MCBW :: Volume #28

#2792: Main body

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! Ye Fan saw that these strange black insects, such as like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, must submerge Sally. 叶帆眼看着这些诡异的黑虫,如风卷残云,要将莎莉叶淹没。 Desperate, Ye Fan calls black golden liquid sword intent, just like a giant water ball, entire wraps oneself and Sally. 情急之下,叶帆唤出黑金色的液态剑意,宛如一个巨大的水球,将自己莎莉叶整个包裹住。 Bang bang bang!!-” “嘭嘭嘭!!-” These tiny black insects, fall to sword intent on, received the a little bit/bit by bit stimulation, on instantaneous self-combustion! 这些细小的黑虫,一落到剑意上,受到了一点点刺激,就瞬间自爆 The strength of pure devil, after self-combustion, unceasingly mutual influence, overlay. 纯粹的恶魔之力,在自爆后,不断地互相影响,叠加。 Some probably type of chemical compound, had the chain-reaction. 好像是某种化合物,产生了连锁反应。 The seemingly slight small insect, the union is detonating together, exploded heavenshaking to move the place unexpectedly the shock-wave! 看似细微的小虫子,联合在一起引爆,竟然炸出了惊天动地的冲击波! The shell sound from the beginning, to is aggressive just like startling thunderclap crack general afterward! 从一开始的炮弹声响,到后来已经宛如惊雷裂地一般凶悍! In the sword intent great ball, Sally feels outside fluctuation of energy, the complexion is ugly. 剑意巨球之内,莎莉叶感受到外面的能量波动,面色难看至极。 Brother Ye Fan, are these insects inexhaustible?” 叶帆哥,这些虫子无穷无尽?” This is not worst what...... is bad, I do not know where Gleiter true body actually is. “这不是最糟糕的……糟糕的是,我不知道格莱特妮的真身到底在哪。 This way, comes under attack passively, goal that is unable to find the counter-attack ”, Ye Fan knits the brows to say. 这样下去,只有被动挨打,无法找到反击的目标”,叶帆皱眉道。 I also find it strange, listening to the grandfather saying that ancient times the insect queen was giant. “我也觉得奇怪,听爷爷说过,远古母虫巨大无比。 Is a only build can with the higher life that Titan compares favorably with. 唯一一种体型可以跟泰坦媲美的高等生命。 Even, ancient times insect queen because eats food unceasingly, making body more comes bigger, and even exceeds Titan. 甚至,远古母虫会因为不断地进食,让身体越来越大,乃至超越泰坦。 But the insect queen must spawn unceasingly, therefore body will have the consumption, but such, will still be very huge lifeform even. 只不过母虫要不断产卵,所以身体会有消耗,可即便那样,也应该是非常庞大的生物。 I saw that Gleiter will spawn, thinks the goal of a moment ago assassinating, is Gleiter human form condition body. 我见到那格莱特妮会产卵,以为刚才刺杀的目标,就是格莱特妮人形状态的身体 But now looks like, that does radically intentionally to me looks, by no means is true body ”. Sally said. 可现在看来,那根本就是故意做给我看的,并不是真身”。莎莉叶道。 You said that...... ancient times insect queen body did endure Titan?” Ye Fan heart flashes through wipes the guess. “你说……远古母虫身体堪比泰坦?”叶帆心中闪过一抹猜测。 Should yes, the grandfather not need to deceive me, Sally said. “应该是的,爷爷没必要骗我”,莎莉叶道。 After Ye Fan slightly ponders over, said: Sally, I have an idea, needs to take risk to try, you are treating in my sword intent. 叶帆略一思忖后,道:“莎莉叶,我有个想法,需要冒险试试,你在我的剑意里面待着”。 Did not wait for Sally saying that Ye Fan jumped out liquid sword intent. 不等莎莉叶多说,叶帆窜出了液态剑意 Dragon blood battle armor! Five heavy disintegration! 龙血战甲!五重解体 Ye Fan promotes the own defense forcefully. 叶帆自己的防御强行提升。 even so, these insects explode in his body, shakes the vitality surges! 饶是如此,这些虫子炸在他身上,还是震得气血翻腾! Sword God, why do you fall into the dangerous situation oneself? So long as I kill the abyss succuba.” 剑神,你何必将自己陷入险境?我只要杀深渊魔女。” Ye Fan changes to together Shahab general, from the sky grazes to delimit, avoids these black insects. 叶帆化作一道一般,在空中飞掠划过,避开这些黑虫。 Hears Gleiter persuasion, Ye Fan heart sneers. 听到格莱特妮的劝说,叶帆心中冷笑。 Gives up Sally? Only if he died. 放弃莎莉叶?除非他死了。 Four heavy disintegration!! 四重解体!! Ye Fan comprehensively enhances the own strength instantaneously, whole body black golden sword intent has seemed soars to the heavens the roaring flame, just like red cloud! 叶帆瞬间将自己的战力全面提升,浑身的黑金色剑意已经好似冲天烈焰,宛如火烧云! The black insect dark cloud, was burnt down in this moment crazily! 黑色的虫子乌云,在这一刻被疯狂焚毁! The following these insect clans, had been frightened by this sword intent pressure scatter in all directions to run away. 下面的那些虫族,已经被这股剑意威压所惊吓地四散逃窜。 Ye Fan takes out the black great sword, facing these at sixes and sevens insects , he only then this does not know that the black great sword of origin, relax, god knows other can flying sword be damaged. 叶帆取出黑色巨剑,面对这些乱七八糟的虫子,他只有这把不知来历的黑色巨剑,最为放心,天知道别的飞剑会不会被损坏掉。 Grips the partner who always most trusts, Ye Fan crashes speedily downward. 握住一直以来最信赖的伙伴,叶帆疾速向下坠落。 The black golden roaring flame of double pupil, overflowed, just like two flame meteors! 双眸的黑金色烈焰,溢了出来,宛如两道火焰飞星! Dimension sends into exile! Ten heavy!” “次元放逐!十重!” One thousand jin (0.5 kg) fall, are joined to the great sword high-frequency to vibrate, sword chops to fall ruthlessly! 一个千斤坠,配上巨剑高频率震动,一剑狠狠劈落! Ten are released externally disintegration again, lets the brilliance of sword, seems levels off hilltops the sea, crushes Xingchen(Stars)! 十重外放解体,让一剑之光辉,好似劈山断海,粉碎星辰 The space along with a distortion, soon could not as if have withstood gradually, immediately Ye Fan strength. 空间伴随着一丝扭曲,似乎已经渐渐快要承受不住,当下叶帆的力量。 Silent, this black golden sword light, chops the kilometer, submerges the land! 无声之间,这一道黑金色剑光,劈出千米,没入大地! In eye of Ye Fan, that grotesque and gaudy, not being able to see actually is anything's land, was divided by his sword light! 叶帆的眼中,那光怪陆离,看不出到底是什么的大地,被他的剑光所分割! With these not well-known energy, was broken out, under gradually reveals some congealing reality, the strength of purer devil! 随着那些不知名的能量,被劈开,底下逐渐显露出一些更为凝实,更为精纯的恶魔之力! really is this!” 果然是这样!” Ye Fan heart great happiness, which no wonder oneself will unable to see Gleiter true body, originally it hid oneself behind the thick camouflage! 叶帆心中大喜,难怪自己会看不出格莱特妮的真身在哪,原来它把自己藏在了厚厚的伪装背后! After Gleiter in some are stunned, recovers rapidly. 格莱特妮在一些错愕过后,迅速也回过神来。 When anger, in the land starts to have the crack. 愤怒之余,大地上开始出现龟裂。 The silver black stinger, is several hundred meters, even several kilometers, irregular. 银黑色的毒刺,足足有数百米,甚至数千米,参差不齐。 These stingers were dense and numerous, making the sky turn into jungle of general needle! 这些毒刺密密麻麻,让上空变成了针之丛林一般 But Ye Fan does not fear quite the same as, liquid sword intent such as torrential river water, these stinger total smashing! 叶帆浑然不惧,液态剑意如滔滔江水,将这些毒刺全数粉碎! Meanwhile, dragon flame extinguishes these toxin totals completely! 同时,龙炎将这些毒素全数消弭殆尽! Divine Dragon......” “神龙氏……” In Gleiter voice, brings to wipe to be inwardly angry. 格莱特妮的声音中,已经带了一抹愠怒。 The big advantage of insect clan, is all sorts of strange and unusual virulent poison, may face Divine Dragon of higher bloodlines, is very difficult to be effective. 虫族的一大优势,就是千奇百怪的剧毒,可面对高等血脉的神龙氏,却很难奏效。 Ye Fan unrestrained/no trace of politeness, sword goes well, makes use to fiercely attack! 叶帆毫不客气,一剑得手,趁势猛攻! Again toward the position that broke out a moment ago, does not make it have the opportunity to restore, is being two dimensions sends into exile including also! 再度朝着刚才劈开的位置,不让它有机会恢复,连着是两记次元放逐! Ye Fan this time strength, far exceeded opened the day nine heavily, reaches the Devil King level. 叶帆此时的战力,本就远超了开天九重,达到魔王的水准。 In addition ten heavy disintegration are released externally, sword intent is not Gleiter can defend forcefully. 加上十重解体外放,剑意根本不是格莱特妮能强行防御的。 The emperor level sword intent overbearing striking power, ripped open Gleiter fortress finally. 帝王级剑意的霸道攻击力,终于撕开了格莱特妮的堡垒。 !-” “滋!-” Pruning bloody water, the wind shoots! 一股深紫红色的血水,飙射而出! Although the wound heals rapidly, but this to Ye Fan, is enough! 虽然伤口迅速就愈合,但这对叶帆而言,已经足够了! This indicated, the side world of under foot, is Gleiter main body! 这说明,脚下的这方世界,就是格莱特妮本体! Ye Fan by no means is clear, Gleiter whole body actually how appearance, because was too big, must draw to very far position, can watch the entire appearance. 叶帆并不清楚,格莱特妮浑身到底怎么个模样,因为太大了,必须要拉到很远的位置,才能观看到全面貌。 But is very obvious, this stretch of land, the sky, here all, are Gleiter and insect clan, uses its body as the main body, constructs. 但很显然,这片大地,天空,这里的一切,都是格莱特妮和虫族,以它身体为主体,建造起来的。 Only when Ye Fan cuts open the thick protector, can bump into Gleiter main body! 只有当叶帆切开厚厚的保护层,才能碰到格莱特妮本体! To Gleiter, own huge body, each position, within its control. 对格莱特妮而言,自己的庞然身躯,每一个位置,都在它的掌控之内。 Usually only needs to mold body with mucilage, confuses the bystander then. 平时只需要用一个粘液塑造一个身体,迷惑外人即可。 Worthily is emperor level swordsman, very powerful power of observation and destructive power. “不愧是帝王级剑客,好强的观察力和破坏力”。 But, you discovered the this King body even, how can also?” “只不过,就算你发现了本王的身躯,能如何?” You to the damage that this King causes, can ignore radically!” “你对本王造成的伤害,根本可以忽略不计!” Gleiter rapid also returned to normal at this time, after all has the incomparably rich experience, this attack, not so far as is thrown into confusion. 格莱特妮此时迅速平复了下去,毕竟拥有无比丰富的经验,这点打击,不至于乱了阵脚。 Ye Fan knits the brows, truly, such as Gleiter said that even if oneself knows everywhere was Gleiter body, is unable to find out the means that the win and escaped from a short time. 叶帆皱眉,确实,如格莱特妮所言,自己哪怕知道了到处是格莱特妮的身体,也无法短时间内想出取胜和逃脱的办法。 Gleiter body is actually tenacious, ten are released externally the dimension exile of disintegration again, cuts together small opening. 格莱特妮身体其实非常坚韧,十重外放解体的次元放逐,才砍出一道小口子。 Moreover the resilience is also strong, the wound heals extremely quickly. 而且恢复能力也强,伤口极快就愈合。 Ye Fan possibly cut three wounds, the opposite party had restored ten. 叶帆可能砍出三道伤口,对方就已经恢复了十道。 Ye Fan is estimating, only if oneself seemed like same in the primitive black hole initially, ignored the life, crazy disintegration. 叶帆估算着,除非自己像是当初在原始黑洞里一样,不顾性命,疯狂解体 Perhaps Gleiter body, treats as the disintegration energy, directly conducts disintegration to its body. 或是把格莱特妮的身体,当作解体的能量,直接对它身躯进行解体 otherwise, kills Gleiter very much difficultly truly. 不然的话,很难真正杀死格莱特妮。
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