MGIAZ :: Volume #11

#1066: The size violates a regulation!

In is two minutes, this factory throughout by shuā shuā the sound is surrounding...... Even if cannot see any trail, on street also as before like before completely empty, but all people is very at heart clear, factory that at this time they are, perhaps looks like the isolated island of float in spider group is ordinary. Once the islands were submerged, they also become the fish food of spider...... Naturally, existence of helicopter, but also has provided the last escape route for them. 在接下来长达两分钟的时间内,这座工厂始终都被“刷刷”的响声包围着……即使看不到任何踪迹,街道上也依旧像之前一样空空如也,但所有人的心里都很清楚,此时他们所在的工厂,恐怕就像是漂浮在蜘蛛群中的一座孤岛一般。一旦岛屿被淹没,他们也将成为蜘蛛的饵料……当然了,直升机的存在,还为他们提供了最后一条退路。 But at this time, actually nobody thought this escape route. Even if were done the fine body hair erectness by this sound, in the people heart are more, actually vigorously fights intent, as well as full anger. 但这种时候,却没有人去想这条退路。哪怕被这种响声搞得寒毛直立,众人心中更多的,却还是蓬勃的战意,以及满腔的愤怒。 However, from a factory also section of the road regulation, this sound no longer continued to approach...... But such phenomenon not only did not have to be relaxed, instead makes people feel a threat feeling. Thinks to look, thousands...... Even more spiders are forming the final encirclement ring neatly orderly, when some people send out the signal, they by the best condition, most quantities, without hesitation will close, rips the fragment more than ten living person in factory. 不过,在距离工厂还有段路程的时候,这种响声就不再继续靠近了……但这样的现象不仅没有让人轻松一点,反而更让人感受到了一丝威胁感。想想看,数以万计……甚至更多的蜘蛛正整齐有序地形成着最终的包围圈,而当有人发出信号时,它们就会以最佳的状态、最多的数量,毫不犹豫地一拥而上,将工厂内的十余名活人撕成碎片。 Is away from is so far, I can feel that has many eyes to stare at me......” Black Silk to mutter said. “隔着这么远,我都能感觉有好多眼睛在盯着我……”黑丝喃喃说道。 It seems like, the opposite party is planned that a wave fights out......” Ling Mo to frown. “看来,对方是打算一波决胜负啊……”凌默则皱起了眉头。 Crazy fiercely attacking, indeed the result that may achieve takes at one fell swoop. But using the numerical advantage, slowly and Ling Mo entire group fights the battle of attrition, at present looks like the wisest choice. Since the opposite party has chosen the former, explained that has to own strength certainly self-confidently...... 一次疯狂的猛攻,的确有可能达到一举拿下的结果。但利用数量优势,慢慢地和凌默一行人打消耗战,才是目前看来最明智的选择。对方既然选择了前者,说明对自身的实力还是有着一定自信的…… Elder Brother Ling you speculated that obtains enlightenment however right, the opposite party did not know about our situations. Therefore will select this method...... However they want to make anything specifically. It was difficult to understand. Only what can determine is. The fight soon erupted.” The Xia Na's sound drilled from side suddenly, she looked similarly exhaltedly to the distant place, said. 凌哥你推测得果然没错,对方对我们的情况并不了解。所以才会选用这种方法吧……不过他们具体想做什么。就很难想明白了。唯一可以确定的是。战斗快要爆发了。”夏娜的声音突然从旁边钻了出来,她同样居高临下地望向了远处,说道。 To us, this is also the specific consumption fights that a wee bit. Because in any event, us the inferiority in quantity is naturally exists, this point cannot make up by the tactic. Since the opposite party decides to adopt such crude method, we also simply give up the surrounding of factory.” Ling Mo said. “不过对我们来说,这也就是比消耗战好那么一丁点罢了。因为无论如何,我们在数量上的劣势都是天然存在的,这一点不是靠战术就能弥补起来的。既然对方决定采取这么粗暴的手段,那我们也索性放弃工厂的外围吧。”凌默道。 You were said that......” Black Silk has cannot help but revealed color/look of the thinking. “你是说……”黑丝不由得露出了一丝思索之色。 Continues to stay in high place besides the observation group, other people draw in the workshop. Since the opposite party wants to use compulsion. We are amusing with them.” Here, the Ling Mo thread of conversation sudden revolution, asked that „has workshop prepared to finish? Many characters “除了观测组继续留在高处外,其余人都收拢到厂房吧。既然对方想玩硬的。那我们就跟他们好好玩玩。”说到这里,凌默话锋突然一转,问道,“厂房都已经准备完毕了吧?不少字” Xia Na nodded, said: Un! All possibly sneaks in the place of spider, already they blocked by me and Elder Sister Ye Lian. also you confess outside arrangement about workshop, we have made proper. All preparations were in place, the matter that then must handle only has one...... Maliciously...... Kills!” 夏娜点了点头,说道:“嗯!所有可能钻进蜘蛛的地方,都已经被我和叶恋姐她们堵上了。还有你交代的关于厂房外的布置,我们都已经弄妥了。所有的准备都已经到位,接下来要做的事情就只有一件……狠狠地……杀!” ...... …… Bang!” “嘭!” With muffled sound, a giant shadow appeared on the Dawn Town street. 伴随着一声闷响,一个巨大的黑影出现在了黎明镇的街道上。 This shadow emergence, its surroundings shuā shuā sound has stopped immediately. Afterward once again suddenly resounds, before only volume, compares. Actually suddenly enlarged several times. 这影子一出现,它周围的“刷刷”声顿时就停顿了下来。随后又再度猛然响起,只是音量和之前相比。却是陡然放大了好几倍。 Appears with this shadow, also several person's shadows...... The these people shade height varies, but build is actually the astonishing consistency, that is skinny. 跟着这黑影出现的,还有好几个人影……这些人影高矮不一,但体型却都是惊人的一致,那就是干瘦。 The position that one of them stands obvious and others differ from...... Other people and between giant shadows maintained certain distance, was only he closely to follow in the side. 其中一人所站的位置明显和别人有所不同……其余人都和巨大的黑影间保持了一定的距离,唯独他紧紧地跟在了身边。 This person of gray hair, wears a very appropriate western-style clothing, hair also handles meticulously. In addition, he has also worn thin frame eyeglasses, after the lens, in that pair of light eyes is revealing a light excitement. 这人有一头花白的头发,穿着一身很得体的西装,就连发丝也打理得一丝不苟。此外,他还戴了一副细框眼镜,镜片后那双平淡的眼睛里流露着一丝淡淡的兴奋。 these people appears after the street, anxiously has not actually been making anything to move, on the contrary, their lines of sight, centralized on that giant shadow. 这些人出现在街上后,却并没有急着做出什么行动,相反,他们所有人的视线,都集中在了那个巨大的黑影上。 Shadow man tipped over body, was saying to the shadow very much respectfully: According to your instruction, we have surrounded them. To test their manner, we have not gone to make concealing of any whereabouts desirably. However even if to this time, does not see them to use the sign of helicopter. It seems like that they were the plan must spell with us.” 黑影身边的男人侧转了身体,对着黑影很恭敬地说道:“按照你的吩咐,我们已经把他们包围起来了。而且为了试探他们的态度,我们刻意没有去做任何行踪的掩饰。不过即使到了这个时候,也不见他们有使用直升机的迹象。看来,他们是打算要和我们拼到底了。” The shadow as if moved two, afterward in one rustle in sound, a sound suddenly from shadow here biography. That sound is listening somewhat hoarse, is somewhat fuzzy, but man actually as if hears the repetition of very clear as saying: „Does determination need such to do? Good, I will solve entirely them, you feel relieved Boss.” 黑影似乎动了两下,随后在一阵“簌簌”的响声中,一个声音突然从黑影这里传了出来。那声音听着有些嘶哑,也有些模糊,但身边的男人却仿佛听得很清楚似的重复道:“确定要这么做了吗?好吧,我会把他们通通解决掉的,你放心吧老大。” Then after having selected under several, this man fiercely turns the head, looked that to the those persons shade that behind has stood: Paid attention, the opposite party can in that quick time discover that Lu Ren that this matter reported that can also decide to accept a challenge at this kind of time, at least explained two points. First, they knew our main attack method is the spider, two, they have enough self-confidence to be able with our spiders to contend. But even if so, our initial decisions will not change. Disposable, routs them, handles them thoroughly! Starts!” 接着点了几下头后,这男人就猛地转过头来,看向了身后所站的那些人影:“注意了,对方能在那么快的时间内发现将这件事报告上来的陆仁,又能在这种时候决定应战,至少已经说明了两点。一,他们知道了我们的主要攻击手段是蜘蛛,二,他们有足够的自信能和我们的蜘蛛相抗衡。但即便如此,我们的初期决定也不会改变。一次性,将他们击溃,彻底搞定他们!开始吧!” As the man waves, these people shade one after another nod, then ran toward the front. 随着男人一挥手,这些人纷纷点头,然后便朝着前方跑了出去。 When only when they move, does not have any person to note, at this time in a not far away lane, a head of black and white interaction after trash can raised one's head quietly, eyes don't blink is gazing at all these...... 只是在他们行动之时,却没有任何一个人注意到,此时在不远处的一条巷子内,一颗黑白相间的脑袋正从垃圾桶后悄悄伸出头来,双眼一眨不眨地注视着这一切…… „...... It seems like this group of people are not stupid. I explained that clearly sneak attacks is easier to hit our to be caught off guard, why the opposite party actually must do such one, originally is such a matter...... However no matter the goal is anything, method that they can give up sneak attacking, explained that they are also have enough self-confident. No, wait/etc....... Is self-confident, is rather extremely arrogant......” “哦……看来这群人也不笨啊。我就说明明偷袭更容易打我们个措手不及,对方却为什么偏偏要搞这么一出,原来是这么回事……不过不管目的是什么,他们能放弃偷袭的手段,就说明他们也是有着足够的自信吧。不,等等……与其说是自信,不如说是狂妄吧……” On the roof, Ling Mo at a loss looks at the front, the mouth mumbles. At this time, his field of view conceals in Mutated Panda Little White within the body...... While the forms of combat clarification of opposite party, Ling Mo made Little White give up squatting of most outer layer, transferred like the present sneaking...... 屋顶上,凌默茫然地看着前方,嘴里则念念有词道。此时,他的视野正藏在变异熊猫小白体内……在对方的战斗方式明朗化的同时,凌默就让小白放弃了最外层的蹲守,转为了像现在这样的“潜入”…… Perhaps the opposite party cannot think in any event, in this place, will present such mutated beast unexpectedly. Moreover unfortunately, but also was one formerly took acting cute as the fresh fellow...... 恐怕对方无论如何都想不到,在这种地方,竟然会出现这么一只神不知鬼不觉的变异兽。而且好死不死,还偏偏是一只从前以卖萌为生的家伙…… Little White...... Or Ling Mo, somewhat puzzled has been pushing at this time eyes, used claw gently flexure under the ground. 小白……或者说凌默,此时正有些纠结地挤了挤眼睛,又用爪子轻轻地挠了下地面。 Other people left, now a precisely good opportunity? Many characters besides that male, only remaining that Boss...... The words said that is Boss? A little cannot see clearly fuzzily. could it be that nearsightedness? impossible, looked that male doesn't look very clearly? could it be that this does Boss have the special stealth skill? This is also unlikely, what stealth necessity so was big also? Was away from 200 meters to see. However this is really big enough, from various significances...... Oh? “其余人都离开了,现在正是一个好机会吧?不少字除了那个男的外,就只剩下那个老大了……话说那个就是老大吗?模模糊糊地有点看不清啊。难道近视了?不可能吧,看那个男的不是就看得很清楚吗?难道这位老大有特殊的隐身技巧?这也不太可能吧,都这么大了还有什么隐身的必要吗?隔着200米都看见了。不过这还真是够大的,从各种意义上来说……嗯? The Mutated Panda vision is truly good, in the situation of even if in line of sight massive covered, it still tenaciously saw clearly that Boss's appearance...... 变异熊猫的视力确实不俗,即便在视线被大量遮挡的情况下,它仍然顽强地看清了那老大的样子…… Originally that fuzzy visual experience not because of other, because of this shadow...... 原来那模糊的视觉体会不是因为别的,而是因为这黑影的…… leg hair!” 腿毛啊!” Ling Mo thoroughly changed the expression, Little White tightly is also nipping the tooth: This what ghost? In world also such big spider? Can this goods have about a yet higher goal highly? Did many characters add on the leg to have two car and in so are together big? Many characters moreover on that big influential or powerful person all are the hangnails, looks like makes the person have the pressure very much!” 凌默已经彻底变了表情,小白也紧咬着牙齿:“这什么鬼啊?世界上还有这么大的蜘蛛吗?这货高度得有一层楼左右了吧?不少字加上腿得有两辆汽车并在一起那么大了吧?不少字而且那大粗腿上全是倒刺,看起来让人很有压力啊!” In the heart is thinking, Ling Mo Little White was turning the one side the focus on control 心中这么想着,凌默控制小白将视线转向了一旁 Also really has! This place also really has two tight posts in the same place passenger vehicle! Moreover such compares, really yes right...... How many mutation can grow into this to pass through to achieve? Although Little Giant was long over two meters, but were initial station about 40 centimeters so also high? Many characters may you actually start from half millet, as long must use many expanding medicinal preparations as this situation......” “还真有啊!这种地方还真的有两辆紧紧贴在一起的轿车啊!而且这么一比,果然是没错了……能长成这样到底是经过了多少变异才做到的?小巨人虽然长到了两米以上,但起始点也有近40厘米那么高吧?不少字可你却是从半颗小米开始的,长到这个地步得用多少膨大剂啊……” In Ling Mo heart rave, full brain on two characters: Fuck!” 凌默心中狂吼,满脑子就两个字:“卧槽啊!”
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