightlyhasthinname/reputationinFudan University, frontsuspendsthat«Seeks forMost beautifulinIncredibleFleeting time» does clumsily.”
另外一个带着金丝眼镜的男子也摇头晃脑的道“学妹,拾花社可曾听闻?鄙人是副社长,姓范名嘉航,字忘溪,在复旦大学也算是略有薄名,前面摆的那本《在荒诞流年里找寻最美的自己》就是拙作。”journeyXiaoyuhearsthisacidintentfulltunealmostto smileto make noise, sipsownmouthto bearforcefully, wantsto turn the headto see a playdoes not wantto stir up trouble, can only pretendto continueto chooseCD.
程晓羽听到这酸意十足的腔调差点笑出声来,抿住自己的嘴巴强行忍住,想转头看戏又不想惹事,只能假装继续选CD。Onlylistens tothatmissto return„embarrassed, becausemustprepare the college entrance examination, feared that does not have the time.”journeyXiaoyuhas not seen the person, onlyhears the sound is very interestingly to listen to delightful, butsomepeoplecome upto say something to smooth things overon own initiative, the appearanceshouldbe good.
只听那姑娘回到“不好意思,因为要准备高考,怕是没有时间。”程晓羽没看见人,只听见声音很是悦耳动听,但是有人主动上去搭讪,想必容貌应该是不错的。Thatlong hairmanlookedis the experiencedveteransaid„doesn't matter, gives a telephoneon the line, ifthere is anything to studyonandselects the issue of school unclear, welcomecallsto askusmomentarily.”
The missalsosaid that „did not needto trouble, the cell phonedid not have the electricity, next timewill remainagain.”Generally the girlsaid that next timewill leave the numberagain, basicallyironcladdoes not planto give. But the two are actually the lobbies that continuesto never say die, hasto plantdoes not reach the spirit that the goalvows not to rest.
那姑娘又道“不用麻烦了,手机也没电了,下次再留吧。”一般女孩子说下次再留号码,基本上就是铁定不打算给的。而那两人却是继续锲而不舍的游说,有种不达目的誓不罢休的气概。Is the goodfemaleto fearto entangle the wolf, the queenfears the hooligan. Actuallymanyattractivegoodgirlsto be movedwith the pursue that the long-termentanglement, never says dieby the toads. journeyXiao the feathercausedvarioussecrets, did not havehim, threecharacters„were not concerned about face”. Thesetwowritingazureevidently are also topicking up the little girldeeplystudy diligentlytogether.
正所谓是好女怕缠狼,女王怕流氓。其实很多漂亮好姑娘都是被癞蛤蟆们用长期纠缠、锲而不舍的追求所打动。程晓羽更使得到了各中秘诀,无他,三个字“不要脸”。这两文青看样子也是对泡妞一道深又钻研的。Sees onlythiseyeglassesmaleto seesays something to smooth things over unable to have an effectordinary, immediatelytrades the move, a belt/bringproudsay/way„study the younger sister, wepick up the floweredsociety, in the weekendhasliterarysalon, invitedpoetriver, onbigstarriverLan of playwill perhaps also come. Ifyouintend, Icanleadyouto participate, saycannotobtain the genuine signature of two peoplewell.”
只见这眼镜男见普通搭讪起不了什么作用,立刻换了招,带点自傲的道“学妹,我们拾花学社,周末就有个文学沙龙,请了诗人河子,还有上戏的大明星江岚说不定也会来。你若有意,我能带你去参加,讲不好还能得到两人的亲笔签名。”journeyXiaoyuhearshere unable to bearshake the head, thought that thesetwowritinga littlewere blue mean, copecame out, you who high schoolfemale studentanythinghoneyed words saying ifwritingwere blueweto haveriver, ifyouliked the dramawehavingriverLan, the youngfemale studentwas generally easiestbylike thismisleading, whenreallyyouleft the number, leadingyouto participate inwhatliteraturesalon, hehad the person who why10,000viewstoldyouyou to seenot to come. Back thenoneselfalsodidsuchmattera lot. Deceives the little missto participate inwhatartsalon, within the music festival, damagedsomeignorantyoung girlsvery much. Naturallyoneselfhave the bottom line, does not bump the minor, has the moral integrity.
The misslong timehas not said a wordestimatea littleintentto move. PerhapsjourneyXiaoyusighsto recall with deep feelinganotherpureyoung girlsoonto be seducedbyso-calledwritingazure, hemostunderstood that thesewere known aswith the person of bodywriting, is hitting the name of artisticandpursueplays with the sentiment and meat( ROU )body, becausehe himselfalsooncewasone. In the shoppingbasket that journeyXiaoyupicked the bookandCD that places the armpitjusttook, turned aroundto prepareto leave, even the alumnushedid not planto interfere withothers'life, healsofeltownnotthatqualifications. Turning aroundtimesawto prepareto pull out the alumnus of cell phonefrom the book bag, was actually healsocalculates the familiarperson, Jinumerous.
When journeyXiaoyuhas turned the obesebodyis just facingJinumerous the side, butJinumerousis sidewaysfrom the book bagwith the cell phone, twopeoplelooked atclearly. journeyXiaoyuwas shocked, Jinumerous is a little also surprised, obviouslyhas not thought that can also run into the alumnusin the bookstorelate, shejustarranged the dance on classto come out, pulling out the cell phonestarteda littleto hesitate, feared that has the idle talkto feed in the school.
程晓羽扭过肥胖的身体时刚好面对着纪芸芸的侧面,而纪芸芸正在侧身从书包里拿手机,两个人真真切切是瞧了个正着。程晓羽愣住了,纪芸芸也有点吃惊,显然没想到这么晚还能在书店遇到校友,她是刚刚排完班上的舞出来,掏出了手机又开始有点犹豫,怕有闲言碎语传回学校。Thatlongoutgoing messagealsowaits forJinumerousto report the numberto be goodazureto save, looks up the situationtonot to standto block fromjourneyXiaoyu the line of sightimmediately. journeyXiao the featherinnermost feelings are actually thousandchapters of hundredrevolutions, thinkstohisgoodTeacherJi, walkedon own initiative, planned that savesthisby the young girl who writingstares atazure.
那长发文青还等着纪芸芸报号码好存,抬头一看情形不对立马站过来遮住程晓羽的视线。程晓羽内心却是千回百转,想到对他不错的纪老师,还是主动走了过去,打算拯救这个被文青盯上的少女。journeyXiaofeatherwalkswhileshouted„Jinumerousyouto the cell phone number, Itoldyourpaternal aunt.”Immediatelythattwoliteraryyouthlooktogethertowardhim.
程晓羽边走边喊“纪芸芸你要给手机号码,我就告诉你姑姑。”顿时那两个文艺青年一起朝他看过来。Jinumerousisonepoint of favorable impressionalsounderpresentstojourneyXiaoyu, evenalsosuspicionthisfattytags along afterherto enter the bookstore, beforecame acrosssuchmatter is not few, sheis frowning saying that „wantedyouto mind others' business.”Actuallyreceived the cell phonein the back, shedoes not think that the sister-in-law/little auntknowsshe and extracurricularmale studenthad the relation.
纪芸芸对程晓羽是一分好感也欠奉,甚至还怀疑这胖子是不是尾随她进书店的,以前遇到这样的事情也不算少,她皱着眉头说“要你多管闲事。”却还是把手机收在了背后,她也不想小姨知道她和校外的男生有联系。Thattwoliteraryyouthsaw with own eyes that mustfly the boiledswanto the mouth, islooksuncomfortable. ActuallywithoutmanagingjourneyXiaoyu, gentlytoJinumeroussaid that „do not managethatfatty, our is only the normalhuman communication, whathadto say?”
那两个文艺青年眼见煮熟的天鹅到了嘴边就要飞了,也是面露不爽。却没理程晓羽,更加温柔的对纪芸芸说“别理那胖子,我们这只是正常的人际交往,有什么不可以说的?”journeyXiaoyuhas not waitedJinumerousto reply that said„yesterday'sthesetwomaleaskedhere a girl'stelephone number, withwas exactly the the same as the words that youspokea moment ago.”Thentranquilis looking atJinumerous.
程晓羽还没待纪芸芸回答就说“昨天这两个男的就在这里问了一个女孩子的电话号码,跟刚才跟你说的话一模一样。”然后平静的望着纪芸芸。Jinumerouslooked that journeyXiaoyu the expressiondoes not seem likelies, doubtslooked atlong hairyouthoneeyes, sees the long hairyouthin the surpriseis looking at the eyeglassesyouth, turned the headto see the eyeglassesyouthto makeimmediatelyto spread outboth handsto express that was notmyhand signal, a littleunderstood. Admitsin the cell phone the book bag, walkstoward the register.
纪芸芸看程晓羽的表情不像是撒谎,疑惑的看了长发青年一眼,看见长发青年正在诧异的瞧着眼镜青年,立马转头就看见眼镜青年做了个摊开双手表示不是我的手势,有点懂了。将手机放进书包里,朝收银台走去。journeyXiaoyualsocaught upto follow close on. Thattwoliteraryyouthlooking at each otherknow that was given the errorbyjourneyXiaoyu, the soul of climatehas the hole, thissees with own eyesweekendpastimerapidlyfar, is really the unclecanendure the aunt unable to endure, walkedquickly, wantsto explainseveralwithbeautiful woman, was actually blocked the waybyfiguregiganticjourneyXiaoyu.
程晓羽也赶紧跟了上来。那两文艺青年一对视就知道被程晓羽给讹了,顿时气的灵魂出窍,这眼见周末的消遣越飞越远,真是叔叔能忍婶婶不能忍啊,快步走了上去,想要跟小美人解释几句,却被身形硕大的程晓羽拦住了去路。journeyXiaoyutodid not fear,thesetwoslimfigureslookedlacks the strength to truss up a chicken, curses at peoplecontinuallyonlymeets the affected over-literary style the warfivedregs. Insteadprovocationselected the eyebrowtowardthese22goods, your abilitymywhatowes the flatexpression. Wang Huashengwill also draw nearin any case, did not installBat this time, feared that alsohad such goodopportunityrarely, journeyXiaoyuthinks the road of ownsadrebirth was really the hearthas the bosomto be intimate.
程晓羽到是不怕,这两瘦弱的身材一看就是手无缚鸡之力,连骂人都只会之乎者也的战五渣。反而挑衅的朝这两二货挑了挑眉毛,一副你能耐我何的欠扁表情。反正王华生也快到了,这个时候不装B,怕也难得有这么好的机会了,程晓羽想到自己悲催的重生之路真是心有怀戚戚焉。ThattwowritingalsoreallytakesjourneyXiaoyuto have no alternativeazure, can only following on the heelsbitterly, look that canfind the opportunityto communicateseveralwith the whistling swanagainalone, is goodto save a face.
那两文青却也真拿程晓羽无可奈何,只能恨恨的跟在后面,看能不能找机会再单独跟小天鹅沟通几句,好挽回点颜面。Arrived the register, journeyXiaoyupaidin the left side, Jinumerousis cold a faceto payin the right side, shedoes not thankjourneyXiaoyu, hisshelikespoetriver, reallywantsto go tounder the experienceliterarysalon. Histwoshedoes not know the will of the people dangerous, felt how otherscannottakeher, histhreehermost repugnantothersthreaten themselves.
到了收银台,程晓羽在左侧买单,纪芸芸冷着个脸在右侧买单,她一点都不感激程晓羽,其一她非常喜欢诗人河子,也是真想去见识下文学沙龙。其二她不知道人心险恶,觉得去了别人也不能拿她怎么样,其三她最讨厌别人威胁自己。journeyXiaoyudoes not wantto harvestJinumerous the gratitude, hedoes thisforTeacherJi, howreallynot to closehisanythingmatteras forJinumerous, howhedoes not care aboutJinumerousto seehim.
程晓羽也没想收获纪芸芸的感激,他这样做只是为了纪老师,至于纪芸芸怎么样真不关他什么事情,他更不在乎纪芸芸怎么看他。Twoliteraryyouthsaw with own eyes that thisfattystarestightly, whatopportunitydoes not givethem, not being able to bearspeakto satirizejourneyXiao the feather„fatty you are notwill likethislittle miss? Does the toadwantto eat a day of goosemeat?”
两文艺青年眼见这胖子盯得紧,不给他们什么机会,忍不住出言讽刺程晓羽“胖子你不会是喜欢这小姑娘吧?癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉?”journeyXiaoyunotbeing angrysay/way„twobig brothersdon'twith our unimportant personvitality/angry, life is short, mustbe sexy. Youcontinueto pick up the little girlto go, whenputs my toadthisto waste.”
程晓羽也不生气道“两位大哥别跟咱这小人物生气啊,人生苦短,必须性感。你们继续去泡妞去啊,搁我这癞蛤蟆这浪费什么时间。”ThateyeglassesyouthsawjourneyXiaoyuto talk backcomes the spiritimmediately, did not fear that yourslanderin opposite directionsfearedyouswallowed an insult. Can'tattack the opposite partyalso to spirituallymake the opposite partyfrom the physical bodyreceive the wound, what the terminologycalls? Right, the spiritinjures. To give the enemyunfeelingenergeticpressure of causesitsprofoundlyto comprehendowntiny and stupiditywith the literaryview. The eyeglassesyouthis the eminentspeech of department of literaturebringsmelodiousrhythm„Ito look atyouafter all is also the student of FudanAttached middle school, I have the qualificationsto educateasyourhalfschool leaderyour, howyoucanlieat will, slanders the personat will? How can youfeel pride when one should feel shame? Isn't hundredyears of school spirit of Fudanworth a red centyourhere? Yoursuchstudent is also the result not goodpersonal character not highsedimentin the school.”At this time the person in entirebookstorealmostlooked, the eyeglassesyouthwas more excited, thinksoneselfgot the winning side of morals, changed mindwants saying that sedimentwordcanbe degradingrefined.
那眼镜青年就一见程晓羽回嘴立刻来了精神,不怕你恶语相向就怕你忍气吞声。不能从肉体上打击对方也要从精神上让对方受到创伤,术语叫什么?对,精神伤害。用文艺的说法就是给予敌人冷酷无情的精神威压使其深刻的领悟自己的渺小与愚蠢。眼镜青年毕竟是文学系的翘楚说话都自带抑扬顿挫的韵律“我瞧你也是复旦附中的学生,做为你半个学长我还是有资格教育你的,你怎么能随意撒谎,随意污蔑人呢?你怎么能不以为耻反以为荣呢?复旦的百年校风在你这里就一文不值?想必你这样的学生在学校也属于成绩不好品德不高的渣滓。”这个时候整个书店的人几乎都看了过来,眼镜青年更加兴奋,认为自己占据了道德的上风,转念又想说渣滓这个词会不会有辱斯文。journeyXiaoyu the injurytosuchdegreeis the directimmunity, pretends, helplesssay/way ” do youstupidlyblameme? Or do Ileaveyouto make up for the telephone? ” The expression of laterthattauntmustowemuchflatlyhasowesmuchflatly.
The long hairyouthseesjourneyXiao the featheroilsaltnot to enter, someso manypeoplewere looking, in the facea littlecannot hang, seeingthisfattyis not evidently goodto cope, can only turn the headto show the charmingsmiletoanother sideJinumerous saying that „missis embarrassed, todaytrulydisturbsyou, butIreallythink that very muchcanknowwithyou, youlook atmeto followto the present, so manypeoplewere looking that has not given up, shouldbe ableto understandmysincerity.”Jinumerousnowtofeelinga littleembarrassed, says something to smooth things overmany that shealsomeets, althoughtwowritingazurea little facethick-skinnedsuspicion, actually is also well-mannered, saidagainothersface/colorprice/valuealsocalculates, turns the headto look atjourneyXiaofeatherthatdreadfulappearance, thought that journeyXiaoyu is also a littleexcessive, smallsound said„doesn't matter.”
The long hairyouthsawalsosays„this that manyJinumerousquitehad to do, tobesorry, Iunderand others the scenedrew a pictureforyou, myfirstsawyou, was attractedby your busybeautiful, thereforewantsto inviteyouto bemymodel, Ithought that shouldbefalls in lovetoyou.”, Alsomelodioustwitteringsay/way„such asyousodo not need the stancein a low voice, can an achievementstartledgreat wild goose, not needto smile, canstartcool breeze, does not allowmedeliberatelynot to pester, evenothersmisunderstand, Iwantyouto remember, the red sandalwoodhas not extinguished, Ialsodo not go. The man (Han)nightis boundless, holdsvividlysad, the eyebrowis curved, is destinedyourIto meet, the grace and talentis the wind-drift sand of yourfingertip, oldismypermitsyourfirsttime passage. Hopesyouforgivemyoffensiveandtalk endlessly, Ireallydo not wantto regretthisbrushing pastwith the lifetime. NowIexpressonly to tradelike thisto be acquaintedwithyou”
The monologue that the bigsection of thislong hairyouthis full of the affectiontrulyisverysuccessful, unexpectedlysomealsomanyaudienceapplaudforit, the busybodyfelt the drama that probablythisdoes not needto buy a ticketreached the romantichigh tide. The actorlong hairmale, the facial featuresdelicatemakingsare meaningful, the leading ladymay the personstaturebe slenderclearly. The Huaxiapersontosuchcombinationalwaysbeing partialespecially, has a look atjourneyXiaoyu the corpulentvulgar in speechagain, thisatypicalbigvillain?
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