MESIS :: Volume #2

#167: Rides to be above mundane thoughts

Xie Huai'an was awakened by a manager telephone, Huai'an, do you look at the special edition sales volume?” manager said in the telephone loudly: You fall to the third position now.” 谢怀安经纪人一个电话叫醒,“怀安,你看专辑销量没有?”经纪人在电话里大声说:“你现在掉到第三位了。” A Xie Huai'an brow wrinkle, looked at time, 1 : 00 am, he rested for a half hour. Listens to the meaning of manager, was the Qin Baobao sales volume catches up with him? This has what/anything at the worst, he and Qin Baobao differed not in a big way, ranking has is alternately normal. 谢怀安眉头一皱,看了眼时间,凌晨 1 点,他才睡了半个小时。听经纪人的意思,是秦宝宝销量赶上他了?这有什么大不了的,他和秦宝宝本来就相差不大,排名有交替很正常。 Tomorrow naturally can pursue, no rush.” The Xie Huai'an disgruntled say/way, the big evening was awakened by noise, no one will be happy. “明天自然会追上来的,别急。”谢怀安不悦道,大晚上被吵醒,谁都不会高兴。 no no no, you cannot pursue.” manager stated categorically. 不不不,你追不上来了。”经纪人一口咬定。 your mother, whose are you manager? 尼玛,你是谁经纪人 Xie Huai'an raises at heart not the good premonition: What had?” 谢怀安心里升起不好的预感:“发生了什么?” I handled arrival and departure on the Qin Baobao's Weibo chain your cell phone, you had a look.” manager were not many said, making him look at Weibo. “我把秦宝宝的微博链接发你手机上了,你去看看。”经纪人不多说,让他自己去看微博 Xie Huai'an with disturbed and mood of doubts, selected the Weibo link, entered the Qin Baobao Weibo page. Saw her latest renewal Weibo. 谢怀安怀着忐忑和疑惑的心情,点开了微博链接,进入秦宝宝微博页面。看到了她最新更新的微博 Thank the old bro help, smooch .” “感谢老弟帮忙,么么哒。” In the picture tall and straight tall young people cheek, has the earphone, is monitoring the song with single-hearted devotion, the background is some recording room. 图片里一个挺拔高挑的年轻人侧脸,戴着耳机,正专心监听歌曲,背景是某个录音室。 Qin Ze! 秦泽 The Xie Huai'an pupil shrinks, in the entertainment world, did not know that perhaps Qin Ze's celebrity has, but in the song world, does not know the Qin Ze's singer, rarely. By singer who singing to eat meal, likes thunder reverberating in one's ears to Qin Ze this name. Puts out a song conveniently is the super expert of high-quality goods, talented Music Genius. He has written all songs, any capital can hold the red elegant unsuccessful singer. How long Qin Baobao makes a debut, flees to today's this position, the short two months walk others five years of even ten years of distance. 谢怀安瞳孔一缩,在娱乐圈,不认识秦泽的明星或许有很多,但在歌坛,不认识秦泽的歌星,很少。靠唱歌吃饭的歌星,对秦泽这个名字如雷贯耳。一个随手拿出一首歌就是精品的超级牛人,才华横溢的音乐鬼才。他写过的所有歌曲,任何一首都能捧红一个郁郁不得志的歌手。秦宝宝出道才多久啊,窜到今天这个位置,短短两个月走完别人五年甚至十年的路程。 Does not know the singer who many struggles in the floor, longs for even in dreams his song, if accompanies to rest to be able approximately to arrive at the song, then wants to climb up the female singer of Qin Ze bed, can a group cheering squad. 不知道有多少挣扎在底层的歌手,梦寐以求他一首歌,如果陪睡能够约到歌,那么想爬上秦泽床的女歌手,可以组一个拉拉队。 Isn't he does not write the song? Did not say that the Qin Baobao's song is the Star Skills internal composer creates? 他不是不写歌嘛?不是说秦宝宝的歌是星艺内部的作曲人创作的吗? motherfucker! little soul in Xie Huai'an body is roaring. 麻痹谢怀安身体里的小灵魂在咆哮。 Female companion mumbled one, LazyCat depended on, the whining sound whined angrily said: What's wrong?” 身边的女伴嘟囔一声,懒猫似的依过来,嗲声嗲气道:“怎么啦?” Xie Huai'an has not responded, he closes Weibo, lifts the quilt to arrive at the window glass table, opens the notebook, the notebook has not closed, throughout is the readiness for action. Opens the browsers and major music original websites, clicks on the special edition ranking, the day list! 谢怀安没搭理,他关闭微博,掀开被子走到窗边的玻璃桌,打开笔记本,笔记本没关,始终是待机状态。打开浏览器、各大音乐原创网站,点击专辑排行榜,日榜! Xie Huai'an stares wide-eyed, suspected oneself misread. 谢怀安瞪大眼睛,怀疑自己看错了。 The day list first place, no longer is Xiangjiang that old preserved meat, but is Qin Baobao , the sales volume achieves shocking 100,000. 日榜首位,不再是香江那块老腊肉,而是秦宝宝,并且,销量达到骇人听闻的十万 The sales volume of Xiangjiang old preserved meat 50,000, lowered half. 香江老腊肉五万张不到的销量,低了一半。 What ghost? Greater part of the night had this sales volume? Now cultivation people such how? Naturally is impossible to have the 100,000 person online purchase special edition, but can repeat to purchase, the sales volume is solid. 什么鬼?大半夜的有这销量了?现在修仙的人都这么多么?当然不可能有十万人在线购买专辑,但是可以重复购买,销量是实实在在的。 Xie Huai'an said, I do not believe that I do not believe. 谢怀安说,我不信,我不信。 He purchases the Qin Baobao's special edition, the audition. 他购买秦宝宝的专辑,试听。 In the single special edition has four songs, «Shy» he has listened, but also ok, to high-quality a little disparity. Another three: «Time Boils the Rain», «Flavor», 《The Most Familiar Stranger》. 单曲专辑里有四首歌,《青涩》他听过,还行,离精品有点差距。另外三首:《时间煮雨》、《味道》、《最熟悉的陌生人》 Wind blows rain to become flower/spend,” “风吹雨成花,” time cannot catch up with the white horse.” 时间追不上白马。” „The sleep-talking of your young palm.” “你年少掌心的梦话。” Still gripping tightly.” “依然紧握着吗。” ...... ...... The Xie Huai'an hear, was silent, thought, this is the first high-quality goods, this definitely is the high-quality goods, no wonder the special edition can sell is so good. 谢怀安听完,沉默了,心想,这又是首精品吧,这肯定是精品,难怪专辑能卖的这么好。 second head, «Flavor». 第二首,《味道》。 Tonight's star is few.” “今天晚上的星星很少。” Does not know where they ran.” “不知道它们跑哪去了。” Naked sky.” “赤裸裸的天空。” Star is lonely.” “星星多寂寥。” ......... ......... Xie Huai'an corners of the mouth twitched, very good, this very Qin Ze, is an excellent song. 谢怀安嘴角抽了抽,很好,这很秦泽,也是首出色的歌曲。 third head, 《The Most Familiar Stranger》 第三首,《最熟悉的陌生人》 Still remembers that” “还记得吗,” Out of the window that was dyed the bright sea by the moonlight.” “窗外那被月光染亮的海洋。” You still remember.” “你还记得吗。” Is loving lets each other lighten the night.” “是爱让彼此把夜点亮。” Why we used to replace the dependence afterward silent.” “为何后来我们用沉默取代依赖。” Xie Huai'an decided that cannot sit waiting for death like this. 谢怀安决定不能就这样坐以待毙。 He opens oneself Weibo, wants to appeal to the fans support again, at this time, seeing his Weibo below fans to comment: 他打开自己的微博,想再次呼吁粉丝支持,这时,看见他微博下方的粉丝评论: I go, did Qin Baobao go crazy?” “我去,秦宝宝发疯了?” Our An An was exceeded by her unexpectedly, this is unscientific, I bet this year's spending money.” “咱们安安居然被她超越了,这不科学,我把今年的零花钱都赌上去。” One after another, in the building dares to press this year's spending money, I am ready for any sacrifice to take next year spending money.” “一起一起,楼上敢压今年的零花钱,我就豁出去把明年的零花钱拿出来。” Xie Huai'an is very affected, this is the hardcore powder. Looks again downward. 谢怀安好不感动,这都是铁杆粉啊。再往下看。 „, You look at Qin Baobao Weibo, her single special edition is his younger brother writes.” “诶,你们看秦宝宝微博,她的单曲专辑是他弟弟写的。” What? Does my husband write? I support one wave.” “什么?我老公写的?那我去支持一波。” I just came from that side, said one with you, Dammit, was too of pleasant to hear.” “我刚从那边过来,和你们说一声,妈蛋,太好听了。” Three songs keep circulating, pleasant to hear.” “三首歌不停循环,好听。” I plan to listen to Qin Baobao's single to go to sleep, good night.” “我打算听着秦宝宝的单曲入眠,晚安。” Must support Qin Ze, I ultra like his.” “必须要支持秦泽,我超喜欢他的。” ...... ...... Xie Huai'an wiped bitter tears. 谢怀安抹了一把辛酸泪。 motherfucker, this fellow opens hangs. 麻痹,这家伙开挂。 Next day, Xiangjiang old preserved meat wakes up from the dream, with the wife comes a good morning kiss, the Xiangjiang people to like doing foreigner that set. In the morning eats is also the peanut butter wipes the headman, and mashed potatoes, fried egg and milk. 次日,香江老腊肉从梦中醒来,和妻子来一个早安吻,香江人都喜欢搞洋鬼子那一套。早上吃的也是花生酱抹土司,以及土豆泥、荷包蛋、牛奶。 old preserved meat accompanies the wife to have the breakfast, his wife he was younger than is ten years old, the 30 years old juicy young married woman, eating meal the time likes playing the cell phone. 老腊肉陪妻子吃早饭,他妻子比他小了十岁,三十岁的水灵少妇,吃饭的时候喜欢玩手机。 „Does husband, how you look at this package package?” The wife gathers in front of him the cell phone, acts like a spoiled brat saying: Buys one for me, I carry definitely attractively.” “老公,你看这个包包怎么样?”妻子把手机凑到他面前,撒娇道:“给我买一个呗,我背着肯定好看。” old preserved meat helplessly said: Last week just did not buy LV, does this week buy?” 老腊肉无奈道:“上个星期不是刚买了一只lv么,这星期又买?” The wife said: This is only Chanel, my eyes liked.” 妻子说:“这只是香奈儿,我一眼就喜欢上了。” What she said is Cantonese, originally was Xiangjiang that side model, the stature tall appearance is also attractive, married big ten -year-old Shen Gui, then left the entertainment world, when made merry the worry-free rich wife. 她说的是粤语,本是香江那边的模特,身材高挑模样又漂亮,嫁给了大自己十岁的沈归,便退出娱乐圈,当一个吃喝玩乐无忧无虑的富太太。 Husband your special edition sales volume list champion, buys the package package to celebrate.” The wife is saying, opens the customer vertices of several music websites, said with a smile: I helped you have a look at sales volume many.” “老公你这次专辑销量榜冠军,买个包包庆祝一下嘛。”妻子说着,把几个音乐网站的客户端点开,笑吟吟道:“我帮你看看销量多少了。” On her face such as the flower dimple concentrates suddenly, gawked staring, switches over another music client side, examined the special edition day to sell the list. Stares again, impatient point last client side...... 她脸上如花的笑靥忽然凝住,愣了愣,切换到另一个音乐客户端,查看专辑日销榜。再次一愣,迫不及待的点开最后一个客户端...... What's wrong?” Xiangjiang old preserved meat asked. “怎么了?”香江老腊肉问。 The wife visits him, husband, you fell to the second name.” 妻子怔怔看着他,“老公,你掉到第二名了。” Flushed is very quick,” old preserved meat knitting the brows head: Spent to brush the sales volume? Without this necessity. However without the relations, the phase difference should not be big, yesterday on the shelf 12 selected, many fans have rested, to/clashes the champion during the daytime.” “冲的挺快,”老腊肉皱皱眉头:“花钱刷销量了?没这个必要吧。不过没关系,相差应该不大,昨天上架都十二点了,很多粉丝已经睡了,一个白天就冲回冠军。” Shen Gui is the expert of having fought many battles, temporary falls the position is not what/anything, the special edition on the shelf first day will have the position to transform. However are not related, one week later position is the final outcome, because fans is impossible continuously the endless support, always has one day that the heat degree removes, most maintains for a week, this is experience that the market summarizes. 沈归是身经百战的老手,临时的掉名次不算什么,专辑上架第一天会有名次变换。不过没关系,一个星期后的名次才是最终结果,因为粉丝不可能一直无止尽的支持下去,总有热度褪去的一天,最多维持一个星期,这是市场总结出的经验 This must pursue, is a little difficult?” The wife complexion is not quite attractive, hands in front of the cell phone him. “这个要追上去,有点难吧?”妻子脸色不太好看,把手机递到他面前。 Shen Gui fixes the eyes on looks, hoarsely said: 110,000?! Qin Baobao!” 沈归定睛一看,失声道:“十一万?!秦宝宝!” Star Skills Entertainment. 星艺娱乐 Grinning with ear to ear that Li Yanhong smiles, Baobao (darling), 110,000, the sales volume of this evening's 110,000 special edition, Heavens, perhaps you can break the record.” 李艳红笑的合不拢嘴,“宝宝,十一万诶,这一晚上十一万张专辑的销量,天呐,没准你能破纪录。” Although there is a preparation, still a space fell the pie the happy heart. How much money is a 110,000 special edition? Her income and Qin Baobao are closely linked, the reputation is also, the artist who becomes red-hot popular half the sky, the most direct beneficiary, except for oneself and broker company, again was manager. Gold medal does manager come? Brings celebrity to bring. 尽管有心理准备,仍然有一种天上掉馅饼的幸福感。十一万张专辑是多少钱?她的收益和秦宝宝息息相关,名声也是,一个红透半边天的艺人,最直接的受益人,除了自身和经纪公司,再就是经纪人了。金牌经纪人怎么来的?就是带明星带出来的。 Qin Baobao rolls up the leg to sit in the sofa, the figure curve reveals completely, holds the exquisite notebook, the feeling pleased browsing original music network, looks oneself ride the sales volume and a high praise wave of commentary that is above mundane thoughts, becomes the crescent moon that the eye smiles curved. 秦宝宝蜷缩着腿坐在沙发,身段曲线毕露,捧着小巧笔记本,喜滋滋的浏览原创音乐网,看着自己一骑绝尘的销量和好评如潮的评论,眼睛笑的弯成月牙儿。 She grasps the cell phone, issues Qin Ze smooch . 她抓起手机,发给秦泽一个“么么哒”。 After the moment, Qin Ze replies: pā pā pā!” 片刻后,秦泽回复:“啪啪啪!” Qin Baobao returned to one rolling character, the corners of the mouth smiling face actually proliferated. 秦宝宝回了一个“滚”字,嘴角笑容却扩散开来。 The Qin Baobao special edition sales volume is irritable, rapidly spread over in Star Skills the high level, the marketing department also held a small meeting especially, the discussion the possibility broken number special edition record, and to the appraisal of this income. The answer is very gratifying, meeting Manager Ji that the accompaniment meets, estimated that this investment, is company this year maximum an income in the music investment, the premise will be the sales volume not rotten tail, being responsible for promoting the marketing Team Leader Xu to be happily bad. Because he can receive not the poor bonus. 秦宝宝专辑销量火爆,迅速传遍星艺中高层,市场部还特地开了个小会,讨论有没有可能破数字专辑记录,以及对这次收益的评估。答案很喜人,陪同开会的会计经理,预估这次投资,将是公司今年在音乐投资上最大的一笔收益,前提是销量不会烂尾,把负责推广营销的徐组长高兴坏了。因为他能拿到不菲的奖金。 Afterward launches to propagate the discussion of hot Qin Baobao this ip plan, while the upsurge of this wave of sales volume champion, fries the A-list ranks Qin Baobao, enhances the advertising expenditure and enhancement business to develop the fee/spent, and relates Qin Ze actively, is authorized the other copyright uses of this special edition, Music Genius, so long as waited to receive money, the matter that ran about to work gave us Star Skills, everyone gained richly together. 随后又展开炒热秦宝宝这个ip计划的讨论,趁着这一波销量冠军的热潮,把秦宝宝炒到一线行列,提高广告费、提高商演费,并让人积极联系秦泽,授权这张专辑的其他版权使用,音乐鬼才只要坐等收钱好了,跑腿干活的事儿交给我们星艺,大家有钱一起赚。 Team Leader Xu even proposed, company should look for the specialized writer, helping Qin Baobao write an autobiography, the name was «Top Singer Rise», but was overruled by Manager Yang, the Manager Yang heart said, your mother, you have inflated to Pacific Ocean. Others Heavenly King giant stars have not written the autobiography, do you want to hold to kill Qin Baobao? Reject! 徐组长甚至提议,公司应该找专业写手,帮秦宝宝写一本自传,名字就叫《一个顶级歌手的崛起》,但被杨经理否决,杨经理心说,尼玛啊,你都已经膨胀到太平洋去了。人家天王巨星都没写自传,你是想捧杀秦宝宝吗?驳回! Without fishing team leader Zhao of advantage, is helps Xu Lu make of special edition promotion, said sourly, Manager Yang, this Qin Baobao's special edition promotions and propaganda many places actually do insufficient good, next time might as well let our group of also same places, person easy to do matter. 没捞到好处的赵组长,就是帮徐璐做专辑推广的那个,酸溜溜的说,杨经理啊,这次秦宝宝的专辑推广、宣传很多地方其实做的不够好,下次不如让我们这组也一起吧,人多好办事嘛。 Manager Yang said, good, the sales volume can be in what situation, but must have a look again. Everyone first dispersed. 杨经理说,好了好了,销量能到什么地步,还要再看看。大家先散了。
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