MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#16: Has the monster study tyrant of story

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Just entered classroom journey Xiaoyu to look at Chen Haoran to come, if under some people of research his look, will certainly find that he looks to sit Chen Haoran on seat is the naked desire. 刚一进教室程晓羽就去看陈浩然来了没有,如果有人自己研究下他的眼神,一定会发现他看着坐在座位上的陈浩然是赤裸裸的欲望。 Chen Haoran is having a childish face of slightly circle, is cutting the bangs, the whole person is seemingly clean, but also brings a dreariness, sits , on seat transfers the pen while is reading the political reference. 陈浩然长着一张微圆的娃娃脸,剪着浅浅的刘海,整个人看上去干净但又带点阴郁,坐在座位上的时候一边转笔一边在看政治参考资料。 journey Xiao the feather while has not attended class, walked. He now no longer is the dwelling male of that bad conversation, the human communication is not the thing that he is afraid and does not dare to touch. journey Xiaoyu arrives at Chen Haoran seat to think how to open the mouth, unemotional Chen Haoran has not lifted looked that had not looked he first makes noise to start to decline to ask the words of issue go out go to the grade office turn left, the chatting words I do not have the time.” 程晓羽趁着还没有上课,走了过去。他现在不再是那个不善言谈的宅男,人际交往也不在是他害怕和不敢触碰的东西。程晓羽走到陈浩然座位边想着怎么开口,面无表情的陈浩然头也没抬看都没看他先出声开始拒绝“问问题的话出门左转去年级办公室,闲聊的话我没有时间。” journey Xiaoyu heart say/way study the tyrant is really monster, but the language of such degree is really not anything injures to present him! Saying that he also comes straight to the point heard that you can the drum kit( drum kit be rack drum, rack is actually transliteration of JAZZ).” 程晓羽心道“学霸果然都是怪物”但这样程度的语言对现在的他来说实在不算什么伤害!他也开门见山的说道“听说你会爵士鼓(爵士鼓就是架子鼓,架子其实就是JAZZ的音译)。” Chen Haoran said as before unemotionally can not relate with you.” From beginning to end the eye has not left the reference, but transfers in pen on hand falls. 陈浩然依旧面无表情的说“会不会和你都没关系。”至始至终眼睛没有离开过参考资料,只是转在手头的笔掉了下来。 journey Xiaoyu has thought the matter may be thorny, but has not thought this study tyrant does not have a touch of humanity simply. But the present is he asks others for help, can only lower the stance saying that „ that good, you first read, waits for the midday rest the time I am asking you to chat, person who he easily does not give up. Chen Haoran ignores, the right hand took the pen on school desk to transfer, as if did not have ripples at heart. 程晓羽想过事情或许会棘手,但没有想过这个学霸简直没有一点人情味。但现在是他求人,只能放低姿态说“那好,你先看书,等下午休的时候我在找你聊聊,他不是轻易放弃的人。陈浩然对此置若罔闻,右手拿起掉在课桌上的笔又转了起来,仿佛心里没有一丝涟漪。 journey Xiaoyu returns to own study dregs seat, nearby king Ou is copying the mathematical homework. journey Xiaoyu extracts the first political lesson textbook, turns the head to ask that king Ou feeds greatly strongly, do you understand Chen Haoran?” 程晓羽回到自己的学渣座位,旁边的王鸥正在抄数学作业。程晓羽抽出第一节政治课的课本,转头问王鸥“喂大壮,你了解陈浩然嘛?” king Ou is exerting the pen illness/quick to copy, keeping one eye on replied journey Xiao the feather him? How do you look for him why?” 王鸥正在奋笔疾抄,一心二用的回答程晓羽“哦他呀?怎么你找他干吗?” This he cannot the drum kit, want to ask him to help.” “这不他会爵士鼓吗,想找他帮忙。” king Oushou has the mathematical homework that copies, hands over the front Guo sea busy book also passes. Frowning saying that he is a little difficult to do, whom in the class does not have and he relates. The character is also strange, except for studying anyone also pays no attention. It looks like with beforehand you very much, the difference is he is first you are last.” 王鸥收起抄完的数学作业,将前排郭海的作业本递还过去。皱着眉头说“他有点难搞啊,班上也没谁和他关系好。性格也怪,除了学习谁也不理。哦,跟以前的你还是很像的,区别就是他是第一名你是最后一名。” journey Xiao feather grass said that this does not have the means that is difficult to do also to result to do, does not do your overall to fear that was the danger.” 程晓羽艹了一声说“这不没办法嘛,难搞也得上去搞啊,不搞你那点积分怕是危险了。” king Ou listened to the overall to have a fit of bad temper grass, the Elder Brother I was really on obsessed your broken ship, if we had known really should practice the basketball in the past.” 王鸥一听积分就炸毛“艹了,哥哥我真是鬼迷心窍上了你这艘破船,早知道当年真该练篮球的。” journey Xiaoyu cannot keep up with his unevenness thought to turn the head saying that completely this and you study the basketball to have the yarn relations.” 程晓羽完全跟不上他这跳跃性的思维转头说道“这和你学篮球有毛线关系。” king Ou sighed melancholy saying „, if my past years study basketball were specialized, depending on my quality certainly was the school basketball team, depending on my strong moral behavior certainly was the best friend of class leader, my cultivated the behavior the character of being loyal certainly to throw the overall to him, if I throw the overall to his him will certainly be moved, he is moved will definitely introduce ....... 王鸥叹了口气忧郁的说道“如果我当年学篮球专业,凭我这素质一定是校篮球队的,凭我这坚挺的人品一定是班长的至交好友,就我这做人最讲义气的性格一定把积分投给他,如果我把积分投给他他一定会感动,他一感动肯定会介绍.......” journey Xiao the feather broke him hastily ok, feared you elder brother, if I lost, your later lunch I wrapped!” 程晓羽连忙打断他“好了,怕你了哥,如果我输了,你以后的午饭我包了好吗!” king Ouheng two said that in your me is such person? Person who for several food will betray the overall?” journey Xiao the feather emits big move directly daily two meat two element in addition Cola one bottles.” 王鸥哼了两声说“在你心里我就是这样的人?为了几顿饭就会出卖积分的人?”程晓羽直接放出大招“每天两荤两素外加可乐一瓶。” king Ouzheng the entire school uniform say/way said it and meant it.” Then incomparably puzzled to journey Xiaoyu said that „my is prayed you win prayed you do lose? Innermost feelings a little suffering ....... 王鸥整了整校服道“一言为定。”然后又无比纠结的对程晓羽说“我这是祈祷你赢呢还是祈祷你输呢?内心有点煎熬啊.......” journey Xiaoyu immediately automatic pen on table toward king Ouza in the past. king Ou laughed foolishly two to say this, I finished class to help you inquire, Chen Haoran was five classes, divided into classes divides to arrive at our class, our sports department buddy and his class, waited for me to ask him.” 程晓羽立马把桌子上的自动笔朝王鸥砸了过去。王鸥傻笑两声说“这样,我下课去帮你打听打听去,陈浩然原来是五班的,分班才分到我们班,我们体育部一哥们和他一个班的,等下我去问问他。” journey Xiaoyu nod say/way of brothers, by you, as the saying goes knew oneself and other side to be undefeated in many battles. Has your dog-headed military strategist, I must be twice the result with half the effort.” 程晓羽点了点头道“兄弟,靠你了,俗话说知己知彼百战不殆。有你这狗头军师,我必事半功倍。” king Ou the two sickness manifest suddenly to sing me immediately is the people who Wollongong dispels fatigue, such as the easy must protect universe ........ this time politics teacher Ma Guoli just entered the classroom to see that depending on the Yin-Yang king Ou of self-satisfied shape shouted at king Ou you not to attend class tumbles out the classroom with me, do not affect other schoolmates to study here.” Then king Ou like the eggplant that the frost hit. 王鸥的中二病立刻发作唱到“我本是卧龙岗散淡的人,凭阴阳如反掌保定乾坤........”这个时候政治老师马国力刚好进教室看到志得意满状的王鸥一声断喝“王鸥你不上课就跟我滚出教室,别在这里影响其他同学学习。”然后王鸥就像霜打的茄子一样焉了下去。 Waits to finish class, king Ou jumps for joy goes to five classes to inquire that the situation. summer Shamo is blushing to arrive at journey Xiao the feather to ask that song had carefully looked, is good, who writes?” 等下了课,王鸥又活蹦乱跳的去五班打听情况去了。夏纱沫红着脸走到程晓羽这边问“曲子已经仔细看了,非常棒,谁写的啊?” journey Xiaoyu smiles is unimportant, is the key that who writes you can sing?” 程晓羽笑了笑“谁写的不重要,关键是你能唱吗?” summer Shamo said difficulty is very big, but I want to try, this song I like very much. However the meaning of lyrics I do not understand, without means very good grasping song sentiment.” 夏纱沫顿了顿道“难度很大,但是我想试一试,这首曲子我很喜欢。但是歌词的意思我不懂,没办法很好的掌握歌曲感情啊。” journey Xiaoyu said that „ this is the minor matter, I under and others write to you, you looked when you can sing completely, where I am telling you to pay attention, what emotion I need you to express. 程晓羽道“这是小事,我等下就写给你,你看你什么时候能完整的演唱了,我在告诉你要注意什么地方,我需要你表达一种什么样的情感。 summer Shamo nods to return to own seat to come up. Hits the attending class bell time, return classroom that king Ou pants, catching one's breath to journey Xiaoyu said person who quietly study the tyrant has the story, waits to finish class we to go to the restroom the time said.” 夏纱沫点了点头回到自己的座位上去了。打上课铃的时候,王鸥气喘吁吁的回到教室,缓了口气对悄声程晓羽道“学霸是个有故事的人啊,等下下课我们去厕所的时候说。” Finishing class is the gymnastic exercises, what on this week of stage leads the exercise is Ji numerous of next door class, journey Xiaoyu looked that among Ji numerous the facial features is a little vaguely similar to Ji Xin, was supposing two people have the relativeness. Ji numerous is the literary clerk of student association, studies the folk dance, until now in king Ou cell phone also collection video of school anniversary Ji numerous perform dance in school report performance. Ji numerous the stature has hot that exceeds this age, however actually grew vice- had a beautiful face the pure face, was that angel face devil stature type best quality goods younger sister. If Su Yu the fairy maiden of space is likely unattainable, Ji numerous falls into the elf of the world of mortals, annoyed the person to love tenderly easily can bring back the protection desire of man. 下了课又是课间操,这一周台上领操的是隔壁班的纪芸芸,程晓羽看纪芸芸眉眼间和纪昕依稀有点相似,估摸着两人是不是有亲戚关系。纪芸芸是学生会的文艺干事,学民族舞的,至今王鸥手机里还有一段校庆纪芸芸在学校汇报演出上表演舞蹈的珍藏视频。纪芸芸的身材有超越她这个年纪的火辣,然而却长了副眉目如画玉洁冰清的脸,正是那种天使面孔魔鬼身材类型的极品妹子。如果说苏虞兮像天上的仙子可望而不可及,那纪芸芸就是堕入凡间的精灵了,惹人怜爱轻易就能勾起男人的保护欲。 Completes the exercise, king Ouche journey Xiaoyu is going to the restroom, walks, let alone inquired the situation of Chen Haoran just entered the school time is average-performing, high two next semester will erupt suddenly. It is said in extracurricular had done the orchestra, why high two summer vacation do not know, in extracurricular fought also the police station. If because in the summer vacation, the school dismissal does not have the possibility.” 做完操,王鸥扯着程晓羽去厕所,边走别说打听来的情况“陈浩然刚进校的时候成绩一般,高二下学期突然间爆发的。据说原来在校外搞过乐队,高二暑假不知道为什么,在校外打架还进了警察局。如果不是因为是在暑假,学校开除都有可能。” Why fights to know?” journey Xiaoyu asked. “为什么打架知道吗?”程晓羽问道。 My friend is not clear, but I had said wants him to continue the help to ask the further information. However he related with the schoolmate in the class is not very good, the character is a little eccentric.” king Ou also then said. “我朋友不清楚,但我说过要他继续帮忙在问问详细情况。但是他原来在班上和同学关系也不是很好,性格有点孤僻。”王鸥又接着说道。 Came out two people to go to school store one person to buy bottle of Cola from the restroom, just Ji numerous also takes the bread and mineral water from the store coming out hand. Two people have followed behind graceful Ji numerous to nitpick. 从厕所出来两人又去学校商店一人买了瓶可乐,刚好纪芸芸也从商店出来手上拿着面包和矿泉水。两个人就一直跟着风姿绰约的纪芸芸后面品头论足。 journey Xiaoyu asked that king Ou you said this Ji numerous has the relations with Teacher Ji.” 程晓羽问王鸥“你说这纪芸芸是不是跟纪老师有关系啊。” king Ou speechless looks at journey Xiaoyu saying that you are not the idle talk, no one does not know that Teacher Ji is Ji numerous her paternal aunt.” 王鸥无语的望着程晓羽道“你不是废话嘛,没人不知道纪老师是纪芸芸她姑姑。” Say/Way that journey Xiaoyu lags behind no wonder I said that is a bit like!” 程晓羽后知后觉的道“难怪我说有点像呢!” Ji numerous enters the classroom time hears some people to discuss her indistinctly, she was used to others' back discussion early, has not then looked at one, but enters the classroom time nonchalant sees a fatty and one high from their classroom entrance process, the fatty seemingly is her paternal aunt has mentioned the net red fatty. Ji numerous the heart said that paternal aunt anything is good is too nicely is too deceived easily, this fatty seems like really not like any good student. 纪芸芸进教室的时候隐约听见有人在讨论她,她早习惯了别人背后的讨论,并没有回头看一眼,只是进教室的时候不经意的看见一个胖子和一个高个从他们教室门口经过,那胖子貌似就是她姑姑提到过的网红胖子。纪芸芸心道姑姑什么都好就是太善良太容易被骗,这胖子看上去真不像什么好学生。 In an instant arrives at the midday rest, by dinner time that king Ou most anticipated every day. journey Xiaoyu attended class is quite earnest, not taking advantage of time ponder performance of attending class. Chen Haoran sits in the front, quick had/left the classroom, has not paid attention to invitation that journey Xiao the feather midday rest chats slightly. 转眼就到午休,到了王鸥每天最期待的吃饭时间。程晓羽上课还是颇为认真,并没有借上课的时间思考汇演。陈浩然坐在前排,很快的出了教室,丝毫没有理会程晓羽午休聊聊的邀约。 journey Xiaoyu name was king Ou to follow Chen Haoran, before oneself arrived at summer Shamo the table, on that timid dandelion school desk is suspending the lunch box as before. No matter journey Xiaoyu also so many, bent the waist to hold summer Shamo the hand to say walks, Elder Brother SUMMER led you to eat meal.” Achievement elder brother who front could not find in Su Yu proud takes in everything at a glance before summer Shamo. 程晓羽叫王鸥去跟着陈浩然,自己走到夏纱沫桌前,那个胆怯的蒲公英课桌上依旧摆着饭盒。程晓羽也不管那么多,一弯腰拉着夏纱沫的手说“走,SUMMER哥哥带你去吃饭。”在苏虞兮面前找不到的作为兄长的自豪在夏纱沫面前一览无余。 summer Shamo is a little unexpected, shook hand this matter like to be hit to her simply fearfully by the lightning, she remembers that previous she and boy holds hands time in the kindergarten. When she is also in greatly this shocking, already no consciousness was pulled by journey Xiaoyu is arriving at outside the classroom. She was suddenly enlighted flings the hand of throw throttling dawn feather to be red in the face with the low inaudible sound said that I brought the lunch.” 夏纱沫有点猝不及防,被人拉手这件事情对她来说简直像被闪电一样击中可怕,她记得上一次她和男孩子牵手还是在幼稚园。在她还处于这巨大的震惊的时候,已经毫无意识的被程晓羽牵着走到教室外面。她恍然大悟般的甩开程晓羽的手面红耳赤用低不可闻的声音说“我带了午饭。” journey Xiaoyu pretended not care saying that doesn't matter, New Year's Day before performing, do not bring, we had the lunch together, originally our time were not much, must be much under the discussion perform together.” How such pompous reason makes summer Shamo not know rejects, originally she is not good at rejecting others, can only be silent. 程晓羽装作毫不在意的说“没关系啊,元旦汇演之前你别带了,我们一起吃午饭,本来我们大家的时间都不多,必须多在一起讨论下表演。”这样冠冕堂皇的理由让夏纱沫不知道怎么拒绝,本来她就不擅长拒绝别人,只能沉默。 journey Xiaoyu rubbed their head to reveal feeling sorry the expression saying that originally was I wants you to help forcefully, now loses your time, please eat meal is really not anything. You did not promise me really not to have the face to request you to help. Also food, whose expression can be anything journey Xiaoyu reveals me to my such playboy is the local tyrant I fears. summer Shamo thinks that makes her feel song that shocks hesitant, nods with journey Xiao the feather walks gently toward the cafeteria. 程晓羽摸了摸头露出点歉疚的表情说“本来就是我强行要你帮忙的,现在耽误你时间,请你吃饭实在不算什么。你不答应我实在没有脸在要求你帮忙了。再说了一顿饭,对我这样的纨绔来说能算什么”程晓羽又露出我是土豪我怕谁的表情。夏纱沫想到那首让她觉得震撼的曲子犹豫了下,轻轻点了点头跟程晓羽朝食堂走去。 Arrived the cafeteria, journey Xiaoyu leads summer Shamo of keeping silent, found king Ou who lines up to hit the vegetable/dish, he is standing in Chen Haoran's back. journey Xiaoyu asked that summer Shamo eats anything, summer Shamo the small sound said is casual, journey Xiaoyu looks that summer Shamo selects the thin body high, asking the master to hit two same meals, the vegetable/dish was the red-roasted pork, slightly fries yellow Niurou, gongbao chicken and fans white as ivory. Three meat element, journey Xiaoyu usually eats meal to lose weight does not hit the meat dish, but are not many for summer Shamo today thinks, has to endure suffering puts down the losing weight important matter temporarily. 到了食堂,程晓羽带着默不作声的夏纱沫,找到了正在排队打菜的王鸥,他正站在陈浩然的背后。程晓羽问夏纱沫吃什么,夏纱沫小声道随便,程晓羽看着夏纱沫高挑清瘦的身体,叫师傅打了两份一样的套餐,菜都是红烧肉、小炒黄牛肉、一个宫保鸡丁和粉丝牙白。三荤一素,程晓羽平时自己吃饭为了减肥都不怎么打荤菜,但今天为了夏纱沫不多想,不得不忍痛暂时放下减肥大计。 Fires off food journey Xiaoyu and summer Shamo stands in the cafeteria looks for king Ou, does not know he who first fires off the food where followed Chen Haoran to sit. The figure that summer Shamo 172 CM selects high is very noticeable, although brings the black frame eyeglasses, the rustic hairstyle of chaotic a little volume but wins is fair-skinned, five senses delicate person. Mainly is joined to journey Xiao feather fatty, without doubt turned into the fresh flower to insert on the cow dung immediately. journey Xiaoyu disregards an eye of band of light that cafeteria these despise summer Shamo to walk toward waving king Ou. 打完饭程晓羽和夏纱沫站在食堂找王鸥,不知道先打完饭的他跟着陈浩然坐到哪里去了。夏纱沫172CM高挑的身段还是很引人注目的,虽然带着黑框眼镜,乱糟糟有点卷的土气发型但胜在皮肤白皙,五官清秀可人。主要是配上程晓羽这个胖子,无疑立马变成了鲜花插在了牛粪上。程晓羽无视食堂这些鄙视的目光带着夏纱沫朝正在挥手的王鸥走去。 king Ouduan the tray is following Chen Haoran to sit, helped journey Xiaoyu and summer Shamo while convenient occupied the position. How his actually very curious journey Xiaoyu called summer Shamo, he high one with summer Shamo a class, originally in the class had the person to pursue summer Shamo, although were not many, but also no one can ask summer Shamo to have food. Although summer Shamo is not the eye in the school, but as she more than two years of schoolmate, and has sinister eyes that read completely thousand sails, king Ou knows that summer Shamo will be discovered the thrilling beauty sooner or later. 王鸥端着盘子跟着陈浩然坐了下来,顺便帮程晓羽和夏纱沫占了位置。他其实很好奇程晓羽怎么把夏纱沫叫下来的,他高一就和夏纱沫一个班,原来班上不是没有人追求过夏纱沫,虽说不多,但也从来没有人能请夏纱沫吃过一次饭。夏纱沫虽说在学校里算不上起眼,但作为她两年多的同学,且具有一双阅尽千帆的毒辣眼睛,王鸥知道夏纱沫迟早会被人发现有动人心魄的美丽。 When he always clear remembering, a high two physical education, summer Shamo casts off the eyeglasses, takes up the hairlace astonishingly the hair of her rustic bangs and Chinese sponge cake ties together after the brain beautiful, only that physical education female and male students are separate pitifully on, he is also moves the equipment to stumble upon. Afterward in had not seen that real summer Shamo. 他始终清楚的记得,高二时的一节体育课,夏纱沫摘掉眼镜,拿起发带将她那土气的刘海和槽糕的头发一起束在脑后的惊人美丽,只可惜那节体育课男女生是分开上的,他也是过来搬器材才偶然发现。再后来就在也没有看见过那个真实的夏纱沫。
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