MGEI :: Volume #2 不归

#167: Spirit Crystal Warrior? Extinguished 1 half beast tide

This Black Scale Demon Wolf aura is only powerful, even was the Rank 3 Leader Level degree. 这只黑鳞魔狼的气息强大,甚至达到了三阶首领级的程度。 If not for is so strong, its speed exceeds beast tide so many, caught up with Lu Yuan they. 若不是这么强,它的速度超过兽潮这么多,追上陆缘他们了。 Its body changes to the remnant shadow, to walking into the mountain open area of Dongqian. 它的身体化作残影,冲进了山洞前的空地。 However, when crashes in the open area, the Electromagnetic Restraint Standpoint function on its body, electric currents pasted on its body. 然而,就在冲进空地的时候,电磁束缚立场作用在了它的身上,一道道电流在它的身上流转。 Although is unable to fetter in same place Black Scale Demon Wolf, but made its speed reduce a big truncation. 虽然无法将黑鳞魔狼束缚在原地,但是却让它的速度降低了一大截。 Black Scale Demon Wolf rushes to front of Lu Yuan, has not attacked with enough time, in the Lu Yuan eye is flashing the swift and fierce ray, Dark Strength Vigor, White Jade Spirit Body and Mechanical Load uses completely. 黑鳞魔狼冲到陆缘面前,还没来得及攻击,陆缘眼中闪动着凌厉的光芒,黑钢劲,白玉灵体机械负载全部使用。 Strength medicament and wild strength that Talisman in addition use. 再加上自己使用的力量药剂和狂野之力咒符 Lu Yuan strength at this moment compares to Rank 3 Leader is not weak even. 陆缘此刻的力量就算比起三阶首领也不会弱。 Facing Black Scale Demon Wolf that the speed reduces greatly, a Lu Yuan sword cuts, in its covered entirely on the neck of black Qilin armor. 面对速度大减的黑鳞魔狼,陆缘一剑斩在了它那布满黑色麟甲的脖子上。 Bang!! 轰!! The Qilin armor disruption, the blood spout, Black Scale Demon Wolf flew upside down with a recently time quicker speed. 麟甲碎裂,鲜血喷涌,黑鳞魔狼用比来的时候更快的速度倒飞了出去。 Falls to the ground close to four meters high giant body layer on layer/heavily, the ground vibrated under. 足足接近四米高的巨大身体重重落地,地面都震动了下。 Sees this, Grote several people are to stare the big eye, the whole face is panic-stricken. 看到这一幕,格罗特几人都是瞪大眼睛,满脸惊骇。 Is good and very powerful!” “好、好强!” Yang Qiu cannot bear call out in alarm. 杨秋忍不住惊呼。 „Should this Black Scale Demon Wolf aura, be Rank 3 Leader?? Powerful was such ominous beast, struck to fly unexpectedly with ease?! What situation was the A'Yuan strength in?” “这黑鳞魔狼的气息,应该是三阶首领吧??这么强大的凶兽,竟然被这么轻松击飞了?!阿缘的实力到底到了什么地步?” Grote opens the mouth to say. 格罗特开口道。 Ding Wen relaxes, grinning: Manages do so many do? The A'Yuan strength is stronger, we more can live.” 丁文松了口气,咧了咧嘴:“管那么多干嘛?阿缘实力越强,我们就越能活下来啊。” Hears this saying, others also nod. 听到这话,其他人也都是点了点头。 After Black Scale Demon Wolf was struck kills, is several ominous beasts flushed. 黑鳞魔狼被击杀之后,又是几只凶兽冲了出来。 Has huge Black Blade Cheetah, has Steel Horned Dragon, has Storm Demon Tiger wait/etc. 有巨大的黑刃猎豹,有钢角麟龙,有风暴魔虎等等。 The aura of various ominous beasts are quite powerful, lowly is Rank 3 Low Level Leader, even Rank 3 Intermediate Level even is existence of High Level Leader. 各种凶兽的气息都极为强大,最低都是三阶低级首领,甚至还有三阶中级甚至是高级首领的存在。 All ominous beasts broke in the standpoint, the speed reduce speed, arrived at the Lu Yuan front, the spirit strength surged, launched the attack toward Lu Yuan. 所有凶兽冲入立场,速度减慢了许多,纷纷来到了陆缘的面前,灵力涌动,向着陆缘发起了攻击。 The Lu Yuan heavy sword brandishes cuts to strike, collides in the attacks of several ominous beasts together, exuded the deafening bellow. 陆缘重剑挥舞斩击,和几只凶兽的攻击碰撞在一起,发出了震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。 Some attacks were sideways to evade by Lu Yuan, one group of scarlet red fireballs of long-distance range, Lu Yuan can only hard anti-. 有些攻击则被陆缘侧身躲过,还有远距离的一团赤红色的火球,陆缘就只能硬抗了。 The bellow resounded through the forest, the Rank 3 ominous beast powerful attack made the ground present colors of the crack, the mountain peak was shivering slightly. 轰鸣声响彻了森林,三阶凶兽强大的攻击让地面出现了一道道龟裂之色,山峰都在微微颤抖。 On the wall in cave had dust to fall, falls on Grote several people of top of the heads. 山洞中的墙壁上有一道道灰尘落下,落在了格罗特几人的头顶。 However at this moment they actually did not care about this detail completely. 但是此刻他们却完全不在意这点细节了。 Everyone looks at the cave direction stubbornly, looks the region that the scarlet red flame spreads, in the eye brings to worry about the color disturbedly. 所有人都死死看着山洞方向,看着赤红色火光蔓延的区域,眼中带着忐忑担忧之色。 At this moment, the white miraculous glow emerges, the air wave surges, the scarlet red flame was extinguished by the air wave, revealed the body of Lu Yuan. 就在这时,白色灵光涌现,气浪涌动,赤红色火光被气浪熄灭,露出了陆缘的身体。 Lu Yuan stands in mountain cave entrance straightly, seems like on some skins a little burned black, but aura as before powerful incomparable. 陆缘笔直站在山洞口,看上去有些皮肤上有点焦黑,但是气息依旧强大无比。 All right! Good!” “没事!太好了!” Worthily is A'Yuan! Really is a monster!” “不愧是阿缘!真是个怪物啊!” Grote several people rouse very! 格罗特几人振奋无比! But Stacy Law Staff brandishes, green lights fell on the body of Lu Yuan, wish was Lu Yuan therapy. 丝塔茜法杖挥舞,一道道绿光落在了陆缘的身上,想要为陆缘疗伤。 Entrance Lu Yuan is resisting the attack of ominous beast as before, feels the Stacy treatment ability, he gawked slightly under. 门口的陆缘依旧在抵挡着凶兽的攻击,感受到丝塔茜的治疗能力,他微微愣了下。 He actually not by what wound. 他其实没受什么伤。 Has saying that after various types of cards in a hand used, the Lu Yuan present defense capability went to very terrifying situation. 不得不说,各种底牌用了之后,陆缘现在的防御能力达到了很恐怖的地步。 Before ate a fireball of sinister raging fire leopard cat hardly, he is only the feeling is a little also hot, possibly the skin was burnt a point. 之前硬吃了一个阴险的烈火山猫的火球,他也只是感觉有点烫而已,可能皮肤被烧伤了一点。 However this injury, the resilience of Lu Yuan White Jade Spirit Body bringing can get back, does not need to treat. 但是这点伤势,陆缘白玉灵体自带的恢复能力都可以恢复过来了,根本都不需要治疗。 However, since Stacy wants to give him to treat, he will not certainly reject. 不过,丝塔茜既然想要给他治疗,他当然也不会拒绝。 Lu Yuan underwent the attack, the self-defence ability of Lu Yuan to had a bigger confidence. 陆缘经过了刚才的攻击,陆缘对自己的防御能力有了更大的信心。 He placed oneself goal threatened on biggest Steel Horned Dragon, the attacks of other ominous beasts can hide hide, cannot hide, he was direct a hard anti- wave. 他把自己的目标放在了威胁最大的钢角麟龙身上,其他凶兽的攻击能躲就躲,不能躲,他就直接硬抗一波。 A heavy sword one after next in his hand is only attacking to Steel Horned Dragon. 他手中的重剑一下下只对着钢角麟龙攻击。 Steel Horned Dragon is long a little probably swift and violent dragon, on the forehead has a silver alone corner/horn, is very quick, is very flexible. 钢角麟龙长得有点像是迅猛龙,额头上有一只银色独角,速度很快,十分灵活。 If when fights normally, Lu Yuan definitely cannot keep up with its speed. 如果是在正常战斗的时候,陆缘肯定跟不上它的速度。 What a pity is, now Steel Horned Dragon in Electromagnetic Restraint Standpoint. 可惜的是,现在钢角麟龙电磁束缚立场中。 Under the standpoint, its speed reduces greatly, even Lu Yuan, the speed still compares it to quickly. 立场之下,它的速度大减,就算是陆缘,速度也比它要快一点。 Facing the Lu Yuan wild attack, Steel Horned Dragon was suppressed. 面对陆缘狂暴的攻击,钢角麟龙被压制了下来。 The continual more than ten round confrontation, a Lu Yuan sword cut on the head of Steel Horned Dragon. 连续的十多个回合交锋,陆缘一剑斩在了钢角麟龙的脑袋上。 Bang!! 轰!! On the Steel Horned Dragon head had/left a sword mark. The blood flows out. 钢角麟龙脑袋上多出了一道剑痕。鲜血流出。 However, its defense capability was more powerful compared with beforehand Black Scale Demon Wolf, received the heavy wound merely, actually insufficiently fatal. 不过,它的防御能力比起之前的黑鳞魔狼强大了许多,仅仅只是受了不轻的伤,却不足以致命。 After Steel Horned Dragon is injured, ominous is big, angrily roared again was firing into Lu Yuan. 钢角麟龙受伤之后,凶性大起,再次怒吼着冲向了陆缘 Lu Yuan looks at to Steel Horned Dragon, selected the eyebrow slightly, is a little surprised. 陆缘看着冲来的钢角麟龙,微微挑了挑眉,有点惊讶。 Is Rank 3 High Level Leader, even used so many cards in a hand, still can only achieve the suppression. 到底是三阶高级首领,就算是使用了这么多底牌,也只能做到压制而已。 Although said that can fight the protracted war, can definitely consume these ominous beasts with own infinite spirit strength, but Lu Yuan does not have such idea. 虽然说可以打持久战,凭着自己的无限灵力完全可以耗死这些凶兽,但是陆缘却没有这样的想法。 Since is only the suppression, that is taking a thing to come out and that's the end. 既然只是压制,那就在拿点东西出来就是了。 In the cave, Grote several people look that Lu Yuan resisted by a person of strength was close to ten Rank 3 Leader Level ominous beasts, in the eye full was moved and rebukes oneself. 在山洞内,格罗特几人看着陆缘以一人之力抵挡了接近十只三阶首领级凶兽,眼中满是感动和自责。 Hateful, if we, being insufficient made a A'Yuan person fight again alone.” “可恶,如果我们再强一点的话,就不至于让阿缘一个人独自战斗了。” Now a A'Yuan person keeps off so many ominous beasts, can support?” “现在阿缘一个人挡下这么多凶兽,能不能撑得住啊?” At this moment, in the left hand of Lu Yuan presented white Talisman. 就在这时,陆缘的左手中出现了一个白色咒符 Talisman flashed, changes to one group of white miraculous glows to shoot at Steel Horned Dragon. 咒符闪动,化作一团白色灵光射向了钢角麟龙 Steel Horned Dragon is unexpected, hit a target by the white miraculous glow instantaneously, above the body had thick frost reappearing visible. 钢角麟龙猝不及防,瞬间被白色灵光射中,身体之上肉眼可见的有了一层厚厚的冰霜浮现。 Bing Ling incantation technique( Rank 2 100): Lord Level Talisman. 冰凌咒术(二阶100):领主级咒符 Before this is Lu Yuan, from Ell Mechanical Ruins obtaining one of the Talisman. 这是陆缘之前从艾尔机械遗迹获得的咒符之一。 Like this Talisman, in Lu Yuan are many are. 像这种咒符,陆缘手里多得是。 As Rank 2 Perfection Lord Level Talisman, the might is not weak, but the opponent after all is Rank 3 Leader Level Steel Horned Dragon. 作为二阶圆满领主级咒符,威力不弱,但是对手毕竟是三阶首领级钢角麟龙 After condensing frost, short presented fissures instantaneously. 冰霜凝聚之后短短的瞬间就出现了一道道裂痕。 Lu Yuan has not wasted the time, while condenses frost, has raised the sword to cut to Steel Horned Dragon. 陆缘没有浪费时间,在冰霜凝聚的同时,就已经提剑斩向了钢角麟龙 Brings Dark Strength Vigor and Mechanical Load cuts again falls on the Steel Horned Dragon neck position continuously, the blood spews out, the fierce wound appears. 带着黑钢劲机械负载的重斩连续落在钢角麟龙的脖子位置,鲜血喷涌而出,狰狞的伤口浮现。 Its body flew upside down, suffered a relapse again in the open area. 它的身体倒飞了出去,重重落在了空地上。 Lu Yuan is actually not very satisfied. 陆缘却不是很满意。 He felt that oneself attack capability is a little weak, later Extraordinary Gene must look for powerful offensive Extraordinary Gene, either studies powerful offensive Body Technique or is Spirit Skill and so on. 他感觉自己的攻击能力还是有点弱,以后的超凡基因得找一个强大的攻击性超凡基因,要么就是学习一下强大的攻击性体术或者是灵技之类的。 Naturally, this was the later matter. 当然,这是以后的事情了。 Now first strikes to kill these ominous beasts. 现在还是先把这些凶兽击杀了吧。 Saw that Lu Yuan cut to kill Steel Horned Dragon happily, Grote several people of complexions one. 看到陆缘斩杀了钢角麟龙,格罗特几人脸色一喜。 Lu Yuan gave them to be pleasantly surprised again. 陆缘再一次给了他们惊喜。 However at this moment, the distant place has beast roar continuously to resound, the ground started to vibrate slightly. 然而就在这时,远处有此起彼伏的兽吼声响起,地面开始微微震动了起来。 Feels the vibration, smile on Grote several face stiffened. 感受到震动,格罗特几人脸上的笑容僵住了。 Damn! Is the beast tide! The beast tide approached!” “该死!是兽潮!兽潮靠近了!” What to do?” “怎么办?” Everyone looks at each other one, is actually not able to think of what means. 所有人对视一眼,却无法想到什么办法。 They are stranded in the cave now, what means can have? 他们现在本身就被困在了山洞里,能有什么办法? Lu Yuan naturally also felt nearness of beast tide, his expression has not changed. 陆缘自然也感受到了兽潮的靠近,他的表情也没有丝毫变化。 Quick, Lu Yuan saw that an only ominous beast fast runs out from the forest, flushed in the direction of dike. 很快,陆缘就看到一只只凶兽快速从森林中冲出,向着岩壁的方向冲了过来。 Lu Yuan remains unmoved. 陆缘不为所动。 The flashing entrance selects in any case in a big way, but also was blocked by some Rank 3 Leader ominous beasts, other ominous beasts want to approach lining up is also good. 反正闪动入口就这么点大,还被一些三阶首领凶兽挡住了,其他凶兽想要靠近也得排队好吧。 Lu Yuan starts to strike to kill other Leader Level ominous beast. 陆缘开始击杀另外的首领级凶兽。 Has saying that except for Rank 3 Low Level Leader, Lu Yuan can rely on the present strength to strike to kill, even Rank 3 Intermediate Level Leader, he wanted to strike to kill must spend time, Rank 3 High Level Leader that needs to rub slowly. 不得不说,除了三阶低级首领,陆缘可以凭借着现在的力量击杀,就算是三阶中级首领,他想要击杀都得消耗一点时间,三阶高级首领那就是需要慢慢磨了。 Plan that Lu Yuan has not rubbed. 陆缘没有磨的打算。 He took out Talisman to be auxiliary, struck to kill only Rank 3 Leader with ease. 他取出了一个个咒符辅助,轻松击杀着一只只三阶首领 Sees Lu Yuan that relaxed appearance, Grote several people of silly cutting of worry beast tide in the cave, look at Lu Yuan dull. 看到陆缘那轻松的样子,原本还担心兽潮的格罗特几人都傻傻的斩在山洞内,呆呆看着陆缘 The performance of Lu Yuan renovated their world outlook simply. 陆缘的表现简直刷新了他们的世界观。 It is not...... normal Rank 2 Lord, wants to defeat Rank 3 Leader is very difficult? 不是……正常的一个二阶领主,想要打败一个三阶首领也很困难吧? Lu Yuan is booing, as Rank 2 Low Level Lord, he faces besieging of one crowd of Rank 3 Leader also immovability. 陆缘倒好,作为二阶低级领主,他面对着一群三阶首领的围攻都还不动如山。 If so, powerful Genetic Armament, uses various increases, forcing them also to understand. 如果只是如此,一身强大的基因武装,使用各种增幅,勉强他们也能理解了。 However Lu Yuan fight time booing, a word does not lose various Talisman at earliest convenience. 但是陆缘战斗的时候倒好,一言不合就丢各种咒符 Moreover each type can have the enormous impact on the Rank 3 Leader Level ominous beast. 而且每一种都可以对三阶首领级的凶兽造成极大影响。 This Talisman precious? 这种咒符有多珍贵? Places in the auction room to buy hundreds of thousands even several hundred thousand Rank 2 Spirit Crystal at least? 放在拍卖行里起码得买个十几万甚至几十万的二阶灵晶吧? They calculate casually, Lu Yuan loses has ten. 他们随便算了算,陆缘丢出去的已经有十个了。 This Rank 2 Spirit Crystal of 1 million ranks! 这得百万级别的二阶灵晶了啊! How much money is that?? 那得是多少钱?? Spirit Crystal Warrior in legend? 传说中的灵晶战士 A Grote several people of face is numb. 格罗特几人一脸麻木。 After Lu Yuan starts to lose Talisman unceasingly, the Leader Level ominous beast cannot withstand. 陆缘开始不断丢咒符之后,首领级凶兽就顶不住了。 The Leader Level ominous beast was struck to kill by Lu Yuan almost every several seconds. 几乎每几秒钟就有一只首领级凶兽被陆缘击杀。 Shortly, before besieged Lu Yuan several ominous beast Leader dead was similar. 没多久,之前围攻陆缘的几只凶兽首领就死的差不多了。 But in beast tide also several ominous beast Leader after the predecessor died made up the position. 而兽潮中还有几只凶兽首领在前任死完了之后来补位置。 Even so, these ominous beast Leader were struck to kill by Lu Yuan as before with ease. 就算如此,这些凶兽首领依旧被陆缘轻松击杀。 Even if struck to kill these ominous beast Leader, plan that the beast tide has not retreated as before, several thousand ominous beasts were dense and numerous, roared wildly with rage is continue attack Lu Yuan. 即使是击杀了这些凶兽首领,兽潮依旧没有退去的打算,几千凶兽密密麻麻,狂怒咆哮着继续攻击陆缘 The remaining ominous beast strengths do not even have Leader Level, highest is also Rank 3 Boss, to Lu Yuan, even does not need Talisman, under various increases, his strength large scale promotion. 剩下的凶兽实力甚至连首领级都没有,最高的也不过是三阶头目,对陆缘来说,甚至连咒符都不需要,在各种增幅之下,他的战力大幅度提升。 Let alone in front of the cave ominous beast is also in Electromagnetic Restraint Standpoint now. 更别说现在山洞前面的凶兽还处在电磁束缚立场里了。 Lu Yuan basically is a sword little friend. 陆缘基本是一剑一个小朋友。 Ominous beast was an to kill by Lu Yuan, before the corpse piled up with the cave, but was dialed to fly the rear area by the ominous beast, the ominous beast of getting angry continues to besiege Lu Yuan, then continues dead. 一只只凶兽被陆缘击杀,尸体堆满了山洞前,但是又被凶兽拨飞到后方,红着眼的凶兽继续围攻陆缘,然后继续死。 In Lu Yuan behind cave, a Grote several people of face numb looks that Lu Yuan strikes to kill the ominous beast. 陆缘身后的山洞里,格罗特几人一脸麻木的看着陆缘击杀凶兽。 At this moment, Grote's communication vibrated. 就在这时,格罗特的通讯器震动了起来。 Grote recovers, takes out communication to look, later a face is pleasantly surprised: 格罗特回过神来,取出通讯器一看,随后一脸惊喜: „The vanguard army came! Is less than one kilometer from us! Immediately.” “先锋军来了!距离我们不到一公里!马上就到。” Hears Grote's words, several other people of complexions strange visits him. 听到格罗特的话,其他几人脸色古怪的看着他。 Grote stares: What's wrong? Are you unhappy?” 格罗特一愣:“怎么了?你们不开心?” Yang Qiu complexion strange referred to steadily reducing the ominous beast that: 杨秋脸色古怪的指了指不断减少的凶兽: „...... The team leader, you thought that we also do need the vanguard army?” “……队长,你觉得我们还需要先锋军吗?” Nearby Ding Wen is a face is also strange: 边上的丁文也是一脸古怪: I felt a A'Yuan person this ominous beast tide extinguishing.” “我觉得阿缘一个人就可以把这凶兽潮给灭完了。” Hears this saying, Tang Ji and Stacy also nods. 听到这话,唐济丝塔茜也是点了点头。 Grote: „......” 格罗特:“……” His expression stiffened all of a sudden, actually felt truth that a little they said. 他的表情一下子僵住了,竟然觉得他们说的有点道理。 Grote coughs, opens the mouth saying: 格罗特干咳一声,开口道: Cannot say, the A'Yuan spirit strength is limited, when his spirit strength consumed, we what to do?!” “也不能这么说,阿缘的灵力总归是有限的,等他的灵力消耗完了,我们怎么办?!” Hears this saying, the people stare, later the eye shone. 听到这话,众人都是一愣,随后眼睛亮了起来。 Right, the A'Yuan spirit strength consumed, perhaps we were not the opponents.” “对啊,阿缘的灵力消耗完了,恐怕我们就不是对手了。” „The vanguard army come is very prompt.” “先锋军来的很及时。” At least A'Yuan has the limit, is a normal person.” “最起码阿缘还是有极限的,还是个正常人。” Lu Yuan stands in mountain cave entrance one sword several strikes to kill the ominous beast, the feeling is a little boring. 陆缘站在山洞口一剑几个击杀凶兽,感觉有点无聊。 He thought that own present needs a wide scope attack battle skill. 他觉得自己现在需要一个大范围的攻击战技 This special, if later comes across the matter that what besieged and so on, won't take a sword sword to cut each time? 这特么,以后如果遇到了什么围攻之类的事情,不会每次都要一剑一剑砍吧? Exhausting. 得累死人。 Lu Yuan felt, the powerful single body attacks the community of battle skill and wide scope attacks battle skill, is his preparation well. 陆缘觉得,强大的单体攻击战技和大范围的群体攻击战技,都是他的好好准备的。 Lu Yuan at heart. 陆缘记在了心里。 Then, he heard behind several people of complaining. 然后,他就听到了身后几人的吐槽。 The Lu Yuan corners of the mouth twitched, actually his spirit strength will not consume. 陆缘嘴角抽动了下,其实他的灵力根本不会消耗完。 Really lets the words of homicide, he can also kill these several thousand ominous beasts. 真让他杀的话,他也能把这几千只凶兽杀完。 At the worst is the time flower long time. 大不了就是时间花的久一点。 One second kills one, one minute from 60, looks here ominous beast quantity, his cuts continuously for one hour. 一秒钟杀一只,一分钟从60只,看这里的凶兽数量,他的连续砍一个小时。 Lu Yuan feels big. 陆缘感觉头大。 However, can the vanguard army come? 不过,先锋军要来了吗? Must snatch a wave of military exploit to be good again. 总得再抢一波军功才行。 Lu Yuan took out the black spirit energy bombs. 陆缘取出了一个个黑色的灵能炸弹。 He takes the heavy sword to cut to kill the ominous beast single-handedly, another threw the spirit energy bomb. 他一手拿着重剑斩杀着凶兽,另外一手将灵能炸弹丢了出去。 Rumbling!! 轰轰轰!! The bellow resounds. 轰鸣声响起。 The spirit energy bomb in hand is the Rank 2 Perfection Lord Level bomb, the might nature is uncommon. 手里的灵能炸弹都是二阶圆满领主级炸弹,威力自然不凡。 The one of the ominous beast like the wheat drops down piece by piece. 凶兽像麦子一样一片片倒下。 Heard the bellow, discussing Grote several people looked hastily. 听到了轰鸣声,正在讨论的格罗特几人连忙看了过来。 After seeing Lu Yuan threw the might terrifying spirit energy bomb conveniently, person again hemp. 在看到陆缘随手丢出了一个个威力恐怖的灵能炸弹之后,人再次麻了。 Yang Qiu opens mouth, on the face loves dearly completely: 杨秋张了张嘴,脸上满是心疼: Sufficed! Sufficed A'Yuan! Do not lose again! Such strong spirit energy bomb, must use on the blade! This loses, many Spirit Crystal!” “够了!够了阿缘!别再丢了!这么强的灵能炸弹,要用在刀刃上啊!这丢出去,得多少灵晶啊!” He was about to cry. 他都快哭了。 Not is only Yang Qiu, others are also a face love dearly. 不仅仅是杨秋,其他人也是一脸心疼。 If they have such spirit energy bomb, can sometimes on a life, be completely the precious treasure! 如果他们有这样的灵能炸弹,有时候可以就一条命的,完全就是珍贵的宝贝! Which lost conveniently like Lu Yuan? 哪像陆缘这样随手就丢出去了? For sudden rising such several hundred ominous beasts?! 就为了诈尸那么几百个凶兽?! As for?! 至于吗?! After Lu Yuan threw more than ten spirit energy bombs thinks, this performance-to-price ratio truly is not probably high . Moreover, the ominous beast dies now had been close to half. 陆缘丢了十多个灵能炸弹之后想了想,这性价比好像确实不高,而且,凶兽现在死了已经接近一半了。 The remaining ominous beasts are not turning toward Lu Yuan to charge unexpectedly suddenly, had several points to draw back intent on the contrary. 剩下的凶兽竟然一时间不在向着陆缘冲锋过来,反倒是有了几分退意。 Lu Yuan this was too odd, a person massacred beast tide half of ominous beasts. 陆缘这太离谱了,一个人杀掉了兽潮一半的凶兽。 At this moment, the distant place has powerful aura to reappear, surrounded toward the ominous beast group. 就在这时,远处有一道道强大的气息浮现,向着凶兽群包围了过来。 Seemed like feels the aura, in the ominous beast group, a dark-red fur/superficial knowledge, the head is growing the alone corner/horn, the great dogs of two jet black antennas angrily roared, other ominous beasts wanted to evacuate in abundance. 似乎是感受到了气息,凶兽群中,一头暗红色皮毛,头上长着独角,还有两只漆黑触角的巨犬怒吼一声,其他凶兽纷纷想要撤离。 Lu Yuan looked that to direction that the sound conveyed, sees that dark-red ominous beast, suddenly his complexion slightly changes. 陆缘看向了声音传来的方向,看到那暗红色凶兽,突然他的脸色微微一变。 His within the body, Evolution Cube vibrated unexpectedly slightly under. 他的体内,进化立方竟然轻微震动了下。
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