MESIS :: Volume #2

#168: elder sister's reward

Online, Qin Baobao's forum and post, Weibo, warm. 网上,秦宝宝的论坛、贴吧、微博,一片热烈。 fans exchange is listening to music the feeling, expressed itself the deep love to the single special edition. 粉丝们交流着听歌感受,表达自己对单曲专辑的热爱。 Time Boils the Rain is very of pleasant to hear, the word hipster makings, the song is quiet and beautiful, has the friends from childhood small happy feeling. Has saying that the Qin Ze product, must be the high-quality goods.” 时间煮雨很好听,词儿略带文青气质,曲子清幽,有种青梅竹马小甜蜜的感觉。不得不说,秦泽出品,必属精品。” „Before «Flavor» this song lets I remembered , the boyfriend: „ Thought of that your smiling, thought of that your coat, thinks of your white sock...... and finger light tobacco flavor.” Flash hits the tears point. Listens to cry one time one time. ” “《味道》这首歌让我想起了前男友:“想念你的笑,想念你的外套,想念你白色袜子......和手指淡淡烟草味道。”一瞬间击中泪点。听一次哭一次。” 《The Most Familiar Stranger》 is of pleasant to hear, although is the moved love song, but not like «Flavor» sorrowful, not like «Time Boils the Rain» hipster. Instead listens to have the ignition. Moreover the lyrics have the depth very much.” 《最熟悉的陌生人》才好听,虽然是伤感情歌,但不像《味道》那样哀婉,不像《时间煮雨》那样文青。反而听着有点燃。而且歌词很有深度。” So is really of pleasant to hear?” Some people expressed the question. “真有这么好听吗?”有人表示质疑。 fuck, are you Qin Baobao fans, her special edition haven't you bought?” 我靠,你是不是秦宝宝粉丝,她的专辑你没买?” Eh, I am dig up the Qin Ze portrait photo, wants to make the desktop. It is not Qin Baobao fans.” “额,我是来扒秦泽写真照的,想做成桌面。并不是秦宝宝粉丝。” „Is that Qin Ze's fans? The scoundrels, do not know that the Qin Ze product can be the high-quality goods? Hurries to give the father to buy( funnily).” “那就是秦泽的粉丝咯?混账,不知道秦泽出品必属精品?赶紧给老子去买(滑稽)。” Xie Huai'an work room. 谢怀安工作室。 Sister Liu, the disparity is a little big, how to pursue?” Xie Huai'an looks at the sales disparity of getting bigger and bigger, helpless a little, is a little anxious. 刘姐,差距有点大啊,怎么追?”谢怀安看着越拉越大的销售差距,有点无奈,又有点焦躁。 Huai'an, this matter is the accident/surprise, I made one inquire, was Qin Ze's younger brother looks for Star Skills, everyone was caught off guard. If we had known he is responsible for the Qin Baobao special edition, we will send single in the next quarter again.” 怀安,这件事属于意外,我让人打听了,是秦泽的弟弟自己找上星艺的,大家都措手不及。早知道他负责秦宝宝专辑,咱们就下季度再发单曲了。” Can make company brush the sales volume?” Xie Huai'an is unwilling. “能不能让公司刷一下销量?”谢怀安不甘心。 Do not think, sends the special edition for the profit, first or third actually company does not care. Before helped you brush, was because must hold to be red you, was the marketing strategy. Now your popular to the bottleneck, has brushed the ticket not to have the significance.” “别想了,发专辑是为盈利,第一还是第三其实公司不在意。以前帮你刷,是因为要捧红你,是营销策略。现在你的人气已至瓶颈,刷票没有意义。” Xie Huai'an sighed. 谢怀安叹了口气。 Broker company advantage character overhead, is for profit. celebrity individual, name character overhead, benefit next best. Although makes money is the ultimate goal, but the fame is the foundation. 经纪公司“利”字当头,以盈利为目的。明星个人而言,“名”字当头,利益次之。虽然赚钱是最终目的,但名气才是根基。 Shen Gui's work room. 沈归的工作室。 Compares the calm of old preserved meat, the staff response of work room is very intense, some said that must brush the sales volume, recaptures the champion title, some said that the flowered fund buys the news, increases the propaganda. 相比起老腊肉的淡定,工作室的员工反应很激烈,有的说要刷销量,把冠军宝座夺回,有的说花资金买新闻,加大宣传。 The Shen Gui pressure the hand, making the people peaceful, told that they do respectively various, leaves blind bì bì. 沈归压压手,让众人安静,吩咐他们各做各的,别瞎哔哔 His assistant is unwilling, follows up the office, „doesn't boss, really brush?” 他的助手不甘心,跟进办公室,“老板,真的不刷一刷?” Shen Gui opens the cigar box, twisted a cigar, the assistant received, helping him roast the cigar. 沈归翻开雪茄盒,捻起一根雪茄,助手接过,帮他烤雪茄。 The cigar roasts, Shen Gui bites on the mouth, the assistant is helping in the point. 雪茄烤好,沈归咬在嘴上,助手帮着点上。 He puts out the smog that a density irritates the nose, said slowly: Sends the special edition to not to make money? My sales volume growth is gratifying, income during anticipation. Why to invest money to brush the sales volume, since I make a debut, has sent 32 special editions, has won four sales volume champions, even are many one time, does not have the function to me.” 他吐出一口浓度呛人的烟雾,徐徐道:“发专辑不是为了赚钱么?我的销量增长喜人,收益在预期之中。何必投钱去刷销量,我出道至今,发过32张专辑,拿过四次销量冠军,就算多一次,对我也毫无作用。” In other words, his personal history to a glory of sales volume champion, has played less than the situation of major role thick. 换句话说,他的履历已经厚到一个销量冠军的荣耀,起不到多大作用的地步。 You meant that Qin Baobao does brush the sales volume?” The assistants said. “您是说秦宝宝刷销量?”助手说。 I had not said, Shen Gui shook the cigar: „Was song the good song, how many sales volume?” “我可没说,”沈归晃了晃雪茄:“歌都是好歌,销量多少了?” Your sales volume 50,000, Qin Baobao 120,000.” “您的销量五万,秦宝宝十二万了。” 120,000......” Shen Gui zé zé said: Broke the sales volume record of first-day 100,000.” 十二万......”沈归啧啧道:“破了首日十万的销量纪录。” next day, entertainment story. 第二天,娱乐新闻。 «Qin Baobao Special edition First day 120,000» 秦宝宝专辑首日十二万 «Qin Baobao single Special edition Broke Day To sell Record» 秦宝宝单曲专辑打破日销记录》 «Qin Baobao single Or Hopefully Renovates Digital Special edition Year Record» 秦宝宝单曲或有希望刷新数字专辑年度记录》 Various large network media platforms, push the Qin Baobao special edition relevant information. Most probably is Star Skills the news that buys, seizes the chance to fry the hot special edition. But can definitely say, Qin Baobao single special edition fire, fire to not having friend that type. The on the shelf first day, sales volume 120,000, has broken the figure special edition day to sell the record. That Weibo that she sends before dawn, hundreds of thousands people of give a like. 各大网络媒体平台,推送秦宝宝专辑相关资讯。大半都是星艺花钱买的新闻,趁机炒热专辑。但可以肯定的说,秦宝宝单曲专辑火了,火到没朋友那种。上架首日,销量十二万张,已经打破数字专辑日销记录。她凌晨发的那条微博,十几万人点赞 Xu Yunhan retransmits her Weibo, the feeling: Having younger brother is really good, the country owes me younger brother.” 徐韵寒转发她的微博,感慨:“有个弟弟真好,国家欠我一个弟弟。” Then, Huang Yuteng retransmits silently, gets angry resentment Xu Yunhan: You approximately to a song, I approximately to the present, a echo do not have( to have tears streaming down the face).” 然后,黄宇腾默默转发,怒怼徐韵寒:“你好歹约到一首歌了,我约到现在,连个回音都没有(泪流满面)。” fans writes freely in the commentary area , indicating that must retrieve the justice for the idol. 粉丝则在评论区嬉笑怒骂,表示要替偶像找回公道。 After «I am a Singer», Qin Ze was also hot. What not very awkward is, some search engine renewed his encyclopedias unexpectedly. 继《我是歌星》之后,秦泽又火了一把。令人啼笑皆非的是,某搜索引擎居然更新了他的百科。 The entry introduced like this: 词条是这样介绍的: Qin Ze, in 1995 was born in Chinese Shanghai, graduates from Shanghai Economics Uni( in intern), lives together with Qin Baobao doubtful. The Love Song Queen Qin Baobao song and poem person, is honored as Music Genius and in the song world history First Quick Shooter, simultaneously was jokingly called by the netizen: Qin Baobao behind man. The song and poem style is strange, proficient love song and Chinese style, rock and roll and other musical elements. 秦泽,1995年生于中国沪市,毕业于沪市财大(实习中),疑似与秦宝宝同居。情歌女王秦宝宝御用词曲人,被誉为“音乐鬼才”、“歌坛史上第一快枪手”,同时又被网友戏称:秦宝宝身后的男人。其词曲风格诡异多变,精通情歌、中国风、摇滚等音乐元素。 In July 2017, created piano piece 《For Qin Baobao》. 2017年七月,创作钢琴曲《致秦宝宝》 In July to August of 2017, is Qin Baobao creates several first high-quality songs, two golden tunes. Helps Qin Baobao win " I am a Singer » second season championship. 2017年七月至八月,为秦宝宝创作数首精品歌,两首金曲。助秦宝宝夺得《我是歌星第二季冠军。 Representative works: 《Blue and White Porcelain》, 《Exaggerate》, 《New Endless Love》, 《Fairy Tale》 and 《Opera 2》...... 代表作:《青花瓷》《浮夸》《新不了情》《童话》《歌剧2》...... Character relations: elder sister Qin Baobao. 人物关系:姐姐秦宝宝 The statement of personal history is very thin, definitely cannot compare these entertainment world big shot, but the gold content makes most entertainment world old seniors blush with shame. 个人履历很薄,肯定比不上那些娱乐圈大佬,但含金量让大部分娱乐圈老前辈汗颜。 Industry in guessed where the Qin Baobao's special edition sales volume can arrive , the first-day sales volume broke, week sales volume? 业内纷纷猜测,秦宝宝的专辑销量能走到哪里,首日销量是破了,周销量呢? „Does Qin Baobao have the possibility broken week sales volume?” 秦宝宝有可能破周销量吗?” Hope is very big, but cannot guarantee certainly, first-day eruption, again however fades the special edition example that three use up to be many.” “希望很大,但不能保证一定可以,首日爆发,再而衰三而竭的专辑例子很多。” Does not have the stamina insufficient possibility, who do not forget the song and poem person is. Moreover, Qin Baobao's popular is very prosperous, when peak.” “不存在后劲不足的可能,别忘了词曲人是谁。而且,秦宝宝的人气很旺,正值巅峰。” Qin Ze! Really is a talented wizard.” Some people sighed. 秦泽!真是个才华横溢的鬼才。”有人叹道。 Saturday. 周六。 The Qin Baobao special edition sales volume achieves 220,000. 秦宝宝专辑销量达到22万。 Sunday. 周日。 The Qin Baobao special edition sales volume achieves 300,000. 秦宝宝专辑销量达到30万。 ...... ...... Next Thursday , the Qin Baobao's special edition has reached 500,000, broke the figure special edition week sales volume record, the original record is the week sales volume 440,000. 下周四时,秦宝宝的专辑已达50万,破了数字专辑周销量纪录,原纪录是周销量44万。 The sales volume arrived here, decreased temperature finally, according to the market judged, the sale period of new special edition is one week. Later will grow slowly, even stagnates. The Qin Baobao's special edition does not have the possibility of stagnation, looked that she can break the annual sales volume record, 销量到这里,总算降温了,根据市场来判断,新专辑的热卖期是一个星期。之后就会缓慢增长,甚至停滞。秦宝宝的专辑不存在停滞的可能,就看她能不能破年度销量记录, The entertainment world stir is far from, but song world shaken shakes three to shake, the colleagues are paying attention to the Qin Baobao's special edition sales volume, the historical development, pirating is momentarily rampant, after cd gradually withdraws from the market, the profitability model of singer is changing, sold the special edition unable to sell how much money, this was one of the past singer important income. Must know that cd recording magnificent age, the place of singer is well-matched situated in the movie star. Nowadays, has the special edition and singing, to stoke up fame, thus meets to do the advertisement, business to develop and hold the concert. 娱乐圈轰动谈不上,但歌坛被震的抖三抖,圈内人都关注着秦宝宝的专辑销量,随时时代发展,盗版猖獗,cd逐渐退出市场后,歌星的盈利模式一直在变,卖专辑已经卖不了多少钱,这可是当年歌星的重要收入之一。要知道cd唱片辉煌的年代,歌星的地位于影星旗鼓相当。现如今,出专辑、唱歌,是为了打响名气,从而接拍广告、商演、开演唱会。 The astonishing sales volume of Qin Baobao special edition, the singer gave a shot without doubt. The 2 million sales volume record is not accidental, you looked, expert who is likely to break the special edition. 秦宝宝专辑的惊人销量,无疑给人歌星打了一剂强心针。两百万张的销量记录不是偶然,你看,又有一个有望打破专辑的牛人。 10 : 00 pm, Qin Baobao returns to the home. 晚上 10 点,秦宝宝返家。 She just had the glee feast with marketing department several leader and manager Li Yanhong, recording technician, assistant et al . Although refuses to accompany big boss drink up, but similar glee feast, Qin Baobao will not reject, remaining pure and incorruptible is the good deed, what/anything treats with courtesy pushes, that was too alone. 她刚和市场部的几个领导以及经纪人李艳红、录音师、助手等人吃了顿庆功宴。虽然拒绝陪大老板喝酒,但类似的庆功宴,秦宝宝不会拒绝,洁身自好是好事,什么应酬都推,那就太独了。 Qin Baobao cheek lump of red, eye pupil hazy, brings the dimness after liquor. 秦宝宝脸蛋坨红,眼眸迷迷蒙蒙,带着酒后的朦胧。 Qin Ze still in the living room, holds the notebook to fiddle with his enterprise, sees elder sister to turn head, has not lifted, comes back.” 秦泽还在客厅,抱着笔记本捣鼓他的“事业”,见姐姐回头,头都没抬,“回来啦。” Un.” Qin Baobao changes the slipper, wraps the package to place on the single-seat sofa, toward Qin Ze, mumbled: Cannot accompany A'Ze to eat meal, A'Ze do not blame elder sister oh. “嗯。”秦宝宝换上拖鞋,包包放在单人沙发上,往秦泽边上一趟,哼哼唧唧道:“不能陪阿泽吃饭,阿泽不要怪姐姐哦。 Originally reaches an agreement to invite Qin Ze and bosom friend eats meal. 本来说好请秦泽闺蜜吃饭的。 Un un.” Qin Ze is perfunctory several, has not cared. “嗯嗯。”秦泽敷衍几声,没在意。 The Qin Baobao liquor drinks is a much less, bold closes the younger brother notebook, flutters his neck, kisses/intimate cheeks, elder sister is the sales volume champion, thanks A'Ze, really worthily is elder sister's good younger brother.” 秦宝宝酒喝的有点多,胆大包天的把弟弟的笔记本合上,勾住他脖子,亲一口脸颊,“姐姐是销量冠军,谢谢阿泽,真不愧是姐的好弟弟。” routine does not have the fresh idea.” Qin Ze went to the situation of indifferently disregarding to the elder sister's kiss. 套路没新意。”秦泽姐姐的亲吻已经达到漠然无视的地步。 What fresh idea do you want?” Qin Baobao stares saying: pā pā pā?” “那你想要什么新意?”秦宝宝瞪眼道:“啪啪啪么?” Talked nonsense what/anything.” Qin Ze is startled, sees the elder sister slightly drunk tender gruff stance, rolls to go to the room to sleep, do not play the drunk with here.” “瞎说什么。”秦泽吃了一惊,见姐姐微醺的娇憨姿态,“滚回房间睡觉去,别跟我这里耍酒疯。” Qin Baobao grips the Qin Ze's arm, the small head swings, long and narrow eyes partly narrowed, you are waiting, immediately gives you reward.” 秦宝宝握住秦泽的胳膊,螓首摇摆,狭长的眼睛半眯,“你等着,马上给你奖励。” Qin Ze has not taken seriously, she went to the room, holds the clothes to enter the bathroom, butt wobbles from side to side. 秦泽没当真,她自顾自的回了房间,抱着衣服进浴室,屁股一扭一扭。 The Qin Baobao obviously slight alcoholic intoxication, the door forgot the pass/test, he looks around toward the room, Wang Zijin lies on the bed plays the cell phone, the exquisite figure curve highlights under the thin bed sheet, Wang Zijin also detected that the door has not closed, the vision glance, bumps into Qin Ze to appreciate the look that the beautiful woman rests the posture exactly. 秦宝宝明显轻微醉酒,房门都忘了关,他往房间里张望,王子衿躺在床上玩手机,玲珑身段曲线在薄被单下凸显,王子衿也察觉到房门没关,目光一瞥,恰好撞见秦泽欣赏美人睡姿的眼神。 Wang Family little elder sister rushes to lift the quilt, jumps down the bed, slightly runs to close the door, stares Qin Ze one ruthlessly, gate closes. 王家小姐姐赶忙掀开被子,跳下床,小跑着过来关门,狠狠瞪秦泽一眼,“”门关上。 In bathroom huā lā la sound of water. 浴室里哗啦啦的水声。 Qin Ze takes undivided attention, while time that elder sister takes a bath, has given today's news broadcast. 秦泽心无旁骛,趁着姐姐洗澡的时间,把今天的新闻联播给过了一遍。 Before speculating in the stock market, pursues the play to pursue pursues the novel, after speculating in the stock market, only pursues the domestic-made news broadcast. Endless, it is estimated that later was old, lay down said on the hospital bed, the son, which day of news broadcast ended, burnt paper resembling money to inform your father. Then the son also said to the grandson like this, generations of circulations...... 炒股之前,追剧追番追小说,炒股之后,只追国产的新闻联播。还是一个永无止尽的番,估计以后年纪大了,躺在病床上说,儿子,哪天新闻联播结束了,烧纸通知你爸。然后儿子也这样对孙子说,一代代循环...... Qin Baobao took a bath slow that becomes famous, Qin Ze before the evening, was stopped up by her a lot in the restroom entrance, suppressed the urine to suppress to go crazy. 秦宝宝洗澡出了名的慢,秦泽以前起的晚,没少被她堵在厕所门口,憋尿憋到发疯。 Qin Ze almost looks at the news broadcast, she comes out, the wet hanging loose hair, is throwing over the bathrobe. 秦泽差不多把新闻联播看完,她才出来,湿漉漉的披散头发,披着浴袍。 Is turning butt to the sofa near, the finger caresses the snow white sleeve length nape of the neck lightly, throws charming eyes toward Qin Ze, wants to look? elder sister gives you reward.” 扭着屁股到沙发边,手指轻抚雪白袖长脖颈,朝秦泽媚眼,“想看吗?姐姐给你奖励。” Does not want to look.” The appearance that Qin Ze pretends to disdain, was saying disobeys the soul talk. “不想看。”秦泽装作不屑的样子,说着违心话。 Really doesn't want to look?” “真不想看?” You do not dare to take off/escape.” “你又不敢脱。” elder sister hmph hmph, both hands catches by the collar, rips open the bathrobe slowly. 姐姐哼哼一声,双手拽住衣领两侧,缓缓撕开浴袍。 A Qin Ze face disdains, is slanting the eye to look at elder sister, guessed correctly that she can stop in midway, does not dare to rip. The bathrobe rips open from the nape of the neck place slowly, first is the slender nape of the neck, is the exquisite collar bone, is the peaks and ridges tall and straight gully. Qin Ze from squint to looking straight, sensory control own eye ....... 秦泽一脸不屑,斜着眼睛看姐姐,猜到她会中途停止,绝不敢一撕到底。浴袍从脖颈处缓缓撕开,先是修长的脖颈,然后是精巧的锁骨,接着是峰峦挺拔的沟壑。秦泽从斜眼到正眼,感觉控制不住自己的眼睛....... Qin Baobao, fierce effort, tears the bathrobe suddenly later completely. 秦宝宝忽地一顿,随后猛的用力,完全扯开浴袍。 The bathrobe falls on the ground, revealed is not the elder sister white and tender lamb tender body, in her is also binding a bath towel. 浴袍掉在地上,露出的不是姐姐白嫩羊羔般的娇躯,她里面还裹着一层浴巾。 motherfucker, is elder sister's routine. 麻痹,又是姐姐的套路 Qin Ze wants to roar: Did my pants take off/escape you to think this to me? But feared Wang Zijin to hear, to bear. 秦泽很想吼一声:我裤子都脱了你就给我看这个?但怕王子衿听见,忍住了。 Loathsome appearance!” Qin Baobao looks disdainfully his eyes, turns Small Waist to go to the room. “死相!”秦宝宝睥睨他一眼,扭着小蛮腰回房间。 Qin Ze unwilling shouting: „It is not reaches an agreement reward, can little select routine, many points of true feelings?” 秦泽不甘心的喊道:“不是说好有奖励的吗,能不能少点套路,多点真情?”
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