„ThanksTeacher Qin, today'sinterviewherefinished.”Xue Meifeels relieved, is all smiles.
“谢谢秦老师,今天的采访到这里就结束了。”薛梅如释重负,笑容满面。Qin Baobaoshakes handwithher, withshouldering the Old Wanghandshake of camera, sends out the gatetwo people. Looks that theyride the elevatorto go downstairs, Qin Baobaoturn aroundto close the door, fallsoneselfruthlesslyon the sofa, puts outfoul air.秦宝宝与她握手,又与扛摄像机的老王握手,将两人送出门。看着他们乘坐电梯下楼,秦宝宝反身关门,狠狠把自己摔在沙发上,吐出一口浊气。
After leaving Room Qin Ze, Xue Meialsoaskedbigcollection of questions: The netizens'appraisalto the newspecial edition, the mental journey of songwriting, the trivial matters on somelife, everythiskind of issue, Xue Meiwill mentionQin Ze, changes the methodto squeeze out the Qin Ze'sinformationfromQin Baobaohere. Qin Baobaoshouldsay said that should notsaynaturallywill not say, for example„youryounger brotherdoes havegirlfriend”, such excessiveissue, the Qin Baobaochoicedisregards.
离开秦泽后,薛梅又吧啦吧啦问了一大堆问题:网友对新专辑的评价,创作歌曲的心路历程,一些生活上的琐事,凡是此类问题,薛梅都会提到秦泽,变着法子从秦宝宝这里榨取秦泽的信息。秦宝宝该说的说,不该说的当然不会说,比如“你弟弟有没有女朋友”,哇,这么过分的问题,秦宝宝选择无视。Shelies downon the sofa, hearingbelly„cluck”to calltwo, shouldhave the lunch, Qin Baobao„heyroar”shouted,Small Waist, twolegsjumped, wantsto studyon the television the carpto hit the great heroreal man, butoverestimated itselfobviously, has not jumped, insteadtumbledfrom the sofa. Mumblingrubs the kneeto stand, entered the kitchenlamely.
她躺在沙发上,听见肚子“咕咕”叫了两声,该吃午饭了,秦宝宝“嘿吼”一声喊,小蛮腰一挺,两腿一蹦,想学电视上鲤鱼打挺的大侠好汉,但显然高估了自己,没蹦起来,反而从沙发翻滚下去。哼哼唧唧的揉着膝盖站起来,一瘸一拐进了厨房。Inrefrigeratoris preparinglast nightleftover dish, putsmicrowaveto transfer for severalminutes to eat, herpresentstatus, was not goodto callto go, exposing the addresswasitsone, ifbumped intomolester, sawherathome, hadreadsevillyforcesthatanything, Qin Baobaofeltoneselfonly thencut open the bellyto commit suicide.冰箱里备着昨晚的剩菜,放微波炉转几分钟就能吃,她现在的身份,不好叫外卖了,暴露地址是其一,万一碰到痴汉,见她一个人在家,心生歹念强行那个啥的,秦宝宝觉得自己只有剖腹自尽。Sheadmitsmicrowave the vegetable/dish, is joyful, snort/humeverything in disordersong: „Ihavesmallyounger brotherIneverto ride......”
她把菜放进微波炉,心情愉悦,哼着乱七八糟的歌:“我有一个小弟弟我从来也不骑......”Hasyounger brother that canprepare foodto be really good.
有个会做饭的弟弟真好。Right, diary!
对了,日记!In the Qin Baobao'sright of privacyconcept, neverincludingyounger brother, readQin Ze's cell phonebeforefrequently, the harmedQin Zelittleyellowpiecedoes not dareto look. Hehas no wayunyieldinglyinthisaspect, because the cell phoneiselder sisterbuys. Afterwardsmartphonehad/left the function of fingerprintunlocking, finallywelcomed„right of privacy”spring.秦宝宝的隐私权概念里,从来不包括弟弟,以前就经常翻看秦泽的手机,害的秦泽连小黄片都不敢看。在这方面他没法硬气,因为手机是姐姐买的。后来智能机出了个指纹解锁的功能,终于迎来“隐私权”的春天。Sheenters Room Qin Ze's, the handtouches the diaryinstantly, hesitatesslightly.
她走进秦泽的,手触摸日记本的刹那,略微犹豫。After allold browas so big, musta little privacy, Ithink so that hisdiary is not quite good?
毕竟老弟这么大了,总要有点隐私吧,我这么看他的日记是不是不太好?Howeverpeepingdiarywhat/anythingwas most exciting, it is said everyone will pour out the most privatethingat heartin the diary.
但是偷看日记什么的最刺激了,据说每个人都会把心里最私密的东西倾吐在日记本上。PerhapsIcandiscover that does one -man show the old brosecret...... Qin Baobaoto think, opened the diarydecisively.
............Qin Zereturns home from work, discovered that owndiaryis placedon the notebook. The complexionimmediatelychanged, turns headto run out of the room, Qin Baobao of interrogationliving room: „Youmovedfuckto recordthis.”秦泽下班回家,发现自己的日记本摆在笔记本电脑上面。脸色当即变了变,扭头就冲出房间,质问客厅的秦宝宝:“你是不是动我日记本了。”Hislookis very strange, bothanxiousandterrified, faintlyanticipation.
他的神色很古怪,既紧张又惶恐,隐隐有一丝期待。Qin Baobaosaidat a loss: „Anydiary.”秦宝宝茫然道:“什么日记本啊。”Qin Zedid not speak, is staring atelder sisterstubbornly, wantsto seewhat/anythingto resemblefromherface, but a elder sisterfacestupidly moeexpression.秦泽不说话,死死盯着姐姐,想从她脸上看出什么似的,但姐姐一脸呆萌的表情。„Mydiary.”Qin Zesolemnly said.
“我的日记本被人动过了。”秦泽沉声道。„, Underyourtablebook?” A Qin Baobaofaceis suddenly enlighted, „Ihelpedyouputon the table, oldabsentminded.”
“哦,你桌子底下的本子?”秦宝宝一脸恍然大悟,“我帮你放桌上了,老丢三落四的。”„Youentermyroomto do.”InQin Ze the sharprayflashes, speculatesmurderersuchlikeKornan.
“你进我房间干嘛。”秦泽目中犀利的光芒一闪,就像柯南君推测出杀人凶手那样。„In today the interview, comes homerecords. Yourfameis so big, theyrequestto visityourroom.”Qin Baobaosaid: „Ithink that yourroomdoes not havesuspiciousPaper Towel (zhijin), madethemgo.”
“今天有一个采访,来家里录的。你名气这么大,他们要求参观你的房间呗。”秦宝宝说:“我想你房间也没可疑的纸巾,就让他们进去了。”„Iwas how suspicious.”Wang Zijinmoves out of the way the visionfrom the soap opera, looks.
“我怎么就可疑了。”王子衿从电视剧里挪开目光,看过来。„Paper Towel (zhijin)is notZijin, withoutyourmatter.”Qin Zebeckons with the hand.
“纸巾不是子衿,没你的事。”秦泽摆摆手。„Seesyourbookto fall the groundexactly, picked.”
“恰好看见你本子掉地上,就捡起来了呗。”„Takes seriously?”
“当真?”„Programonlinewill broadcastnext week, youlook.”
“节目下周网上播,你自己看呗。”Qin Zeis half believing and half doubting. Afterwardhereallywentonlineto search, believedelder sisterreluctantly.秦泽将信将疑。后来他真去网上搜了,勉强相信了姐姐。............
The dayfast, at the end of September, midsummerhas hadin an instant. The sign that however the temperaturehas not reduced, the solar energykills by poison the person.
日子飞快,转眼九月底,盛夏已过。然而气温没有丝毫降低的迹象,太阳能毒死人。Sinceearly August, the change of stock marketis earth-shaking, firstis the Central Bankcuts the interest rateto fallagain, the risk-freeincomedrops, causesso muchidle capitalinflow. Represented by the securities trader, bank and safefinancial stockcatches upsuddenly, attacked and captured2500, 2700, 2900, 3000and other important passes, the trendis daring, stirring. Hence, bull marketapproachestruly.
从八月初至今,股市的变化可谓天翻地覆,先是央行再次降息降准,无风险收益下降,导致大量闲散资金流入现场。以券商、银行、保险为代表的金融股骤然发力,先后攻克2500、2700、2900、3000等关口,走势可谓气吞山河,震撼人心。至此,牛市真正来临。Beforealthough the stock marketreturned to warmer weather, hesitation that butwalked, trembling with fear. The financial circleviewhas the difference, somethink that after isfalls suddenlyto bottom the rebound, will not representitto turn bullish, some , will then analyzeunder the background of economicaldownwardgreat stress, the industrywill deteriorate, the real estatecolorfulbubble will also border onshatter. The governmentmusthave an action to performsurely.
之前虽然股市回暖,但走的犹犹豫豫,战战兢兢。金融界对此看法出现分歧,有的认为是暴跌触底后的反弹,不代表它会一直走牛,有的则分析在经济下行压力巨大的背景下,实业衰败,房地产色彩缤纷的泡沫也濒临破碎。政府必定要有所动作了。bull marketcame.牛市来了。Not is only the elites of financial circle believes that the average person who even if not speculate in the stock market, stillrealizesthis point. Becausesomesidepeopleinvest the stock marketunceasingly, the goodnews that the news broadcaststock marketrises sharply, the relatives and friendsboastedownstock marketmadehow muchmoney. Undercrazymarketing, has the rookieto flock to the stock market, the oldinvestornewinvestor, spendsinto the stock marketto fish the gold/metalmoneyon handentirely.
The createdresultisbull marketturns bullishcrazily, the degree of letting the capitalist and private investorbeing jealous the bulk lotsrisetocalls.
Before Li Linfengsounds the Director-Generalofficegate, in hears„bang” a resounding, seeming to be the thingwas shattered. Hestandsinentrancehesitant, knocks on a doorwith the greatestdetermination.李林峰敲响总裁办公室门之前,听见里面“砰”一声脆响,似有东西破碎。他站在门口犹豫一下,怀着莫大的决心敲了敲门。Officefiercelypeaceful, after the moment, Su Yu'ssound: „Comes.”
Before spaciousdesk, beautiful womanDirector-Generalputs on the evidentfigureoffice lady suit, the elegantface of thincosmeticsis simple and beautiful, the makingsare elegantly simple, the Li Linfengvisionhas swept the levigationbrick floorsurfacefast, does not have any„stump residual limb”, can it be thata moment agoauditory hallucinations?
宽敞的办公桌前,美女总裁穿着凸显身段的ol套装,薄施粉黛的俏脸清丽脱俗,气质淡雅,李林峰目光飞快扫过水磨砖地面,没有任何“残肢”,莫不是刚才幻听了?„Anymatter.”Su Yuasked.
“什么事。”苏钰问。Li LinfengInvestment Departmentfor half a month the investment plancompilesonepack of forms, before placing the Su Yutable, „Chief Su, youhave a look atthis.”李林峰把投资部半个月来的投资项目汇总成一叠表格,放在苏钰桌前,“苏总,您看看这个。”Su Yusuch asincluding the pupil of planetesimal, looks athisoneeyes, takes up the formto read, „good, incomein80 percentabove. Whatissuehas?”苏钰如含星子的眸子,看他一眼,拿起表格翻看,“不错,收益在百分之八十以上。有什么问题吗?”„Youfirsthave a look atthisproject.”Li Linfengextracts a form: „Because the incomeis very good, thereforeIsuggestedcuttingthisproject.”
“您先看看这份项目。”李林峰从中抽出一张表格:“正是因为收益很不错,所以我建议把这份项目给砍了。”Su Yunarrows the eye, thisformis reincarnatedin the investment planearnings statement that Qin Zethatprospectuscomes.苏钰眯眼,这份表格正是托生于秦泽那份计划书而来的投资项目收益表。„bull marketcame, weimagineis fiercer, nowevery dayhas the 100manystocksto reach the upper trading limit, the 60 percentplatenocturnal emissionline, the bulk lotsseeminglyare far fromtouching the top, latercouldtop the 4,000point. Ithought that weshoulddraw in the fund, usein the place that shoulduse, maximization of profit. After allbull marketwill not be long.”Li Linfengsaidownview.
The stock marketin the foreign countryis the investment, internallycalledto speculate in the stock market, saidin plain words: Congenial!
股市在外国是投资,在国内叫炒股,通俗说:投机!Managingyourmarkethealthis unhealthy, is abnormal, Imake moneyby all meanswell. The domestic stock markethasobvious„function”, capital marketreshuffles, cannot only be seen the big hand that personallyto promotebythat.
管你市场健康不健康,畸形不畸形,我只管捞钱就好。国内股市有个心照不宣的“功能”,资本市场的重新洗牌,由那只看不见的大手亲自推动。„Treats aslong-line.”Su Yuis very calm: „Youarethisgroup of old people, shouldknow that „ Black Ass Sciences”financestenhundred million, actuallydoes not drawrises, is representingwhat/anything. ”
The Li Linfengforced smilesaid: „Butdrills the eventto be commonsimilarly. The stock marketgambles the field, will never haveoneto addoneto be equal totwopossibilities. Wecannotunderestimateothers'IQ.”李林峰苦笑道:“但类似打眼事件屡见不鲜。股市是博弈场,永远不存在壹加壹等于二的可能。咱们不能低估别人的智商。”„Does thisalsowantyouto teach?”Su Yushoots a look athisoneeyes, „the companyfunddoes not dareto saycontinuously, butis at least abundant, Idialyour2 millionagain, thisprojectyouwithdraw.”
“这还要你教?”苏钰瞥他一眼,“公司资金不敢说源源不断,但起码充裕,我再拨你两百万,这份项目你退出。”„don't don't don't, isIwith, Iexpress the samemyview.” The Li Linfengforced smile, a worddoes not get angryat earliest convenience, woman.
“别别别,还是我跟吧,我只是发表一样自己的看法。”李林峰苦笑不已,一言不合就翻脸,女人啊。Su Yuthensaid: „Youfirstgo out.”苏钰便说:“你先出去。”Li Linfengretreatsaccording to the word.李林峰依言退走。
Before closing, hediscovered that the Director-Generalmousepadis completely empty, the mousedisappears.
The officeis peaceful, Su Yubends downto pick up the mousewreckage of under foot, throws into the trash can. Takes out the sparemouseto exchangefrom the drawer.
办公室重新安静,苏钰俯身捡起脚下的鼠标残骸,丢进垃圾桶。从抽屉里取出备用鼠标换上。Ifsomepeoplestandsideher, cansee the computerwindowsomegame, the pictureis framing, twobright red„failure”shocking.
如果有人站在她身边,就能看到电脑屏幕显示着某款游戏,画面定格,两个鲜红的“失败”触目惊心。Shelost the today'sfourthgame, verychokes with rage, since on that daysolo, ontheirbar. Elementary student is about same, approximately the summit of decisive battlepurplebanningafter the lunch.
她输掉了今天的第四局,别提有多窝火,自从那天solo之后,她俩就杠上了。小学生约架一样,约在午饭后决战紫禁之巅。Su Yugnawed the innumerableAnnieteachingvideofor these days, has high moraleto look forthatcheap persondueleach time, finallyends in failure. Shebraggedextremely bright, was the handis fast, but wasn't thisby the game of IQ? The Great Godoperation is also the same, whyIcannot be victoriousthatcheap person.苏钰这几天啃了无数安妮教学视频,每次斗志昂扬找那个贱人单挑,结果都以失败告终。她自诩冰雪聪明,就是手速慢了点,可这不是个靠智商的游戏么?大神操作也一般般,为什么我就打不过那贱人。Thatcheap personis privateshe, „deadSpicy Chicken, is oppressiveyouto divideminute.”
那个贱人私密她,“死辣鸡,虐你分分钟。”Su Yubeing disinclinedmanagesher. The cheap personbeats severelydon't hit a person when he's downwho would imagine, but also was endless.苏钰懒得理她。岂料那贱人痛打落水狗,还没完没了了。„Aren't youveryinsolent? The minuteminuteteachesyouto cultivate the behavior.”
“你不是很张狂吗?分分钟教你做人。”„The hand of elementary studentfast, dareswithmyduel? Overreaches oneself.”
“小学生的手速,敢跟我单挑?不自量力。”„Comecomes again.”
“谁怂谁是dog。”Su Yu silvers toothbitestightly, shealsoa halfhour of idletime, invited the cheap persondecisively.苏钰牙紧咬,她还有半小时的空闲时间,果断邀请贱人。Fifthgame of start.
第五局开始。„pēng pēng pēng!”
“砰砰砰!”Su Yuneverrepugnantknockliketoday, is pressing the anger: „Comes.”苏钰从来没像今天这样讨厌敲门声,压着怒火:“进来。”Visitsherfellowis the Pei Nanmanyoungboyfriend, at leastshebelieves, a Su Yubrowwrinkle, „has anything.”
拜访她的家伙是裴南曼的小情郎,至少她这么认为,苏钰眉头一皱,“有什么事。”Qin Zesaid: „companyprevious quartermarket surveyIlooked.”秦泽说:“公司上季度的市场调研我看完了。”„Lookedhow.”Su Yuspoke thoughtlesslyto ask.
“看的怎么样。”苏钰随口问。„Alsogood, benefits greatly.”Qin Zesaid.
“还不错,受益匪浅。”秦泽说。HediscoveredSu Yuandhespoke, looked straight atdoes not look athis, the visionis always staring at the computer, howspring the dá dá dá of finger of scallionon the mouse...... thisoperatedsolooks familiar.
他发现苏钰和他说话的时候,正眼都不瞧他一下,目光始终盯着电脑,春葱似的指头在鼠标上哒哒哒......这操作怎么如此眼熟。Su Yubumps into the vision that hehas doubts, immediately the properdangersits, could not hold in the angerquickly: „Hownot to have walked.”苏钰撞见他疑惑的目光,立刻正经危坐,快憋不住怒火了:“怎么还不走。”Qin Zesaid: „Iwantto read the financial statement of companycurrent quarter.”秦泽说:“我想看公司本季度的财务报表。”Su Yuthinangry: „Asksmyassistantto go, goes outa bit faster.”苏钰薄怒:“找我助理去,快点出去。”No matter the market surveyreported,is the financial statement, especiallylatter, let alone the Qin Zeyoungstaff, the middle managementdoes not have the qualificationsto looklike this. Qin Zethrough the relations of Milf Pei, made a connection withSu Yuthispoint. Su Yuis not certainly glad, butPei Nanmansaid,hemustlooklookedtohim, whatsecretsmallbrokencompanyhasto be inadequate, official document?
不管是市场调研报告,还是财务报表,尤其后者,别说秦泽这样的小员工,中层管理都没资格看。秦泽通过裴熟女的关系,打通了苏钰这一环。苏钰当然不乐意,但裴南曼说,他要看就给他看,一个小破公司有什么机密不成,红头文件啊?Su Yuwas suppressed an oldbloodbybosom friend.苏钰被闺蜜憋出一口老血。How manyQin Zetook a look atbeautiful womanDirector-General, thiswomancame the bigmaternal auntto take the wrongmedicine, did the temperamentexplode?秦泽瞅了美女总裁几眼,这女人来大姨妈了还是吃错药了,脾气这么爆炸?Thatsmall, only thenasked to be excused.
那小的只有告退了。Heleavesimmediately, is disinclinedto treat, repugnantlywoman who plays the temper, isgood of elder sisterthatacting like a spoiled and cute brat. HowIfeltoneselfbysomewomanroutine.
The line of sightreturns the screen, Su Yudiscoveredoneselfhad been cutby the opposite party, is counting the secondsresurrecting, butthatfellowone breatheven/includingbreakstwodefensetowers, after advancing the high ground, waits for the minions/soldiersupport, whiledancessame place: „DeadSpicy Chicken, motionless, gave uptreating?”
视线转回屏幕,苏钰发现自己已经被对方切死,正在读秒复活,而那个家伙一口气连破两座防御塔,推到高地后,一边等待小兵支援,一边原地跳舞:“死辣鸡,一动不动,放弃治疗了?”„Elder sistercanhityourten.”
“姐能打你十个。”„Laterlooks atyouto get onlineonetime, is oppressiveonetime.”
“以后看你上线一次,就虐一次。”„Begs for mercyInot to accept.”
“求饶我都不接受。”Su Yuraises the mouseto falltoward the ground, inclearsoundtorn to pieces.苏钰扬起鼠标就往地上摔,在清脆的响声中支离破碎。mmp.
After getting off work, Su YuopensherredFerrarito go home, is notfatherthatvilla, butis the luxury apartment near company, afterreturning to homelandasked that the fathermustcome the downpaymentmoney, shehas not returned tothat„family/home”to liveagainonetime.
下班后,苏钰开着她的红色法拉利回家,并不是父亲那栋别墅,而是公司附近的高档公寓,从回国后问父亲要来首付的钱,她就再也没有回那个“家”住过一次。Now, the home loanhas paid off, downpaymentmoneyheralsostriking backfather'sbank account, althoughold manonepack of soundssaid that doesn't use. Butherconceivablethatwomansitsin the one sidecaustic and meansatire.
现在,房贷已经还清,首付的钱她也打回父亲的银行账户,尽管老头一叠声的说不用不用。但她可以想象那个女人坐在一旁尖酸刻薄的讽刺。Ferraristopsinto the underground parkingstorehouse, even ifinthisluxury apartment, it is also most conspicuousone. The Ferrarired colorisclassics, the men and womenis appropriate. HoweveronSu Yu a private carisMaserati, just likePei Nanman, butwantsexpensivelycompared withPei Nanmanthatmany. Shegraduatedreturning to homelandthat year, the old mandelivered. Su Yuhas not wanted, to keepGarage of villa.法拉利停入地下停车库,哪怕在这座高档公寓里,它也是最显眼的一辆。法拉利的大红色是一种经典,男女都合适。不过苏钰上一辆座驾是玛莎拉蒂,和裴南曼一样,但比裴南曼那辆要贵不少。她毕业回国那年,老头送的。苏钰没要,留在了别墅的停车库里。Pulls out the keyto open the door, shestandsin the entrance, deeplyshouted the one breath, on the facebrims with the little girldelightfulsmiling face: „Icome back!”
掏钥匙开门,她站在门口,深呼一口气,脸上洋溢起小女孩般的甜美笑容:“我回来啦!”Inroomempty, windfromopening wide the windowfloods into, the window curtainsflutters.
房间里空空荡荡,风从敞开的窗户涌入,窗帘翻飞。Thishousearea100square meter, a personlivesis slightly spacious. The arrangement of roomis very simple, the solefurniture, the soledaily necessities, the solewomanslipper, lets that ifhidden , if no aloneeven moreclear.
这套房子面积一百平米,一个人住略显空旷。屋子的陈设很简单,单一的家具,单一的生活用品,单一的女士拖鞋,让那股若隐若无的孤寂愈发清晰。Su Yudo not feelto have the issue, went homewell, is not flusteredin the children of home.苏钰自己丝毫不觉得有问题,回家了就好,在家的孩子心不慌。
A firstmatter of going hometakes a bathforever, thenmakesonecup of coffee, wears the bathrobe.
回家的第一件事永远是洗澡,然后泡一杯咖啡,穿着浴袍。Su Yuholds the cupto sitin front of the computer, the slipperychairis very big, herroutinerolls up the footon the chair, turns on the computer, the landinggame.苏钰捧着杯子坐在电脑前,滑椅很大,她习惯性的把脚蜷缩在椅子上,打开电脑,登陆游戏。Somepeoplesaidlife is short, but the shortlifealsoespeciallywill be sometimes unendurable, does not look for a matterto while away the time, howto pass the one by onelonelynight.
有人说人生苦短,但短暂的人生有时候也会格外难熬,不找点事情消遣,怎么度过一个个寂寞的夜晚。Cell phonesound.
手机响了。Su Yuglancesto the phone screen on computertable, is the old manhits.苏钰瞟向电脑桌上的手机屏幕,是老头打来的。„Father,”sheconnects the call.
“爸,”她接通电话。„Yu'er, tofamily/home? Has the dinnereaten?”
“钰儿,到家了吗?晚饭吃过没有?”Careas usual.
照例的关心。Su Yuun unseveral, listening to the old manto talk at random, is impatient, knit the brows saying: „Father, had the wordsto say.”苏钰嗯嗯几声,听着老头东拉西扯,不耐烦了,皱眉说:“爸,有话就说吧。”Telephonethatsilentmoment, „tomorrow the elder brothergathers the advantageto go to work, the deputy general managerpositionleaveshim.”
电话那头沉默片刻,“明天你哥来聚利上班,副总经理的位置留给他。”Su Yufeltownheartcoolly, butfortunately, was used to itin any case.苏钰感觉自己的心凉了一下,但还好,反正习惯了。„Are youasbiggestshareholder, father'sstatus?”Shesneeredto say.
“你以最大股东的身份,还是父亲的身份?”她冷笑说。„Thissayingwhat/anythingmeaning, the fatherforeveris your father.” The old mansaid.
“这话什么意思,爸永远是你爸。”老头说。„The beginning of the yeartimehow did yousay?”Su Yuimitatesfather'svoice: „Fatheronyoursuchdaughter, laterthisgathers the advantageisyourdowry. Wantsmanyfundfathersto give, companyis decidedbyyou.”
“年初的时候你怎么说的?”苏钰模仿父亲的声音:“爸就你这么个女儿,以后这聚利就是你的嫁妆。要多少资金爸都给,公司由你说了算。”Su Yulaughs atone: „Youwere old, being insufficientsoto have a bad memory?”苏钰嗤笑一声:“您年纪虽然大了,不至于这么健忘吧?”Silent, resemblesis expressing, the old manis sincere: „Youjustgraduatedfewyears, managingexperienceandinvestsexperienceto be shallow, moreoverdomestic marketandoverseasdifferent, the fatherwantsto makeyourelder brotherhelpyou. Checkstoyou, thisnotDirector-Generalpositionisyour.”
还是沉默,似在措辞,老头子语重心长:“你刚毕业没几年,管理经验和投资经验都浅,而且国内市场和国外不同,爸是想让你哥来帮帮你。给你把把关,这不总裁的位置还是你的嘛。”„Issettles on the stock marketto rise sharply, gathers the advantageto slice.”Su Yusneersagain.
“是看中股市大涨,来聚利分一杯羹了吧。”苏钰再次冷笑。Thissayingas iftouchedold man'sreverse scale, heis angry: „Howyouspoke, the whole familydid not speaktwowords, wasownolder brother and younger sister.”
The Su Yueye socketwas red, takesfar the telephone, the twitchednose, saidgentlylightly: „As you like.”苏钰眼眶红了,把电话拿远,轻轻抽了抽鼻子,淡淡道:“随你。”Shehangs up the telephone.
The cheap people, are the cheap people.
The cell phonemade a sound, is a National Dayblessingmessage, the formulation, the duplicationpastes to attachthenbatchSMSthattypevery much. Thiscell phoneisherpersonalcell phone, the companystaff memberdefinitelydoes not know,fewfriends, will not sendthistype of does not have the nutrition„trash”message.
手机又响了一下,是一条国庆节祝福语短信,很公式化,复制黏贴然后批量群发那种。这部手机是她私人手机,公司的职员肯定不知道,寥寥无几的朋友,更不会发这种没营养的“垃圾”短信。Shelooksto the signature: Qin Ze!
她看向署名:秦泽!No wonder, inside the staffknowsonlyownpersonalcell phone numberhe. Pei Nanmanwill certainly not saveherpublicnumber, givencell phone number, naturallypersonal.
难怪了,员工里头唯一知道自己私人手机号码的就他了。裴南曼当然不会存她的公用号码,给出的手机号码,自然是私人的。RegardingQin Zethischaracter, hersenseis good, today'sintrusionrashlymakeshersucceed the five losses in a row, buckles a point. Otherhad nothing, Pei Nanmanis very interestedprobablyhis, does not know that whichnervepressed, was bestto leaveoldoxto eat the tendergrass, otherwiseshemustridiculedeadPei Nanman. FurthermoreSu Yufeltoneselfare very loyal, believing in the older and younger brotherswifeis not weak.
对于秦泽这号人物,她感官还行,今天的冒然闯入让她成功五连败,扣一分。其他就没什么了,裴南曼好像挺感兴趣他的,不知道哪根神经压到了,最好别老牛吃嫩草,不然她要嘲笑死裴南曼。再者苏钰觉得自己挺讲义气,信奉兄弟妻不可欺。Thereforeignoresto the Qin Ze'sblessingmessage.
于是对秦泽的祝福短信不理不睬。At this time, shesawGreat Godto get online. Long night extending endlessly, ranksonminuteto stimulatewithGreat God.
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