MESIS :: Volume #2

#170: Diary

Xue Mei anticipated discovers what/anything very much in Room Qin Ze, can be the draft manuscript of songwriting, or piano piece what/anything, said that the room is a person most private place, understands a person, looked at his room enough. 薛梅很期待在秦泽发现点什么,可以是歌曲创作的手稿,亦或者钢琴曲什么的,都说房间是一个人最私密的地方,了解一个人,看他的房间就够了。 This is a 20 square meter room, possibly is smaller, the arrangement is also simple, a double bed, a closet, a desk. The bedhead wall is pasting the anime poster. The desk is setting up the support blackboard. The window is opening wide, the scalding hot air current jumps into the room. 这是一间二十平米的屋子,可能还更小,陈设也简单,一张双人床,一架衣柜,一张书桌。床头墙贴着动漫海报。书桌边立着支架黑板。窗户敞开着,灼热的气流扑入房间。 The so succinct simple style, really does not seem like a room of artist. 如此简洁朴素的风格,实在不像是一个艺术家的房间。 The lens have swept in the room slowly, key attention desk, but the desk except for a notebook, the financial professional books, pen containers and desk lamp, does not have the otherness again. 镜头在房间里徐徐扫过,重点关注书桌,但书桌除了一台笔记本,金融专业书籍、笔筒、台灯,再无他物。 Her vision has swept the support blackboard, eyes shined, Teacher Qin studies the finance?” 她目光扫过支架黑板,眼睛一亮,“秦老师是学金融的吗?” Qin Baobao nods with a smile: Un, he is the financial professional.” 秦宝宝笑着点头:“嗯,他是金融专业。” The camera shifts the lens on the blackboard. 摄像机把镜头转移在黑板上。 Found a solid stuff with great difficulty, Xue Mei said curiously: Stock that above writes?” 好不容易找到点干货,薛梅好奇道:“上面写的股票吧?” She does not speculate in the stock market, is not the financial professional, on the blackboard the densely packed technical expression and symbol make her grasp blindly. 她不炒股,也不是金融专业,黑板上密密麻麻的专业术语和符号让她抓瞎。 not so clear but still feel it's awesome. 不明觉厉 Right, is the stock.” Shouldered the uncle of camera to say suddenly. “对,是股票。”扛摄像机的大叔忽然说。 He is more than ten years of old investor, some basic knowledge, are more solid than in school university student. 他是十几年的老股民,有些基本知识,比在校大学生还扎实。 Above writes some analyses and forecasts of some stock, is quite careful.” Old Wang said. “上面写着某支股的一些分析和预测,比较细致。”老王说。 Xue Mei said: „The stock market was very recently hot, my many friends invest, this stock how?” 薛梅说:“最近股市挺火的,我身边好多朋友都投入其中,这支股怎么样?” Old Wang lives in the lens fixedly, pulls out the cell phone, searched in the securities company cell phone client side, shakes the head: „The spring breeze that generally, the stock market returns to warmer weather very much does not seem to blow it.” 老王固定住镜头,掏出手机,在证券公司的手机客户端搜索了一下,摇头:“很一般,股市回暖的春风好像没有吹到它。” I have thought Teacher Qin is a student of liberal art, originally he is the science subjects. Good specialized appearance.” The Xue Mei surface said toward the lens, does not prepare to discuss in this topic. The Old Wang words, must certainly trim off later, “我一直以为秦老师是文科生,原来他是理科。好专业的样子。”薛梅面朝镜头说道,不准备在这个话题多谈。老王的话,后期肯定要剪掉, She lets the lens to blackboard several seconds, is about to leave the room, the corner of the eye glimpses under the table to have the thing suddenly. 她让镜头对着黑板几秒,正准备离开房间,眼角忽地瞥见桌下有东西。 Thing fell.” Xue Mei bends down to pick up, a blue skin notebook, curious glances one, looks at the date and weather, elder sister Hongqiao several word. “东西掉了。”薛梅俯身捡起,一本蓝皮笔记本,好奇的瞟一眼,瞄到日期、天气,还有“姐姐”“虹桥”几个词儿。 She depresses the curiosity, does not spy on others privacy, places the notebook on the desk, is the diary.” 她压下好奇心,不窥探别人隐私,把笔记本放在在书桌上,“是日记本。” Diary?” Qin Baobao stares, thought when small rascal did keep a diary? Takes up the book to read, bore, the lens are suspending, moreover not active younger brother privacy, although never thinks that younger brother has privacy type of thing. “日记本?”秦宝宝一愣,心想,小赤佬什么时候写日记了?拿起本子就想翻看,又忍住了,镜头摆着呢,而且也不好动弟弟的隐私,虽然从不认为弟弟有隐私这种东西。 Gathers to benefit investment company. 聚利投资公司 Gathers the advantage to have three Investment Department, the Li Linfeng manages its one, this establishes time short company, many insufficient and flaw, for example three section, actually do not have the division of labor obviously, each section can simultaneously the investment fund, stock, stock, on-hand merchandise wait/etc.. This was once holding an office in the securities company middle management Li Linfeng looks like, wantons mischief simply. 聚利有三个投资部门,李林峰管其一,这个成立时间短暂的公司,有很多不足和缺陷,比如明明有三个部门,却不存在分工,每个部门都可以同时投资基金、股票、期货、现货等等。这在曾任职证券公司中层管理的李林峰看来,简直是瞎胡闹。 How he cannot comprehend Chief Su to think, despised that to be smaller than nearly ten -year-old woman him, although her studying abroad international brand school, has taken a financial masters degree degree and business management Ph.D degree. Afterward Su Yu asked him to talk over thoroughly, he completely changed the idea. They discussed what/anything, others remained unknown. 他搞不懂苏总是怎么想的,曾经轻视过那位比他小近十岁的女人,尽管她留洋国际名牌学府,拿过一个金融硕士学位、工商管理博士学位。后来苏钰找他深谈一番,他彻底改变了想法。他俩谈了什么,别人无从得知。 The gate of office made a sound several, the Li Linfeng bright sound said: Comes.” 办公室的门响了几下,李林峰朗声道:“进来。” Those who push the door to enter joins company two salted fish newly, his vision sweeps in two salted fish has taken the document, light several, are clamping with the folder. 推门而入的是新加入公司的两条咸鱼,他目光扫过两条咸鱼手里拿着的文件,薄薄几张,用文件夹夹着。 Brings I to have a look.” Li Linfeng smiled, he quite likes training the young people, likes chatting with the young people, how blows back then me how...... “拿过来我看看。”李林峰笑了,他比较喜欢培养年轻人,喜欢和年轻人侃大山,吹一吹想当年我怎么样怎样...... These two salted fish, he has oneself appraisal, Yang Jian is very intelligent, is potentially large, the temper is what a pity sluggish, without courage and uprightness and making an all-out effort. Is indigenous of prosperous area, is so. On having all-out effort and making an all-out effort, when the Zhe Province merchant of older generation is. Otherwise Zhe Province could not become the number-one private big province. Only said the rich man, wins Shanghai especially. But the vast region diluted prosperously. 这两条咸鱼,他心里有自己的评价,杨建很聪明,潜力巨大,可惜性子懒散,没血性和狠劲。越是繁荣地区的土著,越是如此。论起拼劲和狠劲,老一辈的浙省商人当属其中之最。否则浙省也成不了头号民营大省。只说有钱人,尤胜沪市。只不过辽阔的地域稀释了繁荣。 Qin Ze, the character is very mild, the temperament is also good, usually is together, could not see is completely can test the perfect score perverted. The potential is definitely huge, but work place experience is zero. How the ability, waits for researching, or can spy on 1~2 from this time investment prospectus. 还有秦泽,性格很温润,脾气也好,平常相处,完全看不出是个能考满分的变态。潜力肯定是巨大的,但职场经验为零。能力怎样,有待考证,或者可以从这次的投资计划书中窥探一二 Li Linfeng received two prospectuses, first looked at Yang Jian, spent for five minutes, roughly crossed, the look was satisfactory: Idea is very mature, the operation technique is also well-founded, had you played the stock before?” 李林峰接过两份计划书,先看杨建了,花了五分钟,大致过了一遍,神色满意:“想法很成熟,操作手法也有依据,你以前玩过期货?” Yang Jian nods: „Starting from university, but gains are not many, every year school expense and spending money. Futures market too much does not reason with, certain capitalist table manners are ugly, was more exaggerating than the stock.” 杨建点点头:“从大学就入手了,只是赚的不多,每年的学费和零花钱而已。期货市场太特么不讲理了,某些资本家吃相难看,比股票夸张多了。” Li Linfeng nods, reads the Qin Ze's investment prospectus again, is startled: Writing by hand?” 李林峰颔首,再看秦泽的投资计划书,吃了一惊:“手写的?” The Qin Ze corners of the mouth pull out, without answering. 秦泽嘴角一抽,没回话。 Yang Jian teased: Is too young.” 杨建调侃:“还是太年轻。” Yang Jian the prospectus input computer, this morning prints in company. But Qin Ze has not thought that this, his A4 paper is buys, pure hand-planted, office experience is scarce. 杨建把计划书录入电脑,今早在公司打印出来的。而秦泽没想到这一茬,他连a4纸都是自己买的,纯手工制作,办公室经验稀缺。 old gentleman has is very right, divorced oneself from reality unable to become the great ability that words saying forever, experience this thing, cannot want to come out by the brain. 老爷子有句话说的很对,闭门造车永远成不了大才,经验这东西,不是靠脑子就能想出来。 Qin Ze deep is so, therefore he went to work. 秦泽深以为然,所以他来上班了。 Li Linfeng glances over that form prospectus without restraint of style, roughly swept, thought that has the chewability very much, prepares to read attentively, computer dī dī, the company intercom software flashes. 李林峰浏览那份格式不拘一格的计划书,大致扫了一遍,觉得很有嚼头,准备细读,电脑滴滴一声,公司内部通讯软件闪动。 He selects to look: „ 10 : 00 am meets in No. 2 Room meeting, invests one section 他点开一看:“上午 10 点在二号会议开会,投资一部门三部门经理必须准时参加,不得请假迟到。” Li Linfeng looked at a wrist watch, time demonstrated: 9 : 45. He said, you first go back.” 李林峰看了眼腕表,时间显示:9:45。他说,“你们先回去吧。” On Li Linfeng a restroom, 9 : 50 shoved open the glass door of No. 2 Room meeting, another two manager have sat well the waiting. Sees him to come, several people greeted with a smile. Then chatted, the content business, for example the recent stock market rose sharply only, several 100,000 funds of investment obtained benefits many. During the talks, two old smokers keep stroking gently the cigarette case, obviously was the addiction for tobacco violated, only wanted to meet earlier. Although the government banning smoking effort increases, but they have the person office, hides to smoke without the issue. Meeting time cannot pull out. 李林峰上了趟厕所,9:50推开二号会议的玻璃门,另外两个经理已经端坐等待。见他进来,几人笑着打招呼。然后自顾自聊天,内容不外乎业务,比如最近股票市场大涨,投入的几十万资金获益颇丰。谈话之间,两个老烟枪不停摩挲着烟盒,显然是烟瘾犯了,只希望早点开完会。虽然政府禁烟力度加大,但他们有个人办公室,躲起来抽烟毫无问题。开会的时候就不能抽了。 Li Linfeng finds time to read the Qin Ze's investment prospectus, before roughly crossed one, does not have the careful research, he first cell phone searched Black Ass Sciences, an undertaking board hi-tech stock, after seeing the half-dead k graph, Li Linfeng almost shoots dead the Qin Ze's prospectus directly. When this fellow enters the duty valiant result, bears the temper deeply to read. 李林峰抽空看起秦泽的投资计划书,之前只是大致过了一眼,没仔细研究,他先手机搜索了“黑驴科技”,一支创业板科技股,看到半死不活的k线图后,李林峰差点直接枪毙秦泽的计划书。考虑到这家伙入职时的彪悍成绩,又耐着性子深读。 Gradually being enthralled that looks, takes the pen that meets to bring, encircles the circle to draw. In the prospectus has many solid stuff, is not the theory of lengthy speech. He clicks on stocks speculation software bringing the company details, consulted Black Ass Sciences financial statement over the past two years, the people who although speculate in the stock market know, this thing motherf**ker is the water. Through the accounting information attraction investment of distorted and even fabrication is the technique that some enterprises habitually use. However can treat as the reference standard reluctantly. When saw that in the prospectus pointed out in detail when Black Ass Sciences financing number of times and amount, Li Linfeng encircles the key point, online and searches the relevant information. Really, in March of this year, in May/five months, in August, this company a total of three financing, the fund reaches billion. 渐渐的看的入神,拿起开会必带的笔,圈圈画画。计划书里有很多干货,并不是长篇大论的理论。他点击炒股软件自带的公司详情,查阅了“黑驴科技”过去两年的财务报表,虽然炒股的人都知道,这东西tm的全是水。通过失真乃至造假的会计信息吸引投资是一些企业惯用的手法。不过勉强能当做参考标准。当看到计划书中详细指出黑驴科技的融资次数以及金额时,李林峰圈成重点,并在网上搜索相关资讯。果然,今年三月、五月、八月,这家公司总共三次融资,资金达十亿 A stock of undertaking board, where your mother comes so many funds. 一个创业板的股,尼玛哪来这么多资金。 Since some so many funds, why in the stock market of return to warmer weather, haven't gradually risen unexpectedly? 既然有这么多资金,为什么在逐渐回暖的股市,居然没涨? old driver Li Linfeng smelled a trick. 老司机李林峰嗅到了一丝猫腻。 As a successful investor, catching stocks is very important. Listing company were too but many, the impossible any stock to go to the deep research, investment company first locks the industry sector generally, then selects a stock. 做为一个成功的投资者,抓牛股很重要。可是上市公司太多了,不可能任何一支股都去深入研究,投资公司一般先锁定行业板块,再精选个股。 Li Linfeng starts to study this stock, Su Yu approaches Room meeting not to detect, grasps the pen to write what/anything. 李林峰开始研究这支股,以至于苏钰走近会议都没察觉到,握笔写着什么。 This time calls you to come time, opens brief meeting,” Su Yu said: company establishes for less than a half year, in the traffic distribution has many contradictory phenomena, do not feel strange since why forms three Investment Department, actually does not divide the work, this scores points three Investment Department not to have the significance obviously.” “这次召集你们过来,开一次简短会议,”苏钰说:“公司成立半年不到,业务分配上有许多矛盾现象,你们别奇怪为什么既然组建三个投资部,却不分工,这样显得分三个投资部毫无意义。” Su Yu puts one pile of documents on the meeting table, here has your three section all investment plans to compile, each section has to owe to harm, but is to make money eventually, I am very gratified. Through this report, your section strong point and weak area, take in everything at a glance.” 苏钰把一摞文件搁在会议桌上,“我这里有你们三个部门的所有投资项目汇总,每个部门有亏有损,但终究是赚钱的,我很欣慰。通过这份报告,你们部门的长处和短板,一览无余。” This meeting goal, formally starts to divide the work, each Investment Department concentrates on own strong point......” “这次会议的目的,就是正式开始分工,每个投资部门专注自己的长处......” Has not known how long, Li Linfeng suddenly discovered the Director-General sound vanished, Room meeting peaceful piece. Raised the head to look at the seat of honor, completely empty. Then he discovered beautiful woman Director-General that company colorful broadcasts does not know when stands in oneself behind, quiet is staring at his investment prospectus. 不知过了多久,李林峰忽然发现总裁的声音消失了,会议安静一片。抬头瞄主位,空空如也。然后他发现公司内部艳名远播的美女总裁不知何时站在自己身后,悄无声息的盯着他那份投资计划书。 Another two Investment Department manager vision teased. 另外两个投资部经理目光戏谑。 Li Linfeng maintains composure blocks the prospectus, said: Chief Su, you continued.” 李林峰不动声色的把计划书挡住,道:“苏总,您继续说。” Su Yu does not respond him, puts out a hand to pull out the prospectus, the smile said: „Very interesting, is writing by hand.” 苏钰不搭理他,伸手抽来计划书,微笑道:“挺有意思的,还是手写。” Work place old youtiao said, is under the hand an rookie writes, has the depth, I studied. 职场老油条就说,是手底下一个新人写的,蛮有深度,我就研究了一下。 Su Yu eyes flashed, asked: Which rookie?” 苏钰目光一闪,问:“哪个新人?” Li Linfeng showed the awkward look finally, the heart said, we did not say this good, can continue to meet? 李林峰终于露出尴尬神色,心说,咱们不说这个了好吧,可以继续开会吗? Qin Ze.” He said. 秦泽。”他说。 Su Yu „”, gave back to him the prospectus, said lightly: You are securities company come out, your section stock investment income is best, later makes this, the stock on-hand merchandise, used judgment to invest. meeting finished.” 苏钰“哦”了一声,把计划书还给他,淡淡道:“你是证券公司出来的,你们部门的股票投资收益最好,以后就做这一块吧,期货现货等,酌情投资。会议结束。” Su Yu returns to the office, a telephone draws on the assistant, you inform Li Linfeng, making him establish an investment plan, now goes to that side the finance to report. According to that prospectus does. Black Ass Sciences, you said that he understands.” 苏钰回到办公室,一个电话招来助手,“你通知一下李林峰,让他成立一个投资项目,现在就去财务那边报备。按照那份计划书去做。黑驴科技,你说了他就懂。” The assistant asked: Fund how many?” 助理问:“资金多少?” 1 million......” Su Yu thinks, changed a statement: 2 million.” 一百万......”苏钰想了想,改口道:“两百万。” The assistant leaves. 助理离开。 Su Yu by the chair, turns circle, thought: Is the mule is the horse, tries. 苏钰靠在椅子上,转了个圈,心想:是骡子是马,试一试。
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