MGIAZ :: Volume #11

#1065: Spider web that woven

tch tch...... This Lunatic is confidential with you, how are you also perfunctory him?” 啧啧……这疯子跟你推心置腹,你怎么还敷衍他?” Shortly after Yuwen Xuan just walked, an immature sound has braved from behind. 宇文轩刚走不久,一个稚嫩的声音就从后面冒了出来。 Ling Mo rolled his eyes, said: Some matters, does not make the person know that is quite good? Many character also...... Hid listens secretly in side, thanks to you can also such calmly walk to express the view!” 凌默翻了个白眼,说道:“有些事,还是不让人知道比较好吧?不少字还有……躲在旁边偷听就算了,亏你还能这么若无其事地走出来发表看法啊!” May listen to his words to have the words appearance, should be already well aware? Many characters Black Silk grabbed edge both hands in a flash, then steps the small short leg to crawl gently, the mouth also whispered, this body also really made people not convenient! Must know...... If converts the age of dog, I rushed to three......” “可听他话里有话的样子,应该早就心知肚明了吧?不少字”黑丝抓着边缘处的双手轻轻一晃,然后就迈着小短腿爬了上来,嘴里还嘀咕道,“这身体还真是让人不方便!要知道……如果把狗的年龄换算过来,我可是已经奔三了啊……” You want to say that you are older than me? Is living according to the dog age honestly! This body just about three -year-old appearances, are suiting you.” Ling Mo said one, sighed, said in a low voice, was such, my also did impossible directly say to him? Many character Yalin are actually Zombie, then?” “你是想说你比我大吗?老老实实地按狗龄活着吧!这身体刚好三岁左右的样子,正适合你。”凌默说了一句,又叹了口气,低声道,“就算是那样,我也不可能直接对他说出来吧?不少字雅琳其实是丧尸,然后呢?” Black Silk stood swayingly side him, said: Originally you are feared that he inquired...... However about this, you long before didn't have the plan? To be honest, I thought that the appearances of these Hell Monster, actually has provided very good source material for you...... Although their only temporarily changes becomes human, but this precisely did not explain, simultaneously gives dual attention to Zombie and human these two status, may realize really?”. 黑丝晃晃悠悠地站到了他身旁,说道:“原来你是怕他提问啊……不过关于这个,你不是很早以前就有打算了吗?老实说,我觉得这些地狱怪的出现,倒是为你提供了很好的素材啊……虽然它们只是暂时变身成人类,但这不是也正好说明了,同时兼顾丧尸人类这两种身份,是真有可能实现的吗?”。 Un...... I also think......” Ling Mo nodded, said. “嗯……我也是这么想的……”凌默点了点头,说道。 Black Silk has gawked, immediately has doubts asks: But I look at your appearance, probably is not excited...... This matter, is not you most wants to make? And...... Why didn't you scold me to peep your idea? Suddenly is so tolerant. I a little am not familiar with......” 黑丝愣了一下,随即疑惑地问道:“可是我看你的样子,好像不怎么兴奋啊……这件事,不是你最想做成的吗?而且……你怎么也不骂我为什么偷窥你的想法了?突然这么宽容。我有点不习惯啊……” This...... Possibly is because your present appearance reminded my you are only three years old. Therefore I was also disinclined to haggle over......” Ling Mo to say with kid. “这个嘛……可能是因为你现在的样子提醒了我你才三岁。所以我也就懒得跟小屁孩计较了吧……”凌默道。 Hey...... Believes before these spiders come. I have eaten you first......” Black Silk small face tight wrinkle, angrily said. “喂……信不信在那些蜘蛛来之前。我就先吃了你啊……”黑丝小脸紧皱,怒道 Ling Mo actually extend the hand goes, said: Good, said properly...... I am not excited, but is...... Is probably same as Yuwen Xuan, discovered the matter that must handle at present, instead started somewhat not to act bashful certainly. Rediscovers human all memories and emotions, simultaneously exists as Zombie and human. Is such result, they expects?” 凌默伸出手去,说道:“好吧,说正经的……我并不是不兴奋,而是……大概是和宇文轩一样吧,发现要做的事情就在眼前了,反而开始有些拿捏不准了。找回人类的所有记忆、情感,同时作为丧尸人类存在着。这样的结果,是不是她们所期望的?” Sees Ling Mo to put out a hand, the Black Silk instinct has put own small hand, the buttocks also sway from side to side, the mouth seriously said: „...... Also thinks that you are worried about anything, human is thinks many! Have you forgotten them now or Zombie? Master Xia Na is the exceptional case does not say...... Normal Zombie may be stubborn! They clearly know your idea, is actually dead set on with you, didn't explain all? As Master makes the pet enlighten you, is really stupid human......” 凌默伸手,黑丝本能地将自己的小手放了上去,屁股也随之扭动起来,嘴里则一本正经地说道:“嘁……还以为你在担心什么呢,人类就是想得太多!你忘了她们现在还是丧尸吗?夏娜主人是特例就不说了……正常的丧尸可都是一根筋的!她们明知道你的想法,却还是死心塌地的跟着你,不就已经说明一切了吗?身为主人却让宠物来开导你,果然是愚蠢的人类……” I know you, when acts like a spoiled brat acting cute, actually said is these words! Good...... I who you said know. Reason that not excellent is the person , because something , even to understand. Will actually be worried...... Generally speaking, I am very happy. No matter what, an utterly hopeless matter, currently became very much has the expectation. The first matter that then must do, was waiting for Old Lan to these Hell Monster corpse findings. But this these can with the spider that person coexists, can be a useful clue? Many characters “我就知道你们在撒娇卖萌的时候,实际在说的都是这句话!好了……你说的我都知道。不过人之所以是人,就是因为有些事情即便想明白了。却还是会去担心吧……总的来说,我还是很高兴的。不管怎么说,本来毫无希望的一件事,现在变得很有盼头了。接下来要做的第一件事,就是等着老蓝对那些地狱怪尸体的研究结果了。而这次这些能跟人共处的蜘蛛,也能是一条有用的线索吧?不少字” Ling Mo tapped under her head, Black Silk cannot help but sat immediately, both hands lifted front...... However she recovers quickly, single-handed turns into a claw flexure the ear, exclaimed in a low voice: human you sufficed......”... 凌默又拍了下她的脑袋,黑丝立刻不由自主地坐了下来,双手则举到了面前……不过她很快就回过神来,单手成爪挠了挠耳朵,低声吼道:“人类你够了吧……”… „Is subject to training worthily......” “不愧是备受调教啊……” „...... That called the training!” “……那叫训练!” The Ling Mo actually sudden expression changes, has let loose Black Silk, quite seriously asked: Now says...... Is your this What is going on!?? You had said before, this is 50% you......” 凌默却突然表情一变,放开了黑丝,颇为严肃地问道:“现在说说吧……你这到底是怎么回事?你之前说过,这不过是一半的你……” Also thinks that you did not ask......” Black Silk takes advantage of opportunity to proceed to sit, said, I have not talked nonsense, now sits here, indeed can only be 50% I. Do you definitely still remember? Many characters I and Shiran stay together, started to have the assimilation sign with her. After all same has the body to give two centers to come control, will always have problems. Only if like Master Xia Na, itself from fact is the same person, must say, her can only calculate both sides of person? Many characters “还以为你不问了呢……”黑丝顺势往前一坐,说道,“我没瞎说,现在坐在这里的,的确只能算是一半的我。你肯定还记得吧?不少字我和诗然住在一起的时候,已经开始和她产生同化迹象了。毕竟同一具身体交给两个中枢来控制,总是会出问题的。除非是像夏娜主人那样,本身从实质上来说就是同一个人,非要说的话,她那个只能算一个人的两面吧?不少字” But I completely was different from Shiran, we are not only not a whole, even is not a race. Although I have thought displacing, then inherits her to eat your obsession, finally completes the counterattack of pet, but the difficulty after all was too high......” “但是我跟诗然就完全不同了,我们不光不是一个整体,甚至都不是一个种族。虽说我是有想过取而代之,然后继承掉她想吃掉你的执念,最终完成宠物的逆袭,但是难度毕竟还是太高了……” Blew out seriously extraordinarily plot! I said that looked your look always thought was observing me to have the appearance of dying, it seems like it was not the misconception!” Ling Mo startled say/way. “一本正经地爆出了不得了的阴谋啊!我就说看你的眼神总觉得在观察我有没有断气的样子,看来不是错觉啊!”凌默惊道。 Black Silk is holding the face, said: Detail that this type passed do not care, the man must learn to discard to look forward...... In brief, in realizing is very difficult to complete my great undertaking after her, I started to try to find other solution......” 黑丝捧着脸,说道:“这种已经过去的细节就不要在意了,男人要学会抛掉过去向前看啊……总之呢,在意识到和她一起很难完成我的大业后,我就开始想别的办法了……” Your this does not clarify has not given up! Turns into this to also eat me!” Ling Mo said. “你这不是摆明还没放弃吗!变成这样也是为了吃掉我啊!”凌默道。 Black Silk investigates the correct path: no, no, my idea only thinks that turning over/stand up makes Master......” 黑丝纠正道:“不不,我自己的想法只是翻身主人罢了……” What hasn't improved? Listened to be instead more awful......” “什么都没改善好吗?听上去反而更糟糕了……” I want to study Master Xia Na such...... But finally discovered makes a bitch split two personalities to come stiffly, was really too difficult...... Therefore I started to try to find other solution...... For example, since has gotten rid of the body basically, why doesn't that get rid of thoroughly it? in other words, the genuine main body will shift to the spiritual force quantity in completely, especially and on that center of Shiran mutually entanglement. This process is very slow, because of this, therefore I stay in the standard of stick figure for a long time, any big progress......” the Black Silk narration had not said. “我原本是想学夏娜主人那样……但最后发现让一只狗娘硬生生分裂出两种人格来,真的是太难了……所以我就开始想别的办法了……比如说,既然已经基本抛弃了身体,那干嘛不把它彻底地抛弃掉呢?也就是说,将真正的本体完全转移到精神力量上,特别是和诗然互相纠缠的那个中枢上。这一过程还是很缓慢的,也正因为这样,所以我长期都停留在简笔画的水准上,没什么大的进步……”黑丝叙述道。 Difficulty manifested on stick figure......” “难度都体现在简笔画上了吗……” Final breakthrough, appears after Shiran and that human fight that called Butterfly. Her physical strength almost completely, the instinct was stimulated by the maximum degree, I greatly was also affected, fell into the unconsciousness condition. After waking up, I have succeeded......” Black Silk to continue saying that „, but after turning into Spiritual Energy, Shiran spiritual ball of light became very much intolerably accepts me. Therefore I half will disperse inside the body originally. In order to realize oneself has an idea of body, I started to seek for the appropriate supplying living body...... The later matter, you knew.” “最后的突破,是出现在诗然和那个叫蝴蝶人类战斗之后。她体力几乎殆尽,本能被最大程度激发,我也受到了巨大的影响,陷入了无意识的状态。等醒来后,我就已经成功了……”黑丝继续说道,“但是变成精神能量后,诗然精神光团就变得很难容纳我了。所以我又将其中一半分散到了原本的身体内。为了实现自己拥有一个身体的想法,我就开始寻找合适的供生体了……之后的事情,你就都知道了。” Said that......” Ling Mo hears some headaches, a bitch also such spells unexpectedly, this world to evolve also was really enchanted...... He reorganized, asked: „Do you now, actually altogether have two symbionts? First, now this, are two Yu Shiran?” “这么说……”凌默听得有些头疼,一只狗娘居然也这么拼,这世界为了进化还真是疯魔了……他整理了一下,问道:“你现在,其实一共拥有两个共生体?一是现在这个,二就是于诗然?” Responds.” Black Silk smiled, said that „, therefore you felt relieved that little girl, she cannot escape from your palm!” “答对。”黑丝笑了笑,说道,“所以你就放心吧,那个小女孩,她逃不出你的手掌心的!” „...... From the beginning is you grasps her! Let alone must resemble me is behind instigation is the same!” Ling Mo silent two seconds, suddenly angrily said. “……一开始是你把她抓来的啊!别说得好像我才是背后主使者一样!”凌默沉默了两秒钟,突然怒道 At this moment, two people actually simultaneously closed the mouth. 就在这时,两人却同时闭上了嘴巴 Silent dark night, being desolate and uninhabited small town...... In this in the darkness, as if had anything to approach...... 寂静的黑夜,荒无人烟的小镇……在这黑暗中,仿佛有什么逼近了…… After listening for ten seconds, Black Silk raised the head, asked suddenly in a soft voice: Heard?”. 听了十来秒后,黑丝突然抬起头来,轻声问道:“听见了吗?”。 Ling Mo nodded, expression was serious: Heard......” 凌默点了点头,表情严肃:“听见了……” not just is they, keeps the observation group on top and vehicle roof, as well as defends in the workshop entrance meeting head-on group, at this time one after another has stood, looked to the same direction...... 不止是他们,留在墙头和车顶上的观测组,以及守在厂房门口的迎战组,此时都纷纷站了起来,望向了同一个方向…… shuā shuā shuā! 刷刷刷 All still appeared quiet, still did not see a person's shadow, but that was slight and crowded, caused the person secret heart startled sound, from far to near, fast was actually sweeping across toward them. 一切仍旧显得静谧,也依然不见一个人影,但那阵轻微而密集,使人暗暗心惊的响动,却正在由远及近,快速地朝他们席卷而来。 Came! 来了! Ling Mo closely looked to front, has pinched tightly the fist secretly. 凌默紧紧地望向了前方,暗自捏紧了拳头。 While tingling sensation, he also heard the beat of heart...... 头皮发麻的同时,他也听见了心脏的跳动…… Right, after the hope appears, in order to reach the goal...... Goes on living! 没错,在希望出现后,就为了达到目的……活下去吧! . ., 。,
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