MCBW :: Volume #31

#3073: Rebels

Pen interest pavilion, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly! 笔趣阁,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! Ye Fan returns to the state Sword God palace, naturally cannot with the women, talk about some things of virgin forest. 叶帆回到中州剑神宫,自然不会跟女人们,谈及老林的一些事情。 After all, these things, his woman with malformed vagina or uterus causing sterility people knew, will only increase the risk, making them be worried. 毕竟,这些东西,其实女人们知道了,只会增加风险,让她们担心。 Some things, Ye Fan knows, is oneself must a person go to opposed. 有些事情,叶帆知道,是自己必须一个人去面对的 actually is not looks down upon the female friends, is only their really is bad, has a mind is also incapable. 倒不是瞧不起红颜知己们,只是她们真的还差得很远,有心也无力。 Ye Fan only said, meeting was bigger much Titan, then saw that the small vermilion bird eats the fish there. 叶帆只说,遇到了个大得离谱的泰坦,然后就看到小朱雀在那里吃鱼。 The women light/only listen to that Titan's hugeness, has felt unthinkable. 女人们光是听那泰坦的巨大,就已经觉得匪夷所思。 Therefore, regarding missing Fairy Elder Sister, no one too paid attention actually. 所以,对于失踪的仙女姐姐,倒是没人太关注了。 Big of potential surface, every possible strange thing, possibly certain people of high skill, make fun of their intentionally, or has other profound meaning. 位面之大,无奇不有,可能某些高人,故意捉弄他们一下,亦或是有别的深意吧。 Su Qingxue wait/etc. had several women, although does not have entirely to believe that but has not closely examined. 苏轻雪等有几个女人,虽然没完全相信,但也没多追问。 The small vermilion bird returns safely, everyone relaxes finally. 小朱雀安然归来,大家总算松了口气。 Ye Fan is just about Para to contract the imperial city, actually received jade rune/symbol to pass on a message from the Kelander's suddenly. 叶帆正要回帕拉缔妮皇城,却忽然收到了来自凯兰德的玉符传讯。 However, does not give the dragon five, but gives Sword God. 不过,并非给龙五的,而是给剑神的。 Kelander's meaning is very clear, has been ready, he met a to chat on. 凯兰德的意思很明确,已经做好了准备,就等他开会一叙了。 In a while, Ye Fan also received the communication of not speaking monk. 没过多久,叶帆接到了不语和尚的通讯。 Said that is Kelander once again invitation god monk wholeheartedly. 说是凯兰德再次邀请神僧一心。 Meeting place, is the same place. 会面地点,也是同一个地方。 That side Patricia, sends in the urgent contact, wants him to hurry. 帕特里夏那边,也发来紧急联络,要他赶紧回去。 Ye Fan does not need to ask knows, Kelander must start to act officially. 叶帆不用问都知道,凯兰德是要开始正式行动了。 I...... wholeheartedly...... dragon five......” “我……一心……龙五……” The Ye Fan scalp a little tingles with numbness, although this plan was oneself has considered. 叶帆头皮有点发麻,虽然这个计划是自己早就考虑过的。 However, really must operate, but also very has the risk. 但是,真要操作起来,还挺有风险。 A oneself person, how plays three roles simultaneously, in a situation, but can also be able to hide the truth from Kelander? 自己一个人,怎么同时扮演三个角色,在一个场合,还要能瞒过凯兰德? Ye Fan considered the moment, first returned to the deity country. 叶帆斟酌了片刻,先是回到了天神国。 As the dragon five, appeared, complied to attend the conference. 作为龙五,出现了一下,答应了参加会议。 Afterward, also goes to the Aragon temple, as wholeheartedly, makes an appearance. 随后,前往阿拉贡神庙,作为一心,露了个面。 After seeing letter wholeheartedly, did not prefer accepted the invitation. 一心看到信笺后,“不情愿”地接受了邀请。 Completed these two matters, Ye Fan rushed to the heptarchy. 做完这两件事,叶帆则是赶往了第七王国。 The summit of red color. 绯色之巅。 Ye Fan found Sally. 叶帆找到了莎莉叶 What? The kings...... do you want me to disguise as you?” “什么?王……你要我假扮成你?” When Sally hears the plan of Ye Fan, was shocked simply. 莎莉叶听到叶帆的计划,简直都惊呆了。 The small mouth is opening, the clear colorful unparalleled cheek, becomes somewhat lovable. 小口张着,清艳无双的脸蛋,变得有几分可爱。 I think it over, in appearance, in aura, although can counterfeit, but the feeling cannot deceive Kelander. “我想来想去,样貌上,气息上,虽然都可以作假,但还是感觉骗不过凯兰德。 Only then you, because understands me since childhood, something that can act my most innermost feelings. ” 只有你,因为从小就了解我,能扮演出我最内心的一些东西。” The dragon five, Ye Fan can only oneself act, this asks others to come, was too difficult. 龙五,叶帆只能自己扮演,这个找别人来,太难了。 Wholeheartedly, asks others to come, seems not convenient. 一心,找别人来,似乎也不方便。 He can look for true leaving the mountain wholeheartedly, but...... Ye Fan feels strange. 他可以找真正的一心出山,但……叶帆还是觉得不妥。 Others took refuge in religious life truly, does not need to make him be involved in the bustling place causes and effects again. 人家是真正遁入空门了,没必要让他再卷入红尘因果。 Then, only then oneself oneself, Sword God this status, is easy to ask others to act. 那么,只有自己本人,剑神这个身份,容易找别人来扮演。 But Sally, is the optiman. 莎莉叶,就是最佳人选。 Sally, Ok?” Ye Fan asked. 莎莉叶,可以么?”叶帆问。 In Sally look shows wipes joyfully, king...... you mean, do I most understand you?” 莎莉叶眼神中透出一抹喜悦,“王……你的意思是,我最了解你?” Uh...... almost, this meaning, Ye Fan nods. ……差不多,就这个意思”,叶帆点头。 Good! I will make contribution! But...... I could not imitate your emperor level sword intent. “好!我会尽力的!但……我模仿不了你的帝王级剑意”。 This on the contrary easy, first I can definitely hide the aura and cultivation base. “这个反倒容易,首先我本人完全可以隐藏气息和修为 At the worst, I will leave behind a sword spirit in your body, to prepare emergency requirement. 大不了,我会在你身上留下一个剑灵,以备不时之需。 You only need my appearance and language and manner, the imitation was all good ”, Ye Fan said with a smile. 你只需要将我的外貌和语言、神态,尽数模仿就行了”,叶帆笑道。 These types, I should be able to achieve. “这几样,我应该能做到”。 Sally is quite confident, but somewhat asked curiously: But, also two status, king you......” 莎莉叶颇为有信心,但有些好奇地问:“可是,还有两个身份,王您一个人……” Ye Fan evil smiles, „ was lucky that Ge Langtai, its Mirage principle, is actually very practical. 叶帆邪邪一笑,“多亏了那个葛朗台,它的‘幻影’法则,倒是很实用。 I modify slightly, changes one with the oneself different illusory images, in addition will not speak the too many words wholeheartedly, should not have issue ”. 我稍微改动一下,变出一个跟自己不一样的幻影,加上一心本就不会说太多话,应该没问题”。 Sally is flabbergasted, hadn't thought can also like this. 莎莉叶乍舌,没想到还能这样。 The matter cannot be delayed, I lead you to go to Nine Provinces, beforehand must rehearse. “事不宜迟,我带你去九州吧,事先还得排练一下。 Now even if you leave here, I still have the confidence to protect you. general will not have problems. ” 现在你就算离开这里,我也有信心能保护你。一般不会出什么问题。” Ye Fan is saying, must make Sally enter in the ring. 叶帆说着,就要让莎莉叶进戒指里。 His strength has been able to show disdain for most King, therefore by no means was worried, Devil King and general strategy level, is disadvantageous to Sally. 他实力早已经可以傲视大多数王者,所以并不担心,魔王一般的战略级,对莎莉叶不利。 That...... did that I tell the grandfather?” Although Sally wants to go, but is somewhat scruple. “那……那我跟爷爷说一下?”莎莉叶虽然想去,但还是有些迟疑。 No need, I leave behind a sword, they naturally know that was I leads you to go out, Ye Fan said. “不必,我留下一把剑,他们自然就知道是我带你出去了”,叶帆说道。 Ye Fan heart, actually to Lancet Morde, some does not trust after all. 叶帆心里,其实对阿斯莫德,终归有些不信任。 After all this goods...... as if have cooperation in private with Kelander. 毕竟这货……跟凯兰德似乎有私下的合作。 At present weak Devil King, with a position god sovereign in imminent danger, subtle relationship. 一个目前最弱势的魔王,和一个地位岌岌可危的神皇,关系微妙。 You do not think, met with Angel?” Ye Fan blinks. “你不想,跟安琪儿见个面?”叶帆眨了眨眼。 The Sally bright eyes exude ripples, makes an effort to nod. 莎莉叶明眸泛起一丝涟漪,用力点了点头。 After all, in the past she loneliest time, spoke many heart words to Angel of deep sleep. 毕竟,当年她最孤单的时候,就是跟沉睡的安琪儿说了许多心里话。 Even if Angel does not remember, Sally has the sentiment to Angel. 哪怕安琪儿不记得,莎莉叶却对安琪儿颇有感情。 Ye Fan and Sally, left tower ear Talos quickly. 叶帆莎莉叶,很快离开了塔耳塔洛斯。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Silver expedites the army. 西尔弗远征大军。 As the army increasingly is close to the boundary of heptarchy, some microcosms, have started to be seized by Silver army one after another. 随着大军日益接近第七王国的地界,已经陆续有一些小世界,开始被西尔弗军队占领。 The heptarchy without too many military, protects remote these, devil quantity few world, giving up are also the actions of helpless. 第七王国并没有太多兵力,守护这些偏远的,恶魔数量少的世界,放弃也是无奈之举。 Mulder Grandmaster!” “穆尔德大师!” The tall and strong robust man of golden short hair, Patrik, carries a heavy hammer, returning to the god spear/gun health/guard to be on a battleship that. 金色短发的魁梧壮汉,派崔克,扛着一把重锤,回到了神枪卫所在的一艘战舰上。 Came back?” “回来了?” Mulder is pinching Tao Ou, is smiling turned head to look at the eye kindly. 穆尔德正捏着个陶偶,和蔼笑着回头看了眼。 Does not have the meaning!” “没意思!” Patrik throws the heavy hammer, lies down on a big deck chair. 派崔克将重锤一丢,躺在一张大躺椅上。 These strategy levels of heptarchy, defend in very, is one crowd small mixed up, even garrison commander does not have. “第七王国的那些战略级,都守在很里面,都是一群小杂碎,连守将都没有”。 Just wait, proceeded again on several th, should be able to meet. “等着吧,再往前几日,应该就能遇到了”。 Right, hadn't Perez found?” Patrik asked. “对了,瑞佩雷斯还没找到?”派崔克问。 Perez, is one of the five Great God spear/gun health/guard. 瑞佩雷斯,是五大神枪卫之一。 Went to battle on several th later overflowed, why did not know, is missing. 只是,出征以后没过几日,不知道为何,就不见了踪影。 Because Perez has liked coming and going freely, being missing is also very normal, therefore the gods have not cared at first. 因为瑞佩雷斯一直喜欢独来独往,失踪也很正常,所以起初众神没太在意。 But soon arrives in the heptarchy shortly, everyone couldn't bear attached great importance. 可眼看着快要到第七王国,大家不由重视了起来。 Mulder Grandmaster! Patrik!” “穆尔德大师!派崔克!” Wears the eye-shade, reveals an eye, female Divine General of big wave long hair, walked. 戴着眼罩,露出一只眼,大波浪长发的女神将,走了进来。 Your majesty summoned, has the panic stations!” “陛下召见,出紧急状况了!” Singer Faith, how?” “辛格菲斯,怎么了?” „The reconnaissance unit of our forefront, was all assassinated, in army rebel!” Singer Faith complexion is dignified. “我们最前线的侦察部队,全都被暗杀了,军中出了叛徒!”辛格菲斯脸色凝重。 Mulder knits the brows, Patrik sets out suddenly, a face is shocking. 穆尔德皱眉,派崔克猛然起身,一脸震惊。 Died one group of scouts, actually the issue was not big, the route of march is known, did not have the issue. 死掉一群侦察兵,其实问题不大,行军路线被知道,也没问题。 But if in army some other secrets, for example material reserves, Divine General principle weakness these, was divulged...... that is not the minor matter! 但要是军中别的一些机密,比如物资储备,神将的法则弱点这些,也都被泄漏……那就不是小事了!
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