MIG :: Volume #4

#311: Are you a person?

Is my cure plays document Chapter 311 you are a person? The digit that the room in dead building, in the door plate includes four are more, the room contains ghost quantity to be higher. 我的治愈系游戏正文卷第311章你是人?死楼内的房间,门牌号上含有的数字四越多,屋内含“鬼”量就越高。 Three securities are staring at that face of corridor deep place, no one has moved the footsteps. 三位保安都盯着走廊深处的那张脸,谁也没有挪动脚步。 In the corridor atmosphere depressing scary, before was terrifying on various visual and sense of hearing, the emergence of this broken finger, as if indicates that a more dreadful cruel matter must happen. 楼道里气氛压抑的吓人,之前都是各种视觉和听觉上的恐怖,这根断指的出现,似乎预示着更加可怕残忍的事情要发生了。 Coughs, Brother Hua holds up the glare flashlight photo to approach 14 corridors. 干咳一声,华哥举起强光手电照向十四层走廊。 That face of 1144 entrances does not have the eyebrow and hair, bare, a paleness, only then the eyeball is the black. 1144门口的那张脸没有眉毛和头发,光秃秃的,一片惨白,只有眼珠子是黑色的。 Is that lunatic.” “又是那个疯子。” Brother Hua the first time was not dealt with the opposite party, he suppressed the fear, got hold of the flashlight to enter 14: Monitoring and gate are you spoil?” 华哥不是第一次跟对方打交道了,他强忍恐惧,握紧手电筒进入十四层:“监控和门是你弄坏的吧?” 1144 door that face did not speak, was looks at Brother Hua and little side, in the jet black pupil shone upon Brother Hua and little side form, his body is trembling slightly, the expression on face twisted because of frightened, but he saw nearness Han Fei at this time. 1144房门口的那张脸也不说话,就是看着华哥和小方,漆黑的瞳孔中映照出了华哥和小方的身影,他的身体在轻微打颤,脸上的表情因为恐惧而扭曲,可就在这时候他又看到了靠近的韩非 clear(ly) outwardly advance party three people, in his eye pupil actually only then the forms of two people, he can see Han Fei, is actually not able to see Han Fei. 明明面前站着三个人,他的眼眸之中却只有两个人的身影,他能够看到韩非,却又无法“看到”韩非 In the middle of the panic-stricken eye pupil were many surprised, his lip shivered, crosses said complete words for a long time. 惊恐的眼眸当中多了一丝惊讶,他嘴唇颤动,过了好久才说出了一句完整的话。 „Are you a person?” “你是人?” Brother Hua and little side regarded the lunatic him, Han Fei actually listened to other single layer meaning in his words. 华哥和小方都把他当成了疯子,韩非却听出了他话里的另外一重意思。 The opposite party these words obviously were to him said that this lunatic who was occupied by Room 1144, saw him with the differences of other ghosts. 对方这句话明显是对他说的,这个住在1144房间的疯子,看出了他和其他鬼怪的不同。 In the dead building can also keep sober, the memory does not have the passive hands and feet person few, this lunatic is somewhat special. 死楼里还能保持清醒,记忆没有被动手脚的“人”很少,这个疯子有些特殊。 Stands has not spoken in team rear Han Fei, Brother Hua sighs: We naturally are the person, should not be first excited, the trash of corridor mouth is you loses? Do you extend to make me have a look the hand?” 站在队伍最后面的韩非还没说话,华哥却叹了一口气:“我们当然是人,你先别激动,楼道口的垃圾是你丢的吗?你把手伸出来让我看看?” No, you are not the person, you are the ghosts.” The lunatics see Brother Hua to approach, immediately after hiding the gate : I can see the ghost since childhood, you could not deceive me!” “不,你们不是人,你们是鬼。”疯子见华哥靠近,立刻躲到了门后:“我从小就能够看见鬼,你们骗不了我的!” Ok, how you want to say good, you first extend the hand, making me have a look at your hand to have the matter.” Brother Hua worried that the lunatic cut off own finger, therefore is enduring the terrifying, inquired unceasingly, from this detail, he truly is a good person. “行吧,你想怎么说都行,你先把手伸出来,让我看看你的手有没有事。”华哥担心疯子砍断了自己的手指,所以才忍着恐怖,不断询问,从这个细节来看,他确实是个不错的人。 You two get out of the way, withdraw! Let him come, I only spoke to him!” The lunatics put out a hand to point at Han Fei. “你们两个走开,退后!让他过来,我只跟他说话!”疯子伸手指着韩非 I?” A Han Fei very surprised appearance, he pretends not to prefer very much, in fact has started to proceed to move the footsteps. “我?”韩非一副十分惊讶的样子,他装做很不情愿,实际上已经开始往前挪动脚步。 Brother Hua hesitant, very embarrassed patted the shoulder of Han Fei: Rookie must assume sole responsibility for an important task one day, you have a look at his hand injured, asks while convenient again he forgot to take a drug recently.” 华哥犹豫了一下,很不好意思的拍了拍韩非的肩膀:“新人总有一天要独当一面,你去看看他的手有没有受伤,顺便再问问他最近是不是又忘记吃药了。” little side and Brother Hua will walk in the future several steps, Han Fei arrived at door alone: Brother, the monitoring in corridor is you spoils?” 小方和华哥往后走了几步,韩非独自来到了房门口:“老哥,楼道里的监控是你弄坏的吗?” The lunatics shake the head, he very earnest said to Han Fei: I can see the ghost since childhood, but I know that you are a person.” 疯子摇了摇头,他很认真的冲着韩非说道:“我从小就能看见鬼,但我知道你是人。” His that jet black pupil changes slowly, this lunatic is an endogenous double pupil, on a pupil has not shone upon the Han Fei form. 他那漆黑的眸子慢慢发生变化,这疯子是眼内生双瞳,其中一个瞳孔上没有映照出韩非的身影。 You is a person, is I in the first person who in this building sees! I and you same are person , helping me! Helps me helps yourself!” The expression of lunatic is scary, but he has not realized these completely. “你是人,是我在这楼内见到的第一个人!我和你一样都是人,帮我!帮我就是帮你自己!”疯子的表情非常吓人,但他完全没有意识到这些。 I am in the building the security, helping you be natural, what difficulty do you have?” Room 1144 is not definitely simple, Han Fei not because of opposite party casual several words, divulging own secret. “我是楼内保安,帮你理所应当,你有什么困难吗?”1144房间肯定不简单,韩非不会因为对方随随便便的几句话,就泄露自己的秘密。 I do not know how are oneself appear here building? All ghosts said that here is my family/home! But I know that here absolutely is not my family/home! I try to escape many times, but is unable to leave this building, must go out several times, finally would the bewildered stupor. When I wake up, appears in the middle of this room.” The lunatic expression twists, he held the Han Fei clothes: Escapes, only then leaves this building to live!” “我不知道自己是怎么出现在这栋楼里的?所有的鬼都说这里是我的家!但我知道这里绝对不是我的家!我试着逃过很多次,但根本无法离开这栋楼,有几次就要出去了,结果总会莫名其妙昏迷。等我醒来的时候,就又出现在这个房间当中。”疯子表情扭曲,他抓住了韩非的衣服:“逃出去,只有离开这栋楼才能活!” Do not be first excited.” Han Fei is wanting the lunatic to calm down, who knows that the opposite party makes an effort suddenly, entrained in the middle of Han Fei Room 1144 directly! “你先别激动。”韩非正想要疯子冷静下来,谁知道对方突然用力,直接把韩非拽进了1144房间当中! Bang!” “嘭!” The door closes, Han Fei felt oneself fell into the ice cave probably, the air conditioning warm air opens is very full, but a point with does not have, that cool feeling pricks the heart directly. 房门关上,韩非感觉自己好像掉进了冰窟里,空调暖气开的很足,但是一点用都没有,那种凉意是直接刺入心底的。 He catches the door knob immediately, the lunatic actually held down stubbornly his arm. 他立刻去抓门把手,疯子却死死按住了他的胳膊。 I am saving you! They are really the ghosts! All is a ghost!” The lunatics shout toward Han Fei, his nail scratched and tore the skin of Han Fei. “我是在救你!他们真的都是鬼!全都是鬼!”疯子朝韩非嘶吼,他的指甲抓破了韩非的皮肤。 Had the words to say well.” Han Fei looks at the wound on arm, that lunatic ten fingers also , the broken finger are not his. “有话好好说。”韩非看着胳膊上的伤口,那个疯子十根手指都还在,断指不是他的。 Perhaps is Han Fei infected the opposite party tranquilly, the lunatic tone slowed down slowly: I really not insane, I said is also the truth, this building looks like the nightmare how does not wake, we were stranded in inside.” 也许是韩非的平静感染了对方,疯子语气慢慢放缓:“我真的没有疯,我说的也都是实话,这栋楼就像是一个怎么都醒不过来的噩梦,我们都被困在了里面。” By person who the entire building treats as the lunatic, is actually the only sober person, each few words that he spoke are the truth, but the observer thought that he is going crazy and suffering a relapse. 被全楼当做疯子的人,其实是唯一一个清醒的人,他说的每一句话都是实话,但旁观者却只是觉得他在发疯、犯病。 Han Fei can understand the meaning of lunatic, but he does not dare to reveal that understands. 韩非能明白疯子的意思,但他不敢表露出明白。 Relied on the Grandmaster Level performing skill, Han Fei is performing in that surface not to believe that in fact innermost feelings vacillation some complex expressions. 凭借着大师级的演技,韩非演出了那种表面上不相信,实际上内心有些动摇的复杂表情。 The lunatics saw the mood that Han Fei wants to express, he firmly held the arm of Han Fei: You have not possibly been able to accept in a short time, perhaps you forgot the lots, my experience could remind you of something.” 疯子看到了韩非想要表现出的情绪,他紧紧抓住了韩非的手臂:“你可能短时间内还无法接受,你也许忘记了很多东西,我的经历说不定能够让你想起一些事情。” Outside Room 1144, Brother Hua and little side whip and hit the door unceasingly, they worried that Han Fei has an accident. 1144房间外面,华哥和小方不断拍打、撞击房门,他们担心韩非出事。 In room, lunatic close to Han Fei, dancing with joy is telling own past: „Have you come across such matter? You go to some place for the first time, will think that this place is very familiar, probably before had come, seems like the dream in the dream has been.” 屋子里面,那疯子靠近韩非,手舞足蹈的诉说着自己的过去:“你有没有遇到过这样的事情?你第一次来到某个地方,会觉得这个地方很熟悉,好像以前来过,似乎是在梦里梦到过。” Has.” “有。” This building to me is such a place.” The lunatics hauled in the bathroom Han Fei, closes the door, turns on all water cocks completely: I, when is very small, the eye can see some quite strange thing, fuzzy, indistinct, I have thought is my eye has the issue, until one day, me saw in oneself family/home to be many a person.” “这栋楼对我来说就是这样一个地方。”疯子将韩非拉进了卫生间,关上房门,把所有水龙头全部打开:“我在很小的时候,眼睛就能看见一些比较奇怪的东西,模模糊糊,隐隐约约,我一直以为是我的眼睛有问题,直到有一天,我看见自己家里多了一个人。” He is away from me to be getting more and more near, whenever I midnight awaken, I discovered that he stands in my bedside, he has been visiting me, stubbornly is staring at me!” “他距离我越来越近,每当我半夜惊醒,我都发现他站在我的床边,他一直在看着我,死死的盯着我!” I do not dare to tell the family member this matter, I suspected that I am not the eye has the issue, possibly is spiritually goes wrong.” “我没敢把这件事告诉家人,我怀疑自己不是眼睛有问题,可能是精神上出了毛病。” Afterward, I took travelling on official business find the doctor to see a doctor as the reason secretly, during I treated, my wife and daughter all had/left the accident/surprise.” “后来,我以出差为理由偷偷去找医生看病,在我进行治疗期间,我的妻子、女儿全部出了意外。” Had all was thrown down and broken happily, when I fell into thoroughly desperately, he actually disappears to disappear from my field of vision.” “拥有的所有美好被摔碎,在我彻底陷入了绝望的时候,他却从我的视野当中消失不见了。” I think that I got rid of him, who knows since that day, I will repeat to have the similar dream every night.” “我以为自己摆脱了他,可谁知道就从那天开始,我每晚都会重复做同样一个梦。” Wakes up on the bed of Room 1144 dream to me, in the blurry visible room some people take the blade, carves anything on my skin.” “梦到我在1144房间的床上醒来,迷迷糊糊的看见屋子里有人拿着刀,在我的皮肤上刻下什么东西。” I feel very sore, but cannot make the sound.” “我感觉很疼,但是发不出声音。” Blood unceasing is flowing, soaked the bed sheet.” “血不断的流着,浸湿了床单。” This dream continued for a month, when my body was almost drawn the full scar, that person calls a halt finally, he put in my chest something.” “这个梦持续了一个月,在我身体几乎被画满伤痕的时候,那个人终于停手,他把某个东西放入了我的心口。” Entire process sore is unable to imagine, I also lost the consciousness thoroughly.” “整个过程疼的无法想象,我也彻底失去了意识。” I wake up again, opens is this house that the eyes see, I enter the room that the nightmare the innumerable dreams arrived at probably!” “等我再次醒来的时候,睁开双眼看到的就是这间房子,我好像进入了噩梦当中无数次梦到的房间!” After saying, the lunatic tore own coat directly. 说完后,疯子直接撕扯开了自己的上衣。 His pale skin looks like the perfect drawing paper, that above mark a colorful giant butterfly! 他惨白的皮肤就像是完美的画纸,那上面纹着一只五彩斑斓的巨大蝴蝶! I have tried all kinds of causes of death in the building, but association/will at crucial moments stupor. After I wake up, lay on the bed of Room 1144 bedroom. All were recovered, my wound will also vanish does not see, but the color of this butterfly pattern will deepen. As if it is hopes that my unceasing driving suiciding, it can obtain certain the things of wish through my death probably.” The lunatic words, made Han Fei think actually manager duty, when he in the middle of manager duty, each time after the death, will return the place that started. “我在楼内尝试过各种各样的死法,但总会在关键时刻昏迷。当我醒来后,就又重新躺在了1144房间卧室的床上。一切都被复原,我身上的伤口也会消失不见,只是这蝴蝶花纹的颜色会加深。似乎它就是希望我不断的主动寻死,它好像能够通过我的死亡获得某些想要的东西。”疯子无意间的话语,倒是让韩非想到了管理者任务,他处在管理者任务当中时,每次死亡后都会重新回到开始的地方。 In dream that person you do carve on the meat is this butterfly?” Han Fei has seen many outcomers, but these planted the outcomer of person of cocoon, their butterfly patterns are mostly incomplete, directly is abnormal. “梦里那人给你刻在肉上的就是这蝴蝶?”韩非见过很多外来者,但那些种下了人蛹的外来者,它们身上的蝴蝶花纹大都残缺不全,还有很多直接就是畸形的。 Han Fei has not seen so perfect butterfly tattoo, he suspected that the lunatic possibly is the butterfly most is close to the successful work. 韩非从来没有见过如此完美的蝴蝶纹身,他怀疑疯子可能就是蝴蝶最接近成功的作品。
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