MIG :: Volume #4

#304: In the bathroom is hanging the red skirt

The midnight corridor resounded three sounds of footsteps, but only has two people. 午夜的楼道响起了三个脚步声,但是却只有两个人。 After Han Fei said that the young security and Brother Hua gawked, they go downstairs has not seen others. 韩非说完之后,年轻保安和华哥都愣了一下,他们下楼的时候并没有看到其他人。 The cold sweat falls following the cheeks, Brother Hua qiang installs calmly, he got hold of the glare flashlight: First goes upstairs, leave alone other.” 冷汗顺着脸颊滑落,华哥强装镇定,他握紧了强光手电:“先上楼,别管其他的。” Brother Hua has gone upstairs at the urging young security, so long as if goes upstairs will not encounter the danger, may look like in Han Fei, more walks toward the building , the thing should be more fearful is right. 华哥一直在催促年轻保安上楼,似乎只要上楼就不会遇到危险,可在韩非看来,越往楼上走,遇到的东西应该就越可怕才对。 The dead building and are Xingfu Subdistrict different? 难道死楼和幸福小区不同? Suffocation Han Fei by the young security behind, he is gazing at all around peacefully. “奄奄一息”的韩非靠在年轻保安身后,他安静的注视着四周。 Corridor small roadside shop floor brick, but possibly is because the cleaning irresponsible reason, on many floor tiles remains the spot shape stain, occasionally can also see several very long hair. 楼道里铺了地板砖,不过可能是因为保洁不负责的原因,很多地砖上都残留着斑点状的污迹,偶尔还能看见几根很长的头发。 The stair rails are the iron make, above painted red color paint, looks very brightly. 楼梯扶手是铁做成的,上面刷了一层大红色的油漆,看着十分鲜艳。 The spacing of stair among with stairs is obviously same, but the young security goes upstairs the association/will was impeded bewilderedly, felt that looked like makes a false step suddenly was the same. 台阶和台阶之间的间距明明是一样的,但是年轻保安上楼的时候总会莫名其妙被绊住,感觉就像是突然踩空了一样。 Most makes Han Fei feel what is strange, in the corridor installed the voice control lamp, but only the odd number floor has the lamp, will pass through a jet black shadow on the even number floor. 最让韩非感到诡异的是,楼道里安装了声控灯,但只有单数楼层有灯,每逢双数楼层都会经过一片漆黑的阴影。 Where therefore no matter the security in this building goes to carry the flashlight along, they have been used to these strange things. 所以这楼内的保安不管去哪里都会随身携带手电筒,他们已经习惯了这些诡异的东西。 Suddenly the young security has carried third floor Han Fei, looks that he must continue online to walk, Han Fei a little feared, he does not dare to continue to feign death again, spooky waking of: „Do we want to go to several buildings?” 眨眼间年轻保安已经把韩非背到了三楼,看着他还要继续网上走,韩非有点怕了,他不敢再继续装死,幽幽的醒了过来:“我们要去几楼?” Goes to the security room, after the darkness, there is the safest place.” The young security does not have the mind, spoke thoughtlessly to answer the Han Fei issue. “去保安室,天黑以后,那里是最安全的地方。”年轻保安没有心眼,随口回答了韩非的问题。 Security room in several buildings?” Han Fei does not think that in the building has the place of security, he even starts to suspect that these two securities prepare to kill itself, then finds a place to destroy the corpse and leave no trace? “保安室在几楼?”韩非不认为楼内有安全的地方,他甚至开始怀疑这两个保安是不是准备干掉自己,然后找个地方毁尸灭迹? In fourth floor, will draw near, do not worry.” Brother Hua thinks that Han Fei is because the injury is extremely serious, sore fierce, therefore unceasing opens the mouth inquiry. “在四楼,就快到了,你别着急。”华哥以为韩非是因为伤势太过严重,疼的厉害,所以才不断的开口询问。 Four, fourth floor?” Hears this floor, is pretends impatient Han Fei, was a little really anxious. “四、四楼?”听到这个楼层,原本是假装心急的韩非,真的有点急了。 In the middle of the dead building room, the included number four are more, is more dangerous. 死楼当中的房间,含有的数字四越多,就越危险。 Which these two securities go is not good, can go to the dead building? 这两个保安去哪不行,非要去死楼? Han Fei was understood, no wonder the security will be missing unceasingly, they gave themselves to choose one really valuable land with good feng shui. 韩非算是明白了,难怪保安会不断的失踪,他们真是给自己挑选了一个“风水宝地”。 Passes through third floor, the young security crashed at the back of Han Fei directly had not installed fourth floor of voice control lamp, they when opened the emergency exit, in the corridor that third sound of footsteps appeared again. 走过三楼,年轻保安背着韩非直接冲进了没有安装声控灯的四楼,他们在打开安全门的时候,楼道里那第三个脚步声再次出现。 Han Fei hear of clarity of , that sound resounds in a building, is fast to pursue toward fourth floor! 韩非听的很清楚,那个声音是在一楼响起的,然后快速朝着四楼追来! Heard that rapid sound of footsteps, the Han Fei nape emitted the goosebumps, but the young security actually could not hear to be the same with Brother Hua probably, was still cautious, does not know that is guarding against anything. 听到那急促的脚步声,韩非后颈是就冒出了鸡皮疙瘩,但是年轻保安和华哥却好像听不见一样,依旧小心翼翼,不知道在防范着什么。 Han Fei wants to urge them, but was shuts up finally very much sanely. 韩非很想催促他们,但最后还是很理智的闭嘴了。 The fourth floor emergency exit opens, the gloomy and cold wind blows out from the corridor. 四楼的安全门一打开,阴冷的风就从走廊里吹出。 This does not have the lamp, in the corridor pitch-dark, the flashlight has swept, that face that wall that is painting white Qi like offering condolences. 这一层没有灯,走廊里黑洞洞的,手电扫过,那一面面刷着白漆的墙如同吊丧的脸。 Arrived, this is the security room.” The young security stopped at the back of Han Fei in some leaf of room entrance, nearby Brother Hua urgent turned in the pocket looks for the key. “到了,这就是保安室。”年轻保安背着韩非停在了某一扇房间门口,旁边的华哥火急火燎的在口袋里翻找钥匙。 Han Fei raised the head silently, he looked at a door plate of security room, the heartbeat almost stopped. 韩非默默抬头,他看了一眼保安室的门牌号,心跳差点停止。 Room 1044?!” “1044房间?!” This room number the room number that occupies in Xingfu Subdistrict is happen to same as him, in the serial number has two 4, is the floor most dangerous room. 这个房间号正好和他在幸福小区居住的房间号一样,编号中带着两个四,是底层最危险的房间。 „Before this community, has had many things, afterward heard invites the god, does not know that what's the matter, stopped slowly.” The young security looks that is still turning Brother Hua who looks for the key, said low voice: Heard that this room is the ominous dwelling, but also without selling has died the person, developer to stabilize everyone's mood, to maintain in building public security, therefore was located in the security room this room simply, he wants to make the righteous qi of security shake this building.” “这小区以前出过很多事,后来听说是请神了,也不知道怎么回事,才慢慢消停。”年轻保安看着还在翻找钥匙的华哥,小声说道:“听说这个房间是凶宅,还没卖出去的时候就死过人,开放商为了稳定大家的情绪,也为了维护楼内治安,所以干脆将保安室设在了这个房间里,他想让保安的正气震住这栋楼。” Righteous qi?” “正气?” This completely not the life of security, when the life looked, looks like the estimate in Han Fei also only then the butterfly is competent such matter. 这完全是不把保安的命当命看,在韩非看来估计也只有蝴蝶能干出这样的事情。 Downstairs sound of footsteps approaches fast, in the opposite party appears when the fourth floor stairway, Brother Hua finally found the door key. 楼下的脚步声快速逼近,在对方出现在四楼的楼梯口时,华哥终于找到了房门钥匙。 Three people enter in the room, when the door closes, Han Fei hears the sound of footsteps to run from corridor. 三人进入屋内,在房门关上的时候,韩非听到脚步声从门外的走廊上跑过。 Is backing on the door, relaxes in a Brother Hua of outside senior appearance finally. 背靠着房门,在外面一副前辈模样的华哥终于松了口气。 The young security is the forehead is in a cold sweat, Brother Hua is the back is soaked by the cold sweat, the security uniform/subdue pasted on the skin, but he himself had not discovered that but also is doing intentionally calmly. 年轻保安是额头冒出了冷汗,华哥是后背已经被冷汗浸湿,保安制服都贴在了皮肤上,只是他自己没有发现罢了,还在故作镇定。 „After a building darkness, are few, before had a security is zero point goes downstairs, then has not come back.” Brother Hua is not naturally reorganizing the collar, conceals hand that oneself tremble slightly. “一楼天黑后还是少去,之前有个保安就是零点下楼,然后再也没有回来。”华哥不自然的整理着衣领,掩饰自己微微发抖的手。 Elder Brother, I heard that a building does die two to deliver to go? The murderers called in going the building, then massacred directly, dead or alive......” young security placed on Han Fei the sofa, he himself was also afraid very much. “哥,我听说一楼死过两个送外卖的?凶手都是把外卖员叫进楼内,然后直接杀掉,活不见人,死不见尸的……”年轻保安将韩非放在了沙发上,他自己也很害怕。 You just came not clear these.” Brother Hua is backing on the gate, lowered the sound: I had before one time, when a building goes on patrol, heard the knock, I deliberately considered that a building does not seem occupied by the person, runs to examine secretly, finally you guess that what I did see?” “你刚来不清楚这些。”华哥背靠着门,压低了声音:“我以前有一次在一楼巡逻的时候,听见了敲门声,我寻思一楼好像没有住人,就跑过去偷偷查看,结果你猜我看到了什么?” What thing?” Young security curious is looking at Brother Hua. “什么东西?”年轻保安好奇的望着华哥。 Wear red goes going of clothes, he at the back of one huge the going box that is bleeding, lies in the gate, looked toward inside, the mouth while was saying the meat that you want delivered to the meat that you wanted to deliver......” “一个穿着红色外卖衣服的外卖员,他背着一个巨大的、正在流血的外卖箱,趴在门上,一边往里面看,嘴里一边在说你要的肉送到了、你要的肉送到了……” Brother Hua studies looks like very much, the temperature in room reduced. 华哥学的很像,屋内的温度都降低了一些。 Real false? Does Brother Hua, you dare a person to go to a building? This does not seem like your style.” “真的假的?华哥,你敢一个人去一楼?这不太像是你的风格。” Deceives you, I special am this.” Brother Hua both hands overlapping, gesticulated tortoise. “骗你,我特么是这个。”华哥双手交叉,比划出了一个王八。 Two securities were saying a strange matter of building, suffocation Han Fei also in total concentration is listening. 两名保安说着一楼的怪事,奄奄一息的韩非也在聚精会神的听着。 In the monster and dead building that Brother Hua described played a monster of building to look like very much, this made the Han Fei innermost feelings determine a matter, that dead building game is mapping the death building in -depth world! 华哥描述的怪物和死楼游戏里一楼的怪物很像,这让韩非内心确定了一件事,那个死楼游戏就是在映射深层世界的死楼! When listening secretly, Han Fei also starts to size up all around, he has not really thought that after oneself enter the dead building , the first room that goes to be 1044, probably all are destined is the same. 在偷听之余,韩非也开始打量四周,他是真的没想到,自己进入死楼后去的第一个房间会是1044房,一切就好像命中注定的一样。 In this room number contained two four ominous dwellings, the surface looks very normal, on the wall is hanging various rules and regulations requests, work form and correct manners discipline style picture, feeling quite regular. 这个房间号里包含了两个四的凶宅,表面看上去很正常,墙壁上挂着各种规章制度要求,还有工作表格和仪容风貌照片,感觉相当的正规。 Compared with the ordinary security room, in the building gave back to the security to provide the rubber stick and glare flashlight, against shear the glove and parries the vest, on the table of inside room is also suspending four intercoms. 跟普通的保安室相比,楼内还给保安配备了橡胶棒、强光手电、防割手套和防刺背心,里屋的桌上还摆着四台对讲机。 The gaudy thing are many, few that but can apply truly. 花里胡哨的东西很多,但真正能派上用场的很少。 In room also has no quite special place probably.” “屋里好像也没有什么比较特别的地方。” According to the prompt in dead building game, after entering the dead building, must as soon as possible obtain a some dead incantation, otherwise the dead building will prepare the dead incantation for him personally. 根据死楼游戏中的提示,进入死楼后,必须尽快获得某一种死咒,否则死楼就会亲自为他准备死咒。 „Each room in dead building should have the dead incantation, but after I enter this room,......” “死楼的每一个房间应该都有死咒,但我进入这个房间后……” Han Fei is having doubts time, he suddenly discovered that Brother Hua and young security had stopped the dialogue, they look at Han Fei intently behind, looks deathly pale. 韩非正疑惑的时候,他忽然发现华哥和年轻保安已经停止了对话,他们直愣愣的看着韩非身后,脸色惨白。 That thing came out.” “那个东西又出来了。” Is who hangs it there? Hadn't we discarded it before?” “到底是谁把它挂在那里的?我们之前不是已经把它扔掉了吗?” Both security sounds are trembling, curious, Han Fei also turned head to look at one. 两位保安声音都在打颤,好奇之下,韩非也扭头看了一眼。 In the restroom of Room 1044, is hanging a blood red long skirt. 在1044房间的厕所里,挂着一件血红色的长裙。 The skirt swayed towed on the ground, looks that looked like one to stand the person in restroom. 裙摆拖在了地上,看着就像是一个站在厕所里的人。
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