MGEI :: Volume #2 不归

#168: Disassimilation ominous beast, Evolution Cube promotion

Un?” “嗯?” Lu Yuan somewhat surprised looks that is only great the dog. 陆缘有些惊讶的看着那只巨犬。 Did the evolution crystal move unexpectedly? 进化水晶竟然动了? When the Lu Yuan doubts, one crowd of wear fought armor Guardian Army to clash. 就在陆缘疑惑的时候,一群穿着战甲的守卫军冲了过来。 Kills!! Eliminates these ominous beasts! Does not remain!!” “杀!!消灭这些凶兽!一只不留!!” The angry roaring sound resounds from the forest, the spirit strength fluctuation appears, powerful battle skill bloomed in the forest, fell on the body of ominous beast. 怒吼声从森林里响起,灵力波动浮现,强大的战技在森林里绽放了起来,落在了凶兽的身上。 Had planned the ominous beast that escapes gave out angry roaring immediately. 原本就已经打算逃跑的凶兽顿时发出了怒吼。 That dark-red great dog sees this, the jet black antenna on head vibrates slightly, the double pupil was red, sent out angry roaring. 那暗红色巨犬见此,脑袋上的漆黑触角微微震动起来,双眸通红,发出了一声愤怒的咆哮。 It ran toward one side that Guardian Army has not surrounded, ominous beast all the way was hit to fly by it completely. 它向着守卫军还没有包围的一侧跑了过去,一路上的凶兽全部被它撞飞。 Lu Yuan feels that only to be of ominous the aura beast, stared in a big way the eye slightly. 陆缘感受到那只凶兽的气息,微微瞪大了眼睛。 The aura of this ominous beast, was very unexpectedly strong, was the Rank 3 Low Level Lord degree. 这凶兽的气息,竟然很强,达到了三阶低级领主的程度。 Powerful didn't such ominous beast, actually have to encircle before together kills him? 这么强大的凶兽,之前竟然没有一起来围杀他? Lu Yuan narrowed the eye, in the hand appeared to have one meter giant metal column fully. 陆缘眯起了眼睛,手中浮现出了一个足有一米长的巨大黑色金属圆柱。 Heavenly Thunder No. 1 spirit energy artillery( Rank 3 100): Lord Level magical things. 天雷一号灵能炮(三阶100):领主级灵物。 This is Lu Yuan the treasure obtained from a Central Floating City ten thousand meters tall building. 这是陆缘中央浮空城的一座万米高楼上获得的宝物。 Also is one of most powerful treasures Lu Yuan obtains. 也是陆缘获得的最强大的宝物之一。 After Lu Yuan planned to remain, copes with more powerful Lord, even is Rank 4 Battle Venerable, but, this ominous beast successfully brought to his attention. 原本陆缘打算留着以后对付更强大的领主,甚至是四阶战尊的,但是,这只凶兽成功引起了他的注意。 Lu Yuan holds up the spirit energy artillery, turned on the switch. 陆缘举起灵能炮,打开了开关。 The strong incomparable spirit strength emerges from the spirit energy artillery, the next quarter, the bellow remembers, fully about hundred meters blue white spirit energy light beams project together. 强大无比的灵力从灵能炮中涌现,下一刻,轰鸣声想起,一道足有百米左右的蓝白色灵能光束射出。 Almost in instantaneous, the spirit energy light beam passed through the dense and numerous ominous beasts, appeared in the body side of dark-red great dog. 几乎在瞬间,灵能光束就贯穿了密密麻麻的凶兽,出现在了暗红色巨犬的身侧。 The dark-red great dog felt the fatal threat, the blood red pupil contracted fiercely, the black antenna on forehead rocked, the black air/Qi weapons emerged. 暗红色巨犬感受到了致命的威胁,血红色的眸子剧烈收缩,额头上的黑色触角晃动,有一道道黑气武器涌现了起来。 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” It exuded a terrifying angry roaring sound, the whole body had jet black mist to emerge, kept off before its body instantaneously. 它发出了一声恐怖的怒吼声,全身有一道道漆黑雾气涌现,瞬间挡在了它的身前。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The heavenly thunder spirit energy artillery of Rank 3 Perfection rank fell above the black mist. 三阶圆满级别的天雷灵能炮落在了黑色雾气之上。 The terrifying incomparable bellow resounds, spirit energy wreaks havoc, strength of Flash including thunder, the surrounding area in hundred meters, all ominous beasts first were ripped the fragment, the air wave changes to the strong winds, toward sweeps away in all directions, the land is vibrating. 恐怖无比的轰鸣声响起,灵能肆虐,其中有一道道雷霆之力闪烁,方圆百米内,所有的凶兽第一时间被撕成了碎片,气浪化作狂风,向着四面八方横扫而过,就连大地都在震动。 The jet black sky was illuminated by the white light, just like the daytime. 原本漆黑的天空都被白光照亮,犹如白昼。 A distant place forest numerous, an appearance ordinary black hair middle-aged man are leading vanguard army to strangle to death the front ominous beast, in spirit strength that seeing not far away blasts open, after seeing the powerful miraculous glow, could not bear stare in a big way the eye, revealed color of the shock. 远处森林一众,一个长相普通的黑发中年男子正带领着一众先锋军绞杀着前方的凶兽,在看到不远处炸裂开来的灵力,看到强大的灵光之后,忍不住瞪大了眼睛,露出一丝震惊之色。 What had!?” “发生了什么!?” Such powerful strength, he in inside, still somewhat will be even dangerous. 这么强大的力量,就算是他在里面,也会有些危险。 His complexion changes, rushes over in the direction that the spirit strength fluctuates, all the way, all ominous beast no one may work as. 他的脸色一变,向着灵力波动的方向冲了过去,一路上,所有的凶兽无人可当。 After the spirit energy ball blasted open, the Lu Yuan vision flashes, rushes over in the direction of that dark-red ominous beast. 灵能弹炸裂了之后,陆缘目光一闪,向着那只暗红色凶兽的方向冲了过去。 He has not continued to defend cave cave entrance, now all ominous beasts turn toward escape, simply does not have the time to pay attention to inside Grote several people. 他没有继续守着山洞的洞口,现在所有的凶兽都向着逃跑,根本没时间理会里面的格罗特几人。 Let alone, the Rank 3 ominous beast basically kills off by Lu Yuan now, the Rank 2 ominous beast, has no threat regarding Grote several people, Lu Yuan does not need to be worried about their security problems. 更何况,现在三阶的凶兽基本都被陆缘杀光了,二阶的凶兽,对于格罗特几人也没什么威胁,陆缘也不需要担心他们的安全问题。 Lu Yuan quickly close to spirit energy ball blasting open region. 陆缘很快就接近了灵能弹炸裂的区域。 At this moment, the white miraculous glow dissipated slowly, revealed inside scene. 此刻,白色灵光缓缓消散,露出了里面的场景。 A surrounding area is close to 50 meters circular gulf appearing in the line of sight of Lu Yuan, another side of this gulf is the forest, part of trees changed to the fragment powder under the complementary waves of spirit energy ball, the trees of distant place were also blown break, a face in confusion. 一个方圆接近五十米的圆形深坑出现在陆缘的视线中,这个深坑的另外一侧是森林,一部分树木在灵能弹的余波下化作了齑粉,更远处的树木也被吹得断裂,一脸狼藉。 In the gulf bottom, some body somewhat broken ominous beasts are lying down under. 在深坑的底部,一只有些身躯有些残破的凶兽正躺在下方。 This ominous beast all over the body dark red, has almost to be close to eight meters, is a great dog. 这只凶兽通体暗红,差不多有接近八米长,是一只巨犬。 On its forehead mixes in a silver alone corner/horn, at this moment the alone corner/horn has broken. 它的额头上混在一只银色独角,此刻独角已经断裂。 In addition has two black antennas. 另外还有两根黑色触角。 At this moment, the black antenna also broke, its body surface also light jet black mist surge continuously. 此刻,黑色触角也断裂了,它的身体表面还有一缕缕淡薄的漆黑雾气涌动。 Before compares, at this moment it can be suffocates, the aura is quite weak. 和之前相比,此刻它可以算得上是奄奄一息,气息极为虚弱。 Lu Yuan looks at the ominous beast remnant body in gulf, under does not have to arrive at bottom of the gulf. 陆缘看着深坑内的凶兽残躯,却没有下到深坑底部。 Always thought that this black fog is a little strange. 总觉得这黑雾有点诡异。 This thing made Lu Yuan think before , in that shadow that Xili City bumped into. 这东西让陆缘想到了之前在西黎市碰到的那个黑影。 Disassimilation phenomenon? 异化现象? Lu Yuan could not bear select the eyebrow. 陆缘忍不住挑了挑眉。 He took out a spirit energy bomb to throw down. 他取出了一个灵能炸弹丢了下去。 Bang!! 轰!! One group of flame ascend from , a strange pitiful yell sound appears from the flame, Lu Yuan can see that in indistinctly the flame has black mist distortion to dissipate a continuously. 一团火焰从下方升腾而起,一声诡异的惨叫声从火焰中浮现,陆缘隐约可以看到火焰内有一缕缕黑色雾气扭曲消散。 He narrowed the eye, the scalp a little tingled with numbness. 他眯起了眼睛,头皮有点发麻。 This thing really a little issue? 这东西果然有点问题啊? Is good is quite steady because of him, has not run. 好在他比较稳,没有跑下去。 The flame dissipates, below ominous beast burned black, Lu Yuan has looked at the burned black ominous beast, thinks, threw a spirit energy bomb to get down. 火焰消散,下方的凶兽已经一片焦黑,陆缘看着焦黑的凶兽,想了想,又丢了一个灵能炸弹下去。 Bang!! 轰!! The flame ascended again. 火焰再次升腾了起来。 This time , without the jet black mist to appear. 这一次,没有漆黑雾气出现了。 In the flame also when the combustion, the Lu Yuan sudden complexion slightly changes. 在火焰还在燃烧时,陆缘突然脸色微微一变。 He felt to seem like the wisp of anything to enter his within the body. 他感受到似乎有一缕什么东西进入了他的体内。 This thing makes the person feeling a little cool, finally this thing entered Evolution Cube. 这东西让人感觉有点清凉,最终这东西进入了进化立方 Lu Yuan as if feels, before Evolution Cube, also had a difference. 陆缘似乎感受到,进化立方和之前又有了一点区别。 This feeling......” “这种感觉……” The Lu Yuan vision flashes. 陆缘目光闪动。 Before this lets Lu Yuan remembered, in front of that Soul Eating Bead, Evolution Cube also has this situation to happen. 这让陆缘想起了之前在那个噬魂珠前面,进化立方也有这种情况发生。 He does not know that Evolution Cube absorbed anything, but he can feel, Evolution Cube absorbed the thing later change, is developing in the good direction. 他不知道进化立方吸收了什么,但是他可以感受到,进化立方吸收了东西之后的变化,是往好的方向在发展的。 Lu Yuan is even more curious, Evolution Cube absorbed anything. 陆缘愈发好奇,进化立方到底吸收了什么东西了。 He looks at around the gene chain quiet blue cube, always felt in this cube as if to be many anything, is actually not able the sensation. 他看着基因链周围的幽蓝色立方体,总觉得这立方体上似乎多了点什么,却无法感知。 ............ ………… When Lu Yuan ponders, an appearance ordinary black hair man punctured the ominous beast group, arrived close to one side of mountain wall. 陆缘思考的时候,一个长相普通的黑发男子打穿了凶兽群,来到了靠近山壁的一侧。 After seeing the gulf of ground, the black hair man pupil shrank, revealed color of the shock. 在看到地上的深坑之后,黑发男子瞳孔一缩,露出了一丝震惊之色。 This destructive power...... was even similar to him! 这破坏力……甚至都和他差不多了! He looked at one shortly in gulf another side edge, looks down bottom of a gulf handsome boy. 他看了一眼看在深坑另外一侧的边缘,低头看着深坑底部的一个英俊少年。 This youngster, he naturally is the understanding. 这个少年,他自然是认识的。 Lu Yuan, is awakens obviously ordinary, recorded Lord Level gene Heaven's Chosen in Rank 2. 陆缘,明明是普通觉醒,就在二阶刻录了领主级基因的天骄。 Is the talent in talent camp. 是天才营里的天才。 Is this gulf Lane Lu Yuan comes out?! 这深坑是陆缘出来的?! Is this possible?? 这怎么可能?? In the black hair man eyes brings not to dare to believe the color. 黑发男子眼中带着不敢置信之色。 Lu Yuan obviously Rank 2, even if Lord, even if achieved Rank 2 Perfection, should not have so strong destructive power to be right. 陆缘明明才二阶,就算是领主,就算达到了二阶圆满,应该也没有如此强大的破坏力才对。 Moreover, what is he looking at? 而且,他在看什么? Black hair man somewhat doubts looked to the gulf. 黑发男子有些疑惑的看向了深坑底部。 Bottom of the gulf, flame is burning continuously, in the flame, the thing of hard coke shape, could not have seen is anything. 深坑底部,还有一缕缕火焰在燃烧,火焰之中,有一处焦炭状的东西,已经看不出原本是什么了。 The black hair man sees this, the corners of the mouth twitched under. 黑发男子见此,嘴角抽动了下。 He naturally can look, below flame and creates the attack of this gulf is not the same attack. 他自然可以看得出来,下方的火焰和造成这个深坑的攻击不是同一次攻击。 In other words after rumbling this gulf, this did Lu Yuan also continue to attack toward below? 也就是说轰出了这个深坑之后,这陆缘还往下面继续攻击了? Can do the ash the ominous beast to give up? 非得把凶兽干成灰才罢休吗? What enmity what resentment? 什么仇什么怨? At this moment, the black hair man complexion changes, looks that on that black coal same corpse overflows wisp of jet black mist that disperses, the pupil contracts fiercely. 就在这时,黑发男子脸色一变,看着那黑炭一样的尸体上溢散出的一缕漆黑雾气,瞳孔剧烈收缩。 This is......” “这是……” His body vanishes in same place, appeared in the Lu Yuan side. 他的身体消失在原地,出现在了陆缘的身边。 Lu Yuan when the black hair man just appeared discovered his existence. 陆缘在黑发男子刚出现的时候就发现了他的存在。 After all, his perception capability is very strong. 毕竟,他的感知能力已经很强了。 However, because knows that is the vanguard army, therefore Lu Yuan has not cared. 不过,因为知道是先锋军,所以陆缘也没有在意。 In this black hair man appeared after the Lu Yuan front, Lu Yuan raised the head, looks to the black hair man. 在这黑发男子出现在了陆缘的面前之后,陆缘才抬起头,看向了黑发男子。 The black hair man sees Lu Yuan to raise the head, opens the mouth saying: 黑发男子见陆缘抬头,开口道: Lu Yuan, I am vanguard army 1 group regimental commander Wang Jiashu, receives the order to come to annihilate the beast tide!” 陆缘,我是先锋军一团团长汪嘉树,接到命令前来歼灭兽潮!” Lu Yuan saluted hastily: 陆缘连忙敬了个军礼: Senior official is good!” “长官好!” Wang Jiashu nods, later the complexion sinks the opens the mouth that concentrates saying: 汪嘉树点了点头,随后脸色沉凝的开口道: „Is this you do?” “这是你做的?” Lu Yuan knows that Wang Jiashu is worth is the gulf, nods: 陆缘知道汪嘉树值得是深坑,点了点头: Is senior official! I do.” “是的长官!我做的。” Wang Jiashu deeply looked at Lu Yuan, how also without asking Lu Yuan to achieve. 汪嘉树深深看了一眼陆缘,又没问陆缘是怎么做到的。 He referred to under black hard coke, opens the mouth saying: 他指了指底下的黑色焦炭,开口道: What is that?” “那是什么?” Lu Yuan thinks, opens the mouth saying: Is the ominous beast senior official! Is a Rank 3 Low Level Lord ominous beast.” 陆缘想了想,开口道:“是凶兽长官!是一只三阶低级领主凶兽。” Rank 3 Low Level Lord......” 三阶低级领主……” The Wang Jiashu pupil shrinks slightly, silent, opens the mouth saying: 汪嘉树瞳孔微微一缩,沉默了下,开口道: You know that what that black air/Qi is?” “你知道那个黑气是什么吗?” Lu Yuan pondered, opens the mouth to say slowly: 陆缘思考了下,缓缓开口道: I want possibly to be the disassimilation phenomenon senior official.” “我想可能是异化现象长官。” Wang Jiashu selects the eyebrow slightly, somewhat astonished looks at Lu Yuan: 汪嘉树微微挑眉,有些惊愕的看着陆缘: „Do you actually know the disassimilation?” “你竟然知道异化?” Lu Yuan smiles: I have experienced twice disassimilation phenomena the senior official.” 陆缘笑了笑:“我已经经历过两次异化现象了长官。” Is counted the beforehand predecessor one time, in addition Xili City one time, he has truly experienced twice disassimilation phenomena. 算上之前前身的一次,再加上西黎市的一次,他确实已经算是经历过两次异化现象了。 Wang Jiashu gawked, sized up under Lu Yuan, later smiled: 汪嘉树一愣,打量了下陆缘,随后笑了起来: Never expected that you really have such experience, but can also live, you are very lucky.” “没想到你竟然还有这样的经历,还能活着,你很幸运。” I also felt.” “我也觉得。” Lu Yuan smiles, although the predecessor died. 陆缘笑了笑,虽然前身是死了。 Lu Yuan, continued to open the mouth saying: 陆缘顿了顿,继续开口道: Senior official, since this ominous beast will have the disassimilation phenomenon, that is representing, beast tide possibly many disassimilation ominous beasts? This time beast tide with this related?” “长官,既然这凶兽身上会有异化现象,那是不是代表着,兽潮可能会不少异化凶兽?这次的兽潮是不是和这有关?” Wang Jiashu smiles: 汪嘉树笑了笑: This is these great people needs to consider that I think they affirmed had known, we must achieve, defends our defense line, do not let these domestic animals overstep our defense line regions, enters in the empire.” “这是那些大人物需要考虑的,我想他们肯定已经知道了,我们要做到,就是守好我们的防线,别让那些畜生踏过我们的防线区域,进入帝国内。” Yes!” “是!” Wang Jiashu nods, later complexion heavy: 汪嘉树点了点头,随后脸色沉重了起来: Right, your teammate?” “对了,你的队友呢?” Wang Jiashu felt, since were sphered by the ominous beast, perhaps Lu Yuan has no issue, but others were perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate. 汪嘉树觉得,既然被凶兽围住了,陆缘或许没什么问题,但是其他人恐怕凶多吉少了。 Lu Yuan said with a smile: They in that side cave.” 陆缘笑道:“他们都在那边的山洞里。” Lu Yuan referred to another side. 陆缘指了指另外一侧。 Wang Jiashu turned the head to look. 汪嘉树转头看了过去。 After seeing cave ominous beast corpse everywhere, the Wang Jiashu pupil contracts fiercely. 在看到山洞前满地的凶兽尸体之后,汪嘉树瞳孔剧烈收缩。 This...... are these ominous beasts you kill?!” “这……这些凶兽都是你杀的?!” Corpse everywhere, this special, had almost the quick 2000 ominous beasts?? 满地的尸体,这特么,差不多有快两千只凶兽了吧?? Did Lu Yuan kill so many unexpectedly?! 陆缘竟然杀了那么多?! How does he achieve?! 他是怎么做到的?! Wang Jiashu sees some many region also potholes. 汪嘉树又看到不少区域也有一些坑洞。 However compared with this surrounding area 50 meters endocrater, wanted slightly. 不过比起这个方圆五十米的巨坑来说,要小了很多。 Only then similar surrounding area ten meter/rice about. 只有差不多方圆十来米左右。 Wang Jiashu counted the number, had almost ten appearances. 汪嘉树数了数,差不多有十来个的样子。 His corners of the mouth twitched, what terrifying bomb this fellow will not put out to lose!? 他嘴角抽动了下,这家伙不会拿出了什么恐怖的炸弹一直在丢吧!? This, Wang Jiashu saw these ominous beasts of cave entrance even, looked was not killed, obviously was struck to kill by Lu Yuan, on some ominous beasts also has many sword marks. 这也就算了,汪嘉树看到了山洞门口的那些凶兽,一看就不是被炸死的,显然是被陆缘击杀的,有些凶兽身上还有不少的剑痕。 Had several hundred on these ominous beasts? 就这些凶兽都有几百只了吧? Is this Lu Yuan person kills?! 这都是陆缘一个人杀的?! Wang Jiashu somewhat suspected, Lu Yuan was actually already Rank 3. 汪嘉树有些怀疑,陆缘是不是其实已经三阶了。 Lu Yuan naturally does not know that the idea of Wang Jiashu, he nods: Saying with a smile, is I kills.” 陆缘自然不知道汪嘉树的想法,他点了点头:“笑道,是我杀的。” Wang Jiashu was silent, after he silent next, opens the mouth saying: 汪嘉树沉默了,他沉默了下之后,开口道: Walks, leading me to go to the cave, your squad can discover that small stock beast tide, is the hero, since is all right now, that should protect by us. Then will not make you have an accident.” “走吧,带我去山洞,你们小队能发现小股兽潮,是功臣,既然现在没事,那就应该由我们来保护。接下来就不会让你们出事了。” Lu Yuan nods. 陆缘点了点头。 He brought Wang Jiashu to walk, the cave entrance, Grote stood outside at this moment, looks at outside the cave vigilantly. 他带着汪嘉树走了过去,山洞门口,格罗特此刻站在外面,警惕看着山洞外。 After seeing Lu Yuan comes, they relax. 在看到陆缘进来之后,他们都是松了口气。 However, after seeing Lu Yuan behind Wang Jiashu, Grote several people shake, stood the body, saluted: 然而,看到陆缘身后的汪嘉树之后,格罗特几人一震,都是站直了身体,敬了个军礼: Commander woof!” “汪团长!” Wang Jiashu nods, shows a faint smile: 汪嘉树点了点头,微微一笑: Un. You are all right well. This time was laborious you.” “嗯。你们没事就好。这次辛苦你们了。” In Grote several will of the people are a little awkward: „It is not laborious!” 格罗特几人心里有点尴尬:“不辛苦!” They know that truly laboriously, obviously is Lu Yuan. 他们心里都知道真正辛苦的,明明是陆缘 If not Lu Yuan, they had been eaten. 如果不是陆缘的话,他们早就被吃了。 Goes out, experienced a war, you can first go back to rest, I will make other squads replace you to perform duties.” “出去吧,经历了一场大战,你们可以先回去休息,我会让其他小队来代替你们执勤的。” Grote several people nod, is somewhat grateful. 格罗特几人点了点头,有些感激。 Several people left flashing, outside Guardian Army has killed many ominous beasts, reduced the encirclement ring position that was close to the open area. 几人离开了闪动,外面的守卫军已经杀了许多凶兽,将包围圈缩小到了接近空地的位置了。 All ominous beasts have no way out at this moment, start to go all out. 所有凶兽此刻都走投无路,开始拼命。 However facing coordinate better Guardian Army, ominous beast, even if goes all out still to be difficult the effect. 然而面对配合的更好的守卫军,凶兽就算拼命也难有效果。 Gene Warrior is so, appropriate words, if there is a good team of coordination, even can strike to kill the powerful many ominous beasts. 基因战士就是如此,各司其职的话,如果有配合的好的团队,甚至可以击杀比自己强大不少的凶兽。 Quick, they annihilated all ominous beasts, arrived at the vacancy area. 很快,他们就将所有凶兽歼灭,来到了空地区域。 After seeing open area that every large or small gulf as well as ominous beast corpse everywhere, they gawked, a little compels ignorant. 在看到空地上那大大小小的深坑以及满地的凶兽尸体之后,他们都是愣了下,有点懵逼。 What situation?! 什么情况?! They are not eliminate the ominous beast? 他们不是来消灭凶兽的么? How they have not come, did here have so many ominous beast corpses? 怎么他们还没过来,这里就有这么多凶兽尸体了? When everyone compels ignorant, Wang Jiashu had Lu Yuan several people to walk. 在所有人懵逼的时候,汪嘉树带着陆缘几人走了过来。 The Wang Jiashu vision has swept, seeing vanguard army is bewildered, grinning: 汪嘉树目光扫过,见一众先锋军都是一脸茫然,咧了咧嘴: I know that you somewhat have doubts, here ominous beast is 22 teams scouts Warrior Lu Yuan to strike to kill!” “我知道你们有些疑惑,这里的凶兽都是22队斥候战士陆缘击杀的!” Hears this saying, many vanguard army stare the big eye, ignorant somewhat compels looked to Lu Yuan. 听到这话,众多先锋军瞪大眼睛,有些懵逼的看向了陆缘 Most of them Dou Can added that welcoming party, naturally knows that who Lu Yuan is. 他们之中大多数人都参加了那次欢迎会,自然知道陆缘是谁。 They have not thought completely, Lu Yuan so will be unexpectedly strong. 他们完全没想到,陆缘竟然会这么强。 Quickly Lu Yuan looked by so many vanguard army was somewhat embarrassed. 陆缘都快被这么多先锋军看的有些不好意思了。 Wang Jiashu opens the mouth saying: 汪嘉树则开口道: Ok, since the beast tide had been annihilated, that goes back.” “好了,既然兽潮已经被歼灭,那就回去吧。”
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